The Chronicles of Cyro

Story by Ossanlin on SoFurry

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Copyright and Such:

The following story contains homosexual anthropomorphic yiffy scenes. If any of this offends you, please hit the back button on your browser. But I can't see why else you would be here, so if you are a sensible fur and enjoy such things, please do continue! Of course, the author reserves all rights to the following story. I don't mind if you post this story on other archives and sites, just get my permission first, please. And it can only be posted if it remains unaltered and complete, and all due credit is given to the author (Ossanlin). Okay, that should do it.


A tough bounty hunter wolf is in the village looking for business, he meets a young fox at the general store. The big bad wolf finds out what it means to be a sub, but also finds a side of himself he's never seen before. Hope you guys like it!

Author's Note:

Hi guys. I haven't been around for a while, it's a long story why, but hey, I'm back, and I'm still writing. I don't know if I can do better than the "Streetdog" stories, but I'll do my best! ;) Anyway, I'll tell you a bit about the story. Yes, it is indeed another fox/wolf story, but I think you might find this one a bit of a departure from the norm. This idea's been swimming around in my head for quite awhile, so I decided to write it. It's my opinion that most yiffy writers have a fox/wolf story in them just dying to come out, I did my best to make mine unique and a nice story in its own right. I'll tell you, there's a bit of a twist, but that won't cum until part two. Yes, there's going to be a part two. It's all really one story in my mind, but it got to be ten pages long in my word doc., and I thought that I should probably split it up, lest it becomes too long, plus I'm eager to get back to posting stories. Okay, most of you who've read my stories know that positive feedback is my writing fuel. So please, I'd appreciate it very much, if you have the time, if you would send your comments to [email protected] I would like to thank all of you who have already taken the time to email your comments on prior stories, you are much appreciated!!! Thanx so much. Okay, so when I have the internet back (long story I spoke of earlier), you'll probably be able to find me on the yiffchat at nights. I love to meet new furry faces, so I hope to see you there! Thanks to you all for taking the time to read this. Now...ENJOY!

Dedicated to my dear takatavolpe, my mate. You will always carry a piece of my heart taka.

Chronicles of Cyro

Volume 1

"So, do you accept?" The nervous otter gazed at me intently.

I leaned back in the small wooden chair, my eyes fixed tightly upon the gold coins sitting on the table between us, my tail flicking back and forth silently.

"Please, Cyro sir, he's been plaguing us for so long." The otter pushed the gold back toward me, watching me with excited eyes.

"It will not be easy, magistrate. My services come at a high price, especially for a target such as this." I fingered the handle of my saber absentmindedly, licking my canines a little, and finally bringing my eyes up to meet his own. "This is not enough, if I bring back your target, you will have to double this amount, paying that half then. Or you can give me one of your townspeople as a slave."

The otter magistrate swallowed hard as he finally understood just how much my services were to cost him. He nodded stiffly. "We'll come up with the money somehow. We would give nearly anything to be rid of him."

I nodded in return. "Then I accept." I extended my paw and the otter took it a bit nervously. We shook on it and I turned to the pile of gold, scooping it into my satchel with a paw.

"Do you need assistance? There are many townspeople that would be willing to help you." The otter watched me.

"No. I work alone. Don't worry, I'll bring back your target just as promised, and you will make good on your end of the deal." I turned tail and exited the small house. Compared to the rest of the huts in town, it was a mansion. It was the magistrate's house, so it made sense.

I turned to the main street, watching the furs go about their daily business, but I could sense the nervousness, the unease. Many of them constantly looked up, some over their shoulders. They were just waiting for something to happen. That's where I came in.

I went into the town's only general store to stock up on some supplies. As I browsed, I noticed a small mirror propped on a shelf. I turned to it and regarded my image. I ran a paw through my headfur, smoothing and puffing it a bit at the same time. I had always regarded myself as a somewhat striking wolf. My eyes were a rich, deep royal purple. Gray color with dense silver highlights gave my fur a kind of surreal, shimmering look. It was a kind of evolutionary trait. I was the last of my breed. My people had lived in a very warm climate, and we'd developed the silver fur to help reflect the sun's heat. My fur changed color at the front of my neck and down the better part of my chest, belly, and other regions, the silver fur was still interspersed, giving it the shiny, reflective look, but the base fur color changed to a rich creamy white. I was nicely defined with a well-toned body. I suppose that came with the territory. Being a bounty hunter required strength and agility after all. Of course, none of this was visible to onlookers because of my leather armor and underclothing. I had a saber tied to one hip with a tightly woven cloth that tied around my body, and my tail puffed out through my shorts. I chose to wear armor that only covered my torso; it was harder to move arms and legs with stiff leather on them.

I turned from the mirror and went towards the food section of the small hut. I pulled a few strips of dried meat from the hangers, and grabbed a jar of healing poultice from the shelf. I set it all on the counter and gave the young fox a few silver pieces to pay for the goods. His eyes lit up and I smiled to myself. "Keep the change, kid."

I looked back at him as he followed me out the door with his eyes. He was actually quite cute. He looked to be in the middle of his teenage years. He had the basic red, white, and black fox markings, and he wore a simple deep blue tunic. There was a rich midnight blue bandana tied around his head through which his cute ears poked, and he had a small jagged earring hanging from the base of one ear. He smiled brightly as I left the store. I suppose it was partly his vulpine nature that made him attractive to me. I had always had a weakness for those too damn cute foxes.

I walked back out to the main street and stopped only to buy a few fruits from the stand near the edge of the small town. I tightly packed everything into the pack strapped to my back that I used to carry supplies and looked up at the sky. It wasn't dark yet, but it was twilight. I decided to take the magistrate up on his offer to stay in the town's inn for a night. I turned back and headed for the small inn, situated near the edge of the town.

I walked in and up to the counter. The innkeeper was waiting for me and said that he'd prepared a room for me already. I headed straight for it, setting my supplies near the bed. I didn't unstrap my armor yet, since I planned on going down to the tavern for a drink and a little something to eat.

I walked down the stairs and took a seat at the bar, ordering an ale and some soup with meat. I turned to regard my company, and one fur in particular attracted my eye. The young fox from the general store was sitting at a table, sipping a root beer, his eyes fixed on me.

I smiled, and I could tell he flushed a little under his bright red fur. He averted his eyes as my food and drink arrived.

I didn't really talk as I ate, I liked to be alone quite often. I suppose I'd gotten used to it. Being the only one of a species doesn't exactly boost one's social drive. And, of course, my career was a lonely one anyway. Maybe I'd chosen it because it was lonely, I don't really know.

I brought the steak to my lips and tore off a piece, chewing it thoroughly, enjoying its juicy consistency. I brought the bowl to my muzzle and sipped the exceptional potato soup; I'd been told that the tavern prided itself on its food, now I understood why. I sipped my ale gingerly, and finished my meal in good order, washing the last few bits of meat down with the last dregs of ale. I set all of the dishes on the counter and thanked the barkeep, throwing a silver piece onto the counter, despite the fact that it was supposed to be free. It really was a good meal, and I thought it deserved a tip.

I got up from the stool and strode out into the hallway, taking the stairs slowly, and finally arriving at my room. It was actually a bit early for bed, but I wanted to get an early start. Years and years of practice had blessed me with the ability to fall asleep whenever I wanted, and to wake on a dime. I untied my sword, carefully laying it at my bedside, and started to unbuckle the armor when I heard a soft knock at the door.

I faced the door and reached, lightning quick, for my sword. It was an instinctive reflex anymore. "Who's there?"

"Uh, it's just me, Loran, the fox from the general store." The soft voice echoed through my supersensitive ears. I frowned in confusion and laid my sword back at my bedside, walking briskly up to the door, opening it.

"You may come in." I sat on the edge of the straw-stuffed mattress, starting to unbuckle my armor again.

The door opened slowly and the young fox entered, carrying a small bag. "H-hello, Cyro..uh sir. My parents just um...wanted to uh..umm...thank you for the generous tip." The fox smiled meekly extending the paw with the bag in it toward me. "It's enough to allow us to build a nicer building, a bigger store, a nicer place to live too."

I smiled a little as I worked on the ties and buckles. "Don't worry about it kid. It's all I had to pay with, and I wasn't going to try and make you come up with change for it." I chuckled. "Besides, a wolf like me doesn't really have a great need for money. I can get all I need from the land."

The kit frowned a bit. "The magistrate's been talking about your incredibly high prices all afternoon. But he's not complaining, he says it's worth it to be rid of that trickster."

I shrugged. "I don't use the money, I'll just end up giving it all back somehow. I only charge the high prices to maintain my profile. My earnings go to those that truly need it. I have little need for money. Just enough to get by is fine for me."

"Well, they wanted me to deliver this for you, my parents that is." He set the bag down next to my sword and smiled his meek smile again.

I unbuckled the last buckle and finally lifted the armor from my shoulders, unveiling the tight cotton underclothing. My definition was clearly visible through the tight fabric. I laid the armor next to my sword, out of the way, making sure that my paw could quickly and easily reach the hilt of my saber if need be.

I looked up and smiled. "Thank you, I'll accept your gift then. And make sure to thank your parents as well."

The kit nodded and smiled a bit as he turned tail and left, closing the door behind him. There was a soft ?click' as the latch set.

I laid back and settled myself into the soft cotton casing around the straw mattress. No sooner than had I reached over, preparing to extinguish the lamp, there was another knock at the door. I got up slowly and opened the door, looking out into the hall.

Loran, the fox kit, waved up at me. "There more thing..." His muzzle turned to a devilish grin and he ran into me, catching me off-guard and pushing me backwards. I fell into the bed and he fell on top of me, and before I could respond, he straddled my belly and bent down to plant a firm kiss on my muzzle. As he sank his tongue into my muzzle, I heard the barely audible ?click' of the door again as it swung itself shut, obviously under the influence of a self-closing charm.

He unlatched his muzzle and smiled down at me with a triumphant grin. I took a deep breath, my eyes still wide with surprise. "Wha?"

The fox leaned down and kissed me again, but this time I was ready for him. I was the one who used his tongue this time. I pushed my way into his muzzle, wrestling with his tongue, closing my eyes. I enjoyed the kiss thoroughly, it'd been a time since I'd had any intimate relations, and my sheath was already bulging under the fabric in anticipation.

I broke the kiss and brought my paws to his shoulders. "How old are you, Loran?"

"I'm old enough." He raked his claws over my cotton-clad chest.

"No, how old are you really?" I asked him more forcefully, gazing into his deep brown eyes.

"Well, if you must know, I'm sixteen and a half." The kit smiled a little and I let go of his shoulders.

"And that means..." he leaned down again to nuzzle and nibble my neck, "that I'm old enough to know what I want." He licked my neck softly and moved his paws down to hook under the top part of my underclothing, drawing it up over my head. I raised my arms, allowing it to slip off.

Loran raked his claws through my chestfur hard and licked down to the center of my chest, moving off to one of my aching nipples. "And I really want you, you big hunk of wolf!" He sank his lips over the sensitive nipple and sucked hard.

I took in a quick breath and closed my eyes, my muzzle opening just enough to let my tongue loll out the side. His muzzle was heaven; it felt so good to be so close to another again. I felt him bite a bit on the stiff nipple, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. I took in another deep breath and started to pant a bit, the little fox was really getting me hot!

The time it took him to move to my other nipple was enough to give me a few fleeting moments of clarity of mind. I cradled the underside of his muzzle gently with a paw, and directed his eyes toward mine. I looked deeply into those bottomless pools of brown again. "Loran, I don't want you to do this because of the tip, or because of your parents."

The young fox smiled a bit, chuckling softly. "Oh no, this has nothing to do with that. My parents just wanted me to deliver the package. No, no, this doesn't even have anything to do with what you want, Cyro sir. I'm doing this strictly for me, and if you enjoy it too, well, that's a little bonus." He licked my muzzle fleetingly and moved back down to my other nipple, giving it similar treatment.

I laid my head back again and allowed my tongue to loll out, starting to pant again. My sheath was bulging almost uncomfortably as the girth of my wolfcock thickened. I felt its pointy tip rubbing against the fabric of my shorts.

The fox removed his muzzle and gazed into my eyes smiling softly again. "Does the big wolf want his foxy to help him ?out'?" He stressed the word ?out', obviously noting the condition of my sheath.

I nodded, almost whimpering with desire. I took in another sudden breath as he ground his ass hard into my burgeoning sheath through the fabric of my shorts. I raked through his chestfur with my claws and he leaned down to give my muzzle another quick lick as he hooked his paws under the waist of my shorts.

"How bad does big, bad Cyro want it, hmm?" The kit brought a paw up to caress my muzzle softly, smiling, gazing into my eyes.

I whimpered a little before I spoke. "Worse than words can convey." I bent up to take his muzzle into another kiss as he drew my shorts down ever so slowly with a single paw. I used my own paws to untie the cloth belt that bound his blue tunic in at his waist. I removed the tunic slowly, he raised his paws only momentarily to allow it to slip off, and then slowly drew my shorts the rest of the way off, never once breaking the kiss.

The rush of cool air against the very tip of my lupine pride was maddening. Everything was even more sensitive than before, and I used my claws to shred the soft cotton undergarments that clad his body in an instant. The scraps of cloth fell to the floor, finally revealing his creamy white sheath to me. I could see just the tip of his vulpine member peeking out, his sheath obviously bulging.

The kit slid down my body, dragging his fur across the exposed tip of my wolf member, causing my fur to stand on end with goosebumps. He moved down to position himself between my legs and regarded his treat.

"My, Cyro sir...what big balls you have!"

"All the better to spooge you with, Loran." I chuckled a little to myself and then arched my back suddenly, reacting involuntarily to the warm muzzle around my creamy silver orbs. I closed my eyes again, panting harder, raking my claws through his headfur, and bending my legs up to allow him better access.

He took in first one orb, and then the other, causing my wolfcock to bulge even more, stretching my sheath almost painfully as it edged its way out slowly. He nibbled softly on each ball in turn, causing a chorus of whimpers to emit from my throat. I felt a throb and a warm wetness against my belly as my lupine member jetted a stream of pre onto my fur.

Seeing the reaction, Loran moved his muzzle up to my sheath, sucking on the fur gently, nibbling, eliciting more whimpers from my throat. The aroma of male musk in the room was intoxicating, and the whole atmosphere made my entire body yearn for what was to come. I was on the brink of madness, the little fox knew exactly what he was doing. He nibbled harder on my cock through my sheath, sending sudden jolts of pleasure spiked with pain through my entire body. My wolfcock sent another jet of pre onto my belly, starting to matte the fur a bit. The whole ordeal made my want, my need for his muzzle intolerable, insatiable. I needed him, and that was all there was to it.

Finally he granted me mercy. He moved his muzzle up and took the tip of my lupine pride into his muzzle as he pulled my sheath down suddenly, exposing my entire member to the outside air.

I gasped and rewarded him with a giant shot of pre. He grinned softly and ?mmm'ed around my cock, I could feel his tongue spreading the pre around, tasting it, sucking my wolfcock gently for any more that I might have to offer him.

I granted him a second dose, scritching his headfur softly as pleasure overcame my body. I felt the full length of my lupine meat extend, the girth swelling to its full potential. The fox murred happily and took my entire length into his muzzle, licking my sheath as his lips touched it.

I groaned uncontrollably and pushed into his muzzle a bit with my hips, and then relaxed again, letting him have total control.

I felt one of his paws snake under me, finding its goal quickly. I felt his claw tease the pucker of my rear entry, parting it just a bit, tickling and torturing me. His other paw moved to my laden orbs, heavy with their load.

I took in another quick breath as his claw pushed its way through, and another stream of hot wolfie pre squirted from my cock into Loran's waiting muzzle as he squeezed my orbs.

"You...You're too good to be...true! Aaah...unn..." I moaned uncontrollably as the young fox worked me expertly. My free paw worked its way down to the fox's sheath, groping it heavily as lust took me. I wanted his seed badly, I needed it. I wanted his load deep inside me, his vulpine essence, I wanted him to take me, no, I needed him to take me.

"L-Loran...take me...I..I want to be...make me your little fox bitch, kit. M-make an honest..vixen out of me....Aaahh..." I moaned uncontrollably, an undying need to be dominated by this young fox kit taking me, my brain clouded completely by lust and the growing scent of male musk.

The fox smiled around my girth and removed his muzzle slowly. "Your wish is my command." He shoved his finger through my tight tail hard, eliciting a gasp from my throat as I felt myself penetrated. My cock throbbed and jetted a stream of pre across his muzzle, the warm liquid drenching his nose. He inhaled deeply and then licked his lips. "But first..." he twisted his finger around in my tight tunnel, gaining another gasp from me, "I must be will that happen, Cyro?" He used a paw to grip me hard, groping my cock, grinning at the look of pleasured anguish on my muzzle. "Will you be a good big bad wolfie, and do it for me..hmm?" He squeezed hard again, and moved down to blow a warm jet of air over the very tip of my lupine member.

My need was unbearable, intolerable. I would do anything for this fox kit right at that moment. I knew I had to be had by him, there was no question. "Of course, Loran. I...oh mercy...I would do...anything...ung..."

Loran smiled and released my throbbing lupine pride and dragged himself up my body, my supersensitive member twitching at every hair, every bit of fur that caressed it. I gasped as his hardening sheath and tip of his fox meat dragged over my own sensitive cock. The jet of pre wetted our bellies and slicked our fur, making every movement smooth. He slid his groin up my belly and chest until his vulpine member was at my lips. One word emitted from his muzzle, "Suck."

I obeyed fervently, taking the fox meat into my muzzle like so much candy, enjoying the intense scent of the fox's musk. I suckled like a baby wolf kit on his mother's teat, trying vainly to milk the vulpine member.

"Mmm...eager, are we Cyro, sir?" The fox kit nearly purred as I sucked his cock ravenously, wanting something, anything from it. I felt his vulpine pride swell in my warm muzzle. I used my paw to peel his sheath back the rest of the way, revealing his full length. I plunged down on him, taking his entire length into my muzzle, sucking as hard as I could muster. I used a paw to fondle his creamy balls, squeezing them; my other paw roamed his chest, claws raking into his soft fur.

I heard him groan and looked up. His eyes were closed and a look of absolute pleasure was on his muzzle. I felt his paws move across and down my muzzle, caressing it. I felt his claws extend to scritch into my fur. One of his paws moved to the back of my head, urging me to move on his now fully extended cock.

I obeyed and began a slow back and forth motion, sucking hard when I reached the tip, and then taking him fully into my muzzle, sucking him to the roots. Finally, at long last, I was rewarded with a shot of the fox kit's pre. I rolled it around in my muzzle, spreading it across my tongue, tasting him fully before swallowing.

"'re good...big bad wolfie...but I have other I'm afraid..." I felt the warm treat escape my muzzle. I extended my tongue to lick it quickly one last time, my lips groping to receive it again.

"Ah-ah-ahh. No no, big bad wolf. We have other plans..." The devilish grin returned to his muzzle as he moved slowly down my body, waggling his finger in a "no-no" gesture before using the claw to drag a single line down my chest and belly as he moved down my body.

"You've been bad, Cyro, sir. I shall have to exact punishment..." The grin never left his muzzle as he turned it sideways and slid his teeth down my aching member. I yipped in surprise and pain as I felt the sharp tips dig into my sensitive flesh. I became completely submissive as he moved down to the bottom of the mattress. He took my heavy orbs into his muzzle again, rolling them each once through his muzzle, and then licked down, down until he reached the rosebud of my anus. He kissed it gently before pushing his tongue softly against it. I took in another quick breath, and then felt his slick tongue part me gently, caressing me with its warmth.

He pushed his muzzle deep into my ass and I felt his long, serpent-like tongue pierce me. I moaned again, feeling the slick flesh moving within me, readying me for what was next. I felt the hot breath from his nose, and his lips against my tight opening. I groaned as his tongue twisted in me, pushing as deeply as it could. I felt his teeth as they nibbled at my tight entrance, his lips sucking gently. Too soon, I felt the young kit's muzzle withdraw, tongue and all. He looked up at me and smiled, getting to his knees on the mattress.

My tail flicked back and forth in anticipation as I lifted my legs as high as I could.

"How badly do you want it, big bad wolfie?" Loran smiled at my pained muzzle.

"Please...d-don't tease me any longer...I need it...I need it more than anything."

"Very well, if you insist." The movement was almost too quick to see. I felt his paws on my hips and a quick thrust, his entire length spearing into me, parting me.

I arched my back and let out a strangled howl as the intense pain and pleasure overran my body. I gripped the sheets tightly in my paws, my claws tearing at the fabric as I felt myself penetrated by the kit's incredible girth.

The feeling was beyond describable. To have the fox take me like nothing more than a vixen prostitute was exhilarating. The feeling of his vulpine pride throbbing within me was beyond pleasure or pain. All I felt was lust, lust for the fox's seed. I needed him to truly mark me as his. I wanted his essence badly, and nothing but it could quench my need.

The fox arched his back and dropped his weight on me fully, spiking his vulpine member as deeply into me as he could. "Aah...s-soo...tight..." He was starting to pant as he began a slow motion. Bringing his member to the very top of my rear entry, and then dropping his weight again, spiking that beautiful hunk of fox meat into me.

My own tongue lolled out the side of my muzzle as I closed my eyes, enjoying the wonderful feeling of the young fox taking me. I reached my paws up to his; they remained on my waist, gripping tightly. I ran my paws up his arms to his shoulders as he pushed in and out of me, holding me down against the mattress.

He started to pick up the pace, thrusting in and out of me quicker and quicker. I signaled the end of each thrust with a grunt as I felt him pierce me. His vulpine cock throbbed on every stroke, and I felt the pre jet into me, slicking the fox's cock even further, allowing him to power in and out of me.

Every thrust was heavenly, the feeling of that stiff fox meat up my tight tunnel was almost enough to drive me over the edge right then and there. His pace reached a breakneck speed and the only sounds in the room were that of two hot furry bodies slamming into each other with muffled slaps. The fox kit's own grunts echoed mine now, and I felt his knot growing. I could feel how close he was, and I squeezed on him tightly with my sphincter, eliciting a yip, and rewarded by an even more insistent pace.

My claws were shredding the sheets, my eyes screwed shut, my teeth gritted as his knot parted me again and again. He leaned down over my body and locked his muzzle on my own, giving one last mighty thrust, shoving and locking his engorged fox pride behind my tight ring.

My yip of pain and pleasure was muffled by the fox's tight jaws, his tongue was buried deeply in my muzzle, his chest heaving. He moved his arms to my shoulders and held me flat against the mattress, I was completely in his control. He broke the kiss suddenly and howled to the moon as he released his hot, sticky fox seed deep into me.

I reached for my own wolf pride as I felt the second rocket of fox cum jet into my waiting rear, drenching my insides, filling me to the brim, but he held my arms fast and wouldn't let me move.

He curled his lips back and growled as he pushed into me with all of his weight, and I felt more hot ropes of hot fox seed squirt deep into my rear tunnel. My paws were gripping and crushing bare straw now as the fox kit emptied jet after jet of thick, warm vulpine seed into me. My wolf cock was ready and waiting, wanting to burst as I felt myself fill with fox essence, but my vulpine lover wouldn't let me touch myself, and refused to touch me, tormenting me. His vulpine pride pulsed over and over, emptying all he had to offer into me. My frustration was growing, but I was tied to him now, and he held me tight. He had control, and there was little I could do about it.

He looked back down at me, gazing into my eyes and smiling softly. "No, you can't cum yet, big bad wolf. It's your turn next, and we wouldn't want you losing yourself too soon, now would we?" He lay down on my chest and kissed me again, his cock embedded deeply in my hungry tunnel, tied tightly in place.

"Please, Loran...I need to..." I whimpered pitifully as the fox kit brought a finger to my lips, silencing me. He kissed me again, twining his tongue around my own, muting any protest I might offer.

I closed my eyes and resigned myself to the feeling of being so filled by the young fox, giving it up as a futile cause. Loran broke the kiss and moved to simply licking my muzzle softly, blowing on my ears, and licking them occasionally.

"So, now that you're mine, what do you plan to do, big bad wolf?" The fox kit dragged a single claw softly down my exposed shaft, gaining a yip and a growl. My frustration was nearing the point of insanity. I needed release badly, and he was refusing me, teasing me!

"What will I do?" My own deep, growling voice surprised me. "Oh, you'll find out soon enough." I hardly heard myself speaking, it sounded so unlike me. But there was no denying that my voice was sounding the threatening words.

The kit only smiled and brushed my muzzle with a paw, kissing my nose gently. "I'm certain I will."

I growled audibly as the kit continued to tease and toy with me. The musk, the insatiable need for release, the taunting denial of it was becoming too much. I felt something within me that I'd never felt before. I was quickly becoming a feral animal, a rutting lupine. My higher thought seemed to vanish, and only my basic instincts remained. I knew what I wanted, and I was going to take it.

I growled again and threw the fox's paw from my wrist, freeing myself of his domination. I grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down tight against me, growl-whispering in his ear, "You will be mine, I will take you."

At that very moment, the fox's tie ended, I felt his knot shrink, and I pushed him from me with all of my strength.

"Oh, is the big bad wolfie gonna get me? Whatever shall I do?" The now-standing fox turned in front of me and slapped his bare furry ass hard, swishing his tail back and forth teasingly.

I jumped up from the bed with the speed of a hunting wolf pouncing on its prey. I leaped onto him, the force of my body slamming his own into the door leading to the hallway. I didn't care where or how, I was going to take him.

The fox yipped a bit and then craned his neck back, using his paws to brace himself against the door. I wrapped my paws tightly around his chest, and latched my teeth onto his shoulder, eliciting a yip and then a groan of pleasure from the young fox.

I found my mark quickly and thrust forward so forcefully that I lifted the kits hindpaws from the floor. He yipped again and then craned his neck back, moaning in pleasure as my lubeless wolfcock buried itself deeply into Loran's tight hole.

I started thrusting mercilessly into the fox, holding him tightly with both paws and jaws, my mind clouded with pure lust and an urgent need for release. My hips were a blur as my instincts drove me. Each pistoning thrust drove the fox hard into the door, lifting his hindpaws. I grunted gutturally with every thrust, pushing hard into him, my body driven by mindless lust. I bit down harder on the fox kit's shoulder and growled as my knot began to grow. Finally, my release was nearing, my frustration would come to an end!

My claws dug into the wanting fox. I felt him try to meet my every thrust as his body writhed in pure ecstasy. I saw the small trenches that his claws had dug into the wooden door as I rocked his body up and down at a blinding speed. His tail was wrapped tightly around my ass, doing its best to keep me close. And I felt the fox cum leaking from my ravaged tailhole, upset by the vigorous movement. But I truly noticed none of it, my mind was bent on one thing, and my body would not relent until I'd achieved it.

At last, I felt it building in my groin. I felt the tingling in my belly as my muscles began to lock up. I left one paw in place to hold him tight, but reached the other paw down to grip the engorged fox cock hard. I felt his knot already formed again in my supersensitive paw, and I gripped hard behind it, releasing my mating bite and howling in complete disregard to all in the inn as I thrust hard one last time, pushing my swollen knot tightly into the vulpine's spasming tailring.

Blessed balls jumped as I felt the first hot ropes of sticky wolf seed jet into the fox's ass. I pushed as hard into the young vulpine as I could, holding him off the floor, loosing a second volley of steamy, thick lupine cum into his ass. At the same time, the fox bared his teeth and growled as he was lifted from the floor, and I felt the warm wetness of the fox's second load of the night. It splattered against the wooden door, coating his cock and my paw, slicking his belly, and soaking into his fur.

I held him from the floor as my wolfcock spasmed again, jetting another gob of sweet wolf cum into his milking ass. I felt his vulpine member jerk and throb again, loosing even more fox seed upon the door and my paw.

I pushed forward one last time, the last ropes of thick, creamy lupine seed from my incredible orgasm spilling into the fox, drenching every nook and cranny of his tailhole, filling him to the top.

He sighed as his cock jerked for the last time, signaling the end of his second orgasm of the night.

Suddenly, my awareness returned to me, my instinct satiated. My brain cleared, and I was instantly sorry for what I'd done. I'd never behaved like that before, even when mating. I licked the young fox's shoulder where I'd bitten it, and I allowed his hindpaws to touch the floor again. "I..I'm so sorry Loran...I..I don't know why I behaved like that! Like I was nothing more than a mere rutting animal..."

The fox only smiled and used his paws to caress my sides. "It's okay, was wonderful. It's what I wanted..." He gave me that diabolical grin again, and squeezed his sphincter tightly behind my knot.

I jumped a bit and growled, but returned to licking his wound. I used my cum-coated paw to stroke slowly up and down Loran's aching member, squeezing tightly, milking the last few drops from within it. He groaned and leaned back into me. "I thank you for a wonderful night, Cyro sir. I now know what to do." The soft smile never left his muzzle, and I turned to licking at his ears. He turned his muzzle far enough so that I could reach it with my own, and I took it into a deep, passionate kiss.

There was a strange feeling growing inside of me, but I didn't know what it was. It was something toward this little fox, something I'd never felt before. It wasn't lust or friendship. Well, it felt a bit like friendship, but there was more. A sort of yearning, like something tugging at me, squeezing my chest. I couldn't figure it out, all I knew was that I was happy to be with the young fox right now. I didn't want the tie to end. I used a paw to caress his muzzle, and I guided him over to the bed. I carefully lay down, pulling him with me, and I cuddled with him. There was a kind of wholesome feeling throughout my body, like everything felt right. It was a wonderful evening, and I fell to sleep with the fox kit in my arms.

NOT the end. Part two's still to cum guys! Like I said before, it's really all one story in my mind, but this thing is already ten pages long in Word, so I figured I'd better split it up. I already know what I'm going to write in the sequel, and I'll start on it immediately. And, of course, all forms of comments are appreciated. I need my writing fuel! * chuckles * Hope you guys liked it!
