The League - Background Info

Story by WhimsicalSquirrel on SoFurry

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Some background info for the erotic wrestling-themed images I've drawn. If you're like me, context goes a long way.

Unlike similar themes, this one isn't so much about sexualizing combat as much as sex itself. More of a game of cat and mouse than bulgey meatheads punching each other in the face.

THE LEAGUE - Background Information


Ultimately the goal is to sell DVD's.

With cameras rolling ringside and a few of us with little camcorders to catch the "candid" stuff during practice, we've turned this silly little game into one of the more popular adult acts going. We're not like that stuff you're used two, a guy and gal rolling around on a gym mat until she just stops trying. We're trying to win. Didn't used to be that way but Coach and the others had a vision and it's making bank. Now it's not just money but bragging rights. After all, who wants to sulk home covered in the mess of a rival gym? And it turns out that when people are really trying not to take it between the legs, it makes for some mighty compelling video.

Of course before anything happens, you need to sign that waiver. Don't like it lightly, basically says that anything that happens to you while you're on the clock is nice and legal. You better believe they're going to get as much as they can out of that, the coaches and the crew love to 'surprise' you, after all. Can't be squeamish about this kinda thing, and if you are, don't come back a second time because they're probably going to give you some exposure therapy if you do.

We're not just letting anyone in, so you have to tryout first. You don't have to win but you should look like you know what you're doing in there. They'll stick you in the ring with one of the more tenured trainees or maybe one of the lower level pros. Unless of course you're pissing everyone off, then they'll stick you in with somebody like Ben or the Coach himself just so everyone can watch you get publicly humiliated. Then, you're cut.

Even though it happens in the ring, stuff really isn't about combat. Most of us don't really know anything about that. This is a simple game of trying to dominate someone or trying to escape it. Simple and fun.

-The Rules-

The rules depend on whether or not it's M-v-F or Double-M. Some of us have been gunning for girl on girl so we'll see if that gets off the ground. Sometimes we change them here and there but it usually goes something like this:

When it's the boys and girls, each team has a male squad and female squad. They give the stud 2 points for every second he's inside her. 1 point if it's in the mouth. Whether or not the ass counts depends on the day. They get 100 points for finishing inside, 50 for the mouth. They don't get anything for just doing it on your face or body but that doesn't stop them from doing it anyway, especially if they're already losing. No matter where it happens, the match ends if the guy comes. The girls play defense, trying to give up as few points as possible.

If it's Double-M they do it one of two ways. You'd expect it to just become a sword fight of sorts and that does happen but a lot of people like that hunter-prey aspect, so the main way is that they put a small guy in there with a big guy and it's basically the same rules as with a boys and girls, but with the expected differences. But sometimes they'll do it that first way and let 'em score points off of each other.

In any kind of match, you usually get five minutes. It's kind of a strategy thing for the boys, don't wanna come too early so you can rack up points through the penetration but you still want to finish before the bell.

Which ever team has the most points at the end of all the matches takes the meet.

-The Crew-

It's a colorful group, as they say. Won't bother to name them all but there's a few worth noting.

The Coach - He's an...interesting guy. Real name's Elroy. Some of us call him "King." He seems to like it. The Head Coach is pretty no-nonsense, almost like you'd expect from a gizzled old bastard on a highschool football team or something. Simple enough to look at, just a big, black-furred rat. He's a lot of the reason this silly game got to be more than just a gimmicky set of DVD's. He hates to lose and even if it's just for show, he still wants his team to be unstoppable. He doesn't doesn't usually compete in the actual meets but is more than willing to get in the ring during practice. Don't let the age fool you, he's not the quickest between the ropes but he's probably the smartest. Doesn't need to corner you, he'll find a way to make you corner yourself before going to town on you. Watch out for him outside the ring, too. He gets all the mileage he can out of those waivers. If you're acting up during practice he'll scoop you up right off the ground and humiliate you in front of everyone, or drag you back to his office and deal with you there. Just ask Crit. And even if he's not pissed at you, he likes to surprise the girls, in the shower, in the locker room, or even while they're already in the ring with someone else. If you're not careful, he'll sneak up on you and ride you on and off of him until you can't see straight. He says it's to keep your reflexes up. Most of us just think he's kinky as hell but so is everyone here.

Queen - puma, mountain lion, cougar, whatever you want to call her, she's about as good as you're going to get when it comes to female head coaches. She never liked the sound of 'coach' so she prefers to be called Queen, since we already call the other guy King, and whose going to argue with her? You won't see many of the boys get one over on her. She's fast enough to teach the critter girls and strong enough to teach the big girls. A lot of times they'll put her in with the boys as kind of a 'final exam' and even so much as being close to getting it in her is considered a pass. She's tough but most everyone gets along with her. The kind of lady that commands respect and she's more approachable than she looks. It's funny to watch her give the boys' coach a hard time, but those two are as close knit as it gets.

Crit - This one's trouble. If you can get past the attitude, Crit has a beautiful, deserty coat of fur on her and is cute enough in the face. And for what it's worth, she's one of the most reliable female talents in the ring, both tough and fast, a hard gal to score points off of. It's around the practice gym where she starts to get on one's nerves. Very stubborn and short tempered, the girl doesn't take direction very well and the coach spends...a LOT of time correcting her. It's become a fairly regular sight for him to be giving some kind of lecture or speech, or just watching tryouts with poor Crit stuck on him, squirming around and gnashing. Either that or you year the sound of his desk rocking on the uneven floor in his office soon after he dragged her in there and slammed the door shut. It seems like she's actually looking for somebody like than to rein her in, she goes out of her way to annoy him especially, smoking in his office, poking fun at his belly, and egging him on even while he's doing it to her, saying things like "that all you got?" Can't say for sure but they both seem to get off on the other one. But she's a winner between the ropes and she seems to like what she does here, so, she stays around.

Ruby - She's been making movies like this forever, well before she ever got involved with the ropes. A lot of us just call her "Ma" and she's been a pretty good sport about it. Despite her age, she's fast on her feet, as most rabbits are, and just as a way with the boys that I guess you'd expect of somebody whose been doing it this long. Messes with their heads in the ring, and she's a tough girl when she does get caught. They made her Captain of the girls' squad so she's kind of the go-to girl for the coaches when they need a good leader for the day's training. Don't take her eye off of her, though. She's the mastermind behind a lot of the pranks that get pulled around here.

Damo - Name's Damien but we all call him Damo. This colt's kind of the new guy in the gym, the big cheeses certainly aren't gonna say no to a horse if he's even a little able in the ring. Unsurprisingly, you can expect brute strength with this one and...not much else. Look, Damo's a really sweet guy, and he's even pretty polite about it when he's shoving that tree trunk of his inside you but he doesn't seem like the brightest crayon in the box. He doesn't have much of a strategy between the ropes but when he does get you, he puts on quite a show.

Ollie - Poor squirrel's had kind of a rough time. The boy was probably in the middle of finding himself when he joined up with us, saying he was willing to join either squad, though was slightly more interested in working with females. But at his size, there was only one place they were going to stick him. He's quite popular with the boys, it's easy to see why with that twink body and adorable face. Benny really likes him so Ollie's definitely been put through the wringer. Some of the girls like Ruby through him a bone and will have a match with him during practice, since they're probably never going to them him dom in an actual meet. After many, many encounters with our boys he's gotten to be pretty slippery in the ring so he's come to be a staple of the team.

Nyla - Everyone calls her "Tough Guy," and its a nickname she's earned. She's not the only lioness to end up with a bit of a mane but I guess they weren't very nice to her about it when she was a cub. Clearly had an effect on her. When she got here she was...confused and curious. She spent her first few days loitering during open tryouts, watching but not partaking. Turns out she didn't want to take any males on the off chance that she actually lost, or at least that's what she said. By then she was leaning into that role they set for her. But after Coach arranged a 'meeting' between Nyla and Dempsey in the locker room, I guess she got over whatever she was afraid of. After taking a guy like Dempsey inside of you, being afraid of any other male's parts seems kinda silly. The girl's a legit badass but as a result, she gets paired up against the big boys. Bulls, goats, rams, stallions...kind of ironic given her earlier apprehension. But it's understandable, stick a guy like Ollie in there with her, and she'll rip him to shreds. We've asked her to ease up on the studs a bit. Still, few people are pushing for a Double-F division more than Nyla. Until that happens, she seems to be having fun roughing up the boys. But she sure hates to lose.

Big Ben - If you've never seen a Flemish Giant rabbit then you'll probably look just like Ollie the first time he saw Ben. He's a soft spoken guy, sensitive, a very artistic kind of mind, and he loves to get creative with his partners in the ring. Ben's got a belly on him but he takes no shame in that. He seems to really get a kick out of smothering the smaller boys with his body when he catches them. Ben often says that five minutes isn't enough to truly 'express' himself in the ring, and usually takes his defeated opponent back into the locker room with him where he can finish his latest masterpiece. Once every month or so Benny makes a point of stalking all the male subs at one point or another, in or out of the ring, and having a very nice time with them. Not much they can do, Benny always gets you eventually. And for whatever reason, it's always the girls who seem all too eager to tell the big bunny where you're hiding.

Sal - Not much to say on Sal, a bighorn big boy who chases the smaller boys down in the ring. Sal's got a charming accent from somewhere south of the border and although he prefers boys, he's been known to dabble with the female form when asked. A reliable big guy who doesn't lose often, he's quite the asset to Double-M.

Dempsey - Not actually on the team, Demspey's an enormous bull and Coach's go-to guy for just about everything. He helps set up, cleans, and also gets sent on a few special 'missions' here and there. Multiple girls have a story about being surprised by Dempsey and the girth between his legs, either during their early days or as part of a prank. If coach doesn't have time to deal with the troublemakers, he might send Dempsey after them which usually gets the job done. To be honest, Dempsey's a...simple guy. Stereotypical country boy, but he's as sweet as can be, even when he's wearing you out on top of that arm-sized thing between his thighs.

-Whatever Else-

Much of what happens around here isn't within the confines of the match. You're lucky to go a whole practice without being pranked in the locker room, usually right into somebody's lap. Ruby especially likes a good rib, so she'll usually be somewhere nearby when the guys are getting you.

You'd do best not to be the weakest player at a given meet. The usual tradition is for the winning team to pile into the single biggest loser of the defeated team, and it's not like your comrades are going to be in any hurry to save you.

Been said before but, watch out for Coach King. More than one of the girls will tell you that they'll be showering off when he just swings the glass door open on you, and traps you in there with him. He usually won't keep coming after you if you can get out of there, he just wants to test your reflexes, but he'll defintely take you then and there if you let him. Might not just be in the shower, might be the locker room, maybe he'll even storm the ring just after you win. Hell he might just pop out of his office door and drag somebody in there with him like a damn trap door spider. He's pretty good in the sack though so if you're a little slow on the draw, might as well try and enjoy it.

If you're looking to head home early on your birthday, better hope nobody notices. Usually what'll happen is that they surprise you in the locker room, or sometimes in the ring. Either way, they're gonna get their 'birthday licks' in on you. Usually the way we do it, however old you are that day, you spend that many minutes with the biggest guys there. Some of the girls might jump in, too.

Guess that's it for now!

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