Captured by Her Alpha: Rough Draft

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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#1 of Rough Drafts

A walk home from work puts a Sa'aedoae Royal in danger. Will the gang's Alpha kill her? Or does he have something else in mind?

This is a work in progress, this is the first draft I'm publishing. Some things may be a bit choppy, this is based on a dream I had a while back, anyway, feel free to message me with constructive criticism, I want to improve this and to do so I need to know what y'all think.

Streetlights illuminate the snow covered sidewalk in a haze of yellow light. Walking quickly, I wrap my coat closer to my body, despite my thick coat of silver and white fur, the winter air still chills me to my bones. Silently, I curse myself for choosing to walk home from work today, forgetting about having to pass through the less desirable parts of the city in order to reach my nice, warm apartment. As my pointed, mismatched wolf ears twitch with the snowfall, I reach back and tuck them and my short crimson-colored mane into the thick faux fur hood of my parka, shivering from the temperature change and causing my five tails to puff up. In the low light, my violet eyes are almost blind, but as I pass by a nearly vacant parking lot, movement in one of the cars catches my attention.

As I get closer against my better judgement, I can see a young feline woman in the car, her muzzle pressed against the glass as a figure behind her appears to be pinning her there. My eyes widen as I realize what's going on, and I turn to leave, almost before being noticed by the ferocious looking canine in the driver's seat; almost. My white fur stands out too well in the darkness and before I can flee, his mustard yellow eyes meet mine and a cruel grin forms on his face. As I feel hot breath on the side of my neck, I realize too late that my ears being covered by the hood of my parka has prevented me from hearing his pack approaching me from the sides and behind, cutting off my escape. Seconds later I feel a sharp jab in my neck and everything starts going fuzzy. Knowing yelling won't do any good, I sigh and allow my captors to catch me as I pass out.

"Wow, Boss, looks like we got a rare one here!" One of the scrawnier males comments as I'm roughly thrown into a windowless van parked in what I assume is the back of the vacant lot. My eyes open just in time to see the Alpha male from earlier walks up, zipping his pants and tossing a syringe aside, no doubt used on the young cat girl assuming she's even still alive. I look up into his eyes as he inspects me, my parka tossed in shreds to the floor around me, making it look like a feathery murder scene.

"You, girl, what are you?" His voice is deep and rich, commanding of respect. Clearly this male is used to being respected. I lower my gaze, not wanting to give him reason to attack me.

"I'm a Wolfcat. My mother and my father were Sa'aedoae." I reply, splaying my tails behind me and allowing him to view my form more completely. He looks thoughtful for a moment before whispering something in a strange language to his companions.

"Sa'aedoae, they're shadow-people are they not? Rare hybrids valued for their ability to control the very shadows themselves. What is your name?" His tone is one that demands obedience now, and I can't help but shiver as he continues to stare into my eyes.

"My name is Kaia Hanazono. I am the daughter of Raban and Sa'aedowyn, the last of their line." I reply, lifting my head as high as I dare, only to earn a chuckle from my captor.

"A royal? You've gotta be shitting me. Boss, do you know how much this bitch is worth?" A black tiger next to me shouts, only to be snarled at by the leader, silencing himself with a yip of fear.

"So, you are the Shadow Princess then. Fair enough. The question is what we do with you. You see, I was going to take that little cat girl and force her to have a few litters to sell them to the highest bidder, but you appeared and interrupted me, so I had to wipe her memory and leave her where I found her. Normally the penalty for intrusion is death, but you, you're far more valuable than that scrawny cat. So, a choice. You can either take her place, be my bitch and produce a few royal litters I can sell, or I can sell you to the highest bidder and rid myself of a potential problem, so what do you say?" His words send shivers through me, and though I certainly feel fear for my life, there's also something deeper, more primal inside me that demands my submission to such a clear leader. That primal part of me has my body feeling an unusual heat towards this male.

"Well, first, I would like to know the name of my Master. After all, that is what you are while I'm pinned in the back of a van under your gaze, no?" I barely register the words coming out of my mouth. On my mind now is the realization that I haven't even thought of escaping. The leader laughs a short bark, disbelief evident in his wide eyed gaze.

"My name is Rabia, I'm the Alpha of the Northern Blackclaw Pack. As you may have guessed, I'm a wolf, third Alpha generation. You can call me Master if you'd like, if that will make what I'm going to do to you easier." His reply makes me whimper, my body now feeling as though it's on fire.

"The drug we gave you seems to be taking effect. It's a powerful little cocktail combining a heavy sedative with a fertility booster. Basically, it's designed to make you quiet, honest, and in heat. You'll be feeling the full effect by the time we get back to the Cage." Rabia explains, running a black clawed hand through my fur, gently rubbing my charcoal colored ear.

"Such a beautiful creature. I'm going to enjoy you, Princess. You're going to be mine for a long, long time." His words are the last thing I hear as the drugs knock me out again.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, clearly underground in a basement somewhere, my clothes removed and replaced with a simple camisole covering my chest and a pair of shorts covering my lower half. I reach up to my neck to encounter a welded metal collar fixed to my neck with some sort of circuit included, likely a tracking tag in case I escape. Looking around, I can see that the room has a door made of ornate metal bars, woven with a leaf pattern and a heavy lock keeping it firmly shut in the frame. The walls are a sterile white, brightly lit and scented with bleach and antiseptics. There's a bed, metal framed and looking like a hospital bed from a horror movie with plain white sheets and a thick wool blanket. The floor is covered by a plush rug, and a security camera in the corner over the dresser leaves no doubt that I'm being observed. The lack of windows, concrete floor, barred door and sterile light tells me I'm likely underground at some type of holding facility, and I'm not leaving anytime soon.

After what feels like hours, but likely was only minutes, the lock rattles and I can see Rabia standing at the door. Turning to face him, I wag my tails in a friendly manner, ignoring the rush of heat I feel through my body at the sight of him. He opens the door and enters, locking it behind him, and as he looks me over, a soft growl of approval rumbles in his chest. As he observes me, I'm given the opportunity to see him in the light. His fur is thick, his mane a deep blue-black only serving to accent his yellow eyes. His nose is a deep brown as are the insides of his ears, and one is slightly bent, the edge torn. His chest is bared, displaying deep scars from fights and impressive muscles rippling beneath the fur. Around his neck is a military style dog tag, bent and riddled with dents and scratches. At his waist, a folded baton, most likely for protection should I try to fight him, and black army-style pants and combat boots complete his overly tough fighter look. Looking behind him, I can see his tail, long, full and tipped with the same blue-black color as his mane. Overall, he's more impressive than I would have given him credit for and I moan softly as my body flushes once again, causing even my ears to feel hot with need from the injection.

"See something you like, Princess?" His words are laced with sarcasm, but instead of insulting, I only whimper loudly, my tails raising behind me and wagging invitingly.

"Yes Master, you're quite handsome." My words almost freeze my tails in place. I wonder what's wrong with me that I'm actually interested in the male who is holding me hostage and threatening to breed me to sell my babies. At work we'd had classes on how to spot, avoid and report traffickers, and here I am enjoying it with no desire to escape or report anything. As Rabia moves closer to me, I instinctively tilt my head to the side, allowing him to place his claws on my neck and stroke my fur.

"Feeling hot, my little hybrid? Do you want me to put out that fire? Fill you with my cubs? Is that what my Princess wants?" His words are spoken in a soft growl, and all I can think is how much I want his knotted wolf cock buried in my depths and putting out this fire. A fierce snarl rips through his lips as he shreds the meager clothing I've been given, rendering my body bare to his gaze. Aggressively, his paw finds my opening and his digits gently rub me, sending shockwaves through every inch of my body.

"Master, please!" I plead, my vision fuzzy with need as Rabia pulls me towards the bed, pushing me down and claiming my muzzle in a deep, biting kiss. I come alive as I taste blood from a rough nip, and my claws extend, digging hard into his back and causing him to roar, rearing back and smacking me across the face hard.

"Good bitches are on all fours, got that, Princess?" His growl is raspy and I move to all fours, only getting a moment before I feel his weight on my back, his clothing discarded on the floor to expose the dusky pink shaft poking its way out of his sheath in preparation to claim me.

"See this, bitch? I'm going to put every inch of my cock in your fertile cunt and pump you full of my cubs. They'll be sold to people looking for exotic slaves and your daughters might even end up working for me someday. You like that thought, bitch? You like the thought of being the producer of my litters?" Rabia's words should disturb me, they should make my instincts flare and demand I chase him off, but I can't. All I want, all I crave is his knotted lupine length spearing into me and filling me with litter after litter.

"Do it Master. Fill me, breed me, claim me as yours, sell my cubs I don't care as long as you fuck me and make me your bitch!" I yowl my need just as the tapered head of his cock pierces my entrance, his paws grabbing my hips and pulling me back roughly, causing his deflated knot to kiss my clit and send a rush of heat through my spine again. Rabia notices and begins thrusting, his muzzle buried in the fur of my neck, every thrust sending a hot jet of his breath over me as his length grows and pulses within me.

"You're so tight, Princess. Never had a cock before this, have you? Am I going to be the first to break you in? Did you save yourself for some special male or did you just want an alpha to fuck you raw?" Rabia's words make me blush heavily, knowing that he knows I've never been claimed before. No male had ever been worthy of me and as the last of my line, it was expected that I'd marry and have pups with a powerful Alpha. As his thrusts speed up, I realize I'm being claimed by one and I begin growling my pleasure as my tails wrap around his legs.

"That's my good girl. Can you feel what you're doing to me? My knot, do you want it inside you?" Rabia's voice keeps me clinging to the edge of release, afraid to take the leap into the abyss, but needing him to extinguish this need roaring within my body. As he begins pushing his knot against my opening, I can feel my heated walls gripping him, pulling his length further inside as his hips drive him in and out in steady thrusts.

"Please, Master, breed me, I want your knot inside me, I want to feel you cum inside me, filling me until I can take no more." I moan, my voice breathy and shallow as I feel the tapered head of his length brushing over my cervix, teasing it open with the aid of my drugged heat. As his hips pull me back, pushing his expanding knot into me little by little, I feel as though I'm being split in half and wedged open all at once. Finally, with a single hard thrust, Rabia bites my neck hard, accenting my collar with punctures from his fangs above and below. I shriek as his knot slips inside me, feeling something snap deep within my body and I fall over the edge, my fluids rushing out to meet his knot and ease its way in until his heavy sheath and balls are flush against my thighs. I feel him throbbing inside me, his knot continuing to expand until his pulls against me no longer allow him to retreat. His thrusting speeds up, short jabs that electrify my body and make me moan, gasp, plead and beg for him to fill me, but with a chuckle, he just continues thrusting, reverting me into a whining puddle of cum and heat on the bed, unable to stop cumming as he continues his treatment. Finally, I feel his movements become erratic and his claws gain a desperate sharpness, digging through my fur and into skin, drawing small drops of blood. His cock throbs angrily, oversensitive from the thrusting and I feel a rush of fluid with every pulse, drawing his balls up against his body as they expel their contents into my fertile womb, filling me until I can feel myself expanding from the sheer volume. The sudden fullness makes my vision explode as I reach my peak a final time, my eyes clouding over and my vision darkening as I lose myself to the pleasure and sedative pumped in me by my new Alpha. My last action before I let the darkness claim me is to let out a contented purr and lower myself into a more comfortable position, allowing Rabia to use me to support his body as his knot ties us together.

Three months have passed since my capture. Rabia never needed to worry about me escaping, on the contrary I actually enjoy my captivity, being taken care of in exchange for lifting my tails to a powerful Alpha, never needing to work or worry about supporting my cubs. My pregnancy is noticeable now, my Alpha's seed having done more than its fair share and causing my womb to swell with a litter of triplets. Though I know they're likely to be sold, I've managed to convince Rabia to allow me to keep one daughter, and allow me to visit my mother on occasion, giving her the news that she'll have a grandchild before old age claims her as she once feared. Though she'll never know the origin of her granddaughter, she's happy that I've found a worthy mate who doesn't mind that I'm part cat.