Astro and the Buried Boner part 10

Story by dan1966 on SoFurry

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#7 of dan's other fictions

part 10 of Astro and the buried boner

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist

( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape, bestiality, action)

By Dan 1966

All rights of the original artists respected. For non-profit fandom enjoyment only. No monetary gains desired or expected.

Part 10

2:15 am Cairo Time over central Cairo Day 8

Astro sat behind Anubis atop one of his cloudy sprites with Atlas flying aside them as the three of them slowly flew over the city of Cairo...

" can call these sprites up any time? Are they all the same or different?" Astro asked as he hugged Anubis tight....

"Each is different depending on the need. If I need warriors, if I need a battering ram, if I need a snuggle depends. Each has it's own character, this one we're sitting on is Ankun (Ann-Koon) the charioteer. He's very maneuverable though a little temperamental at times. Not very keen in flying in very tight places so I tend to get smacked around a lot if I don't switch to another sprite." Anubis replied.

"Have you been cruising around the Internet or are you too busy "pillowing" Anubis?" Atlas snorted at Astro.

"I've been looking!" Astro snapped. "Sheesh....what are you doing?"

"Monitoring scanners." Atlas replied. "You'd think a big guy who has a falcon head would grab some attention?"

"Most of the time he'll travel as a falcon." Anubis said. "You could try falconers and see if one pops up? Big hint? Horus gravitates towards young women."

Astro was doing five different searches on five different search engines..."How young exactly?"

"Well....." Anubis snickered. "I was never exactly sure but if the body shape appealed to him? He didn't care for age. Actually? Intelligence and athletic prowess were big draws for him; I knew a number of young Egyptian girls who fit that appeal that he went with....including Akensenpaten."

"King Tut's wife?" Atlas asked. "No wait.....his....sister. Ugh......that's so freaky."

"Well it wasn't for sexual conquest." Anubis said frowning. "After Pharaoh Tut died, that filthy Grand vizier Ei (Aye) stole the throne and tried to make her his queen. She wrote a letter and pleaded for a Nubian prince to come to her aid but Ei's supporters got to him and brutally murdered him. Ei would have killed Akensenpaten too had my brother not spirited her away and faked her death. My brother later restored the family line with her son Pharaoh Kawah (Cow-Wah) now there was a very wise and well educated leader of Egypt."

Astro patted Anubis on the head. "Stop for a moment?"

Anubis slowed the sprite to a stop. "What are you thinking?" Anubis asked.

Astro pointed downwards. "That's the University of Cairo. And not far from that are some of the frat houses."

"Don't tell me you're going to suggest we find him in an Animal House?" Atlas asked.

"Not really." Astro replied with a smirk. "But you might find him at a furry party?"

Astro sent Atlas a text with the Facebook posting from one of the college fraternity houses on the Cairo U campus...

"Phi Epsilon fur party. Talk about seriously heretical in a Muslim country." Atlas snickered. "So you think he's going to be down there?"

"Keep reading?" Astro replied with a smile.

"Cheese and fine wine cotillion? Ok....cultured heretics." Atlas said smirking.

"You just douche every idea I come up with, don't you?" Astro huffed. "Perfect place to hang out, don't you think?"

Atlas looked down and snickered. "So what's your brilliant idea to crash the party? We're not members? Hello?"

Astro stretched his arms behind his head. "Sometimes Atlas you can be so clueless."

"Impress me then?" Atlas dared.

2:25 am Cairo Time Phi Epsilon Fraternity House University of Cairo Day 8

"The parchment is interpreted wrong you see. This does not mean that the Pharaoh Sufi (Sue-fee) took ten wives. It is a representation of the offerings of the priestess-hood of Isis to the Nile God for protection and bounty at harvest time. The denotations within the Ank seals have long been confused with what the Rosetta stone depicts." Horus said as he enjoyed a glass of wine. "Excellent wine as always. It is good to know that even with the Aswan Dam none of the choice spots for wine growing were sacrificed."

The young 19 year old woman Horus was talking too was in her first year of Egyptian history. Quite intelligent not to mention quite beautiful even if some of it was hidden by her lioness costume...

"So what are we here?" Horus said as he offered the woman a sip from his glass. "Are you a royal lioness buy the finery of jewels you are wearing or a hollywood lioness? Personally if you asked me? I find Sarabi on the Lion King to be so enticing."

The woman smiled back..."I'm Malumai (Mal-loo-Mei) I'm from Ethiopia. And you? You are obviously?......don't tell are Birdman."

Horus chuckled...."A close second. I am actually Horus the Vindicator, Son of Osiris and Isis, defender of Egypt. How interesting yes? A Falcon and a cat talking to each other? Especially such a picture of Nubian sweet nectar such as yourself?"

Malumai placed a hand on Horus's chest. "I was unsure that this was real."

"Trust me." Horus replied. "It is quite authentic."

Horus dipped a piece of cheese and slowly slipped it through the false snoot of Malumai's costume head..."This cheese sauce is dangerous...I'm told it has a "special" quality as an......aphrodisiac?"

Malumai slowly wrapped her arms around Horus's shoulders and rubbed herself against him..."I am so interested in picking your brain more about Egyptian history. Perhaps in a more.....comfortable setting of privacy?"

Horus smiled back at her...."At your leisure my dear. Consider me a wet sponge of knowledge to be wrung out at your commanding."

As Malumai took Horus by the hand towards a flight of stairs at the back of the house, three figures came through the front door...

Astro entered first on his hands and knees dressed only in his black undies with a red ball gag shoved into his mouth and fastened by straps around his head and a collar and leash affixed around his neck...

Anubis came next dressed in his wristlets, anklelets and Nemis head dress. He swatted Astro with the side of his sword...."Move you lazy slave! And you?! Wave that fan faster before I feed you too the Nile gods!" Anubis snapped as Atlas as he followed with an Egyptian fan...

A fraternity brother came up waving his hand. "Excuse me, are you a member?"

"What?!" Anubis replied. "Actually no. I'm a member of the wrestling team but it said on your Facebook posting that anyone in a costume was welcome to come so I came. I hope there's no problem and there won't be because I intend to have fun and if I get denied then I might just kick someone's ass."

Atlas whispered...."Don't get too spunky Nubie?"

"Shut up and keep waving that fan?" Anubis snorted back at Atlas. "Slaves shut up and obey, at least the one on the leash does better than you."

The Frat Brother cocked his head. "And just who are you supposed to be anyway?" He asked Anubis.

"Anubis." Anubis replied. "Egyptian god. And these are my two slaves or isn't that obvious? We're all in least I am any way. So can I come in or do I have to prove I have a right to be here?"

"And you say you're from the wrestling team?" The Frat Brother asked. "You? You're a little....."under-sized"

Anubis frowned and pulled Astro off the floor. "Hey? Go with "happy boy" in red and do something? "Get it on".....or......whatever while I lay down the law?" The Golden Wolf said as he gestured.

Astro shook his hands..."Ummm.....Neubie?"

Anubis snorted...."What did I tell you? Get over there?"

Astro backed up to Atlas and cringed...."Maybe this wasn't a good idea?"

"Yeah...." Atlas replied as he looked around. "Where's the fall out shelter?"

Anubis walked up to the Frat Brother and flicked his finger off the man's chest. "I'm going to over look that you insulted me because you? I could probably snap you in two like a twig. But? If you have someone that might beat me? Bring him... or her? Bring em on by all means."

The Frat Brother turned as whistled...."Hamza! This squeak says he's a member of the wrestling team!"

Anubis watched as a man emerged from another room through a curtain of hanging beads and he was a monster...or so from Anubis's perspective he was as the guy came walking up and looked down on him over his broad steel looking chest.

Astro dropped his head into his shoulders..."Oh fuck."

"Please don't go overboard?" Atlas begged as he watched Anubis take a doubting stance....

"Oh please? Really?!" The Golden Wolf snorted. "You're serious? You produce this big....obviously too big......and obviously too slow...."


The "obviously" too big and too slow giant of a man punched Anubis in the snoot and sent him flying and tumbling into a plushy chair between Astro and Atlas!

"Anubis?!" Astro worried as the now angry Egyptian deity shook his head and climbed off....

"Don't waste time thinking of kissing Atlas. This will be over before you could get those lips me." Anubis growled as he walked past the boy bots and up to the big man who had his fists cocked for another punch.....

"Nice." Anubis said with a smirk. "Real nice. Try it again my friend?"

The big man threw a punch and Anubis dropped under the fist while conjuring up a small sprite atop a raised finger and backed away to watch the poor man beat himself with his own fists!

"I think you have the wrong opponent there." Anubis snickered as he waved his hand around and made the college wrestler float over to where the plushy chair was between Astro and Atlas, where Anubis slammed the poor guy so hard on it that the chair shattered into flying pieces....

"Overdid it big time?" Astro yelped.

"Yeah....definitely a riot starter." Atlas snorted as he took up a stance. "I'll be the blocker, you snatch Nubie."

Anubis stood with his arms out to the sides..."Anyone else want to tell me I shouldn't be here?" guy who was an American slipped a bottle of beer into Anubis's hand...."Dude! Most righteous!" The college kid with blonde hair said as he gave Anubis a slight bow..."Most excellent Ruination dude."

"Thank you." Anubis replied with a smile. "So tell me? I'm looking for someone who kinda looks like a falcon with large wings and I thought he'd be in a place like this. You seen anyone like this?"

Astro and Atlas relaxed as they joined Anubis as he talked to the stocky American...."Well dude yeah." The college boy replied. "By the way? My name's Dusty. Most awesome costume, love the G-String thing with the stones man."

"It's functional." Anubis replied. "So what about my question?"

"Oh? Falcon dude?" Dusty wondered. "Oh sure man....he's kind of a regular here? Spectacular costume. Oh he's here dude, probably upstairs in a room getting it on with a chick. That guy must be the luckiest dude in Egypt man....never see him without a chick or two under the arm you know?"

Anubis cocked his head and looked at Astro..."If that's my brother? Chicks? His size? That's disturbing."

"Oh no." Astro replied. "Chick is a description word for women, girls, females."

"Ah!" Anubis replied. "Oh Kay.....yeah......."chicks" brother has a way with the females. So? He's probably upstairs?" Anubis asked Dusty again.

3:12 am Cairo Time Phi Epsilon Fraternity House University of Cairo Day 8

A Bedroom

The music was appropriate for the moment. A soft psychedelic portion of Heavy Metal played in the dim light as Malumai the Ethiopian girl enjoyed herself over the throbbing eight inch hardness of Horus's perfect cock. If he wanted to stay in costume, fine...she coo'd and shook inside her lioness costume not caring about anything except how absolutely stunning his body was and how loving he was to her...

Horus sat up embracing Malumai and slowly removed her lioness head..."My my....." He said softly. "I have truly captured an Etheo goddess of delight."

"You say such wonderful things." The woman replied. "And your voice radiates my every being..."

Horus smiled pleasingly and laid back down to unzip the woman's costume and felt her soft breasts....."Do you enjoy me?" He asked...

Malumei squeezed herself around his hardness...."I adore you."

Horus sighed...."You should forget this life of yours then and live with me? You might have to put up with a mouthy teenager from time to time but I would treat you like a princess and you would want for nothing."

Suddenly....someone spoke out from the open door of the bed room..."Just like you? Seducing another women with sweet talk. What a bull shit artist? You haven't changed at all in 4000 years."

Horus suddenly dumped Malumei off his lap and scrambled to his feet off the bed as Anubis walked up with Astro and Atlas behind him. "I see your dick has remained busy?" Anubis snickered.

" little annoying shit!" Horus snapped as Malumei recovered her clothes and ran out of the room!

"Malumei?! Wait?!" Horus yelped and gestured. "You little creep! At least you could have allowed me to finish?!"

"I'm here to protect your butt Brother not serve as your bodyguard while you log another screw session into your temple walls. Have things been clouding your bird brain?" Anubis floated up on two sprites and poked Horus off his head. "Huh? Get your mind together?"

"Stop poking me or I'll kick your ass Anubis!" Horus snapped.

"Get your dick under a wrap before you do anything?" Anubis snorted as he threw Horus's Egyptian waist wrap in his face. "By the way? These are Astro and Atlas, my friends who woke me up to this disappointment you'd call Egypt. What the hell have you been doing for 4000 years? Oh? Let me guess? Fucking yourself silly!"

Astro hugged himself. "Oh....brotherly love."

"You shut up! I'm talking to him!" Anubis snapped.

"Yes! Stay out of family trifles you mortal." Horus warned.

Atlas snickered at Astro. "Should we tell Horus we're both flaming homosexuals?"

"I'd like to live a little longer." Astro replied.

"Well?" Anubis pressed. "Waiting for an answer here?"

Horus flopped onto the bed. "There just came a point where the toddler had to be allowed to walk and learn. Unless the situation was absolutely dire, I didn't get involved. But the same charge could be leveled back at you little brother! Look at you? You've gotten pudgy."

Anubis threw his hands before him. "Bah! And I have not gotten pudgy. I can still hold my own weight. Anyway? It seems there is trouble brewing in the land judging by all the poor falcons that have been slain as of late over ten years. Some one wants you dead."

Horus stood up and pushed a finger into Anubis's chest. "I've already deduced that situation. Though....I am unaware as to who the culprit is. The methods of execution have certainly advanced in 4000 years as you've seen."

Horus gave Astro and Atlas sneering gazes...."Why are these two only in.... under garments?"

Atlas raised a finger. "How else were we going to get in here? Anubis played himself and we played his slaves. This is a fur-con I assume?"

"Yes." Horus replied. "Which I was in the midst of wondrous enjoyment until my little pain in the ankles showed up to ruin it." Horus walked up to the boy bots and studied them...."You two are not human are you?"

"We're cheep wonder tools from Rhonco." Atlas said with a shrug.

"Buy two and get my bratty sister for free." Astro said smirking. "No lord Horus...we're not human."

"But you have nice manors which is a plus." Horus said as he snatched Anubis off his sprites and noogied him in the head. "I can still rule over you though little brother."

"Cut it out!" Anubis snapped as he broke away. "We must be serious about this situation Horus! This could be any number of our enemies at work....Set..... Sepkush....the Demons of Hoptk (Hap-et)...

"It could also be the ways of this modern world as well." Horus replied waving a finger..."One must not be so carried as to pull back the curtain swiftly and show himself to early. You were always the most impetuous one of us."

Anubis frowned and crossed his arms..."Ok....brilliant vindicator of the Morning Sun. What's your plan?"

Horus sat back on the bed..."My plan is to get a good nights rest then around the mid of the morning pick up my loyal companion Lyra and go search the very place where the Egyptian Army seems to have lost many units."

Astro raised a finger and rested his hands on the edge of the bed. "Begging my pardon lord Horus but....Atlas and myself are more capable of working in the desert than you or Anubis? Perhaps we should go do the scouting? After all, believe me we two can well take care of ourselves."

Anubis snorted. "Oh? So I don't matter?"

" do. Which is why we should go alone and leave you to make up for lost time with your brother. After all....he does have a 4000 year head start over you in understanding what's been going on in Egypt. And Horus is right? You do look like you've been shoveling down the Alpo a lot." Atlas said as he rubbed Anubis's stomach. Atlas then turned to Astro..."Hey? Turn off the lights while I put a map on the ceiling?"

Astro flipped off the room lights as Atlas turned his face to the ceiling and projected a map of Egypt from his eyes...."So where exactly have these disappearances been happening?"

4 am Cairo Time 5 am Daharan Time

Saudi Secret Police Headquarters Daharan, Saudi Arabia Day 8

Iban Dawad (Ee-ban Dow-wad) came into the room past the two soldiers guarding it and stopped at the tea maker on the nearby sink counter where he poured two cups. One he set before the 24 year old man sitting at a table which he now pointed his pistol at....

"Drink." Dawad commanded. He watched for about five minutes as the man took a swig of the tea and sat quietly after swallowing it. Obviously he wasn't stupid enough to try and spike the tea with poison.

Dawad opened the folder he had in his hands and regarded the man on the other side of the table with a bit of unease and deep suspicion.....

"Jalad Mehamei (Jal-Ahd Mey-Ham-Mee) graduate of the Military Academy, exemplary behavior, high quality analytical mind, member of intelligence for three years....member of an organized cluster fuck....did I get all of that correct?" Dawad asked. Mehamei sat quiet.

Dawad clasped his hands together and sighed deeply...."We were fortunate to have at least taken you into custody as it seems almost all of your fellow contributors in this disaster of an affair have managed to die by means of car accident, hit and run, exploding cars, slashed throats, bullet surgery and in one case....suicide by rope, torn open stomach, gouged out eyes, cut out tongue and near decapitation of the legs by a scimitar. Obviously someone who must be a patron of yours? Doesn't want men to talk and is sending a clear and unmistakable message would you not agree?"

Mehamei remained silent.

"I see you are enthused. What I fail to understand my dear Mehamei is how a mission that was supposed to be nothing more than an interrogation of Mister Koshoggi to obtain information which might have been vital to the survival of our country turned into and I quote....

"Shoot Mister Koshoggi in the head, cut him up like Sharri's pizza and feed him to a wood chipper like a piss poor American mafia movie so that Saudi Arabia looks like shit to the rest of the world...."

"How does that happen Mister Mehamei? Could you possibly be in possession of information which could better help us to understand this matter?"

Mehamei remained silent.

" I see...." Dawad said with a sigh..."You have chosen to remain silent. So this is where I After all you little piece of camel turd, you are in the headquarters of the Secret Police and while we keep our secrets very well? We are just as good if not very expertise in getting secrets out of others.....such as you? You may chose to make things easy on yourself or elect the Holiday in treatment and just to remind you? We don't provide Cable, a water bar or a hooker off Broadway."

Dawad snapped his fingers and two burly Arab's entered the room with metal clubs hanging from their web belts.

"Now.....Mehamei. I will once again be charitable. You can chose to remain silent and enjoy the room service hospitality or you can be accommodating and tell us what you know of this affair such as....what was so concerning about what Mister Koshoggi was himself aware of that caused this little assignment to go high and left strait to hell? Care to enlighten things a little for us?"

Finally....Mehamei nodded to Dawad. "May I have paper and a pencil to write down what I know?"

Dawad turned to one of the brutes behind him and the man walked out of the room and came back with a pad of paper and a pencil, placing them before Mehamei....

"You have what you asked for." Dawad said. "Now let us start from the beginning of this fiasco....who ordered this operation because it certainly was not authorized by the crown, the interior ministry, military intelligence or our department...."

Before anyone in the room could move against him, as he wrote on the pad of paper....Mehami swiftly turned the pencil point towards his face and in one swift brutal motion fell upon the pencil, took it into his nostral, into his brain and now laid on the floor flopping around in spasms...

Dawad fell upon the writhing man and snarled...."How Terantino of you." He said before he turned to the brutes....."GET A MEDIC DAMN YOU!"

5 am Cairo Time Phi Epsilon Fraternity House University of Cairo Day 8

They were all passed out in the single bed room with Anubis snuggled up against his bigger brother on the bed and Astro and Atlas sharing a blanket and a couple of pillows on the floor...

Just then the sound of a few gun shots and a lot of arabic screaming went off on the ground floor of the house....

"Fuck!" Atlas snapped as he scrambled to his feet and struggled to get his shorts up from his ankles while Astro fast crawled not caring that he was naked to the bedroom door!

"Hey!" Atlas snapped as he threw Astro's black undies at him. "What's going on?" The red boy bot yelped as Anubis and Horus scrambled out of the bed...

"Uh?....." Astro waved everyone to shut up as he listened....."Police? Raid? Where's that sick fucker in the falcon costume."

"I'll show them where that sick fucker is." Anubis snarled as he walked towards the door producing red sprites from his hands. Horus snatched him up from behind.

"What did I tell you about pulling the curtain away too soon little brother?" Horus asked quietly. "Any suggestions on a plan of action?"

Atlas cracked his fingers..."What else? Stall for time." He turned to Astro with a gesture..."Let's go see the nice police officers?" He then turned back to Horus. "You? Do have another place to go?"

Horus told Atlas the address and started for the window with Anubis tucked under an arm while Astro and Atlas popped into the hallway.....

and.......started to make out with each other.

Atlas smirked as he heard the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs. "Wanna bet we hurt their Muslim sensitivities?" He said as he kissed his love.

"You complain about gay bars but all our diversions employ some kind of sex? You fucken hypocrite." Astro snorted.

"Shut up and play your part you little bitch?" Atlas snorted as he frenched his boyfriend deep while the police.....or were they even cops...came up over the lip of the staircase with guns pointing. The two boy bots continue their playing around unflinched as the men started screaming at them....

"Woe!" Atlas yelped waving his hands. "Woe! Chill out dudes?" Atlas said as he cocked his head towards Astro. "Darling? Pull your panties up for the nice police officers?"

"Hey!" Astro said with a wave and a dumb looking face. "Hi! We were just having a little disagreement you know and...."

"LEAF BLOWER!" Atlas yelled out as he put his arms in front of him, morphed them into arm jets and blasted the armed men with a high velocity surge of air that threw them off their their feet and slammed them against a wall!

Astro darted forwards quickly, picking up fallen machine guns, snapping them in two like twigs then running back to snatch Atlas by an arm on the fly! "Nicely done!" He yelped to his boyfriend who clung to his arm.

"You need to improve your kisses!" Atlas yelped as they cleared the window of the room and flew through a hail of gunfire from below!

"Plink!Plink!Plink!Plink!Plink!" Shit!.......shit! Shit! SHIT!" Atlas yelped as he lit his boot rockets and pulled Astro up quickly out of fire....

"You alright?" Astro asked.

"Oh yeah...." Atlas snickered. "Getting AK-47 bullets up my butt is so fun!"

Astro looked down and zoomed in on the street with his binocular eye setting. "That's......a lot of cops."

"Yeah right they're police." Atlas snorted. "That was a hit job."

Suddenly a flying rocket exploded not to far off showering the boy bots with flying shrapnel! "I think we need to go like a mile in that direction?" Astro yelped.

"Oh duh, no shit Captain Brilliant!" Atlas snapped back. The boy bots quickly flew to the location Horus had told Atlas and the red boy bot hadn't gotten half way into an open window before.....


Astro poked his head in to see Atlas ripping a staff out of a girl's hands...."Damn it! What the fuck?!"

"How dare you to enter into a room when someone is changing their clothes.... PERVERT!"

"Told you we should have used the stairs?" Astro said as he turned his head... obviously no one was too concerned that the teen girl was stark naked.

"I see you've met Lyra?" Horus said as he stood at the door with Anubis poking his head around to gaze on the naked teen...

Horus looked down and slap Anubis off the snoot. "Stop panting?"

Atlas chucked a sheet at Lyra. "Get dressed girl? Damn...."

"She was kicking your ass Atlas." Astro snickered as he slipped into the room.

"Like I'm gonna hit a girl?" Atlas replied.

"Let alone "hit on" a girl." Astro said as he walked by stroking Atlas's chin his a hand. Astro walked up to Horus and Anubis with Anubis grabbing his hands....

"Are you alright? Did you two get out ok?" Anubis asked worried.

"Wasn't anything to talk about...except they weren't police." Astro said waving a hand.

"Yeah....the police scanner traffic was dead quiet." Atlas said as he handed Lyra her clothes. "I'm sorry I startled you. Running from some pissed off people, you don't have time to do things sensible."

Lyra gave Atlas a gaze..."It's alright...."

Atlas caught on...."Um....sorry.....I'm gay and I'm a robot and it wouldn't work out."

"I wasn't asking." Lyra said as she got dressed.

"You were gazing." Atlas said. "I can detect dick envy a mile away."

"SLAP!" Lyra laid a smack to Atlas's cheek and stormed out of the room....

"Giggles"....Astro said as he walked up...."You got bitched slapped."

"How about I bitch slap you?" Atlas growled back.

"Can we all stop with the funnies here now?" Horus asked waving his hands. "It's enough now that I have to deal with her being angry the rest of the night on top of this situation we seem to be facing at the moment."

Horus summoned on of his sprites and sat on its' back. "Obviously brother you have not conquered her by any measure."

"I don't need opinions from one who only goes after young boys and men. I only tolerate you because you're family so don't push me Anubis." Horus warned.

Anubis smiled at Astro and Atlas..."Horus has anger issues. I was always Mother's favorite."

Atlas gestured. "Let's get back to more important things? Like why parts of the Egyptian Army are missing and who's behind all this?"

"Once Lyra comes back in and stops being angry....and skin? Don't push your luck or she might decide to de-ball you." Horus warned.

"Like to see her try it." Atlas snorted back.

Astro wrapped an arm around Atlas's shoulders. "Can you try to be civil so we don't spend all day in a "bitch to bitch" cage match?"

7 am Cairo Time Horus's home Cairo, Egypt Day 8

around plates of bread, fruit, nuts and hash browns...Horus, Anubis, Astro, Atlas and Lyra studied a laid out map of the Egyptian landscape...

"Equipment and men don't just "vanish"....Horus said. "Not unless some very powerful magic is employed which makes it all but certain that one of our old enemies has been biding his or her time to strike. The answer lies here. The problem is? We can't just kick down the door like gang busters."

"If it's Sepkush? Gang busting is all we'll need." Anubis snorted. "Piece of long rat excrement. When I show my face, he'll slither back into his stink hole."

"And if he has an army of die hard followers with modern weapons, you'll be pulling bullets and rockets out of your little tail hole....not that, that wouldn't please you?" Horus snorted.

Anubis scowled back..."Well what do you want to do there mighty warrior of Egypt? Back thousands of years ago you were all about "muster the chariots and run right into a fight." Now you've become.....a woman."

"Excuse me but.....right here?" Lyra pointed to herself.

Astro tapped the map. "Seems to me? Smaller would be better."

Horus nodded. "Go on?"

"Two of us should go, preferably me and Atlas, like I said before. As robots we can tolerate being out in the heat and we should be more than capable of getting information and taking on any threats." Astro said. Anubis float over on his sprite and snorted at him....

" you're not going." Anubis said.

"Anubis? Don't get possessive?" Atlas begged.

"You're not going." Anubis snorted. "Do you have any idea of how dangerous this could be?"

"No...we're going to an amusement park." Astro replied. "Really Anubis. We're very capable of taking care of ourselves."

"You better take care of yourselves." Anubis replied. "My heart will be so broken if...."

"Supposed to be a mighty god....turns out to be a pussy cat." Atlas said as he petted Anubis on the head. "Relax? We'll be alright. And you guys will be right behind us." Atlas looked at Lyra. "Well.....guys and one mean girl anyway." Atlas turned to Astro. "What do we call Anubis and Horus? Guys? Furries?"

"How about you just shut up before you get us both beat?" Astro snorted back. "We should finish this up so you and I can get going." Astro then tuned back to Horus..."But before anything? We should get everyone else to Anubis's temple. I don't think this place is going to be safe for too long."

end of part 10

Sheath and Knife: Snow Daze part 1

Snow Daze (Cub/Teen, Incest, Gay sex, strait sex) A Will and Alex fan fiction by Dan 1966 ( c ) Will and Alex from Sheath and Knife fur-rotica by Haramist and Kitaness. All rights respected. No monetary gain nor profits desired nor...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: part 9

_ **Astro boy and the buried boner** _ **( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures** **( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions** **( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist** **( boy/boy, boy/African golden...

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Astro and the Buried Boner: part 8

Astro boy and the buried boner ( c ) Astro boy 2003 Sony Pictures ( c ) Atlas boy from Astro boy 1980 by Tezuka Productions ( c ) Anubis character from Anubis and the Buried Bone by Harmarist ( boy/boy, boy/African golden wolf, gay sex, rape,...

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