Patient 0731 [Comm]

Story by Horatio Husky on SoFurry

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#1 of Patient 0731

A curious fox finds that going urban exploring has its own costs and risks, and sometimes the consequences are a little more restrictive than fine and a slap on the wrist.

Commission for: Sef_Highwind

Thumbnail: RidiRaccoon

If you are interested in commissioning a story from me, click here for information.

Patient 0731

The scuffing of paws on pavement could be heard resounding in the street, as a white fox strolled down the rather delipidated sidewalk. His urban exploration backpack filled with all sorts of gear bouncing on his lower back, he approached his destination, his excitement putting a extra kick in his step. Sef had this place in mind for quite a few weeks now, and was thrilled to have finally gotten some time off to enjoy his hobby. Paddington Asylum was an old mental hospital that had been inactive since the 50s, and was beginning to grow even more obscure as the small town that it was located had more and more people moving out. Strange disappearances had been reported occuring in the town over the past few years, but Sef wasn't too bother by them. He wasn't going into the rougher side of the town; Sef was going urban exploring. Turning a corner Sef saw to his excitement that the hospital was just down the road. He had read up on this place and was excited learn about the automotive caretaker prototype that was located in the building. According to his research, after the American industrial boom during the second world war, some of the technology used to streamline war manufacturing that been repurposed for a more domestic use. The facility was supposedly equipped with a 50s state of the art automated caretaker system, requiring only a few medical engineers to maintain and medical physicians for diagnosis. No nurses or medical personal were needed in this place, just a few doctors to decide who takes what pills and who receives what treatment.

Soon enough Sef had reached the front gate to the institution, and was happily walking up the stairs to the front entrance two at a time. Pushing on the heavy oak doors, they creaked open and Sef peeked inside, retrieving a flashlight from his pack and flicking it on, illuminating the hallway before him. The interior looked very similar to some of the other old mental institutions he'd visited, except the ceiling was lined with various lines of metal, with a few robotic arms connected to them, like a railway connecting and giving them access to multiple rooms in the institution. "That must be how they transport and handle patients," Sef thought to himself, as he padded into the building, passing several upturned medical tables and surgical trays, as well as the lifeless robotic arms hanging from the ceiling, looking humorously dejected at having no task at hand. Sef rounded a corner, and found himself in front of a room labeled, "Command center." His curiosity aroused, Sef padded into the room closing the door behind him. What lay before him was a large computer system, with several large displays showing black screens, assumably for security monitoring. Several dials and buttons were located on a control panel beneath these monitors, and, mostly noticeably, a switch with on and off labels, located at the off end.

Sef couldn't help himself, with a jovial grin he padded over to the switch, and flicked it into the on position. Sef perked his ears up, and he looked up at the monitors. Not a single one of them blinked on, and he could hear no noise outside of the door, in fact nothing indicated that the facility had been turned on. Disappointed, but not surprised, Sef shrugged mentally to himself, and, finding nothing else of interest in the control room, he exited it and turned right, wanting to go deeper into the facility and perhaps find some isolation chambers or other quirks of a mental institution. Shining his flashlight left and right, tail swishing gleefully Sef marveled at just how ahead of its time this place must have been. Although covered in a rather thicker layer of dust, most of the furniture and medical equipment looked have seen little use. Turning another corner, Sef descended a flight of stairs and found himself on the isolation cell level. He walked open to a padded door and pushed it open with a paw, shining his flashlight inside. Thick, cushy padding covered the room from floor to ceiling, removing any possibility of accidental harm a crazed and even unrestrained patient might inflict on themselves.

Marveling at just how comfortable the cushions looked, Sef took a step inside the cell to take a closer look. At that exact moment an alarm blared through the facility, ringing in the fox's ears. The hair on the back of his next standing on end, Sef tensed at the sudden disturbance, and turned tail to exit the hallway, only to be smacked in the chest and thrown back in with a "WUMP!" by one of the mechanical arms which had just sprung to life. Sef yelled in surprised, but his fall was conveniently broken by the soft nature of the room's padding. A calm, almost seductive female voice rang through a speaker in the ceiling of the cell. "A new patient has been identified to have been admitted into the facility, their ID number is to be 0731 and they are to be admitted immediately under protocol patient type 8. Patient integration sequence, initiated."

Sef gulped, he figured his entering into the padded cell must have set off the facility's automation by triggering some sort of sensor, probably the automatic patient monitoring system. Cursing himself for being so stupid, Sef got up and once again attempted to leave the cell, only to be greeted by two mechanical arms, waiting there for him as if in an ambush. Grabbing him by his upper arms, they wrestled him into the air and began dragging him further down the hallway towards a room marked, "Changing stations." Sef yelped and tried to free himself, but the steel fortitude of the arms gave no sign of giving way, as they dragged the poor fox into the room, the door slamming behind them. Six arms dangled above a singular table in the middle of the room, which Sef recognized with a sense of dread to have an uncanny resemblance to an infant's changing table. The six arms above the changing table whirred to life, and the two arms which had dragged him in lifted him up and deposited him on the changing table, his still attached backpack pushing him forward awkwardly, making him look like a turtle turned over into its shell. The six arms above him worked quickly, and he could hardly let out a sound of protest let alone struggle before the machines had begun working on stripping him of all his clothing. Once naked, four of the hands grabbed his limbs and attached them to straps at the top and bottom of the table. Sef shivered and whimpered at being so exposed, but his nakedness was short lived, as the two unoccupied arms reached under the table to retrieve something.

The arms once again returned to Sef's line of sight and to his horror were holding a thick, white adult diaper in one arm and baby powder and rash cream in the other. Now that his limbs had been securely restrained, the arms set to work at properly preparing his bottom and crotch in cream and powder. Sef sneezed as some of the fine substance entered his nostrils, and he thrashed against the straps that held him fast to the table. Sliding a cold arm underneath the white fox's back, the system lifted his bottom off of the table and slid the padding underneath his tush, before setting to work at securing and taping it together. To his surprise, once the diaper had been brought up to his groin and taped together, the tapes disappeared completely leaving a seamless undergarment wrapped around his waist. Sef saw no way possible to take the diaper off other than sliding it off of himself like a pair of shorts or tearing through the material itself. Something told Sef, however, that he wasn't going to have too many opportunities at attempting to escape it as he raised his head at the sound of the door opening once again. The two arms that had dragged him to the room had returned, and this time they were clutching what unmistakably looked like a straight jacket.

Sef yelled, and once again resumed his struggles panicking at the thought of being so thoroughly restrained. The arms pinned him down, and undoing the straps, raised him up and thrust the straight jacket onto his head, he coughed as the smell of the material reached his nostrils with a good dosage of dust accompanied with it. The machine worked his arms through the sleeves and began to secure the straps behind his back. Standing him up on the table, one of the arms worked at securing a strap beneath his diaper, about three inches thick the strapped was pressed tightly to his diaper area as the automated arms made sure that he was secured tightly into the jacket. Sef began to swear at the arms, angrily taking out his discontent at them. They paid him no mind, as one of them patted him on his padded rear when they had completed strapping him in. Sef found he had absolutely no use of his arms, as they could hardly move inside of the straightjacket. The jacket itself had very soft material, and seemed to have been designed with comfort in mind, for there was no pressure on his armpits from the sleeves and even the diaper itself was very soft and pleasant to the touch. Had the whole ordeal not been forced upon him, Sef might have marveled at just how snug he felt in such garments.

The poor fox however had no time for such inspection, for a piece of leather was attached to a ring in his collar which he released was a leash, and he was half lead half dragged out of the room by one of the arms. Stumbling to keep his balance, the arm lead him at a steady pace further down the hall, and down a flight of stairs. The thick padding and strap causing Sef to waddle, he did his best to keep up with the pace of the arm. At the bottom of the stairs, a metal door awaited. It swung upon, and the female voice once again spoked through the speaker system. "Patient 0731, please step onto the indicated paw restraints to be examined by the automated physician system. If you refuse to cooperate, you will be made to comply through the mechanical system through force and may be injected with sedatives as a consequence of refusal to cooperate. Please do as you are told."

Sef gulped, and the metal door swung upon revealing a hallway with a long grey carpet in the center. On the carpet there were marked two paw prints, which the fox figured was what the female voice was referring to when she had said, "paw restraints." Sef took a few steps forward, placing his foot paws onto the markings. He yipped in surprise as arms appeared out of holes in the bottom of the walls and placed something on his foot paws, clicking them in place. He tried moving from the place he stood, but found that the metal boot-looking things that had been placed on him had fixed him to his position. The carpet lurched forward, and the straight-jacketed fox realized that it wasn't a carpet at all, but a conveyor belt of some sort. Out of the ends of the dark hallway flew even more mechanical arms toward him. He could hardly keep track of the things they did, but they forced him to open his mouth, inspecting its interior with a flashlight, inspecting his ears, and examining various parts of his body. When one of them entered his line of sight with a needle, Sef's heart dropped and he tried moving away from it. To his extreme displeasure, he was injected with three needles in total, each holding a strange looking, opaque liquid. After a few more minutes of physical inspect, the conveyor belt at last halted, and his ankle restraints were removed.

Another arm grabbed the leash that had been trailing behind him the entire time, and he continued to be forcefully guided through the facility. Pulling him into another room, the leash-holding arm and several others joined and began to secure Sef into what looked like a giant highchair. Strapping him in a five-point harness, Sef could only kick his bare foot paws as they slid a trey onto the chair, pressing against him firmly, the crotch strap of the harness pushing into the straightjacket harness, reminding him constantly of the diapered state he was in. Yet another arm appeared, holding a giant pacifier with a hole in it and a strapped attached to it. Sef felt dizzy, he thought briefly to the injections he had received early and wondered if they were causing the feelings that were bubbling inside him. He showed no resistance as the pacifier was placed into his mouth and secured behind his head. A stream of sweet tasting liquid began to fill his mouth, and he realized that the pacifier was connected to a tube that ran into the ceiling. The liquid tasted like green apple, and instilled the first sense of relief he had felt since the alarms began blaring. Growing more and more exhausted, he suckled on the pacifier, letting it fill his stomach until he felt quite full. Just as he thought he couldn't take any more of the stuff, no more entered the fox's maw and the pacifier feeding gag was removed.

Feeling almost a little sick, the fox stumbled and fell on his rump after the arms removed him from the high chair. Instead of picking him up and dragging him as they had previously, the arms lifted him and began securing him into a onesie to his surprise. Not a onesie however, a jumper attached to the ceiling just like the mechanical arms. His vision a little blurry, Sef couldn't help but foggily marvel at just how prepared this facility was designed to be, as the device lifted the tired fox off of the floor and began to whisk him away to his next destination. Sef was barely conscious when he realized they had stopped moving and he was being removed from the jumper, he could feel soft padding on his legs, and opening his eyelids halfway he realized he was in the same cell he had tried exploring previously before waking the AI. He felt another pacifier enter his mouth and become secured behind his head, but at this point he did not care. All he wanted to do was fall asleep, which he did; curling his tail around his leg underneath his padded rear, and scrunching into a fetal position. Sef's breath slowed, and soon enough he was fast asleep, his belly full of apple juice and his mind full of pleasant, vague dreams.

~ ~ ~

Sef groggily opened his eyes, the light in the cell had been dimmed, and his body felt sore from the manhandling he had been subjected to. He groaned and tried moving, but found that his arms were still tightly secured in the straight jacket, offering a soft but firm resistance to his movements. To his dismay a strap ran from the center of the room, protruding from the floor cushion and wrapping his ankles together, tethering him to the rough center of the room. He squirmed and turned himself on his stomach, tugging at the ankle leash he harrumphed into his pacifier. The medication he had received early was beginning to wear off but still left a feeling as if a heavy cloud had settled on his mind, clogging his nerves from properly communicating to each other. To Sef's grew further discontented when he realized he had no idea how long he had slept, his stomach ached as his body yearned to relieve itself from the feeding he had received who knows how long ago. The fox tried pulling his legs together in an attempt to stifle the urge to urinate, but his bladder was beginning to cause him pain. With no little effort, Sef concentrated on his full bladder and urged himself to let go. After a minute of resistance, he was finally able to let go and to his chagrin, he uncontrollably filled his diaper. The absorbent material began to fill and the strap running from the straightjacket between his legs further pushed his padding into him, reminding him more than ever of the hapless situation he was in.

Sef realized he had thoroughly soaked his diaper, and sat up to lean over and inspect it. He felt quite infantile as he imagined how he must look, a helplessly tied up fox that had just completely and utterly piddled into his underpants. He whimpered a little, and inadvertently began to suckle on his pacifier gag before he caught himself. He shook his head, the medication must have really done a number on him to be acting in such a babyish manner. Sef laid down on his stomach again, his soaked crotch now pressing against the soft padding of the floor. He struggled half-heartedly against his restraints, before beginning to doze in his cell. After what seemed like an hour, the lights in the room began to slowly brighten to their previous luster. Sef sat up again, and attempted to stand up. After stumbling a few times and landing on his wet bottom, he managed to do so in spite of his ankle restraints. He turned at the sound of the door opening, and was greeted with two of the mechanical arm army that had put him in this predicament. Untying the straps around his ankles, they attached a leash once more to the straight jacket and lead him out of the room, taking him back to the dreaded feeding room the fox soon realized. They lifted him up and deposited him on his wet rump in the chair high and rebuckled him into it.

Undoing the pacifier gag, Sef squirmed in his soaked pants and attempted to communicate with the machine this time. Opening his mouth to speak, he was rewarded with a spoonful of applesauce. Gagging, he attempted to spit the stuff out, but the arm which held the spoon kept the spoon in his pressed in until he swallowed; it had a funny aftertaste. Again and again were spoonfuls of applesauce forced into his mouth, and he was once again fed until he felt as if he could take no more. His stomach feeling bloated, the arms once more took him out of his highchair and rebuckled the pacifier gag into his maw. He felt a pinch in his right shoulder as he was deposited on his feet, and flinched looking for the source of it. He whined and his ears flattened on his head as he saw an arm retreating from the spot of contact, holding a needle between its metal fingers. "More drugs?!" he thought to himself, before the leash tugged him forward and he unwillingly followed where the arms lead him. His stomach gurgled, and he dared not to think what his insides were going to have to do. Soon the arms lead him to a part of the facility he had not seen yet. The room he entered was completely white and oddly sterile looking for being abandoned for over half a century. The arm lead him to the center of the room and buckled his ankles into a fixture similar to that one to which he had been bound to when standing on the conveyor belt. Unable to do much other than stand, he looked around, and jumped a little two double doors materialized as if out of nowhere in a wall and two furs in white lab coats entered. "Mmmf!" Sef yelled at them excitedly with a hint of relief, only to be muffled by his pacifier gag.

A small fox deer accompanied by a burly looking caribou sauntered up to him, and walked around him inspecting him as if he were a prized cabbage at a farmer's festival. Not liking the vegetable comparison that had popped in his head, Sef furthered his attempts at communicating with the first two people he had seen at the abandoned facility. To his horror, the rumblings in his stomach had now increased in intensity and he realized the strange aftertaste of the apple sauce may have been an intentional ingredient. He squirmed, clenching his rear as best as he could as the pressure began to build up. The fox deer seemed to have picked up on his struggle, and her eyes met with the caribou's with a glisten in her eyes. The caribou grinned back slyly, and the two stood behind Sef side by side, out of his eyesight as the pressure Sef was experiencing began unbearable. A release of gas escaped his behind like a crescendo from a trumpet followed by a series of staccato notes as the poor fox thoroughly messed into his diaper. A perverse sense of pleasure and dizziness followed shortly after he had finished, the mess spreading to the front of his diaper as the strap pushed the contents into a more even distribution.

Realizing that the injection he had received earlier must have just hit his bloodstream and his brain, Sef swayed as the world around him began to shift into softer shapes and his senses numbed. Not even the fact that he was in a now utterly messed diaper seemed to bother him, and he allowed himself to fall backwards. He was gently caught by the waiting fox deer and caribou orderlies, who then removed his ankle restraints and began to half walk, half carry him to the double doors that had opened. Sef allowed all this to happen, as his mind was too dazed to be able to resist. He barely noticed as they lead him out of the facility, the night sky's stars twinkling above him as they approached a waiting medical van with the words, "Paddington Mental Facility" written on its side. A sliding door opened revealing an adult-sized baby car seat, into which the poor fox was promptly placed and strapped into, the mess in his pants pressed further throughout his diaper area and against him. Sef could not care less as he contently suckled on his pacifier, fanciful and hazy images dancing before his eyes as he sighed contently, enjoying the added comfort that the baby seat and and the straightjacket were providing him.

The caribou chuckled to himself as he climbed into the driver's seat, "We always seem to catch the predators don't we? Always the curious and adventurous ones that can't resist going places they shouldn't." The fox deer laughed in response, nodding, her cool voice flowing into the air around her as she replied, "Too bad this guy's a uni student, no money to get himself out of the institution." She turned around from shotgun and placed a hand underneath Sef's chin, affectionately scratching him as he murmured appreciatively in response. "You're going to be messing your padding for quite the while kiddo, at least the medication lets you enjoy the ride a little bit!" She turned around, and the caribou turned the key starting the ignition. The first few hints of sun began to appear on the horizon as the van pooled out of the back drive, behind the abandoned building. As the van rounded a corner, heading towards its destination the machinery activation in the asylum timed out, and the automated system reset, the switch in the control room once again returning to the off position, setting the trap for another victim.

Sef, of course, was oblivious to all this. All he could focus on was how the steady rumbling of the car was pleasurably vibrating his messy diaper and his diaper area. As Sef's mind once again drifted to sleep, his mind was filled with pleasurable thoughts of diapers, feedings, and comfy, soft straightjackets.

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