My Monster

Story by Kinx Commissions on SoFurry

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#1 of Misc Kinks

Ahead of a big upload tomorrow and fresh from resolving boiler and electricity issues yesterday that stopped me doing so, I wanted to upload a short personal piece of macabre kink inspired by the Morinth scenes of Mass Effect 2. It tries to capture a feeling of breathless and helpless devotion to something I've left ambiguously monstrous, either physically or as simply perceived by others to be, for the benefit of the readers' imagination, that you're nonetheless absolutely in love and lust with to the point of no-return.

Written Fiction (c) Jinx Curi / Kinx Commissions

I...I can't help it. Can't help but look at the blood on my hands, staining my nails with blood-shed gore. For a moment it frightens me again, but then I realise, it's all so...pretty...just like her.

No...No! Who said that? I don't want help! What for? Thoughts are turning again...spinning me around away from her to face the wrong away, away from my love. Confusing me just like Kate did. No more help to confuse me from her blood-red mouth. Made me doubt my love for she who the others (all of them deluded and cruel!) call monster. When I call her that, taking away its power to make me doubt, it feels sexy and powerful, no longer hurtful.

My love thanks me; I live to hear her whispers. I would do anything to hear her whispers. To feel her sharpness. She caresses my face. Scratch, to sting, to hold. Mouth working to...kiss...I want her to kiss me again; tongue scraping against sharpness, it hurts so good...

Rush! Familiar blood-rush through my veins. me aside. I'm spinning around...hit the ground.

Rest now.

Iron-taste...drip...drip. I lick my lips...lick...taste me, taste her, taste...I can't remember. Something, someone, from the past that's rushing away from me, ahead of me is the bliss...fuck, fuck! I want to fuck!

I stop...giggling as the gold-edged bliss covers me...all I see...golden, shifting, surrounding my love as she feasts. Black-gold love, all shiny, snapping...snapping...

She tells me what to do: she wants me to help her. But my hands won't wait, they're busy, touching me all over...all the feel-good that makes me moan. It's wet, mixed with red, thinning into pink. I look at my fingers, other hand still busy rubbing fast. Dripping with pink. Can't stop now, so slippery with pink...

My love has noticed. I watch her eyes, shiver as they look over me, I hear her coming closer. Clack-clack-clack.

She is over me now. Bathed in gold-edge, beauty in black. God, she is gorgeous. My monster. Mine! Pulse quickening, fast; what if she is taken away from me, or leaves me? Breathe...I can't breathe! Can't stop rubbing! Panic grips me and I cry out loud, angry whisper, no, no, I'm sorry! Don't take her away from me!

A sharp warning. I feel it on my chest, hard against my throat, tight,so tight. I struggle but she pushes until I stop, whispers words of love...exquisite agony. But my eyes are going dark, darker than her skin...



No more pushing, I can breathe again. I'm calm again. Then, I'm spinning, spun around, wrapped in silk as soft and strict as _her_love. Foggy thoughts, hands twitching to rub as the need burns, but it behaves now, punished. Caresses of sharpness scraping across my skin, pitter-patter soothing me. I grin as I'm wrapped up in my monster's love, blood-rush and heart-pump filling my ears and thrilling my soul with its gold-edged blur; I can't even remember what I was panicking about.

I long to touch her as she holds me. I yearn to feel her smooth, glossy skin that shines. To kiss her and run my tongue across her teeth and taste her blood and mine. To know that her beauty is my_appreciation and mine alone. Pangs of phantom jealousy sting harder than my love's sharpness, this time there is no feel-good. Like a sore tooth, I prod at the envy, forcing myself to imagine anyone else loving her like I do, wanting her like I do, needing her like I do, and savour the hurt it makes me feel, making me want to do better so it _never happens. Do _anything_she wishes of me. She brings me life, intoxicates my existence, I shine brighter than ever before thanks to her radiance.

My monster is satiated. She brings me close, beckoning me with a long finger. I laugh, then cry, 'cause she wants me close to her; I wish I could hug her. I wish I could dance for her and fuck until I fall like I do sometimes when the blood-rush and gold-edge comes. I wriggle in, nestling in and licking the iron-taste from her offered finger and take it into my mouth. It stains my lips and bathes my tongue; I taste and suckle, pushing into my mouth deep to feel the sharp, quick, breath and hear her whisper, encouraging me to drink deeper...

She kisses me, smearing me with her saliva. Whispers into my thoughts; it hurts so good. Again I know all that I need to know: I would do anything for my love, my monster.