Old Friends, New Possibilities Chapter 2

Story by distinctprowler on SoFurry

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This is my continuation of my previous story titled "Old Friends, New Possibilities", if you have not managed to read that first I highly suggest you do so for the story make sense. To all the readers who read the First story despite the formatting errors and enjoyed it, this is my way of saying thanks and I hope to treat you to another good story! :3

*Yawns loudly* "That was probably one of the best nights I've ever had in this house", I said turning around on my bed expecting to see my lovable black and brown pillow. "Hmmm.. I wonder where he went" I said quizically while looking throughout the house, finally finding a note taped to the fridge saying he ran out to the coffee shop down the road. "Coffee sounds good right about now", I said aloud to myself hoping to break the silence. Tidying up the close on the floor I heard some people outside walking by, apparently talking about the weather due to the womans gestures she was quite enjoying the sunshine right now.

Wondering when Rich would return I thought of calling him, pretending I needed him to pick something up just to hear his voice again but decided against it. Down the street a familiar sound came buzzing through the air. Finally I heard a car door shut in the driveway and I ran to the door to greet Rich. Who for someone usually atleast wearing a happy facade when things weren't going his way, came up slightly distressed and hesitant. I tried to make a joke by asking him if the coffee was a little too strong for him. Half-heartedly he laughed and said no.

"I decided to stop by my appartment for a fresh change of clothes but when I stopped there the building had been a charred remains of what I used to know as my home." Looking at me somewhat embarrassed he asked if he could stay at my place until they could at least relocate him. I just smiled at him and said, "Sure buddy you know that you are always welcome to stay... however there is only one bed and I don't think I have the room for another. Finally showing some real optimism in his voice he said, "I don't think thats going to be a problem," nudging me in the hips and wrapping his arms around me in the doorway. Finally we moved into the house and closed the door behind us and I turned on the radio. After switching between my favorite channels to find a good song I turned off the radio somewhat bummed I couldn't find any anything tolerable.

"By the Way," he said, "your computer is finally working again, I just checked on it and it seems to be running smoothly." Chuckling under his breath he said almost inaudibly, "Actually running better than mine at the moment."

"Speaking of your stuff, did you find out what caused the fire?" I asked him ponderously wondering what could've possibly started a fire in the middle of spring.

"Yeah actually they caught the kids that caused it, surprisingly, but those kids in the next apartment over from me decided to celebrate an early fourth of july by shooting off fireworks in between the buildings. Apparently they tried combining several types of fireworks and instead of a grand finale they went out with a bang." Picking up the newspaper and looking through the classifieds he sat down at the small wooden table in the kitchen.

"Was anyone hurt? I asked concerned while pouring myself a small amount of coffee.

"Yes actually but not by the fire, oddly enough when the bang went off an elderly gray fox was walking down her stairs and the noise scared her enough to lose balance and fall down the other half of the stairs, she's okay though just a twisted ankle and a few bruises."

I walked up behind him while he began to read the saturday newspaper and placed my muzzle right behind his ear. "You know you dont have to relocate, i'd be more than happy to have twenty-four hour tech support, you know... incase I need someone to look at my hard drive," Saying the last two words ever so seductively. His laughter made it quite apparent that he got the joke.

"I guess it all depends on my work then, as long as i'm not going into work dog tired because I had "trouble sleeping" most of the night from extra projects...*poking me in the stomach* I don't see any problem with it. He closed up the newspaper and layed it on the table then stood up and turned to me. "Last night was amazing and to tell you the truth I never knew how much closer we could get as friends before something happened."

"Well", I said, "I always knew we could connect on multiple levels, but I never thought that we would connect in a way where you couldn't leave me for half an hour", winking at him while playing with the fur on the back of his neck. "And don't worry about being too tired, I know it got extremely hot in that car last night but I don't want my house to burn down as well. After having said that most of the neighbors probably thought that we had been replaced by hyenas.

That afternoon we spent walking around the mall shopping to replace some of his lost clothes so that he would be able to go to work without stained clothes (hehe), and while we were here I figured why not go into the adult shop and poke around, you never know what you'll find in there, seriously. After laughing for about a half hour aboutvarious funny shirts and lude toys we walked out with some extra lube and a few shirts that really caught our eye.

"That looks good on you," I said, "however, you know what looks best on you?" Taking a moment to look over his clothes and held up a red shirt with grey and black vertical stripes. "No silly thats not what I meant...," I said chuckling lightly.

Catching on to what I was getting at he smugly held up his next shirt which was an olive green t-shit saying "The chief will return!" in bold silver lettering. It referenced a videogame most kids played at home nowadays. Knowing this would make me jealous he said, "Your not the only John I like you know, I can have my own fantasies," he said sticking his tongue out at me which quickly I moved into for a kiss.

"Oh yeah, well I guess that means I have competition then don't I?" grabbing his crotch in the process. Nothing Would ever make me want to strip in public but at that time I wanted him so badly I might just have done it! Locking my arms around his neck i began to kiss him more deeply but stopped when I realised we were in the middle of the mall with people staring at us. Quickly I said out loud so everyone could hear, "Sorry, this ones going home with me and there isn't anyone who can take him away!"

"Aww, you know you don't have to make a fool of yourself for me to like you...," he said laughing again considerably louder than I thought he would.

"I know... but it's amusing to make you blush, by the way I think we should head home, I have to make sure my hard drive is still functioning properly."

"Well when we get home, i'll get right on that. Haha." And with that we headed out the door.

Now I know five o'clock traffic was gonna be hell, but I intended to get home and I made damn sure that we got home as fast as possible while avoiding those pesky officers sitting in there cars looking for a reason to pull someone over. Don't get me wrong, I like cops, they help out alot with the theft especially in the city where I work for 40 hours a week, but when they are on your tail... lets say its not a plesant expecience.

As soon as the front door opened it sounded like the bedroom door closed. We really flew into the house after flirting so much in the car. Almost before he entered the room I dropped the bags on the floor and jumped on top of him pushing him into the mattress. Tonight I was top dog and I knew he wouldn't have any complaints. I began taking off my clothes somewhat quickly but remained slow enough to tease him. If he was so into soldiers, i'd go commando while he became a missionary. No doubt he likes the thought of this seeing as his clothes were already across the bedroom... even if I helped a little haha.

"My my, lusty tonight aren't we? he said laughing and trying to reach on the bedside table for the lube, but I stopped him by laying across his chest and grabbing it first.

"No I don't think you'll need that tonight puppy, by the time i'm done niether of us will be able to move," I said laughing with a hint of dominance in my voice. "Now I hope you don't mind....," I said, slowly trailing down his body between his legs, "letting me take a little taste again, do you?" And with that I placed my muzzle down on his erect member. He was certainly aroused and I could not only taste it, but I could smell it as well. I moved my paw down below his balls but instead of grabbing them, I went just a bit farther down, to a little puckering hole. I slowly edged my finger in and pushed in and out of him feeling him inside, warm, moist, and contracting and expanding along with my movements. All that escaped his lips was a faint "John... you are... such a tease... ungh.." And finally I had enough foreplay it was time to get in on some real action. I raised his legs a tad and positioned myself between his legs, stroking my cock up and down his beautiful rump. I slathered on a bit of lube and placed a little around his hole for good measure. At this angle I didn't need to worry about his tail getting in the way so I lifted him a little higher and gently started to push inside of him. Both of us started panting as I moved in and out, slowly increasing in both speed and force. I could feel my knot swelling and I felt his contractions getting harder so I knew we both didn't have long. before my knot could grow to full size I pushed all the way into him and heard him let a small whine. I asked him if he was alright, and he replied with a short yes. Just then his contraction hit my knot and I couldn't hold back any longer, I gave one final thrust pushing myself deep into him and released it like I just blew a dam open wide. I began stroking his member with my paw and very soon we needed new sheets.

I Finally collapsed there next to him on the bed, my knot still inside him, insuring he wouldn't leave anytime soon. I stared at him looking deep into his eyes, and for however long I managed to stay awake we layed there just panting and gazing at each other, knowing that this moment was only the second of many to come...