Silverback Episode. 19

Story by Jazcal on SoFurry

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#19 of Silverback

This chapter covers a lot of ground as I am transitioning into the final phase of the story arch that has always been my dream with this project. It's a fast, tight turn with a different tone as the war starts to draw to a close. Anyways, this was the last chapter that I had started forever ago so anything that comes after this is brand new from a much older jackal. Thank you all and hope you have a great new year!

A few days after the battle, the regiment was assembled about a mile out of town where the rail depot was moved to. The horrible tally left us at 25% fighting strength with about 30% killed and the rest wounded in various states. I visited Snow as often as I could and he seemed to be making a good recovery and so was Lafayette. The Major arrived to address the regiment. He was visibly shaken and struggling to cope with the devastation of his regiment during the 9-hour ordeal.

"My fellow soldiers, it brings me much relief to be taking this regiment home after a number of successful campaigns throughout the year. It pains me, however, that our most recent struggle has left such a large and painful wound in this regiment. The pain that courses through this regiment's veins will not be left with those we must leave behind, but it will be carried by all of us to the bitter end of this horrible war. We who have survived in part to those who have fallen say, you will never be forgotten."

The Major sniffled and wiped tears away as he finished. We all climbed aboard the train for the long ride back to the capital. For some, it was home. For others like Snow and I, it was another step towards getting home. Only this time, we hopefully wouldn't be getting shot at.

Most of the wounded who had healed up enough to walk around and not need medical attention on a regular basis were mixed back in with the rest of us, including Snow. Snow and I shared a seat on the train. Our entire Platoon could fit into two rail cars and the train itself was only five cars long with the critically wounded and those who we could send home went a couple days earlier in a hospital car.

Snow and I spent a long time catching up with what I had missed back home and what he had missed out on at the front. It was like old times again where death wasn't in the forefront of life. It reminded me of the time before I confessed my feelings for him. When Lieutenant Coker passed by, he smiled and made small talk before continuing on to the officer's section of the train. It was an awkward exchange for me as he had gone utterly silent after we had dinner and talked things out a few days before.

"Hey Jaz, what's wrong?" whispered Snow.

"Coker... he uh... he tried to entice me into having sex. I think..." I whispered back.

"He what? When did this happen?" Snow had a look of disbelief on his face.

"After the battle and after I had patched you up. He... he took me aside into his quarters and tried to talk me into it. Almost like he was framing me. He had me followed and watched while I was at the field hospital. I turned him down and..." My voice trailed off. I could tell that I must have had a hazy look in my eyes. I couldn't believe the amount of stuff that had happened that day. It all made my stomach turn.

"And you think he is mad at you and going to rat you out at any moment?" Snow pressed me for an answer.

"I... no. We smoothed it over that evening. At least, I hope we did" I answered. I couldn't help but feel like Lieutenant Coker was lingering because he felt like he still had a chance. That maybe he thought he would win me over someday.

"Well has he done anything in the days since?" Snow shifted, wincing a little from his wound.

"No, here on this train is the first time he has talked to me."

"Well one day, he'll know the truth about you and me if he doesn't already. He'll know that you are my jackal and I risked everything to come see you." Snow whispered even softer with the last part. I smiled and hoped I didn't blush.

Snow sat back onto his side of the bench and looked out the window. He was still bandaged from his wound and I could tell it still hurt but never pressed him on it. The sound of the rails under us clicked by as we travelled across what used to be a forest. Now it was just another battlefield. Another casualty of this horrible war. The forest opened up into what used to be a beautiful valley, that was now an overlook one a wide expanse of trenches and a blown out, diluted river that once weaved its way through the valley.

"Snow, this all used to be so beautiful and miles from the front." I said, having hoped there would be a bright spot to help lift the cloud that hung over the whole train.

"Jaz... we are losing this war." Snow said under his breath as he kept his gaze focused on the devastation outside.

The rest of the train ride was quiet. The nine-hour journey took us through shelled out villages, over hastily rebuilt railroad bridges, and through noisy, hazy army camps. The last two hours of the train ride yielded some healthy forests and a distinct lack of a war. Though if you paid close enough attention to the towns and villages we passed though, one could see the absence of men within the age groups of the drafts.

We pulled into the station at the capital city where we were met by a crowd of people, and a royal procession as the other Regiment of the Royal Fang Guard accompanying the royal family as they met and welcomed us home. The regiment was in full dress uniform and it was beautiful. It had been a long time since we were in full dress and not in our combat kit, that I had forgotten how much pride I felt for wearing the uniform.

We filed out into the station plaza and stood at attention as the King surveyed what was left of his deployed regiment. The king was a lion and was dressed in the royal garb of the nation. The crown sparkled atop his head in the afternoon sunlight. His wife was lavishly dressed in what I assumed was the latest fashion among the nobility. I had heard her beauty was stunning and she indeed radiated beauty. Their son was a handsome lion around my age who was dressed for the occasion.

The king gave a short speech about national pride, heroism, brotherhood, and service that Snow would later tell me about. Though like many others, I had my eyes closed. Trying to get some shut eye as the royal family was facing the sun and were otherwise oblivious to the exhaustion of the regiment. We marched behind the royal family all the way to the palace.

Neither Snow or I had ever seen the palace. It was a marble and stone structure. The columns were shaped like fangs, sinking into the earth. The three-story building was a cool blue color with a clear glass dome on top. The spires on along the outside of the building rose up with power and were topped with a Royal Fang Guardsman statue each facing one of the 4 cardinal directions. The whole building was shaped like a giant, fat plus sign. The surrounding yard, plaza, and garden were immaculate. Bushes trimmed to always look like members of the royal family or previous rulers. The children's playground behind where the palace met the rest of the royal estate was converted into a military barracks and training field. The estate was comprised of acres of unaltered forest, grassland and wetland areas that had been in the royal family for a couple of centuries.

We were shown to our barracks and told to rest for the evening. Snow wanted to chat for a bit however, I laid down in the first real bed I had been in for a long time and promptly passed out.

I was back in the trenches. Firing and yelling, shouting for everyone to retreat. I turned to leave a after everyone had left. I climbed out of the trench and a searing pain torn through my back to my stomach as the force pushed me to the ground. I was hit. Explosions all around as I clutched my abdomen and looked onward, watching as Snow ran away.

I jolted up in a cold sweat, clutching my abdomen as I realized it was all a dream. I panted and gasped for air as I looked over and saw Snow sleeping peacefully on his cot a few rows down. I shook my head and got up. I headed outside to get some fresh air where I found Lafayette leaning against the railing and looking out over the grand estate. I walked over and leaned beside him.

"Couldn't sleep huh?" he asked me.

"Had a dream that they got me and I would die alone." I admitted, not wanting to close my eyes for fear of seeing it again.

"I had a dream of seeing Dietrich again. Seeing his dumb grin every time he thought he was funny, beating him in cards, sharing letters from home with each other. Seeing his body..." His voice cracked.

I reached an arm around him and pulled him into a side hug. "We all miss him. He was a good dog. He put aside his fears for us."

"What will I tell his sister? She is going to get a military notice that just tells her he is dead! Not that he was loved as a brother by all of us." He was beside himself as he sobbed quietly.

I rubbed his back and wept with him, remembering our friend and all the others.

Over the next few weeks, we settled into our new routine of guarding, drilling, guarding, parade, and more guarding. We did military demonstrations of attacks in the training field, started training the other regiment of Royal Fang Guard for the front, and many of us struggled for sleep.

It became apparent to everyone who got posted by the prince's door that something was off. His scent was diluted with another but we all figure it was him sneaking in some girl from the outside or something. That is until the platoon beagle went to the stables on an errand. He told everyone immediately that the other scent was for sure, the horse who was the stable hand. It then became a regular topic of debate if the prince could take it or not and if so, how much could he take.

Things became much less crowded after a couple of months. The other regiment was deemed fit to fight and sent off to do just that. A large ceremony and parade were scheduled and attended by thousands as the heroic Royal Fang Guard went back into the breach. We were then left with all the regular duties of guarding a king to ourselves.

The prince was transfixed with battles and when everyone pushed his questions off onto me, he was a regular part of my day no matter where I was. Sure, it helped a little to talk about the war and what I did, but dredging up those memories wasn't exactly pleasant either.

One early spring day when Snow and I both had a free day we decided to go out for a walk on the estate. The royal family had headed out on a trip to visit the government of Aves to sure up support as the war started to draw down to a close it seemed. It was a beautiful day as we jogged along one of the many trails through the forest and meadows. Hearing the birds sing to their mates and to the start of a new day, seeing the squirrels jump to life and scurry about. It was a healing experience.

We slowed to a walk after half a mile or so and Snow reached over grasped my paw in his. He laced his fingers with mine as we took the trail deeper into the forest. I blushed as our tails wagged behind us. This had been the first time since we reunited that we could be together and not constantly being watched.

"Hey Jazcal?" Snow spoke, breaking the silence between us.

"Yes hun?"

"I don't know if I ever told you but..." He paused, blushing enough to see it through his fur in speckled patched "I love you."

I smiled wide and diverted my eyes, almost sure that my fur wasn't covering my blush very well either. "I love you too."

We rounded a bend in the trail and came to a small waterfall with a small meadow. Big trees hung over the meadow to offer shade. I let go of his paw and stepped up to soak in the sight. "I didn't know this was here" I said in awe.

"I found it on one of my morning runs." He stepped up behind me and hugged me across my waist, resting his head on mine between my pointed ears.

I nuzzled up against his chin and neck a bit, very pleased that he was ready to be as open about us as I was now that we could be for just a little while. I leaned back against him and wagged my tail, that is when the base of my tail brushed against something. I took a sniff of the air and blushed, knowing all too well what it was that my tail was brushing against. He must have noticed that I figured it out too as he shifted his paws up to my chest to hug me warmly. I murred softly as I closed my eyes and started swaying in his arms. Taking in his scent and warmth, absorbing the calm sound of the waterfall as I enjoy this moment.

"Jaz, you are the cutest thing when you murr, you know that?" Snow shifted his head to glance down at me with a smile.

I opened one eye to look at him, "You are a nice, warm and pokey bed Sn-" I was cut off as I felt his paw on my blind side shift and undo the front of my pants with a show of dexterity and then slide into my pants, not being shy about what he was looking for. He grinned and groped as my sheath, causing it to swell from the attention in his paw. "O... oh... uh... Snow?"

"Yes my jackal?" He replied softly and lovingly, never letting up with his groping as I only got harder by the minute.

"I've never... um... done anything like this... with anyone." I admitted, a little ashamed.

"You want to know something? Neither have I..." His voice trailed a bit before he cleared his throat and pressed his hips against me, really making a point that there was a point back there. "But I figure that since we both love each other, there is no harm in learning together. I wouldn't consider anyone else to do this with, only you." He licked my cheek affectionately.

I nodded and relaxed. I lowered my paws and started to slide my pants down the rest of the way before kicking them aside. I broke away from his hug and grinned back at him as I ran for the shade of the biggest tree close to the waters' edge. "If you want me, come get me!" I growled and whimpered back suggestively behind me. I threw my shirt off as I ran.

"You forget I don't understand you when you talk like a sexy, needy feral jackal!" Snow called after me, throwing his own shirt off as he took off after me. He quickly caught up to me as I let him catch up to me. He scooped me up in his arms and spun us around once before flopping us down in the shade. We both laughed and panted a little as we looked at each other, me laying across his lap. His blue eyes truly stunning as always with his black, white and gray fur accenting them that wasn't even ruffled a bit.

I leaned up and kissed him, hoping to maintain the initiative despite my embarrassment of being entirely naked and getting hard very fast in his lap. He blushed finally as we kissed. I murred deeper in my chest and so did he as we kissed, tasting each other and loving each other. He reached down and undid the front of his pants. He wiggled a bit under me as he shimmied out of his pants, our mutual arousal thick in the air.

He broke the kiss and looked at me with a happy smile as he huffed loudly. "Mind giving me a paw with my pants?"

I grinned and crawled out of his laps, to kneel between his legs. He started pulling his pants down further before I grabbed them and helped with the rest, tossing them aside once we were both naked. I glanced up and was immediately drawn to a new part of his body, his pale pink member standing straight up out of his lap. I laid down between his legs and positioned my snout up against the warm flesh. He moaned softly over me as I inhaled his scent. Much stronger and more arousing that I had ever anticipated. I couldn't help but to lick the warm flesh from base to tip. I could feel and hear him shiver in pleasure as I did so, which made me blush to myself. It felt good to know that I could make him feel good. I kept licking, feeling his warmth rise under my tongue and tasting drip of his pre as he smiled down at me, petting my head.

"You really shouldn't do this Jazc-" He gasped and moaned as it was my turn to cut him off with mere action alone. I grabbed the base of his length, feeling his knot kept within his sheath still, and pointed his tip down so that I could take his length into my maw. I slide down his length, getting most of it in before I almost gagged as his tip almost entered my throat. Which was admittedly uncomfortable. I then pulled back and slowly began to bob on his length. He moaned deeper over me as he leaned back and watched. I tasted his length and his pre as it came out of his tip. I slurped and licked all over, loving the feeling of his smooth length in my maw as I slowly moved along the length over and over.

He placed his paw firmly on my head and gently nudged me off of his cock. It was slickened and his knot was free at last. I knew that he was close and I traced his gaze over my head and knew what he was looking at. "Jazcal, do I have your consent?"

I knew he must be close and really want this to be so blunt with me about it. My head raced as I considered how far I wanted to go. Every thought I had was overshadowed by the huge truth hanging and leaking between my legs, and the pounding of my heart. I wanted this more than anything right now with him. "Yes" I muttered, unable to vocalize it much more.

He wasted no time laying back and pulling me on top of him until I was straddling his waist. I could feel his hot, moist, tapered tip pressing between my cheeks.

"Snow, I want this with all my heart, but I am a bit... scared" I whispered, blushing deeply as I murr softly.

He smiled and nodded, "Me too hun."

I smiled back and pushed backwards, pressing his tip firmly against my tailhole before I felt him begin to spread me apart slowly around his thick shaft. We moaned softly as I allowed myself to slide further down his length, feeling the uncomfortable girth of his length settle inside of me as I was stopped at his knot. I shook a little as the uncomfortable, and slightly painful, feeling began to subside slowly as my body adjusted and stretched out around his length. My breathing deepened and my heart raced. I couldn't take my eyes off of him as he seemingly couldn't look away from me either. I slowly lifted myself up and then lowered myself back down, feeling him leave and refill me.

"You okay hun?" He asked me. I nodded, unable to speak as pleasure began to take over my feelings. I sat back down on his knot, clenching around him as I really did love the feeling of him inside of me. "Good to hear it, now give me a hug." He hugged me and I hugged him. I yipped in surprise as he rolled us so I was laying down and he was kneeling over me.

"You always did like to lead the way." I jested as he started to thrust in and out of me slowly but picking up the pace as we both began to moan.

My own, darker red cock leaked pre into the white fur on my stomach as he humped me. He settled into a shallow but fast rhythm. I panted and moaned as we mated. He whimpered above me with each time his knot spread me further and further around it. What felt like bliss filled minutes, was probably at most a solid minute of amateur sex.

I clenched hard and howl out softly as I couldn't hold back any longer. But before I could get more that a spurt into my climax and thrusted hard and slide his knot into me. I yipped at the sudden pain before pleasure overcame me again as his large knot tied us together and his length grinded against a sweet spot inside of me. We howled out together as our climaxes rocked us to our cores.

We both subsided into heavy pants as our climaxes came to a close. I had a decent patch of my own fluids in my fur as well as plenty of his inside of me. He laid down a bit, giving me a tug with his knot but nothing too bad. He hugged me and gave my lips and tongue an affectionate lick. Words were too simple for how we felt. To finally be together, to finally have someone to truly love.