Delia's Gift

Story by Jack_Daniels on SoFurry

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She smiled happily to herself and let the pillows of the soft couch, cushion her as she let out a long sigh of relief and melted in to them. She did it; she took the plunge and got married. She couldn't stop herself from grinning as she thought about the previous day. All her friends and family, the vows, and the new ring she wore on her finger. It was almost as if she was in a dream, she was so happy.

"Are you ever going to stop smiling, Delia", Robbie asked his new wife reaching over to give her a warm kiss, his tongue lingering on her soft lips.

She kissed him back moaning softly, all the love and passion she felt was being transmitted through the kiss, before she giggled softly, breaking the kiss, "I don't know if Ill ever be able to stop smiling now that I know your mine" She grinned again, then eyed the mountain of presents her friends and family had given to her on this special occasion.

"So which one of these should we unwrap first?" Delia eyed her husband with a leer, pulling the closest one to her, an ornate looking box that rattled gently of metal wear. She grinned and tore the beautiful wrapping paper to reveal... a flatware set, care of Uncle Kledus. "This isn't as exciting as getting presents on Christmas morning."

"Yeah, I still remember how my eyes lit up with excitement when I saw my first bicycle next to that Christmas tree. We already know mostly what were getting since we signed up for a wedding registry." Robbie said opening a brand new apron with the words, 'Kiss the Cook' emblazoned on the front in bright red letters. "How would I look wearing this, honey?" He asked holding the apron to his front, and giving a goofy redneck grin."

In a thickly sweet voice she responded, "Oh you are just the cutest darn thing I have ever seen." And then with a laugh and a wink she added, "Well, you won't have to wear it unless that crazy uncle of yours comes around to visit"

"You keep working on these gifts while I go take a pee and maybe even a shower, I got a little sweaty in the tux. See you in a bit, my lovely wife." Robbie said with a wink and blew her a kiss, which she caught on the lips. And with that he stood and left making his way to the bathroom, humming the marriage tune under his breath.

Delia, shook her head happily and then spotted an odd looking package half covered by what looked to be like an automatic bread machine. She pulled it out and inspected it carefully. This one was wrapped in a bright red waxy paper, which exuded a smell of cinnamon and cloves. On the top right hand side of the package was written in black charcoal, "To the blushing bride:" She grinned to herself, feeling another wave of happiness wash over her; before she tore the red paper off of the package to reveal an ivory colored paper box.

Lifting the lid, she revealed a small bottle filled with an amber liquid along side a small folded piece of paper, which when un-folded revealed the words "There is a powerful magic contained within this glass. It has the power to grant your deepest desires. But be warned its effect only last until the moon is in the 4th quadrant of the sky" And then below that was written, "Directions: Exhale all of the air from your lungs and breath deep from this bottle" The message wasn't signed, but it did have a black paw print marked on the corner of the page, a paw print that looked strangely like a coyote paw print under closer inspection.

She giggled to herself, thinking the whole thing was a joke, done by one of her friends to screw with her. The liquid inside the bottle did look a lot like plain old apple juice. So without much more thought she lifted the bottle and popped the top, and taking a deep smell of the liquid. It didn't smell at all like apple juice. In fact this smelled more like a combination of burning marshmallows and Everclear (190 proof liquor). She then paused, she didn't feel any different. So she put the bottle back in the box and laid it among the already unwrapped presents.

What happened next, Delia herself wasn't sure she could describe later on, but in an instant her skin felt like it was on fire. She let out a loud moan and the pain took her to hands and knees, her vision darkening. It didn't seem to last more then a few long drawn out seconds before the pain slacked and disappeared, her vision coming back, but now she saw the world in an entirely new way.

Her eyes could pick up details that would have been obscured or fuzzy before, but what was most disturbing was color, she couldn't see in true color anymore. Now instead of a full range of colors she could only make out green's and blues but she couldn't see any red what so ever. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she tried to understand what was happening to her, but when she saw her hands... her new paws for the first time she nearly lost it. Her hands were now covered with a white downy fur, her fingers now had little pads instead of smooth skin. Looking down at her feet and legs, she could see they had changed as well. She had fur everywhere. Then it finally hit her with a realization. She was a furry. She stood and stumbled to the mirror in the hall and took in her features. Her face was one of the most significant changes. Her beautiful face had changed shape so now there was the face of a rabbit staring back at her. Two long graceful ears now towered above hear head, each a combination of white and pink, both swiveling to take in different sounds of the house.

She hopped up and down and giggled excitedly, her breasts and her ears bobbing up and down as she jumped on her new rabbit's feet. And then a new sensation hit her with full force. Her mind had suddenly come up from no where and let her know that she needed to be mated. This rabbits brain seemed to need one thing to survive and it was exciting her rapidly. Her vagina dripped with passion and lust as she reached an exploratory finger down her shorts to run across her wet lips. She shuddered with the raw sexuality of it and moaned softly. She then shed her clothes quickly so she could see all of her new furry self, her eyes bulging as she admired her new body.

"What the hell...", Robbie practically shouted as he backed up against a closet door, slamming it shut with his back and jarring Delia out of her moment of passion. She looked up quickly to see his startled face.

She tried to put on the most placating expression her rabbit muzzle could perform and started walking toward her mate with her hands open. "Its ok, Robbie, the effects are only temporary. And I simply love, the way I feel as a rabbit."

Robbie tried to smile back, but it was such a shock seeing his wife become a rabbit, his mind still couldn't fully grasp the fact. His eyes played up and down her body, pausing at her head, taking in her still gorgeous face. She still had the cutest cheeks. "How did this happen?" he stammered.

Delia closed the distance and wrapped her furry arms around his dripping neck, he was still wet from the shower, and the lower half of his body still wrapped in a white towel. "It was a gift in the pile. It seems that I still have some furry friends somewhere." She giggled. "But it's only temporary. I switch back, when the moon reaches the fourth quadrant. Whatever that means." She said, leaning in to kiss him lightly on the nose, her pink tongue sliding out to give him a slow lick.

He paused at her lick, and let out an almost indiscernible moan, that her new improved sense of hearing could just barely pick up. He kissed her back his lips touching her furry cheek for the first time. He found the sensation of her fur against his lips to be both erotic and exciting, this being such a new experience for him. Robbie's hands let his towel drop, leaving him naked with his wife and lover. His arms finding there way up her furred body, to pull her close to him, his lips finding hers as he kissed her hard and passionately.

Her tongue pushed its self into his mouth, battling and alternately playing with his lively tongue. Before sucking it into her muzzle, suckling softly on her mate's tongue, the taste of his saliva making her go weak at the knees with need and lust. His hands were roaming over her furry back, while her own newly formed paws found there way down his body to his warm and muscular buttocks. She cupped each in her paws and massaged them gently, spreading them wide, letting a waft of air slip in between and nuzzle his small rosebud.

He gave soft sigh as she spread him, before he sucked his tongue back into his mouth, grinning warmly at her, staring into her beautiful warm eyes. He gave each of her furry cheeks small kisses, leaving small damp spots as he made a slow trail of kisses down her face, again moving across her wet lips to her cute chin. His tongue licked her slowly here before moving southward again, his kisses making a furrow in Delia's fur as he moved down to her neck. Robbie could feel her pulse through his lips and tongue as he kissed down her neck, enjoying the soft moaning sounds that slipped between her lips with every kiss and lick he laid upon her.

She in turn gritted her teeth, her loins were on fire, she needed to be touched. Her paws left his ass and she used them to try and encourage him to move faster down her body. But to no avail, he was taking his slow time teasing her, heightening the eventual release. She moaned and bent her head to lick the tops of his soft ears with her pink tongue. Tracing around the edges and ridges in his ear before sliding into the canal itself.

Robbie grinned as he felt her tongue on his sensitive ear, his own lips finding there way to her hard collar bone. His lips kissing along it, moving toward the center of her body, closer to the swell of her furry breasts. His hands slid up her body to cup her warm and soft mounds in his paws, pushing them up giving his lips and tongue more access. He then ran his mouth everywhere over her breasts, avoiding the sensitive nipples, grinning in delight as the bunny under him gave a sigh of frustration. His tongue moving in closer and closer to her pink nipples, until just the edge of his tongue was brushing along her furless pink areolas. He continued on the same course, letting his tongue slide around her breasts, but at each revolution he would slide his tongue a little farther onto each nipple, wetting them with his saliva, causing them to shrink and bunch up into small knots. Finally he took the plunge and let his warm soft tongue slide over her nipple. He started very slowly, as if he was just going to miss it again, but at the last second he slowed down and changed course before sucking the pink nipple into his mouth, suckling on it softly.

Her body convulsed under him, as his mouth suckled on her breast. She moaned softly with the words, "Take me to bed, husband. I need you now..."

His mouth never left her nipple as he easily picked her small body up in his strong arms and carried her carefully to their large bed. His mouth finally leaving her chest as he laid her gently on the bed, smiling down at his naked bride. He leaned in and kissed her lips one final passionate time before he spread his body at the end of the bed. Then using his hands he spread her furry legs, revealing her pink slit to his hungry eyes. He felt his mouth began to water as he stared at her wet vagina, it taking all his self control to keep himself from diving in and driving her to a screaming orgasm.

Instead Robbie leaned down and placed a ring of kisses around her naval, before moving to the top of her slit. His wet tongue then moved slowly around her cunt, avoiding any contact with pink, trailing around her outer lips on the soft white fur that surrounded her most sensitive parts. He then used his hands to spread open her wet vagina, leaving her tunnel open and gaping. His tongue slowly slid in, not touching any of her pink petals, just getting dotted down inside her opening, before he started to rim her vagina. Her taste seemed different then before, somehow it was more arousing and animalistic.

Delia, let out a loud moan of pleasure, her paws finding her warm nipples and squeezing them between her fingers. She could feel her orgasm approaching swiftly as his tongue toyed with her sex. Another moan slipped out of her parted lips, "Robbie... I...". But whatever she was going to say was lost as she moaned softly, her legs quivering slightly.

Robbie grinned happily as his tongue started to spiral slowly out of her vagina, moving out onto her inner lips, all thickly coated with her wet dew. He licked and sucked her warm lips, licking them clean of all liquid. His tongue then started to tease her small clit, licking around the little nub, teasing and sucking on its hood, before rubbing just below it. He knew this would drive Delia wild with lust and it did just that. She bucked under him, trying to force his tongue onto her pulsing clit. He granted her wish and licked her clit slowly, the smoothness of his tongue rubbing over her little nub as he started a slow and steady motion, rubbing it this way and that, licking it up and down, grinning at the satisfying grunts that echoed around the room.

Her orgasm hit her like a ton of bricks. She grunted hard and pointed her toes, flexing all her muscles pushing herself hard into her husband's mouth. She gushed a thick jet of her fluid into his mouth as she struggled not to black out from the pleasure. Her paws pushed his head hard into her crotch forcing him to take her clit into his mouth and suckle her as she road out the waves of pleasure. Finally after what seemed like hours, she panted hard and relaxed back into the mattress, looking down at Robbie. His face was almost completely coated with her juices, but he grinned happily from between her spread legs. She used her arms to pull him up her body, kissing him deeply, sharing a moment of pure love and happiness with her husband.

She grinned and nuzzled him, "It won't be so bad, having sex with just one woman. Will it?" Delia, then glanced at his pounding erection, and kissed him again, "Oh is that little ole thing for me?"

He nodded his eyes filled with lust as he saw her make her way down toward his erect penis. She suckled his nipples pausing at each one to take them in her muzzle, stabbing her tongue at the hard tips, while sucking gently. She even added just a bit of teeth, nipping on his sensitive nipples, grinning as he stroked her hair as she licked his chest.

Delia nuzzled his chest, while moving slowly down his body, rubbing her furry face against his stomach, moving lower and lower, until she found her nose buried in the dark nest of pubic hair surrounding his erect organ. She licked lower rubbing her face on his soft sac, before taking one of his balls into her mouth and suckling softly, rolling it under her tongue, before releasing it and letting it hang once again. She then moved even lower, her cold wet nose finding his small crinkled ring. She grinned and gave his anus a long loving lick, it tasted slightly of musk and nothing else, as he was still clean from his recent shower.

Robbie shivered under the rabbit as she licked his rear, he let out a moan and his cock throbbed, bouncing up and down as her tongue pleasured him in one of his favorite places.

The rabbit started licking harder and harder, her small pink tongue starting to push into his hot rectum. She grinned around her tongue as she continued to rim his small opening pushing deeper into him, her paws rubbing his testicles and cock slowly, giving him the most amount of pleasure she could using her tongue and paws. Finally she gave his crinkled opening one last lick before sliding her tongue back up his body. His testicles felt so smooth and silky under her licks, but she ignored them now and kept moving up letting her tongue slide up and over his shaft. She took a different route and attacked his cock with a vengeance, not teasing him at all. Delia pushed all the buttons on her man that she now knew by heart. She kept her kisses and licks to the front side of his cock, and focused on the small spot about an inch from the head, which seemed to be especially sensitive.

He moaned again, as her entire focus was on his pleasure. He let his body go limp under her ministrations, his head dropping back onto the pillows, his face a total picture of love and lust.

Delia on the other hand had just started lapping at the sensitive head of his cock, teasing the opening with her pink tongue, before she took the head into her muzzle, running her tongue over the tip, moving her head up and down slowly, giving the crown of his cock a very sensual massage. She then began to bob her head farther up and down, taking his cock deeper then she had ever before. Her new lapin esophagus seemed more capable of taking him deeper as she pushed hard, shoving his erection deep into herself, her small heart shaped nose burying itself once again into his pubic hair. She breathed deep of his musk, swallowing around his cock before pulling herself to the tip and bobbing up and down on him.

Robbie groaned as the last gates that guarded his orgasm where breached and he came. Hard. He couldn't help himself and he thrust deep into his love, sending his cum deep down her throat, bucking himself as he road his orgasm hard. He let out a grumbled shout and collapsed back into the bed, his body spent.

She road his orgasm, undulating with him as he moved up and down hard with his orgasm. She couldn't taste the cum spilling down her throat, but she could feel it coating her throat and spilling into her stomach. Delia pulled off his cock and licked it clean of any remaining cum, before letting his shrinking cock slide from her mouth. She then pulled herself back up to her husbands face, kissing him softly, sliding into his arms hugging him to herself, as they panted together. Enjoying the warm after glow of there love making. He kissed the top of her head, holding her furry body tight.

The couple stayed motionless for a few minutes just relaxing in each others arms. Each listening to the other pant. Both just two spent to move.

"I love you, my little bunny" Robbie said as he kissed her small lips, one of his hands seeking and finding one of her paws and squeezing it tightly.

Delia grinned and smiled happily squeezing his hand back, "I love you to, my hunky man. Now are you ready for a second round. I want to feel that hot cock of yours buried deep within me."

He laughed and looked down his body seeing his cock was already starting to rise again. Robbie was shocked he had almost never gotten erect this fast after cumming so hard. "I'm ready when you are... my bunny-girl" He grinned running his hands over her tummy.

She chuckled softly and got up crawling away on her paws and knees looking back over her shoulder, spreading her self completely for him. His eyes fixed on her cunt which was already open and leaking with anticipation while a few inches above, her pink tailhole was pulsing with excitement as she looked at him. "Take me in the ass; I want to feel you stretch me wide"

He nodded and climbed to his knees, his organ already pulsing and ready. Robbie then reached for the lube they kept in the bedside cabinet and spread the gooey stuff thickly over his cock. Before rubbing a generous portion on her warm tailhole, sliding a nicely lubed finger deep into her hot and tight rectum, spreading the lube on the inside as well.

She rocked and let her head hang slightly lower as his paw violated her. Her breath started to come in slow gasps as she felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to her rectum. "Push it in slow", she panted as she felt his cock rubbing slowly around her crinkled entrance.

He grunted softly, her small anus already giving him something to moan about as he pushed himself slowly into her body, the tip of his cock pushing harder and harder into her opening until with a quick slip, the head of his cock slipped deep into her. Both human and rabbit moaned together as he broke into her body, her anal ring expanding to allow the head of his cock entrance to her back passage. Robbie's hips pushed harder and more of his slippery erection slipped deeper into her back passage. The super tight feeling of her rectum around his cock, gave him such an intense feeling of pleasure that he had to use a hand on her back to steady himself as he pushed more of himself into her. Burying himself up to the hilt into her.

Delia moaned and clenched her anal muscles tight as he slide himself deep within her. This is what she had been waiting for all night. She alternated between relaxing and squeezing his cock with her anal muscles as he took long and slow strokes.

Robbie grinned and humped forward. Rocking the bunny a bit into the mattress of the bed. He continued a slow rhythmic pounding of her ass, pushing himself in and out. His eyes then focused on her slit, which she had started to finger and rub with one paw, as the other supported her weight.

The two became one, as they made silent but powerful love on the night of there wedding. Both doing as much to pleasure the other as he rocked in and out of her tightness. Time became lost to the couple as they consummated there marriage, his erection finding itself lost deep in the bowels of the soft-eyed doe. But, the feelings couldn't last forever as the rocked into each other, each trying to hold off the inevitable blissful end as they prolonged there first time together as a married couple.

Delia, was the first to reach her peak as she came hard, her body's muscles tightening as she rocked in an almost painful orgasm, her anal ring becoming incredibly tight around her lovers cock. The new tight grasp on Robbie's erection let him have one final thrust before he lost himself and erupted deep within her. The couple road out there nearly simultaneous orgasms together, before falling together in a pile, him still buried deeply within her as he lay atop her, both gasping for air as the final waves of pleasure rolled away from then, like a roiling thunderstorm blowing off in the distance, to leave a calm behind. They each felt at peace with each other as Robbie held her tight in his arms, not wanting either of them to move. He just wanted to enjoy the moment, and hold her close.

"I love you", he whispered in his ear. His own words could not convey the power of emotion he felt for this woman, he hoped she understood as he hugged her to him.

"As do I. You are mine. Now and forever." She murmured. Her eyes closed. Her mind at peace as he rolled her gently over, his cock still buried deep within her. He layed again, his tired eyes closing shut as he covered his wife with his body. Little did he know, she had already found her way to dreamland as they both drifted off to a peaceful slumber, and the girl known as Delia, shifted back to her human self as she slept naked in the arms of her one true love.