The Dragoness' Little Pet Girl

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#4 of Random Stuff

Well the snow has buried my town and so I felt like writing a frosty story for this time of year lol

The snow leopard could see her breath as she huffed, struggling to break herself free but it was no use. She was trapped down here far belowground in the lair carved from the icy heart of the glacier. A pale blue light burned in some of the crystalline formations jutting from the walls.

It sounded as if the glacier was cracking and creaking but the sounds had a particular cadance to them- that of footsteps. Something huge was approaching.

Cyra the Dragoness wore only her natural scales of cyan that lightened in a strip down the front of her body, passing between large breasts tugged slightly earthward under their own massive weight. The Dragoness was well endowed and curvy, a body that could have been described as a "short-stack" in shape if not size. A thin layer of irridiscent white frost clung between the wide hips and cupped the bottom of her breasts, giving her the appearance of wearing lingerie. A giant pair of solid steel heels had been forged for the Dragoness, which made her tower even higher over all she surveyed with bright green eyes and fluttering curly lashes. Slowly and deliberately, Cyra stepped toward her doll-sized prey.

The snow leopard was held to the floor with ice formations grasping her lower arms and legs, forcing her into a face-down, ass-up position. Her armor and clothing had already been added to the treasure horde and she was presented stark naked. The big round mounds on her chest swayed as she struggled against the ice, nipples not quite touching the floor but close enough to feel the stark chill. She had entered the lair as Shalla the Spellblade, but now...

With a pair of crashes Cyra stomped down on either side of the would-be dragon slayer, walling her in with the heels that could have kicked down a castle's gate and forming cracks in the floor. This caused Shalla to cease her struggling and gaze upward as best she could as her tail tucked itself between her legs. Her black hair tussled about her face as she looked up.

Cyra was watching with a stern expression, picking her teeth with the steel sword intended to slay her. An impressive weapon in normal hands, but little more than a toothpick to her.

"Are you ready to atone for your little stunt, my pet?" Cyra's voice boomed, causing the leopard to cower lower for a second.

Shalla clenched her teeth, wanting to growl a sarcastic reply but didn't dare to given that she could be squished within half a second if this monster decided to get angry.

"Y-Yes, ma'am.." She answered quietly.

Tossing her toothpick away, Cyra grinned as she squatted down and the plump lips of her pussy spread directly over the snow leopard. The wet warmth steamed in the cold air, hung with viscous tendrils of fluid. Cyra massaged herself a few times with a trio of fingers, moving up to trace a few laps around her clitoris and then back down.

The cold had been tangible to Shalla even through the fluffy black-spotted fur covering her busty figure. She trembled slightly until the rope of warm viscous fluid dripped onto her back, a bucket load that flowed at the speed of syrup down over her head.

Cyra hissed with pleasure and another drip landed, spattering over Shalla's raised buttocks. The draconic lubrication was so thick that the leopard gave a small gasp when it oozed down the crack of her butt and down her pussy as if giving her a gentle lick. Her nose was full of the scent of the Dragoness' loins, as overpowering as her physical presence was. Shalla hung her head and let the warm wetness soak into the fur on her back and her hair.

A huge finger- clearly one that had ventured inside the Dragoness, tilted Shalla's face upward then rubbed her cheek leaving warm wetness behind in the fur, tracing around to her back.

Cyra was delighted at the pleasant feel of lean muscle, a perfect compliment to the feminine figure of her little pet girl's body. Cyra pinched the long ringed tail and ran the length of floof slowly between her fingers a couple times. She held it out and inspected her pet's butt closely, finding it as bubbly and tight as expected.

Curling her finger around, she began to probe up between Shalla's legs. The leopard was straddling her finger now and Cyra scooped her up. The ice holding her in place had melted away with the hot fluids spilled.

With her thumb and pinkie, Cyra spread the leopard's legs open. Her index and ring fingers she hooked under the armpits and with her middle finger she supported Shalla's head. Holding her spread open, Cyra noticed the hint of ab muscles on the flat stomach. Cyra could scarcely help herself, her tongue slithering out of her mouth and descending on the tiny slit between her pet's legs. She licked a couple times and smacked her lips as if appraising the taste. Moving in again, Cyra took a few more licks from Shalla's pussy all the way up to the bottom of her breasts which bounced as she flicked them with her tongue's tip. Shalla let out a soft, surprised gasp when the tip then moved down and darted inside her briefly.

Cyra next ran her opposite thumb over Shalla's chest, pushing her breasts up and then licking the leopard's tits and face in one swipe. The tiny hard nipples could be felt against the sensitive tongue.

At last the Dragoness raised her other hand and displayed a single upright finger which she stuck into her mouth and popped out.

"We're going knuckle deep. Be a good little kitty and take it all," This much Cyra said with a toothy grin.

The finger rested against Shalla, squishing down her labia. It moved down slowly, letting the sensitive mounds bounce back up before it rolled over them again. Shalla wanted to arch her head back but it was held in place with the middle finger, forcing her to watch as the finger's tip began to press up into her.

By the time the first phalanx of the finger had sunk into her, Shalla as already stretched wider than she ever had been before. Thankfuly the draconic scales glided smoothly, not that it made the ordeal much easier. Shalla wrapped her limbs tightly, clamping onto the Dragoness' fingers as she braced.


Shalla couldn't say she was moaning, it was more like all of her breath clambered at once to release itself such was the effort of taking the Dragoness' finger. With each grunt she released clouds of steam into the air. The cold was no longer troubling her either as her body had warmed up for obvious reasons. She was barely halfway down Cyra's finger when the thumb pressed down to lightly compress her clitoris which now stuck out by the stretching of her groin. The slightest movement sent electricity through Shalla's body, but her voice was muffled by the Dragoness' tongue invading once more and deeper than it had previously. The giant tongue forced Shalla's mouth open and she soon felt that she probably had more of the dragoness' saliva in her mouth than her own.

The leopard's flat stomach was looking rather pregnant by the time Cyra's knuckle pressed flush against her pussy. She could only breathe, mouth hung open as the giant face of the Dragoness moved back to look at her. Shalla was propped up vertically, looking down at herself with wide eyes as she wondered not for the first time how she took this bizarre turn from dungeon crawler to finger puppet. There was heat in her cheeks now, a tinge of embarrasment at this.

Now properly stretched out, Cyra grasped her pet girl around the waist and began to move her slowly up and down. As she sped up, there came wet splortches and splats from the motions. The leopard shouted to the gods, but she certainly wasn't asking for help. Face flush and blushing with heat, her mouth stretched open as her body twitched with an intense climax.

Cyra giggled feeling the slight pressure of the snow leopard's womb clutching at her finger.

"There you go," Cyra said, "That's a good little kitten,"

She kissed Shalla on top of the head as she fell slack in her hand. The Dragoness raised her pet girl off her finger, popping it out of her. No longer corked, a thick stream of fluid poured out of her.

"I think you'll make a fine addition to my hoard, ya little cutie,"

By the time Cyra had moved down the hall and taken a turn into the chamber where mountains of gold and other arcane artifacts were stashed, Shalla had fallen into a deep sleep. There was a a shelf cut into the wall of the glacier, where a giant sized jewelry box sat forged from gold and padded with plush royal purple fabric. Cyra laid the sleeping leopard out in the box and tucked her into the fluffy woolen blanket there, nice and warm. The Dragoness eyed the other boxes laid out nearby, thinking maybe it was time she find some more pets to play with.