Dragons Dame Chapter Two: Fertility [M/F/M, Breeding, Semi-Consensual]

Story by TrueForgiveness on SoFurry

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Dragons Dame Chapter Two: Fertility

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The flight over the valley was a quick change of pace. As a female who never flown in her life, soaring in the air underneath Nightbringer's grasps came with an erratic peak of fear and anxiety. The continual breeze and constricted tug of gravity made her frigid with high adrenaline, fearing what would happen if she simply fell. However, while the dread of sinking to her demise was an incredible oversight, the flight through the mountains was a different matter entirely.

How the dragon soared through the sky and flapped into the highlands, the vast array of trees and growing sunlight had gorged a serenity which drew the female to wonder. Every sign of wildlife, body of water, and fauna looked small in the overpass, especially when the deer, the bears, and mountain lions who were so large, looked like tiny specks beneath their squalor. Eventually, Nightbringer started to elevate the speed and direction of the flight and aimed for the larger and steeper mountains in the valley.

Sunlit in the crest of the mountainside, the great dragon carried his drake and heaved to a distant ridge. "We are almost there..." Nightbringer growled between thoughts. His hold on her struggling and weary body was loosening as he closed in on nearing flat platform of rock and stone. Behind the platform, there was a large hole that extended more lengths than the dragon himself. The closer they were to the entrance, the bigger it was and the longer the ridge became as it looked familiar as a rocky roost without any means of a cliff edge.

Eventually, Nightbringer would flap his wings slowly, before he whipped over the flat bedrock; his body landing with all his paws touching down onto the surface. Iloria immediately let herself go from the dragon's body and sighing in relief, her mind going off to imagine herself hugging the ground. "Seems you enjoy the ground; did you fear your first flight with a dragon?" Nightbringer purred in question. His tall body leered over the thick floor and the female lying down on her back. Just his voice alone was enough for the female's eyes to shine in his direction.

"More like enjoyed it while it lasted... everything seemed so tiny." Iloria twirled her body to the side and eased her paws to the soft floor, body aching as she hissed and pushed herself on all fours. When the breeze of the high mountains came into the picture, the cold weather brought a shiver down the female's spine. Looking to the female, the dragon merely shuffled his frame and walked towards her slender figure. He would examine every detail, every curve that the female held, soon appreciating his bounty by a simple growl of affection. "Soon enough, you will enjoy yourself even more." With that, the dragon started to nudge and nuzzle Iloria into the confines of his quarry, like another stock to add to his treasures.

Iloria, in her majestic qualities of a female, followed Nightbringer's guidance into the cave. Feeling his tight nuzzles along her shoulder and sniffing up his toxic and familiar musk made her flutter whilst trailing herself to his care...

When both Iloria and Nightbringer entered the cave, each of them would be presented to a large tunnel system which led the two reptilians into a system of darkness. Like a downward slope, the tunnels descended from the high alps of the entrance and slowly led them to a wider crevice than what Iloria had anticipated. Eventually after a few moments of going down the slope, the tunnel would ultimately open to a wider, and much more massive cavern. The size was so colossal, that the open chasm could fit an entire dragon civilization within it.

Such a size was an incredible eye-opener in the face of the female herself. There were a couple fresh and clear ponds which dabbled the landscape, and a few locations where a dragon and a drake could nest and roost...

Whilst the sheer cold of the high altitude temperate still shook her body, Iloria looked to the chasm with one word:

Opportunity, total and complete advantages for a hidden cavern in a lone mountain.

When the great black dragon looked into the drake, he saw the glint in her eyes and led her towards a small cave with an eager desire. In the cold atmosphere of the cavernous assembly, Iloria huddled close to her dragon, the heat and stench reeking from his body kept her warm. He would even drape a wing over her bodily form and kept her close. After the blue-scaled drake started to press her body into the male, he could be able to feel something different within her fertile belly...

She was starting to produce his eggs.

Once the dragon found out about her fertile development, Nightbringer rushed her into the little hole inside the cavern and lay her on her back, soon spreading her legs in order to inspect her belly. With a little 'eep!' Iloria quickly submitted to the black dragon's inspection, feeling him lift his leftmost paw and rubbed it along her belly. Once his large paw started to move back and forth along her lower belly, and to the top of her abdominal muscles, there would be a small bulge developing underneath the flap of smooth scales.

"What's the matter Nightbringer? Is there something wrong with me?" Iloria asked, confused to no end in his movements.

That was when the dragon shook his head in disbelief and dipped his snout into her clitoral mounds. Shocked, the drake arched her back and moaned intensely out of pleasure. A few licks and a deep sniff would immediately bring the dragon back out of her canals with a widened gaze.

"You have begun carrying."

By that moment, Iloria and Nightbringer looked at each other with mixed emotion. The telltale of eggs, mixed by the fact that it had only been half a day since they bred, took them all by complete astonishment. "What does that mean?" Questioned the female, unsure what Nightbringer's entire thesis intended. Without a second thought, the dark dragon rose his eyes to look at her with complete and full honesty in the situation.

"That bulge right there means the amount of time between you taking my seed and laying a clutch is short..."

Under the outline of such an eventuality, the mere thought of carrying a clutch and laying them in a such a short amount of time, had brought Iloria to an immediate life altering moment that both held great benefits and costs to such an outcome. "If this is possible, then that means we could do more than simply live as hunters and gatherers..." Iloria thought, causing the dragon to place his paw on the stone floor. "But first, you must survive the cold and the bearing of the clutch." Stated the dragon, soon looking down at her body and sniffing in her direction with a growling desire.

Iloria merely cocked her head in the dragon's direction. "You don't like my plan, Nightbringer?" In seconds, the dragon placed his maw on her neck and placed himself between her body. "I already have what I need. A female to satisfy my desires and carry my legacy. That is the way of a dragon, just a simple life." Snarled the male, soon raking his sharp teeth along her scales to mark her side scales with a slight bloody mark upon her.

_"I'll remember that..." _

Iloria quickly felt the sharp sting of his teeth along her scales and winced slightly, but the feeling of his lower body was enough to feel what would come next. Soon enough, the dragon would lift his hold on her neck and took in the sweet aroma surrounding her hide. The remains of his seed reeking on her lower body, mixed with the sweet smell of the rest of her body, drove the dragon to sniff and lick the blue drake upon her bare chest.

"Before you do... let's put some more eggs in that belly before the day is over."


The next few months would prove to be a difficult time for Iloria in carrying Nightbringer's clutch. Like his intentions, the first few days were spent in a senseless, constant cycle of breeding, snuggling, and breeding again. Over the breaks between the senseless rut of Iloria's loose snatch, her big protective dragon brought in the remains of his hunts. Naturally, she would be fed twice the amount he would have, making sure the young drake could be able to develop her clutch without too much struggle.

Eventually, when the seasons end would begin to shuffle its way into the passage of time, Nightbringer made sure to gather as much meat as he could, just to stock up on their food before the real struggles came their way. The dragon had not only stocked them up on an array of substance, but he had also gathered as many branches and wood he could carry for her alone. Eventually, the current season would begin to end, starting with the temperate dipping and then the commencement of blizzards and winter storms. As interval of days continued to pass, Iloria started to feel a substantial growth continuing to cultivate in her fertile womb.

Once Winter had arrived, the dragon and his dame were fully prepared for the snow and the freezing temperate that came in its passage. Through the arrangement of a few well-placed slabs of stone at the entrance of the den, and with the wide array of wood stored in the room, Nightbringer helped Iloria stay warm by spewing his flame upon the branches and huddling her close to his body during the season. As snow piled up at the entrance of the den, the heat of the chamber kept the two warm for as long as they possibly could.

During those times, Nightbringer taught Iloria many things about the nature of dragonkind. He nurtured her body in the harshest times of the winter, kept her safe from any dangers, and taught her how to survive even in her wingless state. Hibernation was one lovely treat of the season, but with all the time in the world to speak and train, the dragon and his dame didn't waste time in their developing moments and learned as much as they could from each other while the days and weeks passed them by... with the drake's belly getting larger, and the dragon becoming stronger...

Winter would soon come to an end, with the snowy environment melting to a close and a warm spring entering the horizon...


Waking to the shine of spring, Iloria opened her eyes to the new season; the warm, youthful drake stirred up to the entrancing glow outside of the den. Her body, warm and heralded in her own waking form, eased herself to rouse up and twirl her paws onto the ground. The shimmering forms of her scales resonated in the changing atmosphere and moist resonance that the melting snow had started to break down in the mountain peak. With her two main paws on the floor, the female shifted her body forward in attempt to stand on all fours.

By the time her body had stood up, the struggle of her deep hibernation was great in her place. For a few seconds, the drake would shake her bodily shape and flex herself to the ease of the morning sunshine. As soon as her mind started to recuperate the few days she had spent resting, her eyes would soon gaze upon a different location at the mouth of the den...

The minute she peered her eyes to the center of the cave, she caught the nestled sight of her clutch of eggs resting in a pile of warm thatch and a large batch of leaves. There were at least eight warm, and brimming progenies resting in their unborn wake, with three piles of burning wood warming up the area around them. After seeing one batch of wood was beginning to shimmer down and wane in an ember of flame, Iloria peered to the stocked pile of unused branches at the edge of the room, approached them, bit into the stem, and dragged them to the needed pile. When Iloria finished placing the bush into the ashen pile, the female bellowed and flexed an organ in the core of her body, before her maw flexed and sprayed a hot flame atop the pile of bush.

Just by how her flame sprayed onto the brush and ensnared the leaves, a short fire would soon burst as the drake smiled in her accomplishment. While the heat of the new bonfire shriveled and screamed at her face, Iloria smiled at her accomplishment. During the many weeks prior to the egg laying, Nightbringer taught her a useful gift that even he did not know she can make:

The gift of casting flame.

As the pile of fire roared and shrews its existence, the drake would make sure to slide her tail against the clutch of eggs and swish the leaves as far away from the fire as she could without allowing the heat to escape their shells. In the securing of the egg's safety, the blue scaled drake started to look around the depths of the den. So far, everything was right where they were supposed to be...

Except for the fact that Nightbringer was not in the den. With his scaly hide nowhere in sight, except for traces of his lingering stench all over the chamber of their (which also means his) quarry, the drake started to move towards the dim lighted tunnel to reach the entrance. Claws would rake the crest of the stone whilst the weight of her body wared down on her hide. Since the start of the wintery season, Iloria had doubled her weight to not only sustain her body heat but also nurture the eggs she carried until she laid them by the beginning of the spring heat. By her standards, she could be able to carry four or more clutches in the span of a single seasonal cycle.

With her thoughts in mind, Iloria had missed the couple echoes shimmering from the edge of the cavernous ecosystem outside. Nearly halfway to the crack of light, the echoes started to increase in density and become louder as she closed in on the opening. They would begin to take form and would soon register into the female's ears. After one, two, and three occurrences of the iridescent sounds out in the chasm, the drake's ears perked up the more distinct they became.

Eventually, by the time Iloria made her way to the entrance of the den, the female merely slid herself through the slightly tight space before reaching out into the open space of the cavern. And when she did, the distant voices had turned into roars. Peaked with the fear of death returning to her, the drake rushed out of the space and sprinted to a rocky mound overlooking the basin of the chasm.

By the time she had reached the top of the peak, that was when she saw them...

Nightbringer, in his brimming, strengthened form, he was doing battle against a ruthless, red scaled rival of a dragon. Both dragons were in the peak of a fight for their territory, life, and the future of their own survival. Each had exchanged a notorious amount of damage on their bodies; blood was spilled all over the ground as the two dragons had no clear advantage on who would win this fight.

In quick movements spurring the battle between dragons, the rival had charged right into the black dragon with his head lowered and horns raised. Replying, Nightbringer followed the same movements and quickly charged the dragon in another round in a bid for strength. When both dragons struck each other, the pair staggered back and forth in quick succession before one of them could strike another blow. The red dragon was quick to lash at Nightbringer with a gnawing slash into his cheek, but the black male quickly took the strike and cracked his massive tail at the runt's cheek in response; his strike making the challenger stagger a little bit more before standing firm and standing straight and firm.

Seeing the fight with no clear winner in sight, Iloria was quick to pounce over the few crests of the rocky slide and sprint past the many ridges that were in the direction of the two dragons. In seeing that the dragons were fighting on a flat bed, Iloria hurried to intervene in what would most likely be the death of two great dragons. Whether it was the nature of their kind or not, the drake was not going to see her hatchlings orphaned before they came into the world...

With flames screaming across the streak of the hill, Iloria would soon come close to the boundless ridge of fire and blood. The closer she came to the fighting dragons, the more she heard each wound stretching the dragons hide, the smells of their blood, and the musks' both males resonated from their carapace. She had to stop this before they continued...

Eventually, in the strife of the fight, while the two dragons were separated from each other, breathing, panting, and looking at one another with sharp, determined glares; the shape of Iloria rushed into the middle of their gaze and bellowed a panicked roar in refusal.

"Stop this, both of you!" Thundered the female where she was, forcing the two dragons from fighting, but instead, looking at a healthy female.

_"Iloria?"_Nightbringer questioned.

_"What?"_The red male asked.

Standing firm in her placement, the female started looking at both males individually. "Don't you see there is no clear advantage here?" She looked at Nightbringer."Both of you are evenly matched." Iloria then turned her gaze towards the red dragon. _"And it's both killing you slowly. Don't you see the futility of this?"_The female asked, wanting the dragons to stop for a moment and think.

"There must always be one dragon who dominates the land, claim his territory and reaps the rewards of it." The red male implied, looking to the female in his retrospection. "It is the way of our kind Iloria. No dragon who shares his land with another male lives for long." Nightbringer retorted to her. "There is a natural order to this, a way of selecting the greatest dragon of our kind... a natural selection of survival of the fittest."

"If you continue this fight, then both of you will die. No one will win, and you will leave the weaker dragon to come in and claim my fertile body. I don't think by either of your standards, that this is right or a natural selection at all, just some choice that two dragons were too stubborn to figure out." Snarled the female, making both dragons pause for a train of thought.

After a few minutes of thought, the two dragons started to look at her with simple acknowledgement of her words. However, there was still some skepticism in their minds on the issue.

"Then if I cannot claim this territory, and he cannot defend his; what does that mean for both of us? We can't do a non-action." Implied the red dragon, making the black one agree in its application. Seeing the logic behind the dragon's word, Iloria simply sighed and looked to each of them.

"Then the only option we can do, is share." Replied the female, soon looking to both dragons with a nod to what that would mean for her. She sighed in knowing the inevitability such an action would do, but if it meant stopping them from both dying, it would be a sacrifice worth spent. Such a use with words would make the red dragon grin in the female's direction as Nightbringer widened his eyes.

"Iloria, you just cannot-!" Before Nightbringer could continue, Iloria intervened with a sharp glare.

_"If it means both of you living, then I am willing to take the risk. I will see you two in the den once when both of you work this out without killing each other."_With that, Iloria turned her slender body and trotted back to the confines of the den.

For a few moments of silence, the two dragons would bask in the enormity of what had just happened. In a semblance of their motion, Nightbringer and the red dragon would begin licking and mending their wounds. "Quite the female you have there." The red dragon spoke, causing the black to pause for a moment. "I know..." He replied. "Want to exchange names, clean ourselves, then breed the female?" The red asked.



Over the dauntless hours that the two dragons spent licking and mending the wounds both had dealt to each other, a fond respect built between them as the lingering thought of what awaited them back where she dwelled. After an initial discussion, Nightbringer found out that the name of the red dragon was named Flamespitter for his reputable history of sprouting hot fire to his prey. Once the two dragons were cleaned and ready to move on, the two took flight as Flamespitter followed Nightbringer to the den where the female dwelled.

Ultimately after a few moments of flight, the two dragons landed right in front of the boulders that blocked the entrance and soon moved into the crevice between spaces. Once past the entrance, Flamespitter and Nightbringer started their trek into the warm alcove of rock and scale. "So this Iloria laid you a clutch by the end of the cycle?" Questioned the male, soon getting a reply by Nightbringer with a nod. "Yes, and hopefully, she could do more than how we discovered how she could cast flame and lay so quickly... if she can cast the elementals, then this female is as bright as gold." Once Nightbringer finished his sentence, he would find the blue drake standing on her haunches several paces away from the cluster of fire patches and eggs.

"Looks like you two worked out your differences." Implied the drake, soon standing on all her paws to observe each of their forms. In taking her chances to look at the two males, the red dragon was just as alluring as the black male who was her first. Every ridge and slender muscle was just as slick and strong as a powerful male beginning his prime. He stood almost as tall as the black beast of a dragon, with burly muscle frames and a charming look that could infatuate a dragoness by the simplest looks.

"Yes, we did Iloria..." Nightbringer replied to the drake, soon moving close and revealing an uttering grin which took the immediate intentions of his actions an unclear motive. However, when the male was close to her, the dragon instinctually stood on his hind legs and gripped her paws. Before she could yelp, the red dragon had unexpectedly mounted the female from the rear and swiftly pressed his maw over her scruff. "But first, we are going to have a little fun." Immediately as the dragon spoke his words, and in knowing what the two dragons were wanting to apply, the blue drake caved into their lust and indulged herself by lifting her tail.

Without taking a second thought, the haughty, robust male slammed his bare hips along her thighs and started rubbing and humping her mounds to get the female in the mood. Iloria, feeling the hard tension brewing in between her legs, slowly spread them to the dragon and allowed him to smother and revel in her emerging sweetness...

Moments would pass by as the red male sniffed her sweet and supple scent and the female took in the foreign, hard stench of the dragon on top of her. The feeling of her fat, busty body gave enough scale to work with, that Flamespitter figured he could stuff her without too much difficulty. Like the submissive female she was, Iloria just allowed the male to have his way with her, the feeling of his body pounding her out just as much as Nightbringer was enough for her to sway her hips for him.

Finally, after so much time was spent on rubbing and getting the stench out of them, the blue drake started to feel a deep warmth emerging from the dragon's hips. It would feel soft, smooth, and much more sensational than the first time she had tried it with her dragon. It made her sway her hips from side to side, making the dragon squeeze his hold over her and continue to pin her down.

The second she started feeling the bulb of flesh pounding at her entrance, was when Flamespitter started humping and pounding her like a wild animal. Each moment the dragon pounded her flesh, the quicker his girth started to emerge and sink into the loose depths of her vaginal cavity. One pound after another her folds spread, his cock growing larger and larger as the time went by...

Eventually, the dragon's massive girth had finally emerged from his slit and was soon hammering into Iloria without any signs of slowing down. Each thrust elicited a moan from the female; soon causing the dragon to slam harder into her labia and make her squelch for enjoyment. He gave her no time to spare in taking a breath or a moment to think, just wanting the female to take everything he had as he wanted to relieve himself and use her as his own pleasure toy.

For the female, everything was a bliss for her in the rocking vibrations of their moment. Her vaginal canals spread wide as her folds massaged his shaft in a fluid-y squelch. His ease to pull out and slam in made the whole experience a whole lot quicker and ten times more pleasurable in the moments of their breed. There was still a lot more time to use in their fanatic display of draconic vestiges, but the moment pf sex soon increased into a bout of erotic vigor.

In time, the room would fill in the warmth of sex and the cries of pleasure from Iloria and Flamespitter. With the dragon's pace increasing by the moment, the female was in a daze of pleasure. Like her times with Nightbringer, she was at a blur of motion at this point, but without the flap of her fat and the grips of the dragons need for total domination. He was rough, but he did not hold back; And sure enough he went into her labia hard and fast...

However, in the male's attempts to go in with his cock hilting her depths and his speed bounding past a loose cavity, it wouldn't be long before the dragon showed signs of his eventual decline. In his need to make her scream, Flamespitter stuffed his thick meat as far and as deep as her could go, tugging on her scruff and pulling hard with his paws on her shoulders. With as much hold he could have over her, it wouldn't be long before the female bellowed an enormous roar and squeezed the dragon's cock with her walls in an uncontrolled and instinctual potency.

Bound to the end, the dragon made one lasting buck into her orfice before the male stopped and started spurting his seed into the depths of her clit. The filling, warm, and slick sensation, though not as incredible as her first, still measured up a climax that made her sigh in relief, body silken in sweat and body still pinned to the dragon's stead.

Flashes of the passage of time would pass as Iloria bulged in his seed and their cemented fluids formed a puddle that trickled from her legs and soiled the stone. Once finished with his work, the red male soon latched his maw from her scruff, her paws let free and soon dismounted. After shaking off the remnants of their... work, the drake would soon begin to turn towards the eggs, her intentions clear to warm them to health...

Yet when the drake was about to take another step, the great paws of the dragon gripped itself upon her rear. "Not this time Iloria, we are not done with you..." The black dragon growled, his sniffs and growing musk evidence that the ordeal was not yet complete. With a tug of his paw and a swift movement of his body, Nightbringer started to pull her body right into him. Iloria shortly dragged her lithe figurine towards the male, lower body shrugging into him first before the rest of her frame followed suit.

Lacking any means of speaking another word, Nightbringer would soon lay on his back and pulled her on top of him. Her feline body soon twirled, snaked, and slithered in his direction, following his paws and nearing herself upon his great chest. The trail and stench of her cum-filled belly and dripping legs upon his belly. Before long he pulled her wingless frame against his body. Just smelling her soaking underside made his eagerness all too great, soon placing his paws right on her plump rear.

Once her conditioned and already used pussy dripped with both anticipation and seed, Nightbringer aimed his emerging cock along her folds and pulled. The following tug was carried out by the whines of the female. How his cocktip sunk deep into her plump clit made the sensation all the more enjoyable, the pleasure that he wrought into her vaginal canals elicited the moans of the two, and the groans of another.

The more and more Nightbringer pulled Iloria down into a moaning swirl, the harder and more eager bucks she gave the dragon while her mind was muddled too far to think. For Nightbringer, how her muff swallowed and massaged his thick rod so easily brought in a tight snarl of pleasure from the dragon. Each movement had broke the female's mentality even further, drawing her nearer and nearer to a joyous breath of lust and breed...

When the next few thrusts went through the female's scales like a shiver, Iloria panted out of necessity, the pleasure too great for her to simply lose up in the amount of cock that filled her up from brim to brim. Eventually, the dragon would stop slamming her hips down as the blue female went to work on his cock like a charmer and making the dragon grin up to her. He soon licked her neck and nudged her to keep on going down on him like a pump.

However, while the two dragons snarled and growled in pleasure, the red dragon had eyed them while Iloria eagerly went to work on a sexual frenzy. He grew jealous and snarled silently out of wanting greed and lustful desires from the female.

As soon as the drake focused on the shimmering pleasure of the black male's cock, she didn't expect the buckling weight that soon mounted her backside...

With a tug on her tail and a snarl like no other, a tight, burning sensation filled the anal cavity through the tight, wet squeeze of a similar cock... the red dragon made his play and started to dominate her other hole. The immense, tightening sensation that filled her tailhole was foreign, alien, and made her whine in the stretch of her rear. Just seeing the female clench and whine made the red male snarl, bucking harder and fucking her raw. Each male would lick and nuzzle her to gain her affections, but the female merely nuzzled and bucked herself between them both...

Paired by the two dragons domineering for control, the red male and the black looked at each other with a sheer devotion of twisted rivalry. They knew fighting would not get them anywhere, but the competitive nature was still fiery in their veins. And through the female, they worked their differences in the bucks, snarls, and licks over her aching body. What seemed like a blur of sex and domineering breeding, had turned into an hours' worth of rival banging. The smells that reeked from the throbs of their rods, had turned the room into a pit of warm, vigorous intimacy between three lovers.

Eventually, the flurries of thrusts that stretched both her holes, brought Iloria to another peak of desire. She would clench, whine and breathe as her pussy clenched and her body slowed down in the bucks. The moans from the two males showed signs of what would come in the end.

After a few more moments of the three breeding in a state of feral need, Iloria was the first to climax out of the other two. With spasm after spasm, the female quivered in the micro-chasm of the ultimate prize for the males. Her pussy started pumping out her juices over the shaft that filled it, soon turning the stuffing of flesh with a clitoral squeeze. Once she started to convolute her peak, Nightbringer soon follow her, snarling as his shaft dumped his load deep into her vaginal passage. Bucking in response, the embroiled Flamespitter slammed his cock so far up her rear, that eventually the tightness caused the dragon to stuff her plugged hole with a padding full of his cum. As the red dragon fought for domination of another avenue, the female milked the other black male's cock like a fountain. She knew without a doubt in her mind, she would end up carrying another clutch soon...

Once the aftermath came for the female and the two dragons, Iloria fell limp on Nightbringer and panted herself all the while. Out of affection and domination for the female, the two dragons continued to smother and lick her cheek, finding her body and her determination to please, a worthy, if not valuable female to their new shared experience.

Finishing the moment with a lick to her cheek and a dual nuzzle to her neck, Nightbringer and Flamespitter soon cradled the female and pressed their cocks deeper into her needy body.

"Ready to continue?" Nightbringer asked the red dragon, his head looking up into the male's eyes. "More than you." Flamespitter replied.

In the times to come, both dragons resumed their sensational stuffing for the rest of the day...


Thank you everyone who has watched and supported this new chapter into the list. If you have any suggestions or comments about this recent chapter, or series involved, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Dragons Dame Chapter One: Living [M/F, Breeding, Semi-Consensual]

**_Dragons Dame: Chapter One_** A tug of breath coiled the female's lungs in her leap into the veil underneath the tree line. Shades of the sunlit valley and the gorge further up the hill cradled the eyesight of luxury and rest for her. The heated,...

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