Balls In Disguise

Story by TheDragonMage on SoFurry

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#4 of Stories

And still terrible at title's and maby writing but eeh, with the word for this entry being "Snake"

The deers job was to try and open the minds of the all female Amazonian tigers, and they did not like a lot of men and kicking almost all of them in their huge nuts and he was a little different instead of huge his balls were gigantic and the size of beach balls and he had been given a female deer disguise so he could get in and talk to them with the assistance of a voice changer, and the solution with his balls instead of a complete neutering witch no one liked the idea of, instead his balls were disguised as his ass and the convincing suit kept his balls were he tucked them in so his nuts stay looking like his ass, and his dick was hard taped to his inner thigh so his erection wouldn't give him away.

And as he enters, he sees the biggest nude breasts right in front of him, and that was their test for if they were male and trying to fake it, but as he walked in the two guards at the entrance slapped what they thought was a fine ass when it was his ballsack, he mingled around getting a lot of them to laugh and chuckle at his jokes with them wishing he could stay to tell more jokes, then he seen the competition going on, and it was a butt bashing contest to not fall in the water below with some of the finest asses around then three of the tigers noticed him and asked him to be in the contest saying he could win easy, and he had to begrudgingly agree as this could impact if he could get men into the small community and hoped that he could still stand after a lot of butts slamming into his balls, it was a small contest with only four doing it, but his first match was starting with what they thought to be a huge female deer ass contending with a fairly sizable tiger ass, but for him he only had his balls slammed three times with only minor pain, with the first tiger leaving to hear him say good game and shake hands and move on, the second tiger was a veteran knocking him off with only two butt to balls hits, and doing the same respectful thing with what he did with the last tiger.

And with that done the three tigers that said for him to join that contest before asked him to help with what outfit to wear when they go to kidnap more men to mate with, he actually had a little bit of a fashion side to him and went with them naturally, just all he had to do was sit down, the problem was his balls was now his butt, even though it was painful he pushed through it as the three came out in beautiful clothing and gave his thoughts on the matter saying that the men would like whatever they wore as long as they were themselves even when all of you are at the pinnacle of pure beauty, and all their eyes lit up like a million stars, jumping the hug him and unknowingly crushing his balls before leaving and saying thank you for the support, as he wishes them some luck and saying how he hopes to find them with a beautiful and thoughtful man.

And so he continues his stroll through town getting slapped on the nuts more times then he would like, but it is for a basically peace treaty of sorts, eventually finding himself being called for by the chief of this little town of hers thanking him for making some of their people's lives better and hugging him and gently grabbing his ass and unknowingly tore a hole in the disguise before heading back in the throne with her and several other figures he was with earlier today and seeing his disguise fall to the floor and his balls flop back between his legs before trying to cover his same repeatedly saying sorry to them.

They didn't know what to think with the men sent before him being quite brutish and lacking decency, only to see him be the opposite and have good times with him unknowingly, they weren't mad but surprised, the chief told him that men would be allowed in having show is kindness for them and the others agreeing, but saying he still needs to be punished for what he did, any women that did not like how you look will go and kick you in the nuts and any women that did like how you looked had the choice of kicking you in the nuts or giving a quick handjob as appreciation, and their was only fifty-three of them in the village he only remembered the first ten kicks into his volleyballs, the first one was trying to be considerate for him gently kicking him and giving him a quick handjob on his red rocket, the second one felt like a bowling ball dropped onto his nuts from five feet up leaving his balls bouncing for awhile and definitely swaying what the others would do, the third one to kick his nuts had kicked hard but not bowling ball hard like the last one and too bad his hands and legs were tied up or he would most definitely be cross legged and holding his man berries, the fourth kicked with the fury of an angry girlfriend and he thought that the extra fluff on their legs and feet would soften the blow but it didn't and at least it isn't as bad as breaking up with a werewolf who had neutering kicking speed, five, six and seven kicked with little force mainly wanting to give him handjobs wich felt nice, eight and nine did instead of kicking punched him in the nuts with one egg each, and ten was the last one before blacking out with what felt like rocket boosters strapped to her foot with deer balls tracking and four hammers to activate upon hitting the big Target's that dangled their and with extra nitros, but before his balls amazingly not popping into paste had his nuts swing for a long minute amazing the crowd and waking up in a bed with the three women that he had complimented on their outfits earlier with two gently holding his balls and the third putting what he thought was dinner on him, and all of them saying how they want him to be their mate to breed with wearing the outfits they wore when they had gone shopping and wanting him to tell the story he muttered about in his unconscious state of a werewolf with a deadly kick to any man's sack and their cargo, with telling him how many gave him a handjob and how many kicked him in his man bits with numbers of how many also did both with the tiger holding his right nut saying that she sucked him off and the left nut holding lass to say she gave him a titty fuck, he had agreed to tell him of his friends ex girlfriend with the third telling him that with men being aloud to enter that what was the forceful mating building was repurposed to be and erotic shack with it being named after his testicles called the kicked seed, and the with that the two holding his uncovered out in the open balls, lightly squeezing them saying please to tell them the story, and he was going to had one hell of a time.

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