Moving Woes

Story by Arktisk Raev on SoFurry

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Deeeefinitely didn't think to have another story ready so soon. Getting plenty of inspiration though, and even if it kept me up five hours past my bed time, I hope you find it worthy!

As always, comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome! <3

"Just down the hall, to the left," Vic stepped back, gesturing with a black furred arm down the hallway of his new condo.

The doberman sighed as the two movers, a jaguar and a horse, flexed their strong arms and lifted the large display cabinet down in the indicated direction with moving straps. Walking behind them, Vic got a great view of the jaguars toned backside, shifting underneath a layer of denim that seemed to be a size too small for his frame. It made the canine's sheath stir, picturing what was underneath the cloth, but at the moment, he had to focus. Moving into a new condo wasn't easy, after all, and doing so on his own while his mate was out at a medical conference didn't help.

Andrew was three years older than Vic at twenty-eight, and the husky was already on his way to becoming a highly regarded doctor at the local hospital. The two had seen their way through plenty of rough times over the year they had been together, but everything had always worked out, and part of that, Vic knew, was the presence of a healthy sex life.

Whenever they had any time together, the doberman was his husky's favourite plaything, and after intense bed shaking experiences, the two would let their more romantic sides out. Whether that included a nice dinner at a restaurant, a stroll through a park, or simply sipping hot drinks while cuddling on a couch, no one would ever believe the things they got up to in private.

"Hey bud?" The silky smooth voice of the dark brown horse snapped Vic out of his stupor, which he hadn't even realized he had been in. Apparently he had followed the two movers down the hall and into the living room without conscious thought, but he had to chalk that up to the memories the bouncing mounds of the jaguar's ass brought to the surface. He knew he could get lost in the moment, but Andrew found that to be an endearing quality, especially when the black and tan canine was taking commands.

"S-sorry," Vic shook his head, gathering his thoughts as he looked about the room. "Right over in that corner,"

The two males hefted the sizable display case to the corner Vic pointed at, setting it down gently before removing the straps and cutting off the bubble wrap covering the dark oak and large panes of glass. The glass shelves sat, likewise wrapped up, inside the cabinet, but taking them out and setting everything up would have to wait until he had unpacked the absolute essentials. It was another 'quality' of his that if he got involved in one task, he would get stuck in and see it through to the end unless he was pulled away by someone. Given his own personal business of professionally painting a vast array of highly detailed models and miniatures for paying customers, he was more than happy to accept that quirk.

Looking around at the boxes stacked up against the walls and on the couch that had been the first item brought inside, the doberman's ears drooped slightly. He could make an inch tall plastic model look like the real deal, even under close scrutiny, but deciding where everything should go was beyond him, even with the simplest things like kitchenware. He knew where the cutlery would have to go, but with the number of cupboards above and below the counters, plates and pots and everything else would take time.

In all likelihood, once Andrew returned they'd make a day of rearranging a few things. After a few hours of making up for the week the husky had been away.

"S'cuse me?" The brown horse tapped Vic on the shoulder from behind, startling the smaller fur who had, once again, slipped into his own mental musings. "There a few boxes left to bring in, but we're at our break time. Do you mind that at all? It won't count towards our time here,"

"Oh not at all!" Vic said, his ears perking back up and his tail wagging behind him and bumping against the wall he stood beside. "If I knew where my espresso machine was, I'd offer to make you two coffee, but I haven't even gone grocery shopping,"

"Oh don't worry about it," The horse chuckled. "We were just going to sit outside and have our lunches. No need to worry. We'll be back at it in thirty,"

"Thanks for the heads up!" Vic smiled as the horse walked away, immediately drawing the dog's eyes to his ass like the jaguars before. He shook his head and muttered under his breath. "Guess I actually need to start taking things out of these boxes then,"

Without the two movers, the task now somehow seemed even more daunting then it had before, but, he had a duty to get as much done as he could before Andrew returned the following day. The doberman sighed once more and cut open one of the boxes, pulling out a number of books meant for the large bookshelf dominating the far wall next to his display case.

It was going to be a long day...


Vic stretched, sliding the last encyclopedia into place on the top shelf of the bookcase, hoping against all hope that he had picked the right location for the entire thing and had set the books right where they should have been given Andrews preferences. He didn't want to think about how difficult it would be to move the whole thing, let alone just pulling all the books down in the first place. His husky was strong, but Vic would likely be little to no help at all.

Stepping back, the doberman surveyed his work so far.

The bookshelf was full once again, hopefully for good, and his display case was plugged in to an out of the way socket with its glass shelves all set back up at specific heights under the LED light built into the top. All of his best work and most valued accomplishments would be housed there, haloed and accentuated by the bright light above. He was about to pull out his phone to send a picture of it to Andrew when he was shaken by the sound of a box crashing to the floor in the main hallway, followed by a loud curse.

Vic rushed to the front door, worry surging through him as he thought one of the movers had injured themselves, or that some precious item had been flattened inside one of the moving boxes. What he saw when he rounded the corner to the entrance froze him in his tracks.

His taping job hadn't been adequate on the one box he didn't want to have breaking open. The cardboard box was half crushed, its contents pushed through the weak opening at the top to sprawl across the floor. Intimate toys Andrew and he had shared on many occasions scattered furthest, a large twelve inch flared horse dildo with mottled pink and black colours was what drew Vic's horrified gaze first, followed by a smaller griffon covered in sensual bumps and a fat knot at its base, then a large red canine toy.

Still mostly inside the crushed box, but still in full view, was a number of lace clothes. Panties, leggings, and even a sheer silk nightgown Andrew had gotten him for his birthday not two months prior. Vic knew there was more inside the box labelled 'clothes' in his own handwriting, but the rest thankfully remained hidden, not that the damage hadn't already been done.

True to his nature, Vic had zeroed in solely on the exposed contents of his private life instead of the grunting feline making his way back to his feet.

"Sorry about that," He said in earnest as he picked himself up. "Foot caught on the door fra..."

His voice trailed off as he saw the toys and lace hanging out of the breached box, a flush running over his face when he realized what he had been carrying. He certainly didn't have a problem with it, but he was definitely not expecting such an intimate view into the smaller canines personal life. Glancing one last time at the lace, and what he could have sworn were a mostly hidden pair of handcuffs, he let out a cough.

"I'm really sorry," He said, taking in the mortified doberman just a few feet away. Picturing the canine in the lace he saw, he wasn't disappointed with what his mind came up with. The doberman certainly had the figure of a slender female, and if he had passed him on the street, he likely would have found himself staring.

Sort of like he was now.

"It's no big deal, man," The jaguar said, reaching down to pick the box back up carefully, noting several more toys mixed in amongst the various clothes with a low growl to himself. "I've seen much worse, moving things over the years,"

Still feeling like his face was about to burst into flame from embarrassment, Vic offered a meek laugh, kneeling down to pick up a bright red lace thong and the two largest dildos, the canine and the equine. He felt so put off that he simply turned with them clutched to his chest before walking quickly towards the bedroom, oblivious to the awakened eyes now lingering on his backside as he was followed.

Vic shoved the items he had into a drawer built into the frame of the queen sized bed, his breathing haggard as he tried to collect himself and recover from the embarrassing ordeal. He wouldn't be able to look the jaguar in the eye for the rest of the time he was bringing in their belongings, and he was sure that once the two movers had gone on their way, the two would be talking animatedly about the faggy slut they had just met. At the very least, he hoped the feline wouldn't be the one to bring him the paperwork to be initialled and signed.

When he turned around, the jaguar had entered the room and set the still open box next to the large mirror that was attached to the back of the dresser by the foot of the bed.

"So, these all yours, then?" Vic was more shocked at the question than embarrassed.

"Y-yeah," He stammered, still blushing heavily.

"Damn," The feline replied, looking down into the box with an appraising eye. "If you can pull this stuff off, you've got one lucky dog coming home, what, tomorrow?"

Vic realized he may have been too forthcoming with the schedule he had needed to keep if he was to have everything ready for Andrew's arrival the next day, but he couldn't have known he would be put in this situation. Already, he could tell the feline wasn't going to just carry on with his job. He was too busy looking down into the open box, then back to the shivering doberman.

"You wearing anything now?" He asked, taking several steps towards the smaller male. "Anything to make you feel sexy while you watched two hardworking men move your things for you?"

Vic simply gulped, backing up until his back touched the wall, realizing he had nowhere to run, and certainly no hope of fighting back.

"Think we earned ourselves a little tip, eh?" The jaguar reached forward, placing a hand on the wall just above Vic's left ear. This close, the canine could easily smell the effort and exertion the cat had put into his work over the past two hours, and it was clouding his mind, prompting his thoughts to narrow as they were wont to do.

"Saw a few big pieces in that box," The jaguar leaned in closer, reaching down to slide a strong hand over Vic's waist. "If you need toys like that, you must not be getting it good enough from your boy,"

Andrew could make Vic squeal, the toys were purely for foreplay, but just based on body size, the doberman could easily picture this feline's package to be larger. Toys were just toys, after all, and while they were certainly enjoyable, nothing beat the real thing.

A hand firmly grasped his ass, making him whimper and close his eyes. If this was actually happening, the least he could do was try to escape into his own head like he did when thinking of ways to craft scenery or come up with colour schemes for his models. He could always lose himself in his work, if he could just...

His pants were tugged down roughly, his lack of a belt and slender hips made it laughably easy for them to fall to his feet to leave him exposed in a simple pair of white briefs that hugged his curves perfectly. The lace was something he would have worn tomorrow for Andrew's return.

"Well, it ain't lace, but still," The jaguar spun Vic around to face the wall, his hands pinning the canines wrists against the wall above his head. "They make this ass look hot,"

"P-please..." Vic managed to stammer out, unable to ignore the fact that, with all of the rough play he and Andrew performed, he was getting immensely turned on.

"P-please? Please what?" The bigger male mocked the doberman, stepping forward to press himself against the smaller male, and ground his hips forward. "Please fuck you? Please show you what a real cock can do in place of those toys and that little boytoy you're waiting for?"

The feline's musk was overpowering, flowing into Vic's nose and flooding his senses as if he had stuck his entire head into the laundry bin of a football team. Every command Andrew had drilled into him over the course of their relationship when he was bound or pinned was coming to the fore as muscle memory kicked in and the dog felt the urge to simply obey and please. Already his mind was on a single train of thought, and that thought was 'please your betters'. With hot breath flowing over his neck, the stench of two hours of heavy lifting smothering him, and a large bulge pressing up under his tail, Vic relented.

"Yes," He said, pressing back into the feline and whimpering pathetically. "Please, teach me what a real cock feels like,"

If he had the capacity for rational thought at that point, Vic would have decided it was better to play along and get it all over and done with rather than risk being hurt anyways.

"That's a good boy," The doberman had heard those words many times, and they always put a smile on his face and made him feel extra slutty. "Now you're going to stay there facing the wall, and I'm gonna get you good and ready for your first real cock,"

The dog pressed his forehead against the cool wall he stood against, shivering as he felt the jaguar behind him sink to his knees and drag his underwear down with him. His tail wagged slightly as he fought to control it, but it was already lifted out of the cats way, exposing the cleft between his cheeks and the black skin of his winking tail hole. With the tan fur of his inner thighs covering his stomach, chest, taint and between his cheeks, it was like a target with a runway guiding anyone to it.

A large hand came down on the doberman's ass hard, making him yelp as his ass bounced for the amusement of the feline behind him. One more strike landed on the opposite cheek, right before the cat's muzzle drove in between them, a large tongue immediately starting to lap at his star and push past the well trained muscle.

In their rougher sessions, Andrew always liked to remind his pup that he kept him around simply because his ass could take a pounding and still feel like a virgin after a short break. It was a trait Vic had become very proud of for how much enjoyment his husky got out of it, and it was certainly a treat for him too. Still, being tight had its drawbacks, like the pain a particularly rough entry would cause, especially from a larger cock like Vic imagined this feline would have.

Seconds turned into minutes, and already, the bedroom was full of the scent of the jaguar's musk. It seemed to have already suffused through the room, overpowering the scent of his husky and himself on their bed, and the stale unknowable scent of whoever had lived in the condo before. Vic continued to moan and writhe under the attentions of the feline's tongue right until the cat pulled away and stood up.

"Hope you've used those big toys recently," He said, slapping Vic's ass again. "Because that's all you're getting to prepare with,"

While he had been eating Vic out, the larger feline had already pulled down his pants, and while the whimpering doberman couldn't see it, he didn't doubt it would be a rough ride when the large head slapped down between his soaked cheeks. It slid up and down while the cat massaged his ass, using the soft flesh to frame his drooling cock for several long moments before he pulled back enough to press its head against Vic's hole.

The huge cock spread the dog's tail hole wide and fast, making him yelp. The sudden intrusion triggered something in him that made him try to pull away, but being pinned between the wall of his new home and the wall of muscle behind him, he had nowhere to go. That didn't stop his body from trying though, and the big cat had to readjust his footing several times to ensure his cock never once lost any ground it had gained.

He was going to claim the little doberman his way, whether he wanted it or not.

The fattest part of his shaft was lodged inside the writhing dog, and with one hard thrust, the last few inches sank in behind it, eliciting another yelp from the canine. There was a tear rolling down his cheek, but the jaguar didn't care. His ass was already tensing and working his cock even without either of them moving, which caused him to growl in appreciation right next to the dog's ear.

"I ain't even fucking you yet, slut," He grunted, humping forward to ensure he was completely seated in the canine's ass. "But get ready for it. You got a nice ass and I'm going to punish the fuck out of it,"

Vic blushed even as his tongue lolled out of his muzzle. The first thrusts made him gasp and moan loudly, and soon his hips were attempting to push back against the jaguar. He could feel precum running down his inner thighs already, seeping out from around the fat cock slamming in and out of him. His body was rocking hard before long, and he could feel a huge sack slapping wetly against his taint and all he could think at that moment was the load they were going to pump into him.

Two thick fingers slid into his open muzzle, pulling his head back while the feline's hung down beside his neck, his teeth bared and ready to clamp down on his flesh.

"Take that cock you fucking faggot," The cat almost seemed to be talking to himself more than Vic, but the words still left him craving rougher treatment. "Going to ruin you for your boy and leave you craving me,"

Vic sucked on the jaguar's fingers, tears streaming from his eyes as his backside was brutalized by the larger male.

"You want my cum, slut?"

"Y-yeph..." Was all Vic could manage around the digits probing inside his muzzle, wrestling with his spasming tongue.





The last thrust triggered Vic's orgasm, his cock flexing on its own between his legs and painting the wall before him with several ropes of milky-white cum. He felt a growing pressure deep within him, and only when he came down from his own climax did the doberman realize the sharp pain of the feline's teeth biting onto his shoulder. More wetness ran down his legs and over the back of his sack, even though his top hadn't even begun to pull himself out, and knowing that he had a load of cum dripping from him in such a way nearly made him climax again.

Those sensations were driven away however, as the jaguar's teeth left his sore shoulder and his hips began pulling back, withdrawing his cock from the aching sleeve that was Vic. It was a horrendous emptiness that overtook the canine as the shaft slipped free with a wet pop, and it was all he could do to keep himself standing upright, even braced as he was against the wall.

"Get it all?" Came the feline's voice, calm as if he hadn't just forced himself on a client in their own home.

"Everything," Came the silky voice of the cat's equine coworker.

"Nice, gimme the camera," He said quickly, reaching out one hand to grip the back of Vic's neck to keep him facing the wall, while the other took control of a camcorder the horse gave him. "Have at him. He's still standing, at that tail's still wagging,"

It wasn't, but the doberman had only ever ridden a silicone horse cock before, not the real thing. He was excited, even considering how sore he was and how wrong the entire situation seemed.

"Let him go," The feline did as his coworker asked, and Vic finally felt some small semblance of comfort now that he wasn't pinned in place. "Get on the bed, on your back. You aren't done yet, slut,"

Again, his training with Andrew kicked in, and he climbed onto the bed without a care for the cum dripping from his abused hole onto the duvet. He lay on his back and was immediately set upon by the large brown horse, who had completely stripped himself down to his fur. Already, what the doberman saw hanging between the equine's legs made him doubt he and Andrew had been playing with the proper sized toy.

Balls the size of apples hung in a black pouch swaying between two powerful thighs of deep brown. The horse's cock was too fat to stand outright on its own, and Vic found himself drooling, convincing himself he could actually see the equine's heartbeat as it pumped blood through the large veins bulging over its length. Its already glistening mushroom head flared out several times as its owner took stock of the used dog below him, and before he could even feel panic at the thought of being used by such a tool, the horse was guiding himself in.

Vic's cum soaked hole couldn't even put up a token resistance as the mushroom shaped head of the horses cock broke him open and made him whimper and squirm as if he was just being taken for the first time. Inch after inch sank into his ass, his brutalized senses not even registering the thicker medial ring slip past his broken defences.

"Oh that is fucking terrific," The horse sighed happily, his huge balls resting between Vic's legs as he gripped the canines ankles and spread him open. He pushed the dog's legs upward towards his head, watching as he pulled his cum soaked shaft back, only to give a hard pound forward. The canine's breath caught in his throat, unable to even let out a yelp as the huge cock plundered his depths.

Wet squelches filled the room as the horse used Vic roughly, and no one could deny the effect the mere sound was having on them. The jaguar stroked himself openly, right next to Vic's head while he recorded the entire event, and Vic himself was barely even able to hold onto the duvet as his legs instinctively tried to wrap themselves around the powerful male staking his claim between his legs.

The horse himself was driven to pound harder, which only made the wet noises louder and made him sweat even more, his scent now openly warring with the jaguar's in the relatively small bedroom. If Vic could bottle that scent and sell it, he would revolutionize the world of aphrodisiacs. The horse's hands moved to grip his legs behind his knees, pushing them down and almost folding the dog in half and allowing him to ravage the poor canine with every last centimetre of his throbbing cock.

The jaguar growled, pumping away at his wet cock with his free hand while the other ensured the camera stayed steady to capture everything else going on. The horse put more of his weight down onto Vic's legs, his knees now pinned to either side of his head by the powerful equine who now simply slammed the last few inches of his cock into the dog, grunting with each thrust.

"Fuck getting close again," The jaguar growled from beside Vic's head, who turned to finally see the veiny, uncut shaft that had claimed him first. His hand pulled back the hood from a glistening fat head, and all the doberman wanted to do was suck it clean.

"Sa-AME," Was all the horse managed before he bottomed out in Vic's ass one final time, his huge balls pulling tight to his body as his cock began pumping the dog full of cum once more. Whether he had intended to finish right then and there, Vic couldn't tell, but the sudden pressure inside him was twice that of the jaguar, and it made his eyes roll back in their sockets as another orgasm sent him into spasms.

While he rode it out with the panting horse above him, his muzzle was splattered with the jaguar's second load. Several thick ropes slapping into his fur before he managed to turn his head to catch the next two in his muzzle.

Vic couldn't tell how much time passed once he swallowed the mouthful of feline jizz, but it felt like a blissful eternity. The horse eventually pulled out of his sorely abused tail hole, trailing a line of cum that was still trickling from his softening shaft. His crotch was matted and wet from where his body made contact with Vic's, as was the jaguar's, but they didn't seem to mind, especially once they got the lust-drunk dog to lick them clean.

He was left in the musky haze of his new bedroom, unable to smell or taste anything but the two movers even after they left and the afternoon ticked by. When he finally woke from his near comatose state, he was aching everywhere, and he groaned when he realized how much cleaning he would have to do on top of what remained of his unpacking.

Vic sat in a large damp spot where the horse's load leaked from his backside, resolved to throw the duvet into the washer immediately after opening a window to let the stench of his first session in his new home out. He didn't want to get rid of it, but it had to be done.

Just as he closed the door of the washing machine and cranked it on, his phone buzzed from the kitchen counter just a few feet away, the sound amplified by the granite countertop.

"Hello?" He asked groggily.

"Hey babe," Andrew's voice snapped Vic to full wakefulness. "Hope you aren't overworking yourself. Have you taken a break yet? Oh! Have you met our neighbours? I called them up yesterday just to say hi and tell them you'd be moving us in today, jaguar and horse. Really nice couple. Having them over for dinner the day after I get back."