The trappings of man's design leave me with an addiction, a burning need to flee, to leave this world behind, adrift in a self made fiction as my mind, unchained, feels free.
[Kraskits - Technology]
Kraskit technologies developed post-planetfall (subject to expansion in the future) **[infantry]** **[key]** pistol = light duty personal spiker = "short spiker" rifle = medium duty manual/automatic feed spiker = "spiker" anti-material rifle = heavy
Modern Technology
Modern technology - a commission for shadow whittaker by charn, (c) 2011, all rights reserved. chapter one the morning sun peeked in through the window, tickling at the squirrel's eyelids.
Technological Advances
I've created a few little gadgets using this technology, each with a different function, but this one, i mainly made for you; for revenge..."
Zebra Technologies
"zebra technologies" he said out loud, the door also held what he thought was the company logo, a shiny looking zebra head. the name didn't ring any bells.
The Pull of Technology
The orca's chair creaked in protest when he sat down at his desk. His large chest heaved in effort as he forced air into his lungs and his long tongue draped out of his mouth, almost like a dog before retracting into its home. Each breath helped him...
Plush Love Volume 1, Episode 19:
#19 of plush love vol 1 a pcinc white paper, describing one of their breakthrough technologies.
Omnivice Explination (Work In Progress)
I also don't say no to a simple technology swap. -work in progress- this document is a work in progress. if you have any questions at all, please contact me, and i'll answer you personally, as well as make an update here.
Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 3
Richard notices that as the elevator starts to move not only does it seem to be constantly turning a little bit but is neither moving vertically or horizontally but rather at somewhat of an angle. But for the time being figures asking how an elevator...
Para-Imperium Technology
#6 of para-imperium technology: conversion drive: the primary means of interstellar travel in the federation and most surrounding systems.
Smartphone Technology Review
Alcatel One Touch Fierce (T-Mobile, Silver) VS. Nokia Lumia 920 (Unlocked, Red) My reviews: Switching from Android to Windows 8 Mobile My name is Ray HuskyPunk. Im a tech geek living in the suburb/downtown of Arlington, Texas. This is my review on...
technology vs the lord
His wings carried him fast and far, closing in rapidly on enduring technologies. his eyes homed in on the surface of the compound. if this was at night, he would have been in much better shape.