Assimilation, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!!

** Assimilation, Chapter 1**

** By William W. Kelso**

*Brad: The aliens first arrived on earth when I was; oh, I guess, maybe around ten or eleven? I remember the big hoopla and uproar when the alien ships were first detected entering the solar system. The politicians yelled, the military freaked out, and everyone pretty much got ready for the end of the world. All the old movies about bug-eyed face eating monsters were shown again on TV, eminent scientists were interviewed and postulated and theorized about what the aliens would be like and showed 'concept' drawings of 'probable' alien forms that grossed everyone out, ad nauseam, until everyone was scared to death. I know I was. *

*The aliens didn't try to sneak in or anything, no invisible spaceships, no strange creatures were let loose on our planet so the aliens could hunt them while they ate us, no armed hordes invaded, no parasites took over our bodies, no death rays, etc. Instead they contacted us and pretty much answered all our questions, and asked if they could "immigrate' to our planet. Their request was simple, "We need a home. Please?" More yelling, 'Aliens go Home', 'Aliens Welcome', 'got too many dang Mexicans already, don't need alien illegal alien's!', 'Nuke'em!' etc. Ad nauseam. When they finally let us see some aliens it was kind of a letdown really. No hulking killing machines, no Mr. Spock's, no goo-covered bugs, just people pretty much. Of course they weren't human; the closest I could come to describing them was "dog-like". They called themselves the Trillians. There was lots of intense coverage of course, but people being people they became 'old news' after awhile. But it was kind of nice to find out we really weren't alone in the big old universe after all, and as far as aliens went we were pretty relieved. They didn't want to kill us and eat us, weren't gross looking, and were downright friendly. They were as interested in us as we were in them. *

*They were about our size, bipedal, and had two sexes. Their average height was around 6'2" for the males, about 5'11" for the females. They had two arms, two legs, a head, and a tail. Their heads were very dog like; or rat like some people claimed, with well developed muzzles, large upright mobile ears like a wolf or fox, large wet noses, and with those fangs were definitely carnivores, but as it turns out they could eat just about anything, so were really omnivores like us. They loved apples. Their bodies were fairly human like in proportion, but they were extremely lithe and fairly thin, they could almost literally bend into a "U" shape. They had long tails with a tuft at the end like a lion and had full heads of hair and their bodies were covered in a fine; almost velveteen like, short fuzz that ranged from white to solid black and every shade in-between. Some had fur that was more of a tan, brown, or even blue shade though. Their hair was kind of weird in that the most common color was a kind of lavender, deepening to purple on some. They had large human like eyes, with irises more like a cats. That's about all I could tell at first, it would be years before I met any personally. The first time I heard one talk it was in a kind of qausi-English as they were still learning our tongue. Their voices were fairly deep with growly overtones and yips mixed in, I thought they sounded neat. *

*At first they were kept in quarantine for a few years, and they cooperated as they said they understood the precautions. The eggheads and scientists ran every kind of test they could think of; and then some, but reluctantly concluded the aliens carried no harmful biological threats to humans. No viruses, bacteria, or other pathogens of any kind. In fact they were downright sterile, and so far as they could determine no native earth germs had any interest in them. In fact certain beneficial bacteria's; such as those used in digestion, were just as good for the aliens as they were for us. Food was no problem; they could eat anything we could and then some. Since we were fairly close in height and body type they could use most of our facilities, and we could use theirs. When they sat in our chairs they just tucked their tail between their legs, but their own chairs had holes for their tails. *

*After it was determined they were "clean" they asked if they could leave the quarantine areas and 'meet' us. The leaders hemmed and hawed, the generals gave dire warnings, the United Nations formed committees, etc. The Russians and Chinese wouldn't agree on anything as the two spaceships had set down in different countries; one in the USA and one in Brazil, and of course they thought 'the Imperialistic American running dogs' were planning something using alien death machines or something. Talk about paranoid. In short absolutely nothing got done for another couple of years. The one thing that won them over to the general populace more than anything was the amazingly generous sharing of technology. They literally broadcast the technical data on every public communications system, and before the powers that be could jam or stop the transmissions everybody in every country had the information. There was medical information, ways to improve crop yields without hurting the environment, more efficient engines and power sources, etc. But there was NO weapons technology; in fact it appeared they had no weapons of any kind. It was incredible, and it was free. Turns out our computers were pretty much up to snuff with theirs, and were even compatible and could interface. They set up net sites with all sorts of fascinating information, which is how everyone found out more about them. I really liked the scenes of alien planets they'd visited and wondered what it would be like to visit them, but so far we were the only intelligent alien race they'd encountered, or so they claimed. Turns out they lied, sort of. *

They were quite open about the inevitable curiosity we had about their sexual practices. Let's face it, we're horny creatures. Turns out they are too, even more then us if you can believe it. I saw my first naked aliens on line, both male and female. They put up sites with detailed photos of their anatomy that left nothing to the imagination, including films of them mating. Well of course those got about 5 billion hits in the first ten minutes. And again they were definitely alien, but not all that much different. They were mammals like us, and amazingly their DNA was not that much different from terrestrial, I guess the building blocks of life are fairly universal. They had an organ or two that was different, including some glands in their sexual organs that evidently had to do with producing their strong scents and lubricant for sex like our prostates. Fortunately their strong musk was not a problem, they smelled nice. Their feet were larger than ours with larger knobby looking ankles, and their toes longer with really wicked long claws, but they had five toes; one being opposable almost like a thumb. Their hands were the same, larger with longer fingers & thumbs and wicked claws. Their musculature was very similar to ours as was their skeletal structure. They had more ribs, but didn't have the barrel chests a lot of humans have so their torsos were streamlined with no real waist line and only moderate or narrow hips. Plus their bones were closer to cartilage then harder calcium like ours, which explained why they were so lithe and could bend like that. They tended to have fairly thin lanky looking body builds, but as with humans this varied a fair amount with some almost looking chunky. But there were no fat aliens, evidently they had no way of storing excess body fat. Their hair was really coarse too, but soft, many times thicker than human hair. The only hair they had was on their heads and tips of their tails. No pubic or body hair, just the short crushed velvet fuzz, which really wasn't fur as we think of it. Their skin was thicker than ours, rubbery and tougher. What looked like velvet was really just the texture. But felt like velvet too, smooth and fuzzy.

*And then of course there was the question of sex. The males were well endowed with canine like penises in that the heads were more pointed and were carried mostly out of sight in sheaths until they became aroused. They had two large testicles, but instead of having them side by side they were carried in a fairly tight body hugging scrotum in line with one another. It formed a noticeable mound between their legs at the base of the penis sheath. They didn't dangle in a loose scrotum like a human males, and you couldn't tell how many balls they had unless you were to, um, feel the aliens testicles mound, but they had two like us. One of the weirdest things was they had no anuses, their waste was all liquid. Their digestive systems could turn anything into easily pissable liquids. The males rumps were smooth with no crack or anus. *

*The females were a little strange; but erotically so as far as human males were concerned, in that they had breasts on their chests AND on their lower belly's almost at their crotches. The upper pair tended; on the average, to be fairly small and firm with large nipples, whereas the smaller lower pair were basically just large nipples until they were pregnant, then they swelled as they started to lactate. And their vaginas were strange too, but served the exact same function as human females, sex and procreation. The main difference was they were "Y" shaped instead of a vertical slit; instead they had three slits that came together at a central meeting point. They had slightly protruding labial lips that swelled and became moist and even more protruding as they became aroused. And they had amazing control over their vaginas as well, almost like mouths as the things could open and close like petals. How did I know all of this? Because in addition to all the other information they released on their anatomy net sites they included full dissection type info, and full color photos of both sexes in the nude from all angles. But what really freaked me out the first time I saw it was the site included the option for "Mating practices", and when I selected it I got an hour long XXX-rated film of two aliens mating. It was amazingly human like. They kissed and fondled one another for awhile; actually it was more like licking then kissing, and the male seemed to like tits as well as human males, and he had four to choose from, the lucky schmuck. The female licked his impressive cock, and they then fucked the hell out of one another for quite a long time, yowling and squealing, and holy crap I got so hard it hurt. They did it 'doggie style' with the male mounting the female from behind, and the male sometimes bit the female on her neck while he was servicing her, but never broke the skin. I guess it was a dominance thing. One thing a little different was the male didn't thrust much when he mounted the female, turns out his penis worked like a piston once inside the female, thrusting by itself, the damn thing was hydraulic! It was as erotic as hell, and it left no doubt about it, we were compatible sexually. And wasn't that interesting? *

*And it turns out they found us just as interesting. The males absolutely loved human female's larger, softer breasts, and the females were fascinated by human male's external testicles. So one thing led to another, and while there was 'outrage' over the first few 'scandals' of 'human-alien bestiality' people; aliens included, soon got over it when it became so widespread. As far as clothes went at first both sexes wore a kind of bikini or panties like thing that left little to the imagination, but after a public outcry against 'indecency' the males took to wearing shorts, and the females shorts and shirts. Most had such small firm breasts they went pretty much without bras. This of course was a big disappointment to most human males. It was actually kind of hard to tell them apart when they wore clothes. And their children; or 'pups' as everyone, aliens included, called them, were so cute it hurt, but they were pretty rare and the aliens tended to keep them hidden away most of the time. They loved human children, and human kids loved them. In short the two species hit it off big time almost from the start. They loved dogs too, and it would appear our 'best friends' liked the aliens even more than we did, they probably smelled better. The aliens had pets too. They apparently filled the same niche as our dogs do, and their pets looked a lot like the Trillians themselves, only they were four legged and much more animal like. They looked like a cross between a weasel, rat, and a wolf, and were big brutes, but well behaved and obviously very intelligent. They appeared to be related to the Trillians, much as chimps are related to us. They were fairly rare though, at least at first. *

*But I digress somewhat, a little more history first, just couldn't resist the kinky bits first. Once the alien technology; much of it was really just common sense and showing us how to use our own level of technology to the best advantage, things improved dramatically for the human race, especially in third world countries. Pollution free power became so cheap it was practically free, and starvation became a thing of the past. And within five years almost all diseases had been eradicated, and major breakthroughs had occurred in healing genetic disorders, and inherited disorders were corrected. The genetic technology they gave us was mind boggling. Cancer was gone, and all paralyzed people regained use of their limbs through nerve tissue regeneration. Even some mental disorders could be reversed and/or cured. Life expectancy almost doubled overnight. *

Of course it didn't go entirely smoothly. When some governments and/or corporations tried to control; or keep a monopoly, on the new technology there were riots and outright rebellions. Governments fell, and corporation's crumbled as humanity entered into a golden age. The aliens even let us have the technology for practical space flight, and soon we were exploring and poking around every planet in the system and yelling about who owned what. They even loaned us their ships for some "sightseeing" tours for the bigwigs and selections of just plain folks. I applied, but no luck. It was this amazing generosity that led to them being allowed out of quarantine, that and the threat of a mass uprising if they weren't. The first two ships only had about a thousand aliens each, so there weren't many to go around at first. Of course those were snapped up by the celebrities and treated like royalty, which just seemed to embarrass the aliens as they were downright shy. The aliens were quite friendly, and seemed to be genuinely fascinated by our culture. They absolutely loved our music, from classic to rock-a-billy, and everything in between. They loved classical piano; and even bagpipes which made them quite welcome in Scotland and Ireland. And boy could they dance. Again things didn't go perfectly and a few aliens were killed by nuts, several in one ambush. I think the sight of the aliens wailing and crying with sobs and yips over their own; and human, casualties made a big difference too in how they were accepted. They even pleaded for leniency for the murderers, that, and a film of a Trillian that died trying to save a human child who had been swept away in a flood. He just leaped into the churning debris filled water without a second's hesitation and made it to the child before they were pulled under, and when their bodies were found he was still tightly holding the child. That said a lot about them right there. He probably could have saved himself if he'd just let go. Despite their impressive fangs and claws they were very gentle beings, the mere thought of harming another intelligent being was repulsive to them. While they did have some crime, they had not; so they claimed, had a deliberate murder in their recorded history. But soon even a lot of the most radical nuts were 'won over', mainly because no one would pay any attention to them anymore, and if they persisted they were just locked up and the key lost. There was some opposition from some religions, mainly the Muslims who called them 'devils' (sound familiar?), but when the hottest deserts and most isolated and desolate regions of the world began to bloom and prosper the poor ignorant peasant woke up to how they'd been getting fucked over for centuries, and basically told their leaders to "shut the fuck up and get lost". If they didn't take the hint someone usually shut them up. All the dictators and religious zealots were soon history.

*Of course all of this wasn't free; the aliens did want something in return. They wanted land, someplace to call home. Their society; largely because of its advanced technology and lack of conflict, had simply run out of room. Turns out there were few planets capable of supporting their; or human, life within the boundaries they could exist without the usual problems in climate, gravity, too much radiation, not enough radiation, local food inedible, local wildlife too nasty, etc. It turns out the Earth was just about perfect, if a tad cooler. And they wanted the worst possible real estate too, from deserts to ice caps. Anyplace we didn't want; or use, they were delighted with. So soon the first thousand 'refugees' expanded rapidly with the regular arrival of more ships. Food production had increased so dramatically that we had way more then we could eat, so what the heck, come on and be welcome. And soon there were millions of them, and they became a common sight. Another benefit was crime dropped to new lows, only the true sociopaths and psychos still committed them for the most part. There was no longer any reason to steal, thanks to the alien technology most folks had what they needed no matter their level of income. Even the drug trade faded away as alien medical technology provided practical, cheap, fast ways to cure addiction. Plus once cured the drugs would no longer have any effect even if you took them again. The poor drug dealers went out of business, the cartels collapsed, and pretty much everyone was happy. *

*I met my first aliens when some set up a community outside of town. It was fairly small, just about a thousand, give or take a few. One of their ships landed and they just set up camp. Of course they bought the land, so it was all legal and straight forward. And soon they were regular visitors to town, some even moved in locally. We liked them, and they liked us. I was a High School senior by then, and they enrolled some of their own children in our schools, and even had teachers of their own to teach about their own species. I enrolled in a Trillian language class out of curiosity, and it wasn't as hard to learn as I'd thought it would be. Some of their vocalizations were beyond us, so we learned a perfectly understandable version based on our limitations. They were absolutely delighted so many humans wanted to learn their language. It was only fair though as every one of them learned ours. I remember the first time their kids came to school. They arrived in one of their anti-gravity vehicles; using the same technology they'd given us and our own auto makers were starting to produce antigrav cars by then, and when they got out of the van they all kind of stood in a little group at first, shy and a little frightened. When we spontaneously started clapping they broke into big fang filled grins and it was fine after that. Soon there were over a hundred alien students at the school and we became used to them. We got used to their deeper growly yippy voices, and bark like laughs. And frankly there wasn't a whole lot of difference between their teenagers and ours. They enjoyed our sports, but didn't play themselves as they would have whupped our asses in everything except maybe football and contact sports. They were just too darn fast and, and while not much stronger were just more athletically inclined. Their speed, and the way they could twist and turn, made them better than us, except in more violent sports like football, boxing, etc. We had them beat at contact and strength related sports as we had better lifting and lever based skeletal structures. They also weren't very good at soccer as those nasty toe claws tended to puncture the balls. They never wore shoes; their feet weren't designed for them. Their tough soles were impervious to just about anything, glass, nails, etc. just didn't penetrate that tough skin. One alien student got hit by a car in the parking lot, and just got up and dusted himself off. It probably would have killed a human, but with their softer bones and tougher anatomy it just knocked the breath out of him. They bend where we would break. On the rare occasions they do suffer a broken bone they extrude a natural polymer that just glues them back together, no need for splints or casts. Of course they're not invulnerable, shoot or stab one and they'll die, it's just harder to kill them. And boy could they dance and party, they loved rock & roll, and even old disco stuff. They were so lithe they could literally twist and turn in S's, and almost double over backwards. It was wild to watch, and extremely sensual. We were jealous. We had them beat in more controlled dancing like ballroom or barn dancing though, and they thought THAT was sensual! They didn't care for opera though, couldn't sit still long enough, which proves how intelligent they really are. When the lights came back up most of the Trillians were long gone. *

I had my first sexual experience; of any kind, with a female alien. Turns out they find our soft skin as erotic was we find their smooth velvety skin. And they smell nice, like chocolate with a touch of mint, and they say we smell nice too. And they're fairly prolific and uninhibited when it comes to sex, with one another or humans. Don't get me wrong, they don't do it in public, and have to like you to mate with you. The main difference is they're not into the courting and dating scene as much. Basically if they like you it's "Hey, do you know somewhere private where we can mate?" Which was just fine with most horny young humans, and aliens; both male and female. And there were additional benefits as well, no protection needed as there were no diseases we could give one another, and no danger of pregnancy. We were compatible, but not viable. In fact I'd say within a year just about every human student had an alien, or aliens, as friends, some the 'special' kind. My 'special friend' was a young female alien about my own age named Teka, pronounced "TE-kA". We were soon having sex quite often, and I loved her, and she loved me. There were stupid laws about getting married, but none about living together. But we didn't do that until after graduation and getting jobs.

She sat in front of me in one of our classes, and her exoticness and lovely scent had enthralled me from the start, and I found her lavender colored hair pretty and fascinating. She was smart, spoke English as well as I did, and was funny and fun. Turns out they enjoy practical jokes as much as we do, and we arranged for a demonstration the chemistry teacher was planning to go wrong with a little creative sabotage by substituting certain ingredients for others. With a loud "whoompf" the classroom filled with smoke, the fire alarm went off, and everybody filed out in a nice orderly fashion, laughing and yipping like crazy. Classes were declared over for the day, so we had the rest of the day off. Since the buses weren't due for hours the big problem became how to get everybody home. So she accepted my offer of a ride. Turns out Teka lived in town near my own house with an alien 'family unit', a kind of loosely associated pack of several adults and juveniles. Their society was fairly fluid, adults came and went, and the pack raised the children. It was a little weird, but not that weird, kind of like one of those old hippie communes. I'm sure they thought our own 'family units' were a little weird.

When I pulled up to her house she turned and sniffed my face and hair, and then gave me a long, slow lick. I wasn't sure to how to respond, so kissed her on the muzzle. She gave a low growl like noise, and said,

"Mmm, you smell so nice Brad, I like the way you taste too, you humans are so salty tasting, it's nice."

Like many animals the aliens don't sweat, they pant to cool off, so they found the way humans sweat to be exotic, and it turns out, arousing. Our scents and pheromones affect them to some extent like a very mild aphrodisiac. And their sweet; almost spicy, scent does the same to us, so we both win. By now the whole car was full of her enticing musk, and I kissed her muzzle again and she licked my face with long slow strokes of her tongue. She snaked her tail around and rubbed it against my legs, and in the straight forward manner of her kind asked,

"I like you Brad, I'd invite you in but the house is fairly crowded right now. Do you know any place we can be...alone?"

OMG, I thought. Where, where? The house was out, by putrid little brother would be home by now and no way we could do anything in my room. But where!? Oh yeah, duh, the cabin! Since we kids had gotten older we didn't use it much anymore, and it wasn't that far away. An easy hour drive up; and back. When I told her I had a lake cabin she squealed, and giving me a big lick, said,

"On a real lake!? Can we go swimming? Oh, that would be so awesome!"

It turns out she'd been born on a colony ship, and other then baths; and swimming pools after arriving on earth, had never even seen a large body of natural water. And Trillians loved to swim. So I told her "sure", and we 'kissed' awhile longer and made plans for the weekend.

As we 'kissed' again she pressed her lips against mine, and I opened my mouth this time and let her long tongue explore my mouth. It was wonderful, she tasted spicy, and the closest I can come to describe the taste is eggnog. She licked me, her eyes halfway shut, softly growling, and I stared into her eyes, beautiful blue eyes with black irises. He tail got very friendly as it stroked my thighs and soon got the normal reaction, and God how I wanted her!! She took my hand and put it on her chest, and I kneaded her firm breasts, her large nipples hard under the thin cotton. Her growls became deeper, and I really think we would have jumped each other right then and there if it hadn't been for a barked call from the porch of house. She pulled away; reluctantly, and said,

"See you tomorrow Brad, got to go, mom's calling."

I just nodded my head, and said "Uh-huh." It took an hour for my dick to get flaccid again. I know now their saliva is an aphrodisiac to us, just as our sweat is to them.

So our first meeting; or first intimate one anyway, was out at my family's lake cabin. Since it was Friday we'd made plans to get together fairly early in the morning so we'd have the whole day to get...acquainted. I told the folks I was going to an antique show in a nearby town and would be back late. I didn't see it as being deceptive or lying, just avoiding a nasty scene. I had a feeling if I told them I was going out to the cabin to have wild sex with an alien female they would have freaked. I picked up Teka, and when I asked her what she'd told her folks; or senior adult family unit members, I almost choked on my soda when she said, 'I told them I was going to spend the day mating with a male human I liked'. That was definitely an 'alien' viewpoint as far as I was concerned! I just hoped they didn't call my parents and ask them if their son had enjoyed mating with their daughter!

It was about fifty miles to the cabin, but frankly we almost didn't make it. The car filled with our increasingly aroused scents and she kept rubbing me with her tail and licking my ear and neck and Holy Hard-on Batman! If there had been a suitable place to pull over and get some privacy I'm sure we'd have never made it. As it was I was doing close to 100 by the time we arrived. Good thing we weren't pulled over!

I barely managed to get the door to the cabin open before she was all over me and I was all over her. I think it took maybe ten seconds for us both to rip most of our clothes off, and for the first time I saw a nude alien in person, and turns out I was her first human lover. I ran my hands over her smooth warm fuzzy feeling skin, and she did the same with me while we licked and kissed. I loved to run my fingers through her strange hair, so thick and soft, almost like yarn, and gently scratch her large soft ears, which she loved. They always wore their hair straight and somewhat unruly as it didn't take well to combing or braiding. They could even "fluff" it almost like feathers or a crest. And evidently they didn't cut it much as it stopped growing when it reached a certain length. Her tail curled around and rubbed its soft tufted tip up and down my legs and torso and it felt oh so good, its touch gentle and light. Her body color was a whitish grey with hints of lavender around her sex and nipples, but her nose and thin lips were the same color as her body. I ran my hands over her large nipples, all four of them, and actually felt them stiffen as I rubbed and tweaked them and she gave low growls of pleasure, giving me long and slow sensual licks, and I licked her back as best I could (she won the tongue contest) and kissed her muzzle as our hands explored one another. She was very careful with her claws, and the feel of those sharp tips just barely brushing against my skin sent shivers up my spine. She could really hurt me if she wanted to, a part of me knew. In a fight Trillians would definitely have the advantage with those claws and fangs. She stepped back and slowly slid off her panties like underwear, and except for a loop on the back that went over her tail to help hold them up her panties looked just like any others. It was a little weird at first as it appeared at first glance she was sexless as the junction of her thighs was smooth in the front except for a raised mound.

*We worked our way into the bedroom still embracing and exploring, and I threw the top cover off the bed because it was so dusty. She hopped up on the bed on all fours, and bending her body almost into a "U" flipped her tail over her back and held the tip of it in her mouth, and turning looked at me over her shoulder, her eyes half closed as she gave a low almost purring growl. To my surprise she had a gold stud and ring in the loose skin around the base of her tail, but I spent most of my time staring at her strange and wonderful sex. I'd seen plenty of photos of Trillian females in the nude including 'educational' mating recordings, but seeing one in the flesh was a totally different experience. The strange "Y" shape aside her vagina really wasn't all that different, the outer lips were more muscular and rubbery looking, and the frilly labial lips just barely protruding from between the muscular flaps and were bluer in color instead of pink. As I watched those exterior flaps pursed slightly, and I could see a hint of glistening wetness inside. By then I was so hard it was almost painful, the effect of her scent and the sight of her exotic body was incredible. And she seemed just as fascinated by my own body. I got up on the bed with her and she rubbed her hands over my body, licking me everywhere while I gasped and moaned from the feel of her soft, warm tongue on my body; and I mean everywhere, thrusting her muzzle between my legs and taking deep breathes, making that purring/growling sound the whole time. *

*She hefted my balls, and licked them with soft yips of lust, gently fondling them in her large hands, and she gave a growl of pleasure as she licked my cock, and told me my pre was 'delicious'. She thought my external genitals were 'fascinating' and 'sexy'. She gave more yips when I sucked on her nipples, one after another, and when I gently nibbled on the tips of her ears she gave a low rumbling moan. With a louder yip she pulled away from our embrace, and spun around on all fours presenting her rump to me again, holding her tail in her mouth to get it out of the way, and it was clear what she wanted, and so did I. She was on her hands and knees, and folded her long toes back and tucked them keep them to keep her claws from being in my way, As I moved behind her and positioned myself, breathing heavily, her vaginal lips puckered and pursed almost like a mouth, her lavender tinted labial lips and slick interior of her vagina winking at me, promising unknown pleasures, and as I watched a drop of thick fluid welled out and ran slowly down the length of her lower lips. With a shaking hand I smeared it on a finger, and licked it with my tongue, my first taste of her sexual juices filling my mouth. *

Her rear was smaller and flatter then a woman's, and she had no real butt crack; and of course no anus, the thick base of her tail and her sex taking up most of the room. I'd been aroused before; and felt lust, but never like this. It was almost a sensual high for both of use the way we were responding to one another's scent and taste. I crouched down behind her and gently rubbed her rear and the base of her tail and she gave a soft squeal and thrust her rear towards me, her lithe back straightening as she arched herself. She still had her tail in her mouth and was drooling a little now, and her eyes stared at me half closed, a pleading look in them as she whimpered. I'd never had a great deal of interest in oral sex, but as I looked at her sex it was slowly puckering and pursing, almost like a mouth. Fascinated I bent over and took a closer look and rubbed my fingers against the rubbery outer lips and she gave a long soft moan. The lips suddenly flared open, her labial lips wet and quivering, and unable to stop myself I ran the tip of my tongue over her sex, she was warm and wet and sweet tasting, and as I pushed my tongue into her those lips sucked at it like a mouth, rubbing against my own lips like they were kissing me, and I almost came from the feeling. With an eager slurp I plunged my tongue in as far as it would go, wanting more of her sweet taste, her outer lips sucking at my face, smearing me with her juices as I licked her inner lips. As I 'kissed' and ate her pussy she made deep grunting chuffing sounds, and the purely animal like sounds really turned me on even more. Was it really bestiality if your lover was another intelligent species who wanted you as much as you wanted her?

Finally I couldn't stand it anymore, her intense musk and the incredible pleasure from just 'eating' her sex was more then I could stand. I was so hard and aroused it was almost painful, and I needed her more then I'd ever needed anything. I put one hand on her soft rear to steady myself, and taking my aching cock in the other hand I pressed the head against her flexing slobbering lips and she literally sucked me into her. With a sobbing moan of pleasure I began thrusting into her, hilting almost instantly and she gave a loud yowl as her lips sucked at me. Her pussy was wet and fairly loose at first, but suddenly shrank around my thrusting cock and became tighter, alternately loosening and tightening, gripping and squeezing while I fucked her. She let her tail go and it wrapped part way around my waist and caressed my body. It wasn't as prehensile as say a monkey's tail, but she still had plenty of control, and its soft tufted tip felt divine as it stroked my ass and slid between my legs to brush against my balls as they slapped against her rump. Then something totally unexpected happened, her pussy lips suddenly opened wide; and with a little help from her tail, sucked my balls inside of her and I went berserk. There is no way in Hell I can describe what that felt like, to be completely inside of her and even as I was fucking her my balls were being sucked and caressed by her slick vaginal muscles. It was almost unbearable sexual ecstasy and I moaned and grunted while she yowled and squealed, both of us totally lost in one another as the pleasure just increased. It took me an incredibly long time to reach my first orgasm, my thrusts increasingly fast and desperate; her sounds of pleasure increasing the longer I humped her. Her sexual juices tingled pleasurably, and it would appear that in addition to being a mild aphrodisiac they also are also an orgasm inhibitor, and as it turns our own sexual fluids have the same effect on the Trillians, so it makes for fantastic sex with NO quickies! You can't come fast no matter how much you might want to, you really have to work to reach orgasm. Towards the end she was begging me to make her cum, grunting and almost snarling from her desperate need. When I finally exploded inside of her she clenched her muscles around my throbbing and pulsing cock and balls and squeezed and I screamed in agonizing ecstasy and she gave a roar almost like a lion's. I kept humping her the whole time I was cumming, and she ground back against me yowling and snapping her jaws together with loud clacks. Finally, with a loud 'sluuurp' she let my cock go and I pulled out of her and collapsed next to her. She lay next to me and we embraced and licked and kissed for a long time.

"Oh God Teka, I muttured, what WAS that? What did you do to me! It was, it was fantastic!"

She gave a happy growl, and said, "What do you mean, what did YOU do to ME? I've never been serviced so well, or for so long! I thought you would never stop! It was incredible my love!"

*She told me that when Trillians mate the females outer vagina lips grasp the lip of the males penis sheath in order to create a seal and lock them together, so that's what she had been trying to do, her lips kept trying to make the seal, but instead just caressed and sucked at my cock and balls the whole time I was fucking her, which was just fine with both of us. She said making the seal was extremely pleasurable for the female, and since her vagina kept trying the whole time that part of her pleasure just kept building in addition to the pleasure from being fucked, it gave her a dual pleasure she'd never experienced before. *

*We made love two more times before we were both too spent to even think about another time. She loved it when I took her in the good old missionary position; she thought it was kinky as hell. It seems the only way the Thrillians mate is from the rear doggie style, but of course they're naturally built for that. So when I asked her to lie on her back for the third coupling she thought I was kidding at first, she knew humans did it that way, but wasn't sure if she could. She could, and we did, and it was mind blowing. Because she was so darn lithe and bendable she was able to wrap her legs around me and hold me tight and close. As I fucked her she made chuffing sounds and licked my face, her eyes closed most of the time, her whole body quivering as she told me how much she loved me, and I also knew I'd found the only mate I'd ever want, and it didn't bother me if she wasn't human. We loved each other, so what else could we want? We didn't give a shit what anyone else thought. *

We kept our love secret until after we graduated. We both got decent jobs, and when I told my family I was going to be living with a Trillian female my Mom went ballistic, my father was pretty cool about it all things considered, and my rotten little brother just asked me what it was like to have sex with one. The Trillian family unit had no problem with that at all. She was an adult, and it she'd chosen a human mate that was fine by them, and more power to us.

We got an apartment in a complex that rented to both species, some wouldn't for 'hygienic reasons' which was pure BS as they were cleaner then we were. But there will always be bigotry of some kind around, but if they weren't welcome somewhere they didn't press the matter. Teka worked as some sort of life support technician on Trillian ships, and she got me a job working on their ships too as a kind of supply clerk, the training was easy, the job was fun, and the pay was great. As a side benefit we got to go on cruises around the system if our jobs required we stay on board. One of their ships could go to Mars; and back, in a week or less. We got to make a field trip at the mining station the ship landed at to pick up ore, but it was pretty boring really. Just lots of red dirt and rocks. We were paid in 'credits' that were entered in our personal accounts, there was no actual money, it was all a debit type system. A system of exchange had been figured out so most stores took money and/or credits. A full credit was worth approx $20.00. Don't ask me how it worked exactly, I'm no banker. Between our joint incomes we got a really nice place, and soon had a circle of human and Trillian friends. Our lake cabin was a big hit; my family still let us use it, and Trillians love to swim. It was kind of odd as most had been born in space, or on a planet with very few large bodies of water, but they were naturals. They cut through the water like otters. One of the biggest vacation pastimes of theirs was to go scuba diving around the world. Their tough rubbery hides were natural rubber suits and the could go deeper then were could as they were resistant to the bends. We invested in a company making dive gear for Trillians and made a hell of a good return on our investment. I loved to swim too, so we had some great times at the lake. We'd go skinny dipping at night, in between long bouts of love making.

*And our sex was fantastic; it never got old or repetitive feeling. The natural oils and juices we produced that acted as natural aphrodisiacs on one another were one reason, but not the only one. We flat out loved one another, in far more than just a physical way. In fact it became a very common thing to see humans and Trillians pairing like that, even though it was still against the law to get married. The fact that Trillians had no interest in any religions had a lot to do with it. They respected our beliefs, but didn't share them. They had no real concept of a 'supreme being'. But soon the estimate was that one out of six humans; mostly younger ones; were co-habiting with a Trillian mate and/or had joined a Trillian family unit. Trillians had no problem with that, they enjoyed having humans live with them. It made things more...interesting. And then there was the group sex, orgies in other words. We "alien lovers" pretty much kept quiet about it as it was no one else's business, but it was a Trillian practice to have group sex anytime a bunch of them had the time. And of course we humans didn't mind at all, and were quick to learn. I had my first experience when we were invited to a party by some friends, a human female named Candice, and her Trillian mate named Patek (pronounced PA-tEke). They'd invited some other couples as well, and before I even realized what was going on had sex with all the females, alien and human, in a night of incredible sexual pleasure. I had no idea that was going to happen, but I'm sure Teka knew and was saving it as a surprise. *

Candice: She'd only been a little girl when the Trillians first arrived, and her first real memory was being upset when her favorite show was canceled with news about the 'alien invasion'. She thought the doggy people were stupid; she wanted to see her show! She'd have a tantrum, and then had been stunned when her parents; who normally let her have her way, to her to "shut up!" She knew now what a really big event it had been, and how things would never be the same.

When she started High School there were already a few aliens attending, and she was kind of scared of them at first. Those fangs and claws were pretty intimidating. But that was before she met Patek.

He was a little smaller than most of the other aliens and seemed to keep to himself a lot, and didn't seem to have many alien, or human, friends, and she pretty much ignored him at first. He started wearing a black overcoat and dark sunglasses, which she thought was kind of funny looking, kind of like a Goth dog. One day after school she'd had to stay late to do some volunteer work in the library, and walked around a corner to find him sitting on a bench by himself reading a book. Lots of people considered books kind of old fashioned, even her 'text' books were on her personal laptop. But she liked books, liked the feel and smell of them. It was the first time she'd seen an alien with an actual book, so was intrigued. He ignored her until she said,

"Hi, what are you reading?" He'd seemed almost embarrassed, and at first she thought he wasn't going to answer, but finally he mumbled,

'It's Sherlock Holmes, Hound of the Baskervilles."

"Ohhh, Candice said, I love Sir Conan Doyle! That's a scary one!"

*And that's all it took. Turns out Patek loved human detective stories, they fascinated him. He'd been really disappointed when he'd found out Sherlock Holmes was a fictional character. It seemed that writing about people who had never existed was kind of a strange concept to Trillians; at least at first, but once they caught on they were big fans. And they absolutely loved most movies and TV shows, especially the History and Nature Channels. The really violent stuff scared them though, our World Wars horrified them. They became so upset; some crying, at the scenes of death camps and wounded soldiers that most channels eventually took most of that stuff off the air, or made sure to include warnings of "graphic violence" so a Trillian could tune out. But they ate up any Disney and animated stuff. Animation completely fascinated them; they could sit and watch cartoons for hours, totally mesmerized. They thought 'Shrek' was the funniest thing they'd ever seen, and loved 'My Little Ponies'. The Teletubbies scared them, and they didn't like clowns at all. Lots of classic movies made comebacks; the original 'Pink Panther' movies with Peter Sellers were big hits again, as did other comedies, but they didn't care for war or action movies at all. Show them "Alien" and they'd hide under their seats. *

When she was little Candice had amassed quite a nice comic book collection, a huge pile of paperbacks, and a few hardcover books as well. Most adventure or fantasy, and a bunch of mystery/detective. She'd invited Patek over after hanging out with him in the library for a few days after school, and she thought it was funny he liked so much 'girl' stuff. He liked the colorful comic books, and of course they all had happy endings. He loved the term 'happily ever after'. He was really smart and funny, and smelled like cookies. His strange fuzzy skin was a grayish-blue color, and his weird hair was almost purple. She thought it was funny how he could drop down on all fours when he played with her families dog Max, and he could run almost as fast as the dog that way. He was really lithe and graceful. And he panted like a dog too, with his tongue lolling from his mouth dripping slobber. He almost seemed to be talking to Max when he barked and yelped back at the Shepherd, and Max certainly liked him. Her parents weren't terribly thrilled at first, but he was quiet and polite so they got used to him. At least he wasn't a 'delinquent' like most kids nowadays. They liked him better after he got over his dark clothes and sunglasses fad though.

They were pretty much just good friends until they became lovers during their Junior years. Since they were both pretty much 'nerds' according to the other kids, both human and alien, they had turned to each other for company as they shared similar interests. It turns our Patek wasn't a virgin as aliens males start having sex at a much younger age, but for pleasure only as female Trillians can control rather they get pregnant or not. But Candice was still very much a virgin, not that she wasn't aware of how everything worked, she wasn't that innocent! Her interest in boys had been pretty much nil as she found the strutting overbearing 'worship me' jocks repulsive, and the other boys were just too boring for the most part. It came as almost a total surprise when her first lover turned out to be a good friend, and an alien. Her folks had been gone for the weekend, and Patek came over so they could work on homework together. Afterwards they settled down in front of the TV to watch some old movie, and eat popcorn as they both loved the stuff.

After they'd been watching the movie; some old romance thing, for awhile, Patek had asked,

"Candy, I don't understand human mating rituals. Like in this movie, it's obvious the man and woman want one another, why don't they just mate? Why tease one another and deny their need for each other?"

Candy almost choked on a piece of popcorn at that one. "Well, it's an old movie for one thing, they didn't allow that kind of thing to be shown back then."

"But why not" Patek said, what is wrong with mating? I mean, I know humans like to 'date' and all, but it seems like such a waste of time, though I guess it can be fun."

"Well, we date, sort of, Candy replied, and we've never mated."

*"I enjoy your company, Patek replied, but you've never expressed an interest in me as a mate, I can tell by your scent. Unless a female is interested we do not mate with them. My mates have always let me know they found me acceptable." *

"You mean you're not a, well, virgin?" Candy said.

"Oh no, I've mated with females before, Patek said, my family unit has several females my age. We enjoy pleasuring one another."

Candy felt a little...uneasy at this point, even her girl friends weren't so, well, casual about talking about sex like this, and he was a boy, er, a male. But she couldn't help but be intrigued. He was sitting close to her, and his body was warm and she loved his smell, like chocolate chip cookies.

"I'm sorry, Patek said, I keep forgetting that humans have different mating rituals. I didn't mean to offend you. I like you a lot though, you're nice to me and I have lots of fun when we're together."

"What's it like, Candy asked, sex I mean." She couldn't believe she'd asked that!

"Sex? Patek replied, it's wonderful. It feels so good, and you can't get any closer to someone else; come to know them so well, any other way."

Patek really liked the human female, but since she had never indicated any sexual interest in him had never broached the subject. He would have known if she was interested. He flicked his ears toward her, flaring his nostrils to take in her spicy scent. She smelled so different from females of his race, so exotic and interesting. He'd been very interested in her, but so far she hadn't responded to any of his approaches, which had mainly been olfactory. He turned his head and gave her hair a soft sniff, and felt as stir of excitement, her scent was changing! Taking a chance he gently licked her ear, she started, but it didn't seem to make her mad, so he licked her ear again, longer and slower. She tasted so good, sweet and salty.

Candy jumped a little when she suddenly felt a warm soft tongue lick her ear. He'd sniffed her a little too, but she was used to that. Other aliens; and her dog Max, did that too. When he licked her ear again she felt a tingle run up her spine. It felt good, and his scent seemed stronger, sweeter. She wondered what it would be like if he was...interested in her. He was nice; she really liked him, but with an alien?

Patek leaned a little closer to Candy, responding to her changing scent, his own sexual interest in her rising. He nuzzled the back of her neck and gave a soft chuff, and licked her there. She wiggled a little bit, but didn't pull away or ask him to stop, so he continued to court her, let her know his interest and desire for her. He reached over and ran a hand over her thigh, but not too high and didn't attempt to push up under her skirt. He kept licking her ear and neck; chuffing and woofing softly, her scent of rising arousal encouraging him. She was so very nice, so sweet, he wanted her so badly. He had never been with a human female, and the thought excited him, he had friends who had mated with humans, and they had told him how special it was. He gave a low growl and ran his hand up to one of her breasts and gently squeezed, so big, so soft!

*Candy closed her eyes as Patek kept sniffing and licking her, and found the soft gentle sounds he was making to be...erotic. She didn't respond to his attentions at first, content to see what he would do, and enjoying it. She had been aroused before, but never with a male present, or anyone else for that matter. Her girl friends had tried to interest her in 'games', but she'd always turned the offer down despite being curious. She just wasn't interested in other girls. But she'd never been this aroused before, and it was increasing. She took a deep breath as he gently fondled one of her breasts, and the strength of his scent made her head swim. Oh God, she realized, I want him, I want him so much! She turned to face him, and kissed him on his muzzle, and ran a hand up his arm, his strange fuzzy feeling skin was warm and soft, and she ran her hand up under the open vest he was wearing and rubbed her chest, and he gave a little whimper. To her surprise she felt one of his large nipples harden under her touch; she hadn't known that happened with guys. *

Patek chuffed as he felt her hand run up his arm, his skin tingled from her touch in a way he'd never felt, and when she ran her hand over his nipples he whimpered from the lovely feeling, his tail squirming under him, trying to swish from his arousal to help spread his musk. The males of his race had nipples almost as sensitive as their females, and enjoyed nipple play just as much. When a female they had mated with became pregnant they even lactated to help feed the pups, but they only had the upper pair of mammaries. Giving a soft growl he gave her breast a harder squeeze, and she gave a soft sigh of pleasure, and then pulled away for him. At first he was disappointed, but his arousal flared again as she slid her shirt over her head, and took off that funny thing called a bra. With his race only lactating females; or males, wore them in public when humans would be present to avoid upsetting them. He stared at her large breasts in awe, so big! And her aureoles were so large, on females of his race they were very small, little larger than the base of their nipples.

I can't believe I'm doing this! Candy thought as she pulled her shirt over her head; and reaching behind unhooked her bra and let it fall the floor. Patek was just staring at her, his eyes reflecting the dim glow of the TV in the dark room like an animal. She remembered she'd learned in class that they had better night vision, which was why their eyes reflected light like a cat or dog. It was kind of eerie, but arousing too. He looked kind of like a werewolf, and she'd had fantasies about werewolves before. The cool air felt good against her breasts, her nipples rising, and she leaned over and putting her hands on his narrow shoulders she kissed his muzzle, and she moaned as his hands found her breasts, and his tongue licked over her face, and then she moaned again as his tongue turned its attention to her breasts, licking and caressing her nipples with its moist length. Oh, oh, she thought, that feels fantastic!

*Patek licked Candy's face as she kissed him, his eyes almost closed as he murred in pleasure, her breasts were so much larger and softer than any other female he'd been with, and he loved their feel and weight in his hands, and lowering his muzzle he ran his tongue over them enjoying their taste and the feel of her nipples against his tongue. He pulled away from her with a growl, and standing he pulled off his vest, and then lowered his shorts and stepped out of them, giving a pleased grunt as his tail was now free to whip back and forth. His waistband was a little higher than a human males in order to cover his entire sheath, and it felt good to get out of the confining clothes and he relished the feel of the air against his hide. His race went nude when in the privacy of their homes, or not in the presence of humans. Their tough thick rubbery skin made then able to endure a much greater temperature range then humans, but they didn't mind wearing clothes to be polite for their hosts. He stood looking down at Candy who stared back with her lovely, strange, green eyes. He hoped she liked what she saw. He was a little small for a male of his race, and skinny even by their standards. That hadn't kept him from finding lovers, but he'd never found a permanent mate. His penis was still in its sheath, though it was stirring, but he really needed the help of a female to become fully aroused. Males of his race seldom masturbated, it really wasn't necessary, and they found it hard to become aroused without the help of a female's pheromones and touch. *

Candy watched as Patek took his clothes off, it didn't take long as all he had on was his vest and shorts. Evidently he didn't wear underwear, and of course had no shoes or socks. She stared at his lithe trim body, and almost giggled as in the dim light he did look like a wolf, but one that had been shaved. She'd seen plenty of pictures of naked guys, human and alien, but it still was strange to be with a nude male in person. He did kind of look more canine, but she found his thick penis sheath fascinating, and found she wanted to see what it what it was hiding, very much so. She wondered if he was as...big as some of the photos she'd seen of aroused male Trillians. A little nervously she reached up and gently stroked the mound between his legs she knew contained his balls. As she felt him she could feel two large lumps under the thick skin, and to her surprise they started pulsing, she could feel them! And her eyes widened as something began push out from his sheath, the tip widening as it opened.

Patek took a deep breath as Candy started to explore his body, giving a soft whine of pleasure when she started gently rubbing his genital mound. Oh, it felt like she knew what she was doing, she knew how to excite a male, and it was so nice! He felt his system responding to her touch and scent, and his penis began to become erect and push out of his sheath. Uhhhh! He slid his tail between his legs and ran the sensitive tuft of hair over the female's breasts. Unlike humans Trillians hair could feel, was a sensory organ, the tail tuft being especially sensitive.

Candy stared as Patek's penis slowly slid out its sheath. It looked wet like a dogs, but it was hard to tell the color in the dim light, it looked dark red or purple. As it slid out he whined and made those erotic little noises that really turned her on as she knew they were sounds of lust. And he WAS big, and she felt a moment hesitation, what if he hurt her? But his powerful musk, much stronger now, and the feel of the tuft of his tail rubbing against her breasts with a tingling feeling caused those worries to fade away, drowned in her own lust and her desire for the erotically strange male standing in front of her, his own need rampant.

Finally, trembling, Patek pulled Candy to her feet and hugged her closer, her breasts rubbing against his chest, his penis rubbing against her lower body. Then he crouched slowly, and hooking his claws over the edge of her skirt began to tug gently as he licked her belly, growling softly. He could smell her sex, he wanted to touch her, taste her. She knew what he wanted, and stepping back she bent over and slid her skirt down, followed by her panties and stockings, and then stood back up, totally nude. She shivered a little when he leaned forward and gripped her wide hips, and pressing his muzzle to her crotch took a deep smell of her, and when he ran the tip of his tongue across the lips of her sex she gasped.

Candy ran her hands through Patek's strange hair as he slowly knelt down in front of her, his tongue licking her breasts as he growled softly, and she felt his hands pulling and tugging at the waistband of her skirt. She knew what he wanted, and found she wanted it to, to be naked and exposed before this lusting beast for he definitely wasn't human. That frightened her a little, but just made her own arousal more intense. She stepped back and he watched intently; his long tongue lolling over his fangs, as she slid out of her clothes until she was naked. She gasped as he pressed his muzzle between her legs and gave a loud snuffle, and she grabbed the back of his head and gave a soft cry as she felt his tongue lick and explore her sex. Oh God, how she wanted him!

*Even in the dim light Patek could see Candy's pussy clearly. It was so different from those of his own races females, but there was no doubting what it was, it's scent alone told him that. Its scent was different from a Trillian female, but there was no doubt what its function was. It was just a single slit instead of the "Y" shape he was used to, and her lips were pink instead of blue or grey, and it had a tuft of her sweet smelling hair on it. The location was odd as well, much farther forward between her legs, unlike a Trillians that was at the base of their tail. So strange, so wonderful, yet so female. He ran his tongue over the lips of Candy's sex, then began pushing his tongue into her, wanting to taste her more, her fluids exciting him immensely, and he could feel pre dribbling from the tip of his aching erection. *

*Candy grunted in pleasure and pushed against Patek's muzzle as his tongue licked in and out of her pussy. He dug his claws gently into her rump to hold her steady as he pleasured her, and she felt her legs growing weak as waves of pleasure spread out from her sex. She thought she was going to cum with every lick, and finally pushed him away. She wanted to cum with him inside of her. But first she wanted to see what HE tasted like, so she pulled against his arms and he stood up and they kissed and licked again, his hands gliding over her body, his claws gently scratching her at times. *

Patek kept enjoying Candy's delicious sexual juices until finally she pushed him away, and pulled him to his feet. He ran his hands over her marvelously soft body, and licked her affectionately while she kissed; and licked, him back. He enjoyed her kisses, though his own narrow lips weren't made for it, the soft feel of her lips on his muzzle and tongue was divine. When she started to kneel down he gave a soft whine of hope, and yes, felt her tongue lick against his the shaft of his penis. She licked some pre from the tip of his cock, then wrapped her tongue around it and, ohhhh, began to suck on him! Trillian females like to lick males, but seldom took them in their mouths like this. Ohhh, ohhh! He'd never felt anything like this before! He threw his head back gasping and panting, Ohh, ohhhhh!!

*Candy ran her tongue up and down the length of his penis, the taste salty, but strangely sweet as well. His penis was fairly human like, but the head did not have as pronounced a corona or ridge at the base, and was more pointed. But it did not have a knot, had it had one it would have definitely looked more canine. She was fascinated by the way his balls pulsed as she rubbed his soft warm genital pouch, she could feel them throbbing as she stroked him. Opening her mouth she swallowed as much of him as she could and started sucking the slick warm shaft, and he gave deep whining moans and gently ran his claws through her hair. *

Finally Patek could stand the incredible pleasure no longer, males of his race were unable to ejaculate from only oral stimulation; they had to actually penetrate a female to reach release. With a deep growl he pulled away from Candy; who remained kneeling, and moved around behind her. She watched him over her shoulder, and as he started crouching behind her she leaned forward against the couch and lifted her rear. He ran his hands over her back and rump, and digging his fingers in spread her large soft rear, and lowering his head licked her wet and dripping sex, the taste of her sexual juices pushing him into full blown rut; and positioning himself he grasped her around her waist, and with a snarl he mounted her.

*Candy had listened to Pateks whimpers and growls as they became deeper and more feral sounding, and when he pulled away from her she was as ready as he was, and as he circled behind her she dropped forward onto the couch and presented herself to him. He caressed her back and ass, then spread her cheeks and she moaned as that warm wet tongue licked over her sex, and when he mounted her she gave a cry of pain and pleasure as his penis tore through her hymen and slide deeply into her eager sex. *

*Patek felt momentary resistance as he penetrated the female, and there was a sudden scent of blood. Concerned he almost dismounted, but when her moans were those of pleasure he started to thrust into her, but it they turned to sounds of pain he would stop. He didn't want to hurt her. When he hilted he stopped thrusting and waited for her to seal around his sheath, but when she didn't he thrust again, and then again. He could feel her muscles clenching around his shaft, but her lips didn't lock him in. So he kept thrusting, and finally the tip of his sheath slid past her labial lips and that triggered his final stage of arousal, and with a grunt he thrust as deeply as he could, then pinned her and remained motionless as his penis began to slide in and out of his sheath with a pistoning motion, faster and faster. In the Trillian males once a male has completely joined with a female they have a natural form of hydraulics that causes their penis to thrust will the male remains stationary. Patek gently bit Candy on the back of her neck to pin her and moaned in pleasure. It was different then with a Trillian female, but it was a most enjoyable difference. He slid his hands under her and kneaded those wonderfully large breasts as serviced her, so warm, so soft! *

*Candy cried out as her hymen broke, but the pain was fleeting and the pleasure far outweighed it. She moaned as he pushed deeper and deeper into her, then suddenly stopped thrusting. He gave a confused sounding growl, then thrust again, and then gave a powerful lunge and stopped again. And suddenly, even though he wasn't moving, his penis began fucking her with rapid thrusts and she threw her back and squealed, then let it drop again as he suddenly bit her on the back of her neck. She gave a long low moan as his hands found her breasts and fondled them and rubbed her nipples. The fact his weight was steady on her back felt odd, but the thick shaft plunging in and out of her was fantastic. So this was sex, she loved it!! *

Perhaps because she wasn't a Trillian, or because her sex hadn't sealed with his own, it took Patek quite a while longer to build up to his orgasm then usual, and he had his eyes clenched closed as he desperately held on , giving muffled yelps and squeals of ecstasy as it went on and on, and when he finally climaxed it was more intense than anything he had experienced before, and he threw his head back and howled at the agonizing delight in his straining loins. His orgasm lasted longer than it ever had before, and as it wound down he collapsed across Candy's back and whimpered. Then realizing his bite had actually broken her skin in a few places; Trillian females have much tougher skin, he knew he'd have to allow for that in the future, he gave a low croon of concern and gently licked her neck. But he didn't dismount, once a male Trillian mounted a female they stayed locked until they were spent. And he wasn't spent yet, oh no, he planned to mate with Candy for a much longer time. He waited for several minutes, then his penis began to piston again, and he bit her neck much more gently this time.

Candy moaned and gasped in pleasure as Patek growled in her ear, his strong bite on her neck actually arousing her even more. She had fantasized about having a werewolf do that to her while it was fucking her, and this was so much like her dream it was scary, but it was a very arousing scary. His clawed hands rubbing and fondling her breasts just added to the incredible illusion. His thrusts varied in speed, slowing down and then speeding up, and the ever increasing pleasure was intoxicating. When she felt him climax; his cum spurting into her with incredibly powerful blasts, her own orgasm burst and washed over her like molten fire and she screamed into the soft cushion of the couch. Then she lay limply, his marvelous hardness still pushed into her to the hilt, and moaned while he made a tender kind of crooning sound and licked her sore neck. When she felt him start fucking her again she gave a soft gasp, oh yes! Please don't stop!

*Patek lay next to the human female with one arm behind her head and shoulders, her head resting next to his. As she rubbed his pouch he gently tweaked one of her amazingly large nipples and purred in contentment, then yelped when she nibbled his ear, how did she know males like that!?! He was no stranger to sex, but with her it had been special. The couplings had lasted much longer, incredibly so. They must have remained joined for over two hours, coupling almost nonstop. He licked her face some more, mrring in happiness. He'd never felt this way about a female before, nor had mating ever been so pleasurable. *

Candy lay on the couch next to Patek, one of her hands gently stroking his genital pouch as he purred almost like a cat, licking her face with his large eyes half closed. She nibbled one of his ears and he gave a little yelp of pleasure, before starting to purr again. They had each climaxed three times before he finally dismounted, and it had been fantastic. His warm body with its strangle velvet like skin, and his warm musk and the sounds he was making, made her realize she wanted him as more than just a friend and part-time lover. She wanted him to be hers, forever. She wanted him for her mate.

As soon as they graduated from High School she and Patek carried out their plans to get a place of their own. They couldn't marry, but that didn't bother Patek as Trillians had no such ceremony, and Candy didn't give a damn. Her parents took it hard, yelling about "bestiality" and "unnatural perversions", etc. To her surprise her brother and sister didn't seem to have any problem with it at all. But if they couldn't accept they loved one another despite being different species, then fuck them. Pateks mother ran a small joint human/Trillian business that coordinated the exchange of supplies and other necessities between the races, and they both worked for her. Candy's Trillian was fluent, and she acted as a liaison. They got an apartment in a complex that rented to both races, and soon had other mixed-species couples as friends, and entered into a new level of inter-species sexual relations. Turns out the Trillians were very much into orgies or 'group mating' as they called them. If you told them it was 'wrong and immoral' they've just give one of those yelping barking laughs and think you were trying to be funny, and ask you to join next time they had one.

*Candy and Patek were looking forward to the coming evenings cookout and party. Both human and Trillian friends were coming, including some other mixed-species couples. Their best friends; Brad and Teka, were also coming. There would be a nice selection of food from both races. Trillians loved barbecue, and the thick curry-like sauces they liked were very popular with humans too, they were delicious on rice. Once dinner was over they all went inside and took off their clothes, the humans as well. That was the norm in mixed-species households. A few humans were shy at first, but soon got over there embarrassment at being nude in the presence of so many others, many strangers. But it seemed more natural after awhile. Then came the much anticipated 'entertainment' everyone had been looking forward to. Since there were more Trillians than humans the humans soon had multiple sexual partners. *

*Candy paired up with Patek and another male Trillian named Kapek. The room in the apartment was limited so they shared the bedroom with another threesome, this time three Trillians, two females and a male. They were not bothered by the proximity of others mating at all. While Kapek fucked her Candy licked and sucked Patek to get him ready for his turn. She moaned in ecstasy at the hard shaft pumping inside of her, and the sweet and salty taste of Petek's cock in her mouth as she rubbed his pulsing genital pouch, both males growling and squealing in pleasure. The sounds of pleasure and scent from the other threesome only helped increase their own arousal. After a couple of hours the other male Trillian took a turn servicing Candy too while Patek and Kapek mated with the two female Trillians, and Candy 'ate' the other Trillian females pussy. Candy was serviced by seven male Trillians and two human males that evening, some more than once, and loved every minute. The multiple partners no longer bothered her at all, nor did the fact she didn't even know the names of some of them. *

Brad and Teka formed a threesome with another female Trillian whose name they couldn't remember, but names were not needed. The air in the apartment reeked of human and Trillian sexual pheromones and lust, a powerful aphrodisiac to both species. Brad grunted in please as he fucked Teka, the other female crouching over Teka's lowered head to give him access to her vagina, which he was licking and slurping in delight, the three flaps sucking and 'kissing' him back as he ran his tongue in and out of the hot wet sex. He knew he'd be able to service them both several times, and was greatly looking forward to it. One side benefit of having sex with Trillians was it seemed to increase your own desire; and capability, for sex. Not that he was complaining mind.

The orgy lasted well into the night, and by the end every male had mated with every female, some more than once. Everyone agreed the party had been a big success, and agreed for a repeat next weekend, and be sure to invite more friends! The more the better. Most of them mated again when they got home.

*About another ten years passed before we came to realize that we had indeed been invaded after all. By then the population of Trillians on Earth was in excess of 500 million. They were in every country, involved in every government, and the world economy would collapse without them. There was no more war, no more disease, no more hunger, and the level of living of almost every human had been increased dramatically. The Trillians never killed a single human, or committed a single act of violence, and their association with the human race was mutually beneficial. But they won anyway, and got what they wanted. Mates. It turns out they did have weapons after all, their own bodies. They had a rather unique way of 'invading', by changing part of the 'host' race into more Trillians. Anyone who took a permanent Trillian lover began to undergo physical changes as they slowly absorbed Trillian DNA during sexual intercourse. The Trillians could control how much genetic material was transferred to their once human mates, and didn't speed up the process until they knew it was the right time, and once started it would be impossible to stop when it reached a certain stage. Once that stage was reached the process was unstoppable and irreversible. *

Of course there was outrage and anger; but mostly our feelings were hurt, when what was happening eventually became apparent as the physical changes became impossible to hide any longer. But by then the humans needed the Trillians as much as the Trillians needed the humans. There was some violence of course, but when it became known that approx 95% of the 400 million+ 'infected' humans had no problem with what was happening to them things finally calmed down. Was it a betrayal, of course, but as far as betrayals went it was pretty benign, and a matter of survival for the Trillians. It seems they had a very low birth rate as extended deep space travel affects one's ability to reproduce, eventually resulting in becoming sterile. At least when they mate with one another, but if they mate with a 'changeling' or 'assimilated mate' from another race they're viable. It also turns out that the Trillians 'dogs' are in fact just as intelligent as the two legged ones. The Trillians in fact have four forms instead of two in a most unusual kind of sexual dimorphism. Two legged and four legged, and either body types can mate with the other to produce offspring. I think that drove home the fact they're aliens more than anything else.

*Brad: When it became obvious as to what was happening to me; at least when the noticeable physical changes started, of course I was pretty upset at first. I mean, if you found out you were in the process of transforming into an alien life form wouldn't you freak a little, or a lot? But I think that maybe; somewhere deep inside, I'd already known. The first sign had been my increased sexual desire and capability, and I sure hadn't been worried about that. But the thing was, I loved Teka, one hundred percent and truly, heart and soul. I didn't want anyone else, and to be separated from her was something that made me feel empty inside just thinking about. And they only changed mates they truly loved, not just casual or part time partners. We had a bit of a fight, but when she said she'd done it because she loved me and it was necessary for the very survival of her; now our, species, I realized that what was happening just didn't matter, it was just another way she was showing her love for me. If anything the thought of her being able to eventually bear my children filled me with joy. When I forgave her she just held me and cried. *

*However, one thing that would take a little getting used to was I was assuming the form of the second type of Trillian male, a four legged one. I was becoming one of the 'dogs'. I went through some bad times as my posture went from upright to four legged, and my hands became more like paws, but I adapted quickly enough as Teka was there for me the whole time, and helped me get through the worst parts. Though just as intelligent they; we, are limited in some ways as we have no real hands or thumbs, and can't talk. At least in English, but the other Trillians understand us just fine. It seems approx. 25% of the 'assimilated' humans would take on the Trillian four legged forms. However the change was so gradual it wasn't really traumatic or painful, and I had plenty of time to get used to my new 'position' in life as the view from all fours is a fairly drastic change, and it was fascinating. I was still Teka's mate of course, in every sense of the word. It took about another year for the full change to take place, and then I was a new Trillian down to my molecular level, my DNA pure Trillian, nothing human remaining. But my mind and awareness was intact. I still knew who I had been, and still was, but I also knew who I had become. It was so very strange and wonderful. *

Candice: Candy had known something was happening for months before it became common knowledge, but didn't care. All she knew was she loved Patek and he loved her, and the fact she was becoming like him made it all that much better. She rather liked her tail and new hair, the hair was incredibly sensitive and added a whole new element of pleasure to mating, which they did even more frequently now. There was a little bit of discomfort when her digestive tract reformed to produce only liquid waste, but she didn't miss her asshole, not at all. Patek was a little disappointed that she'd had to give up her 'unique' vagina and large, soft breasts, but those 'sacrifices' were minor. Her parents never really got over it though, and she was sad they just couldn't accept it as she still loved them; they were still her parents regardless of what she was now. The day they found out she was pregnant was the happiest day in their lives, she was so proud she'd be doing her part to help save her new race.

*The unique relationship between the Trillians and humans continued after the uproar had calmed down. Despite what they'd done the humans could at least understand why, and eventually forgave them. Had they asked the Trillians to leave, they would have without quarrel. But damn it, both races LIKED each other too much. And as far as 'invasions' went it pretty much benefited everyone and both races. When you think about it most of the times when one human society has invaded and conquered another both the invaders and conquered people would assimilate, it was unavoidable; the Trillians just took it a step further. The Trillians had 'invaded and conquered' hundreds of world's through their rather unique form of assimilation, but seldom had they found another race with which they were so compatible, both physically and mentally. And to their surprise many humans willingly took Trillians mates even though they knew what would happen to them, it seemed love was that strong. Some were intrigued at the thought of becoming something different, and/or just loved their alien mates. As a result earth became a permanent Trillian colony; that is until Earth accepted membership in the Trillian Co-Operative of loosely associated member worlds with other Trillian colonies/populations. In time humans became the 'armed forces' of the Trillian Co-Operative, not that they were needed much, but on the few times they were it came in handy. Some of the other space faring aliens found out the hard way it was best to leave the Trillians alone, those human allies of theirs were crazy! They just kept coming at you until you were dead, or gave up. *

*After some consideration the Trillians even decided to let humans crew their interstellar ships with them, this was very seldom allowed. It was one rule the Trillians almost never broke. But seeing as so many former humans were now Trillians as well it wasn't a hard decision, the humans had already added more new members to the Trillian race than any other 'host' species. Though the term 'host' was incorrect, the assimilated humans became Trillians in their entirety, completely indistinguishable; by humans or other Trillians, from 'natural' Trillians. In fact other Trillian ships were arriving on almost a daily basis to look for 'mates' once the word got out. One side benefit was human overpopulation was no longer a problem as millions of once human Trillians chose to leave on interstellar ships to help explore and 'assimilate' new worlds. *

Brad: I followed Teka up the ramp of the ship, padding alongside, my head about level with her waist. I barked and yelped greetings to other Trillians I knew, including other 'quads' like myself. Teka and I had decided to volunteer for crew duty on one of the great interstellar ships. Such mated pairs were welcome as the 'assimilated' half was needed for breeding, it would appear that one of my duties would be mating with the other female members of the crew, both two and four legged, and seeing as the ship had a crew of thousands I would be kept quite busy. Fine with me! I also wanted to visit other worlds and see the sights, and was going to be trained as an away team security specialist for less hospitable planets. I looked up at my mate in love; her belly bulging with our pups, and could hardly wait. To see the universe!

** The End**

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