The Duet

Story by caayn on SoFurry

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Heya! I felt like writing another story, so here it is. ^_^

Warning: May contain traces of gay smex. If you are allergic, read at your own risk!

The Duet

For what must have been the hundredth time in an hour, I crumpled up my sheet and threw it on the floor, not even looking to see where it landed. See, I'm only seventeen, but I've been playing the piano for at least 10 years. Playing, interpreting, writing, and teaching. Well, I wouldn't really call it teaching, since those who I teach to are all around 6 or 7 years old, but still. It gets me some money, and that's why I do it. I really love music, and always have. Apparently, when I was really young, my parents had heard me listening to classic music, like Mozart or something. I highly doubt it, since I don't recall ever liking Mozart and all those old classics, but they were so proud that they bought me an electric keyboard. So I started playing pretty young, fiddling with keys, my underdeveloped paws barely reaching a halftone, and I started from there, memorizing the notes and trying to recognize them. As I grew up, they paid for some music classes; my teachers always said I was a prodigy, and ridiculous stuff like that, but I really don't think so. I'm just a passionate musician, that's all. I'm sure the last idiot on the street would be able to play like I do if he put his mind to it.

So to get back to my writing problem, I've been trying to compose a piece for this kid I'm teaching. Actually, I wouldn't really call him a kid; he's my only student who's about my age, being 15. He's actually not that bad, and since a lot of the pre-made music books are pretty much a joke, I've decided to write my own works to help him practice. So far, he's been coming along pretty well, and so have I, writing songs every two weeks for him to play, but I'm starting to run out of inspiration. Which leads me to now: I've been messing with this same piece for hours.

I tried starting with alternating C, B and A patterns, going on for four measures, then switching down to a... no, that won't work. It lacks rhythm, and I need a better tempo. So instead, maybe I can start straight up with an E arpeggio with the left hand, and patterns in G with the right hand, then maybe... nah, that won't work either. This part sounds off, and the melody isn't very enticing. Oh, maybe I can work with a crescendo here and a few staccatos here, there and there... Ah, and maybe this part can be played mezzo piano, along with a ritenuto here, to give a relaxing ending... No, wait, the ending should be punched up, and this part doesn't fit with that part, I need a major and a minor... Now imagine that, but for 3 hours. How much different material is it possible to come up with in 3 hours? I really don't know, but my drowning trash can seems to be trying to tell me it's a lot.

I tried getting some inspiration sitting on my piano's stool, playing whatever material I could come up with, only to find I was running around in circles. Everything I tried playing seemed familiar or repetitive, and I couldn't come up with anything new and striking. I tried with every octave, even the really really low one, only to end up giggling at the ridiculous sound, then trying on the really high one, not finding it as funny. Then I'd snap back to reality and remind myself that I needed to write.

I tried doing everything in my power to stay concentrated, but I couldn't. I simply couldn't. Three and a half hours of trying to write music gets very distracting, and I couldn't possibly think of anything. I was hoping for someone to call, for someone to knock at the door, so that way I could say it wasn't my fault I was procrastinating, but my wishing didn't seem to work. Looking around, I couldn't find anything to do, and everywhere I looked I saw boredom.

Yes, I was bored. Bored with music? How could that be possible for such a musical genius? I don't know, but it is. I was bored. I even looked down to my pants; it even crossed my mind that I could paw off. I quickly renounced to that thought, telling myself I didn't feel like it. And I don't think I did feel like it, anyway. Although I had nothing better to do, since I had no inspiration whatsoever. I looked down again. Not quite feeling up to it, I just poked at my crotch with my claw, waiting for something to happen, I really don't know what. As I was about to go a bit further, I heard a knock at the door. Since my parents were at work, and that I'm an only child, I eagerly went to the door, slightly happy at finally having a distraction.

I looked through the window, to see a man in a suit. Wondering who it could be, I opened the door as the man introduced himself. Apparently, he was from my dad's insurance company, who probably came to talk about business. I told him my dad was at work, and he politely said he would come back later, got into his car and drove off. Slightly disappointed, I looked around as I saw my neighbor. My neighbor is a fox, just like me, and apparently quite the musician, too. He's 18, if I remember correctly, and he lives just across from my house. He seemed to have noticed me, and as I wave to him, he waves back and walks over to my house. Overjoyed at a legitimate distraction, I let him inside and show him to the living room.

As I head to the kitchen to get some drinks, I hear him ask me what all the papers were in the other room. As I walked over to him with his drink, I explain that I give piano lessons, and that the crumpled pieces of paper were failed attempts at a reasonable piece. He then looked at me and told me he, too, taught that instrument, and he proceeded to walk over to our grand piano to take a seat. As he started playing, I was amazed at his talent. His skills were by far superior to mine, I could tell by the ease with which he played one of Mozart's symphonies, as if he wrote it himself. When he finished, I took another stool and sat down next to him.

As I looked at the piano, maybe because I was shy to look him in the eyes after such a performance, he asked me if I wanted to play a duet with him. I anxiously accepted, asking him what the piece was. Telling me he didn't know any didn't help, so he proceeded to think one up in a few seconds and instructed me to play some notes following a precise chord pattern. I tried remembering most of it, and as he started playing, I joined in with what he asked me to play. It was brilliant. The two parts completed each other in such a harmony that I could feel the music through my paws, and my heart seemed to beat accordingly with the rhythm. It was a marvelous feeling, being one with the music, no matter how corny it may sound; I was entranced. I could feel the melody overflowing with life, and I couldn't believe how good it felt. Never had I experienced such inner peace by simply playing the piano. The person next to me was a true musical genius. I noticed the tempo accelerating a bit, exciting my blood a bit as my heart started pumping faster. I guess we were both so in touch with the beat that we were a bit surprised when our paws met. We both interrupted out playing at the same time, looked at each other, and as I looked into his eyes, and he into mine, we both blushed and looked away.

I couldn't manage to say anything, and after a few awkward seconds that seemed like hours, he broke the silence and asked me if I liked it. I nodded and looked at him. The expression on his face was perfectly peaceful, and I think I got lost in his eyes, for some reason, because I eventually heard him ask if I was okay. I answered with the affirmative, and he proceeded to ask me if I was gay. I looked at him with a questionable smile and asked him why he asked. He pointed to my crotch. I looked down, and suddenly felt my jeans get quite tight. I blushed and looked away, leaving his question unanswered.

Truthfully, yes, I am gay, but I don't exactly go out telling everyone. Afraid of his reaction, I didn't answer his question. Especially since I had gotten hard by simply touching his hand... I then felt that hand and on my face, and it went by very quickly, but he turned my head and kissed me passionately on the lips. I swear I melted then and there, unable to speak, unable to think. My mind went blank, and I unconsciously returned the kiss, slipping my tongue into his muzzle and his into mine, as they intertwined and danced around fervently. Ignorance is bliss. I truly had no idea what was going on, as a few minutes ago we were playing the piano, and now, we were passionately making out; everything went by so fast, but I was in heaven. I caressed his head fur with my paw, as I could feel him do the same for me, and he eventually broke the kiss, a thin string of saliva still connecting our lips.

I looked at him in the eyes as he looked back at me with a loving, caring expression, only seeming to want to love me and protect me, being older and having a better build. I know, I barely knew him, but at that moment, I felt like I could give in to this feeling of security and affection that he provided me with, tempted by the desire to let myself be cared for.

Our lips met again in another burning kiss, though this one was shorter, as we got up from the piano stools and walked over to the couch, where we kissed yet again. Though this time I could feel his paw playing with my chest fur under my shirt, and we silently and mutually agreed on taking our shirts off. Our lips met yet again, as I felt his paw wandering down lower, unzipping my pants and caressing my erect member through the fabric of my boxers. Without breaking the kiss, somehow, we managed to remove our pants and boxers, and as our naked bodies met, I felt his erect cock rubbing against mine, our tips already leaking pre.

We finally broke the kiss once more, and as I looked at him pleadingly, he returned the look with one of desire and love; I got down on my knees, avidly taking in the sight of the beautiful member in front of me, inhaling the powerful, enticing scent drawing me closer. I took the head in my mouth, tasting the salty pre on the tip, getting as much of the taste as I possibly could. I heard him moan faintly as I passed my rough tongue all around the head, feeling his paw on my head, stroking my head fur while I enthusiastically sucked on his throbbing foxhood. I started bobbing my head, taking as much as I could down my throat while stroking the base with one hand, caressing and fondling his balls with the other, eliciting louder moans from my lover. I felt him starting to thrust into my throat, lust taking over him, but my maw left the hard cock in need for attention, and before I could hear any sign of disappointment, I turned around and raised my tail, presenting my virgin hole to my love, with the desire that he'd make me his. My wish was granted, as I quickly felt his tip at my entry, my saliva easing his way in. It still hurt though, as his cock was quite big, especially since this was my first time, and I loudly yelped in pain. I felt his arms hug my waist from behind, in an attempt to comfort me as he pushed in deeper, getting inch after inch inside me, taking me as his own.

When he was in completely, I turned my head and we shared another kiss, while he slowly began thrusting into my hole. I could still feel the pain as his thick member was taking my virginity, but I felt it subside a bit, giving way to pleasure each time he poked my prostate. The resistance in my hole slowly subsided too, and as he felt it lessen, he started thrusting faster, breaking the kiss as we simultaneously moaned loudly, both of us getting closer to climax. I felt his thrusting get even faster, and as he pushed in one final time, he cried out in ecstasy, and I could feel his sticky fox seed filling me, coating my insides; this was enough to send me over the edge as well, since a few seconds after him, I cried out in pleasure as I shot my load all over the floor, this being the strongest orgasm I had ever lived.

When both our orgasms subsided, he pulled out of my hole, his seed leaking out and adding to my load on the floor; I turned around and he, once again, brought his lips to mine as we shared another kiss, our members retracting to their sheaths. When he finally broke the kiss, I looked at him in the eyes, and I could, once again, see that loving and caring expression on his face, as he pulled me into a hug, his chin on my shoulder and my face nuzzling his chest fur. Finally, we got dressed, cleaned up the mess we made and said goodbye as he returned to his house. I went back to my living room table, grabbed a pencil and scribbled down what I could remember from the duet we played. I really couldn't wait to play it with my student...

So that was it, hope you liked it!

Please leave comments on what you think! =3

I feed off constructive criticism! >3
