A New Brother Part 19

Story by XtigerX on SoFurry

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#21 of A New Brother

A New Brother

** ** IMPORTANT: Please do not read if you are under 18/21 (local law). This story contains gay sex, M/M stuff, if you don't like this sort of thing, please leave. If you are underage, leave, but don't blame me if you stay and get caught reading this, don't say I didn't warn you.

Also, these characters, the story, they are mine, if you want to use my characters, please ask me.

Part 19: A Prelude to Summer

As the days began to roll by, Jamie noticed the subtle changes creeping in. Drake began to prepare for his exams, compiling notes and working closely with Troy. The panther always seemed to be stressing out with Drake doing his best to guide him through the revision. As a result, the younger fox noticed that his older brother was often too wrapped up in his studying to get actively involved with him or anyone outside of the confines of his bedroom.

With a small sigh escaping his mouth, Jamie turned his attention back to the TV, controller in his hands and pressing the buttons to progress. "It's a Saturday and he's still cooped up in his room."

"His exams will be harder, we'll have to go through them too in a couple of years you know?"

Turning his head to Max, Jamie caught the sight of the feline drawing in a smaller pad. Watching that white spotty paw move across the blank page, Jamie felt a bit envious of Max's creativity and skill. "Yeah, but we have tests and all that too. We still pretty much crap ourselves when it comes round."

Max smiled, brushing aside the eraser shavings. "Yeah I know, but they've got two weeks or about that until the first one."

"Yeah. Until they're done I bet Drake won't be up for much." Stretching, Jamie returned his focus on the screen, doing his utmost to simply win while Max let himself be absorbed by his drawing. "You heard from Rei?" The snow leopard just shook his head. "I'll give him a text later. Maybe we can do something together?"

"Depends on what you want to do."

"That's just it . . . I don't really know what to do."

Max smirked, still working away on his drawing while a smirk slowly grew on to his face. "Well then we need to find you a hobby. One that involves keeping your pants on."

Chuckling, Jamie would have gave his boyfriend a playful shove had the sound of the front door opening not caught his attention. From the sound of footsteps and rustling of bags, he knew it was only Aaron and Lily, walking back in to the house after returning from the shopping trip.

"I'll have you know I keep my pants on most of the time. I'm only out of them when you're feeling frisky." Jamie grinned and turned his face and tried to gauge Max's reaction. The feline was silent and still looking at his drawing, but the smirk on his face meant that he did at least acknowledge what Jamie was saying to him. "You want to have a shot?"

"I'm good Jamie."

"Fair enough" Shrugging, Jamie focused on the game while Max continued to work on his drawing. As time passed and the house started to grow quiet, Max put down his sketchpad and sat up, stretching a little. "You mind if I grab a drink?"

"Nah. Can you grab me one?"

"Sure." Stepping past the screen quickly, Max made his way in to the hallway and started walking downstairs. As he was about to turn in to the main hall, he could hear Aaron and Lily talking in the living room, the subject of which made his stomach twist with feelings of guilt.

"I have tried asking for more hours, but there's none to spare at the moment and a second job is out of the question Lily."

"I know, I've asked but I'm training up one of the new girls at the store. We knew our expenses would grow when we took Jamie in but with Max . . . well, it's a bit more than we anticipated. It's not his fault, he's such a nice boy. He still asks if he can use something or grab a drink from the fridge you know?"

"I've noticed that. But we just can't ignore the costs Lily, the savings are going down steadily."

Standing in the hallway, Max bit down on his bottom lip. In his time staying with them, he never fully realized just how much his presence was impacting Aaron and Lily's wellbeing financially, but he also began to wonder about the impact it was having on their health. If they were stressing about the money, it may have been having a detrimental effect on the pair. The last thing he wanted to do was to be the cause of a rift between them.

Lily sighed. "Well then they'll have to contribute. Drake can get a summer job and start to pay something towards the bills and food. It will be good before he goes off to a college, get some experience and it can go on his resume."

"I know, but Jamie and Max aren't exactly old enough to get jobs themselves. At least not proper ones. Maybe a paper round or perhaps they can help at a corner shop?"

"We can bring it up later, Drake's studying and he needs to focus on his exams coming up."

"Alright. Well, we better explain it to them soon before it gets out of hand."

With quiet movements, Max made his way through the hall and in to the kitchen. As he opened the fridge to grab two cans of soda, he felt himself hesitating and reflecting on what he had overheard. The two people who took him in during one of the worst experiences of his life and who cared for him like of their own, he was becoming a burden on. Thinking on it, Max grabbed one can and quietly made his way back upstairs.

"Hey what took you so long?" Jamie asked once he walked back in to the room.

"Uh, I decided just to have a glass of juice. Here." Handing the can over, Max took his place back on the bed. Quietly sighing, Max tried to think of ways he could make this better. He decided that it would be best to try and find a job, anything to make matters easier for Aaron and Lily would be worthwhile. One idea did linger in his mind and while he did wonder about the possible outcomes, Max didn't want to test out the theory by knocking on that door.

"You sure you don't want a go Max? Before dinner? I'll also see what Rei is doing."

Looking at Jamie, Max forced a smile on his face. "Uh . . . okay. I finished my drawing for now." Taking the controller, Max tried to quell the guilt building up inside him. He wanted to speak to Jamie about it, but if Aaron and Lily were to bring it up later, he didn't want to make it look like he was eavesdropping. For now, he tried to think of more solutions to the situation at hand and keep the guilt from devouring him.


He knew libraries were supposed to be quiet, but the amount of people in the building still surprised him a little. Sitting alone at the desk, books open and a pen being twirled in his fingers, Troy tried to make sense of his notes and turn them in to something that he could use for the upcoming exams. Reading over them several times, the panther sighed. It was frustrating enough that he couldn't get the notes to stick in his mind, but even more so when he saw the various other people walking by or reading their notes, looking to be calm as they prepared for their assignments or exams. Internally, he was screaming, the need to break things in a rage began to build up.

"Sorry I'm late."

Looking to his side, Troy felt relieved when he spotted Drake walking up, though the stress from trying to study had fouled his mood. "You said you'd be here half an hour ago."

"I'm sorry, I wanted to make sure I had all my notes."

With Drake sitting down next to him, Troy watched him pull out his notebooks. Watching them coming out of the bag, Troy watched Drake place them down neatly. When the first notebook was opened, the feline saw the neat handwriting and the notes that correlated in to something he couldn't quite follow. It made him groan inwardly and he began to doubt his abilities further. However, he didn't want to worry Drake and he decided a brave face would be enough. "Well you're here now so please help me before I kill something."

Drake just smiled and pulled him in for a cuddle. The closeness was a welcome relief to Troy, enough to momentarily distract him but it was over all too quickly. "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Over the next hour, Drake discussed his notes, reminding him of the key areas that were essential to the exam. Troy did his best to take it in, taking his advice or a ten-point plan that linked in to each other when the dragon suggested it to him. "I really don't know how I'll remember all of this Drake."

"Troy you won't remember every little detail, I can't. Remember what each area is about like this part, you want to remember the subject and why it sticks out, build your answer around it and before you know it, you're writing it out."

"If you say so. I just don't want to fail."

"You won't. Now come on, lets finish this off and go grab something to eat."

Agreeing, Troy worked alongside Drake and managed to get his notes in a sort of order. He just prayed that it would be enough. For now it would be a case of revision and testing himself on how well he remembered it. As they packed up, Troy grabbed his backpack and walked out of the library with Drake at his side.

Opening the door, Troy let his boyfriend out first, a thought appearing in his head. "You know, we only have a year of school left after the summer. You decided what you want to do after it? With college I mean."

Drake turned to face him and shrugged. "I have looked at a few colleges, I haven't decided where I want to go exactly. I'd really love to get my books published, but I don't know if I could live off that. I'd probably look at something academic."

"Not going to be an English teacher?" Troy asked, smirking.

"I don't think I could handle that. I may want to strangle my future students." They both chuckled, and Drake decided to ask him the same question. "What about you? You decided yet?"

Troy took a deep breath and sighed. "No. I really don't know. Everyone says you have to decide your future before everything like college, but since when does it all go like that? I guess I'd go with something in P.E., but I haven't fully decided. Still that's not what worries me."

"What do you mean?"

Stopping at the crossing, the pair of them waited with the other commuters on the sidewalk for the lights to change. "What I mean is . . . what's going to happen to us?"

Stepping on to the road once the lights changed, the pair of them stayed silent for several minutes. In all their relationship, the pair hadn't even entertained the idea of being separated once it came to their college education. The thought was unpleasant to say the least, however when he felt Drake hold his hand and give him a reassuring squeeze, the panther couldn't help but smile.

"We'd make it work. We have for the past few years now haven't we?"

"Yeah. Sorry I'm such a downer today."

Being held close, Troy managed a smile as Drake planted a kiss on his cheek. "It's alright. You're just worried about the exams. And when it comes to college, we can find one we can both get in to. That way, no one steals you from me."

Grinning, Troy wrapped his arm around the dragon's waist. "And there was me thinking you'd go studying abroad and getting it on with some guy from who knows where."

"And risk losing you? Never."

With a sigh of relief, Troy continued down the path with Drake. "After the exams, you and I have got to have one full day, all to ourselves. And I get you all to myself."

Grinning, Drake sneaked in a grope, confident that no one was watching them. "Who says we have to wait until then?"

"Naughty." A purr escaped from his body and Troy continued to walk alongside the dragon. "What about Jamie and Max? They rubbing it in that they can goof off?"

Drake shook his head. "Nah, they won't bug me. Last I saw was Jamie playing games with Max and I did overhear that they'd be meeting up with Rei later on."

Smirking, Troy stepped closer to Drake. "So we might be alone?"

Catching the hint, Drake felt the grin creeping on to his face getting larger and larger. "Maybe. Though if mom and dad are home, we won't have the full privacy."

"Perhaps not. But hey, we need a break from all this studying. We'll burn out otherwise, we can always just have a break at my place."

"Uh huh. Your definition of 'break' means to get me out my pants."

Grinning, Troy leaned in close and whispered in to the dragon's ear. "So . . . that's gonna happen when we get back right?"


In his mind, Troy didn't mind the teasing. It would only make it much more enjoyable when he finally got what he wanted. Eyeing Drake's rear, the feline started to picture his boyfriend under him, moaning as he took him again and again. His little fantasy was keeping his attention occupied until Drake warned him about his growing trouser snake. Blushing, Troy could only laugh and hope no one really looked at his crotch region.

As the noises of the city began to recede the closer they got to the suburban area, the two of them kept exchanging topics, talking about sweet nothings and what they would do over the summer. Troy had allowed the air of romance to take over his thoughts and Drake seemed to be encouraging it as the feline started to forget about the looming exams. It felt like any other day and as they two got closer to their destination, Troy offered to take Drake in to his home.

Attempting to turn the handle, Troy smirked and searched his pocket. "Looks like mom and dad are out." Pulling the key out, he grinned at Drake. "Shall we go to my room?"

"Open the door already before you rip me out of my clothes."

Chuckling, Troy unlocked the door and stepped inside with Drake close behind. Once the door was shut, the pair made their way upstairs and in to Troy's own room. Putting their bags to the side, Troy moved up behind Drake, wrapping his arms around him and holding him close, pushing his growing bulge up against the dragon.

"Still want to?" Troy asked, reaching around and gently massaging Drake's own tent.

"You think I'd say no to you?"

Turning Drake around, the panther locked him in to a kiss as their hands fumbled with each other's clothes. As their desire for one another grew, the kiss only deepened, neither one of them wanting to break the embrace. As their pants fell around to the ankles, they finally broke the embrace.

"Fuck." Drake said, taking off his shirt, shoes and kicking the pants to the side. Sliding his boxers down, he allowed his nine inch cock to spring out in front of Troy.

"Not yet," Troy told him, removing his own clothes and allowing his fourteen inches to flop out. Pulling Drake in for a quick kiss, he stroked the dragon's length and held him close. "But soon, I'll be fucking your ass."

Moving towards the bed, Troy guided the dragon on to his lap and locked him in a fierce, deep kiss. His hands roaming the scaly body of his lover, Troy only stopped when he heard the dragon moan a little. Looking down, he could see why.

"Sensitive?" Troy asked, his hand resting at the base of Drake's cock. Teasing around the base, Troy pulled Drake in closer and forced his finger in to the dragon's genital slit.

"Ah! Troy . . . ngh."

Grinning, Troy wriggled his finger inside Drake's slit. "Hey, I've played with this before. But it's been a while, hasn't it? I remember I tried fucking your slit, but you got hard too quickly."

Feeling his cock pulse and leaking pre, Drake squirmed as Troy kept moving his finger around inside him. "N-Not my fault it's . . . sensitive."

"I know. It's why I don't do it that often." Laying back, Troy took in the sight of his boyfriend and purred. "Guess I'll have to change that at somepoint." The panther told him, pushing his finger deeper until his knuckle rested against the opening. The inside was tight, especially with Drake being at full mast, but the warmth was definitely inviting. All the dragon could do was clench his eyes shut and hold on to Troy for support, small gasps and moans escaping from his muzzle as the feline toyed with him.

"T-Troy . . ."

Smirking, Troy pulled his finger back and licked it clean. "I know." Pulling Drake forward, he opened his maw and took as much of Drake's cock as he could in one go. Hearing the subtle gasp, Troy decided to go all out on his lover. Quickly bobbing and twisting his head, he would teasingly lick the tip of Drake's member, all the while sucking gently on the pulsating length. Glancing upwards, he could see Drake's eyes were firmly shut, but the soft moans escaping from his scaly muzzle was more than enough to tell Troy that he was loving it. Without any hesitation, Troy pushed himself down further and forced the dragon's cock down in to his throat.

"Ah! Fuck . . . Troy . . ."

Pulling off, Troy steadied himself, not wanting to gag or wretch in front of Drake. But with a grin, he licked up the underside of the shaft. "Heh, you like?"

"Y-Yeah . . .maybe next time I'll try docking your sheath."

"Heh, plenty of room for you in there I bet."

With the two of them smirking at one another, Troy moved upwards and allowed Drake to wrap his arms around him. There was plenty of time to bring each other to a climax, but just enjoying the embrace of one another was more than enough. The closeness, the warmth, Troy didn't want to let go. He would kiss Drake's cheek, his neck and hold him tight, pressing his larger cock against Drake's scales.

"You know I love you, right?" Troy asked him, holding the dragon ever closer.

Pressing Troy tight against his body, Drake kissed him in return. "I know. I love you too."

"You want to turn around or stay on your back?"

Although neither was particularly eager to break the embrace, their desire for one another was enough to justify it. Moving off Drake, Troy watched as the dragon rolled over on to his front. Seeing he had gotten his answer, the feline carefully slipped off the bed and pulled the lube and condom out from a drawer. Tearing open the wrapper, he could see Drake eyeing him carefully, watching his actions. Once the condom was on, Troy headed back over, pouring the lube on to his hand and smearing it over his cock before Drake's hole.

"Ngh . . . that's damn cold."

Smirking, Troy moved in closer, pressing the tip against Drake's tail hole. "I'll be gentle." Seeing Drake nod, the panther held his cock and pushed in, gasping a little as his cock sank in to the dragon. Slowly but steadily, Troy eased his cock deeper and deeper, allowing Drake to get used to it. The moans and grunts coming from his boyfriend only got louder the further he pushed. Despite that they had done this many, many times, Troy would always watch what he was doing.

"You okay?" He only got nods and moans in response. "I'm almost fully in."

"I'm . . . I'm okay."

With a bit of a push, Troy purred when he managed to hilt himself fully inside the dragon. Hearing Drake moan louder, Troy rubbed his back while gently starting to fuck him. "You tell me if its too much, okay?"

"Y-Yeah . . . fuck . . ."

With that, Troy started thrusting faster and harder. Drake would often moan out or bury his face in the pillow, his hands gripping the fabric tight. For Troy, the tight warmth around his cock was pure bliss. Every time he pushed his length back in to the dragon, he would let out a small moan and it would only spur him on more. Gripping Drake tighter, Troy started to fuck him as fast as he can. The bed began to rock and creak and Drakes moans only escalated as his ass was pounded harder and harder. Troy growled, his cock throbbing as pre began to fill up the rubber.

"Oh fuck." Panting, Troy leaned in and held Drake tight, pushing him in to the bed. "I'm . . . I'm gonna . . ."

"Do it!"

Slamming his cock as deep as it would go, Troy held Drake tightly as he let out an almighty roar, cum erupting from his tip and filling the rubber. Thrusting a few more times as he rode out his climax, the panther felt the wave of euphoria surge through him.

"Oh fuck yeah."

"T-Troy . . . p-please . . ."

Looking, Troy smiled once he realized. Pulling out completely, Troy watched as Drake rolled over, his cock throbbing and weeping, his dragonic pre coating his shaft. Moving in closer, Troy wrapped his hand around the nine inches and started pawing him furiously. It didn't take long for Drake to climax either as the fucking he had received had brought him quite close to shooting his load over the bed.

"Gonna cum for me?" Troy asked, pawing Drake faster.

Panting, Drake nodded. "Y-Yeah . . . T-Troy, I'm gonna . . ." In that instant, ropes of cum shot out from the dragon's cock and landed all over his chest. Grinning, Troy watched as Drake would thrust involuntarily upwards while the seed would ooze out of his tip. Finally relinquishing his grip, Troy licked his hand clean and planted a deep kiss on Drake's lips.

"Heh, guess we'll have to clean you up."

Allowing himself to relax, Drake grinned. "Yeah. You too."

Taking the rubber off and disposing of it, Troy climbed in to the bed and held Drake close to him. "Well, we can shower after we've cuddle for a bit."

"Yeah. I really do love you."

Smiling, Troy held him even tighter. "I love you too."


Arriving at the house, Max saw the relief on Rei's face when the otter opened the door to greet them. He could only try to imagine what Rei was feeling when he was left alone in the large house by himself. Passing through the threshold, Rei told them that Mark had left the house earlier in the hopes of getting some much needed revision done without the distraction of housework. It left Rei home alone with only the TV and his games to keep his mind active but it did little to fill in his day.

"Thanks for meeting me guys. Mark's been busy with his revision and he's still seeing this person."

Following Rei up the stairs, Jamie had a puzzled look on his face. "And how long has he been seeing the mystery person? How come Mark won't bring this guy home to meet you?"

Rei shrugged, finally getting in to his room. "Somehow I don't think it's a guy. Still, Mark says he just wants this to be for him just now. Maybe because it's usually just me and him, he isn't sure what I'll think if he brings someone new home."

"Has he had a girlfriend before?" Jamie asked, taking a seat on the edge of the bed with Max next to him.

Thinking back as Rei loaded up a game for the three of them to play, the otter shrugged. "Well . . . I wouldn't say a girlfriend exactly, he went on a few dates with some girl about a year or two ago, it didn't last. I didn't really like her much either."

"Well you can always hope he has a guy in his life. And he'll be in to threesomes or orgies."

Shaking his head, Rei put the controller in Jamie's hands. "You're unbelievable. Typical fox."

Grinning, Jamie poked Rei's crotch. "Just you wait otter, we all know how horny you get."

As the two smirked and chuckled between themselves, Max just sat there on the bed, watching the gameplay. His mind was still fixated on the conversation he had overheard earlier and it wasn't until Rei tried to speak to him that he snapped out of his stupor.

"Earth to Max?"

"Huh? Sorry I zoned out there for a minute."

"You've been weird all afternoon, Max. Something wrong?" Jamie asked, pausing the game and looking at him.

Trying not to look worried, Max smiled and shrugged. "Nothing's wrong. Really. So, who's up first?"

"Um, Rei and me then you and Rei?"

"Sounds fair." Watching the gameplay, Max knew he had to get his mind off the conversation he heard earlier. As much as he wanted to be free from the guilt, he couldn't help but feel responsible for it all. Trying to think of the possible ways to rectify it once again, he didn't even notice Jamie handing the controller to him.


Looking up, Max blushed. "Sorry Jamie."

"You sure you're feeling alright?"

Nodding, Max tried to mask his concerns. The last thing he wanted was for it to come blurting out. Doing so would only cause upheaval in their lives. But seeing Jamie looking at him, it took everything for the snow leopard not to confess. His mind rapidly tried to think of an excuse and he settled on one. He just wanted Jamie to believe it. "I'm trying to think of what I could go at Comic Con this year if we go." Max felt his face turn red. His body started to feel hot and his skin felt like it was being pricked by small needles. He just wanted Jamie to say something, anything at all.

"Uh, right. Okay, didn't realise it was that big a deal."

Max blushed and fumbled with his fingers. "Hey, there's competitions and stuff. Kinda always wanted to cosplay. Just wish I could afford it."

Jamie however just shrugged. "Well I wouldn't have a clue who to go as. Not sure I'd really want to do it either."

"Not a fan of costumes?" Rei asked.

Jamie shook his head. "I feel weird and everyone just stares at you. Last time I did wear one, it was a cowboy outfit. Granted I was only something like eight or nine, but I hated it. Looked really bad."

"I can guess the alteration you'd make." Rei added with a grin.

Max ignored the banter the two were having with each other. He began to wonder how long he'd have to keep this knowledge to himself. Excusing himself to the bathroom, Max took his time down the hallway, letting Jamie's and Rei's voices trickle off in to murmurs. Entering the bathroom, Max locked the door and pulled out his phone. His fingers traced through the contacts until he saw what he was searching for and his gut tightened. Max's finger hovered over the call button, but he couldn't bring himself to go further. He locked the screen and pocketed the phone, looking at himself in the mirror. He tried to smile, wanting only to suppress the inner voices swirling in his head.

Maybe Aaron and Lily will say to the others eventually. But what if they don't? They haven't said anything at all. And Jamie's oblivious to it. Wonder if Drake knows. And what do I do about Aaron? I still get those urges and I really shouldn't be having them.

With a heavy sigh, Max decided he would try to think of ways to get past his problems later tonight. He knew that if he continued to dwell on the issues, Jamie would keep prying and it wouldn't take long before everything came spilling out. Max didn't even dare try to think of the potential outcomes and the impacts they could cause. Unlocking the door and stepping back out in to the hallway, he could hear Jamie and Rei laughing from the bedroom. Heading back down the hallway, Max put on a brave face and tried to enjoy himself as he stepped back in to Rei's bedroom.