Fun With Mommy

Story by FenixZ2 on SoFurry

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John loves on Britty, insisting he loves her the most, but mommy doesn't play fair..

John giggled as he ran and pounced his mommy, wagging his broad tail, making his diaper crinkle "I wuv you mommy," he says as he settles into her lap.

"I love you too sweetie" Britty says as she scritches the joey's headfur "You's the cutest."

John shakes his head and giggles "Nuh-uh, I's not cute. An I loves's you more mommy."

Britty smiles and scritches the cubby's belly "Nope, I loves you more~."

John shakes his head more "Nuu, I loves you the mostest, you can't love me more!" he says as he squirms and lays on his back in her lap.

"Nuh-uh," she said and giggled "know how I know I loves you more?"

John nodded and thumped his tail "Sure, but I loves you mooore."

Britty smiled and slipped her paw in the cub's diaper, groping at his sheath with expert precision "I loves you most cuz I'm the mommy and I do this.." she said, rubbing on John's sheath.

John gasped out and blushed bright "T-that's no faaair" he said with a whine of pleasure.

"Why's that hunny?" Britty asked as John's member begin to slide out into her paw.

"C-cuz it feels too good. I-it's cheating" the cub panted softly, grinding against his mother's paw as she rubbed at him.

"Oh? Well, I could just stop.." Britty said, moving her away from the cub's hard member.

"No!" John whined and blushed as his mommy giggled at him "N-no.. It feels good mommy, dun stop, I wanna squirts now.."

"Well then, are you going to stop arguing and be a good boy?" she asked as she started stroking her cubby again.

The little joey nodded and started panting, his mother already getting him close "Yes mommy, I'll be a good boy" he said as he squirmed in pleasure in her lap.

"Good. Now who loves you the mostest?" she asked as she slid her paw up a bit and squeezed the young cubs balls gently, making him gasp.

"Y-you do" the cub stammered as he humped at his padding while Britty rubbed his sensitive orbs. "P-please mommy, I wanna squirts.." he whined.

"That's my good boy~" Britty said and giggled softly "You wanna squirts in mommy's paw or you big a boy for mommy?"

John blushed and nuzzled into his mommy "I-I wanna be a big boy mommy.."

Britty tugged the cubs padding down so his roohood was out "Ok baby, get between mommy's legs and be a big boy then." She said and giggled as she pulled her panties to the side.

The cub eagerly crawled between his mommy's now spread legs and quickly pressed his hard roohood against her slit "I-I can put it in mommy?" He asked.

Britty murred and pressed up assist her cub "Humm, I dunno hunny, maybe you should touch yourself and just squirt into mommy." She said teasingly.

John whined out and shook his head "N-nuu, I-I wants inside.."

Britty smiled and reached down, maneuvering his tip to her entrance "How bad hunny?" She asked as she rubbed the cubs tip.

"B-bad, mommy.." John said and begin to push his tip into her.

Britty murred and let go of the cub "Then show me hunny."

With a whine and a gasp John pushed quickly into Britty and hilted, causing his mommy to gasp too "I-I needs it m-mommy" the cub stammered as he laid against her and started humping hard into her.

Britty moaned out and shivered under the cub, scritching his headfur lovingly "That's a GOOD boy," she said "give it to mommy." Reaching down with her free paw she placed it under the cub's broad tail with a crinkle and begins pulling him close with each thrust.

John just blushed hotly into his mother's chest and humped hard into her warm slit "Y-yes mommy.." he said shyly as he pounded into her.

Britty slipped her paw in the cub's padding and began to rub his tight tailhole "Does it feel good in mommy?"

John whimpered desperately as his mother prodded at his tail, making him blush hotter and thrust harder "Y-yes mommy.." he stammered once again.

Britty kissed his headfur and moved her free paw under his chin, lifting it up to her breast "That's mommy's baby.." She said, starting to pant in pleasure as the cub hammered at her g-spot. Britty slowly began to sink a digit into the cub's tight bottom.

John latched on to the offered breast and suckled, letting out a whine of pleasure, getting close to filling his mommy. The cub clung to his mother desperately as he thrust as hard and as deep as he could.

Britty could tell he was getting close, she could feel his testicles drawing up against her and his tail tightening. She pressed against each thrust the cub made, scritching his headfur lovingly and shivering in pleasure under him. She rubbed the cub's ear and whispered softly "Cum in mommy baby.."

Almost as if waiting for permission John thrust as deep as he could manage and came hard. The little cub bit down on his mother's beast roughly and let out an almost feral growl as he bucked and filled her, gripping and holding her tight.

Britty let out a yelp of pain and pleasure as the cub bit into her and she came hard with him. She fingered the cub's tail and panted lustfully info his ear as she shivered in pleasure, convulsing around his roohood, milking him "G-good boy" she stammered.

John held his mommy tight and continued to growl as every so often he'd buck roughly and fill her more. Eventually though the growling turned into soft whimpers as the cub finished up, releasing his mother's breast and panting heavily "I-I's a good boy m-mommy?" He asked shyly.

Britty kissed her cub and nosed him "The bestest" she said and started to finger his tail again, causing the cub to whimper, before finally pulling them out.

"E-even though you poked my bottom l-like d-daddy does when he makes me a girl?" John asked shyly.

"Yep, you's mommy's good girl too, you let mommy make you a girl too don't you?" she asked, giggling.

John nodded shyly, remembering how mommy was more gentle than daddy "Uh-huh. C-can I nap mommy?" The cub asked sleepily.

"Sure hunny" she said and held her cub close as they drifted off.