Debtors' Barn: Promising Performances [Commission]

Story by rand0m on SoFurry

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#2 of Debtors' Barn

Another commission for avatar?user=29486&character=0&clevel=2 henkcobra featuring the menagerie of the Debtors' Barn.

Commission slots are open! More info here...

As he emerged from the elevator onto the barn floor, Martin couldn't help but smile in satisfaction at the sight before him. He'd been purposefully late in arriving from his suite on the lower levels in order to see if the cattle would adhere to their schedule in his absence. As he walked out into the stable-like interior, he noted that the girls' milk had been collected, labeled and stored in a nearby refrigerator. The milking was more often than not done by hand these days, since the girls had become very well behaved, and they'd come to look forward to the experience of relieving their heavy breasts. Martin was also glad to note that their volume had increased substantially during the five weeks they'd spent here.

The females were now doing their morning exercises, with Mia leading them through various yoga poses while her younger sister went along and corrected their posture, as necessary. Martin had devised a very specific regiment for the cattle, and the two former bodybuilders had embraced it with the single-minded determination one expected from rhinos. They had become quite competitive, always striving to outdo each other, to the point that Martin had to reprimand them several times not to neglect their coaching duties.

The yoga served to keep the females limber and flexible, the aerobics to keep them toned and fit, but in order for them to better perform their duties, Martin had gotten a little... creative. He watched silently on the sides as the girls moved on to the weights. The machines resembled a simple setup - frames that held a rack of iron bars, with a pin to adjust the weight, connected to a cable running over a pulley. The difference was that these racks were built to a diminutive scale, because they weren't lifted by pulling on a steel bar.

The mouse continued to observe as Ria adjusted the weights, noting that she was upping the amount since yesterday, as the girls went about inserting the plugs the cables were attached to. As they slipped the plugs into their slits (or under their tail in the case of Jasmine, the sole virgin of the group) they clamped down on them and began to walk to a line on the floor several feet ahead of them before slowly walking back, all without letting the plug slip out. The unconventional exercise was doing wonders at strengthening their internal muscles, as Martin could personally attest.

Apart from that the girls wore Ben Wa balls inside them most of the time and were keenly encouraged to exercise their kegel muscles whenever they were idle. They often did so while being milked and Martin enjoyed standing behind those firm, thrust-out asses watching the girls' flowers open and close as they flexed those hidden muscles.

Another innovation had been the syrup dispensers in each stall. Although the girls were quite well behaved and that earned them nutritious and flavorful meals, desert was something they had to earn. Each stall had a bottle filled with a very tasty, creamy concoction that could only be extracted by diligently suckling on a hollow silicone cock. The insides of these shafts were designed so that they let out a very thin trickle of the sweet cream, and only if strong suction and diligent tongue-work were applied. These had proven so popular that the girls had almost completely lost their gag reflexes, and the fact that the phallic attachments could be changed meant the girls were learning to please clients of various species and sizes.

A few muffled grunts and moans brought his attention to the one slave that wasn't accepting his new lot in life. Hurbin remained inside his metal case, with the panels closed most of the time at the request of the elephantesses, Jasmine and Jasline, who disliked seeing their former patriarch in such a state. Curiously, out of sight really was out of mind, and Martin had spotted the two of them several times, standing next to the large steel case and telling the imprisoned bull elephant how happy they were and how much they were improving. The mouse supposed it was a habit, since the two had been raised to report to the head male of the family.

Martin was annoyed to note the elephant was one again protesting the beginning of what would be a ten hour cock-milking session. The mouse had placed a gag in his mouth and a belt around his trunk that he tightened a little whenever Hurbin annoyed him, restricting the air-flow to the point that the elephant had to struggle to breathe, but it did little good.

It amazed the mouse that someone who had no problem selling his wife and only child into slavery could be so indignant about becoming a slave himself. And so the elephant remained sealed off with the exception of his trunk, unless access to parts of him were needed such as while he was being milked, force-fed, or when the area was paneled off and a hygienist came to attend to him.

Still, his efforts with the females were bearing fruit, and would be put to the test in a few days, when the girls were due to give a performance for a very select crowd in Casino Naja before entertaining a few of the lucky guests in private. Martin had brought in a dance instructor who'd worked with his employers before and knew the value of discretion, and he'd done a fantastic job with the girls. Jasmine and Jasline, with their lush elephantine curves turned out to be natural belly dancers, while the rhino sisters already had experience with striking and holding poses and merely had to master grace and motion, while Mina...

When he'd initially started them out on their regiments, Martin had evaluated their performance in their first few days, mostly as a way of getting the girls to push themselves further. After he'd mentioned Mina had the weakest scores, the tigress had a breakdown, throwing herself at the mouse's feet and frantically begging for another chance. The other females were as surprised as Martin was and rushed to comfort the feline, with Jasline cradling her head against her chest until her ragged sobbing stopped.

Once she'd calmed down, the tigress unburdened herself, telling them all about her parents who'd abused her since childhood, molding her into a subservient and obedient wife by any means necessary before selling her off to her husband, a sadist who'd delighted in seeing her suffer and punished her no matter how she behaved. The time she'd spent as a slave in the barn had turned out to be the happiest in the tigress' life, and she was desperate not to return to the life she barely managed to escape from.

In truth, Martin had no intention of doing so, but couldn't miss an opportunity to take advantage of the situation. He offered Mina a chance to make up for her perceived failings, and worked out a special regiment for her. He told the dance instructor to design a more intensive routine for her, and soon Mina was working twice as hard as the other girls. Her dance was now intensely acrobatic, a whirl of leaps and pirouettes, and Martin felt it did an excellent job of showcasing the feline's physique. And the time to showcase it was approaching...


Even from his view in the sidelines, Martin could tell that the exclusive crowd was quite pleased with the show the girls were putting on, but then again he had a more reliable method of gauging interest. The guests in the audience had a chance to win an hour with each of the girls, and as the show went on the mouse could see them, busily tapping away at the little screens built into the armrests of the plush leather seats. They were buying tickets for each individual performer, and the more they bought, the greater their chances of winning. The girls' dancing was flawless and was doing a great job of spurring the crowd on to spend more and more, just as Martin intended. Tickets cost the same for each girl, with Jasmine being the sole exception. As they were raffling away the elephantess' virginity, Martin felt it only fair that each of her tickets should cost three times as much as the others'.

Once the show was over a projector was switched on and the raffle began. After it was done the lucky winners were congratulated, and a scan-code was sent to their phones that would grant them entry to a private room where they could collect their winnings, so to speak. Martin himself was off to an even more private suite, one that few people even knew existed.

After his finger-pad was scanned, the door opened before the mouse, admitting him into a small antechamber. As the door closed and locked behind him, Martin took all of his clothes off before entering the bedroom. It didn't surprise him to find his employers already there and waiting for him, equally naked and lounging in that languid yet menacing manner common to reptiles.

"Entertaining and profitable. You are to be congratulated on your work, Martin." His mentor, Henk spoke in a deep and slightly sibilant voice.

"Yes, although the real entertainment is only now about to start..." the female at his side added, hissing out the 's' in 'start' as her eyes went from the mouse to the wall beside him.

"I am glad you are pleased Master, Mistress." Martin replied without bothering to follow Dunya's gaze. He knew she would be watching the array of screens, each of them showing one of the private rooms where his cattle awaited for their appointed partner. He wondered, albeit briefly, if she was referring to the show about to unfold on those screens, or Martin's own performance once it was over.

As the two serpents beckoned him closer the mouse sashayed towards the huge bed, noting, as he often did, the similarities between the two cobras. Both had lean, muscular bodies, although the bulges under Henk's emerald scales were noticeably thicker and his shoulders broader. And there was nothing lean about Dunya's chest, the scarlet snake sporting a pair of full firm mounds that would have made a mare envious. Both reptiles also had genital slits between their legs, although Henk's was noticeably distended. Martin's tail gave an involuntary twitch, the mouse knowing that once the male cobra was aroused two throbbing shafts would emerge from it.

Martin climbed into bed between the two sinuous reptiles. Their hands almost immediately began to roam across his body in an eager, possessive manor. As his face was pushed into Dunya's lush cleavage, Martin trailed one hand down the pale-green scales covering Henk's sculpted chest, pausing once he reached the already bulging slit. Although usually dominant, the mouse knew that it was only right to submit to ones superiors, and past experience had taught him that a night as the cobra duo's plaything was always a night well spent...


"Good evening, my name is Jasmine..." the young elephantess spoke as she was instructed, in a warm, sensuous voice, despite the butterflies in her stomach.

"'Master' will do." The salamander spoke, supplying a title rather than his name.

"Of course, Master. How may I please you?" Jasmine asked sweetly.

She could feel the amphibian's eyes wandering her body, although the near-black orbs were barely discernable against the inky blackness of his body. Even though his form seemed to drink the low light of the room, the way it glistened allowed the elephantess to pick out some detail. The male was quite well built, judging by the way his muscles moved and flexed under that ebony hide, but she could tell he wasn't as trim as he'd been when he was younger.

"Hold your hands out in front of you, sweetling." He said, graving a pair of leather cuffs from the nearby table. After securing the black leather bands around her wrists the salamander attached them to a hook dangling from the ceiling. Once he raised it, Jasmine's arms were restrained above her head, leaving her body on full display to the inky-black male, her legs held slightly apart to give him both a view and access to her most intimate parts.

As he walked behind her the young elephantess let out a squeak as something smacked against one of her ass-cheeks. She thought it was the salamander's hand, but once the appendage was withdrawn there was a curious sensation similar to taking off a band-aid. Jasmine felt her heart beat in her chest as her breathing quickened, the sensation being more exciting than actually painful. She gave a sharp cry as her other cheek was slapped the same way.

As the male circled her, his next target was one of the girl's big, perky breasts, and the elephantess' eyes went wide at the sight of his tongue shooting out lightning fast to smack her square in her stiff little nipple. As the sticky appendage clung to her teat, it pulled slightly outward, leaving her breast to bounce once the tongue came unstuck. Her master gave an approving sound, obviously enjoying both the taste and the sight of her. After he smacked her other breast the same way, he shot his long tongue at her crotch, and Jasmine had to stop herself from clenching her thighs around him as the soft tip slapped her clit.

The spanking/tasting session had turned the amphibian on and Jasmine found her eyes glued to the rosy-pink appendage that had slipped out of his slit, the organ outlined clearly against the male's glossy-black body. Her master seemed to approve of her attention as he hefted one of her heavy teats in his hand. After going to the gear table he came back with two short leather belts dyed bright pink and starting with her right one proceeded to tighten them gently around each of the girl's breasts.

Having been warned not to be too rough with the virgin girl, he tightened them just enough to emphasize each firm globe, making them stick out and a little bit of milk bead from her nipples. Grasping the girl by her ample hips, he gently turned her until she was facing a mirrored section of the wall. He noted the way she blushed at the sight of herself as he made his way behind her, eager to enjoy his prize. He was glad to see the girl had instinctively arched her back, lifting her tail and thrusting her rear out for his inspection.

"Mmh, such an eager little thing..." the salamander spoke softly as he slid his cock between the girl's thick thighs, teasing it as he slid it back and forth along her sopping folds. "Do you want this?"

"Y-Yes!" Jasmine cried out, surprising herself with the honest eagerness in her voice.

"Then be a good girl and ask nicely..." the amphibian teased, his tongue slowly snaking out across her shoulder and down her chest to play with the elephantess' leaking nipples.

"Please, Master, I want... I need you inside me! Please, be my first... take meeEE!" Jasmine almost trumpeted the last part as the male behind her surprised her by lining up and penetrating her maidenhead with one smooth stroke. Strong hands wrapped themselves around her waist as the salamander pushed the rest of his shaft in the girl's no longer virgin pussy while Jasmine shuddered in his embrace. As he held still, the girl gratefully thought he was giving her time to adjust to her first cock, but after a minute or two it dawned on her what he was waiting for.

"Master, please... This little slut needs you to fuck her. Claim my tight little pussy..." the elephantess began to babble, not needing to fake the desperation in her voice. The feeling of a cock inside her slit was amazing now that the pain was gone, but she needed more and didn't mind begging for it.

After getting what he wanted from her, the amphibian began to buck his hips into her jiggling rear, rutting the girl as he admired her expression of unabashed lust in the mirror. The girl's bound breasts bounced on her chest, sending tiny droplets of milk flying through the air. Her trunk was raised and her eyes blank as her little cunny was given a good pounding for the first time in her life.

Her master kept up the vigorous pace, and the young elephantess was glad for the chain holding her arms up and the male's own arms wrapped around her, doubting her legs could support her. She'd already cum once around the pistoning shaft, her juices running messily down her thighs as the salamanders hips smacked against her plush ass. After a few more minutes she could feel the male's pace pick up, his strokes now short and almost brutally fast and she knew what she had to do.

"Ah! Please... Master... fill your little slut! Claim my eager little pussy!" Jasmine managed to get out, her voice shaking from the male's rutting.

She squealed as the salamander's webbed hands moved to her hips, grasping them roughly as he slammed into her one last time. As he ground his crotch against her sore lips the elephantess cried out at the sensation of that thick cock erupting against her cervix, flooding her insides with her Master's seed...


Despite the fact that neither of them was quite as tall as the matronly elephantess standing before them, Armand and Jacqueline nevertheless looked like cats stalking a mouse as they examined her. The cat analogy was fairly apt for the pair of albino lions, their pristine white coats shining even in the dim light of the room, while their blood-red eyes looked quite sinister as they sized Jasline up.

At their request, the elephantess wore a latex suit that covered her entire body up to her neck. Getting in to the get up had been an ordeal but the elephantess remembered how she blushed at the sight of herself, the constricting garment making her look like she was in her twenties again.

"Mmh, such a pretty thing, and so nicely wrapped..." a low voice playfully growled behind her, sending a shiver down Jasline's spine. It sounded both thrilling and terrifying, and the elephantess couldn't help but gasp when a strong paw slid down her back and firmly groped one of her pillowy cheeks.

"And just think, Armand, you wanted to bid on the daughter..." the female spoke running her hands possessively over Jasline's mounds, admiring the firmness of the latex-encased globes.

"My dear, I bow once again to your superior taste in these matters." The lion behind her almost purred, sliding his hands up Jasline's hips and along her sensitive sides, making her shudder at his touch.

"No need to apologize dear, I know you have a penchant for virgins. But you heard Moonstone - whoever gets the daughter will have to treat her gently, or work off the rest of her debt." The lioness spoke, running the pads of her fingers across the elephantess' nipples until they poked clearly even through their latex prison. "Besides, if it's a little blood that gets you going, we don't really need a virgin..." the feline continued, emphasizing her point by running one claw from just below Jasline's cleavage down to her bellybutton. The latex tore easily under the razor-sharp appendage, pulling back to reveal a patch of smooth grey skin, with one filament-thin red line in the middle.

"Arms above your head, pet. Let us get a better look at those gorgeous teats of yours..." the lioness purred as Jasline obeyed her instantly. With her arms raised, her massive globes were indeed on perfect display, the latex wrapping them only serving to accentuate the succulent fullness of the globes.

"So, this is where our milk has been coming from?" Armand spoke, making the elephantess blush when she realized the two had not only tasted her before, but had no doubt watched the videos of her various milking sessions.

"Yes. Why not get some fresh from the tap, so to speak? We'll need all the energy we can get for what's next..." the lioness said, her predatorial thirst for blood replaced by uniquely feline thirst for milk.

"Jacqueline, my dear, you read my mind..."

The lioness extended her claw again, this time sticking the point at the top of Jasline's right breast before pulling it very slowly downward. The latex split as she did, the elephantess' hefty breast almost spilling out as more and more of the supple flesh was revealed to the pair of slitted, blood-red eyes. A thin red scratch marked the claws passage along her skin, and Jasline was grateful the other female used a lighter touch once she reached her nipple, although the claw had felt no less painful as it rasped along the sensitive nub.

Once her nipple was exposed, the lioness stopped, leaving the bottom and sides of the luscious teat still encased in the skin-tight material as she slowly dragged her rough tongue over the sensitive nub. Jasline hadn't been milked before coming to the casino, so even the light pressure was enough to coax a few drops from her full teat, to the lioness' delight.

"Mmh, delicious!" the lioness purred out, savoring either the taste of the elephantess' milk or the sight of her exposed breast. Whichever was the case, the lioness opened her muzzle before pressing her lips against the leaking teat. Her teeth pinched Jasline's nipple as the feline began to nurse, greedily suckling on the sensitive nub of flesh as the motherly elephantess' milky bounty slid down her throat.

Her husband followed her example, making one careful slice to expose Jasline's other mammary before latching on with the same gusto. The elephantess stood there as the lions nursed, holding her arms above her head and wincing slightly every time one of them tightened their teeth around one of her nipples. The sounds must have been music to the albino pair's ears, and soon they'd each placed a paw on one of her teats, kneading the supple flesh and extending their claws enough to just barely break the skin.

In spite of the pain of the felines' voracious feeding, Jasline could feel herself getting wet. The suit she wore was so tight it showed the outline of her plump lips, and she could now feel her juices making the inside slick and hot as they smeared around her crotch as her thick thighs rubbed together. After a while her milk ran dry and the lions released her nipples, the wet nubs looking pink and sensitive after the intense suckling they received. One look at their eyes, however, told Jasline they were anything but sated.

"Now, be a good little pet and get down on all forus. I want you to put that trunk of yours to good work on my darling husband..." the lioness purred in one big grey ear from behind her, the elephantess instantly kneeling to obey. She wrapped her trunk around the lion's erect cock, noting the tiny little spines as they rubbed against her skin and wincing at the thought of those things raking her insides. Still, even if she had a choice, she wasn't sure if she'd say 'no' at this point, the pair's nursing session having gotten her so turned on even the cruel shaft was looking wonderfully attractive.

"Aww, look at her stare at it. I think she's in love..." the lioness purred from somewhere behind Jasline. "Do you want it, pet? Do you want my husband's cock balls deep in your slutty pussy?"

"Yes, mistress" Jasline husked, still massaging the maleness with her snakelike appendage.

"So do I, really..." the lioness went on, now holding a lash with a multitude of thin leather strips dangling from the handle "... but deep down I have this jealous part of me that doesn't *WHACK* want *WHACK* a whore *WHACK* to get *WHACK* my man's *WHACK* cock!" she growled lustily as she brought the whip down over and over on Jasline's upturned ass, the elephantess crying out with every smack but keeping up her fondling of the feline's husband.

"So I'll just have to work out some of my hostility on this big bouncy ass of yours before I let you have the dick you're so lovingly stroking..." she finished, giving the elephantess latex-clad rump another smack. Despite her supposed anger Jasline could hear her purr as she spaced her strokes out unevenly, so the elephantess couldn't predict when the next lash would land.

The lioness kept it up for a few more minutes, and by the time she was done Jasline felt like her cheeks were burning. Her husband put a restraining hand on her head, and she took that as a sign to release him, her trunk now shiny from all the pre his feline cock had leaked over it. The felines changed places and she could feel the male lift her exposed tail before sticking a claw right underneath. It slid downwards slowly and carefully, parting the rubbery material, exposing the cobra-head brand underneath, her tail hole, and finally her sodden snatch. Jasline's pillowy cheeks parted now they were no longer restrained, widening the crack and showing the lion the elephantesses most intimate areas.

"Well, well, looks like mommy likes it rough. If it were a couple of degrees colder in here, this pussy would be steaming..." the lion gloated and Jasline felt the cheeks on her face burn as much as the ones behind her.

"Yes, she's been such a good girl. Time to give her what good girls get, don't you think?" Jacqueline said, standing before the elephantess with her legs spread, showing a steamy slit of her own. A moment later the motherly elephantess felt her tail yanked up and something hot and pointed prod her lips for a second before the feline cock was shoved all the way inside her in one savage stroke. Jasline cried out in both pain and bliss as her tunnel was filled by the lion's throbbing shaft, and squealed when the thing was pulled out, the spines dotting its length raking the sensitive walls of her love-tunnel.

Before she had a few seconds to adjust to the feline pumping her bountiful rear, the lioness grabbed the tip of her trunk and guided it to her parted lips. Jasline knew what was expected of her, and could keenly smell the other female's need. Flexing her muscles, she snaked the long, thick appendage until it parted the wet feline folds, drawing a satisfied purr from Jacqueline.

"Good little pet. Now I know you can drink through this thing as well as breathe, so I expect you to take every drop. I have no intention of leaving here with a messy muff..." the lioness commanded, and Jasline responded by slipping another couple of inches into the feline's tight cunny.

The two began to rut the elephantess in earnest, her squeals now one continuous shaky moan as her rear was pounded mercilessly by the grunting and growling Armand, while his wife sought to push as much of Jasline's trunk inside her as she could, her cream flowing down it only to be eagerly swallowed by the dazed elephantess. She lost all track of time as the pair used her from both ends, her pussy now feeling like it was burning with a fire only the lion's seed could quench.

"Ah, fuck... do it, honey! Breed her, for me... fill this whore up!" Jacqueline snarled though clenched teeth, obviously close to her climax.

Spurred on by his mate's words, the lion dug his hands into the elephantess' pillowy cheeks, the claws leaving little furrows in the latex as he jackhammered her messy slit. With a roar that would have done a feral lion proud he gave one last push, sheathing himself inside her with a loud smack as he began to flood her womb with a deluge of feline spunk. Seeing Jasline cum all over her husband's erupting cock was all it took to send the lioness over the edge. She gripped the elephantess' head as her hips bucked madly against the trunk that was by now pressed against her cervix, sending a flood of femcum down the serpentine snout as Jasline dutifully swallowed every drop...


"Hello, Madam..." Ria addressed the turtle who'd just entered the room, only to be immediately interrupted.

"It's well past five p.m. girl, so the proper greeting is 'Good evening'!" the reptile snapped at her "And how dare you presume to call me 'madam' as if we were equals? You will address me as Mistress, is that clear?" the turtle finished in a stern tone.

"Yes, Mistress." Ria replied meekly, bowing her head. This would not be an easy night.

She could tell the reptilian femme was a great deal older than her, but couldn't tell by how much. Turtles never really looked youthful, but were very long lived and tended to carry age well. Appearances aside, everything about this one seemed to scream 'grandmother' but, and Ria felt this was an important distinction, definitely not 'granny'.

"Now be a good girl and give me a turn. I want to get a good look at what I paid for."

Showing off her body had never been a problem for the rhino even since before coming to the barn. As she slowly turned around, she made sure to subtly stretch and flex, knowing her perfectly sculpted muscles would ripple across her taught physique, showing off her meticulously maintained figure.

"Oh dear, will you look at all that bulk. Are you a stevedore or a courtesan, girl?" the turtle asked, cutting Ria of just as she opened her mouth to speak "Don't bother with a reply dear, I'll just make do with what's on hand..." she finished, shrugging off her expensive robe and handing it to the rhino femme before wandering over to examine the gear available on one side of the room.

Ria knew that two-legged turtles had a more form-fitting shell than their feral counterparts but still suspected her current mistress had had hers surgically altered, since the growth looked like a sort of armored corset. She also noted the reptile was keeping her breasts tucked inside her shell allowing only the tops to show, which did an admirable job of keeping her bust pushed up and no doubt hiding quite a bit of sag.

Her privates had been extended outside of the hard covering, and Ria was pleased to note the sheen of moisture on the delicate scales pebbling the turtles slit, telling her that her disappointment was just an act. After carefully hanging the dress, Ria stood stock still with her eyes straight ahead, hoping the disciplinarian female would be pleased. The reptile femme returned a minute later, a huge strap-on dangling lewdly from between her legs and several items grasped in one hand.

"Young lady, do I look like a sergeant-major?" she asked.

"No, mistress." Ria replied, slightly confused by the question.

"Then why are you standing at attention like a soldier?" she asked, walking around her. Before Ria could formulate a reply, a hand landed sharply against one of her cheeks, enough to make her let out a short squeal.

"Hands clasped in front of you, head slightly bowed, tail held down but not between your legs, you aren't a cowering dog. Good Lord, even my serving girls know that! It's called 'demure' girl, do try and remember..."

Ria did as she was told, her cheeks burning as much as the one that got spanked at being talked to like she was a child. The she-turtle circled slowly around her, inspecting her posture, until she was once again facing her.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, just look at those ridiculous teats. A girl your age should have a perky pair of breasts, riding high on her chest with her nipples pointed upwards, not these... udders." The reptile femme said, making Ria's jaw twitch. She was proud of her breasts, the lush orbs riding high on the powerful pecs beneath them, but nevertheless too heavy for her nipples to point up. "Let's see if we can correct that..." her mistress said, and shortly afterwards Ria felt another smack on her firm ass.

"Crouch down, girl! You don't expect me to climb up on a stool to teach you good posture, do you?" she asked, and the rhino gal immediately obeyed, bending her knees until her head was level with the older woman's.

The turtle them proceeded to fasten a leather collar around her neck, with a single metal ring in its center. She then looped a length of slim chain through that hoop before turning her sight lower. She hefted the rhino's left breast first, and despite her unkind words, Ria noticed the appreciative way she was fondling the firm globe. Once she'd raised it high enough, she took the clamp dangling from the chain and closed it shut on the rhino-girl's stiff nipple, making her wince as the delicate nub was pinched firmly. She repeated the process with the right breast and once she was done Ria's nipples were indeed pointing up, suspended from the short length of chain at considerable discomfort to the girl.

"There, that's much better." The older female said, admiring her handiwork "Now be a good girl and open your mouth.

Ria did as she was told as the reptile femme slipped a leather contraption around her head. A metal ring was fitted between her teeth, forcing her mouth to remain open as leather straps were fastened around the back of her head. The rhino girl accepted it meekly, since this wasn't the first time she'd been fitted with a ring-gag.

"Now, since you haven't said an intelligent thing all evening, I might as well get some use out of your mouth. On your knees, girl." The turtle commanded as Ria obediently knelt in front of her.

The older woman grabbed the rhino gal behind her head and shoved the silicone shaft past the ring forcing her mouth open, pushing it further and further until her shell was touching the rhino's nose.

"Well, well, you took the whole thing down your throat without gagging? Nice to see you're at least good at something, dear. Now be a good girl and get this cock nice and wet. You do know how to slobber, don't you? It's all the same to me if you don't, but this will be a lot more uncomfortable for you if it has to go in dry..."

Making sure to breathe through her nose, Ria started to slowly bob her head up and down the long pseudo-cock. Even though she couldn't really feel it, she suspected the she-turtle was enjoying the show, as evidenced by a lack of derogatory remarks. The rhino gal threw in a few moans, guessing correctly the reptilian woman would enjoy her debasement. After about a minute of polishing the dildo, Ria felt her head pulled off the long shaft and looked up at her mistress, the ring still holding her mouth open.

"I suppose that's good enough. Now get on the bed and present yourself before me." The turtle commanded. Ria did as she was told, wincing a little as every movement caused her breasts to dangle from the clamps pinching her nipples. She managed to lay back on the bed, her rear close to the edge as she pulled her legs up and back, holding them behind her knees and giving the older woman complete access to both her holes.

"Good girl. Now lay back and take everything that I give you..." the turtle femme said, wedging the blunt tip of her strap-on between the Ria's nether lips before shoving half the thing in in one stroke. Unable to muffle her cries due to the ring forcing her mouth open, Ria gave a startled squeal that her mistress seemed to approve of, judging by the savage way she shoved the rest of the shaft into her whore.

As the older woman began to fuck her in earnest, bottoming out violently with every plunge, Ria was comforted by the knowledge that she couldn't possibly keep that pace up for very long. Her estimate was proven wrong, and the Rhino gal learned a new respect for her elders as the she-turtle fucked her pussy through two orgasms before cumming once again after reaming her ass...


"H-hello, my name is Mi..." Mina began to introduce herself in a shaky voice, intimidated by the ligress standing almost two heads taller than she was. She stopped in confusion when the giantess pressed a finger against her lips.

"Shhh. While you're with me, you'll be my little pussy cat." She spoke, and Mina was relieved that her voice sounded amazingly gentle for someone so big." And pussy-cats don't talk do they?" she asked and the tigress slowly shook her head from side to side.

"What does a kitty do?" the ligress asked, taking her finger off Mina's lips.

"Meow?" Mina said nervously.

"Good kitty! You deserve a reward for being so smart. Does kitty want some cream?" the giantess coed at the smaller feline.

"Meow!" Mina said with more enthusiasm in her voice. She was relieved that the giant lady was so nice, and although she felt a little silly, she realized it could be fun being her kitty-cat. Since she was mentioning cream and had a rather sizable pair of breasts, so the tigress guessed she'd want her to suckle her before they began to play.

"That's what I like to hear. No climb up on the bed and lie on your back while I get undressed." The ligress commanded gently and Mina jumped to obey. It didn't take the huge feline long to slip the dress off her shoulders, revealing both that she wasn't wearing underwear, and that the cream she had intended to feed Mina might not be coming from her breasts.

The tigress' eyes went wide at the sight of the feline cock already fully hard and bobbing between her client's legs as the ligress made her way towards her. The bed creaked as she climbed on, standing so she was straddling the smaller female's waist and once again intimidating Mina as she towered over her.

"Now, you'll have to be a good pussy-cat and work for your cream." The giantess cooed as she slid her huge spiny shaft between the tigress' lush breasts. "Wrap your little kitty-titties around me and milk my cock like a good pet..."

Mina gave a little 'Meow' as she proceeded to do just that, squeezing her fluffy mounds around the thick feline spire as she began to move them up and down, giving the tip gentle licks as she did.

"There's a good kitty..." the ligress moaned out, her nimble tail moving around until the tip was brushing against Mina's already moist pussy.

The tip of the furry appendage tickled her delightfully and before she knew it Mina was purring gently as she worked the herm's shaft, squeezing her breasts together every time she slid them up the turgid length, and making sure to lick up every drop of pre her mistress was feeding her.

The ligress kept teasing her kitty's kitty, making sure to coat the tip of her tail in the juices the smaller feline was leaking. Her little pet was quite focused on her task, so intent on worshiping the giantess' cock that she didn't seem to notice when that tail left her pussy and traveled lower. Cats generally had quite good control of their tails, and the ligress made sure to exercise hers frequently so as to be able to indulge in a little kink. Mina gave a surprised little meow when the wet tip settled against her pucker, but to her credit never stopped stroking the herm's shaft between her soft, fluffy tits.

The tigress relaxed herself to better allow the larger feline to enter her, and soon felt inch after inch of that thick tail snake its way inside her snug ass. Her mistress let out a contented sigh as she began to drive her tail in and out, ass-fucking her little kitty as she worked hard to 'milk' her. The ligress reached behind her with one arm, her fingers quickly finding her most folds before slipping inside. With both of her genitals being stimulated, the giantess knew it wouldn't be long before she fed her little pet.

"Ooh, here it comes, pussy-cat. Now be a good - ah! - kitty and get every little drop!" she moaned out.

Ever eager to please, Mina's purring revved up as she squeezed her cleavage around the herm-cock, latching her lips on the pointed tip. The vibrations of the tigress' purring sent the giantess over the edge, her hefty sack pulling up as she sent a torrent of hot cream pumping into Mina's muzzle. The tigress felt the tail in her ass twitch as her mouth was flooded by rich gooey ligress cum, the smaller feline eagerly swallowing every hot drop as fast as her mistress could pump it.

She kept suckling even as the jets wound down to a trickle, and once every last drop was gone she looked up at her mistress and gave another 'Meow', showing her empty mouth.


Mia lay on the bed with her legs dangling pas the edge as her client rummaged around a bag he'd brought. He was a pig, some sort of tech-sector whiz-kid so young that he still had pimples dotting his face and body, but apparently enough money to afford her. Even though his fat hairless body wasn't much to look at, the rhino femme was still excited. Part of it because she'd made a bet with her sister that she'd do a better job of satisfying her client, and was eager to win. The other reason was that the young boar's privates were as fat as the rest of him, a long, hefty sheath with two massive balls beneath it.

The young male parted her legs and put his snout between them, and Mia expected to feel his tongue on her slit any second. She was surprised to instead feel something slim and hard a moment before she heard a hiss and felt something cold fill her pussy. Startled, she looked down in time to see the young boar remove the can before burying his snout in her snatch just as his tongue snaked out. She couldn't believe her eyes - the little pig had filled her pussy with whipped cream, and was now slurping it out of her!

After he was done cleaning her up, the boar proceeded to drizzle chocolate syrup and custard over her chest and belly, his tongue sticking out as he concentrated on making swirls and loops all over the naked rhino femme.

"Good girl, now lift your legs and show me that firm ass of yours..." he said, and Mia did just that, revealing the tight pucker nestled between her sculpted cheeks.

Her client wasted no time getting on top of her, smearing the sticky goo between them as he lay across her belly with his face buried between her syrupy breasts. He remained perfectly still but Mia could feel his twisted cock poke and prod blindly until it touched against her opening. The young pig remained motionless as his interior muscles sent the cock spiraling past Mia's pucker and deep into her ass.

The rhino knew about porcine anatomy but still couldn't believe her eyes. The young boar wasn't really moving, his hips perfectly still as he licked the sweet goo he'd drizzled all over her earlier. Meanwhile, his cork-screw cock was twirling in and out of her ass at an astounding pace. The shaft wasn't particularly thick, but the rhino gal's eyes rolled as it reached further inside her ass than anything ever had.

She found herself earnestly moaning as the young pig continued his feeding and rutting session, grunting occasionally as his shaft spun in and out of Mia's ass. He'd kept it up so long that he actually had to re-apply some more syrup on the rhino's massive bosom, his shaft never slowing its merciless drilling.

Mia had no idea how long she lay there, but knew she'd actually cum twice from the ass-fucking the boar was giving her as his smooth skin rubbed against her clit. She thought she might actually come for a third time when she heard the young male groan as his cock erupted inside her. The rhino felt a torrent of piggy-cum shoot into her bowels and settled down for what she knew would be a long wait. She groaned herself as those massive balls kept pumping more and more, feeling herself bloat as she was filled with what seemed like a pint of porcine spunk.

After a while the youth on top of her gave another grunt and she felt his cock twitch inside her, knowing full well what that meant. The boar got up and slid out of her abused ass, a tiny trickle of his seed leaking out before the pearly-white plug settled against her opening, sealing the pig's massive load inside her. Mia knew it would be hours before the plug dissolved enough that she could push it out and groaned at the sight of her trim washboard abs now visibly bulging from all the cum trapped inside her, and could almost hear the fat jokes her sister would throw her way.


Imprisoned in his steel case, Hurbin watched the debauched scenes unfold on the screen placed in front of his eyes. Even as exhausted as he was after his 'milking' session, his cock nevertheless left his sheath, and was even now boing stroked by a female attendant. Once the shaft was as stiff as she could get it, she slowly inserted a slim rod in the hole on the blunt tip and pushed it down in order to keep it erect. After putting on a pair of heavy rubber gloves, she gently picked up a stinging nettle and brushed it's leaves along the shaft, the bound elephant screaming into his gag as fire spread along the sensitive flesh of his cock.


With his wrists handcuffed to the bedposts behind him, Martin lay back and prepared himself for his own review. The girls would be packed into fairly snug shipping crates before being sent home after having done their job. It seemed a bit cruel after they'd performed so well, but the mouse knew a number of government agencies had noted their arrival and would like nothing better than to track them back to the Barn, and he had no intention of giving them the opportunity.

A sensual hiss filled his ears as a scarlet form filled his vision. Dunya's hood was fanned, as sure an indicator of her arousal as the honey dripping from her reptilian slit as it hovered above the mouse's throbbing erection. As she straddled his hips, the cobra aimed the head of his shaft at her slightly parted lips before driving her hips down in one smooth motion, effortlessly taking the mouse's disproportionately large member.

Martin grit his teeth as the sensation of the snakes velvety walls massaging his cock threatened to overwhelm him. It was always this way with her - no foreplay, just a maddening assault on his senses. The female serpent always threw everything she had at him, and it was up to the mouse to last long enough for her to cum before he did. So far, Martin has never disappointed her, but he could swear it was becoming harder and harder each time she took him like this. Her hips swiveled on his crotch as she undulated on top of him as only a snake could, her forked tongue flicking out teasingly while her cunny stroked the shaft trapped inside it.

As she began to raise and lower her hips, riding the prone mouse underneath her, the snake lifter her arms above her head and thrust her chest out, hitting Martin with the full force of her majestic cleavage. The mouse regretted the restraints on his arms were preventing him from palming those perfect globes, but at least this way he could admire the way the luscious tits bounced on Dunya's chest as she rode his cock.

Dunya hissed in delight as the mouse's shaft slid in and out of her while her serpentine body writhed on top of him. She smiled at the way he was clenching his jaw as her silky inner walls caressed his cock, the pre she was milking out of him dripping from her snatch to soak into the white fur of the rodent's crotch. As she got tantalizingly near her own climax, the cobra decided to pick up the pace. Placing both her hands on his chest, she began to pump and swing her hips, swiveling side to side even as she rode Martin as the mouse grunted beneath her.

The mouse's restrained hands were balled into fists, his vision blurring as he tried with every ounce of strength to delay his orgasm. Just when he was sure he would fail, a shaky, hissing gasp filled his big round ears moments before that serpentine slit began to convulse around his shaft. With a groan of relief, the mouse finally let go, his hips bucking upwards as he sent ropes of hot, virile mouse-spunk deep inside his mistress.

He didn't have long to recover as Dunya dismounted him and he felt her and Henk grab his feet before his legs were pulled up. As his ankles were cuffed next to his hands, the mouse's perky ass was on full display to the male cobra slowly climbing onto the bed, his twin shafts fully erect and already oozing at the sight of the defenseless rodent. Knowing how impatient his mentor got after watching his lady mate, Martin had prepared himself before coming over, his lubed pink pucker winking at Henk as the mouse moved his tail out of the way.

The emerald cobra was on him in an instant, hands spreading his cheeks even further before both hard shafts buried themselves in the mouse's warm hole. Martin didn't bother muffling a squeak, knowing he'd be making even lewder sounds as the rutting progressed. Henk hissed in satisfaction at seeing his two cocks slide all the way inside the tight little opening before slipping them almost all the way out.

Martin's eyes had rolled back in his head as his Master began to fuck him, sawing his two throbbing shafts in and out of his slick tail-hole, his scaled hips slapping the rodent's cheeks every time he bottomed out inside him. He lost all track of time as his ass was taken by the male it belonged to. He only realized how long the cobra had kept it up when he noticed his shaft was already hard again. This hadn't escaped Henk's notice, the serpent sliding both his cocks out of the mouse's violated pucker before sliding only one back in. His other shaft was now rubbing against the rodent's white-furred pouch, the reptile pounding his rear twice as hard with the remaining shaft.

One proved to be plenty enough and a minute later Martin cried out as his cock sent spurts of cum shooting out across his belly a chest, a much more modest load then the one he'd left in his mistress. Henk let out a gravely hiss as he slammed his hips home before both his cocks pulsed and sprayed, one of them flooding the mouse's insides while the other marked him his master's seed, the thick white jets shooting far enough to hit the rodent's blushing face.

"" Martin panted out, once he managed to get some of his breath back, knowing that his master and mistress were pleased with him, in every sense of the word.