Violet in love-Chapter III-A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Violet in love-Chapter III-A Gray Muzzle story

Haeos woke up from a fitful sleep. He realized almost immediately that there was something stuck to his face. Violet's little pink leotard. He pushed the little stretchy thing to his muzzle, inhaling deeply. Whether she was in heat, or had just worn it a while, he reveled in the wild, musky smell. He even used it to paw off, before getting up and shuffling to the shower. After standing under the warm, rushing water forever, Haeos toweled off, and shuffled to the kitchen for coffee. Pouring himself a cup, he pads to the room where he writes.

Haeos spent an unproductive morning, looking at the computer. It's not for want of trying. He can think of nothing but Violet. He's desperate to call her, but fears looking desperate. So he sits, pining away. The phone rings....

"Haeos? It's Marcia. All of us are going out tonight. Violet doesn't want to go. She thinks you might call. Do you want to come over?"

"Yes. Yes, Ma'am! " Haeos explodes inside. He'll be seeing Violet!

"Good. We'll be leaving at 7:30. Haeos?"

"Yes, ma'am?"

"Be good to her."

"Yes, ma'am!"

The rest of the day flies by. Late in the afternoon, Haeos showers again, puts on fresh clothes, and drives to Peteena's House.

Haeos arrives at 7:45. Ringing the bell, Violet greets him, wearing a pink halter leotard, a tiny denim skirt, and pink ballet slippers.


Violet grabs Haeos in a bear hug. He picks her up, and swings her around the entryway.

"Did you miss me?" she asks

"More than you know" Haeos kisses her back.

"Have you eaten? I was about to fix something" she offers

"Sure. Whatever you're having."

For the next hour, Haeos sits listening, while Violet talks about her day. Getting up. Taking a shower. Doing the laundry. She tells him how Marcia took her out, and bought her the outfit she's wearing tonight.

Far from being bored, Haeos listens, hanging on every word. Soon, Violet puts a plate of hot dogs, beand and potato chips in front of him. Violet continues to talk of her day, while Haeos looks deep into her eyes. Before he realizes it, dinner is over, and they clear the plates.

"Do you like video games?" Violet asks "We've got a Wii...."

"What games do you have?"

"Super Mario Winter Games." She replies.

"I LOVE that!"

After they do dishes, they lay on the floor and play games for an hour or so. Violet beats him, every time, but Haeos couldn't care. Violet rolls over....

"Watcha wannna do? Watch a movie?" she offers.

"Sure. Sounds good."

So, Violet makes popcorn, gets them drinks, and they settle in under a big, furry throw, and watch a mushey love story. As the movie goes on, Violet gets closer and closer, hugging him and crying.....

"This is soooo sad....." she whimpers....

"I've got something for you...."

"What?!" Violet's ears perk up."A present?"

"Yes. A present."

Haeos goes to the car, and gets a box. He returns, and presents it to Violet. She opens it.

"It's LOVELY!" she exclaims "What is it?"

Haeos explains.

"It's a warrior's headpiece. It belonged to my mother. She was the Alpha female of her pack. I'd like....YOU to be my Alpha female...."

Violet throws her arms around Haeos.. She places the red braided leather headpiece on her purple Mohawk, it's beads and feathers falling behind.....

" I love it, Haeos....but we have to talk first. I'm glad to join your pack, but my time here at Peteena's House is not over. It's not that I wouldn't love to....I'm not ready. Two days ago....."

She touches Haeos face.

"I....was a Lesbian. I never wanted to sleep with a man. After what Master understand. So, I slept with girls. I thought that's how I'd spend my life.....Haeos, I'm SO confused! I've never slept with a man, at least not you understand? If you can wait until I catch up....."

Haeos looked deeply in her eyes.

"I DO understand. And I will wait for you, my warrior Goddess! I will wait until the end of time, if you ask....."

Violet's eyes filled with tears.

"Dear, sweet, Haeos! You DO understand!"

Violet threw her arms around him, and smothered him with kisses, still wearing her warrior's headdress. Haeos fell back to the sofa. Violet climbed atop him, and kissed him VERY aggressively. She began to rub herself on his leg, as she had done with women. Her short skirt rode up, and there was nothing but their undergarments separating them as they dry humped feverishly.....They kept kissing and rubbing, until Violet felt a spreading wetness....

"You cum?"

"Uh huh." Haeos admitted , sheepishly."You?'

"Uh huh; a little. Wanna try again?" Violet asked.

Haeos smiled and nodded. Violet pulled down Haeos wet pants. His shorts were soaked with cum. Violet pulled these down, too. With his sex exposed, Violet bagan to kiss and gently suck it. She noticed Haeos was pretty big- at least seven inches, and thick.

"You....have a human...'thing'."

"Uh huh. When you mess with the genes, you can't really predict how they come out." He observed."Actually, it's pretty nice."

"I'm still....kinda scared." Violet admitted "Can I .....make you feel better?"

"You don't have to..." Haeos offered

Violet took his penis in her soft paws, and began to rub, Closing his eyes, it was no time before he came again, his cum dripping all over her dainty paws....Violet smiled. She lay her head in his lap, and licked his penis clean.

"Is...there anything I can do?" Haeos offered.

"Well...Violet admitted. There IS something...."

Violet leaned over to whisper in his ear....

"There's this thing I remember from my mom....actually, it's the ONLY thing I remember from my mom. I've always feel that way again."

Then she whispers in his ear. Haeos eyes got big, but then he nods. He helps Violet slip the little denim skirt off. Violet then pulls her little pink one piece off. She helps Haeos take off his shirt. Then Violet snuggle down in the fur throw, and raises her rump. Haeos gets behind her, and gently lifts her tail. Sliding his tongue up her sex, He reaches her tail hole. Carefully, lovingly, he licks it clean. All over, down to her sex, up to her undertail, then lingering over her asshole. Pressing slightly, he feels the pucker. She lets him in slightly. Violet eyes closed, murrs softly as Haeos tends gently to her backside. Violets begins rubbing herself, while Haeos continued his cleaning. In a few moments, with Haeos gently probing her ass, Violet orgasms.....She collapses, churring loudly.....Haeos lays next to her...

"Did you?"

"Uh huh." Violet smiles "My first one".

Marcia comes in some time later. Unlocking the door, she sees Haeos naked, fast asleep. Violet has her white furry ass raised. She, too is sound asleep. Marcia turns toward the door.

"Ladies? Take the back door! I don't want to disturb them. "

Before leaving, Marcia takes the throw, and covers them lovingly. She smiles, and goes to join the girls....

Violet in love- Chapter II- A Gray Muzzle story

Violet in love- Chapter II- A Gray Muzzle story When the night is warm, soft and warm, I long for his charms, I'd sing like a violin , If I were in his arms Wish I knew, if he knew what I'm dreaming of, Violet, Violet, Violet's...

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Violet in love- Chapter I- A Gray Muzzle fan request.

Author's note: 'Violet in love' is a fan request. Violet in love....A Gray Muzzle Story Haeos was a writer. By night, he wrote of dragons, of shape shifters, of epic battles. By day, he wrote for a living....

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Sex Club A Gray Muzzle Story

Sex Club. A Gray Muzzle Story. Author's notes: This is a companion piece to an earlier work 'The Rhino's Horn'. It takes place on the same night, but from the perspective of the guests. Felicia and Felicity are Siamese cat...

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