A mare by any other gender

Story by ghostpooka on SoFurry

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Some people like to get up close and personal with their animals. Like, really close. Some people should really read the small print, too.

Brandon shivered slightly as he removed the last of his clothing and packed it away in a bag. He hid the bag under a convenient rock, then trod carefully through the long grass to where his girl stood waiting.

'His girl' tossed her head and whickered, stomping her hooves. Because Brandon's girl was a mare.

Horses were pretty. He'd always been a butt guy, and horses have the best butts of almost any creature. So shapely, so round, and his girl's butt was the roundest. Her muscles were etched in stone beneath fur so shiny he could almost see his face in her butt cheeks, and her tail... well, he'd never been one to go mad for a hairstyle before, but her tail was gorgeous.

He'd wanted her ever since he saw her, wanted her in a way that an ordinary human just could have her... most of time, that is.

Sure, he'd made friends with her, hopping fences in the dead of night until he could not only sidle up close to her but caress her, stroke her, pinch her in mock bites like stallions do. And finally, he'd found just the perfect spot to take her, not too far from the herd so she wouldn't spook, where he could climb up behind her, lift her glorious tail and make love to her like only a man could.

He'd kissed her lips plenty -- both sets -- playfully flicking his tongue, snorting, licking and biting her, bringing her to squealing orgasm, but he wanted to have her, to really mount her... and so he'd gone in search of something to let him do just that.

He'd found it, after a lot of searching: experimental nanites, programmed to enter his bloodstream, mix with a donor set of genetic codings and then, apparently, turn his body into the donor's body.

They were highly experimental, but oddly enough that was why he got them. He was the only one crazy enough to try them out.

In the twilight, he squinted at the tube. It was a simple self-applicator. Pull the cap, put the business end against something fleshy of his followed by a second applicator for something of hers, get busy and then... boom. For a few hours -- they were programmed to reverse the process and deactivate after a few hours --- he'd wear the body of whatever it was he wanted to become.

It hadn't explicitly said that sexual contact was required, but... that had been the insinuation.

His girl wasn't impressed with the horse-fly type sting, but she forgave him quickly enough. She knew what he wanted, and she agreed that such an idea would be... fun. It was late summer after all, and she was very much in heat. Brandon hissed as his applicator stung and worked it's way into his body... and then he turned to his love.

How exactly would it work? He wasn't really sure, but... he knew he'd better get busy if he didn't intend to get caught come sun up, so he started with a simple kiss.

Right under her tail.

Horses, mares at least, were remarkably clean. His girl smelled of fresh hay and dusty summer. At least on the outside. He parted her nether lips, his tongue sliding inside her wet velvety love tunnel, as he tasted her horsey honey. She squeaked and squealed as he played, her vagina twitching with need. A need he was only too happy to oblige.

He led her carefully, slowly easing her into position, to the rock, where he crept up behind her and gently pulled her closer. He didn't have to pull hard, because a few seconds later and she was shimmying backwards towards him, looking over first one shoulder then the other as she sought to impale herself on his meagre -- for a stallion -- length.

That'd be fixed soon enough! He told himself, as he thrust his hips against her. She whinnied in time with his motions, each push guiding his cock deeper and deeper into her folds as her wetness enveloped him. In short order he was literally balls deep, and his equine lover was milking him for all her worth.

It didn't take long, and in moments he shot his load deep into her. He grabbed her haunches, mashing himself against his horsey mate in the throes of ecstasy until he was spent.

Sighing, he lay against her, she grumbled nonchalantly, her own urges spent too, as she fed from the grass. Spooning with a horse was possibly the best spooning possible, Brendan reasoned, but sooner or later it'd have to end.

...It was then that he discovered he was... stuck. Sensing his rising surprise, his mare tried to pull away, squealing distaste when he was pulled along with her.

Very quickly, surprise for both turned to shock and then fear, followed by the mare bucking him off -- or trying to -- before galloping across the field, dragging Brendan with her.

It was a long few minutes of blind panic as the horse leaped fences and straddled brooks, all with Brendan hanging on for dear life, attached to her butt at the groin. When she finally stopped, he breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped back. His equine girlfriend stepped with him. That was odd. He stepped forwards, feeling... feeling... that was odd. It was almost as if... he looked down at his legs, and found that they were, to all intents and purposes, gone.

His legs had merged with the mare's, leaving only his human balls to hang somewhat pathetically between her hind legs. As he watched, the transformation flowed up his body until he found himself draped over the mare's body like a blanket. A few moments later, after a brief disorientating moment of blindness and dizziness, and brendan found herself on all four legs.

Okay, so, she was a horse now... well, that was...


Brendan blinked, turning in a circle as she tried to get a view of her own tail. An eventual glance underneath her body showed the undercarriage was... missing. Well, it was all there, for a mare.


Shit, shit, shit.

This wasn't... this wasn't what was supposed to happen!

Brendan panicked, running through several more fields until she finally ran out of steam, huffing and puffing.

Okay, okay, she told herself, relax. This wears off after a while, and then you can... you can get another set, right? And you'll just have to... find a male animal? Is that how this works? Did she do something wrong?

Brendan wandered, disorientated, towards the nearest sounds of horses. The wildlife that might be out here wouldn't know that she wasn't really a mare, so it only made sense to stay with the herd... and besides, this wasn't... bad, as such.

With some relief, Brendan found herself trotting up to a small herd of horses. Were they the ones she'd seen at the start? She wasn't sure... but she did decide to find her bag because after the disaster of the night so far, she really didn't want to compound it by being picked up, in a field, naked, covered in horse hair.

Hey baby, baby, baby, hey! Came the whicker from the nearest horse as she approached. The horse hadn't actually said that, but there was no mistaking that... that tone. Oh no.

The horse, a jet black specimen that Brendan immediately nick-named Diablo, was indeed a stallion. He strode up to her, immediately interested.

Hey, no, wait, Brendan tried to say, whickering oddly at the insistent horse, I'm not... gay. I mean I'm not that kind of girl... I mean I guess I am but you're not... my type. I mean you usually would be, I'm sure, but...

Diablo was having none of it. And neither were his friends. A clydesdale, heavy with long fetlocks, stomped up to say hello too. Clyde and Diablo immediately started causing a ruckus as they argued who'd be the one to get Brendan's number. It was then that a smaller gypsy vanner snorted good-naturedly at Brendan, mouthing at her mane as he groomed her. Brendan squealed and kicked, whirling, as she tried to head away. She didn't want to go far until she'd worked out where she was, so she tried to go quietly enough.

Clyde and Diablo were quickly left behind. Gypsy followed good naturedly --- that seemed to be his trait -- but she ignored him.

Okay, so, I was... I came from there. I think... Brendan put her nose to the ground. She could see quite well in the semi-darkness, and could just kind of make out where she'd come fr--

Suddenly, a nose inserted itself between her cheeks.

Brendan squealed, kicking. Gypsy snorted, jinking on his legs as he backed off. He threw his head back, his top lip flipping almost over his head as he sucked in air.

Yeah, I know, Brendan snorted idly to herself, I know how hot my girlfriend's body is.

Gypsy snorted playfully, kicking one hoof out as his fifth leg was put on display.

Hey, hey girl, yeah, you're cute, let's you and I do this, he seemed to say, as he swayed his hips. Brendan had to agree, he did look... and it wouldn't exactly be gay because... and hell, she had the right equipment for it... and hey, who'd know. And what if she couldn't get more of the stuff? Hadn't she always, just a little bit, wanted to...

Brendan bit her lip. Almost of its own accord, she felt her pussy tighten as her hips lowered, her tail raised and a squirt of pungent liquid splashed onto the grass.

Mare cream. The sign of arousal made by all mares in heat. Oh god... she wanted him.

It couldn't... it couldn't hurt, could it? I mean, thought Brendan to herself, look at the size of it, it might... in a good way.

Gypsy was serious about his advances, so Brendan... Brendan kind of... accidentally, you know, not on purpose, but accidentally lowered her hips some. And kind of raised her tail as she stood kind of in just the right place.

If a beast of a stallion were to just... take advantage, it wouldn't be her fault, would it?

Moments later, the over-eager stallion was pawing at the air with his hooves. His swinging cock jabbed her first in the horse-boob, then almost speared her asshole. He fell off, snorting, trotting around her in circles, confounded, until he tried again. Brendan took pity on him and shimmied until...

Gypsy drove his cock home in one mighty equine thrust.

Brendan had played with a few toys before, he hadn't really been a size queen but he had been fascinated by large ones. He'd got things to the point he could take a decent sized dildo, and that had felt amazing, but nothing had felt quite like this.

Gypsy's cock speared deep into her waiting horse-cunt, thrusting in and out with all the subtlety of a freight-train and at least as much horse-power. Gypsy's front hooves held her lithe mare's body tight in a possessive grip as he walked himself forwards until his enormous equine dong bottomed out and he hilted.

In typical horse fashion, she felt his velvety soft, supple yet rock-hard cock flare out, filling her insides first with its heat and girth and then with ropes of hot, molten stallion cum. She pushed back, gasping, neighing, as mare-cream and cum both flowed from her nethers to pool on the ground behind her. She milked his length, pulsating the walls of her equine love tunnel in urgent need, pulling his cock deeper still until, with one final pull, it popped free, sending a torrent of seed spilling to the ground.

Okay, so, that was pretty good... but whilst Gypsy was young, he wasn't yet up for round two.

Brandon, on the other hand, knew just who would be.

Clyde was enormous, stretching her until she wanted to scream as he impaled her with a girth that could split mountains. Diablo bit her, hard, driving his teeth into the back of her neck almost as hard as he drove his love spear inside her... it felt like she was so full it was coming out her mouth.

It was certainly flowing out her cunt.

It was some time later before, utterly spent and overflowing, Brandon bothered finding her way back to her gear. She could... she could afford to rest a while, surely. She closed her eyes...


It was light before she knew it. The first thing she heard was an approaching truck. She skittered around on all fours trying to hide, before waking up enough to not only remember the experimental nanites, but the fact that she was currently a mare.

A very aching, yet satisfied, mare.

The owner of the truck was less than satisfied, as he swiftly caught her, threw a bit and bridle on her, locked his truck, then hopped up on her back and rode her, bareback across the property.

Some time later, and she was placed into a horse-box and the door was locked.

Well, shit, Brendan told herself. When this wears off, I'll finally be able to get out... but I'll be buck fucking naked. She'd have to hide until nightfall, then trek out into the country, retracing her steps, until she found her stuff... well, yeah, this could work. All she'd have to do is not get caught.

So she waited. And waited. And waited.

And finally as it was clearly past noon, she started to get worried... either somebody would come in and find her out as she changed back, or... well, would she change back? She had to! The instructions were pretty clear...

She was thrown out of her reverie as the stable door opened and a familiar face walked in -- he'd been Brendan's contact, the one who had sold her the goods. So this was his day job? She backed away from the man and tried to look innocent. He didn't pay much attention to her.

"You say she got out? Into the stallion's paddock?" the man said. Brendan didn't recall his name, only a handle.

"Aye, I was gonna save her for... well, but... tell me, too late, right?"

Too late? Brendan wondered. Too late for what?

The vet pulled on some very, very long gloves, squirted a lot of something very slick onto everything, then unceremoniously yanked her tail up. She almost kicked him, but then was struck stiff as he didn't only put his hand but his entire arm past the elbow right up her back passage. She squealed in shock, then whuffled in delayed orgasm as his probing hand squeezed something inside her, gently.

"Yep, already swollen. I can abort, I guess, if you don't want...?"

The owner shook his head from outside the horse box. "No, no, I'm sure it'll be a fine foal, whichever one of those delinquents it was that gave it to her. I'd rather have her out a year than damaged, safe as you might say it is."

The vet nodded to the man, then took his hand out of Brendan's backside. "Okay, just let me clean up in here, make a few checks -- these ones on the house -- and then I'll come inside, okay?"

"Sure, take yer time."

The vet quickly locked the bottom and top halves of the door, then whirled on Brendan. "What the fuck did you think you were doing?"

Brendan blinked, backed away, then tried to act innocent. Horsey.

"Yeah, no. Look at me. Look. At. Me."

Brendan looked up.

"You, mist-- er, miss, are in a world of trouble. You know what you've done?"

Brendan shook her head, snorting.

"You got pregnant! The nanites won't shut off now until it's done! It's not safe! You're stuck like that, and I'm stuck giving you iron shots and making sure you don't die! For eleven months! I hope you're proud of yourself!"

Brendan's expression would've earned her a "why the long face", if it hadn't been a mare wearing it.

An Owlette

"Next please." The antelope behind the counter wore a no-nonsense expression on her muzzle, a thin pair of eye-glasses glinting in the harsh neon lights. "I, uh... I th-think there's been some sort of--" Locano began, shuffling his bare...

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