Kobold Kissing Lessons

Story by BossTom on SoFurry

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Hello everyone! It's been awhile. Things have finally mellowed out a bit with my personal life, which has given me the time, and most importantly the energy to write again! I will try to post at least one one-shot type story a month. Also, the cop drama story I started a while back is finished and will start to be posted on here shortly. I hope you enjoy this story!


The Great Salt Desert

Hills overlooking the Ruins of Kipemu

Ennrion, a Black scaled Dragonborn, slept a few paces away from the campfire underneath the light of the full moon and stars. His group of adventurers, a young Golden Retriever scholar named Harmond and a roguish black-scaled Kobold named Zroc, sat in silence, looking over the silhouettes of the nearby ruins in the valley below. As of yesterday, Harmond was the furthest from home he had ever been, but was undeniably excited about it. He never imagined that going off to university would have turned out like this.

They used to have more in their company, but the remaining four men were sitting in a jail cell after a night of drunken revelry went too far. Fortunately, this job was only a quick tomb raiding gig, something that didn't require a lot of swords. While Harmond wasn't much of a fighter, Ennrion did his best to teach him. Soon enough, he'd be able to handle himself in a real fight, even though the Dragonborn did his best to keep the younger Dog out of them. Harmond didn't mind, it made his head dizzy to think that Ennrion thought enough of him to try and keep him from harm.

Honestly, Harmond really fancied the tall, scaly male, but had no idea how to tell him. Ennrion had hired him before he even finished his schooling, which must have meant the black-scaled male saw something in him. For now, the Dog was just content to watch the Dragonborn from afar. It was still warm enough, even though the sun had gone down hours ago, for the handsome scaled male to sleep in nothing but a loin cloth. He stared a little harder, his pants tightening as he thought about what he would do to please that heavenly body. From behind him, Zroc let out a loud, and obnoxious chuckle.

"Stare any harder and your eyes are going to pop out of your head," The Kobold snorted and took a long gulp of whatever foul liquor he had in his flagon, "You won't be of much use tomorrow if you can't see what's on the walls of those tombs."

Harmond rolled his eyes and turned back to the fire. Zroc was, to put it kindly, atypical for a Kobold. His master, Ennrion's father, tasked him to watch over the Dragonborn after he was born. He had been with the leader of the party for 25 years and fought alongside his master's son in countless battles. Harmond guessed that he was in his 50's, although with the Lizard's heavy drinking and battle scars, the Dog wasn't very sure and didn't really care enough to ask. It was rare for one of his kind to be so accustomed to battle, which showed just how devoted he was to the draconic family.

"I'm just looking at the ruins," The Dog coughed nervously, "They appear to be Old Orcish ... but it's pretty hard to tell from here. A little more light would be nice. Did you know that the Orcish culture from this desert used azurite in their decorations? It made their buildings glimmer with blue light in the sun-"

"I may be getting older," The Kobold smirked as he interrupted the younger male, "But I'm sure as hell not going blind."

Zroc held out the flagon to the younger Dog. Harmond managed to get a whiff, and turned up his nose at the foul smelling liquid. The two of them had never really got along, even though they had been working together for the better part of two years.

"Come on," Zroc chuckled, "Don't puss out. Besides, it's a confidence booster. You might need it."

"What would I need a confidence boost for?" Harmond played dumb, the last thing he wanted was to get into a discussion about this with the drunken Kobold, "Besides the last thing I want to drink is your grog."

"First off, this grog is a Kavosabi Brandy, and it's really top-shelf stuff," Zroc replied indignantly, "And second, a bookish weakling like you needs all the confidence he can get. Particularly if you want to get with a guy like Ennrion."

The Golden Retriever quickly brought the flagon to his lips and took a hefty gulp. He couldn't believe that Zroc had noticed. He started to cough, his eyes watering from the spicy taste and the burning sensation of high proof booze going down his throat. Zroc laughed loudly, and snatched the flagon back from the Dog before it spilled.

"That's on me I suppose," Zroc winked at the younger Dog, "I forget that you're still a milk-drinker."

Harmond let out a little whine once the coughing subsided. Zroc put up his scaled hand.

"Don't get too loud now," The Kobold smirked, "Ennrion is a really light sleeper. And you know him, if he's awake, then he's been listening to the whole conversation."

Harmond hung his head. That was just great. The last thing he wanted was for things to get awkward between the two of them. He thought highly of Ennrion as a person above anything else, even his lustful and invasive desires. Zroc sighed and moved over to the Dog's side. Harmond looked over at the Kobold, angling his head down a little to make up for the height difference. Zroc would insist he was one of the tallest Kobold's out there, but he still only came up to Harmond's chest.

"Look," Zroc began, "As much fun as it is to tease you about this..."

The Kobold sighed and looked over his shoulder at the prostate Dragonborn.

"I want the best for him," He continued, "He won't say it, but I think he's lonely. Everyone needs some kind of intimacy every now and then."

"Really?" The Golden Retriever sighed, "What makes you think he'd be even remotely interested in a guy like me?"

Zroc scoffed and shook his head.

"Don't be so damn hard on yourself," The Kobold began harshly, "He's kept you around for a reason."

Harmond digested Zroc's words. He figured that he had managed to stay employed because he wasn't a drunk, violent criminal. While he trusted Ennrion's judgment, most of the people he wound up hiring were morally grey. Even Zroc did things, especially when he was drunk, that made the young Dog shudder.

"I mean, by the Gods, you've been employed longer than anyone else in this company." He continued, "It's not like being a know-it-all is a unique skill. He likes you, and I'd be lying if I said you weren't cute for a Dog."

The Golden Retriever blinked in surprise.

"That might just be the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Harmond chuckled quietly, "How much of that stuff have you been drinking?"

"Enough," Zroc said with a smirk, "So are you going to go and talk to him or what?"

Harmond blushed hard and put both paws in his lap.

"Well," He looked down, "I wouldn't know how to go about it. I mean, I've never even kissed anyone before."

Zroc paused for a moment and then started to laugh, hard. Harmond growled and put his ears against his head in embarrassment.

"Seriously?" Zroc began, "You studied at the University of Redcking! That place has to be the most sex-positive city on this side of the world! A 10 thousand year old ghoul could get laid there!"

Harmond crossed his arms.

"It just didn't happen okay!" He replied defensively, "I was focusing on my studies. I didn't have time."

The Dog huffed and crossed his arms. Making Zroc laugh even harder.

"Will you shut up!" Harmond growled, "I thought you were worried about waking Ennrion up!"

"Waking him up might work in our favor!" Zroc managed to get out, "Maybe he'd take pity on you!"

He laughed even louder, falling backwards off the large rock the pair were sitting on. Harmond shook his head and took the flagon from the Kobold's hands. He took a sip of the harsh liquid. He didn't normally drink, but tonight seemed like a pretty good time for it. Zroc let out a little groan from the ground. Harmond frowned and fought the urge to rush to his side. Zroc could be a jerk, but the poor guy did hit the ground pretty hard.

"Hey Harmond," Zroc said quietly, "Mind helping me up?"

"Why should I?" The Dog scoffed, "Are you going to apologize?"

Zroc let out another grunt.

"I may have, uh," Zroc coughed, "Fallen, on my knife..."

Harmond swore under his breath and hustled over to his tent. That was more than enough to get him into motion. Although he didn't study much medicine in school, he learned quite a bit patching up the other members of the company. He grabbed his medical kit from underneath his bedroll and hustled back to Zroc's side. The Kobold was correct in his diagnosis, the hilt of the throwing knife protruded from the Kobold's upper thigh.

"Serves you right for laughing at me," Harmond shook his head as he got the necessary tools out of his beat up bag, "Now you've gone and taken yourself out of tomorrow's expedition."

"Oh I'm sorry," Zroc huffed sarcastically as he slowly sat up, his back against the rock, "Damn it, I really liked these pants."

Harmond reached down and pulled the knife from Zroc's leg. He really wanted to make it hurt a little more, but the good Dog in him won out. Besides, he must have fallen on the weapon pretty hard for it to have pierced the Kobold's tough and scaly skin. He was probably in enough pain as it was. Zroc snarled and put a hand down hard over the wound.

"Well," Harmond readied a compress and a bandage, "You're lucky. I don't think you hit anything important."

"How can you tell?" Zroc groaned in pain, "I think my leg is pretty important."

Harmond motioned for the Kobold to take his pants off. Zroc grumbled and complied, stripping his pants off and throwing them to the side. The Kobold had never liked undergarments, Harmond knew that from far too many mornings of seeing Zroc's morning wood out of the corner of his eye. Tonight was no exception to the norm, besides his well-fitting shirt, he was completely naked. Zroc took the flagon and dumped it over the wound, making the Kobold swear under his breath in Draconic.

"Well, you aren't spurting blood everywhere," The Golden Retriever began, "And you aren't bleeding out and dying. So that's how I know."

"Please," The Kobold snorted as Harmond reached down and applied the compress to his leg, "What kind of idiot dies from getting stabbed in the leg by his own knife?"

"You if you were an inch off," Harmond replied as he started to wrap the dressing around his compress, "Now lucky for you, we're someplace dry. That dressing should hold until we get back to town. You should take it easy until then though, just to be safe."

Zroc sighed and gave the Dog a nod of approval.

"I'm sorry for making fun of you," The Kobold began, "And thank you for patching me up. You've really become quite the sawbones."

"It wasn't a problem," Harmond chuckled and blushed, "We're the only two left. We gotta have each other's backs, right?"

Zroc nodded and looked the Golden Retriever up and down.

"Are you serious about you know," Zroc tilted his head towards the sleeping Ennrion, "Your feelings towards him?"

Harmond looked away and nodded. He dreamed about the handsome Dragonborn almost every night. If that wasn't serious, then the Dog didn't know what was.

"Well if it makes you feel better about it," Zroc took a deep breath, "I could teach you how to kiss. You know, as payment. It might help your confidence a bit"

The Dog let out a chuckle.

"Kiss you?" The Dog shook his head, "You're joking right?"

"No," Zroc smirked, "Like I said, you're cute for a Dog and besides, you've already got my pants off. So it's easy to take things further if you like what you get."

Harmond blushed hard.

"Come on," He continued, "I even look like him."

The Dog looked up and looked over Zroc's face. Shapewise, he was totally correct. Other than that though, he looked just as mean as ever.

"Maybe if I close my eyes," The Golden Retriever smirked, "And held my breath."

"Oh you doubt me?" The Kobold chuckled, "I'm the best kisser you'll ever meet. Guaranteed."

"Really?" Harmond raised an eyebrow and sat down beside the Kobold, "Somehow I doubt that."

Zroc winked. His hand moving out to grab the Dog's paw.

"Oh yeah," He smirked, "I guess there's only one way to find out."

"Slow down there," The Dog let out a little giggle, "You gotta teach me first."

Zroc nodded. That smirk turning into a lusty smile. Harmond had never seen the older Male like this. This must be why all of the whores at the inns they stayed at were so sad to see the Kobold go.

"I'll take it slow, don't worry," The Kobold took both of the Dog's paws in his hands, "Talk you through it, be a good teacher, all that good stuff."

Zroc took the Coyote's paws and moved them to his shoulders, a little chuckle escaping his lips.

"Although showing tends to work best," He leaned in, slowly closing the gap between the two of them as he spoke, "Just follow your instincts..."

Harmond tilted his head slowly, after all, it wasn't like he hadn't seen people kiss before. Their lips met, gently at first, to allow the Dog to get used to it. He let out a little moan, eyes closing as Zroc moved a paw to the back of his head and pulled the golden-furred male closer. Another moan, louder this time, left Harmond's lips as Zroc slipped his tongue in. The Kobold continued to move slowly, not probing too deeply while the younger Dog got his bearings.

Slowly, Harmond started to reciprocate, lightly moving his tongue against Zroc's. The Kobold let out a murr of approval, one that only deepened as Harmond moved his paws lower. Harmond let out a moan of shock as the Kobold climbed into his lap, deepening the kiss and taking charge with one smooth motion. He took one of Harmond's paws and moved it down over his crotch, letting the Dog's soft paws tease the Kobold's genital slit.

"Mmmnh," The Golden Retriever whined as he pulled back from the kiss, "You sure?"

Zroc licked over the Dog's lips with his thick tongue and nodded. Making Harmond blush hard and hang his head.

"You know you want to feel it," Zroc smirked, "I do look like him you know... in more ways than one."

Harmond let out a little whine as Zroc's free paw moved down into his trousers, his nimble fingers teasing the Golden Retriever's swollen sheath. The Dog's breath caught in his throat, his tip already starting to peak from his golden-furred sheath.

"Don't you want to see what you're getting yourself into with Ennrion?" The Kobold squeezed the Dog's stuffed sheath teasingly, "The equipment is damn near the same. And as I'm sure you know, I'm bigger than the average Kobold, in more ways than one."

The Golden Retriever panted against the Kobold's lips, tail wagging as Zroc continued to squeeze over his sheath. A needy whine escaped his lips as more of his dripping cock slid out of his sheath. Zroc slid it back with a smooth, practiced motion, his palms gently teasing the Dog's shaft.

"H-how?" Harmond let out a moan, one that was captured by another, sloppier kiss, "O-oh fuck Zroc your tongue..."

Harmond murred, and relaxed his muzzle, letting the Kobold dominate the kiss again. Zroc chuckled and rubbed over Harmond's chest, his claws moving down to tease the Dog's waist. He panted and moaned in response, making the scaly older male pull back.

"Not too loud now," Zroc chuckled, "And don't worry, just tease around it, apply some pressure."

Harmond did as he was told, letting his paws explore around the Kobold's tender slit. Zroc grunted against his lips, showing his appreciation with another deep and powerful kiss. Slowly but surely, the Kobold's draconic cock emerged from his slit. It was bigger than Harmond expected, and different from his own. There was a knot at the base, or something like it, with a thick, ridged shaft that tapered up to a shovel shaped head. He broke the kiss, looking down at it with a blush. It was bigger than his!

"Like what you see huh," The Kobold smirked, "Now that we've gone this far, it would be a shame to stop now."

Harmond blushed hard and nodded.Zroc wasn't kidding about being an amazing kisser. The inexperienced Dog hadn't expected to enjoy this so much. His 6 inch canine cock throbbed in his pants, fully erect and drooling pre.

"Now," Zroc continued, "I can take you here, or take you back to my bedroll."

Zroc stood up and looked over the rock, a grin forming on his muzzle.

"This rock is the perfect height though," The Kobold chuckled, "I bend you over this, I can give you the deep dicking you deserve."

Harmond blushed at the harsh terminology, but couldn't stop his tail from wagging. This wasn't how he had envisioned losing his virginity, but he was definitely eager now. Zroc clearly knew what he was doing. So, without thinking any further he pulled down his pants, letting his cock spring free from his waistband, and flung his shirt over his head towards his tent. The Kobold smirked and sat on the rock, looking over the hot young Dog in front of him.

"See," Zroc licked his lips, "I told you that you were good looking."

The Golden Retriever blushed and looked down at his body. He felt soft. The Dog was active and ate a relatively healthy diet, which helped to keep the pounds off, but he was lacking in the muscle department. Harmond shook his head. That didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was the Kobold that only got more desirable by the minute.

"So," Harmond blushed, nervously playing with his ear while he chose his words, "What's next?"

Zroc smirked and sat on the rock, throwing his shirt to the side as well. He had a small gut, no doubt resulting from lifetime of heavy drinking, but had well defined arms and shoulders. Now that he was really looking, Harmond had to concede that the black-scaled male was quite handsome. The Kobold leaned back showing off his hard and dripping cock to the eager Dog.

"Next," The Kobold smirked, "I want you to get on your knees and put that muzzle to work."

"Really?" Harmond did as he was told, putting his paw gingerly on the Kobold's good thigh, "What about my teeth?"

Zroc looked down at the Golden Retriever and shook his head. He moved his hand to the back of the Dog's head, applying light pressure. His fingers teased the tender skin behind Harmond's ears, making the younger male's tail wag in approval.

"They'll be fine," He replied, "It'll be a stretch, but you can take it. That's why I like Dogs. They're soft and tight in all the right places."

Harmond took the Kobold's cock with his free paw, looking over it with a blush. He was ready to try this out, in more ways than one. Slowly, he stroked over the length of it, letting his paws explore every ridge as he succumbed to the growing pressure on the back of his head. His lips and jaws parted, letting the first couple inches of Zroc's leaking dick into his muzzle. Harmond gave it an exploratory suckle, making the Kobold moan in appreciation above him.

"There you go," Zroc put his other paw on the Dog's head, his fingers rubbing Harmond's soft skin behind his ears, "Take it nice and slow. I don't want you to go too fast."

The Kobold smirked as the Dog looked up at him, pressing down on the back of Harmond's head a little harder. The Golden Retriever pressed his head further, sinking his lips down on the Kobold's cock until his muzzle was stuffed. He looked up at the older male, eyes watering from the strain of the thick meat holding his muzzle open. There were still a solid two inches left to go.

"Easy there," Zroc chuckled, "As much as I want to fuck that throat of yours to oblivion, and I really really do. We'd better take it slow. After all, last thing I want is for me to set off your gag reflex. I'm rather attached to this."

He chuckled and gave his base a squeeze, causing more pre to drip into the Golden Retriever's muzzle and throat.

"Now," The Kobold chuckled, "I'm not much of a sit back and relax kind of lover. Especially when I haven't cum a couple of times beforehand."

Harmond pulled off the Kobold's cock, taking a well needed breath. He panted and licked his lips. Zroc tasted exotic, with a hint of spice. A couple of times? The Dog thought of Ennrion again, blushing hard as he wondered how many times the Dragonborn could go in one night. Zroc ground his cock against the side of Harmond's muzzle, giving it a few lazy strokes while he waited for the Golden Retriever to snap out of it.

"How do you mean?" The Golden Retriever asked, "I thought guys liked to sit back and relax when someone was sucking them off?"

The Kobold lined his cock up with Harmond's soft black lips, letting his tip tease them. The Golden Retriever blushed and parted them slightly, making Zroc groan with lust. Clearly the Dog was doing something right.

"Not me," Zroc smirked, "Don't worry, I remember your limits. Just relax that jaw for me, cause I'm about to give that muzzle a workout."

Harmond opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Zroc's invading meat. The Kobold held onto the back of the Golden Retriever's head, eyes closing as he started to hump up into the Dog's soft muzzle. True to Zroc's word, he respected the inexperienced male's limits, and refrained from pushing in those last couple of inches. Harmon wagged his tail, cock throbbing and dripping pre beneath his body, and started to suckle, swallowing down each time Zroc's cock thrust in.

"Good boy," Zroc grunted and growled as he started to move faster, making Harmond whine and gasp around the Kobold's invading cock, "Mmm, I can't wait to try out that rump of yours."

Zroc closed his eyes and let his head fall back as he savored the younger males enthusiastic muzzle. Harmon looked up at him, both proud of himself for being this good at sex, and aroused at the fact that he managed to make the Kobold feel this good. Slowly, he started to bob his head in time with Zroc's thrusts, making the Kobold growl in pleasure. Harmond closed his eyes, concentrating on meeting each of the other male's thrusts with his tongue. Suddenly, Zroc pulled out of the Dog's muzzle.

The Kobold jumped off the rock, slamming his hips back into the Dog's waiting muzzle with a lewd grunt. Both of his hands went to the back of the Dog's head, holding it there as he face-fucked the Golden Retriever with a furious pace. He bent over, using the new position to dominate Harmond's muzzle. The canine relaxed, tail still wagging and cock throbbing hard beneath him. He didn't think it was possible to feel this aroused.

Zroc kept thrusting for what felt like forever, snarling and grunting rhythmically as he drove his hips forward into the Dog's muzzle. Slowly, he started to shudder, his thrusts coming more erratically. His legs tensed up and tail lifted.

"I'm gonna cum," He panted and let out a low moan, "Can I finish in your muzzle?"

He smirked and looked down at the dog.

"Tap my good leg once for yes," He gave a slow and deep thrust forward, his hand gripping the Dog's scruff now, "And twice for no."

Harmond thought for a moment and tapped the Kobold's leg once. He wanted the most complete learning experience from this little venture.

"Good boy," Zroc groaned, "Get ready for it."

He thrust hard and fast, his paw on Harmond's scruff holding harder and harder as he got closer. Zroc pulled the Dog's muzzle in, letting out a loud moan of pleasure. Harmond gasped in shock as the Kobold stood up on his tiptoes, whole body tensed like a drawn bow, and humped forward hard. The first salty spurt landed square on the back of his tongue, flooding the younger male's muzzle. Harmond managed to swallow half of it, before the next spurts started to hit the back of his mouth. Zroc leaned forward, tongue lolling out as he pressed a little further in.

"Fuck," Zroc panted and groaned as the Dog struggled to swallow him all down, "You're a fucking amazing cocksucker."

The Kobold let go of Harmond's scruff, letting the Golden Retriever pull off of his still spurting cock. The Dog coughed and sputtered, semen dripping from his lips. Slowly, he recovered after panting for breath on the rocky ground. Zroc stroked his softening cock, quickly coaxing it back to full mast. Harmond looked up and blushed hard. The Kobold was like a sex god.

"Is there always so much?" He asked, once he caught his breath, "You damn near drowned me."

"There's worse ways to go," Zroc smirked, "Like falling on your own knife for one."

Harmond let out a soft chuckle, a paw moving up to rub over his stiff jaw. Zroc reached down and stroked over the back of the Golden Retriever's head.

"You ready to keep going?" The Kobold continued, "I think it's your turn to get off."

Harmond nodded, tail starting to wag again.

"You mean," Harmond licked his lips, "You're going to suck me off too?"

Zroc shook his head.

"Something even better," He moved aside, "Lay back on that rock for me, and spread those legs."

The Dog blinked.

"There's no way it feels that good," Harmond paused, "Does it?"

The Kobold reached out, groping over one of Harmond's buttcheeks lazily.

"Oh yes," Zroc chuckled and let his paw's explore over the Golden Retriever's plush rump, "If it didn't, do you really think people would still want to do it?"

Harmond let out a quiet moan, nodding his head in response. Zroc had been right about everything else so far. The Golden Retriever sat down on the edge of the rock, laying back on it as the Kobold had intended. Zroc came between his legs, pressing his hips and hard cock against Harmond's rump and lifting one of the Dog's legs over his shoulder.

"Mmm," Zroc licked his lips, "Perfect position."

"You uh," Harmond looked down at where their hips met, "You aren't just going to start, are you?"

"Don't worry cute stuff," The Kobold smirked, "It's your first time. I'll pull out all the stops."

Zroc slowly dropped to his knees between the Dog's leg. Harmond craned his neck, trying to see what exactly the Kobold had meant by that. Soon after, his head went back against the rock, a loud moan escaping his lips as Zroc started to tease the Dog's tight rim with his tongue. Once the initial contact ended, however, the feeling started to get stale. Harmond started to doubt Zroc's claim taking another male under his tail, at least until he started to apply pressure with that thick tongue.

The tip of his tongue pressed into Harmond's rump, making the Dog moan and pant as he started to push more and more inside of him. Zroc grabbed both of Harmond's legs, holding them up as he started to slowly thrust the thick, drooling appendage in and out of the Dog's golden furred rump. Harmond's eyes rolled back in his head, hips grinding back into Zroc's muzzle. The Kobold continued his ministrations until he started to hear high pitched whines of desperation in Harmond's moans. His prize was ready.

Zroc stood up and looked Harmond in the eyes, licking his lips lewdly as he lifted the Dog's leg back up. He lined up his tip with the Golden Retriever's hole, letting out a little chuckle as he did so. He made to push in, but was stopped by a soft paw on his chest.

"Hey," Harmond said softly, "Is this going to hurt?"

Zroc paused and shook his head.

"It may be a little uncomfortable," He began, "But it should be the best thing you've ever felt once we get going."

Harmond nodded and moved his paw back to his side.

"Okay," The younger male began, "I trust you."

Zroc lined up again, slowly pressing forward with a lusty growl. The Dog was tight, that was for sure. His free paw moved down to the base of his cock, giving him more leverage to press in. Harmond cried out as the Kobold's exotic shaped head popped into his rump. It didn't take long for that initial cry to turn into a series of breathy moans, especially once Zroc stood on tip-toe, pressing up against the Golden Retriever's inner walls and sending waves of pleasure through his body.

"Now," Zroc smirked, watching as Harmond adjusted, "Relax."

The Kobold pushed forward making the Dog cry out again.

"Wait!" Harmond whined, "You didn't tell me how!"

Zroc chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"Deep breaths," He smirked, "Need a minute to figure it out?"

Harmond nodded and started to follow the Kobold's advice, taking deep, and slow breaths. Slowly, his muscles started to relax, making Zroc chuckle and start to press forward again. The Golden Retriever let out a low moan, eyes closing and hips lifting as he was filled for the first time. He couldn't see how it could start to feel much better than this. Judging by Zroc's grunts and groans, this was feeling pretty good for him too. With one last push, the Kobold hilted himself into the tight and willing Dog beneath him, making both of them moan out in unison.

"Fuck," Zroc growled lustfully, "You ready to pop that cherry all the way?"

Zroc pulled back, eyes fixed on the way the Dog's tight hole gripped him as he pulled out, and slammed back in. Harmond cried out in pleasure, moaning like a bitch in heat. The Kobold took that for a yes, and started to pump his hips rapidly against the Golden Retriever's fluffy rump. His hips made an audible slap each time they made contact, making Harmond close his eyes and whine with need with each thrust.

The Dog only moaned louder as they continued, making the Kobold fuck him harder and faster. Harmond gripped the rock, the moans getting higher in pitch as his knot swelled and his cock started to throb.

"You like that?" Zroc smirked, taking his free paw and stroking the Golden Retriever's hard and dripping cock, "You gonna cum for me pup?"

Harmond didn't even get the chance to answer before he blew his load, shooting spurt after spurt of canine seed up into the air and over his stomach. The Kobold chuckled and moved his hand away, bringing his fingers to his lips to lick them clean. He slowed his thrusts, letting Harmond's natural contractions milk the length of his cock. He grunted and gasped, humping short and hard against the Dog to make the most of it. Harmond whined in pleasure.

"Cum in me Zroc," Harmond panted, "Please. I want to feel it inside me."

The Kobold went back to his previous pace, humping hard and fast against the moaning and whining Golden Retriever. Zroc chuckled and changed the angle of his thrusts, pummeling Harmon's sensitive prostate with each thrust

"What do I get," Zroc growled through gritted teeth, "If I do..."

Harmond threw his head back, panting and gasping as the Kobold rocked his body against the rock. At this point, his lust addled brain would have given Zroc the world just to be knotted and filled.

"I'll let you sleep in my bedroll," Harmond panted, "You can do whatever you want to me."

He let out a breathless chuckle, fluttering eyes looking up at Zroc as he was bred by the older male.

"Y-you like to go more than once a night," The Golden Retriever licked his lips, "Right?"

Zroc paused and ground his hips against the Dog's rump. Harmond's eyes went wide as the Kobold teased his tight hole with the top of his knot.

"Mmm-hmm," Zroc chuckled, "Just tonight though? After all, it seems silly to pass up a cute pup like you."

Harmond definitely saw the Kobold in a new light now, but he still was not prepared for the plea that left his mouth next. Zroc pressed forward again, making the Golden Retriever cry out as his tight hole started to stretch to accommodate the Kobold's knot.

"Whenever you want," The Golden Retriever panted, "Every night if you want."

The Kobold growled in approval, slamming his hips forward and driving his knot into Harmond's tight hole. The younger dog cried out, tongue lolling out as Zroc laid his chest against his. Zroc thrust hard and fast, letting the Dog's tight walls tease the underside of his nots. Their lips met again in a hard and lusty kiss, only stopping once Zroc slammed in for the last time and came hard. He fell forward on to Harmond's chest, tail twitching with each spurt of Kobold seed he shot into the Golden Retriever's rump.

"So," Harmond panted after catching his breath, "What now?"

"Now," Zroc smirked and kissed the Dog on the chest, "We wait till I get unstuck, then go back to your tent and do the whole thing over again."

"Again?" The younger Dog smirked, "Aren't you exhausted?"

"Not yet," The Kobold replied with a naughty grin, "And since you said I should take it easy tomorrow... I'll just sleep the day away, and be ready to go again tomorrow night?"

The Golden Retriever sighed and got as comfortable as he could on the hard rocky surface. Judging by the size of the Kobold's throbbing knot nested within him, they weren't going anywhere for a while. Tomorrow. He blushed hard, a smile forming on his face as the Kobold continued to kiss over his chest, lips teasing one of his nipples underneath his fur.

Tomorrow worked for him.