Happy Tree Friends Oneshots chapter 5

Story by Ugandan Knuckles on SoFurry

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#5 of Happy Tree Friends Oneshots

Disco Bear asks Pop to help him with his date. Taken directly from my fanfiction.net account https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13092619/5/Happy-Tree-Friends-Oneshots.

So Christmas vacation is coming and I feel that December will be a good month to train my imagination and make stories as much as possible. So today, I'll write about Disco Bear and Pops as requested by Ameth18. If you're fluent in Spanish go check his stories out, anyway this is one of his requests and I'll focus on all 3 of his requests since there are none at the moment.

Disco Bear x Pop (2 daddies 1 fic)

It was a normal day for the residents of happy tree town, all the anthropomorphic animals were coming and going about in minding their own business. One of these happy tree friends was inside one of the local gyms of the town, inside happy tree gym was a once famous star in the 70's but has fallen from grace who is currently running the treadmill of the local gym. He was wearing a sleeveless tank top and shorts that hid most of his chubbiness on his legs. Most people would make fun of his chubbiness because of his horrible diet consisting mostly of meat and fast food but he is serious about changing his body. Of course, people would be admiring this tree friend if it weren't for the fact that he is always using this landmark as a way to flirt with people who never even knew him even before he was famous and mostly uses most of his time flirting than actual exercise.

As he showed off on two women (Giggles and Petunia) and flexed his arms and failing miserably, he was greeted with the familiar face of Pop coming from the entrance. Pop immediately stopped flirting with the two disinterested females and came running to his friend, Pop was his only friend in this lonely town with the opposite body build as he does, usually because he has less time for himself and more for his son Cub, and he even gets some women to flirt with him unlike Disco Bear so they have some sort of rivalry between them.

"Orange and bananas! Great timing too." as he approached the burly bear. Pop tilted his head a bit not knowing what the great timing is about considering that he never asked for his help before. "Great timing?" said Pop in curiosity as he is dragged by his gym buddy over to a corner. "You see Pop, I have a date later with this girl, Flaky she calls herself, I kind of just gave her my number and shoved it in her hands cause every girl I approach doesn't like me. But this girl doesn't, you get my drift?" said Disco Bear as he raised an eyebrow and grinned at his friend, well, only friend.

"And what does this have to do with me? This is your date isn't it?" said Pop with a confused expression on his face. "Come on Pop, you've already beaten me by a mile by getting your girl and having a son. I have no one while you have someone to continue your bloodline. At least tell me tips on what you've done to get your girl." said Disco bear almost pleading. Pop crossed his arms clearly offended by something "You do know that my wife is gone right?" as sudden realization came to Disco Bear's face as he regretted mentioning Pop's wife "Oh uh... sorry I forgot that you have- erm, had a wife. Look, I've yet to have a special someone in my life and I thought that who would be best to ask than my best friend who had one already and a son to boot. Please, I'm already self-conscious about my body but maybe if I get a girl of my own I'd finally find someone who can inspire me to work out all the way." said Disco Bear with regret and worry. "Wait, isn't that in the wrong order? Shouldn't you change yourself first and be confident before getting a girl?" said Pop with confusion. "No, the point is, there's nothing in my life to look forward to at the moment, maybe if I get a girl, I could motivate myself you know? Besides, who'd I pass on my incredible singing and dancing skills to if I can't get a son. Or a daughter, I'm not that picky." said Disco Bear with desperation.

"Okay, first off, every song and dancing you know is outdated already. Nobody sings and dances like you do anymore, you may still be living the high roller life at your house but you're still living in the past, second, I'll help you but you have to follow everything that I tell you." said Pop with a stern voice. With that said Disco Bear hugged Pop almost immediately. "Thanks, I promise, when I have a son or daughter, I'll make you their godfather." said Disco Bear back to his happy go-lucky self. The only thing that went through Pop's head are mini Disco Bears running through his house while dancing and playing 70's music as he and Cub struggle to keep the house in order "Yeah, uh sure" said Pop with uncertainty.

"Great, I'll come with you later at your place." said Disco Bear. Pop sighed as he got to using the barbells and saying "Since we're going to my place, you could at the very least help me. Spot me." said Pop as he got underneath the bench and started lifting the weights as Disco Bear went to the opposite side of the bench and spotted him. As Pop lifted the weights, he observed Pop's body as he lifted them, admiring that he has the ideal body that he wants to achieve, ladies even approach him and has a son, he has to say that he may almost jealous of him. Ok, he is definitely jealous of him but he is also his only friend so he can't hate him for it.

As 40 minutes passed, Pop finally placed the barbell back with some help from Disco Bear. Pop got up and said "Come on, Cub goes home in 20 minutes" clearly tired from the workout as he and Disco Bear enter the showers. As they both strip naked, Disco Bear can't help but look at Pop and lust for him. He may be straight but afternoons like this always make Disco Bear question his sexuality for other people. As soon as he finished stripping, he dashed towards the showers and let the water bathe his body. He couldn't control his slowly growing erection, embarrassed and ashamed that his only friend might be disgusted with him, he doesn't even know if he is into other men but this might ruin his chances of Pop helping him.

Disco Bear started stroking his length as he imagined himself with Flaky as his flaccid member started growing. As he imagined the petite girl presenting herself to him, he stroked faster and faster but can't seem to reach his climax. Growing frustrated, Disco Bear tightened his hold and stroked vigorously, and just then Pop came in the showers, eyes widening before calming down and proceeding to get in the showers. Pop was used to other men stroking themselves in the shower and seeing his friend relieving his lustful desires reminded him of his own. As Pop stood next to Disco Bear, he blushed as he saw Pop stroking his as well. As he stroked himself, Pop started popping up in his mind as it had proven to be more pleasurable to stroke himself thinking of Pop more than Flaky.

As he kept masturbating to Pop, he couldn't get him out of his head, how rough and hard his thrusts would be as he pumped his dick into the widowed father. With his climax approaching, he tried his hard to resist until he came. "P-Pop!" Disco bear exclaimed as he ejaculated to the tiled walls of the showers. As he recovered he heard Pop say "What?" which reminded him that Pop was just next to him. "W-what did you say?" said Disco bear with a bit panic. "You just called out my name. Did you want to say something?" said Pop with growing suspicion. "Uh, um... Treemart, yes, I have to go get something at treemart before going to the house." said Disco Bear with an unconvincing smile. Of course, it was obvious to Pop that Disco Bear was attracted to him. Pop continued stroking himself, he was bi-curious ever since he became a single dad which he then started to think about Disco Bear in a sexual way, sure Disco Bear was chubby and not really that muscular but to be honest, he really liked chubby guys, Disco Bear was no exception but if only he removed that self-centered attitude and afro, he would consider him to be a future partner.

As he finished they continued bathing themselves with awkward silence, not acknowledging each other's presence as they dried and clothed themselves. As they exited the showers and onto Pop's car, Disco Bear started berating himself for what happened "Stupid bastard! Do you really have to say that next to him? He's your only friend, you can't just ruin it by fantasizing next to him!" he says as the car comes to a halt.

"Well we're here" said Pop as he smoked his pipe. "W-what do you mean?" said Disco Bear still nervous about what he said at the showers. "You said that you wanted to get something at treemart right?" said Pop knowing that it was just an excuse earlier. "Oh yeah, heh heh, I forgot, have to get some breath mints for my date you know?" As Disco Bear exited the car and into the air-conditioned interiors of the shop.

He searched for some breath mints as an alibi for his excuse before he saw a familiar teen buying six packs of canned beer. He was having some trouble with the cashier, Handy, Lumpy may have let off Cub easy before but Handy was strict. "As I said, you must be of legal age to even be buying beer." said Handy as he refused to sell the beer cans to him. "Look, I'm not even the one drinking this, my dad is, so please just give it to me already. I have the money, what more do you want?" said Cub with a bit of anger.

As the two argued, Disco Bear approached the two and said "I'm willing to buy those beer cans for him." said Disco Bear as he gave the money to Handy. Cub was surprised to meet his uncle Disco in treemart "Sir, I can't do that, I could be fired for selling liquor to a minor." said Handy trying to act professional. "Well technically, I would be buying the beer, besides, I know this kid, he doesn't drink right Cub?" said Disco Bear with a sincere smile as Cub says "Uh, yeah uncle Disco, I won't". Handy thought of it for a few seconds before saying "Alright, but if anything happens to the kid, I'm not responsible" Disco bear responds with "Sir, responsible is my middle name" as he handed the money to Handy and gave the beer cans to Cub. "Thanks uncle, you're the best!" said Cub with sincere gratitude. Disco bear smiled, glad to be of help for the young bear, in all honesty Cub was almost like a son to him whom he was glad to be admired by. "Aww thanks Cub, but I sure hope you don't actually plan to drink these beers. Who are they for?" wondered Disco Bear. "Oh its for dad, I give beers to him every Friday" said Cub with a slight blush, Disco bear being oblivious to the result of Pop being drunk, took in the information innocently. "Oh great timing, I came here with your dad so you can hitch a ride with me and him. "Wow really? Great, now I don't have to walk." said Cub as they walked nearer to the car.

Pop spotted them and said "Cub? What are you doing here?" Cub answered with "Dad, don't you remember? I get you beers every Friday." "You know how I feel about having you buy alcoholic drinks. I'll buy some on my own" said Pop as he started the car. "Its okay, uncle Disco helped me. Handy is such a grumpy cashier, at least Lumpy is nice." Pop looked at Disco Bear and said "Thanks for helping my son out. Just don't help him next time he buys beer, he could get in trouble."

Disco Bear says "Its okay, you know, I could buy the beer for him next time so he won't bother any fussy cashiers anymore." as he rubbed Cub's hair which Cub giggled to. The car came to a halt as Pop parked his car in the garage and all three bears stepped out. Dad, uncle Disco, I'm just going to place these in the fridge and uh... go to my room and talk to my friends. Cub immediately went to the fridge and placed the beers inside and went inside his room.

With Disco Bear and Pop alone, Pop led him to his room and grabs a scissor on his desk drawer then pulls a chair in front of the desk mirror. "First, if you're going to go on a date, you need to lose the afro." said Pop casually. "What? Hey wait a minute, I may have said I'd follow everything you'd say but I'm not going to change my hair." said Disco Bear holding his afro protectively. "Look, if you're going to go on a date, you need to at least trim it down. You think its attractive that you block most of what everyone sees around you?" said Pop with annoyance. "But this is who I am. This is what the ladies digged back in the day, why wouldn't they like it now?" moaned Disco Bear. "If you want to change how women look at you, you literally have to change. And again, your self-centered attitude won't get you anywhere so you at least have to be willing to change for others." said Pop. Disco Bear sighed as he was pulled into the chair and Pop immediately started cutting chunks of his hair, each trim was like a reality check to Disco Bear that even though he had fame and glory back in the 70's, it was taken from him in a matter of a few years and he was still convinced that he still had it.

As Pop finished cutting his hair, he admitted that he looked even better now. Gone was the huge mess of a hair Disco Bear called an afro and was now replaced by shoulder length hair that made him look like some guitar player. Disco Bear admired himself in the mirror, he never thought that he could look as good as he does now, he kept thinking that maybe changing himself isn't such a bad thing.

Pop actually found him attractive now, minus the attitude which he doubted that he would develop again if this date doesn't go well but it's a start. "Alright, what time does the date even start?" said Pop while checking his watch. "Oh, uh, its actually around 5?" said Disco Bear as he just remembered the date again. "What?! Why didn't you tell me? Its around 4:45 right now, come on" Pop said hurriedly before they went to the garage and inside the car before speeding off to ka-boom restaurant.

As they parked in front of the restaurant, they immediately spotted Flaky standing near the entrance. "There she is!" as Disco Bear tried to get out of the car before being yanked back to his seat by Pop. "Whoa there not so fast. Remember, consider the feelings of the girl, stop looking at your mirror and keep eye contact. This girl is the only one that doesn't know you all that much remember? This may be your last chance." said Pop with concern.

"Don't worry, I got this" said Disco Bear confidently as he got out of the car and prepared to greet Flaky. As Disco Bear started approaching the nervous porcupine, a familiar green bear wearing a soldier's uniform approached her and asked her "So, where is this bear that asked you out?" said Evil with obvious anger and disdain toward said bear. Disco Bear's blood ran cold as he realized that Flaky wasn't single as he thought she was and she was with the town's most dangerous resident. He slowly walked away from both of them before hearing the ex-convict say "Hey!". Disco Bear froze on the spot and slowly turned around to see Evil approach him. "Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. I'm gonna die a virgin and alone!" whispered Disco Bear to himself. "Is this the guy Flaky?" asked Evil behind him. "Um..." Flaky looked at Disco Bear and it almost seemed like she recognized him before saying "No, the one who asked me out had an afro on" said Flaky. "Sorry, got the wrong guy. If you see an afro wearing bear be sure to inform me. I have some business with him." said Evil. "Yeah, sure, I-I'll be sure to tell you immediately if I see him around." said Disco Bear, the tension slowly getting to him before Evil left and he ran back to the car as fast as he could as soon as Evil and Flaky were far enough away.

As Disco Bear got in Pop's car, Pop was confused, why was Disco Bear back here? Did his date go wrong or did she just not show up? "What did you forget somethi-" before being interrupted by Disco Bear saying "Drive! just drive back home!" almost hyperventilating. Whatever it was that Disco Bear is scared must be serious so he immediately drove on his way back home. "What happened? Don't tell me you sexually harassed a girl before it even started." said Pop while keeping his eyes on the road. "No, its much much worse. You know that Evil guy?" said Disco Bear still trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, the guy who got arrested for beating up a gang of monkey men?" asked Pop wondering how this was connected to his date. "It turns out that Flaky is actually with that guy. Who knew this innocent girl is with some lunatic." said Disco Bear depressingly.

"So what now?" said Pop as he neared their house. "W-what do you mean?" said Disco Bear still shaken by the confrontation. "Who's your next target?" asked Pop although he knew that the remaining girls Giggles and Petunia were taken while Lammy was a lesbian. "I... I don't know. I guess I never stood a chance with anybody to begin with." said Disco Bear slumping in his seat. "Stop that, you know I had a relationship before, do you see me happy about it? said Pop trying to make Disco Bear feel better. "Well at least you have a son, me, I have nothing compared to you." said Disco Bear tearing up a bit.

As Pop realized that he knew that what Disco Bear said was true. As they parked in the garage, Pop remembered that Cub had bought some beers, maybe that can make Disco Bear forget about the failed date. "Come on, lets have a couple of beers. You can at least drink with me as thanks for sticking out for you throughout the day." said Pop with a smile. "F-fine, I don't even know what to do with my life anymore. Dying while drinking with you is better than dying alone anyway." said Disco Bear as they came into the kitchen while Pop got the beers from the fridge. Disco Bear sat on the couch as Pop handed him one and they started drinking.

As they drank the beers away Cub was watching, peering down the stairs and guessing what was about to happen, grabbed his camera and started recording as he blushed, anticipating what was about to happen. As both Disco Bear and Pop were drinking, Pop noticed that Disco Bear had already consumed three of the beers before he can finish one. "Hey, slow down, the beer's not going away." said Pop as he thought that maybe taking all the beer out of the fridge was a bad idea. "Downnt tell me whaat to doo. Yoor the one who's had everything I wanted. Yoo olways had sumding to look forward coming hom too. I'm always alone inn my home." said Disco Bear while spilling a bit of beer on the carpet much to Pop's annoyance.

"Ok, look I think you've had enough. Come on, you can sleep on my bed" as Pop carried him to his room. Cub saw this and immediately hid in his room. As they both entered Pop's room, Cub placed the camera near the slightly ajar door and viewed it from his room's computer. "We're close now, theeere we go" said Pop as he slumped Disco Bear on the bed. "Lets get these clothes off of you" as he removed his beer intoxicated clothes one by one until Disco Bear suddenly pulled him close as he started kissing his neck. "Whoa, hey Disco uh, you might have mistaken me for Fl- aghnn" as Disco Bear pushed him onto the bed with him on top as he started to grind his crotch on his as he took his lips with his own. Pop was caught off guard, although he knew that he was attracted to him didn't think he would act out on it. As Disco Bear started taking his clothes off, Pop just went along with it and reciprocated the kiss as he and Disco Bear started giving into their desires.

Cub watched on his monitor as not only did his uncle initiate the intimate act, but his dad returned it. When both were naked, Disco Bear started to grind both of cocks together as their precum started slowly lubing them both up making their genitals as Pop took charge and took both of them and started rubbing them together. He had to admit, Disco Bears chubby belly felt good on his own, as he started to moan and continued kissing the fellow bear. As both of them got close Disco Bear put lied down on Pop and started hotdogging his penis between Pop's cheeks. Pop, not having taken anything down there before started struggling "W-wait, Disco Bear! I-I'm a top, I don't take it up th-agh" said Pop before being taken roughly by him.

Pop never felt anything like this before, it hurts so much that he couldn't contain his pained grunts. Thankfully, the precum from their earlier frotting lubed him up a bit but it still hurt like a bitch. After a few seconds of painful thrusting, the pain slowly faded as he started to relax slowly being replaced by pleasure. "I-I've always wanted you Pop. I wanted you for so long but, I was scared you would hate me for it." said Disco Bear as tears fell on Pop's face as Pop stared in awe, realizing that he never thought about Disco Bear being that sensitive. He silenced him with another kiss, no words were needed as the two childhood friends released their feelings for each other. Disco Bear was now crying tears of joy, knowing that even though he was forcing himself on his friend, he was finally accepted by someone that he loved.

With each thrust into Pop, Disco Bear slowly got tired which slowed down by the second much to the disappointment of Pop. "Seriously? You're tired now? No wonder I don't see you exercising much in the gym." said Pop angrily before pushing Disco Bear onto his back before sitting on his cock and doing the work for him. He did his best to get it inside of him before Disco Bear recovered and hugged his body as hard as he can and started thrusting back. As they both got close to finishing, Disco Bear smelled Pop's musk from his pits as he started thrusting like a blur into Pop before he grabbed Pop's cock and started giving him a handjob intending for him to cum with him. With each thrust and stroke, they both came close until finally they climaxed. Disco Bear filling Pop with his seed and the other spilling much of his seed on his stomach and into his navel.

As Disco Bear slowly drifted off to sleep. His thoughts drifted to Pop and Cub, maybe if he took the chance all those years ago, maybe Pop would have been his. But then again, he wouldn't have a nephew as good as Cub, hell maybe he could be a second dad to him. This may have been the family he wanted all along.

With Pop, he thought that maybe he could have taken in Disco Bear when he first broke up with his ex-wife before having his son be raised without two parent figures when he was aware of the birds and the bees. Besides, with Disco Bear's big belly, even bigger than his, he makes for a great pillow to hug. As he drifted to sleep, he swore he saw something from the corner of his door but thought none of it as he was too tired. _Meanwhile, back in Cub's room

Cub uploaded the video of his uncle and dad to both of his friends.

CuddleRabbit202: Damn dude, is your house a porn studio or something? Where do you get the hot guy anyway? I'll definitely look him up sometime ;)

RubberBandits: Yeah, this guy literally had me wanting him the whole time.

Cubbylover: Yeah that's my uncle Disco. He doesn't visit much but I really like him. He's really nice to me and is a friend of dad's.

CuddleRabbit202: Is there a chance we can get with them?

RubberBandits: 2 hot daddies in your house, you're really lucky you know. Watch out, cause if you're not taking them. I will :D

Cubbylover: No way that would be too weird. My dad doesn't even know about what we do.

CuddleRabbit202: But we know about what they do? That doesn't sound fair

RubberBandits: Yeah, its only fair that we get to do stuff with them too. Besides, we're your friends, aren't we technically family too?

Cub thought about it for a few seconds and started typing

Cubbylover: Fine, but only when I'm ready to tell them

CuddleRabbit202: That sounds fair. Right Shifty?

RubberBandits: Yes, as long as we get our turn, I can wait all year.

So there we go, my 5** th **** chapter so far. I didn't really get any good ideas with this one. First off, I didn't know what place to start this with so I went along with the gym since I saw one episode where Disco Bear did that and that one episode where he had a heart surgery from a whale hence his weight problem from his unhealthy lifestyle. I thought that since Pop will be here I'll connect this to chapter 3 and made a Cub appearance along with Cuddles and Shifty. I don't really know how terrible this chapter is cause that's how I feel this chapter went. I didn't know who Disco Bear's date should be, how the date should go, or even how the sex scene should even start. As always review with honesty and advice.**

Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 4

**So one of the PMs I got (and the only one lol) was from ParoxysmalDespair who suggested that Truffles would be the most appropriate character to be paired with Toothy as a bully and I agree. Also, I was never aware of this happy tree friend and I...

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 3

Chapter 3 (Pop x Cub) **So this is the third chapter. I actually don't have any good ideas about the Pop x cub storyline mainly because I don' know if they should still be father and son or non-blood related. Lol I can't even imagine them properly...

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 2

Chapter 2: Shifty x Flippy **So, I never noticed the vote for the pop and cub mainly because I wasn't expecting there to actually be any votes since I gave up. I think that's what I'll work on next week. In this chapter, I thought of pairing Shifty...

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