A Kinder Encounter [Commission]

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Another commission for avatar?user=172379&character=0&clevel=2 Draloth , this time a sequel to Princess' Plaything.

Warning: The story contains sex with an underage participant.

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Hooves stomping in the dust, Aradus spun and thrust the blunt sword in front of him, the heavy steel dancing in the air as the zebra's powerful muscles flexed and bunched. Standing almost alone in the castle yard he'd discarded his cuirass, practicing in nothing but his fur and a skirt of hard leather strips. His striped fur glistening from sweat in the mid-day sun, the stallion threw himself into the combat drill.

As a slave-soldier of the royal Guard he was a simple creature, now beset by complex emotions that he didn't know how to deal with. If he couldn't reach a state of clarity, he at least knew how to reach exhaustion, and either would be enough to guarantee him a decent night's rest. The stallion's current confusion came about after his encounter with Theo, a young slave working in the stables. An encounter at the urging of his charge, the increasingly capricious princess Iltani.

She was even now having her mid-day meal, along with the royal family and no doubt another potential fiancé. As her personal guardian, Aradus had the option to accompany her, although since the family would be guarded by a detachment of Royal Guards his presence was not strictly required. Faced with sword practice in the hot sun or standing at attention in the cool marble dining hall, listening as the musicians played for the assembled nobles, Aradus chose the former. Even covered in dust and sweat, he felt cleaner here than in _her_presence.

The princess had a problem of her own - an obligation to remain chaste until her father found her a suitable husband, a process that was taking quite some time considering the number of suitors the royal beauty had. Iltani's way of dealing with her problem was to bring young slave boys to her quarters and pleasure herself while Aradus was forced to rape them. She'd done it so many times the stallion had managed to numb himself to it, comforted by the fact that although the ordeal was painful for them he'd never truly hurt a boy he'd been made to mount.

But each had been hurt, until Theo. The cub surprised both him and the princess when the pain of his rape faded into pleasure, to the point that the young lion came from the sensation of the zebra's cock claiming his once virgin rear, to the princess' delight. As always, once the act was done and she'd satisfied her cravings, she left the stallion alone to deal with a boy who was often sobbing from the fear and pain. But when his softening shaft slid out of Theo, the cub let out a plaintive mewl, sounding saddened by the sudden emptiness rather than relieved that the ordeal was over.

Forced mating was not new to Aradus. When he'd first been bought, his initial home had been a large barracks housing all of the youths in training for the Royal Guard. The elder males were expected, even encouraged, to use the younger ones, providing they didn't cause serious injuries. The instructors claimed it was so that the boys would get all of their crying done in those first few years. Guardsmen didn't cry.

The stallion was no stranger to the sensation of tears dripping from his face as an older boy's seed dripped from beneath his tail, but had never felt a desire to inflict such a thing on a boy once he got older. After the princess had her little idea, he had no choice but to obey and try to forget what he was forced to do. But he found himself dwelling on the memory of the young lion moaning and gasping as he rutted him, the sensation of his tail-hole twitching as he came, drawing Aradus' seed deep inside his young body with unabashed eagerness.

He'd been thinking about him so much that he was certain he'd only imagined glimpsing him out the corner of his eye. Yet when he turned around, the boy was there, looking nervous now that the massive stallion's gaze was centered on him. They stood like that, alone in the yard and frozen in place before Theo's nerve gave out and he scurried into the stable. Aradus considered letting him go and returning to his drills, but something prodded him to pursue the youth. Perhaps it was the way the cub's eyes had widened at the sight of him, the way his chest visibly rose and fell as he felt the stallion's eyes on him, or the way his tail had swished behind him as he walked away. Maybe it was the zebra's own shaft that had started to drop at the sight of him. Whatever the reason, Aradus found himself leaving the fenced area used for combat training and exercising horses and making his way to the stables.

Theo made a show of checking on the horses, something he'd already done before leaving for a quick wash. After scrubbing with hard lye soap and rinsing himself with a couple of buckets of rainwater, he'd stepped outside to let his fur dry in the afternoon sun. He'd stayed out long after he was dry, watching a familiar zebra stallion exercise.

The sight of Aradus still scared him a little, since the equine was an imposing sight even standing stock still, let alone effortlessly swinging a weapon the young lion could barely hold. But the sight of the muscular stud sweating in the yard also brought on other feelings. It had been a couple of weeks since he'd been brought to the princess' suite and forced to... perform for her amusement, and he'd been reliving it almost every night since.

In his dreams, he was never afraid of the zebra guard. Over and over he would kneel in front of the towering stallion, taking that warm, heavy shaft in his hands while the princess' teased him. He would stroke and taste the stallion as his maleness firmed up in his hands, while the doe continued to taunt him in that sweet but cruel voice.

But in his dreams, it would be Aradus who told him to get on all fours and Theo would always obey eagerly. He was never afraid of the stallion in his dreams, feeling like he was there to protect him from the unkind doe. Each time his dream stud took him it hurt a little bit less, a short burst of pain before that wonderful feeling set in. The zebra would then proceed to breed him, his grunts drowning out the princess' hurtful jibes. The pleasure would mount until the young lion woke up to find himself in his cot, panting as his immature cock twitched and spurted against his belly.

His ears turned this way and that, and when he picked up the sound of the guard's hooves he felt his heart skip a beat and his tail twitch up slightly. The sounds kept getting closer until the lion was sure he could smell the zebra over the scent of the four-legged equines surrounding them.

"I saw you looking." The stallion's voice rumbled. Startled, Theo turned to face him. There was a strange expression on the zebra's face. When the cub had first met him, he'd been glowering, no doubt knowing what he would have to do. His expression once the princess had left had been one of anger and guilt as he helped the lion to his feet and called another guard to escort him back.

"Are you... well?" Aradus asked, trying to sound concerned. He wasn't particularly good with words, and hadn't felt this tongue-tied since he was first learning how to properly address nobility. Although this time there would be no lash to tell him when he misspoke, although the equine wasn't sure if that was a good thing.

"Y-yes. It... it only hurt at first..." the cub replied meekly, looking down at the floor as his tail whipped nervously behind him. It took Aradus a few seconds to realize the cub's eyes hadn't quite reached the floor. Following his gaze, the stallion realized his shaft had dropped and was now rising at the sight of the boy.

He considered his situation - the royal family were dining, and most of the guards and servants were in the palace, attending them. Those who weren't were taking their own humble meal someplace out of the heat. It was quite unlikely anyone would visit the stables at this time of the day. And there was the young lion standing before him, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he remained transfixed on the striped stallion's crotch. Aradus wasn't good with words, so he decided not to bother with them. He undid his sword belt, letting the weapon and skirt fall to the floor, leaving him naked in front of the cub, his ebony shaft rising before his very eyes.

Theo felt his breath catch in his throat at the sight of the ebony rod bobbing in front of him as it stuck out proudly from the stallion's crotch. His feet surprised him by shuffling forward as if on their own, bringing him closer and closer to the muscular male. It took only a few tentative, trembling steps to get him within reach of the zebra stud, close enough that the cub had to look up to meet Aradus' eyes. The zebra stayed silent, but his expression was approving, encouraging, and the young lion couldn't help but notice the movement of that barrel-chest as the stallion's own breathing quickened.

Looking back down, he reached out a hand and gently ran it up the inky-black length, feeling the warmth of the stallion's shaft as it twitched against his palm. His ears caught the sound of a nicker that sounded so feral that Theo couldn't tell if it came from the zebra guard or one of the four-legged equines surrounding them. As his paw wrapped just below the slightly flared tip, the cub placed his other hand lower, cupping the striped stallion's sack. He gently fondled the heavy orbs, each of them so large that he couldn't hold both with one hand.

A blush spread across the feline's cheeks as he remembered the way those smooth black orbs had emptied into his ass, the way the stallion's tip had flared to make sure his seed was pumped as deep as possible inside his little 'filly'. He remembered the warm sensation as his rear was bred, his pucker clenching at the thought. It had clenched the same way when he was being led back to the stables, struggling to keep as much of that warm stud-milk inside him as he could.

A rumble could be heard coming from the zebra's massive chest when the young lion brought his face closer to the throbbing equine appendage. The cub closed his eyes as he began to run his tongue over the smooth, veiny length. Theo almost purred as he licked the stud's shaft from bottom to the tip, flicking his tongue over the sensitive glans to pick up the juices the zebra was leaking.

Aradus did his best to keep his hips from thrusting, letting the boy set the pace. He'd been licked like this before, but the princess had always been there. The guard could never enjoy such attentions with the doe constantly mocking both him and whatever unfortunate youth was forced to service him in order to get him hard enough for the impending rape. But the cub in front of him seemed to genuinely enjoy fondling him, even appearing to savor the taste of the zebra's malehood.

The stallion felt himself get close, and briefly considered letting go and spraying his seed over the eager-looking little lion. And while there was an appeal in watching his warm white seed soak into the fur of the feline's face, marking him as his own, the stallion in him knew there was a better was to claim a filly.

Theo was surprised to suddenly feel a strong hand on the top of his head, but even more so when the hand gently but firmly pushed him back. He was wearing nothing but an old rag he'd wrapped around his waist after drying his fur with it, and as Aradus' hoof-nailed fingers loosened it, even that covering was gone, revealing his small barbed shaft now sticking half-way out of his sheath. He looked up at the zebra, remembering a few seconds later to pull in his tongue and close his mouth as the stallion sat down on a nearby bench and beckoned him over.

"Turn around." Aradus said, noting that even seated he was slightly taller than the cub.

He put a hand on each hip and gently guided the boy backward until his rear nudged against the zebra's shaft. Aradus gave another nicker at the sight of the cub's tail leaping up at the sensation. He'd seen plenty of boys raise their tail's for him, but none willingly, not to mention eagerly. He moved one hand around the lion's waist until he felt his little cock, already stiff and slippery.

The cub gasped as he wrapped one big, calloused hand around the boyish cock, being careful not to grip it too tight. He saw the boy's cheeks clench as he bucked into his hand, mewling as the little barbs on his shaft rubbed against the equine's palm. Aradus held the cub's hip as he began to slide his hand up and down the diminutive shaft, squeezing lightly when never it rubbed against the lion's pointed tip. In no time at all the boy's juices had smeared all over the zebra's palm, his hand now slick as it pumped the immature shaft.

Theo was almost mewling at the sensation of a hand stroking his feline cocklet. The first time he'd ever cum was when the zebra was mounting him, and every time after that he'd climaxed in his sleep reliving that moment. As strange as it sounded, it had never occurred to the cub he could have those feelings by stroking his shaft. And although he still felt empty back there, he felt the same amazing sensation washing over him. He screwed his eyes shut, his slim hips bucking against the stallion's hand as his small pouch tightened. With a cute little moan he let go, his slim shaft twitching as it spurted kitty-cream into the zebra's fist.

Aradus was surprised by the amount of spunk the young feline had shot in his hand, even though it was only a fraction of what his heavy sack produced. Still, it would be enough for what he had in mind...

"Bend over..." the words were a rumble and the panting cub wasted no time obeying the command, putting his hands on his knees and arching his back.

The sight of a young boy presenting his rear to him was not new to the stallion, but the wanton eagerness was, and that more than anything excited him. He would love nothing more than to grip that slim waist and burry his rod in the boy's warm tunnel, rutting him until he begged for his seed. But despite his eagerness, the cub would need help to take his shaft without pain or injury.

He easily spread the pert cheeks with two fingers, revealing a little pink pucker twitching with excitement. Bringing the hand he'd jerked the boy off with closer, he began to smear some of the cub's still warm seed over his tail-hole, making the boy moan at the sensation of something hot and gooey being rubbed between his cheeks.

Once the lion's ring was a pearly-white mess, Aradus pressed the hoof-nailed tip of his index finger against it and started to gently push. He noticed the boy's legs tense up as his pucker slowly stretched around the blunt digit. He kept pushing gently, watching the ring expand until the boy gasped as the tip of the zebra's finger slid into him. The stallion could feel the young lion clench at the intrusion, but a moment later that tight little orifice had relaxed a bit and the cub let out a few moans that encouraged him to continue.

Theo groaned as the cum-slicked digit probed further inside him, the sensation much more pleasant once his pucker had adjusted to the thickness of the zebra stud's finger. The last time he was being prepared to take the stallion the princess herself had oiled him up, mocking him as her slim, skilled fingers violated him with a practiced ease. Despite the softness of her hands, Theo certainly didn't miss her. He'd submitted to her touch because he had no other choice, but he was bending over for the zebra because he wanted to, eager to feel more than a finger inside him.

After a few more moments of listening to the lion cub's moans, Aradus carefully slid another finger inside that taught ring, noting that the boy barely winced at the sensation, his back remaining arched and his tail high. The sight of the thrust-out behind was almost more than he could take, but he did his best to keep his wits about him and not just pull the boy on his dribbling shaft. Fortunately, enduring princess Iltani's early attempts to seduce him had given him an iron grip over his urges.

After what seemed like an hour later, Theo felt the two thick fingers slip out of his cum-slicked ass, letting out a little mewl at the sudden empty sensation. Hands gently grasped his proffered ass as the stallion pulled him back and then down a bit until something hard and hot pressed against that stretched opening. He heard the zebra behind him let out a snort and took that as his cue. As the stallion kept the tip of his shaft aimed at his pucker, the cub began to lower his rear, feeling his ass stretch to accommodate the flared tip. It hurt a bit, although less than last time, but this time Theo knew it would feel a lot better once the wide flare was in.

Spurred on by that knowledge, and the memories of their last encounter, the lion pushed his ass down, muffling a squeal as his pucker swallowed the stud's tip and tightened around that thick black shaft. He panted as he held himself there, letting himself get used to the zebra's girth, feeling a warm, wet sensation as the equine appendage began to drool inside him. He allowed himself a few moments to savor the experience - him and his stallion alone, with nobody watching but the horses in their stalls. Still, apart from an occasional snort or nicker, this audience - unlike the princess - was silent.

Aradus' eyes were locked on the young lion's firm little rear as it began to slowly slide further down, the youth gasping as he took more of the stallion's cock, inch by throbbing inch. After the pain of the initial penetration, the cub's voice carried nothing but delight as he lowered himself on the zebra's maleness. The striped stud gently put his hands around the boy's waist, almost encircling it in his powerful grip. He was tempted to pull the cub down, the stallion in him desperate to sheathe himself fully in the warm, pliant ass, but an altogether different part of him enjoyed watching the eager lion take him at his own pace. He'd experienced feral ruttings, on both sides, and found this gentle pace as arousing as it was frustrating.

Theo shivered a little when he felt the zebra take him by his waist, worried that the stallion was about to yank him down on that inky-black spire. He knew deep down that he wouldn't have protested, that he would have accepted the pain along with the pleasure such a penetration would have brought, but he was still glad that the equine simply held his hands there, letting him continue his delicious descent. The possessive gesture spurred him on, and with the amount of pre that shaft was leaking inside him he found taking more of it was getting easier. When he felt that ring around the middle of it press against his pucker the cub stopped for a second before driving his hips down and slipping it inside him in one go. He was grateful for the equine's grip on him, since his knees had almost buckled at the sensation of that ridge rubbing up against something sensitive inside him.

After that it was only a matter of sliding further down, the equine's cock getting tantalizingly thicker the closer the boy got to the base. Theo was almost startled when he felt the zebra's muscular thighs against his own, realizing the entire equine member was buried snuggly inside him and that he was essentially sitting in the stallion's lap. He rubbed his flat belly with one hand, imagining that he could feel the massive cock throbbing in him with it and feeling a sort of pride at having taken that beast on his own. The zebra behind him showed his appreciation, nibbling gently at his neck as his cock drooled inside the cub's tight rear.

The young lion took a few moments to rest up, enjoying the stallion's dominant but gentle affections. He clenched his pucker a few times, enjoying at the way it made his insides rub against the warm shaft, and the rumbling sound the stud behind him made as his already tight ring squeezed around him even harder. When he was confident his legs could bear at least some of his weight, he began to rise up from the zebra's lap, feeling his ass cling to the ebony rod leaving it to the point that he was certain he could feel every vein and bump on it. Once the medial ring had slipped out, he plunged down on it a little too fast.

The cub slapped a paw against his muzzle but not in time to stop a high-pitched cry of pleasure from leaving it. His nostrils flared as he panted, overpowered by the sensation of suddenly having half the zebra's massive tool shoved back into him so quickly. He began to rise again, but made sure to go slowly this time, fighting to keep himself from squealing out again as he rode the stallion's lap. He felt one hand leave his waist and soon felt two fingers slip past his parted lips. Theo instinctively started to suck on the digits, grateful for something that would help him keep quiet. A blush spread across his cheeks as he tasted his own seed on the zebra's fingers, realizing that was the hand he'd cum in earlier.

Aradus slid his other hand lower, easily palming one of the lion's pert cheeks as he spread it open with his thumb, the cub moaning around his fingers as the zebra exposed his taught pink ring, now a slick mess as it slid up and down, seeming to polish the stallion's ebony rod. He could feel himself twitch inside the boy as he rode him, his tail high and his ass thrust out, as desperate for a stallion's load as a filly in her first heat. He tightened his grip on the cub's cheek, making the young lion clench around him in mid stroke, the stallion groaning in pleasure as the boy's ass milked him.

Theo was grateful for the stallion's fingers in his mouth, certain that he would be moaning like a whore if they went there. His legs were feeling shaky and he wasn't sure how long they'd be able to support his weight but he kept riding the stallion's shaft, his own immature cock already hard again from the sensations coming from his rear.

Looking down past his humble package he saw the zebra's heavy sack, the black skin glistening from the juices dribbling past his little pucker. He wondered how long it had been since those massive orbs were last emptied, imagining the amount of seed they'd soon be pumping up his eager little ass. Still dreaming about the impending deluge of stallion spunk, the cub's legs gave out and he winced as he fell down into the striped stud's lap, every last inch of that glorious rod wedged firmly inside him as he struggled to raise his hips.

Seeing the boy was exhausted, Aradus wasted little time. Both hands hooked behind the cub's knees, raising his legs in the air a split second before the equine himself got up, eliciting a surprised gasp from the boy as the cock lodged inside him shifted. The zebra's powerful arms easily held the cub, the muscles in his hips and rear flexing as he bucked into the young feline. The boy managed to stifle a squeal as the sharp thrust launched him upwards, several inches of zebra-meat leaving his ass before he fell down and the stallion was once again fully lodged in his rear.

The zebra nibbled on the cub's shoulder gently to reassure him, and when he felt the boy relax and lean back against his chest he repeated the motion. The cub was biting his lower lip to muffle the sounds he was making, but there was still no mistaking their nature. As Aradus settled into a steady pace, the eyes of the nearby stallions turned to watch them, the feral studs snorting in envy as they watched the two-legger take what sounded like a very eager filly.

The mewls Theo was making were soon blocked out by loud smacks as the zebra stallion's hips met his ass on every upstroke, the stallion bucking into him with such force that his heavy sack was flying up and slapping against the cubs little pouch. But the cub was too far gone to feel anything other than rapture as his stallion began to rut him passionately. His rear was now a sloppy mess, letting that monstrous member slide easily in and out past his stretched pucker, fireworks going off behind the boy's eyes every time that ring rubbed against the special spot inside him.

His nostrils were flaring as he panted, filling his lungs with the scent of the stud breeding his rump. He could no longer feel the individual thrusts, just the delicious friction of that warm shaft moving in and out of him as it prepared to claim his most intimate depths. His own little cock was bouncing madly from the motion, but he paid it no mind. He was already on that wonderful edge, and knowing he could come just from the zebra's rutting he wanted this moment to last as long as possible.

The cub's muffled moans brought out the stallion in Aradus, the equine letting go and rutting the young feline with everything he had. He buried his muzzle in his neck, huffing into his fur as he took in his lover's scent. He could tell the boy was close, his eyes screwed shut and his moans taking on a keening quality.

The stallion threw his head back and gave a loud whinny, confident that anyone who heard it wouldn't doubt it had come from one of the four-legged equines in the stable. His heavy sack drew up, his cock flaring as it prepared to flood the boy's insides. The stallion's thrusts slowed down so that he was bucking into the little lion every time his cock pulsed, shooting ropes of virile stallion spunk into the feline's lithe body.

As the first warm pulse flooded his insides the cub's eyes shot open, no sound coming from his mouth as he panted rapidly, his bouncing cocklet spraying kitty-cum all over his chest and the straw in front of him. By the time his little balls had emptied, the stallion's cock was still spurting inside him, the equine's bucks having slowed down until he was grinding his hips against the boy's sore rear.

Still holding the young lion in his arms, Aradus sat back on the bench, his cock never leaving the warm confines of the feline's ass. Up until now, every time he'd emptied himself in a boy the lingering pleasure would quickly dissipate as feelings of guilt came crashing down. But this time the stallion wasn't looking down at a child sobbing as his cum leaked out his abused rear. As his arms wrapped around the boy sitting in his lap the cub began to purr as the zebra's shaft slowly softened inside him. The striped stallion leaned back, letting out a sigh as tension he'd never known he'd been carrying left him, driven out by the cub's blissful purring...