Crew of the Sojourn Ch.1

Story by ocvCrimsonClaw on SoFurry

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#2 of The Crew of the Star Ship

The Crew of the Star Ship "Sojourn"

By: OcvCrimsonClaw

This and ch.0 are my first attempts at writing and I know I need to put more detail into the descriptions especially when it comes to characters. The problem is I don't know how to do this to well yet and it makes me hesitate on doing the scenes that involve yiffing. Any feedback and helpful advice in this will help me a lot, just please don't be to harsh if you can help it.

Chapter 1. "One Disaster After Another"

It has been nearly a week since Marcus took command of the Sojourn and things aboard were finally starting to settle down. After Alice's shift every day for that week she would go straight to the infirmary to visit Amy who was there for a while, but wouldn't leave while the swarmer was still in intensive care. At the time she was being forced out she suddenly collapsed, her eyes fluttering rapidly and erratically. Alice and Rose ran to her and placed here into a bed.

Alice stared at Rose examining Amy with a worried look on her face trying to be patient but couldn't stop herself from asking " What's the matter with her Rose? Why did she pass out?".

Rose was not quick to respond as she was looking at the scan read-out with a confused expression on here face " I don't know but her brain patterns are erratic and it is not do to her minor concussion she recovered from, and I haven't seen any thing to cause this.".

It was at this moment that they heard the door open and close. Turning to see Christie as she surveyed the medical screen for anything Rose might not have seen do to a more none medical cause. The ICU warning lights started flashing and the swarmers bio readings were automatically displayed. It didn't look good as they saw his vitals destabilize and drop steadily.

After an hour of work they managed to re-stabilized the patient they went back to Amy " Rose do you see what I see?".

"What are you talking about? Wait a minute there brain patterns are identical!" Rose said with a puzzled look.

"Why are there brain patterns the same?" Alice asked irritated at the fact that they forgot she was even there.

"Well..." Christie began but stopped to think of the easiest way to explain " ... it's been documented that in the swarm society and our own for that matter that individuals have gained the ability to use psionic powers.".

"So what does this have to do with Psionics?" Rose asked showing obvious signs of interest.

"Well when a psionic uses their power to link to another's mind so they can communicate mentally the brain patterns of both subjects are synchronized and thus on a mental scanner shows them to have the same brain patterns." Christie finished.

"So you are saying that they are mentally connected? How the hell is that even possible, there is there is no one here that can do that?" Rose suddenly felt really stupid for not realizing that the only way that was possible was if the swarmer lying on the bed made the link. Christie saw the look of realization show on Rose's face and simple nodded "But why Amy?".

Christie at this point shrugged " Don't know, but it might have to do with the fact the have met before. Remember that she has reported to have been saved twice by this individual swarmer."


It was time for their patrol shift and so the two pilots went about their pre-launch checks. Samantha a slim yet agile vixen and Tealose a rather built stallion had as always requested the same patrol shifts together so they could talk with assured privacy. For six months now they would use this time to discuss the predicament that faced their friends Rei and Alex who were also part of the same fighter squadron. So far things looked really bad though it was a steady fall. Back in the pilots residential wing Rei was just leaving here room. With all that has happened lately she decided to try and finally apologize to Alex for hers stupidity. At this point all she wanted was for Alex to be himself again and if possible to give her another chance though she knew she didn't deserve it. Despite herself remembering the past events that caused the current Alex to exist put her on the verge of breaking into tears and it didn't help matters that she had been crying earlier. She quickly wiped away the tears that were welling in her eyes and knock on his and Tealose's shared room. At first it seemed no one was in or that he just wouldn't answer and she started to turn to leave when she heard the door click.

It opened slowly and a very disembodied voice could be heard from with in " Come in commander Rei, what can I do for you this day, or is it night? If you like you can have a seat.".

The person Alex had become filled her with the sorrow of the knowledge of what she had done to him. As she sat down on a rather plain sofa she could barely respond " Thanks..... I um......... have something talk to you about......... about us I mean.". Her voice was shaky and she was fighting the urge to cry aloud while she spoke those words.

Alex only stared with his cold dead like eyes and asked "What us? There was never an us and you made it clear there never would be an us a year ago."

A flash of memories flooded Rei's mind then, she did say that and remembers vividly how cruelly she had treated him for the two months that followed. Just when she thought she gave him enough to drive him away and she could resume a some what normal life she decided to go out. She had just closed the door to her apartment and was on her way down the hall when the elevator opened.

There was Tealose coming strait for her but before she could even speak or duck for that matter he slammed is fist into her face "YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" his voice echoing like thunder in the hall. Still dazed from his massive blow she began to speak but he cut her off " YOU, ITS YOUR FAULT! I SHOULD BEAT YOU TO AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE WHAT YOU'VE DONE!".

Rei finally managed to say something now that she was completely recovered from the shock of his action "What the fuck was that for! I should have you court marshaled!".


With this he stormed off feeling he would kill her if he stayed much longer and Rei couldn't stop him, her unanswered questions filled the air behind him. Moments later her friend Samantha came around the corner of the hall. Sam had seen Tealose storming off and went running to Rei's side as her blooded ran down her face. Rei noticed Sam was pale but remained fixed on the elevator that closed with Tealose with in the weight of his word on her mind.

" I see Tealose got here first." was all Sam said as her voice wavered as she fidgeted with her fingers.

"What was that all about Sam?" Rei finally asked after a moment of thought.

"Why did you screen your calls you idiot I was trying to call you with Alex's phone from the hospital?!?" Sam was visible shaken but why.

"The hospital, why were you at the hospital and why did you have Alex's cell........." she paused for a moment as key phrases sank in "........ where is Alex?" Rei could feel tears forming as it started to dawn on her.

Her heart rate increased and a pain in her stomach began to form "Rei dear you should sit down, there is no easy way to say this." Sam spoke in a low tone. As they sat in the couch Sam was thinking a of a way to soften the blow.

Finally Sam just turned on the news, the headline read "Ace fighter pilot run down" as the video feed of the event that was caught on camera played " This was the scene earlier today as Ace fighter pilot Alex S. Turnell who had been showing signs of major depression for the last two months was hit head on by a eighteen wheeler going sixty m.p.h. and then rushed to the ER. The doctors say that chances of survival for tonight alone would be a miracle." at this point Sam turned it off.

"I won't see him." was Rei's whispered response. Shocked and disgusted at what Rei just said Sam got up and gave Rei a vicious stare. She was about to storm out of the apartment but looking at Rei she hesitated long enough to here these word leave Rei's lips barely above a whisper "God, what have I done? Oh Alex forgive me.".

Sam embraced Rei tightly and tried to sooth her heart broken friend for over an hour before Sam offered her complete support in helping her and Alex if he survived. What was the most horrifying for Rei is thought she would never get a chance to tell Alex how she really felt, how much she loved him.


"The patrol has located a suitable planet in this system for basic food supplies sir." Echo reported as soon as Samantha and Tealose sent the data from their recon scan.

Marcus immediately asked "Any signs of civilization?".

After a brief moment of reviewing the data Echo concluded "No sir, just a standard tropical climate atmospheric setting, I believe a class (D) world.".

Marcus sat quietly for another moment pondering the likely scenarios that could accrue but in the end he had no real choice. The growing need to secure replacement supplies for all that had been lost on the day Earth was occupied by the swarm left only one option open. Marcus finally gave his orders "Take us down and prepare several foraging parties to scout out any edible food substances as well as basic material that we might need later in the future.".

"Aye, Aye, Sir!" was the response the bridge team provided simultaneously.


Amy awoke in a vast fog covered meadow in the mid afternoon. Looking about in confusion she saw nature in all it's glory around her in an all to familiar scene. She could almost swear that she had been to this meadow before, and that's when it dawned on her that this meadow was the one her grandmother owned on earth that she often played in. Only a single thing was out of place in this memory and that was the tall figure clouded from view by the fog. Amy hesitantly walked towards the figure and as she got closer more details became visible. At first she froze when she saw the 6'7" mantis clearly, but as she saw the markings of battle and his golden yellow eyes with a very unique mark on his forehead. It was this personal identifying mark that belonged to Arrom she recognized.

"Wait a minute why do I know his name?" Amy asked herself when it dawned on her that she some how knew his name.

"Hello Amy." Arrom spoke in a voice that was eerily like Amy's own "There is something I want you to have so you will always be safe and so you will always know how I felt about you since the first time I laid eyes on you.".

These words took Amy by surprise but before she could ask a flood of memories assaulted her mind. She was able to interpret these memories as knowledge that was being past into her mind and when it stopped she knew all about the swarm's plans and everything about Arrom.

"We both share our collective experience of life and thus gain each others skills and knowledge." Arrom spoke again with noticeable strain.

Amy ran to his side as he began to kneel down "What is the matter Arrom? Why did you share this with me?".

"You are special to me and all you have to do is search the memories I have past you to see the truth. I only wish I met you on your planet as one of you." was Arron's answer.

The way Arrom spoke to her sounded of a dieing man who was in love and Amy couldn't help but blush brightly till the "dieing man in love" part sank in. Tears began to flow as she saw the fog filled meadow fade as Arrom himself faded. She held him tightly to her till he was no longer there and she screamed "NOOOOOO!!!!!".

"HOLY SHIT!" was what brought her back to reality.

As she looked around the room she saw Alice on the floor on her back obviously in shock from Amy's outburst. The second thing she saw was the bed next to her and Arrom lying in it with a ever decreasing vitality count. There was no one else in the infirmary that could be seen or heard and Amy's mind was still racing to process all that had just transpired.

"For the love of all that is holy woman. You almost scared me to death." a very shaken Alice finally said as she got up of the floor. "Are you alright Amy? Did something happen, you look like you have seen a ghost." Alice inquired but only heard "How is Arrom?" as Amy's response.

"Who is Arrom Amy?" Alice asked as she cocked her head to the side with a look of bewilderment.

Feeling confused herself Amy pointed to Arrom's body and said "He is Arrom." before she ran through all the knowledge that was now at her disposal for a way to save Arrom's life. As much as she tried to understand these feelings in her she just knew that she had the same feelings for Arrom as he had for her so she had to do something.

"Amy you are starting to creep me out, are you sure you are going to be ok?" Alice intruded on Amy's train of thought. It was then that Arrom's knowledge came upon the answer but as the full effect entered her mind she just looked oddly at Alice.

"Alice I need your help. Please help me." Amy pleaded with hear friend as she began sobbing aloud on Alice's shoulder.

Sensing Amy's distress growing she comforted her as best as possible "What can I do Amy?". Amy told Alice about all that happened while they were mentally linked. "Oh My, what are you going to do Amy? Are you really considering going through with it." Alice asked her friend in a hurried manner.

Amy was quick to say "Yes I am, if you are willing to lend your support?"

"Sure, what a friends for." Alice said as she embraced Amy for a moment " I know what to do so I will keep everyone away from here till you are done.". With that said Alice stood and left the room locking it on her way out.


"Sir, we have just gotten into a stable planetary orbit and begun scanning the surface for resources." Marian and Terra reported after the patrol sent the data from their preliminary scans.

"How many moons does this world have?" captain Marcus asked.

Terra answered him after running a sensor sweep " Two Sir.".

As Marcus was about to order the sojourn to land so that they could scavenge any resources when an explosion rocked the entire ship. " What the fuck, status report!!!" Marcus yelped as he was thrown to the floor.

" I'm picking up an odd energy signature............. THERE!". Terra brought up the forward display on-line on the main screen. What the bridge saw was a swarm battle platform in a similar orbit around the planet. As the alarm was triggered Terra announced the sensor scans result " A swarmer battle platform has been sighted, and they appear to be launching every fighter in their hanger sir!" and then proceeded to engage the defense grid.


Rei was in the middle of her first sentence after she had snapped back of her memory induced vision when she and Alex felt the ground suddenly jerk violently. Seconds afterwards the alarm was sounding through out the entire ship and to Rei's dismay Alex started running to the hanger before she could say anything to him. As she ran after him she felt a haunting presence that engulfed Alex. Rubbing her eyes thinking it was just her tormented mind getting back at her she looked upon him once more, but to her surprise the dark mist that had enveloped his form. Not understanding what it is she was seeing she decided to remain quiet thinking once again that it was her imagination since no one else seemed to notice. When the two finally made it to the hanger their fighters and the remaining members of her team that had been off duty were all prepped and ready to launch. Jumping into the cockpit she immediately heard the com chatter her two team members that were on patrol when this started were having.

"Sam, Teal status report of you and your fighters!' Sam was the first to reply to Rei "Low on fuel.... and payload .....down by ....46%. Two enemy squadrons down..... but almost..... twenty more remain!".

Tealose then came on the com "Make that almost fifteen left. The small fry were easy to burn but the rest seem to be top ace pilots and I have taken significant damage.".

" Hang on guys we are on our way. When we get there group together in a diamond formation." Rei instructed as her fighter was launched out of the hanger bay by their catapult.


The battle was intense and they were an unexpected predicament when it dawned on Rei that the main squadron they were fighting was some kind of elite fighter pilots. They seemed to be getting the better of Rei and her friends but she refused to give up. As she moved her paw to key the com and targeting system to a new frequency she almost lost it when she noticed that she was surrounded by the same dark mist that she saw on Alex on their way to the hanger. Immediately after seeing this her enemy missile lock warning flare to life and her sensors showed they were to close to avoid. Fear and regret were all she could feel and the look that she would often see when a friend keyed the com before the end

" I'm so sorry Alex, please forgive me." was heard over the com channel.

Seeing her doomed friends face on the screen Sam couldn't hold herself and screamed " NO, Rei get out of there. EJECT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!" knowing full well it was pointless.

As the four missile cluster drew about fifty to forty feet behind her a craft jetted out of no where with it's afterburners overloading between Rei and the cluster. The extreme heat of the engines on the verge of exploding diverted the cluster as they began to trail after this passing vessel. "Missile cluster intercepted and diverted from Squadron wing leader to me. My duty is served good luck Rei" as this was reported by Alex Rei saw the dark mist vanish from her but now cover the ship that rescued her. Beginning to understand what the mist signified and as she started to cry uncontrollably she turned her fighter around and went after Alex.

"ALEX!!!!!" Rei roared over the com as the veil of deaths cloak darkened before Alex's fighter was crippled by the four missiles that detonated on contact. It was a miracle that at least the cockpit survived the blast but Rei saw that his wreck was caught by the planet's gravity and he began to fall.

" In my death you cry for me and yet I have" that was the last com transmission from Alex's crippled fighter before its systems failed and he entered the planet's atmosphere.

These words stabbed into Rei's already aching heart and her clear cries of guilt and sorrow were clearly heard over the com. Tealose for once was the one who spoke to Rei to his own surprise " There is a chance he will survive the crash if he remembers his training and you know as well as I do that if it is anything he ever did since that day it's take the book literally! We got you covered no go Rei before you lose sight of him".

A very impressed and sympathetic Sam added "He's right Rei go. we will take care of the rest up here.".

With that said and not looking back she punched the engines to top speed, tears still flowing down her cheek, to follow Alex as he descended to the planet surface. Shortly after the rest of the enemy had been disposed of Sam and Tealose were summoned to the bridge immediately for a rather uneasy debriefing knowing their com systems had recorded and transmitted the intense conversation that had occurred. They then were given the chance to elaborate and describe what had transpired during the orbital dog fight. Once the situation was clear captain Marcus ordered the ship to land and to make a change to the away team's primary objective, to the joyous relief of Sam and Tealose, to that of a search and rescue of the two downed pilots.

"We have a lock on one distress beacon captain." Marian began as she keyed in the coordinates which brought up a satellite view of the Reagan. Looking at the dense jungle and the land surrounding it Marian finally pointed the only two possible locations "Further more..." she pointed out on the screen "... there are only three spots the shuttles can set down and then a three march to the beacon or the spot that Christie's scans have revealed to have an appropriate food resources.".

" Oh well there seems to be no way around it so pass the work to the crew and set the appropriate arrangements. Also have everyone who is going off board equipped with at least a side arm." Marcus replied while he studied the landscape on the tactical view screen.


As the sojourn started its decent to the surface Amy finally managed to get everything in order for the task at hand. It was indeed a difficult task to accomplish with the battle raging on out side " Dawm, it's about time I got some kind of break. Gees, if it's not one think it's another and always when I something important to do.".

Making one final check to make sure the room was secure Amy removed her clothing and began the ritual of bonding. First she took the scalpel she acquired and cut into the flesh of her palm which she placed over Arrom's mandibles letting her blood flow into him. After helping him swallow it Amy began to cut into his shoulder just enough to draw blood from the incision and proceeded to drink a few small gulps. As she invoked the first part of the ritual a rather strange sensation began to flow though her entire body as she kissed Arrom deeply. Letting the blood that remained in their mouth's mix caused the sensation to strengthen to and the tingling of their blood to increase dramatically. As she was going to lift herself she found that they had become stuck together by a thick sticky ooze that was starting to cover them both in a single mass. Once they were cut off from the outside trapped in the mass Amy felt a comforting warmth encompass her entire form. She could not help but to feel at peace in their sanctuary and rather enjoyed the sensation Arrom's body was giving her naked form. Amy suddenly yelped half out of shock and half out of the pleasure she received as one of Arrom's smooth hands began to caress her back and draw her closer to him. It felt so good to Amy with intensifying tingling that was spreading to her very core. Then a second hand began to caress and massage her firm well toned ass which she let out a low moan as her body began to burn with desire. Arrom's last two hands came to work on massaging her now hard nipples and firm silky smooth breasts which incited another yet louder moan of pleasure from Amy. Amy could feel her sex becoming oh so wet with the burning need for to be filled. As she began to pant heavily one of the hands caressing her shifted and began rub up and down her lower lips causing her to moan and yelp suddenly as an increasing wave of pleasure swept through her system. Amy was so close to Cumming that she could barely stand it as she moaned louder and louder until Arrom slowly pushed two of his fingers into cunt sending her over the edge.

She was in ecstasy as her back arched and the pleasure of the most enjoyable release pored over her " Aaaaaaah Arrom." to Amy's surprise she moaned in the middle of her orgasm as her sweet juices coated her and Arrom's thighs.

As she came down from the effects of her wondrous orgasm she started to notice that something was pressing against her taunt belly. With half opened eyes she looked down while panting heavily to see that it was Arrom's massively erect cock. As she marveled at this holy ritual's ability to heal two lovers and grant them a unique existence she was able to see that all of Arrom's wounds were just about completely healed. Looking at Arrom she noticed a gradual change was taking place but Amy at that moment only cared that they had started to shuffle positions for the main event. Amy had know idea that she was also starting to look different as her fur color began to change to a vibrant shade of jadeand her eyes taking the same golden hew as Arrom's. Arrom quickly positioned Amy on top of him and held her lovingly with all four arms though two of them seemed to be a bit shorter than the others. To Amy's surprise as she was lifted over Arrom's readied shaft she saw a tail like hers wagging behind him, but as quickly as she saw this she dismissed it when she felt a wave of enormous pleasure wash over her as she was impaled to the hilt by Arrom's twitching cock. Panting harder than she had ever had she began moaning in rhythm to his thrusts as she also bucked against his loins so that he could fill deeper into her tight inner walls stretching her to her limits. They kissed as their passion added to the always increasing waves of pleasure that assaulted them.

" Cum in me Arrom, I need your wonderful live giving seed deep with in me." Amy whispered seductively into Arrom's developing canine ears. As if to fulfill her desire his thrusts began to increase in speed and as he neared orgasm his cock began to bulge which caused it to start increasing in size. Ever pulse, ever segmented portion of his member twitched and shifted as the increase forced him through her cervix effectively corking her with his ever enlarging shaft.

Moaning in ecstasy has Amy was pushed over the edge of her thresh hold "Aaaaaah...........Arrom you feel soooo................gooood!".

They both came hard at that same instant the shier wave of pleasure that racked them both so strong that their conciseness began to fade. The last thing Amy remembered before she past out was the warmth that began to fill her womb past the normal limits and her stomach started to expand. They settled into a deep sleep that would last the rest of their metamorphosis.


After Marcus finished going over their overall plan of action with the others he asked" Aren't we short one security officer Adam?".

Rose was the on who answered his question " In the med bay, captain.".

" She was locked into a mental link with the elite swarm warrior." Christie added.

" Show me." Marcus ordered looking a Terra.

She immediately brought a direct video feed from the medical room which almost made Marian faint from surprise. "Dear god......what is that?" Mara barely managed to speak above a whisper.

For what seem like an eternity the group just stared at the massive cocoon that was in the corner of the room, they were so shocked that no one noticed that Marcus dropped his mug full of coffee. Terra started to filter through the video feeds many visual settings but stopped when she came to the thermal imaging filter.

The screen showed that in the mass there were two different life forms but were unable to identify them " That appears to be a literal cocoon captain but from where it came from I don't have a clue." Christie finally put in.

" The only people in that room should be the swarmer, Amy, and Alice but I don't see any sign of Alice." Rose began with a very puzzled but concerned look across her face.

" Terra run a trace on Alice and see if you can locate her." Marcus spoke with a distinct sound of urgency.

After running a trace on the her station console she replied while putting her location on the screen " She is in the mess sir, but records say she had been sitting in front of the medical ward until just five minutes ago. Shall I summon her to the bridge captain?".

" No send her a message that we are headed there now and to meet us there. Adam get your men prepped and accompany me, Christie, and Rose to the infirmary." Marcus was definitely tense, it didn't take much to see that as he gave orders.

"Aye, Aye sir!" Adam responded before giving his own orders to the security team members that he wanted to go ahead of the group. Then the group started down the hall and into the lift that would take them down to the deck level that the infirmary was located in.