Pokebrothel 3

Story by solar on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokebrothel

Stacey had been awake for a while and was pacing around impatiently. She

wondered where Crystal was. It was very boring in that little room and she

was getting very hungry. She listened closely to the sounds outside. Many

pokemon had passed by and the day had already begun for many of them.

Occasionally she could make out a scream or some begging. It worried her

but she desperately wanted to get out. Someone was walking towards her door

making frequent stops along the way. Stacey thought that it probably wasn't

Crystal because it sounded like they were checking up on everyone. Whoever

it was finally got to her door and started struggling with the lock. Just

for fun she called out, "Come in, it's locked from the outside, not the

inside." Moments later Crystal staggered into the room and collapsed in the


"Good morning, I hope you weren't waiting for me too long," Crystal said

trying to hold her head steady.

"What happened to you?" Stacey asked.

The poor little charmander lay there on the ground trying unsuccessfully to

get up. "I didn't sleep very well, spent the night in a chamander sized

hamster ball."

"That doesn't sound too bad."

"The ball was in an oversized rock tumbler," Crystal explained.

"Ok, that does sound bad. Can I go eat now?"

"Only if you can drag me along with you. I didn't mean for to keep you

waiting like that but I had trouble walking here. You understand don't


"I understand. Is there anything that will help me get you there?"

"No but if your really hungry they'll be serving some disgusting junk here

in a little while."

"I'll pass. Can we go somewhere else?" Stacey asked as she stretched out

her legs.

"Only if some carries me with you. I can't leave you alone until things

start slowing down in the dungeons."

"Does that mean I'm stuck here?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, do you want to start today's lesson now or wait till I've recovered

enough to take you to breakfast first?" There was a loud bang followed

closely by scream.

Stacey shook with fear. "Can we close the door?" She asked. The sounds of

the nearby torture were coming into the room unimpeded now that the door was


"That would lock the two of us inside. About the lesson, start now or hang

out for an hour?"

"Can I have sometime off later if I start now?" Stacey asked.

"Of course you can."

"I'll start now then."

"Ok, why don't we start by reviewing yesterday's lesson?" Crystal requested.

Stacey got on the floor next to Crystal, laying down on her side to expose

her pussy to Crystal. She reached down with one paw and parted her lips

with it, allowing some secretion to accumulate. Then she moved it in a

zigzag pattern, up and down her pussy.

"Very nice," Crystal remarked. "Tell me, did you have sex with Brian

again?" She asked.

Stacey stopped for a while. She didn't know what to do. She was always

told that sex was something special between two people and they shouldn't

tell others about it without getting permission first. Then again as Brian

said, a new world with a new set of rules. There was also all that

following order stuff. Stacey decided that if he did mind, she would just

say that she was following orders. "Yes, I did," she muttered.

"Keep masturbating, I never told you to stop," Crystal ordered. After

seeing Stacey resume she asked, "Why did you take so long to answer me?"

"I was afraid that he might be mad if I told you," Stacey answered.

"He has requested to teach you part of the training. I'd like you to know

that we have a good selection of strapons that I was planning on using for

that part. You won't need to change to a male teacher if you don't want

to," Crystal explained. "Of course, I could ask if he wants to be a

teaching assistant. Then I'll still have the final say over what happens to


"Are you just going to sit and watch me till you feel better?" Stacey asked.

"No, there's a few things that I need to talk to you about before I start

teaching. I'd just prefer that you weren't idle. I want you to tell me how

you felt about having that dildo in your anus."

"I don't really know what I dildo is," Stacey admitted, "But I assume that

you mean that thing that you stuck in me yesterday."

"Yes, plastic shaped things are dildos," Crystal confirmed. "I'll teach you

the names of some of the other toys later."

"It hurt. I don't like it. Are you going to do that again?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, don't worry about it. We'll take it slowly and it feel great rather

than painful. Once again, sorry about that." Crystal sat up now but she

was still dizzy. "How did you feel about licking my pussy?" She asked.

Stacey answered, "It tasted funny."

"Did you feel uncomfortable at all?"

"A little."

"Would you feel uncomfortable about licking a penis or having one in you


Stacey hesitated or a while. "I don't know," she eventually responded.

"Have you ever tasted cum or had it on your fur?" Crystal asked.

"No," Stacey replied.

"Could you lick my pussy now without feeling too uncomfortable?" Crystal


"I guess so," Stacey replied.

Crystal stood up, still somewhat dizzy. "Wrong answer. I think I feel well

enough to take you to the cafeteria now," she said dragging herself to her

feet. The room was filled by an exceptionally loud scream from a sandslash.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Stacey said as she hopped to her feet.

*** *** *** ***

Crystal lead Stacey to the same working room that they had used earlier.

Crystal motion for Stacey to get up on the bed. Stacey slowly clamored up.

Crystal lunged on top of her shortly after. Pinning her down so that they

were face to face. "Lets resume the lesson now." Stacey reluctantly nodded

in approval. Crystal turned around waving her pussy in Stacey's face. "Now

I'll ask you again, would you feel too uncomfortable licking my pussy?"

The rattata pawed at Crystal's flaming tail, batting it off to the side.

She moved her head to the other side. "I don't really want to do this."

Crystal knew the secret to getting her to do things. It just required

getting her started slowly. Then Stacey could easily be manipulated into

doing what was wanted. The next task would then be to get her to enjoy

herself so much that she wouldn't try to avoid it next time. Crystal turned

around so that they were once again facing each other. "Fine then, I'll

start first," she said. Crystal slid down to Stacey's pussy and gave it a

big lick upwards. "You do the same now," she instructed as she slid her

pussy in front of Stacey's mouth.

Stacey slowly stuck her tongue out and then quickly repeated the motion.

"That wasn't so bad was it. Lets do this again. I'll lick you and you lick

me in the same way." Crystal slid back down and gave Stacey another big

upward lick followed by curling her tongue in a downward lick. It was as if

she was going to push her tongue in but stopped just short. That was going

to be the next motion.

Positioning her pussy back over Stacey's face, "Your turn," Crystal

instructed. Stacey wasn't as slow about it this time. She wanted to was

eager for the next round.

Crystal turned around so that they were once again in a position where they

both had access to the other's pussy. "Same thing as before as before

except at the same time now," Crystal said. She started with the previous

pattern only it was upside down now. A big lick upwards followed by a

downward lick, curling the tongue along the way. This time she gently

pushed the tip of her tongue in. Stacey followed a bit slower but the

important thing was that she stuck her tongue in as well. Crystal made a

few other patterns with Stacey following behind somewhat slower.

By the time they stopped about an hour later Stacey had a fair amount of cum

on her. Some from herself and some dripping down from Crystal. Crystal was

now laying next to Stacey who had chosen to stand up. "May I wash this off

now?" Stacey asked.

Crystal consider her request for a while. "Are you sure you want to now?

It'll just get messy again later."

"Please," Stacey begged.

"Of course you may, you've been a good rattata. I'm just saying that you

might want to just wait till we stop for lunch in a little while instead of

washing yourself twice."

"Alright, lets keep going," Stacey said.

"Ok," Crystal said from her laying down position, "This time, you'll stand

over me and lick the way that you want to. I'll try to duplicate that as

closely as I can. Then you can get a rough idea of how it feels." Stacey

sidestepped over onto Crystal and stared at her pussy. "A little lower,"

Crystal requested. Stacey lowered her pussy until it was almost on Crystal'

s lips. Stacey was still a little hesitant. "Don't worry, you can't

possibly mess this up. It always feels good," Crystal encouraged.

Stacey extended her tongue and lightly touched Crystal. She felt Crystal

lightly touch her in about the same style. Stacey then took a deep breath

and went for it. She started doing to Crystal all the tings that she wanted

to have done to her. Almost instantly Crystal did the same thing to her in

return. It was almost like masturbating. Stacey knew what she wanted and

instantly, that's what she had.

Crystal was really enjoying that as well. Ever since Stacey had freaked

out, she was worried about pushing her too quickly. Now here they were and

Stacey was eagerly doing thing that Crystal was afraid to ask her to do

because she didn't want to have her freak out again. It was one of the best

exercises that she had thought of yet.

As time passed, Stacey became more and more adventurous in what she was

doing. All that anxiety at the beginning had passed and all the insecurity

had floated away. Stacey was having so much fun that Crystal decided to

wait until she reached orgasm before stopping for lunch. When that time

came earlier than expected Crystal decided on next time. By the time next

time rolled around she decided, just one more time. It was a little after

noon before Crystal actually called for the exercise to stop.

"Go and wash up if you want. We'll be doing something similar after lunch

and we might even play with some toys."

*** *** *** ***

During lunch they sat down with each other and a clefairy at a table.

Occasionally there was the odd pokemon with some cum on him or her. It was

still part of the regular working day where the bulk of their customers were

still at work. It was during these slow times that most of the training was

done. Then they would stop as things got busier.

"Hello, I'm Jeff. Are you two working the early shift or do you just like

playing with each other?" He asked.

"I'm Crystal and this is Stacey. We're just doing some training," explained


"I try to keep my work separate from the rest of my life. I hear you do

some metal sculpting. Wanna trade one for a wood carving of mine?"

"Stacey, care for a room decoration?" Crystal asked.

"Yes, I could have really used one when you were late this morning."

"Ok then I'll give you something and you give Stacey something," Crystal

proposed. Turning to Stacey, Crystal said, "Remind me to get you a few

thing to play with when we finish."

"Thanks," Stacey said. Turning towards Jeff, she asked, "What do you do

during work?"

"I have sex over and over again," he replied not sounding too happy. He

often stayed on this side of the line because there were things that he just

needed to get off his chest after work. When he wasn't working he sat on

this side of the line to comfort those who had a rough day. Jeff was a good

shoulder to cry on.

"What do you do when you aren't working?" Stacey asked.

"I carve wood. Sometimes they'll even let me go out and chop it myself. I

also like to hang out with my friends. There's also all the boring everyday

things that I do," Jeff replied.

"I drag race and sculpt metal," Crystal volunteered.

"What do you usually do after work?" Stacey asked.

"I come here for a lemonade to wash all the tastes out of my mouth. What's

with all the questions?"

"Nothing, I'm just new here," Stacey explained.

"Oh, I thought you were the trainer because you didn't have a collar. Come

down to the arcade with me sometime. I'll introduce you to my friends. You

'll like it there." Jeff answered.

"Thanks for the offer. I'll stop by there some time," Stacey replied.

"Back to training now," Crystal said.

*** *** *** ***

After lunch, Crystal lead them back to where they were training. When they

got in, Crystal sat down on the bed and said, "Lets try this again, would

you feel too uncomfortable licking my pussy?"

Stacey walked over and stuck her head between the charmander's legs. She

gave Crystal a quick lick and replied, "I guess not."

Crystal patted the rattata on the head. "That's the answer I was looking

for," Crystal said congratulating her. "Still remember yesterday's lesson

and how it ended?" She asked.

"Yes," Stacey replied.

"Great we are going to do the same thing that we did when we stopped. You'll

use both your paws and your tongue." Crystal explained. "Are you ready?"

"I guess," Stacey replied.

Crystal motion for her to get up on the bed and they got in the 69 position.

As usual Crystal was the first one to start. She gently pet Stacey's pussy

and slid her fingers across the opening.

Meanwhile Stacey had began her assault. She brushed the furry side of her

paw against Crystal's pussy. She wasn't going to go slowly this time. She

had inserted a portion of her paw by the time Crystal started licking.

Stacey soon brought out her own tongue to lick her back.

Stacey's more willing attitude was a relief to Crystal. She was proud that

she had worn down Stacey's resistance. Of course she'd probably have to

deal with in again the next new thing she covered if they didn't go slowly

at the start. Crystal forced her tongue as deep as she could into Stacey's

pussy. Crystal was hoping that Stacey would do the same for her.

Stacey squirmed with delight as Crystal's tongue made it's way deeper and

deeper. As Crystal entertained her with her twitching tongue, she moved her

head closer and prepared to do the same.

As Crystal withdrew her tongue, she found Stacey's invading deeper and

deeper. This was definitely a sign that Stacey no longer felt degraded by

her actions. Either that or she felt that the pleasure she was receiving

was worth it. Hopefully she found it fun as well.

Crystal backed off her head and went back to using her fingers. Making a

small flame at the back of her throat warming up for a surprise she used in

competitions. Applying her heated tongue to busy rattata caused her to jump

to her feet. Crystal figured it must have felt like hot wax splashing down

but she never confirmed that for herself. They never seemed to have a ditto

around and she couldn't trust anybody who wasn't a ditto to get it right.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?" Crystal asked.

Stacey got back down next to Crystal. "You just surprised me there. I wasn

't expecting that."

"That's alright, I've never tried that on anyone who wasn't tied down

before. Honestly now, did that hurt?" Crystal said.

"No, not really," Stacey explained, "I've just never had anything hot on my

pussy before." She took another lick of Crystal's pussy but felt a little

confused when Crystal didn't reciprocate. "Do it again," she requested.

"Actually I thought we'd get a few toys to play with," Crystal said as she

got up. Stacey just rolled onto her belly and watched. Crystal picked up a

long dildo and tossed it on the bed. "I'd like you to try using that dildo

on me. Now, is there anything here that you'd like me to use on you?"

Stacey looked over the display. There were restraints that she didn't

really think went with sex. The whips were a definite no. There were a

wide variety of things that she couldn't identify or imagine the uses of.

"No," she replied.

Crystal picked up another dildo. She also grabbed a bar with a padded cuff

on each end. Then turned back to Stacey. "I'd like to get you used to

being restrained. If you don't mind, I want to use this on you." Crystal

undid the Velcro straps on the cuffs. Then to Stacey surprise, rather than

walk forward, the charmander bent down and put the cuff around her own leg.

"This is all I'm going to do with it, hold your hind legs apart like this,"

she said as she wrapped the other cuff around her other leg. "I wouldn't ask

you to do something that I wouldn't do myself so if you want me to I'll wear

one as well."

Stacey nodded she just wanted to be sure about that promise. Crystal

secured the cuffs around her legs and picked up another one to use on

Stacey. The rattata giggled at the sight of a charmander waddling over.

Crystal warmed her tongue up again as she strapped Stacey's hind legs into

the cuffs. Stacey was trying to manipulate the dildo unsuccessfully with

her paws. Eventually she decided to just grip it in her mouth. Holding the

tip of it in her mouth she started pushing the dildo into Crystal's pussy.

Once the head was in, Stacey slid her mouth down to the base before

squeezing it tightly it her lips again. Slowly Stacey began to slide the

dildo in while circling it with her paws.

Crystal licked Stacey in brief quick strokes with her hot tongue. As it

cooled she slowly moved the dildo she had selected across her pussy. Once

the tip was centered on it's target the charmander angled it for entry. She

pushed the dildo, which was shorter than the one she gave Stacey, deep into

the rattata. There was an eye hook on the end of this one which allowed her

to push it deeper without losing it. Inserting her finger in the hook,

Crystal stared to fuck Stacey with it. The dildo often went to the point

where the hook was all that showed on the outside. She gently ran her other

hand over Stacey's hind quarters. That was her next objective, to open up a

new hole. She ran one of her fingers over the opening, smearing it with

pussy juices. Se slid her finger back the other way, gently pushing so that

the tip slightly parted the opening. That was as far as she wanted to go

right now. There'll be plenty of time for that later and she would feel

guilty afterwards if she didn't ask first. Refocusing her efforts on Stacey

's pussy, she ran her tongue along the side of the dildo with a finger on

the other side.

Stacey was still having some difficulty with the dildo. Occasionally her

grip would slip and it would slide out of her mouth when she was pulling it

out. That was happening less and less frequently as time progressed. The

real purpose of getting her to use the dildo was to prepare her for the

lesson on giving blowjobs. She kept at it rather unskillfully trying to

assist the process with her paws.

Stacey could feel her orgasm approaching. Crystal's hot tongue worked

wonderfully. Crystal started stepping up the pace in anticipation of Stacey

's impending orgasm. The dildo slid in and out with machine like motions,

always at the same speed, always to the same depth. Then it began to

accelerate in a smooth constant rate, driving Stacey closer and closer to

orgasm. Crystal pulled it out now taking Stacey the rest of the way with

her tongue.

"Ok, you can stop now," Crystal said. Stacey stopped entirely, leaving the

dildo in a partially inserted state. "Two can play at that game," Crystal

said inserting the other dildo into Stacey's pussy. Crystal removed the

spreader bar fro Stacey's and left her own spreader bar on. "Try to keep in

she said as she waddled over to the toy display.

Stacey got up and followed. Crystal tossed the spreader bar that Stacey

used off to the side. Someone always comes in to clean up afterward and all

the toys are always cleaned between use. "I'll give you a little over view

of our toy display. This section is where we keep the dildos," Crystal said

pointing to a corner of the display. "Over there we keep the butt plugs

they look kind of similar but they have that hump on them that makes it

harder to remove."

Stacey could feel her dildo slowly sliding out.

"Next we have vibrators. They are fun to play with. This is where we keep

other miscellaneous stuff that we don't have categories for. There's a

penis enlarger pump, cock rings, stuff we don't use too often."

By now the head was all that was keeping the dildo in Stacey.

"Over mere is where all our bondage toys are kept. I'll tell you about them


Stacy's dildo finally fell to the ground. Crystal picked it up and tossed

it in the pile she started earlier. Then she added her own to the stack.

"Now lets do something with your cute little ass," Crystal said.

"It hurt last time," Stacey objected.

"Don't worry, just keep relaxed and it'll feel good," Crystal assured her,

"You remember how it felt earlier when I was playing with it don't you?"

"Yes," Stacey replied.

"Did that hurt or did it feel good?" Crystal asked.

"It felt good," Stacey said.

"It'll be like that only better. I won't hurt you," Crystal said patting

Stacey's butt. She proceeded to lubricate Stacey's hole with cum that had

gotten caught up in Stacey's fur.

Stacey was breathing heavily, still unsure of things to come. Crystal

gently rubbed her finger over the opening with increasing pressure. Each

time her finger pushed in a bit deeper and deeper. Stacey tried to relax

but anal sex had become associated with pain in her mind ever since that

first incident.

"Ready for it?" Crystal asked.

"I guess so," Stacey replied. Crystal angled her finger so that it could

enter and gently pushed it in. The thick coating allowed it to go in pretty

smoothly. It wasn't painful but it was a different feeling. Stacey sighed

in relief. All the fear that had been built up in her body ebbed away,

allowing her to enter a state of relaxation.

"That didn't hurt, did it? Crystal asked. "It's just a matter of picking a

width you can handle and that last one was too large for you." Crystal

grabbed a butt plug that was about the same size as her finger. "This won't

hurt at all," she assured Stacey.

Stacey felt Crystal's finger slowly retreat. The butt plug soon took it's

place. The plastic was hard and didn't respond well to her occasional


"We'll start you off with that and gradually move up till you can take a

penis. I want you to keep that in for a while," Crystal instructed. "What

do you think of your new life so far?" She asked trying to kill some time.

"There's many nice things here but it doesn't change the fact that it's a

prison. I can't leave here and if it weren't for you I'd be treated as an


"Being treated as an object can be fun sometimes. It's not for everyone

though. Many of the other whores don't like it and that's normal. Many of

them like that sort of treatment occasionally but only for short periods of

time. That's why I left these on for now," Crystal said motioning towards

her spreader bar.

"Is there anything that doesn't turn you on?" Stacey asked.

"No, I guess not. You've been a very good student today. I'll see if I can

get you a better room later. Lets toss the rest of these toys in the pile

and get cleaned up. We're going shopping next. Then I'll have to show you

my dragster. Of course this would all be your time off so you don't have to

come along if you don't want to." Crystal said.

*** *** *** ***

When they got to the garage a guard put an anklet on them before letting

them in. There was a large collection of cars in there. Crystal lead

Stacey over to a rail dragster with a riachu next to it.

"Here we are, my dragster," Crystal said.

Stacey walked around looking at it from all angles. "Where's the tail

pipe?" She asked.

"It's electric. They won't let me play with combustible fuels," Crystal

explained. "It's a fire hazard," she explained holding out her tail, "There

's also that time that I blew up a container of nitro trying to escape. It

made a big fire that distracted everyone while I snuck out. They were

really mad at me when they caught me."

"Hello," the riachu said putting down a pair of thick wires. "How about

introducing me to your friend there, Crystal?"

"Sure. Stacey, this is Emp Wate. Emp Wate, this is Stacey," Crystal said.

"Emp Wate? That's an odd name," Stacey commented.

"It stands for electomagnetically powered weapons and transportation expert.

Why have a simple name when you can pick something fun that says who you

are?" Emp Wate answered.

"Are we all charged up for the race?" Crystal asked.

"Yep. Stacey, this is how things work between us. She takes a shift for me

and I give her electricity in return. Some times I have to help fix things

as well since I am the electromagnetic transportation expert," Emp Wate

explained, "Too bad they don't let me work on weapons though."

"They're probably afraid you'll use them to escape," Stacey said.

"Yeah, I probably would," Emp Wate admitted. "My work here is done. See

ya," Emp Wate said running back into the main building.

"Do you want to go pester brain now or should I show you a few more things?"

Crystal asked.

"I guess I'll visit Brian." Stacey said.

*** *** *** ***

Brian was checking up on his section of work rooms when Stacey padded up to

him. "Hi Brian," she said.

"Hello Stacey, come to brighten my day?" Brian asked.

Stacey wasn't about to make the same mistake twice. "What's that supposed

to mean?" She asked.

"Did you come to see me or are you just passing by?" He asked.

"Thought you were asking me to fuck again. I came to see you. Are you

available to play?"

"No, I'm working right now. But I get off as soon as the rooms are empty.

No more customers for today. Do you want to hang around and wait?"

"I guess I will," Stacey said. The two paced up and down the hallway, which

only had two closed doors. The rest were open and empty.

"Do you want to meet some of my workers?" Brian offered.

"Of course. I want to know if you were really being nice yesterday or just

lying to me," Stacey said. After taking a few more steps, she admitted, "I'

d also like to know what they think about this place."

Brain nuzzled Stacey, "Of course I was being nice. I wouldn't lie to my


"Oh really? Then what was that acting all evil with the psyduck about?"

Stacey asked.

"I was just having fun with you. There's a difference," he replied.

"Ok... Tell me the real reason behind the rectal cavity capacity test,"

Stacey requested.

"I won't lie to you about it. I'm not really sure myself," brain replied.

Stacey returned an accusing stare, like she knew he was hiding something.

Luckily an opening door provided him with the chance to change the subject.

Out stepped a cubone and a primeape. The cubone was wearing the standard

shock collar, id band and working band. "I'll escort him to the door and

you to can talk," Brian said as he darted off.

"Hello," the cubone said holding her left arm out to allow Crystal to read

her id.

Crystal extended her paw out so that she could see it as well. The cubone's

name was Erma. "Hello, Erma. My name is Stacey."

Erma sighed in relief. "I see we are of the same class. Your lack of a

shock collar is quite deceptive. I thought I was going to be under

evaluation again."

"What's an evaluation? I'm new here," Stacey asked.

"One of the higher ups pulls you aside and then they fuck you in several

different was. I barely passed my last one. Yesterday, he took away my day

off and dragged me off to practice."

"So he was being mean. He lied to me," Stacey interrupted.

"Let me finish, usually when pokemon don't meet his standards he beats them.

I was scared when he took me down to the dungeon but he didn't hurt me. He

took me to the sound proof room which was only used for when the punishment

was really bad."

"And you still claim that he wasn't being mean to you," Stacey interrupted


"I'm not done yet. Once he got there and locked us in, I was really

frightened. Then he told me that he wasn't going to hurt me and that he

just needed this room for privacy. We talked for a while. He asked how I

was feeling, if there was something bothering me. I was still afraid of him

so I didn't answer. He took my collar off for a while and put it on himself

explaining how there was nothing to be afraid of. I was still too scared to

say anything so he tossed me the remote and asked me to shock him. I did

that and seeing him helplessly squeal in pain finally made me say something.

We talked for a long time. Then he asked me to prove my skills. So you

see, he isn't really that bad. Though I must say, he was kind of acting out

of character that day."

Brian returned. "Did you two have a good talk?" He asked.

Erma was the first to answer, "Yes master."

"Yes, we did," Stacey answered.

"Great." Turning to Erma, he said, "You may go now." Erma had no desire to

stick around and left quickly. It was just the two of them again.

"So, what sort of a monster did she describe me as?" Brian asked.

"She said you were behaving strangely," answered Stacey.

Brian rested against one of the walls and motion for Stacey to join him.

They cuddled there as they waited for the last door to open. It wasn't long

before the door opened. Out stepped a chansey and a drowzee. Stacey got up

allowing Brian to get up.

"Just like last time," Brian said as he lead the drowzee away.

"Hello, I'm Stacey," she said to the chansey.

"Hello," the chancey replied, not stating her name.

"How was Brian yesterday?" Stacey asked.

"I never saw him yesterday," the chansey replied.

"Ok," Stacey said pausing to think of another question. "I'm new here," she


"You should learn the rules quickly if you haven't already done so. They

won't take lack of experience as an excuse. Things get painful if you don't,"

the chancey replied.

After another pause, Stacey said, "You don't really say much, do you?"

"I'm still working. As master ordered, I don' talk till I'm spoken to," the

chancey explained.

There was another pause. "I'm sure he won't mind," Stacey said.

"He will."

And so they stood there looking at each other without talking. Just waiting

for Brian's return. Stacey unable to carry out a normal conversation no

longer felt like talking. The silence stretched on and on.

"Hello," brain said as he came around the corner. "Did you two have a good

talk while I was gone?" He asked.

"I'm sorry about that master. Stacey's new here and had many questions,"

said the chansey.

"That's ok, carry this box of cards down and you're off work once you

finish," he ordered.

"Yes master," the chansey replied. She picked up the box and left.

Turning towards Stacey, Brian asked, "So, now that I'm off work, how about

you help me unwind a little?" Brian grinned.

"Are you asking me to have sex with you again?" Stacey asked.

"Yes, now that I'm not working, there's nothing stopping us," Brian said.

"Umm, I don't know. Can't we just cuddle and nap?" Stacey asked.

"No, I'm not tired. I'll have this included into your training," he said as

he jumped into one of the rooms, "Come on." Stacey followed slowly.

Brian got up on the bed. Rolling on to his side to show Stacey his

erection, he asked, "Learn anything that you can do to me today?"

"No," Stacey answered getting up next to him.

"Still learning about your own parts I see." Brian got back up. He mounted

Stacey. "This alright with you?" He asked.

"Sure," Stacey said. With that Brian guided his penis towards the target.

He thrust in with one smooth, fluid like motion.

"You've got to tell me that ass of yours opens for business. I want to try

it out," he whispered before he started fucking. After making a few gently

strokes, he said, "Come on, join in the fun."

Stacey started to move with the rhythm. Pumping slightly faster and pausing

at the end of each thrust, Stacey encouraged Brian to go faster. He

followed but refused to be lured into a drastically fast pace. This time it

would drag on longer than the last two times. Stacey eventually settled for

the speed that she got. Thrusting at what would be considered a normal

pace, she could feel herself slowly getting closer to orgasm. It felt

great. There was no need to rush the process. It just felt nice.

Brian was feeling more relaxed as well. Stacey was no longer in a hurried

rush giving him more time to just enjoy himself. Though he wondered if

speeding up towards the end would cause Stacey to come out of sync like last

time. That question continued to linger in his head as he continued to

thrust in and out, slowly approaching orgasm.

Time passed by quickly. In what seemed like a few minutes, a half hour had

elapsed. Brian was finally ready to call it quits and started to speed up.

"Ok, I'm going to start speeding up now. Try not to get out of sync," Brian

warned. Stacey nodded in understanding. Brian gradually stepped up the

pace try not to jump too quickly. Stacey kept up at first but soon became

lost. He just couldn't wait any longer and jumped to the ultra fast speeds

that Stacey seemed so fond of. Pumping quickly he felt his penis quivering

with delight as gob after god of cum left his body. It an expression of the

pure joy that he felt, Brian let a big fountain of fire into the air.

Stacey simply collapsed at the end of that. She was exhausted and wasn't

quite sure why.

"You look like you could use a nap now. Let's head back to my room and use

the fire place," he said as he jumped over to the door.

*** *** *** ***

It was dinner time. Usually, it was a time where they all gathered around

in the same room trying not to interact with anyone outside their close

circle of friends. Today was no exception. Where Stacey was, Brian was as

well. Naturally, Crystal followed. And like two peas to a pod, Edward was

right next to her.

"How are you?" Crystal asked Stacey.

Brian and Edward started their own separate conversation, "Have you ever

shown that much concern for someone you were training?" Brian asked Edward.

"No, have you?" Edward responded.

"No," Brian answered.

"I've been feeling very tired recently and my muscles are a little sore,"

Stacey explained.

"That doesn't sound to surprising," Crystal replied. "They say that sex is

the best exercise. Like any exercise program, it's important not to over do

it. We'll take tomorrow off and see how you feel after."

Edward and Brian just finished their conversation. Edward turned to Crystal

and said, "Crystal, there's a party that I want to go to tomorrow but I need

to bring a slave."

"I'll be there," Crystal eagerly replied.

"Are you sure you don't have anything you need to do. I haven't even told

you what time yet."

"Because of the experiment, the training is the only thing I need to do. We

just decided to talk a day off, so I'm free all tomorrow," she explained.

Shrugging, she joked, "You know my rule, if it involves sex I'll be there.

That is unless it's a sex change operation. You'll never catch me at one of


Crystal's joke was immediately met with laughs. "That's a good one," Edward

commented, "I just might have to put you through that one day just for fun.

I'll have it reversed right after."

"Don't worry, our medical team can make it as if it were natural," Brian

added, "They are equally skilled at reversing the process too. I'm not

kidding either, I had that done to one my whores before."

"That's very interesting," said Stacey rather sarcastically.

Crystal felt the need to change the topic because she knew that it would

scare Stacey if they went on. "We still need to race," she reminded Edward.

"Oh yes. Just a little longer now. It's working again but we need to adapt

it for my new driver."

"No fair," Crystal objected.

"The only reason you won the last ones was because I'm much bigger than you.

This time, you don't stand a chance."

"Well, if that's how you feel then I'll find a larger driver and we'll still

beat you."