Chapter 3

Story by Motto on SoFurry

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#3 of Velvet Jungle

After a long night Stu wakes up in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar men.

Waking up Stu noticed three things immediately. His head felt like it was being split down the middle. On top of being dry as a desert his mouth was full of a foul taste that coated his tongue and throat. And someone was fucking a few feet away from him.

Cracking one eye open slowly Stu stared at the beige ceiling of an unfamiliar room. A ceiling fan lazily spinning above his head. Coming to terms with the fact he was awake and wasn't likely to fall back asleep Stu turned his head. He had to squint his eyes against the sunlight streaming into the room.

Across from Stu's bed a tiger used the wall to support himself. His hands occupied with the antlers of a deer the knelt in front of him. The pleasing combination of chubby and muscular with a strong back Stu eyes traced the shape of the deer. Over the soft love handles, shapely ass, and thick thighs. The deer's coat was a vibrant brown that grew lighter along his inner thighs and belly.

Moving his stiff body to get a better look Stu ended up drawing the tiger's attention with his sounds of effort. "Hey, glad to see you are awake. You looked like you would have been out of it a while when the guys put you to bed last night," the tiger informed Stu. Hearing the conversation going the deer tried turning his head. The tiger stopped him by holding onto the deer's antlers and moving his hips.

"What?" Stu questioned and looked around the room. There were two beds like the one he was in the room, a sink, and not much else. Looking out the window proved to offer only more questions. Stu saw a large body of water and a thin line of green land far off in distance. The memories of last night he tried to dredge up were white static in his mind. The glimpses he managed to focus on were incongruous images of men in varied sexual positions. Which only helped to further distract him.

Reaching past those memories Stu found the most recent memory he could pull forth was of a car ride. This time it was in his familiar truck and he had a beautiful bunny next to him. He knew she had been clothed at the time, but he couldn't help but imagine her naked in the memory. Some idea nagged at him to be heard about the bunny and as he reached for it his attention was snapped away.

"Woah, you still with us in there?" The tiger prodded and by the way he spoke it wasn't the first time he tried to get Stu's attention. Having pulled his length out of the deer's throat the tiger's jet black cock and balls rested on the other's snout.

Dragging his hands across his face to wipe away the idea and pull himself back into the here and now Stu gave a weak "Yeah." Pressing his palms into his eyes until he saw starts Stu blew out a heavy breath. "Yeah, just shaken up. My head hurts and I need..." The sentence got away from Stu as his next words he searched for got lost in the mire of his mind.

"You look like you need something to drink, a shower, and some food." The tiger wrangled the conversation before Stu could gather his words together. "Ethan and me were going to get a shower before breakfast, why don't you join us?"

"Ethan and I, frank." Ethan corrected as he grabbed the tiger's cock once more and gave it a stroke.

"I thought you promised not to do that," Frank grouched even as he started to hump into Ethan's hand.

"It's only said I promised not to correct you when you used can or can't," Ethan interjected, wagging Frank's cock to punctuate his point.

Grabbing Ethan's head with one hand Frank used the other to guide his cock back into Ethan's mouth. "Just get back to sucking, so we can shower," Frank pleaded with his friend before he started to hump Ethan's face.

Stu worked the stiffness out of his body as Frank and Ethan finished. He felt almost complete when a question popped back up into his mind. "What is this place?" Stu wondered as Frank held Ethan's antlers in an underhand grip. Jaw clenched and lips pulled back into a snarl to show his sharp teeth Frank gave a final passionate thrust. The moment his orgasm hit Frank's mouth became a tight lipped O and his feature's slackened.

Letting Frank lean back first, as to not hit him with his horns, Ethan got to his feet. "This is a training facility for dancers that The Velvet Jungle runs," Ethan explained and used the back of his hand to clean his face of a bit of cum.

"I don't want to be a dancer," Stu pointed out, sure of that fact.

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't. Only people wanting to dance for The Velvet or other clubs it works with end up here." Ethan countered.

Raising a finger Frank added "Maybe he signed up to be a guard and got mixed up?" Stumped by this line of thought Ethan crossed his arms.

Stu was still thinking of a proper response when the door opened. "Why don't you two go on and catch a shower, I'll send Stu in after you. We have to talk to him," Joseph told Ethan and Frank as he walked in the room. Behind him stepped in a grey lion dressed in a lab coat and with clipboard under his arm.

"Got it boss. See you in the cafeteria bunny, we'll save you a seat." Frank shot Stu finger guns before leaving the room with Ethan

With the pair gone Joseph went to stand across from Stu while the lion sat next to Stu on his bed. "Hello, I can assume you're Stu. How are you feeling this morning? I am Doctor North, but you can call me Paul," The lion introduced himself.

"I feel like crap to be honest." Stu started "Why am I here."

Putting his clipboard into his lap Paul wrote a few things down before answering Stu. "You're here because you gotten a little bit too much of a drug that is still under testing..."

Clearing his throat Joseph interrupted the doctor by raising a hand. "It is not a drug, it is an aphrodisiac," he started. His attention immediately switching to his feet as stepped into the puddle Ethan had left behind. "Gross!"

Ignoring Joseph Paul turned to face Stu. "You got a little too much of the drug and to make sure there is no adverse effects we must monitor you for a few days. No such effect is expected. However, if you were to over exert yourself due to the linger effects of the drug and end up in the hands of another medical professional. They wouldn't know what to do to help you." Paul completely ignored Joseph's intrusions as he explained the situations to Stu.

"I don't know about this, I really should call... someone." The image of countless bunnies and their names went through Stu's mind. A particular few standing out amongst the rest.

Pulled back to the present by Paul's hand landing on his bare knee Stu looked up into the doctor's smiling face. "Don't worry your family has been alerted to you whereabouts and status. They are scheduled to see you in a few days. Don't you worry about it." Paul reassured Stu and patted him on the shoulder. "For now, all you need to do is worry about eating and sleeping. And if you feel up to it, joining in on some of the workouts." Mollified by the doctor's tone and words Stu just nodded his head.

"Good, there is a guard outside who can lead you the showers and then cafeteria for breakfast," Paul urged and placed a hand on Stu's back to let help him down. Once Stu was on the ground he headed for the door and opened it. True to the doctor's words Brass and another guard were waiting out in the hall.

"This way to the showers." The other guard, a brawny kangaroo, gestured down the hall. The same beige color that Stu's room was painted in colored the walls of the hallway. As Stu was led down the corridor other men stepped out of their rooms to filter past him. Some decided to keep stride to follow the kangaroo guard with Stu.

The men brought along their conversations as they walked with Stu and he couldn't help but listen in. There was little else to listen to while they walked. "As big as my head, I swear the dude is a monster!" One man claimed.

"They can't be that big, the dude would die from lifting them." His friend denied

"What do I get if I am right." The first man replied.

Pausing to think the friend added "I'll let you top, but if you're wrong you are lifting your tail for the rest of the week." Curiosity got the best of Stu and he looked over his shoulder to see a horse and donkey shake hands. As the conversation switched to talk of working out and how much weight one could lift Stu lost interest. He let the conversation drift away and focused on the kangaroo in front of him.

Instead he thought about what the men had been talking about. To even think about having balls the guy would have to be a horse or some other larger animal like an elephant. Stu still had a hard time wrapping his mind around that idea and had to side with the friend in disbelieving the first man.

Rounding a corner the kangaroo lead Stu to doorway Stu could only take as the showers. Steam, damp air, and the sound of loud conversations flowed out of open doors. "Grab a towel and a washcloth." The kangaroo told Stu. Right before the turn to get into the showers proper there was a rack of fluffy white towels and smaller white clothes. Grabbing one of each and stepped around the corner.

Set up to service multiple people the showers were just one big room covered in blue and white ceramic tile. A pair of stacked spigots were placed at even intervals with drains in the floor close by. Most of the men were already underneath a spigot showering while others mulled about talking amongst themselves.

"Hey Thunda!" the horse called out into the showers, cupping his hands around his mouth to be heard. Stepping out from under a stream a massive polar bear gave a nod of his head and a questioning look to the horse. "Show me those guns!" the horse called out.

Smirking Thunda turned around to show the room his massive back. "You mean these?" Thunda called back to the horse, his voice echoing off the walls. Hunching his massive shoulders together Thunda knitted his fingers over his sculpted ass, struck a pose with his feet, and FLEXED. Holding the pose Thunda gave everyone the chance to ogle his massive back before striking another where he lifted both arms. He kept one arm straight and curled the other. Turning he struck the same pose again, so everyone got a good look at his body.

"Told you!" The horse jostled his friend as Thunda kept up the display.

Finding his Frank and Ethan Stu took an empty shower nearby them. The pair had stopped to enjoy the show. "I thought they meant his balls, not his pecs, when they were talking about how big they were," Stu complained as he turned on the water to the lower spigot.

"It'd be a waste, Thunda is just as much of a bottom as me." Ethan pointed out with a wishful tone.

"More tail for those of us that use our dicks!" Frank teased and got gently shoved in response by Ethan.

"I don't know, kind of like my guys hung. Fun to see it flopping around as I fuck them," Stu confessed. Below the shower head there was a hook and Stu hung his towel there.

"Knew there was a reason I liked you," Ethan responded

"Oh you like anything that can fuck you," Frank teased.

After getting over the excitement of watching a ton of muscle showing off Stu turned to clean himself. Soap was provided from a dispenser that Stu had to lean up to reach. The soap was a dark green viscous liquid that foamed up without much effort on Stu's part.

Starting at his stomach by the time he reached his feet and started heading back up Stu felt so much better. Washing away the sweat, cum, and general grime of yesterday left Stu feeling tingly all over. The only drawback Stu ran into was the underlying chemical smell the soap had. The soap was supposed to smell of flowers and fruit, but it was easy to tell the scent had been made in a factory. When Stu reached his face he moved quickly.

"Unless you're trying to hang around for a bit of fun before breakfast, I think we should get a move on it!" Ethan told Stu before jabbing Stu in the shoulder with a finger. Turning off the shower and reaching for his towel Stu turned to Ethan. The question Stu he wanted to ask was answered as Stu saw the horse and donkey making out a few spigots down.

The idea of looking for a little bit of action among the men lingering in the shower crossed Stu's mind. It was shot down when the hunger in his stomach made Stu aware of how empty it was. Telling his libido, it'd have to wait Stu started drying off. "I'll be behind you once I get dry," Stu conceded.

Getting dry Stu dropped his wet towel into the laundry basket next to door as he followed Ethan out of the showers. All the halls looked the same to Stu, but Ethan seemed to know his way around. Left following another person around again Stu kept his attention from wandering away by keeping his eyes locked on Ethan. Mostly the deer's nice hips and ass. He paid particular attention to how it bounced as they went down steps to a floor lower.

Taking a few last turns through the beige halls Ethan lead Stu right into the cafeteria. Food was served across multiple different stations. At those stations guards, in aprons and plastic coverings, served food from behind hygiene guards that protected the food. Seeing men move through the line to sit at long benches to have their meals Stu found a thought crossing his mind.

"Why are the guards the only one wearing clothes?" He asked Ethan. There wasn't any uniform for the guards that Stu noticed, outside of pants and a shirt. Guys like Stu and Ethan weren't wearing a stitch of clothing. Big, round, muscular, fat, or somewhere in between. All manner of bodies was on display and as Stu couldn't help himself from letting his eyes linger.

Giving a shrug Ethan direct Stu to pick up a tray as they got into line. "It's kind of how it works. Only time I've seen someone beside a guard wear clothes is with Joseph or one of the doctors he brings in for check ups. I just see it as chance for a preview." he explained

"Of what?" Stu questioned as they neared the food stations.

"Of the guys you get to fuck later, hopefully." Ethan said as he put his tray down on the metal shelf to be served. "Beside working out there isn't much you to do here. So, between lunch and Dinner along with before we sleep people like to fool around. If a guy is good enough, or the boss likes him, they can be out of here in a few days. So, faces change a lot."

The conversation lapsed as Ethan had to turn to the guards and point out which food he wanted from what was offered. Stu skipped over the breakfast meats and oatmeal in favor for fruits and pancakes.

With the matter of breakfast settled Stu decided he need one last question answered before he dug into his food. "Do the guards join in?" Stu asked as he settled in across from Ethan at the table. Frank had already gone through the line and was digging into his food.

"All the time, if you haven't paired up with anyone after lunch come see me." Ethan offered and then dug into his breakfast. Deciding he'd be taking Ethan up on his offer just to see what it is about Stu started to eat.

Gathering up the last bits of fruit on his fork Stu listened to Ethan and Frank explain how workouts went. "Unless you're like Thunda or the other meat heads you'll spend some days in the weight room and Yoga room." Ethan pointed out.

"I didn't think the yoga would do anything for me when I first arrived. But in truth it really works." Frank added his two cents into the mix.

"I think I might sit this time out." Stu confessed. He didn't see any reason to really working out. Once the doctors cleared him to go he'd be out of this place.

Shrugging Ethan popped his last strawberry into his mouth. "Suit yourself." he said around a mouthful of the fruit.

Getting up from the table the group deposited their trays with their plates into a cleaning bin at the end of the table. Stu could hear the sounds of effort before he had fully left the cafeteria. A quick right out of the cafeteria had Stu walking by the weight room. Inside he saw men working on machines or with free weights. Down the hall from the weight room was a larger open room where men were just starting to get settled.

Heading straight for the back of the room Ethan and Frank grabbed a workout mat before all of them were gone. Stu stayed in the doorway and watched. Walking into the room from a door at the back a pair of guards acting as instructors quitted the gathered men.

Wondering what else there might be to do Stu find his mind drifting until his attention was arrested. With his belly tended to his libido was comfortably back in the driver seat and it snapped his attention to the men in front of him. Starting his routine, the instructor brought the gathered men through several stretches.

When the men went into a stretch that put their asses in the air Stu had to quickly leave the room. The drive to grab one of the men and start humping was a bit too much for him to stay in the room.

Standing outside of the weight room Thunda, the big polar bear, waved to Stu as he drank from a water bottle. Without a destination in mind or any idea of where he was heading Stu walked towards the bear. "I know that look, you either need to fuck something or find another way to blow off steam!" Thunda expertly observed as Stu neared him.

"You offering to help me then?" Stu asked hopefully. He didn't know how he'd climb the massive bear to fuck him, but he was up for the challenge.

Giving a deep chuckle Thunda pointed his water bottle at Stu. "Sure, but we'll save the humping for later. I was like you my first day too, come here," Thunda beckoned Stu into the room. Following the bear's sculpted ass inside Stu was leaded through the weight room past sweating men pumping iron. It was a testament to the bear's backend that it kept Stu's attention when there were so much else on offer. "Jump on one of these," Thunda directed Stu to a treadmill.

"Okay?" Stu guessed as he climbed onto one of the treadmills that was for his size.

"Trust me, it'll work." Thunda assured him. Reaching up Stu started the machine. Having nothing to stare at besides the wall in front of him Stu focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Pumping his arms and legs as he got up to speed Stu's mind started to click off. The sheer effort of keeping his body in motion pushing his thoughts away until he was lost in the act of running.

Losing himself in the weight room Ethan and Frank came to find Stu a few hours later in time for lunch. Thanks to Thunda's tutelage and close attention Stu had been kept hydrated and given the inklings of a workout routine.

"Did you enjoy yourself with the meatheads." Frank teased Stu on the way back to the cafeteria for lunch.

Finding out Stu hadn't found a partner during Lunch Ethan grabbed hold of the rabbit and dragged him from the cafeteria. "You remember asking me about guards earlier?" Ethan asked as they left the room together. "Well I know where their break room is and they're always on the lookout for a bit of help." The workout had let Stu blow off a lot of steam but had done nothing for his sex drive. Spending some time with the guards sounded like just the thing Stu needed.

Going back up to the floor where the showers and his bedroom was Ethan Stu brought Nick to a door. Only a placard announcing it was a break room showed it being any different than any other door.

Pushing open the door to see the guards either playing cards or reclining on a couch watching tv Ethan asked, "Are we the first ones here?"

Turning to face Ethan in the doorway a grey timber wolf at the car table nodded his head. "Yeah, really early. Doesn't mean we won't mind starting right?" A rakish smirk lifted one side of the wolf's face as he turned to get the rest of the guard's attentions. A few of the other guard's cleared the table as the wolf pulled the seats away from it. "Your friend won't mind joining you, will he?" the wolf asked as he and others moved the table they been playing cards on into the center of the room.

"Depends, you think you call can handle me?" Stu bragged as he sauntered over to the wolf.

"You might just regret that." the wolf bet as Stu came to stand before him, the smirk only growing larger on his face. Unzipping his pants, the wolf brought out his cock and shook the half hard length in Stu's face. Reaching forward Stu slipped a hand into the wolf's pants to pull his balls out. At the same time he finished undoing the pants for the wolf. The wolf's only response to let his head hang as a full body shiver had him growing stiff.

Getting the wolf's pants off Stu grabbed at his cock again, this time behind the balls. Taking the hardening cock into his mouth Stu sealed his lips around it and sucked. Hearing the wolf moaning reaction Stu started adding his tongue into the mix. He had the wolf at full mast before a dozen bobs of his head and greedily started taking him down his throat.

The wolf tried away to pull away, but Stu kept a firm hold of him. Torturing the wolf with a half dozen more bobs of his head Stu let the cock slip from his lips. A satisfied smile spread across Stu's lips as the wolf reached for a nearby table and hunched over.

"Help me up, " Stu ordered as he let the wolf's cock go. Given just enough lift he needed by the wolf Stu pulled himself up the rest of the way to lay on his back next to Ethan. The deer had his head back and was letting a muscled doberman fuck his throat while another guard prepped him by rimming Ethan's fat ass. Seeing this Stu grabbed his legs and lifted his feet up. "Come on, why don't you put that mouth to better use," He told the wolf.

Kneeling before the bunny the wolf parted Stu's cheeks and pressed his snout in between them. The wet nose against his taint made Stu's toes curl before the slick tongue made his head lean back and rest on the table. Holding his legs in a death grip Stu opened his mouth and moaned as his ass licked over.

Just as the wolf was pressing his tongue inside of Stu's ass another guard stepped up to stand by Stu. Standing off to the left of him a big bellied gorilla grabbed Stu's head and slid it over to his waiting cock. Opening his mouth Stu let himself be guided down the cock towards the edge of the table and the gorilla's lap. Working his mouth and throat around the ape's cock Stu closed his eyes as its owner finished pulling off his clothes. Naked the gorilla kept Stu's head on the edge of the table as he stepped back. Leaving half of his cock in Stu's mouth, the head just teasing the back of Stu's throat.

The Gorilla had started his slow methodical rhythm when the wolf pulled away and replaced his tongue with his cock. It was Stu's turn to shiver as the wolf pressed inside of him. The cock stretching him scratching an inch in the only way a cock in the ass could. Taking up the duty of holding Stu's legs up the wolf left Stu with nothing to do but roll with the punches and enjoy the feeling of being fucked at both ends.

Getting into it The wolf picked a speed that had his hips smacking loudly against Stu's offered ass. Each one scooting Stu a little farther away and rattling the table. The stronghold the wolf had on Stu's legs is the only thing that kept the rabbit from being fucked across the table. On the opposite end the gorilla's had a smooth deliberate pace. It left both Stu and the gorilla enjoying every moment of the gorilla's cock filling Stu's throat and mouth.

Stu knew before the wolf when he reached the point of no return. His cock started pulsing inside of Stu and the rabbit squeezed hard. Stuttering the wolf's rhythm rattled and he tried correcting himself before his orgasm hit. When it did the wolf lost all sense of rhythm and gave a few lurching thrusts before finishing inside of Stu. Flooded by warm seed Stu's whole body went stiff and he sealed his lips around the gorilla's cock.

The wolf slipping out of Stu was barely noticed by Stu as a rotund hippo stepped up and slipped inside of him. The cum that had been pumped inside of the rabbit pressed deeper by the newcomer's cock. A similar thing happened when the gorilla came down Stu's throat. He greedily slurped at the cock until it was finished but barely paused to think as the next guard stepped up to fill the vacated space.

Focused on having a cock in either hole more than who the owner was Stu could barely think at how many cocks he had. At the point when he had time enough to guess at the number his mouth tasted of cum and his belly, round with seed, was stained with past visitors.

Missing dinner completely Stu and Ethan spent the time on their backs with their legs in the air or pressed to their stomach. When the last guard, a hyena, was finished with Stu he joined Ethan in stumbling back to the bedroom. Cum leaking down their legs as they walked.