Breeder City Ep.1

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#1 of Breeder City

Nina is a member of the Hyper City Security Force. A police force formed to defend the great city from alien invaders known as Breeders. However after a rough encounter with the creatures she is offered a chance to join an elite team of vigilantes, this is her story. This is Breeder City

An old world burned in the fires of nuclear war, a new world born from it's ashes. Dotting the scorched landscapes of a healing planet are massive domed cities, technologically advanced and self sufficient, they are the last refuge of a discarded world. The greatest beacon among them is Hyper City, this metropolis boasts it's great luxuries and near nonexistent crime rate, a true utopia. However, generations ago the planet was subjected to a meteor shower, or so everyone thought. The rocks from space punctured the protected domes of some cities revealing themselves to be the interstellar transport of an insect like alien race now known as Breeders. Called so for their aggressive effort to capture and impregnate females to propagate their species. Hyper City has one advantage though, their guardian angels, a team of technologically advanced vigilantes known publicly as the Sabre Scouts.

Breeder City

Ep. 1 Sabre Scouts

"Good morning Hyper City!, it is going to be beautiful day today." The girl on the holographic screen projecting from the dash of the car said cheerfully. "Of coarse i don't have to tell you that, it is always a beautiful day in our amazing city." The car parked on the side of the street was occupied by two people wearing matching uniforms. A Shepard in black pants and a blue shirt with a black tie sipped his coffee. "Ah....such a great day, i love this job." He proclaimed. Sitting next to him in the driver's seat was a doberman with long purple hair tied in a high ponytail with just enough locks coming down to frame her beautiful face. She had her feet up out the window, wearing short black heeled boots, a black short tight skirt that came to her thighs, showing off her naked legs and a blue shirt and black tie. The shirt was open enough to show her cleavage. A badge on her chest. They both wore a badge denoting their statues in the Hyper City Security Forces. She made a look of agitation. "How exactly can you love the job? We don't do anything!" She retorted.

"Ah come on Nina, it's starting to sound like you want bad things to happen. I mean it's great! We don't have to deal with the Breeders as much as the other cities cuz we have the Sabre Scouts on our side!" Nina frowned looking at him. "You would have others do our job for us? Why are you here Leon?" The Shepard stopped to think. "The paycheck is nice, besides, you never know when their might be a robbery, or a pet cat stuck in a tree or something." He smiled back at the clearly disgruntled city employee. "There hasn't been a crime, a REAL crime in this city in eighty three years Leon, we are just jerking each other off here!" Leon blushed at a intrusive though. " do you know this?" He questioned the doberman. "I did some reading, it was back when there was a power outage, the food synthesizers failed and everyone had to eat food from the farm district for a week." Leon looked down at his coffee. "Dark times.....Now i remember my grandpa telling me about that, but ever since, they added the redundancies, we will never have to suffer like that again!"

Nina looked up from her window seeing over head the "High Way" as multitudes of flying vehicles darted over head. They were in a ground vehicle with ball like wheels that propelled for motion. Beyond the upper traffic of the two tier traffic system was a bright cloudless sky, the hexagonal shapes that were the individual parts of the dome could be vaguely seen. The sun of coarse was artificial, everything about the weather was, the city weather crew cycles through weather systems to imitate what life was like outside the cities before the great fall. Rain, windy, sunny, you name it, they can make it. They even make it snow a week before and a week after Christmas so people could have their perfect holiday. Not everything was fake however, trees, plants and animals were all taken in to preserve what could be saved when the cities were constructed. Despite the grandeur of Hyper City it was not the first, that honour goes to a now dead city long ago before the great fall. It was a blue print for future perfect cities, a place called epic coc, a strange name indeed, In the land once called Miami, but that land mass sank into the ocean during the great fall. Every school child knows this though.

Nina snapped out of her daze realizing that her partner was still talking, the two got along long enough to finish their shift but she was extremely annoyed at how he never took the job seriously, maybe her sense to protect was in her family blood, maybe she was the problem in a city with no real problems. "Leon." She interrupted him. "Uh....yeah?" He looked at her trying very hard not to look at her cleavage. "Do you have your sidearm with you?" She questioned with a quizzical manner. " uh.....lost it." Nina's face twisted in anger. "You lost your side arm!" "Don't worry I'm pretty sure it's in my apartment some place, besides you know no one can fire it but me!" He said looking defensively "That's not the point you idiot! You know your a security officer, what is wrong with you!" The car started to rock back and forth as Nina continued to berate him. "Owe, owe, Nina stop hitting me!"

In orbit over the planet drifted a large construct, thick with armour and lined with rows of missile bays and gun batteries of various calibres and types. This was defence platform H-1, three kilometres long and twelve decks thick, complete with a hanger bay and launch tubs for mecha suits designed for space combat, it is one of many. Since the first Breeder attack, all the cities agreed to build at least one in geosynchronous orbit over their respective cities. This one belonged to Hyper City, the purpose seems obvious, to intercept and destroy Breeder Asteroids, their preferred method of travel. Inside the command centre was holographic displays of all sized, their neon glow showing all sorts of information as they scanned the planet and outer space. Rows of uniformed people ran their fingers over the holographic interfaces working away, watching, listening, scanning. Standing over them a powerful and proud looking bear, she had short blond hair in a bob, she wore the female uniform of the Hyper City Security Forces. Unlike Nina however she was proper her shirt closed and hugger her large heavy looking breasts. "Commander Val, the latest scans from an hour ago." Another officer handed her a thin piece of metal, she took it and tapped a small button on the side as her face lit up with the glow of the holographic page that projected from it. "Good, good. It's been a month since the last Breeder attack, lets hope they leave us the hell alone." She proclaimed to the others around her.

Suddenly red lights started to flash as an alarm sounded in the command room. "Fuck, of coarse i had to say that." Commander Val clicked her tongue. "Status report!" She called out with a commanding voice. "Breeder asteroid on an incoming coarse commander!" An officer called back to her. "Damn bugs don't know when to quite." She threw her hand forward fast and with force, making her large breasts jiggle. "Interdiction fire! All gun batteries execute!" The asteroid drifted at a slowing velocity, the one tell tale sign that it was a Breeder rock from just a normal one was that it seemed to have the ability to slow and speed up as if it was like a ship of some kind. Defence platform H-1 opened up on the bug rock with an array of rapid fire flak, as a shield of explosions lit up the blackness of space by the armoured structure! Larger gun turrets turned slowly to track the target and soon started charging as particles of blue light looked as if they were gathering at the ends of the barrels. Soon they discharged shooting beams of energy the recoil being felt throughout the defence platform. The Breeder asteroid cracked and burst from the volleys of beam cannon fire and fractured into smaller pieces. As the smaller pieces rushed defence platform H-1 they were destroyed trying to push through the barrier of explosions from the flak guns.

This asteroid was larger then most allowing some of the debris to press through the flak fire that lit up the stars. Some collided with the armour of the defence platform as many flew past it on coarse for the planet! Missiles launched from the defence platform and curled around the structure in a pursuit coarse, destroying some of them. As the Breeder Asteroids hit the atmosphere, the heat and friction started to destroy the missiles that followed. Commander Val slammed her closed hand on a railing she stood behind. "Fuck!, let the city division know what is coming their way." She barked out. "Yes commander!" An officer with a headset responded. "These damned bugs creep me out." Commander Val cursed to herself under her breath.

Nina sucked on a straw as she gulped down the drink in her hand as she eyed the Shepard beside her who was eating a hotdog and had a fresh black eye. Suddenly their holographic display popped up on their dash with a red warning. Leon spit out his food. "Shit! A Breeder asteroid is coming our way!" Nina threw her drink out the window and started the car. "Finally some action!" Nina had only recently joined the defence force and had never witnessed an attack herself. She had a sense of destiny in her mind though. This is what she was meant to do, to serve and protect! The car violently rolled out from between two others sideways cutting another car off as it braked and swerved to avoid the security car. "What the fuck are you doing?!" Nina could hear from her open window, she didn't respond just hit the accelerator with her ankle high heeled boot as the car rolled away fast.

An old cat walked down a hallway with a cane, he wore a lab coat and was balding, he had a large bushing grey moustache and thick grey eye brows. A pair of double doors opened automatically as he walked through. "What is it Ms. Ying?" He called out in an old tired voice. The chair in front of a vast console of holographic displays swivelled around revealing a curvy and voluptuous panda. Her breasts were larger then large, she had wide hips and a curvy ass. Her hair was black, long up front, framing her face but shorted in the back making her hair line at an angle. She wore a one piece sleeveless and short dress business suit. It hugged her tight, barely containing her thick cleavage. Her long folded naked legs were tipped with open toe high heels. "I just intercepted an alert from the security force, Breeders are incoming professor." She said looking at the professor with her thin eyes typical of the orient which were highlighted with glasses. The professor hummed to himself. "Well then, better inform the girls Ms. Ying."

An electronic bell rang in a musical jingle as students of the high school started filing into the building. "Can you believe that test we had yesterday? I mean what the hell were nations?" One girl said. "Right? I mean why the hell would we need to know about a nuclear war that happened five hundred years ago and would clearly never happen again?, i mean the world is way safer now." Among the girls talking was Trixi, a petite skunkete with blonde long pigtails that went down to her butt, she was wearing the same uniform as the other girls, a white dress shirt and a modestly long dress. "Man, i don't know, i think that stuff is cool, and you never know whats going to happen in the future Laura. Don't be a fool." The short haired panther turned around. "OK nerd, well you can do my homework for me while I go out on a date with Trevor!" The girls squealed in front of Trixi who cringed at the sound. As the students walked in Trixi heard something vibrate in her book bag. She looked at it then looked around, she took off around the building into a garden when she knew she would be alone. "Damn, damn, damn. Not now, i can't be late for class again!" She pulled out a device that showed a red alert on the small holographic display and coordinates of the projected impact point. "Damn bugs! Fine lets get this over with."

The blonde pigtailed skunkete placed her thumb on the small pad of the device as light begun to scan it. In orbit a satellite that drifted, privately owned and labelled "Sky Vault" It's Computer displayed an image of Trixi as a machine inside cycled and suddenly shot a beam of energy to the surface! This was no weapon, it was a transporter beam for an arsenal. The transporter beam hit Trixi making her cloths disappear, she lifted into the air slightly in the light obscuring her slender naked body. New cloths started to materialize as she spun, knee high platform high heeled jet boots, the small jets on her caffs. A thin and small black thong. A red frilled mini skirt. She held out her arms as gloves, then sleeves materialized. They connected in the back and up front extended just enough to barely cover her small tits with a gap between and her whole mid drift exposed. Finally a red tinted visor appeared across her eyes complete with a head set, the glass tapered down to shield her nose. "Beta, are you online?" She heard the voice of Ms. Ying in her ear. "Yeah, I'm heading to Hyper City Park now." "Good, Alpha is on her way, don't engage alone, is this understood." Yeah, yeah geez." The scantly clad skunkete jumped high with the assistance of her jets, a student just then looked out the window seeing her leap away, her small skirt blowing relieving her bare ass and tiny thong. "Holy shit wow!"

Hyper City Park is one of many centre pieces the great city had to offer, it was large and green and provided areas for swimming, camping, parties and concerts, walks and runs. It was beautiful and serene providing escape from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis. This section of the park was designated for light recreation or short visits. People filled the park doing various activities, as some people ran on the paths a cheetah girl in spanks and a loose tank top with headphones glided along the path wearing hover shoes, she huffed as she pushed her feet making her move forward. A family of horses were having a picnic on a grassy hill, the blanket laid out and a small device next to it. "Daddy I'm bored, i was supposed to go to the holo-games with Sasha today. The daughter laid on her side with a small communication device in her hand, her long brown hair draped down to her shoulders covering one eye. She wore a belly showing T-shirt, short shorts and beautiful legs tipped with sneakers.

"Nonsense girl! We are having our family picnic, it is to remind us of harsher times. You used to love this, ruffing it like the pilgrims. Back me up honey." His wife shushed him. "In a minute dear." She reached over and pressed a glowing holographic button on the device. "Three roast beef sandwiches please." The device chimed and started to materialize the requested order. She was buxom with pink hair, in the same style as her daughter's but longer down to the small of her back. She wore a flowing dress, her own long beautiful legs tips with high heel shoes. Suddenly a loud bang was heard from above! Something broke through the dome and came down at a decelerating speed until it impacted the park. A dust cloud rose up to the artificial sky and before the park goers understood what danger they were in, a buzzing noise filled the air. Breeders suddenly flew out in every direction, they were small but looked like large beetles, with a fat body and six legs. Their little heads were doted with many black orb like eyes and a small mouth made of tiny tentacles.

The park goers started to scream in terror and run as the Breeders overtook them. One girl turned to run as a breeder landed on the small of her back wrapping its six legs around her hips and waist forcing her to the ground. A man and his girlfriend ran holding hands as a Breeder swept in, landing on and picking up the girl as she screamed, the guy tried to help her but she was pulled away into the air. A jogger picked up stones and started throwing them at a Breeder with little effect, they were protected with a thick carapace. It was on top of a girl, she struggled and screamed. "No, get it off me!" One of it's legs stuffed into her cleavage and ripped her shirt, she screamed as her tits jiggled out. The cheetah with hover shoes kicked her legs as hard as she could with a Breeder flying behind her! "No no no, get away from me!" But it over took her and landed on the small of her back forcing her to the ground. She cried out in pain. The back legs of the creature penetrated and stretched then ripping the fabric of her tight spanx, exposing her soft ass and pussy to people running by. The cheetah blushed and screamed out as a long tentacle like appendage wiggled out of the end of the Breeder's fat body, it was cream coloured, divided into segments, the tip had a soft squishy hole you could stick a finger into and was ringed with soft bulbs.

This was their inseminator, as it wiggled about it found it's way to the Cheetah's pussy, effortlessly pushing into her making her cry out. It was thick soft and squishy, she could feel the bulbs on the tip sliding against her insides as it filled her making her cry out. The family on a picnic heard the buzzing. "What is that?" The wife asked. "Breeders! We have to go!" Two of the insects were already on them, inseminators wiggling. The dad was knocked hard by the steel like carapace of one of the Breeders sending him flying to the ground. One of them landed on the small of the daughter's back as she screamed to the ground. The other landed on her mom's front as the top legs squeezed her large breasts together while the bottom legs lifted her dress, showing off her round bouncy ass. The dad tried to get up, but something was broken he couldn't move as he called out in pain, then he looked up shocked in horror at his family.

The girls moaned with pleasure with blushed faces, they held onto each others hand. His daughter's soft ass was pointed at him as she laid on her side, her naked legs straight with the insect on her back. Giving him the full view of his daughter's pussy being stuffed. His wife was on her back the insect hugging her belly, her legs spread with her high heels in the air, her big tits bouncing in front of her. "Noooooo!" He cried as he watched helplessly his wife and daughter being impregnated, the thick inseminators fucking their moist pussies the trusts making their sexy asses jiggle as they moaned with pleasure.

The security car ripped around the corner and came to a stop. The Shepard stepped out. "Holy shit!" He watched people fleeing the park to the city, in the distance he could see the insects flying about. Nina stepped out and went for the trunk, after opening it she pulled out a shotgun. "Wait wait wait, we can't go in there, we have to at least wait for backup!" The Purple pony tailed doberman pumped the shotgun and started walking with determination towards the action. "Yeah you do that!" She called back. Nina pushed her way through the fleeing people as she got deeper into the park. "Help, somebody help!" She heard as she started running, she came upon a horse. "are you OK." "Help them!" He pointed on the two other horses crying out in pleasure. Nina blushed seeing the thick inseminators thrust into the two equestrian wet pussies. She raised her gun but twisted her face in frustration. "I can't get a shot!" She called out, just then the girls squealed together as cum started to squirt from their dripping pussy lips. The thick inseminators slid from their hot pussies as the space insects started to fly away, Nina opened fire on them, hitting one as it dropped to the ground. The Breeder flailed about as she pumped another round into it, making it explode with juices.

She ran over to the panting and blushing girls. "are you two ok?" Nina knew what was going to happen next so she readied her shock baton. "Yeah, i think.....aaaaaahhhhh!!" The mom cried out holding her belly, then the daughter followed next. They didn't look impregnated but they were, this is how the Breeders spread so rapidly, it never took to long. The mother laid back and spread her legs wide and the daughter did the same as they cried out. Their pussies squirted a little as the lips spread and small white segmented maggot looking aliens slipped and crawled out of them, then more. The two equestrian girls watched helplessly as more of these insects slid out from their wombs, and just like that, there was seven new breeders, this is how it was. Nina with a blushed face knew what she had to do, it was in her training. She started thrusting the shock baton into the new Breeders as they fizzled and screeched. When the job was done she ran off to move on the help others. " If you can't get out, wait for the rescue teams!" She called back to them.

Nina huffed as she ran through the bushes and out onto a path as she skidded to a stop and blushed seeing the action around her. A girl bent over a water fountain, her hand pressed against the button making the water squirt out as she moaned with pleasure, pant-less with an insect hugging her soft ass as it's thick inseminator thrust into her wet pussy. A jogger on her side on the ground with an insect on her, it's legs forcing her one leg up high in the air, spreading her out as a thick inseminator thrust into her, making her cry out as she was filled. A shoe fell to the ground from above her, she looked up raising her gun, taking aim. A naked girl cried with pleasure, her tits bouncing under her as an insect flew overhead, holding onto her, it's thick inseminator fucking her wet pussy, her legs spread, feet back and in the air as she flew by the purple pony tailed doberman.

"Eeerrr, i can't get a clear shot on anything!" Nina cursed to herself. She heard the clicking of the insects make as she turned seeing multiple Breeders on the ground scuttling towards her with their many legs, inseminators wiggling behind them. Finally a clear shot at something. She started firing at the advancing Breeders, her rounds damaging their hard carapace, it took more then one shot to kill one. More of the insects buzzed around her as she let loose on them too. "Die you bastards!" Nina cried out pulling the trigger over and over. Out of rounds she tossed the shotgun and pulled out her pistol and shock baton. An insect grabbed onto her leg looking up her skirt as she screamed thrusting the shock baton into the face of the creature making it screech and crackle. Throwing her other arm out she fired at another insect as it screeched being plugged with bullet holes. Nina managed to kill two more of the bugs when she suddenly felt one of the insects land on the small of her back as she screamed in shock.

Nina suddenly felt way over her head, she had been through the training, she saw the embarrassing videos, but she never truly understood how overwhelming the Breeders were. She swung her shock baton about as the insect on her back pulled and ripped at her cloths. Nina cried out. "Get off me you fucking bastard!" Just as her shirt ripped open, her tits bounced out in front of her making her blush. She could hear her skirt ripping as she looked down, making her trip to the ground on all fours with a yelp. Her short skirt ripped off as one of the insect's back legs pulled on her panties wedging them into her pussy making her cry out. Nina tried to reach for her stun baton which rolled away from her when she fell it, feeling her panties rip from her hips as the thick inseminator squished and pushed into her excepting pussy. Nina cried out as she gripped the ground, her legs spread resting on her knees her heels in the air. She started bouncing yelling out as the inseminator squirmed and fucked her, she could feel it fill her, the squishy bulbs and segments sliding in a pleasurable motion. Nina looked around with her blushed face, struggling to control her cries as she looked down she could see her tits bouncing under her, her hard nipples flicking.

The purple pony tailed doberman moaned out as she lowered herself down with her hips in the air, her bare ass jiggled as the thick inseminator fucking her wet pussy. "Oh god, I.....I can't.." Nina's moans of pleasure joined the chorus of the other girls around her as the thick inseminators did their work on their hot pussies. One of the insects crawled up to and onto her face, as it's thick inseminator wiggled in front of her. It pushed against her lips which she tried to resist, feeling its soft squishy texture as it slid into her wet mouth, it started to thrust making her suck on it, her tongue feeling the segments. This was embarrassing, a trained officer in the Hyper City Security Force sucking on and being fucked by alien insects.

Suddenly a figure dropped from the sky in the middle of the insect orgy. It was the blonde pigtailed Sabre Scout known as Beta! The Breeders that weren't impregnating girls went on the attack, seeing an unclaimed womb. Beta produced two grips as they lit up with energy blades, she held them like tonfa batons. As an insect flew right at her she jumped passed it with a battle cry as the bug suddenly slit in two, it's juices spraying. More attacked and she started to dance with them, dodging them, swinging her bladed energy tonfas slicing off legs, wings and fat beetle like bodies. Grunting Beta twirled on her platform high heels, her long blonde pig tails fluttering like flames, her short skirt rose like a disk in the wind showing off her nice ass and fabric thong. She was just skilled enough that the energy blades didn't cut off her hair, tail or anything else. Nina watched this, moaning with pleasure as she sucked on the thick inseminator, her drool dripping down her chin her wet pussy devouring the one pushing into her. "Come on you fuckers come and get it!" Beta called out to her enemies as she threw her high heeled jet boot into the air intercepting a flying insect as it came down from above, on one foot Beta was doing a standing splits, revealing her soft ass and her thin thong.

Nina panicked and cried a muffled cry as she felt the thick inseminator she was sucking on started to fill her mouth and throat with hot insect cum, it squirted from her lips and across her blushing face. It pulled out quickly as the insect turned to join the fight. Nina was free to cry out in pleasure as the inseminator fucking her wet pussy slid faster inside her. Beta saw the incoming bug and spun around it and with humming swing it was cut in half. She saw the purple haired doberman moaning with pleasure with cum on her face and ran to her rescue. Just then Nina arched her back as the insect fucking her started to fill her pussy with it's hot cum. After it was done with her it slid out and flew at the pig tailed Sabre Scout.

Beta made short work of this creature, cutting it into threes, she then looked down at the blushing Nina who was laying on her side. "Don't worry, I'm here to protect you." Nina could feel the cum dripping from her pussy, the only word she heard from the Sabre Scout was protect. That was supposed to be her job, if only she had the stranger's tools. Beta looked up hearing clicking as the radical in her visor started to highlight targets in the trees, more Breeders were hiding. She looked over seeing a girl crying out leaning back with her legs spread and a small Breeder slid and wiggled out of her pussy. The other girls in the area were all crying out with spread legs letting the wormy creatures push, and squeeze out of their pussies all around her. "Damn, i knew this was a bad idea." Beta cursed to herself

With her jump jets she leaped at the alien insects with a battle cry swinging her energy blade tonfas as the bugs swarmed her. Nina felt movement in her abdomen area as she cried out, she instinctively got on to her knees and raised her hips into the air. "Oh god their coming!" She cried out blushing as she could feel the small Breeders push and squeeze their way out of her wet pussy, as the first was splat against the ground the second one wiggled slapping her ass making it jiggle. The third squeezed out and started to slide up and across her ass as she looked back in horror. Nina collapsed to the ground again feeling exhausted, it was disgusting but pleasurable as the same time. Beta hit the ground with an insect latched onto her hips as her energy tonfas disengaged and bounced away from her. She struggled under the powerful carapace of the bug but it's legs grabbed onto and ripped off her short shirt and thong, her soft pussy feeling air.

Nina looked up seeing the pigtailed Sabre Scout fighting the Breeder as her body heaved with the inseminator fucking her. Beta blushed through her red tinted visor as she moaned softly, the insect spreading her legs under it with it's own. Beta started to moan with pleasure as her barely concealed small tits bounced, the thick inseminator thrusting into her increasingly wet tight pussy. Nina, seeing this got to her feet and grabbed her shock baton thrusting and killing any insects that came at her. She tried to help the blonde pigtailed Sabre Scout but the Insect fucking her turned around, and with it's back legs pushed Beta onto her shoulders using her as a shield. Nina blushed in frustration as she watched Beta moan with pleasure upside down, her legs bouncing and ass jiggled as the thick inseminator thrust down into her tight wet pussy in front of her. The Breeders rushed Nina again for round two when suddenly energy beams cut right through them, another one shot through the inseminator fucking Beta making it explode squirting cum onto the blonde Sabre Scout as she fell forward the Breeder tried to scurry away but was cut down by more beam fire.

Nina watched in awe as a second Sabre Scout leaped down and landed, clearly older then the other one, she stood up. She wore platform high heeled tech boots with jets on her calves that went up to her thighs, complete with holsters for the dual beam pistols she held. A metallic spine that ran up her back with four metal bands clung to her curvy body as they wrapped around. The strange girl turned showing a strapless tech micro thong, the four metal bands ended with tech devices on her lower abs and belly. Circle tech pasties covered her nipples, dotting her bare and loose big tits. Finally was her blue tinted glass visor. Her long red hair that came down to her upper back curled near the bottom, locks of it just covering her left eyes. She had freckles on her cheeks and some scattered across her chest. She was a blonde coloured fox with strange horns protruding from her upper forehead. Other then that she was mostly naked, showing her sexual curves to all around.

"Beta, are you OK?" The new Sabre Scout pressed holding her beam pistols out. Beta reached between her thighs and pulled the severed inseminator out of her tight wet pussy and looked up at the fox with a blushed face. "Yeah, thanks Alpha." "I'll make this quick so we can get you out of here!" Alpha started to open up on the bugs. Beta grabbed her beam tonfas and lit them up. "I can still fight!" She leaped forward and started cutting up bugs, ignoring her exposed ass and pussy. Nina watched the Sabre Scouts work. Who are they? Where did they come from? Where did they get those weapons? She had never seen beam guns that small, normally they were large for mecha or the defence platforms and ships. Nina snapped out of her thoughts seeing a Breeder scurry up behind the red head called Alpha who wasn't looking as Nina yelled and ran forward. She plunged the shock baton into the alien insects back frying it with a screech!

Alpha looked behind her seeing the naked purple haired doberman huffing. They locked eyes as Nina was slightly intimidated by her beautiful face, obscured by the blue tinted visor. Nina looked back with a look of determination but finally collapsed to her knees exhausted making her bare tits jiggle. Alpha smiled and joined her teammate to finish the fight. After sirens could be heard in the distance entering the park. The bottomless beta put her hands on her hips. "I guess the security forces finally showed up!" Alpha holstered her beam pistols and just hummed to herself. "Lets get going." She finally commanded. "Your going to get your ass kicked when we get back for going it alone." "That's not fare people were in trouble!" Beta whined. Her jump jets kicked in as the pigtailed blondy leaped away. "Wait!" Nina called out making the redhead stop and turn. "Who are you? I wanna know." She stared at the Sabre Scout with a burning intensity and humility. "I.....i want to be a Sabre Scout!" Alpha gave a look of surprise and then just smiled at her and leaped away after her half naked petite partner.

Coming up the path was lines of security officers with armour and shields, some with flamethrowers flanked by the eleven foot tall armoured mecha suits with missile pods and large beam rifles. These suits were build to battle the Breeders and were exclusively piloted by females to give them a better chance at contributing to the fight. Nina tried to join them but she was rejected because she was too new, despite her desire to protect and serve. "Alright everyone fan out, hunt down as many of them as you can, we need to get this under control." Aside from strays in the park it was already under control, Nina watched it happen, no thanks to her. Leon ran up in armour with a shield with other security men. "Nina, Nina are you OK?, i brought back up!" The guys looked at her with blushed faces as she stood their in front of them naked in all but her high heeled uniform boots, cum dripping from her face and thighs. Nina blushed and tried to cover her naked body. "Don't just stare at me, find me something to wear!" She screamed at the guys around her.

"Thanks to the fearless efforts of the Hyper City Security Forces the recent incursion of Breeders has been stemmed, however the districts around Hyper City park will be on a strict lock down until we can be sure the Breeders have been exterminated." The Chancellor spoke on the holographic television in the security force office as Nina watched it, she was wearing shorts and a shirt emblazoned with the force's emblem. "Bullshit, the Sabre Scouts ended the fight before we even got there in force." She mumbled to herself. "Cheer up Nina, i know you went through an ordeal but i brought you doughnuts!" Leon smiled at her who only looked annoyed at him. Sure it was humiliating being impregnated but she felt like the most horrible part of it all is she couldn't fight back like the Sabre Scouts could. She now appreciated what Leon saw in them but for different reasons. They weren't just "cool" to her.

Just then a pair of girls walked up to them, they were wearing tight leather like full body suits, filled with hexagonal print across the surface, tipped with platform high heels. You could make out every curve, every crevice these girls had to offer, the other officers stared at them as they walked by. Commander Bliss a snow leopard with short blonde hair slicked back with two locks framing her face and modest breasts and Richta a fox with curled black hair that came down to her shoulders with a nice pair of large breasts. They were apart of the armoured mecha suit team, Leon striated his back. "Commander!" "Tough luck there Nina, maybe next time you should leave the bug stomping to us." Commander Bliss smiled smugly down at her. "Please you know you didn't do shit, the fight was over before you even showed up." Nina fired back. "That's not what my medal is going to say!" "Me...medal?! Are you serious?" The purple haired doberman couldn't believe what she heard! This bitch is getting a metal? For what? Showing up to work? "I can't fucking believe this!" She roared, shooting up out of her chair! "Nina don't do anything stupid, please!" Leon raised his hands.

So she was suspended, hitting a superior officer was frowned upon, even if she is a bitch. It was night in Hyper City as Nina laid on her bed, she was on her side wearing a long T-shirt that bunched up at her hips showing off her panties. Holding a holographic screen running her finger across it scrolling through search results on the network for the Sabre Scouts. Flying cars zipped by her balcony window as the lights from the city's night life beamed through into her apartment. Nina's apartment was pristine, she was admittedly a neat freak. It was a decent sized place for one person but that didn't mean anything, everyone got more then what they needed. Moving photos were lined up on the shelf at the head of her bed, they were of her family and extended family. All dobermans in uniforms of one type or another, showing her long lineage of service to the great city. There was surprising little to no information on the Sabre Scouts available which frustrated her. How can these vigilantes operate with no one talking about them, like someone was scrubbing any chit AND chat of them.

The only information she could glean was from conspiracy theory pages. She even found fan sites dedicated to them, full of action art, nudes and porn, even with porn movies! Nina didn't realize how popular they were with the common rank and file of the city. Her attention was broken from her research as she heard a thud from her balcony, she looked back but her sight was obscured by the automatic tint in the glass. What was it? She doesn't keep anything out there that could fall and she was too far up for anyone to realistically climb up. The thought of a runaway Breeder crossed her mind, luckily she believed in being prepared. She slowly rolled over to the edge of her bed and reached under it, keeping a keen eye on the sliding door leading to the balcony. She pulled out a shock baton, she was stripped of her sidearm after hitting Commander Bliss. She slowly made her way to the door which opened automatically from her approaching presence.

A look of shock crossed her face as she slowly lowered her baton, seeing standing outside the door was the curvy, mostly naked and beautiful blonde furred red haired Sabre Scout known as Alpha. She looked back at her with her beautiful eyes through her blue tinted glass visor, and she smiled at the doberman. "'s you! What are you doing here?" Alpha took a step into Nina's apartment looking around. "Nice place you have man?" "Well no, I'm always too busy and.....hey wait a minute how did you find out where i live?" Nina stopped herself still reeling from the presence of the mythical vigilante. "We have our ways." The horned red head started to walk around the apartment, her platform high heeled tech boots making a light mechanical thud as she moved as if the heels were reflexing to her steps. "I was impressed by your audacity earlier, and you made a request, don't you remember?"

Nina looked at her with confusion. "Wha...." "You said you wanted to be a Sabre Scout, .......i now see your interest." Alpha's eyes fixated on the holographic tablet on the bed showing a slutty drawing of herself projecting on the screen. Nina blushed and rushed over to turn it off. "It's not what it looks like! I was....doing....research..." fuck that sounded stupid, but she kept saying it. "Hmm......" Is all the red headed fox had to say. The sabre Scout walked over to a table and bent over at the hips, her perfect curvy ass wiggled at Nina, she could see the strapless tech metal thong that just hid her womanhood. Alpha picked up a teddy bear with a Hyper City Security Force uniform on, looking at it. " your here to recruit me?"

"I am here to bring you to the proper people to speak with you." She answered in her cold calm voice. Nina looked around frantically. "I have to put on something nice to wear! Oh! I also need to update my resume, do these people except E-Sheets?" Alpha rolled her eyes and threw the teddy on the bed grabbing the doberman by the wrist. "OK lets go, I'm already regretting bringing you up to the others." She pulled Nina to the balcony. "What does that mean? Wait are you my referenaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" The purple pony tailed doberman screamed as she was jolted away from her apartment feeling the force of the lift! Nina held onto her tightly as Alpha hit the wall of the building across the street jumping off that even higher. Nina screamed as they darted through the High Way as flying vehicles weaved to avoid a strange object shooting among them. Nina's shirt fluttered in the wind as her panties were in full view of anyone that would look up as she tried to pull her shirt down, then realizing she was only holding onto Alpha with one arm quickly yelped and wrapped around her as the Sabre Scout leaped from building to building. "Couldn't we have just taken the Hyper Tram?!" She screamed out as the two disappeared into the distance.

When the girls reached their destination Alpha stuck a pretty elegant landing. "OK we're here." Nina released her death grip on the horned fox's naked hips and fell to her knees and started kissing the roof of the building. "Oh thank god, I'm so happy i didn't throw up." Alpha smiled. "You and me both, in all fairness, it freaked me out too the first time." Nina looked up at her. "Really?" She felt consoled by that. "Nah..." Alpha started to walk to a pair of large doors that was the roof access. Nina fallowed her into the building and the two went down a large industrial lift. "What is this place?" Nina looked around. "This is where everything comes from, and where we do everything. Work, repairs, R&D even relax." "How many people work here?" "It's a small team, with little room for recruitment." Nina looked forward seriously. This was an opportunity then, a once in a life time chance to do what she always wanted to do for the city, serve and protect, to make a difference.

The two girls walked out of the hover lift and proceed down a polished hallway as she heard the sound of clicking coming from where they were going. Just then, the bustiest panda she had ever seen came into view. Her hair was black, long up front, framing her face but shorted in the back making her hair line at an angle. With a one piece sleeveless mini dress business suit. tightly hugging her, barely containing her huge breasts which jiggled as she walked. Her long naked legs were tipped with open toe high heels. "AH! Welcome Nina." She threw her hands up. "I'm so happy you decided to come, i have been looking forward to meeting you!" Ms. Ying said smiling through her proper looking glasses on her nose. Nina looked over at Alpha. "I had a choice?" Alpha just shrugged and kept walking as the huge breasted business panda intercepted the doberman and gave her a big squishy huge, Nina blushed feeling the softness of her huge breasts against her face. "Wait, how do you know my name, why does everyone know everything about me!?" Ms. Ying guided Nina the rest of the way. "Oh we pulled your files, we want to know someone before we speak with them of coarse." Nina blushed pulling her shirt down trying to hid her panties as she just now realized she was still dressed for bed.

"Uh....I'm sorry i came a little under dressed." Ms. Ying smiled at her. "Oh your a very sexy girl, don't worry yourself about it." Nina blushed again. "Uh thanks." The two walked into what looked like a large dimly lit boardroom, the lights, like the rest of the building she saw so far ran along the bottom and top edges of the walls, with hovering chairs around a large table, large holographic screens ready to project things around them. Nina sat in one of the chairs, she could feel it recessed from her weight then float back up and folded her naked legs to hide her panties. Ms. Ying sat at the head of the table and did the same. " did you get my files?" Nina pressed. "I had something to do with that." A skunkete with long blonde pigtails in a modest school uniform walked into the room and sat down. "Names Trixi, I'm the resident nerd, the security forces files aren't as secure as they think they are." "Trixi, did you finish your homework young lady." Ms. Ying interrupted. "I'm seventeen not twelve ya know." Ms. Ying just stared at her with her beautiful oriental eyes over the thin gold rim of her glasses. "I mean....yeah..." Trixi frowned, she was in trouble already for taking on the Breeders by herself, she didn't feel like pushing her luck with the panda.

Finally the Professor walked into the room, his cane supporting his slow pace, and out from behind the blonde coloured horned fox with red hair and freckled, she was wearing short shorts and a flannel shirt rolled up to her elbows, her long sexy legs tipped with sneakers. She held a beer in her hand. "Nina, this is the Professor and i believe you already know Chel." Ms. Ying said cheerfully. Everyone was finally here and the professor started to speak. "Young Nina wishes to join our valiant fight against the aliens we call the Breeders, but before i allow her to take up this undertaking she should be made aware of what we know." The old cat's grey moustache wiggled as he talked hiding his mouth. Ms. Ying produced a thin metal object and tapped it with her finger making the holographic screens light up. "Since their introduction we have discovered many types of Breeders, each one designed to do different functions but to a singular goal." Ms. Ying spoke. An image of the slug like soft shelled creature popped up.

A video on the side showing a naked girl crying out with a blushed face, leaning back with her legs spread wide, feet in the air, as the little Breeder squirms and pushes it way out of her pussy, joining two others slugging around her. "The offspring all look the same, they come from the impregnated and manifest rapidly then any other living creature ever recorded, this contributes to their impressive ability to maintain large numbers. We call these Pupae, for there immature state. They also have the ability to accelerate their already rapid growth by sucking nutrients from their hosts milk." Another video popped up of the same girl on her back moaning with pleasure as two of the pupae covered her tits, sucking on her hard nipples. "I didn't know that part." Nina said. Ms. Ying tapped the device. "You will find the government keeps much from the public in these matters.

Next on the screen was the fat beetle Breeder with the tentacle like inseminator. "We call these Breeder Scouts, they are the most numerous, about a meter in side and can fly, making them fast and hard to handle in large numbers. A video popped up showing Nina with the two Breeders at the park! She watched herself fucking and sucking the inseminators while moaning with pleasure. She blushed. "What the hell!?" Ms. Ying smiled. "All our footage is from the perspective of the Sabre scouts, don't worry this is for educational purposes." Nina thought back to the park. The fear, the uncertainty, the pleasure. "well....fine, i know about the scouts can we move on. Ms. Ying tapped the button. An image of the large insect was shown, it has six legs and it's body segmented into three parts, its tiny head was doted with multiple black orb like eyes and longer tentacles producing from what would be it's mouth. Most striking was it's inseminator, a thick red one covered the length of the shaft with bulbous squishy looking bumps, it looked like a hard horse cock. "At five feet this is the Breeder Warrior, their foot soldiers if you will."

A video popped up showing one of these Warriors holding Chel or Alpha rather against a wall. Alpha bounced back and forth moaned with pleasure as her hands pressed up against the wall, her legs open with her platform high heels planted on the street. Her big tits bounced in front of her, her tech pasties still covering her nipples. "Oh wow." Nina blushed watching, making Chel look over at her with a look of annoyance. Nina watched Alpha's curvy ass jiggle as the thick bug cock stuffed into her wet pussy. Ms. Ying tapped again showing a strange looking man in a trench coat and a disfigured face. "This one is new, we call it a Breeder Mimic, we discovered it while saving a prostitute in a back alley. The video showed running down an alley from the perspective of Alpha, they came across a moaning bouncing girl, who was bend over at the hips with the stranger holding onto her shoulders as he fucked her with his big cock. When the stranger saw the Sabre Scouts his disfigured face slit in half opening revealing his many black bug eyes. Its supposed trench coat spread open revealing that it was in fact a pair of wings, showing off it's insect body, tentacles from it's thorax whipped out and wrapped around the prostitute's thighs and waist making her scream in terror at what was fucking her. It's big cock was actually a disguised inseminator that continued to slither fucking the prostitute's pussy in front of the camera as she moaned with pleasure. Ms. Ying swivelled in her hovering chair to face Nina.

"So you see, there is much to learn about these creatures, if you want to fight them." Nina breathed. "There is a lot to take in right now." The Professor cleared his throat. "Ms. Ying, show her what we found." "Yes professor." The curvy panda tapped again. This was just a still image, the landscape looked dead, the soil was orange like and all could be seen was dry rock and cracks in the soil, littered on the ground however and filling cracks in the surfaces were piles of unidentifiable bones. A skull caught her attention, it was elongated and had four eye sockets. This was not earth! "Thirty years ago the Professor was apart of the Hyper City Deep Space Exploration Program." "I built probes young lady." The old cat interjected. Ms. Ying continued. " This is an image that came back from Ceti Alpha V, a dead world, a barren world. It also happens to be in the same trajectory the Breeders are coming from." The Professor continued in the curvy panda's place. "I surmise that these aliens travel from world to world seeking out wombs to propagate their numbers, and once their population reaches critical mass, they devour ever living thing on the planet, then leave to repeat their atrocities some place else."

Nina just stared at the holographic images in silence. "Well super cop, Still wanna be a Sabre Scout?" Chel looked at her with a raised eye brow. "If we don't slaughter these bugs and they get out of control. We could loose everything, more then we ever lost before......" Nina looked back at the beautiful red head. "That's about the size of it." Trixi rested her head on her arms on the table. This was it, all was laid before her in one fowl swoop. This was bigger then anything she had imagined, the stakes were so high. She clenched her fists and stood from her hovering chair and slammed her fist on the table. "I'll do it, I'm in!" Nina proudly declared. "Good girl." The professor's smile was hidden my his bushy moustache and Ms. Ying clapped excitedly. "Yay."

There was an hour or two of testing, poking and prodding in the medical bay, before she was finally injected with the teams nano machines. It was explained to her that they were necessary for monitoring and enhanced her body, it also helped her interact with the Sabre Scouts unique tech. Finally Ms. Ying walked up to her, her thick cleavage jiggling as she handed Nina a box. Nina took it and waved her hand over the top making it slide open. Inside was a small device with a thumb print scanner on it. "Well go ahead, try it out!" Ms. Ying seemed more excited about this then she was. She stood in front of everyone and pressed her thumb on the scanner, it read it as the orbiting satellite sky vault shot a beam of energy down, transporting away her cloths and started replacing them. Knee length open toes high heel mech boots, a strapless mech micro thong, a leather like holster wrapped around her upper torso just under her breasts, leaving her belly and back bare. A pair of diamond shaped mech pasties covered her nipples doting her bare tits, and was finally completed with with a green glass visor across her eyes and head set.

"Oh wow!" Nina looked at her naked curves and reached behind her producing what looked like a technological hammer, her thumb glided over a scanner making it extend into a warhammer. "nice!" She said with wide eyes. Ms. Ying clapped for her. "Welcome to the Sabre Scouts, Delta!"

End Episode 1

Breeder City Ep.2

Hyper City, a paragon of perfection. No one goes hungry, no one goes unlearned, no one goes poor. It is the brightest beacon of light, among others in the darkness that is a scorched world. The Breeders have attacked again, but were seemingly fought...

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Queen of the Sex Zombies *Fin*

Angelica chanted in a strange and unknown language as she held a knife in her hands, the naked girl on the alter chanted with her, not scared but devoted. Around the alter were carved circles where masked couples moaned and bounced fucking each other....

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Queen of the Sex Zombies part 6

Sister Marie looked around the room they were taken to by the cultists. Phara and her were tide to the ceiling with their arms over their heads, their wrists bound by clamps some six inches apart from each other. There were standing in the middle of a...

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