Waffle House, Part 1

Story by eggyeggtime on SoFurry

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A little Corgi named Kyle stumbles upon an unusual restaurant. [ Very NSFW! ]

Kyle was a new resident to a town simply named 'Marsh'. It was heavily populated with reptiles. It was definitely a change in pace for Kyle, and he was simply a short Corgi. Of course, reptiles didn't take too kindly to other species. Kyle only moved into the town as it was all he could afford, a place that he'll stay at until he could get enough money to move elsewhere. But, he had to make the best of it for the meantime. He decided to walk around the town. Wherever he went, usually silence had followed his whereabouts, as the reptiles had been quite uneasy of the dog's presence. All Kyle mainly wanted to see was if there was any good places to eat around the area. Traditional reptile style restaurants were extremely common in this area. But nothing for his taste. He stood at a corner, looking at the other residents here and there. Sometimes he'd see other species besides snakes and lizards walk around too. Kyle's ear perked up, hearing two people having a conversation. He had heard whispers that sounded like 'waffles', 'behind the old brick building', and 'opens late tonight'. Of course, Kyle was instantly excited. Breakfast late at night was the Corgi's favorite. He walked home, high in hopes for waffles that night. Kyle knew which brick building he overheard the reptiles talking of. It was an indeed very large out-of-business old department store, which lay at the far side of town. Kyle guessed that the restaurant would open up at around 10:00 pm, as the reptiles did mention of a late night opening. For the next couple hours, Kyle occupied himself by watching television. When the clock struck the time, the Corgi went on his way out. It was quite a walk, but Kyle managed to reach the old department building in 25 minutes. Kyle went through an alleyway next to the old store, so he could get behind it. Upon walking down, he saw gentle smoke coming from a small chimney from behind the store. A long path of stairs going to an underground door made it seem... strange. "Am I at the right place?" Kyle took a risk, and walked down the stairs. He tugged on the door handle, which didn't open. He was very hungry, so he just wanted to give another try. Kyle knocked on the door, and heard some annoyed grunting. The door swung open. Out came a large snake. This masculine snake was quite tall, very tall compared to Kyle. He wore shorts, and no shirt, just an apron over his hairy chest, and his slightly large stomach. He looked down at Kyle and grunted. "I s'pose yer here for some good treats, hum?" Kyle was speechless at the moment, as this seemed quite sketchy. The large snake laughed. He put a hand on Kyle's shoulder, grasping it firmly. "No needa be all nervous, kid. Come, have a seat in the restaurant. I'll give you some good grub." The snake pulled Kyle into the establishment, slammed the entrance door, and locked it up. Strangely, there were around 5 locks on it. Kyle had a reason to be nervous, but he couldn't quite put a paw on it.

Kyle was escorted down a small hall. The lights dangling off the peeling ceiling were glowing a gastly, dim orange. The snake now had both hands on both of Kyle's shoulders. He seemed to be... massaging him? The snake rubbed his strong-gripped fingers against Kyle's shoulders. They reached the end of the hall. The snake seemed to hesitate to open the large door which was laid flat out in front of the two. "Heh heh..." The snake let out a little chuckle. Kyle's face went blank. Was he getting into something that he shouldn't have gotten into?... The snake laid his hand on the doorknob, gripped it, and slowly turned it to the side. He pulled it open. The room which was presented was a complete opposite to the hall that they'd just stepped through. This room looked like a fancy restaurant. The tablecloths, the chairs, the paintings, and the other decor seemed very expensive, and very out of the ordinary. Kyle couldn't help to let a gasp escape his mouth. After marveling at the surprise, the snake pushed Kyle inside, but this time, the push seemed to be a bit aggressive. The snake proceeded to close the door behind him, in which there were even more locks. But this time, the snake locked up the door with a key. Kyle had seriously became worried. It seemed as if the snake didn't want Kyle to leave quite easily. There was no one else in the large dining hall. There were other tables set, showing that business might've been slow tonight. The snake pulled out a seat at a table. "Have a seat, kid. Y'know you're the only customer t'night. What a delight indeed." Kyle became quite shaky, and nervous. He also became quite uncomfortable. He plopped down on the seat, not taking his eyes off the snake. "Aw, no need t'be nervous, abs'lutely no need, kid." The snake followed this sentence by brushing a finger against the side of Kyle's face, sending a sharp chill down his very spine. "I'm guessing y'came here to taste 'Blu's Special'. I'll fix a good one up for ya, kid." The large snake, whose name seemed to be 'Blu', winked at Kyle, before disappearing into the kitchen. The smell of batter, and strangely, sweat was wafting throughout the restaurant. Sweat, an unusual smell, in a restaurant. If Blu had not locked the doors, and with a key, this would've been a perfect opportunity to escape from this sketchy restaurant. Kyle looked at the floor, filled with anxiousness. Kyle couldn't handle it anymore. He needed to call someone- anyone to help him out. He needed the police, perhaps, as Blu did not seem remotely sane. Kyle reached into his pockets, and gasped loudly. He did not have his phone on him. He left it back at his house. "Oh no..." Kyle was in serious trouble now. He was trapped in this restaurant, and had nothing to do about it. In the background, Kyle heard humming and the distant clanging of kitchen utensils. Kyle tried to think on the positive side. Maybe Blu locked up his restaurant, as he simply wanted it to be kept a secret. "Ya... That could be it...", Kyle thought to himself.

He tapped a paw against the table he sat at as if it were a woodpecker going at wood. Kyle had also found it strange of how Blu didn't even give him a menu, or even food options. After a long while of Kyle waiting anxiously and speaking to himself in fear, Blu had busted into the dining hall with a giant plate, loaded with several giant waffles, drizzled in syrup, and a seemingly strange butter. Kyle's mouth watered. This was an excess amount of food, about enough to feed three or four people, possibly leaving leftovers. "Eat em up, kid." Kyle's worries disappeared immediately. He didn't hesitate to dive in to the meal. Using a knife and a fork, he obliterated the first two waffles. The strange butter substance was salty, sweet, and even a bit gooey, and the waffles had been filled with this substance too!!! Mixed with the syrup, it was to die for. Blu had chuckled to see how the canine scarfed down the food. Kyle continued eating. Of course, he became full, but he wasn't even finished with half of the waffles. They were just that good. The substance, whatever it was, was obviously the secret to the tastiness. Kyle took a break from scarfing the waffles, and looked up at Blu. Blu was grinning a very toothy smile, and was chuckling even louder. What was up with him? Kyle was bothered. "Is there... Something funny?" The snake ignored the question. "Y'like them waffles? Is it perhaps... The sauce?"

"Sauce?" Kyle stared blankly at Blu. Was he referring to the butter? At that exact moment, Kyle dropped his utensils.


He'd been eating Blu's semen this whole time, but not only that, his actions showed his love for Blu's cum. At that moment too, the snake stood up, picked up the plate of waffles, and threw them on the floor. A sad waste of a meal. "So, why're you actin' surprised? Y'knew damn well what you were in for. So, y'love the taste of it, huh? I saw that shit sloshin' about on your tongue, you been slurping it off the waffles. Now I know you're def'nitely a queer, no doubt 'bout it." Kyle had stood up, his legs wobbling, strings of Blu's cum attached to the roof of his mouth to his tongue. At that moment, Kyle ran straight for the door, but in all of the panic, he had forgotten that the doors were locked up. A second later, Blu bolted toward the corgi, and lifted him up by the hoodie of his sweater with extreme ease.

Kyle's feet did not touch the ground. This snake had serious strength. "Nuh, uh uh! Y'proved that you're a fag, now I'll treat y'like the fag you are." Blu slung Kyle over his large scaly shoulder. Kyle squirmed and screamed, punching and hitting the snake with every chance as he dangled off of his shoulder. "Scream all y'want! Ain't no one gonna hear you!!!" Blu opened up a door in the dining hall, which reveal a flight of stairs, which led up to a hidden bed room. While going up the stairs, Blu threw off the apron he had laid out on his hairy, bulging chest and stomach. "Please! No!!! I just came here to eat! I swear I didn't know about the waffles!!!" Blu howled a raspy laugh. "Now, everyone who comes here knows 'bout the secret to the waffles! You tasted my cum, and now you're gettin' it from the source!" Blu had reached the room, tossed Kyle on the bed, closed the door behind him, and locked the many locks on the door up again. The room reeked of old semen, sweat, and body odor.

After locking up the many locks on the door, Blu turned around, and looked Kyle dead in the eyes. His chest full of hair gleamed with the dim light source in his room. Kyle was too frightened by Blu, that he took refuge under the snake's bed. Kyle saw many sexual gadgets scattered about under Blu's bed, such as sex toys, gags, anal beads, and very old used condoms. "Now, now, fucker! Come out from under there, unless you're asking for it t'be a lot rougher!" Of course Kyle didn't move an inch. At the point of view Kyle looked from, he could only see the snake's feet. Several silent seconds slipped by. That's when Blu's shorts fell down with a soft thud. Shortly after, his underwear followed down to his shorts. He was completely nude, and ready to take on the corgi. Kyle quietly whimpered. "You asked for it, little shit!" Blu's voice had became aggressive. Next thing Kyle saw was a scaly arm reaching for his leg. Blu snagged him out in a heartbeat.

Kyle had no where to hold on to. When Blu pulled him out from his hiding spot, several of the sexual toys were dragged out too. Blu held Kyle up to his very face. "Now, you lil fucking slut. You asked for it to be hard! Now, be a good bitch and undress!" Blu dropped Kyle, and stared at the corgi, with his eyebrow raised. Kyle was too scared to refuse, so he did as he was told. Kyle didn't look at Blu's body, so he turned away. Kyle stripped his sweater off, then threw off his shirt, his chest covered with tufts of hair. Next, he kicked off his shoes, and left his socks on, so at least he felt somewhat clothed. Next, his jeans, and finally, a pair of tight hugging underwear came off. Kyle was naked for Blu's sake. "Hey! Quit ignorin' me, bitch! Look at my body, fucker! I know y'want it! Just take a look, or you're askin' to become a slave, y'hear me kid?"

Kyle's tail pointed downward at the word 'slave'. That is the number one thing he did not want happening. He whimpered and turned towards the reptile. "Heh, heh, heh. Like what you see, fag?" Kyle's eyes were wide open, as he saw Blu's glory. A long line of hair going down from Blu's belly button, led into a very large bush of pubes, which surrounded the snake's large cock. His penis was about 11 inches long, 1.5 inches thick, and was uncut, with think reptile foreskin. Not to mention, dried up cum dotted all over the snake's length. Kyle gagged at the sight, and felt a bit nauseous about the whole situation. "Funny, usually little pricks like you instantly crave this shit. Well, guess you'll just have to be forced to like it."

The word 'forced' ringed in Kyle's head. Kyle shook in fear of Blu's beastly length. "Now, git' it started, fucker. Come take a big ol' slurp on this dick. C'mon, you don't wanna be a slave, right?" Kyle obeyed, to avoid even getting on the subject of Blu threatening to own him. Kyle hesitantly got on his knees, and stared at the secret producer of the delightful 'meal' he had ate not too long ago. Not to mention, Kyle was full to the brim with food, hos stomach even bulging ever so slightly from the heavy meal. Kyle was now face to face with Blu's cock. Underneath the large green, scaly cock were two softball sized balls, which had hairs poking out in many directions. Kyle gulped, and held the meat of the snake in his paws. It was very heavy, heavier than it had looked. He slowly pulled back the foreskin to get a better look, but old slimy, scented nut clung on to Blu's tip in thick strings. This had made Kyle gag.

"What's wrong there, fucker? Scared of a bit of some ol' dried up nut?" Webs and chunks of the semen laid under his foreskin. Kyle couldn't do it. He just couldn't. Blu got tired of waiting. He was already angered about Kyle hiding from him, and this was another reason to make the snake more angry. In a flash, Blu grabbed onto Kyle's muzzle. "Now, fucker. I'm just gonna..." Blu, with immense strength opened up the jaws of Kyle in a flash. Kyle shrieked sharply, and in went the snake's cock. Kyle gagged, feeling the globs of the old cum that was hidden under his foreskin coming in to contact with this tongue, which eventually rolled down his throat. For a reptile, Blu's cock was quite smooth, that is, as mentioned, for a reptile, with an occasional few bumps here and there. A tear rolled down the side of Kyle's face, as he was a toy to this absolute definition of a man. Blu didn't shove his dick in all the way into Kyle's mouth, only about 5 inches worth of length. After a while of that, Blu took out his dick, which shined in the dim light. "Thanks for cleaning up my cock, fucker. Now, get on the bed. Now."

Kyle coughed, feeling the last of the disgusting substance sliding down his throat like glue. "N-no... I can't do this... I didn't ask for this!" Blu didn't even give any cares. "Y'asked for it with your actions, kid. Now quit whinin' and get on the damn bed, fag!" Kyle whimpered and crawled on to the bed. The sheets reeked heavily of sweat, semen, and a hint of body odor. This snake seemed to have a bad hygienic problem. Kyle obeyed Blu to get this over with, in hope that he'll be home quicker. Kyle sat obediently, while the snake had placed himself in front of him. "Now, fucker. Lay on your back." Kyle saw where this was going and was terribly scared. "N-no!!! I mean, no! It won't fit! You see, I'm a v-virgin? Ya! A virgin! I can't fit anything up there! So, it really wouldn't, you know, fit in there!" Kyle was a virgin indeed, but he had an enjoyment of fingering himself whilst masturbating. Blu rolled his eyes at the corgi, grabbed Kyle's face, and slammed his head into the mattress, forcing Kyle to lay down on his back. "Cut the shit. I don't give any fucks if I can't fit a goddamn spaghetti noodle up there. You'll take this cock whether you like it or not!"

Blu kept his hand forcefully pushing down on Kyle's face. "Hey, fucker. No lube for your queer ass." "NO! PLEASE! SOMETHING! I CAN'T TAKE THAT!" The poor canine flopped about like a fish out of water. The snake's dick was already a bit moistened from the forced mouth fuck. He rubbed his light green tipped dick against the small entrance of Kyle's little hole. Blu slid his long tongue out. It was seemingly endless, stretching out to nearly a foot. He released his palms from Kyle's face and slid his tongue into the dog's mouth. "Hrk!" Kyle felt the cold, slim tongue slide into his throat, causing him to gag up in an instant. Blu pushed his tongue deeper until the two's lips touched. The thick smell of body odor and musk overcame Kyle. It smelt... good... It was a distinct smell which Kyle came to be addicted to. It filled up his nostrils and intoxicated his mind. After all of the struggling that Kyle had provided to the snake, a small moan escaped the corgi's mouth.

Blu smacked the side of Kyle's butt, finally hearing the corgi express some affection. Blu's slimy, slippery, slim tongue dangled in Kyle's throat still, and saliva from Blu's lips slowly dripped on to Kyle's lips. This kiss was indeed a distraction from Blu's next step; to penetrate Kyle. Kyle inhaled deeply, taking in the magnificent odor and musk of Blu's body. "AHAACKGAHAHAKAAA!" An ugly scream bursted from Kyle's mouth, distorted by the tongue in his throat. Blu had stuff his fat, green tip into the dog, painfully stretching the hell out of his little hole. Kyle was telling the truth about it not fitting.

Blu showed off a twisted smile, tongue still in the corgi's throat. He absolutely loved to see his partner in pain, especially from his beastly length. "AH! OW, OW AH! GEH IH OUH!!!" Kyle's muffled scream was an obvious message that Blu understood, but didn't care about. The only reason Blu had been french kissing the corgi, was to shut him up. Blu had trouble popping in his tip into Kyle's ass, and it was so tight, it took some energy out of him. Blu's next test was squeezing in another inch or so. And he had planned on stuffing in all 11 inches of his long cock into the corgi. With no lube, only saliva, Blu thrusted in will all his might, and managed to get in half an inch deeper into the corgi. "GAH! AAAAH! AAAAAH!!! NOOO! PLEASE!" Kyle inhaled sharply. He really couldn't handle it. Blu retracted his long tongue, sharp screeches escaped from Kyle's mouth. "Oh, kid. Don'cha worry. By the end of this, my dick'll be slidin' in and out of you like nothing!" Kyle nearly cried, seeing how much length there was left to go.

Blu heard the sniffles that came out of Kyle's mouth. "Quit your damn crying, fag. I'll make you slurp up those tears if I have to!" Kyle whimpered and winced, it really couldn't fit in his ass. Blu had grunted, as he couldn't fit his dick in. This enraged Blu, causing him to pull out. Kyle let out a sigh of relief. But relief was not coming anytime soon for the corgi. "I'll try your ass out after this, fucking crybaby." Kyle's ass pulsed from the previous blockage. Blu walked up to a drawer littered with old used condoms at the top. He then pulled out a jar of white stuff. It was semen. It was kept warm in the humid room. "This one right here... This is a fresh load from 5 minutes before you arrived... I was gonna save it just in case any other customers came, but you're the only one who showed. Now, I'll make you drink every last drop of this. And yes, I still got lots n' lots more to spare." Blu motioned, and gently rubbed his balls. "Plenty o' more where this came from." Kyle gagged loudly, at the slightest thought of drinking all that cum. Blu stood there, towering over Kyle, with the large jar, packed to the brim with snake semen.

"No way in hell I'm drinking that!" Kyle couldn't stop aggressively gagging upon looking at the jar. Blu held the jar up to his own cheek. "Hah, it's still warm for you. Man, oh man. How fun this'll be. And you're gonna fuckin' gulp down this whole jar. Your ass scarfed down my nut on the waffles! You loved it, fucker. Now, there shouldn't be a goddamn difference between drinkin' this and eatin' that." Kyle felt like curling up, but he couldn't take the risk. He must obey Blu if he wanted to get this done. Blu opened up the jar lid. He took a big sniff of his own jizz and smacked his lips. "Shit smells good. Drink up, kid. Unless you want to be a fellow slave to me." 'Slave' rung in Kyle's ears. The snake handed Kyle the open jar. Kyle felt the extreme warmth of the glass containing the cum. He took a quick sniff and gagged. It smelt strong, of, well, cum. Blu giggled ugly, seeing the pure disgust on Kyle's face. "Well, what're y'waitin' for? Drink it up, fucker!"

Kyle had shut his eyes as tightly as he ever could. To Kyle's own surprise, he had been somewhat turned on by this, as his dick was slowly starting to erect. Kyle pressed his lips against the rim of the jar. Even the rim was warm from the snake's sauce. Kyle lifted up the jar, and let the chunky, warm, sticky, sloppy cum slide on his tongue. He was trying his best not to gag it up. He had filled up his entire mouth with the cum but had not swallowed. The taste of sweet, salty and sour jizz stayed in his mouth. Damn, it tasted incredible to the corgi, but he just couldn't swallow. "Not swallowin', ay?" The snake knew a solution for this. Blu pinched Kyle's nose to restrict him from breathing. "URK!" Kyle swallowed the mouth full in an instant, gagging and coughing violently shortly after. Kyle yipped in surprise to see that it was merely a quarter of the jar that he had drunk. He couldn't take it. He couldn't drink it. His quick reaction, throw the jar. The cum spilled on the floor, a large white milky puddle spread out. Blu was gonna give Kyle a reason to cry.

Blu inhaled deeply through his nostrils, seeing his own hard-worked produce in a milky, sloppy puddle on the floor. Kyle knew he was going to get it now. "Well, well, you fucker. You didn't think you'd get out of it that easy. Come over here. Now." Kyle shook his head, refusing Blu's command. He couldn't move, as he was frozen in complete fear. Blu didn't have the time to argue. He got Kyle in an aggressive headlock and forced him down on the floor. "Get on all fours fucker. Lick up that puddle like the fucking sloppy dog you are. Pull shit like this again, and you'll be living with me for the rest of your damn life. WELL, FUCKING START LICKING!" Kyle was on all fours, like a dog. He quietly sniffled, crawling up to the pool of cum, laid out on the floor like a glue bottle had been spilled there. Kyle dipped his tongue into the puddle, and let the cum roll down his throat, pure distaste express on the corgi's face. Kyle became hesitant. Blu didn't have any patience whatsoever at that moment. Blu put a large scaly hand behind Kyle's head and forced his muzzle into the semen. Blu forcefully kept his hand firmly planted behind Kyle's head, to assure he doesn't escape this trial.

Although Kyle struggled to breathe whilst having his face shoved into Blu's thick semen puddle, it actually was slowly arousing him. The sense of humility had unleashed a sense of submission to the corgi. It turned the canine on, having his muzzle used as a cum mop, his long sloppy tongue drag across the wood floor, cum getting into his nostrils and what not. Kyle had snorted and slurped up the mess his naughty self created. Kyle was ready to serve Blu. "Now, fucker, are you ready to act like a good little bitch?" Kyle rolled his tongue out and spoke his first words of agreement. "Yes, Blu!" Blu was astonished by the sudden response, indeed words he didn't expect the corgi to say. Blu flashed a sharp-toothed smile and rattled his long tail. "Atta boy, fucking queer."

Blu smacked the side of Kyle's ass, a loud 'smack!' echoes throughout the room. Blu was quite excited about this big twist which Kyle had presented. "Get up now, fag." Kyle had stood up, long strings of cum drooling and dangling off of his tongue, and his orange stubby tail wagging. Blu stuck his smooth, scaly fingers in Kyle's mouth, and swirled them about, webs of cum and saliva wrapping around his fingers. Kyle could smell Blu quite clearly, he still smells of sweat and odor, the scent that drove Kyle mad for this snake. Kyle buried his face into the bush of hair on Blu's chest and sniffed it. "Someone's changed their attitude.", Blu said in a smug tone. Kyle continued to sniff, while he felt Blu's warm, pulsing length pressing against his stomach.

"Enough of this sniffy crap. Get on the bed now, slut." Kyle didn't hesitate a single second. Kyle pounced on the bed, with his ass up in the air. He looked back at Blu who stood there, astonished, with an erect cock. Oh, that cock was perfect in every way to any eye. So smooth, a gentle darker tone of olive. The large width of it, along with the strong thick veins made it the very definition of Blu's manhood. Kyle's hole was still in unbelievable pain, yet Kyle wanted it inside him desperately. Blu still couldn't fit any more than two inches into Kyle, yet he keeps his word that Kyle will take all 11 inches. Kyle wiggled his rear, waiting for Blu's move. "Well, fucker, I see you're eager."

"But since you're acting like a good bitch, I'll let you lube me up." Blu snatched a small bottle of lube from the top of the dresser of where he had pulled out the jar of cum. He chucked the bottle at Kyle. Kyle immediately scrambled out of his position and sat on the mattress, examining the bottle of lube. Blu stood at the edge of the bed, slowly stroking his beastly meat. "I'm waiting, bitch. Rub some of that lube onto here." Kyle crawled over the sheets and poked his snout against the tip of Blu's dick. Kyle squeezed out the wet, sloppy lube onto his palm. He slathered it all over Blu's 11-inch veiny cock. The outstandingly large balls that hung beneath Blu's meat had caught Kyle's eyes. He grabbed one of Blu's balls and bounced it on his palm. He even gave it a little squeeze, causing the other nut to slightly twitch.

"Woah, there, bitch. Careful with m'nuts." Kyle smirked and tugged on the two balls gently, feeling the weight of both combined. Kyle sniffed Blu's balls, and was hooked on the scent of musk and sweat, a delicious aroma for the canine. Kyle poked his snout into Blu's balls, and let his dick rest on his forehead. It was as if a large warm, gigantic hot dog was placed on his face. "Enough messing around, faggot! Now lay your ass down! I asked you just to lube me up! Unless you're asking to be a slave." Instead of listening to Blu, Kyle shocked the snake yet again. Kyle had stood up on the bed, and was now eye to eye level with Blu. Kyle proceeded to give Blu a sloppy, wet kiss on his lips. This went on for a couple seconds, until Blu had enough, and shot his tongue into Kyle's throat. "ACK!" Blu retracted his tongue back into his own mouth. "You lil' fucker! I warned you! I fucking warned you!" Blue walked to the dresser again. This time, he pulled out a collar. A shock collar. "I warned you that you'd be m'slave if you disobeyed! NOW GUESS FUCKIN' WHAT!?!" Kyle froze, except this time in fear. The dog had sold himself with his very defiance, and fucked himself over. Blu cackles evilly, slowly stomping toward the paralyzed corgi.

"Please! Put that away, and I'll be completely good! Please! I have an outside life, Blu!" Blu tackled the corgi down onto the bed. "You didn't listen, motherfucker. And don't you fucking dare call me by my name. You can call me master. And I don't give two shits about your life. You have nothing now, except me. You don't have family, friends, or anything left in your life, except me. I'm your master." Kyle had absorbed every word, with a strange mixture of sadness, fear, and a bit of excitement. He had been so distracted, that Blu managed to click on the shock collar with little to no effort. Kyle tugged and squirmed with the tight collar on. "Please, Bl- uh, master! I can't do this!" Blu chuckled, getting off of the corgi, standing over the bed. "Oh yes, you can, and will do this." Blu had a small remote in his hand that Kyle hadn't noticed until that moment. "No! Stop! Don't!!!" Too late. Blu clicked a button on the remote, and sent a painful shock throughout the corgi. "OW!" Blu, stood there, chuckling, with evil eyes, set on his struggling little prey.

A Deer Christmas, Chapter 1

Aw, shit. Here comes another miserable Christmas. I have absolutely no shit. Nothing. I have no money, food, nothing. I had recently moved into a place with a roommate, and he usually pays for the food and stuff. But sadly, he's out of state for the...

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