Finding Atlantis - Ch8

Story by Watchman on SoFurry

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#7 of Finding atlantis

Another chapter done, and out heroes are one step closer to ending the war.

I just want to thank everyone who is following along with me on this story. Over one hundred views on every chapter! some over two hundred! You Guys Rock! And as an apology for the ch7 fiasco, this chapter contains an additional ten percent of pure awesomeness!

I looked over at Ariana as She slid underneath the aircraft that we would be taking to earth in just a few days. We had just about finished our first day as a Phased couple. We had done the phasing over night, and the next morning, after some poking and prodding by Corinth's apparently unlimited medical wisdom, we were given a clean bill of health.

At first I thought we had made a horrible mistake. It was like total sensory overload, I was seeing through two sets of eyes, hearing through four ears, even my sense of touch was messed up. That morning at breakfast I thought I had taken three bites of fried ham before I realized that it was Ariana who had the ham and I was eating an egg! When she leaned back against a wall I could feel it push against my back. The only thing that helped me keep my sanity was the fact that Ariana was having as much trouble as I was, if Turk clapped his hand on my shoulder, she would look over expecting to see him standing behind her, only to find him on the other side of the room and not even looking at her!

The worst part was when the phantom sensations hit, it was almost impossible to react. Like when Ariana would lean over her work bench, I would try to compensate and end up falling flat on my back! However, we were able to communicate unbelievably fast. In fact I wasn't even sure who came up with most of the thoughts we had that morning. But by late afternoon, we were beginning to gain some control over the wild flow of information. We found that we could shut out the inputs we didn't want to focus on. After that it was easier to concentrate and actually get things done.

'You should check that drain plug while you're down there.' I thought as I watched what she was doing through her own eyes_._

I know, I will get to it.

I tossed her a 33mm wrench, without even looking her hand shot out from under the craft and grabbed it out of the air perfectly without a word spoken between us.

"Man, We're a freak show!" I thought out loud.

Hey! You agreed to this too!

'I didn't say it was a bad thing.' I thought.

So you are happy with this? With living like this forever?

What could I say to that? I wasn't sure, I had known her such a short time, but at the same time I felt like my whole life had been on pause, just waiting for her to walk in and hit play. But what about her? How did she feel?

Your mind is so strange! I could feel her giggling_. You know I love you Adam, I will be happy as long as I'm with you._

At this point she referenced a part of her memory where I found the history of phasing. It was originally a link used between mates to symbolize their love and devotion to one and other, much like marriage, though it was not limited to between mates, any two people who were close to each other might develop a phase. Like Corinth and Athena, I realized. They were phased, and both of them had other romantic relationships from time to time.

I reached around and caught the wrench flying towards the back of my head. I hadn't even thought about it, Ariana had seized control of my left arm and caught it for me. Yet another thing I was getting used to.

So? Ariana waited for my rushing thought's to come to a conclusion.

'I never really thought of it like that, but I guess we have all the pieces don't we... Married.'


I expected to resent the way I had been wormed into such a situation, but I think I sort of hoped it would be like this. I wasn't sure I was ready for that kind of commitment, but I don't think I would have changed my mind if it had been presented any other way. I was her's and she knew it, the same way she was mine.

I turned around and watched her struggling with some stubborn fastener, she had her legs splayed apart for balance giving me a spectacular view. She was so damn hot. I tried to focus my thoughts elsewhere but wasn't having much luck, maybe it had something to do with that smell. It had been bugging me all day, but it was all ways in the background. Now it was staring me in he face, daring me to get my mind off the vixen who was apparently unaware of my growing desire.

After a couple more seconds of struggling I felt the bolt come loose with a snap.


She was so concentrated that she hadn't noticed me walking over and grabbing the side of the mat she was laying on, until I pulled her out from under the ship.

"I was wondering how long you could hold out." she looked up at me without the least bit of surprise.

After having to smell my own scent through your nose all day I was about ready to jump you myself.

"Wait, you're in heat!" I said, finally putting all the pieces together. She nodded to my unasked question.

Do not worry about becoming a dad just yet. I'm safe. She pulled the concept out of my head.

"how long?" I asked. I was already on top of her.

"twenty minutes until supper." she answered. _We will have to be quick. _

Not wanting to waste a second, I lined up my already hard cock and thrust myself into her. Our hips met with a muffled thump and a wave of sensations hit me with an unexpected force. Not only was there the smooth wet tightness of her along my length, but I could feel it from her point of view too. I could feel myself filling her, stretching her. I could feel every detail of my cock buried deep inside her.

It was all I could do to hold back as she spontaneously orgasmed. I could feel how every fiber of her body tensed. Every muscle contracted, squeezing on my cock with so much force that it was almost painful... almost.

I was blinded by the pleasure of our combined bodies as we surged into orgasmic bliss. I fought against it with everything I had. We intended it to be a quickie, but this was insane! suddenly her body went slack, falling limp from the shock and afterglow.

Somehow I had managed to ride through her stunningly powerful climax without cumming myself, now I would reap the rewards. I pulled out slowly and thrust back in, more carefully this time. She was unable to do much more than moan and whimper between gasps for air, as I had my way with her succulent body. Six, eight, ten, thrusts, I couldn't hold out any longer, her sensitive body was providing so much stimulation that it seemed to overlap my own. With one last thrust I buried myself as deep as I could. I swear I could feel every detail, every contour of my length inside her as I came with a vengeance that I never could have imagined. But as lost as I was in the pleasure of my own high, I was acutely aware of my vixen cumming again in a blast of emotion that only served to push me higher. I was utterly incapable of thought as we fell through layer after layer of pleasure before either of us were able to form anything that even remotely resembled rational thought. I can't remember how long we lay there panting in the aftermath of apocalyptic orgasm, but I think we might have passed out because when I had recovered enough to sit up, I noticed that the stars were visible through the one small window.

'I think we missed dinner.' I thought to myself.

Stars? What time is it?

"Oracle, what time is it?"

"The time is eight forty-three P.M." the answer came from a speaker somewhere in the ceiling.

"Yep, we missed dinner." I said out loud.

"We should go see if there is anything left over." Ariana suggested. I am so hungry!

We struggled to our feet, both exhausted, and, after a quick clean up made our way over to the cafeteria, it looked like any cafeteria on earth, there were tables everywhere and a buffet counter where cooks would prepare the meals. We headed back into the kitchen, where Athena was standing at the counter. She looked up from her dessert smiling quietly to herself as she saw us walk in.

"You two must be working hard." her grin widened. "You completely missed supper. We called and you didn't answer. I even sent Corinth in to check on you two, but when he say the two of you laying like lumps on the ground, well one lump really, we thought it would be best not to... disturb you."

"ha ha ha." said Ariana dryly. "What did you have for supper?"

"pork sandwiches." she answered.

"I'll heat some up." I offered.

Athena tossed me a couple of pork chops from the industrial size fridge in the corner of the room.

As per Ariana's thoughts, I slid them straight into something that was very much like a microwave which I miraculously knew how to use.

"How are you guys handling it?" Athena asked.

"This morning was rough," I responded. "but It's getting better."

"he does not get dizzy every time I lay down anymore." Ariana teased.

"yeah yeah. Well at least I..."

" Adam..." don't you dare. Ariana cut me off. I just smiled.

"you two are unbelievable." Athena ignored our banter. "You are so close."

"I do not think that is something we can help" Ariana replied.

"Exactly" she continued. "you do not even think about it. It is just natural for you. Corinth and I still cannot communicate like that... I guess I am a little jealous. You are lucky, both of you." with that she started toward the door.

And here I have always envied her.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes." she answered.

She thought about the cat's family. She had a brother and two parents who loved her. You will have to meet them some day.

It was funny to think that the war would be over some day. I had become so used to it that a 'normal' life here seemed like nothing more than a dream.

"You would have loved Cains a year ago. It was always so busy. It had a life of it's own. There would be children playing in the streets, people everywhere."

her words were nice but her mind painted a picture of a utopia. I could see it all before me as I closed my eyes.

"Someday, it will be like that again." I assured her.

Hand in hand we made our way through the building to the sleeping quarters. We had each been given separate rooms, but we found ourselves laying side by side in my bed that night. I reached out and put my arm around her, pulling her close. There was something comforting about her. Like I could handle anything with her by my side.

That was a good thing, I thought to myself, because in just a few days time things would begin to get very messy.

"I think we are ready." Ariana announced. After a round of hugs from everyone we climbed up in the cockpit. The last few days had gone by unbelievably fast. Between Ariana and myself, we had accomplished a laundry list of things that would have kept a team of humans busy for weeks! We now had no trouble with the link between our minds. We could ignore each other when necessary, and if the need arose we could work together as a single being. In short, it was totally cool.

We had finished the ship we were taking to earth. It was made entirely of carbon, in various forms from carbon fiber and nano-tubes to pure diamond. Plus, it was equipped with a cloaking system that bent the light around the ship making it invisible to nearly every form of tracking. It was an idea that Ariana found in the notebook I brought with me form earth. We also had some energy shields to go with our inductance and shield swords. They were kinda cute little things. They looked like watches at first glance, but when activated they put up a nearly invisible force field that covered from our knees to the tops of our ears if we stood straight up. These, along with some other gear, were packed into the back of the aircraft we were now sitting in.

Are you ready?

'I was born ready.'

She shut the door as I powered up the thrusters. There was one on every corner of the roughly rectangular ship, and they worked together to lift us off the ground and send us hurtling toward the tesseract. As we began to close on the general vicinity of the multi-dimensional hole, Ariana set up the system that we would use to find the thing.

Since it moved around and it was invisible to the naked eye Ariana used a system of mathematical equations to find the location of the hole at any point in time. The ship's computer ran through the numbers and projected a circle on the windshield that represented the tesseract in it's relative position to us. I obediently flew the ship right towards it. We would be on earth in a matter of minutes.