Puberty's a Bitch 2 - Summer Adventure

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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I live! This one was sitting forgotten in my "To Proofread" folder for too long. Its a continuation of a story written by Kaizer Ryu (find it here:

Justin hurried up to the front door of his house, quickly fishing his keys out of his extra baggy pants and unlocking the front door. He slipped inside and closed the door, tossing his heavy book bag aside while letting out a huge sigh. The school year was over now, and going with it was all the drama from the past year. The mouse padded into the front room and plopped down on the couch in front of the TV, remote in hand. The past year was taxing to say the least... going through a rather transformative puberty (for at least a part of him)... starting high school in a new town... causing a sudden increase in the mouse population of the town thanks to the libidinous Hanna Visio and her Machiavellian craftiness. Her fiasco early in the year had over three dozen of Justin's classmates as well as half the female faculty swelling up with his kits, not to mention many of his classmates' mothers after the PTA meeting. The whole situation made him want to shrink away due to embarrassment.

The near constant need for sex from many of his paramours, not to mention the many "after school tutoring" sessions he had wore him out day after day. Thankfully, as time progressed, bellies attained sizes that made it hard for his lovers to get around so he was able to avoid many of them. With the school not able to handle the size many of the girls attained, they ended up having to be home schooled by tutors once getting around the school was impossible.

He jumped slightly as the front door quickly opened and shut, a black and white blur bounding up the front steps with a quick "Hi Jay..." The mouse's preteen sister had returned home from school herself, and was quickly on her way to her room.

"Hey Corinne..." He calls back just he hears her close herself in her room. The sound of the mouse femme's favorite boy band quickly filtered down from upstairs. It had become a recent thing for the young mouse to retreat to her room whenever she was home, only really coming out for necessities and chores. Their parents assumed it was just preteen moodiness starting, though she wasn't being snippy or cold during the times she was out around the family. The mouse shrugged and plopped himself down in front of the TV to kill time before his parents returned home from work.


Corrine closed and locked her door, tossing her book bag and flipping on her radio, making sure that the volume was appropriately loud. She quickly stripped out of her clothes, stepping in front of a full length mirror hanging on her closet door. Unlike her brother's grey and white splotched coat, her's was a light grey throughout save for over her stomach, which was light enough to be white. She gathered her shoulder length blonde hair up and tied it off into a ponytail, her blue eyes looking over her body. She brought her fingers up to her chest, checking the slightly swollen protrusions of her breasts. She had formerly been completely flat chested, though the little hills she had developed made her smile a bit. She knew she wasn't going to attain anything huge, but seeing something there was better than being completely flat chested. Her hands slipped down to her hips, a slight curve flaring out from her figure.

Finishing her quick examination she looked around cautiously before heading over to her bed and digging a box out from under it. A sense of shame swept over her for a moment, combined with a wave of exhilaration and arousal as she pulled the box onto her bed and took off the top. Sitting amongst notes and pictures, resting atop a folded set of cloth was a silicone dildo. She picked it and the cloth sitting atop it up, unfurling the pair of her brother's underwear she had managed to steal from his hamper. Quickly hopping atop her bed, the mouse brought the boxers up to her face, inhaling her brother's scent as she teased the dildo around her quickly leaking folds. As taboo as lusting after her brother was, she couldn't get him out of her mind as she slipped the dildo inside, biting down upon the fabric to stifle a moan as she filled her tight cunny with the dildo.

Her lower lips were swollen with need, a burning heat in her belly encouraging her to pound her pussy with the faux-cock. Her body wiggled and twisted as she pleasured herself, images of her brother thrusting into her, taking her and breeding her filling her head. Her back arched as spurt of girl cum sprayed from her quim, her body shuddering as she hit her orgasm. She collapsed back onto the bed, panting heavily and enjoying her post-orgasm haze before extracting the dildo from her cunny. She looked down at the dildo, a craving for more growing within her. The dildo was nice, but she wanted something real. Her cheeks and ears flushed as a though came to mind, her hand returning the dildo to her sodden cunny...


Dinner was ready, the family gathered around the table eating in relative silence after having exchanged the usual "How was your day?" pleasantries. Corrine seemed as withdrawn as she had been in the past few months, quickly finishing her dinner and heading back up to her room. Justin stuck around long enough to help clean the table and wash the dishes before heading up to his own room to veg out on the internet. Several hours later he was sprawled out on his bed, snoring loudly, the first real chance he had at a good long rest. He was so out of it, in fact, that he failed to hear his door creep open, a small shadow slipping into his room and up to the foot of his bed. A ray of moonlight illuminated the room slightly, revealing Corrine staring down upon the bed and her brother. She slowly drew the sheets covering him back, exposing him to the cooler air of the room. His body was completely naked, giving Corrine a detailed look at her brother's body. Ever since going through the growth spurt that earned him his status as a hyper, Justin found that sleeping in anything but the buff was more of a hassle than it was worth... what with his shorts-tearing morning wood and fabric ruining pre-cum.

So there he lay, snoring lightly, his limp shaft lying upon his heavy balls. With his avoidance of his usual paramours, the mouse's balls had some time to accumulate and were more swollen than usual, almost looking like a pair of ripe, fur covered melons. The light musk of her brother that had permeated the room increased as he was uncovered, the younger mouse's eyes dilating as she took it all in. Her little nips hardened inside her shirt, her own scent soon intermingling Justin's. It didn't take long for Justin, even in his sleep, to pick up the scent of aroused female, his limp shaft quickly rising to the occasion. A soft gasp emanated from Corrine, her eyes watching her brother's shaft stand partially at attention, a bead of pre developing at the tip. The bed shifted slightly as she crawled up to the slumbering mouse, his intoxicating musk filling her lungs and clouding her thoughts. Her eyes glazed over as she brought her head down to examine the bead of thick pre slowly growing upon her brother's glans.

Slipping her tongue out, she lapped up the bead of pre, a shudder from the thrill and the scent racing down her spine. It was salty and thick even for precum, but the younger mouse swallowed it down then went back for more. Her cheeks flushed deeply as she attempted to wrap her lips around the throbbing glans, her tongue caressing his cum-slit as more pre dribbled out from the stimulation. Justin let out a small moan, his mundane dreams taking a turn for the erotic as his sister suckled at his cock head. His shaft continued to swell, passing 14 inches and not showing signs of slowing. Corrine brought a hand up to steady his shaft as it tried to push further into her mouth, her fingers barely able to wrap fully around its girth. A small voice in her head whispered that he might be too big, but that was quickly quashed as a shot of thick pre spurted forcefully into her mouth.

Her free hand slipped down her body and into her panties, the crotch completely soaked through with her juices as she caressed her heated and swollen lower lips. With the head lodged in her mouth, the young mouse brought her other hand down to caress her brother's swollen balls, the heavy sack churning with cum. Corrine shuddered as another rope of pre filled her mouth, clenching her fingers in her cunny as she hit a minor orgasm. She pulled away from his shaft with a small gasp, sitting up and catching her breath as her body trembled. He was ready, his shaft bobbing down towards his stomach due to its sheer weight. The mouse still slumbered, but every now and then let out a small sigh as pre dribbled down his shaft and pooled on his stomach.

Corrine couldn't wait any longer, the fire in her belly raging harder as the young mouse straddled her brother, guiding the head of his thick cock to her drooling cunny. She winced as she pressed the head of his shaft to her tight nether lips, forcing it against her tight lower lips. It was tough; the head of her brother's cock was larger than anything she had ever slipped into her little cunny. With a bit of effort, she managed to spread herself apart over the tip, her hips dropping slightly and finally popping it past her tight lips. She bit back a groan, eyelashes blinking away tears as her painfully stretched pussy accepted her brother's massive cock head. A shiver ran down her spine as her inner muscles gripped greedily upon his shaft, the trickle of the mouse's potent precum now pooling inside of her tight passage. Corrine began to slowly roll her hips, working her brother's shaft deeper into her with each slow motion. A muffled squelch issued forth from between her legs as she took in more of her brother's thick shaft, her juices quickly soaking her brother's crotch.

Justin stirred once again when Corrine bottomed out on his shaft, the young mouse letting loose a quick squeak of surprise as the head of Justin's shaft butted up against her cervix. She sat still a moment until her brother ceased moving, biting her lip and hoping he didn't wake up. It was hard fr her not to move her hips, her cunny drooling juices down her length as she waited for him to settle once more. When she figured she was in the clear she began to lift herself up, her inner flesh clinging tightly to her brother's shaft as she slipped up its length. She lowered herself once the tip was only left inside, and then slowly lowered herself down once more. She built up to slow rhythm of riding on her brother's cock, panting softly and squeezing her inner muscles around his girth. The young mouse's mind was quickly flooded by pleasure, her eyes rolling back as she battered the tip of her brother's shaft against her cervix.

Corrine rocked her hips harder, working herself towards her building climax. Spurts of her brother's precum filled her tight tunnel, the tight grip of her tunnel leaving little room for pre to leak out. With the young mouse so focused on her pleasure, she missed her brother's slowly swelling testicles. With nowhere to go but in, each of her humps pumped an increasing amount of pre up into her womb, creating a paunch where her flat tummy used to be. Corrine was oblivious to her quickly rounding tummy, one distracted hand reaching up and pinching the hard nub of her nipple. The young mouse's cervix stretched more and more as she pounded her brother's shaft against it, each hit against her cervix sending spikes of pleasure up her spine until finally the barrier faltered and opened. With another wet squelch, the remainder of her brother's shaft sunk deep into her and bottomed out against the back of her womb.

Corrine sat upright as a monumental orgasm crashed over her. Her inner muscles squeezed even tighter around her brother's shaft as her rear end settled against his huge balls. The tight gripping of the young femme's cunny muscles finally set the slumbering Justin off, his hard orgasm waking him from one of the most vivid wet dreams he'd ever had. It was far too late to stop though, Justin's balls tightening up and sending a massive surge of baby batter straight into his little sister's heated womb. The little paunch she had formerly developed quickly swelled larger, her belly the size of a small basketball after the mouse's first spurt. The young mouse's belly burgeoned forth even larger upon the next shot, her cum packed womb gurgling as it stretched to the size of a beach ball.

Corrine's mind was gone, awash in a sea of hormones and ecstasy as her womb filled ever more with her brother's spunk. There was no doubt that her heat was sated, the throbbing inside her womb causing her to twitch upon her brother's shaft. Thanks much to her Justin's virility her ovaries, enhanced by the hormonal cocktail present in her brother's cum, had released many more eggs than anyone could have thought possible. Her brother's many wrigglers didn't miss a single one, assuring she'd be carrying her brother's litter for months to come. The poor girl was bound to end up much like her brother's other lovers, overburdened with his progeny and addicted to his cum. The growing cum bubble of her belly soon rested upon her brother's torso, pinning him to the bed and preventing any escape from the situation. Justin's balls seemed to be working overtime, pumping his sister well past looking overdue with a small litter. The mouse's hands absentmindedly stroked the growing sphere of her belly, the internal pressure pushing her belly button out from the inside with a little 'pop'.

Justin grunted as he attempted to roll his increasingly heavy sister off his body as their orgasm came to an end, the younger mouse falling limply over her bloated middle. With a grunt and a heave, Justin finally got enough leverage to roll Corrine over onto the bed, settling her on her side so her mountainous tummy didn't crush her. His cock slipped from the poor mouse's snatch as she rolled over, leaving her quim swollen and gaping. Oddly enough, naught but a tickle of cum leaked from the inflated mouse's cunny, the rest securely contained inside the mouse's packed womb.

After sitting up, Justin let out a heavy sigh as he looked over his sister. There was no way their incestual pairing hadn't gotten her pregnant, the waning scent of his sister's heat still detectable in the air. He was already walking on thin ice due to the school incident, he didn't want to know what his parent would do when they found out he knocked up his own sister. Corrine was still panting heavily, hands stroking over the sensitive hide of her distended belly. She let out a sigh, and then called her brother's name, interrupting his train of though.

"Justin... can we do it again?"


A month later and summer was in full swing, yet Justin was still holed up in his room. He did his best to avoid most of his family, despite the minimal backlash from his dally with his sister. Corrine seemed pleased as punch though. She had already started to show, her tummy protruding out just enough to form a pot belly. Her chest, though, had the most pronounced reaction to her new pregnancy...she had grown out of her original training bra and left behind two full cup sizes before the end of the first month. The doctor's were unsure how large a litter she was going to have, though if her growth were any indication, she was going to be immobile in a very short time.

Perhaps that was why his parent's had decided that they were going to bring the kids out to the coast, to see their Aunt , Uncle, and cousin in California. A trip that Justin was not interested about in the least.

To be continued...

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