Breeder City Ep.2

Story by OniKitsuneStudio on SoFurry

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#3 of Breeder City

Hyper City, a paragon of perfection. No one goes hungry, no one goes unlearned, no one goes poor. It is the brightest beacon of light, among others in the darkness that is a scorched world. The Breeders have attacked again, but were seemingly fought off by the vigilantes known as the Sabre Scouts. However some escaped the battle, as they are tasked to do so by an unknown force. To go into hiding and propagate at all cost.

Breeder City

Ep. 2 Bad News Break in

"Good Morning Hyper City!, our artificial sun shines down on this great metropolis of ours and i hope you will all have a great day. The repair crews have already replaced the damaged panel from the Breeder attack and there is no risk of radiation leakage. Also there appears to be a bit of a delay on the I-12 on the Lower Way, i hope everyone isn't late for work!" The cheerful broad cast said on the holographic display of the car, which was drowned out by screamed. "No!, please stop....ah!...ah!...ah!" A girl in a business suit shrieked with the Breeder Scout on her belly, her skirt around her hips with her legs spread in her car. The thick inseminator thrusting into her pussy in full view of people running by her open car door. The car next to hers shook, a bare ass jiggled up and down as a thick inseminator thrust into into a pussy in the window. People screamed as they ran through the street in a panic, they all wore business attire, the morning rush to work, in more ways then one. People with brief cases and purses ran past a girl leaning against a car, her naked legs spread wide as a breeder Scout thrust it's inseminator between her open thighs, a bare tit bouncing in the opening. She moaned with pleasure as she watched her hard nipple bounce in circles.

"Oh god!" A guy in his car looked up as a pair of big tits pressed against his windshield, the hard nipples slid up and down as girl got fucked on the hood of his car. Just then the Sabre Scouts jumped down from above in the middle of all this. "Holy shit! Were did they come from?" Delta looked around at the insect fucking, gripping her warhammer. "The professor said that there was a high chance Breeders from the park attack got away, if they impregnated in secret they could build their numbers." Beta responded engaging her beam blade tonfas. "Enough talk, lets finish this!" Alpha jumped forward and started firing away at the insects. The other two scantly clad scouts leaped and joined her. A Breeder Scout flapped its bug wings lifting a screaming girl into the air but Alpha shot it down. An insect landed on her lower back and used its back legs to pull open her curvy bare ass showing the crowds her armoured micro thong. The red head growled and jetted in a wide legged spin kick landing on her back and subsequently the insect, cracking it's carapace. Her big tits jiggled as she hit the ground. She saw another Breeder Scout quickly scuttling toward her. "Come and get it!" She called out as she spread her legs wide for the watching pedestrians, pointing her energy guns down making her armour tipped big tits push together, blasting it.

A girl bent over the back of a car moaned with pleasure with a bug on her back as the thick inseminator thrust into her wet pussy as beta jumped down and sliced it off of her making her scream. She saw another girl, squatting with her thighs open as her bare ass jiggled from the thick thrusts into her wet pussy, she held onto the heels of her shoes as she sucked on a thick inseminator, her tits bouncing in front of her. Once again Beta cut the bugs from their victim as their thick inseminators sprayed juices onto the girl. A flying scout rammed the blonde pigtailed Sabre scout forcing her to yelp and slide back, she grabbed the road bending over at the hips giving the crowds a a view up her short skirt, her bare ass and thong which you could almost make out the lines of her tight pussy. She yelled a battle cry and lunged forward slicing the bug into pieces.

Delta swung her warhammer, as she made contact with the bugs a kinetic force was produced that made the insects burst with force. Suddenly a Warrior crawled over some cars and stood up at her, its bumpy thick cock like inseminator pointing right at her. The purple pony tailed doberman narrowed her eyes and went on guard. "No you fucking don't!" As the Warrior attacked she swung, hitting one side of its carapace as it burst on the other side killing the alien. Delta huffed and watched another Warrior scuttle away, with a half naked girl under it, her legs spread moaning in pleasure as she slit on it's bumpy thick bug cock. "Get the fuck back her you!" She jumped after it, and landed a hit on it's lower section making it burst splashing the girl with it's juices as she screamed. "Yeah that's what you get!" her diamond shaped armoured tipped tits bounced as she straightened up. Another Warrior grabbed her making her yelp as it stood up and curled it's lower body forward. Delta struggled as the insects' big bug cock was hotdogged between her bare ass cheeks in front of the crowds.

She raised her warhammer smacking the giant bug in the head making it cry out and recoil. She then jumped off it's body and came back down on it, smashing the insect into oblivion. Delta turned, her purple pony tail whipped seeing people recording the battle. "Get the hell outta here you morons!" The people panicked and retreated with the others. Delta sighed looking over seeing her team mates still fight, clutching her kinetic warhammer and leaped back into the fray with a battle cry.

The automatic double doors swished open as the armoured high heeled boots of the Sabre Scouts walked into the meeting room. They were met with the sound of cheerful clapping. "Excellent job girls, its a good thing that we were able to map the reported Breeder attacks and pin point where they would attack on mass!" Ms. Ying walked up to them, her high heels clicked on the polished floor, wide hips swaying and her huge breasts jiggled. "I couple more predictable fights like that, and we can exterminate this wave of Breeders." Nina thought to herself at those words. Was there no end game? Is this all they can do? Wait for attacks and just.....respond? "Now......who wants to see today's candid shots?!" Trixi groaned and put her hand over her red visor. "Oh no! Ms. Ying can we not?" Chel folded her arms. "You enjoy this way too much." "Whats going on?" Nina was confused and looked at the other two scantly armoured Sabre Scouts.

Ms. Ying smiled gleefully and produced her little device taping a button on it. The holographic screens popped up and produced images of the Sabre Scouts from the battle earlier, the pictures were of the girls in compromising poses. Chel with her beautiful legs spread wide on her back, her guns pointing down and big tits squished together. Trixi bent over at the hips in the air, her short skirt flying up showing off her small thong with the outlines of her tight pussy. Finally Nina hotdogging a thick bug cock with her soft round ass cheeks. Nina blushed through her green visor. "What the....." "You girls know how to take great pictures! No wonder your so popular with the nerds!" Ms. Ying said with a chirpy attitude. Chel started to walk away. "I need a shower." Nina looked at herself on the holographic screen and remembered the sites she visited when looking up the Sabre Scouts. Then it dawned on her, she will be on these sites too, she even might

Nina wrapped her naked body in a towel and walked from the locker room to the luxurious showers. The towel hugged her breasts and came down to her upper thighs, showing off her long naked legs, she could feel the cold polished floor as she walked. When she entered the shower room she saw Trixi, naked and holding a towel in front of her. "What are you doing out here?" Nina walked up to her. "Chel is in there, showering with her is.....uncomfortable to say the least." Nina looked perplexed and looked into the showers. It was an open shower area, the room had the same slick polished surfaces as the rest of the building. These surfaces were almost hidden however, the showers room was decorated like a rain forest. Wide leaf plants and trees filled the room, the showers themselves were built into the ceiling and the water fell directly down like rain fall. They were activated by control panels on the walls and the water came down in select sections.

Chel stood naked among the trees with the water raining down on her wet curvy body, water droplets dripping from her horns, her scarlet hair slicked back and wet. Water trailed around her large breasts and soft ass. She stood silently as if in meditation and Nina watched her raise a bottle of beer to her lips to drink. "Why are you scared to go in there?" Trixi looked at her, her long blonde pigtails waving behind her. "You kidding, she's scary, that shit she has been through, why she became a Sabre Scout." Trixi trailed off, seemingly not wanting to talk about it. It had just occurred to Nina that she should make an effort to get to know her new teammates, what kind of team is this that they fight together, but know little about each other.

Later that night Nina made her way back home. She lay on her bed on her belly with her feet in the air, in nothing but her panties and a loose crop top shirt she ran her finger over the holographic screen of her personal holo-tablet. Once again she went down the rabbit hole of anything Sabre Scouts on the network. Fan pages dedicated to the Sabre Scouts by their fans, and a lot of porn, captured video and images of the Sabre Scouts fighting and being violated by the Breeders. It also included fan art and it was there she found art of herself. She blushed seeing various pictures of herself being fucked by both bugs and the fictional stand in for the artists. Another of her posing for her fans. "Damn these nerds work fast." She whispered to herself. It was in the older galleries that she saw a Sabre Scout she never met, a beautiful raccoon. She had the same fanfare as the others, was this a fan made character? Who is this girl? Nina placed two fingers on the holo-screen and lifted it off the thin metal device and placing it in the air over her, still in projector range of the tablet, then opening another screen. This time she looked up the progression of the Greek Alphabet thinking to herself the code names of the Sabre Scouts. "....hrmmm....." Nina looked up at the floating screen at the stranger who seemed to have limited fan service. "What the?"

The next day Nina stood in the middle of one of the least busiest streets she had every seen. She found herself in one of the outer districts of Hyper City, built under a new dome for city expansion. These areas are always stark and dirtier then the rest of the city, always under construction to meet the standards of the greatest city on the planet. People always moved in faster then it could be completed as such these new domes were the closest Hyper City had to slums, but the city never failed it's citizens however and these people lived just as comfortable lives as anyone else it just didn't look comfortable. Her high purple pony tail fluttered in the wind, her tight shorts and sleeveless clop top hugged her body, holding two coffees she got from Cyber Bean, the most popular cafe in Hyper City. She looked up at her destination, given to her by Ms. Ying, a garage called Eric's. Nina walked to the ajar large door finding her target. The beautiful Chel was in a jump suit unzipped down the front her side cleavage clearly visible, the doberman watched her bent over at the hips, she was working on an old car.

"Hey Chel!" The red head looked up in confusion and surprise then her face settled to her normal domineer. "Wh....what are you doing here?" "I brought coffee!" Nina smiled holding the enclosed cup out to her. Chel just reached over and held up an half full bottle of beer then took a swig going back to work. "It's a little early for that, don't you think?" Nina felt stupid, her ice breaker was broken by the ice. "It's 2PM somewhere." Was the blonde furred horned fox's only answer as she cranked on something in the old car. "You didn't answer my question, what are you doing here?" Nina looked around the garage it was laden with tools and machines of different types. There was another car, and even some robots. Ms. Ying told her Chel worked with machines. Well, since i have some.....down time from work, I thought I would try to get to know....." She watch a person walk by the open garage door then turned back. "My new co-workers." She said slyly like a secret agent.

"Pass me the spanner then, if your going to be here while i work, you might as well help." Nina looked over at the bank of tools and quietly panicked. Shit, not a minute after she was in she's going to look stupid. Her hand hovering over different tools and grabbed the one tool that look like it could span in her mind. "Here!" She passed it to Chel who wasn't looking and when she tried to do something with it, she stood up straight looking at the tool her long red locks covering her left beautiful eye. "Hrm...." Nina just watched in embarrassment as the red head walked over to the tools and picked the one she wanted. She sipped from her coffee trying not to make eye contact with her. It was quite between the two as the doberman watched her work she sat on a chair next to the tool bank. "So who is Eric?" Nina pointed up gesturing to the neon sign outside. "Former owner." Was the only response she got, then she decided to press the attack, she felt like she had to connect with Chel. "So........what happened to Gamma?" Chel suddenly stopped doing whatever it was she was doing and shot her red eyes at Nina. "Ying?" Nina shook her head. "I saw some old pictures and art on the fan sites and the progression of the Greek letter code names are a dead give away."

Chel closed the hood of the car and leaned against it. "Are you looking yourself up on the fan sites?" Nina blushed. "No....i ....was just...." "Doing research....." Chel smiled, a call back to their first conversation. Nina bit her lips in frustration and looked out the garage door. Chel folded her arms and sat on the chair next to hers as she reached into a tool box filled with ice and fresh beers, cracking one open. "Sarah joined us after we found her during an attack on a night club by the bugs, she was a dancer, strong and agile, a good fighter." Nina's ears perked as the horned red head drank her beer and told the story. "A little over a year ago the Breeders attacked and she was the first in the strike zone, she was confident and good and what she did. She decided to take on the bugs before Trixi and I got there, only when we did, she was gone, they took her." Nina looked at Chel in shock. "Took?" The horned red head nodded. "It would seem whenever the bugs think they are going to loose they scatter, take prisoners and hide so they can impregnate in secret."

Nina was hanging off every word. "In the fight Sarah's tech must have gotten damaged and Ms. Ying could not track her. We looked for her for almost two weeks, when we finally found her, she must have birthed hundreds of the bastards, she was still alive but barely. We whipped out the nest before they could surface and took Sarah back, but she died in the med bay." Nina had no words. "When she joined us, all she wanted to do was to help make a difference." So Sarah was her name, and her motives seemed in line with Nina's. "Damn.....and this is why Trixi got in shit for going it alone at the park..." Chel nodded "Don't worry, the tech we have now is better, stronger." Chel exhaled. "I know it feels good, when they are inside you, it's easy to loose yourself in the pleasure, but just remember, they are the enemy." Nina was shocked at what she said, it was nice to know she wasn't alone, it was like the horned fox was reading her mind. "Right...." The two nodded at each other. Suddenly Chel's voice and attitude changed pitch as she smiled. "Hey, lets go for a ride!" Nina stared at her blankly. "O....K.....?" What did this mean?

Nina screamed as the two ripped down the street on a classic racing bike, her screams were muffled by the helmet that Chel had given her. She hugged the blonde furred fox tightly as the motorbike bobbed and weaved between the ground cars as Chel cranked on the handles making the engine pop and the bike sped up. "Slow down, this is so illegal!" Nina cried out. "What are you going to do about it, arrest me?" Chel called back. Nina neglected to mention she had been suspended. "I.....i guess not..." Chel smiled but it was hidden under her helmet. "Good girl. Lets have some fun." The racing motorbike's engine roared as the pair rocketed down the street. "Why do you keep doing this to me!?" The purple haired doberman cried out in fear.

Nina gasped the fresh air as she removed her helmet and huffed watching Chel get off the bike in front of her. "Come on, i want to show you this." Nina was surprised at the sudden and playful change in Chel. "Why are you so happy all of a sudden?" Chel looked back at her. "I always come up here when I'm wasted." Nina's face twisted into horror. "You drove us here drunk?!" "Don't be a pussy, you were safe with me, tho i would not recommend doing that yourself." Nina took a deep breath only now realizing how close she was to dying today. "Wait up!" She called out as she dismounted and chased the red headed fox from the trail in the woods. They were on the outskirts of Hyper City, which were always packed with wilderness, trees, animals and the like. They climbed a hill and when they reached the summit Nina gasped. The artificial sun was going down and they could see in full view the twinkling skyline of Hyper City.

Nina had never seen the city like this before, it was beautiful, the black towers of the building shot up, lined and dotted with flashing, pulsating and steady lights of different colours. She could see the holographic billboards, moving with their advertisements. The streams of flying cars on the High Way buzzing about the buildings in the deep shadows of dusk like fireflies. This beautiful glow was all the eye could see, but the location was more then that. The smells and sounds of the woods surrounded them, muting in the mind the sounds and smells of the city itself. Nina then looked over at her companion who was staring off into the city with her, just then she raised her hand to her lips taking a swig from a bottle of beer she seemingly produced. Nina was beginning to think the red head had a drinking problem. "Chel, how did you find this place?" The horned fox's gaze never shifted from the pretty light in the distance. "I used to come up here a lot, before i was a Sabre Scout." Nina folded her arms and looked out at the city again. "Why did you become a Sabre Scout?" There was a long pause as Chel took another swig of beer. ".....Revenge...."

The two heard and felt the beeping and vibrating devices on them. Nina pulled hers out of her back pocket while Chel pulled hers from her cleavage. As they looked at them, the information passed by Ms. Ying was given. "Looks like we found the nest from the stragglers." Chel smiled at the doberman. "Lets kick their asses!" Nina smiled back as they scanned themselves and the orbiting sky vault shot down it's transporter beam stripping the girls naked and replacing their cloths with that of the sensual micro bikini like Sabre Scout armour. The jet powered high heeled tech boots, the micro armoured thongs that just covered their pussies and the armoured pasties that dotted their bare jiggling tits. A blue visor materialized across Chel's eyes and a green one across Nina's.

The Freeway was deader then normal as is normal for this time of night, as a dog drove with other ground vehicles around him. Suddenly he could hear the sound of a bike speed up behind him and he looked in the rear view mirror. "What the?" He hit the enhance button on the steering wheel as the camera zoomed in on the tops of a pair of jiggling big tits as the bike veered around him seeing a pair of mostly naked girls riding the bike who only briefly looked at him as they passed in front. The dog driver had a nice view of Delta's naked ass and armoured micro thong as the two sexy Scouts roared away on the bike. "Keep going to the target, Beta will be there ASAP, converge and destroy the nest!" Ms. Ying could be heard in their ears. "Understood!" Delta responded.

The Sabre Scouts converged on the building that was their target, it was near the park of the initial attack and was incomplete, or being expanded. The top levels under construction. "No one working in the building reported any Breeder activities so they must be hold up in the under construction upper floors. They have however reported female employees not showing up for work. That is the place to start Sabre Scouts." Ms. Ying chimed through their headsets. The girls looked at each other. "Its going to be closed, we should just go straight up." Alpha pointed up to the progressively taller buildings around their target. The Sabre Scouts jumped with their jets to the construction zone of the building as they drew their weapons waiting for the attack, but it never came. They wondered deeper into the site at the ready, using their visors to scan the area for Breeder movement, Chel who was on the point of their wedge threw up a fist clutching a beam pistol. "Wait, do you hear that?" The girls listened hearing the soft distant moaning and sounds of pleasure. The Sabre Scouts moved quickly waiting at every turn for an ambush and pressed on. Soon they came upon the source of the sounds.

A moaning blushed girl in ripped business attire, held up by the insects many legs. bouncing on the thrusting warrior's big bug cock with her legs spread and arms over her head, her hard nipples guiding her tits as they bounced in front of her. Another girl was on her high heeled feet, squatting with her sexy ass pushed out as a Breeder scout hugged her lower back and it's thick inseminator thrust into her wet pussy, another warrior was in front of her chattering it's clicks as she held and lovingly sucked on its big bug cock. A third mostly naked girl sat against a wall, her legs spread and wet pussy in full view, she moaned as pupae crawled across her mostly naked body as two of them were latched onto her nipples, sucking the milk from her big tits. The girls cries of pleasure could be heard over the humming of some machine in an adjacent room. "Holy shit, lets do this!" Delta called out to the other girls as the Sabre scouts went into action. Beams shot out and punctured the insects and beam blades sliced through inseminators and legs freeing the girls. Delta swung hard making a warrior burst in a death cry. The battle was short and sweet as the Sabre Scouts freed the girls.

A Breeder scout with a cut off inseminator tried to scuttle away but was shot dead by Alpha's beam pistols. Then the girls went back to back huffing, they waited. "Where the hell is the rest of them?" Alpha looked around training her beam pistols on anything that she thought moved, but she was jumping at shadows. "Did we really get them all?" Beta pressed her back against the other two. The Sabre Scouts started to walk out and widen their triangle and Delta was the one who flipped through different visions. Just then something caught her attention and she walked. "Ms. Ying, we seemed to have dealt with the Breeders here, there was not a lot, this could not have been a nest." Alpha reported back. "I see that Alpha, this is strange, where is the heat signature coming from?" "uh better look at this." The Sabre Scouts looked seeing Delta at the door of one of the adjoined unfinished rooms and rushed over to join her, seeing a large power generator for the construction site, it looked like it was working over time. The source of the heat signature! "Well this is weird...." Delta cocked her head.

Ms. Ying looked at the generator on her holo-screen that floated in front of her and folded her arms under her huge breasts. "Something wrong Ms. Ying?" The professor was watching from behind her hover chair. "it's just weird Professor, it's almost like this is a diversion....." Ms. Ying turned in her hover chair her long naked legs folded. Down below the building that the Sabre Scouts call home a host of the alien insects swarmed down the electric tunnels that maze through the great city. A Scout Breeder clicked and chewed on a pipe filled with wires as the Professor and Ms. Ying suddenly found themselves in the dark.

"What was that!" The Panda stood. "Don't worry Ms. Ying the building backups will...." The lights turned back on, but in a limited capacity as the polished corridors of the building were filled with a dark red light, suddenly an alarm sounded. Ms. Ying turned again seeing a holo-screen display Breeders filling the basement of the building as they swarmed in, as if they knew where the Sabre Scouts operated from. Ms. Ying bend down to touch a holographic button. "Sabre Scouts, return to base immediately! The Breeders are attacking here, I repeat the Breeders are attacking here!" The Sabre Scouts heard this over their headsets and looked at each other in shock. "We have to get back now!" Beta called out. "Lets hustle, i don't want to see your boots touching the ground ladies!" Alpha's jets ignited as they jumped away to the rescue. The Professor huffed as he moved his cane as fast as he could down the corridor leading to a safety vault, Ms. Ying led the way as her open toes high heels clicked on the polished floor, her huge breasts and thick cleavage jiggled as she moved quickly. "This way Professor! We need to get you to safety."

The sounds of the insect clicking and clacking could be heard as it filled the elevator shafts and polished hall ways. The two made it to a large door with two hand print scanners on the wall next to it. Ms. Ying placed her hand on one as the thick heavy doors automatically opened and she guided the old cat inside. "Wait here, when the girls show up and deal with the Breeders, we will come get you." "But....Ms. Ying what about you?" The old cat's tired eyes and bobbing moustache expressed his concerns. Ms. Ying looked behind her. "You know i can take care of myself, at any rate, the longer i can keep them busy they won't be trying to break into the safety vault and buy time for the girls to show up." The thick armoured doors started to close as the Professor looked out. "Ms. Ying....." The voluptuous panda then placed her hand on the other scanner making a panel in the wall flip over revealing a beam pistol not unlike the ones used by Alpha. Taking it in hand she made herself ready. She knew how to use it, before the Sabre Scouts the professor often made her test all the new tech.

Before she got lost in the fear of the moment the insect clicking got louder as she could now see the Breeders coming for her womb, they covered the floor, walls and ceiling, a mix of scouts and warriors clicking and scuttling with their many legs. Ms. Ying yelped and open fired on the insects as the beams from the pistol cut through them, but with every shot, with every insect killed more took it's place. She fired off a view more rounds before ducking to her left entering a lounging area, she hit the button trying to get the automatic door to closed but Breeders tired to stop that from happening. She fired her beam pistol killing and wounding the insects before it got stuck leaving it open a bit as the alien bugs tried to break down the door by smashing into it. Ms. Ying slowly back away not noticing the smashed vent above her, and from the shadows a Breeder Warrior started to make it's clicking noise behind her.

The fur on her body stood up realizing what was about to happen as she tried to turn and fire but the Breeder smashed into her knocking her to the polished floor face down with a yelp. The insect was on top of her quickly pinning her down as she screamed, two of its legs pulled her tight thigh high skirt up around her hips making her soft round ass jiggle revealing her pink laced panties. Ms. Ying cried again as she felt her panties ripped from her hips and feeling the big bug cock effortlessly push and squish into her. The voluptuous panda blushed and called out, her body started to move with the thrusts as the insect fucked her on the polished floor. Ms. Ying's naked legs spread with her high heels in the air behind her as her thick cleavage jiggled and pressed against the floor. The big bug cock thrusting into her moistening pussy letting it fuck her easier. "God no, stop!"

Ms. Ying could feel the pleasure shoot through her body as she was being fucked on the floor, the heat in her body making her sweat, she only wanted to spread her legs for the insect. She moaned with pleasure, giving a moan with ever thrust into her as she surrendered to the pleasure. Soon the insect grabbed onto her curvy body with it's many legs and lifted her up with a cry as the insect reclined making Ms. Ying ride it's big bug cock with her spread legs, her wet pussy taking in the entire studded thick shaft now. She moaned through her blushed face and glasses as her huge breasts bounced in front of her, her tight suit barely able to contain them, she could see the edges of her nipples as the suit was starting to give. As the insect fucked her wet pussy faster the buttons on her suit suddenly popped from the heaving and Ms. Ying gleefully cried out as her huge tits escaped and started to bounce with her curvy body. "Oh god that feels so good,.....why does it feel so good!"

The voluptuous panda pleaded with pleasure faster as her spread legs and naked curves bounced harder with the increased vigour of the fucking, the juices from her welcoming pussy dripped and stringed with the thrusting of the big bug cock as her huge tits and hard nipples bounced wildly in front of her. "Yes...yes..yes...yes....ya!" Ms. Ying had an orgasm as she suddenly felt the warm rush inside her. The insect continued to fuck her while filling her with it's hot bug cum, the thick cum squirted from her pussy as she cried out. The Breeder warrior soon dropped her with a thud as Ms. Ying huffed with a blushed face, her huge tits pressed against the cold floor. The Breeder watched her clicking when she suddenly cried out feeling something moving in her womb and got up and squatted in front of it spreading her legs pushing her hips forward. She couldn't see past her huge tits but she could feel it. As pupae started to push and squirm from her wet cum dripping pussy, Ms. Ying cried out in wet lust.

The Sabre Scouts leaped onto the building they call home base and rushed into the automatic double doors that refused to open for them. "Damn, the building is on lock down." Alpha cursed. Beta ran over to the control panel and ripped it open. "Don't worry i got this." The blonde pigtailed skunkete said while starting to tinker with the machine's insides. "I hope we make it in time, how could this have happened?" Delta clutched her kinetic warhammer. "The professor has always said that the bugs were smarter then we gave them credit for, i guess this proves it." Beta mused when suddenly the double doors opened. "Got it!" Beta pumped her fist. "lets get to killin." Alpha led the charge into the building. As the Sabre Scouts pushed on through the building down the levels it was bothersome that they couldn't find the Breeders, the corridors were trashed and the once polished surfaces were marked up by the many legs of the alien insects. They finally made their way to the safety vault and found a number of dead Breeders, as if there was resistance here. "What the hell happened?" Delta looked behind them to cover the rear.

Just then they heard the sound of soft moaning coming from an adjacent room, the door was partly smashed and slightly ajar. Alpha grabbed the door and pulled it open as Delta pushed, the door gave way as the dead insects that were stuck in it spilled out and they could finally see what was inside. Ms. Ying moaned softly against a wall, her tight suit pulled up and open as she sat there with her legs spread, her wet pussy on display. A pupae slithered on her naked leg as two more were latched onto her nipples, sucking the milk from her huge tits. The girls gasped and ran over to her. Beta sliced the pupae off her leg while Alpha and Delta pulled the other two off of her. Ms. Ying cried out as they pulled on her hard nipples and when they released they jiggled and squirted milk. After dispatching the insects they helped the curvy panda to her feet as she huffed. "Ms. Ying where is the professor?" Delta pressed. "He is safe in the vault, but's a trap!" The Sabre Scouts looked at her in shock and Alpha charged out of the room with her beam pistols at the ready, the sudden sound of the Breeder clicking started to rise as the swarm returned for the new prize.

The Sabre Scouts charged with battle cries, the half naked Ms. Ying watched on in fear. The light of the beam weapon fire filled the corridor and the buzzing sound of the beam blades could be heard as the alien insects died but then only the sounds of the insect clicking and clacking could be heard in the now scuffed halls of the Sabre Scouts home base. The giant insects crawled about on every surface, the floors, the walls, the ceilings even the now soft curves of the Sabre Scouts they overwhelmed. Ms. Ying and the Sabre scouted and moaned softly, their armour broken as the girls bounced and heaved. Moaned with pleasure and cried out as the Breeders impregnated them. Ms. Ying cried out on all fours once again being fucked as a warrior slapped against her curvy ass, her huge tits bouncing under her. Alpha moaned looking through her blue tinted visor and cried out, bend over at the hips with her legs spread, her platform high heeled jet boots planted firmly on the floor. Her hips moved being fucked by a warrior and others crawling around her naked curves clicking intensely. "Uh....ah!....damn it!" Alpha huffed out as she watched her big tits bounce under her.

Beta moaned with pleasure on her back, her long legs held together and above her, as the smaller insect hugged her legs while it's wiggling inseminator thrust into her welcoming tight pussy. "Ah! Ah ah ah ah ah oh fuck!" Delta gave a little squeal of pleasure as her tits and ass jiggled intensely as the insect fucked her wet pussy quickly. She was on her shoulders, doubled over her legs spread over her head touching the floor as she cried out watching helplessly her pussy juices slicking and dripping from her. "Oh my god! I can't take it! I can't take it!" Delta cried out watching her wet pussy being fucked and filled by the big studded bug cock.

Alpha moaned with pleasure as her hips moved, now one legs lifted spreading her legs as wide as they go as the big bug cock rapidly fucked her, stringy drips of pussy juice flicking as the thrusts intensified, her big tits bounced in front of her excitedly, hard nipples guiding their path. "AH! Fuck, .....if this keeps up......I'm....I'm....gonna...." Alpha gave a feminine squeal of pleasure as she had her orgasm. All the girls started to cry out with pleasure as they felt themselves being pumped with the hot bug cum.

Ms. Ying and the Sabre Scouts found themselves in a line on the floor, moaning with the giant insects crawling across there naked curves, their hips and asses in the air as their pussies dripped with the bug cum. "Oh this is so.....humiliating!" Beta cried out suddenly feeling the first of the pupae wiggle out of her blushing. Delta huffed " be a little longer....then thiaaaaaahhhhh!" Alpha cried with them. "Oh my......fuuuuuaaahhh!" The girls cried out with pleasure as their pussies spread open, and their pupae squirmed and pushed out of them.

The professor looked on with furled brows at the holographic screens in front of him as he sat in the security vault. They showed him the hot fucking outside his door as Ms. Ying and the Sabre Scouts continue to be impregnated. Ms. Ying on her knees hunched forward bounced with the small bugs on her now, their thick squishy inseminators thrust into her wet pussy and ass. Holding a third thick inseminator in her hand she willingly sucked on it through her muffled moans of pleasure, she could feel the milk being sucked from her hanging huge tits with pupae attached to them. "Oh my." The professor exclaimed. Alpha squatting with her legs spread, a small insect on her back with the wiggling inseminator thrusting up into her wet pussy making her body bouncing slightly. She held up one of her big tits as a pupae sucked on it, the other was free to bounce. Her moans muffled with her mouth stuffed with a big studded bug cock as her head bobbed back and forth sucking it off, her wet tongue rolling around it wildly.

Her blue visor covered eyes widened feeling her mouth filled with bug cum. The professor watched the red headed horned fox cry out with pleasure as the hot cum squirted onto her face and big tits. "Oh dear!" Beta cry with pleasure as a warrior Breeder held onto her spread legs forcing her to slide back and forth on it's thick studded cock, her small tits with hard nipples jiggles under her as she got the ride of her life. Delta on her side moaning with her legs crossed as a pair on thick inseminators fucked her dripping pussy and ass, a big bug cock in her mouth. She slid her fingers along the studs of the thick shaft as a pair of pupae sucked the milk from her tits. She gasped feeling the hot cum flood into her welcoming mouth as it squirted from her lips down her neck, she watched holding her tits as the inseminators fucking her thrusting faster making her cry out as they suddenly squirted filling her up again.

"Oh my, oh dear!" Is all the professor could say as he watched his girls getting fucked. He quickly swivelled in his hover chair and ran his old fingers over the holographic controls when another holographic screen popped up in front of him indicating an audio call. "Professor?" A feminine voice came across over the built in speakers. "I'm sorry to bother you while you work my dear, but we are in a bit of a pickle. It may be time to bring you in after all." The old cat clutched his cane tightly. "Understood, I'm coming in." Responded the voice. " Thank you, i will brief you on your way, be prepared for a fight young lady." He closed the holo-screen and looked back at the holo-screens that showed Ms. Ying and the Sabre Scouts, bouncing and crying with pleasure, the various sized tits bouncing excitability and soft asses jiggling as wet pussies and asses being stuffed and fucked by thick inseminators.

A strange figure landed on the roof where the Sabre Scouts normally come in after their missions and proceeded through the double doors left open from the girls first entry. The Professor noted the entry and smiled behind his big bushy moustache. "Finally." He watched the stranger walk down the polished halls of his building. She is a lioness with dark green hair styled in two long braids that draped down from the back of her head and down framing her big tits. She is in the armour of the Sabre Scouts. Thigh high platform high heels open at the toes complete with jump jets, they extended on the sides to her hips tipped with micro missile pods. A segmented metal band that runs from a collar around her neck, down her naked body between her large breasts and disappeared between her thighs just covering her womanhood. A pair a stylized heart shape armour pasties covered her nipples, she is completed with purple tinted visor covered her beautiful eyes. She pulled a device from the small of her back that extended into a carbine beam rifle and started to proceed with caution.

The Professor chimed into her headset. "I'm sorry that this will be your first visit here young lady, i was hoping to introduce you to your team mates under more.......accommodating circumstances." The green haired stranger continued down the hall lead by a destination point on a map displaying on her visor HUD. "It's fine Professor, i am here to help in anyway i can." The old cat smiled and leaned forward. "I doubt you will be able to defeat the Breeders alone, luckily the building systems are coming back online and i will be able to render assistance from here. Good luck Epsilon." The Sabre Scout known as Epsilon quickened her pace down the polished hall ways that slowly deteriorated with scuffs and scratches, cleaves and destroyed plants and furnishings. "Be careful Epsilon, they somehow know you are here." She heard in her ear, just as she started to hear the scuttle and clicking of a host of the alien insects. She came up on an intersection where she stopped and looked on in surprise as she was greeted by twelve robots coming from the opposite direction. With round glowing white eyes and made of a generic metal the only odd distinction for them was a bow tie and cummerbund denoting their servile nature. " I thought you could deal with a little help my dear." She heard the Professor chime in her ear. "Thanks, I'm sure they will be of service."

Epsilon with the robots turned down the third hallway with the host of Breeders baring down on them, once again scuttling with their many legs on the floor, ceiling and walls. The robots were the first to charge into the fight, their heavy mechanical legs thudding as they advanced chanting. "You are trespassing on these premises, please remove yourself post hast." Epsilon followed and opened with a volley of micro missiles from her hips, the ignition making a loud bang as they scattered and swarmed into the oncoming horde of giant insects. "Die you bastards!" She called out opening up with her beam carbine, it's beams cutting through the armoured carapace of the alien creatures. The robots, which were not designed for combat did their best smashing, stomping and pulling apart the insects. The Breeders on their part were perplexed by them, they couldn't eat or impregnate them, forcing them to fight savagely against their cold metal. Epsilon bobbed and weaved in the battle of the tight corridor, firing her beam carbine repeating, her heart tips big tits bouncing as she moved.

Throwing a kick with a grunt knocking a warrior back and shooting a whole through the insect making it cry out in pain. She grabbed the top of her beam carbine and twisted the parts around until a beam blade shot out forming a kind of short sword that she started swinging with a battle cry slicing through the insect invaders with ease. Her heart tipped big tits heaved unevenly as she swung, the fighting progressed with ease with the help of the robots that were slowly being pulled apart one at a time, but for ever robot down, the Breeders lost twenty even thirty of their own. Leading the fight was the green haired Epsilon, switching between her blade and rifle blasting and dicing more Breeders then the robots she lead.

Epsilon huffed, sweat dripping down her curves as the attack was pressed, only having three and a half robots left with her. The battle turned in her favour however as the Breeders started to retreat. "Good girl! You must hurry to save the others, if they are taken with them.......i fear the worst..." The old cat was heard once again. "Right!" She called out, using her jets to propel her down the destroyed halls with speed prepping her beam carbine once again. She jetted quickly her platform heels gingerly touching the floor as she made great leaps and a wide stride with her long legs. She finally made her way to the security vault where she saw Ms. Ying and the other Sabre Scouts.

Multitudes of pupae squirmed all over the floor around the cum covered girls many of them has since grown into their adult forms. Ms. Ying was on her side, covered with bug cum, she licked her lips clean and moaned slightly as an inseminator thrust into her welcoming dripping pussy, she watched gingerly as the bugs sucked the milk from her huge tits. Alpha moaned on her back holding her legs spread, an inseminator stuffing her cum dripping pussy, she watched her pupae covered big tits jiggle with her. Beta was also on her back, her arms over her heads as a pair pupae covered her small tits making her moan. Delta held her tits as the bugs drank deeply from them as more of the pupae crawled around her naked body. Epsilon seeing this and gulped, rearranging her carbine again to form the beam sword. "Get off of them you alien freaks!" She cried out as she charged forward cutting the Breeders to pieces, releasing the girls from their perpetual cycle of impregnation and pleasure.

Alpha on the floor huffing and weak, her sweat mixing with the bug cum on her body. She looked up at the new Sabre Scout through her blue visor, which was obscured with the alien cream. "Who.....who are....." She doesn't remember finishing the sentence only the blackness.

Chel slowly woke up, she could hear the mermer of talking near by, she slowly looked around finding herself in the med bay of the building. She was on a bed that scanned and monitored her vitals and she was covered slightly by a small cloth that barely covered her naked body, she slowly sat up with a grown as the cloth fell letting her big tits out. "It looks like we are in the med bay......we made it.." She looked over seeing Nina who was laying on the med bed next to her, naked and covered with a similar small cloth. "oh your awake!" They heard making Nina sit up, holding the small cloth against her naked body. The Professor stood in front of them with a look of relief on his old face, next to him was a beautiful lioness, with long braided green hair and tight and short black dress that hugged her large breasts tightly and high heeled boots. Chel blinked. "Your....." The lioness smiled. "Hello, my name is...." "Lynn! Lynn the singer!" She was interrupted by the young and perky voice of Trixi who shot up from her med bed letting the small cloth bunch in her lap revealing her naked body and small perky tits. "Oh my god, i love your music!"

Lynn smiled at her. "Thank you, and thanks to the Professor i guess I will be working with you girls." She said cordially. "It's nice to have a fresh face around here!" Everyone looked over at the last occupied med bed, Ms. Ying sat on the edge, naked and using the small cloth and arm to barely cover her wide hips and huge tits. "I knew the Breeders were smart, it was always hard to tell because it was difficult to determine actual intelligence or bred instinct, but this proves my theory." The old cat rambled on in front of Lynn and the other naked girls. "They some how knew about this place, they recognize the Sabre Scouts as a threat, and they tried to deal a killing blow to one of the few forced that stand in their way." Ms. Ying Chimed in. "If that's true professor, then we need to hit them back as soon as we can, find their nest and deal with them. That is before more break through into the city."

The girls paused for a moment to reflect on what was just said. "Later, you all need to rest for now. My systems and probes will back track the way they came, find the nest and then you will move against them." The Professor already seemed to have a plan. He was also kind enough to get everyone home safely with his small fleet of vehicles and robot drivers, Nina entered her apartment and threw down a duffel bag at the foot of her bed. The purple pony tailed doberman sat down and exhaled still feeling exhausted from her utterly humiliating defeat. Just then she noticed a flashing light on the dash of her video phone and walked over running her finger over the sensor. "You have twelve missed calls from..." The synthetic voice was cut off by a feminine yet powerful one. "Security Chief Anderson, call me now, don't you dare making me come down there." A spike of fear shot through Nina's body as the fur on her body stood up. "Oh shit! My suspension...."

She went through the necessary steps to make the call moping the entire procedure. Suddenly a face appeared on the holo-screen. A doberman, wearing the uniform of the Hyper City Security Forces, it hugged her large breasts. She was dressed proper, her hair, brown with two white stripes showing her age tide in a proper bun at the top of her head. She looked at Nina with a stern face through her glasses that seemed to pierce her soul. "Nina..." Chief Anderson said coldly. Nina breathed deep and stared the demon in the eyes. "Hi mom...." She cut to the chase as she always does. "I'm sure you could imagine my surprise when i found out from Chief Hershey that he suspended you for striking a superior officer young lady!" "She was being a bitch!" Is all Nina could muster. "So it's OK then? This was all a misunderstanding then? I swear you are your father's daughter!" General Anderson, retired. He commanded the Hyper City Mobile Brigades during the Trade Wars. A short lived spat between some cities between Breeder attacks.

"Is he mad?" Nina pressed. "Oh he laughed hysterically over it." Her mom looked annoyed more with him then with her. It made the whole conversation feel a little better that dad was on her side. "Saturday, your coming for dinner then?" Nina nodded. "Yes ma'am, what are we having?" She said with a smile. "Free food, that's all you need to know." Nina felt the piercing gaze through her soul again, it almost hurt. "I'm sure your brothers and sisters would love to hear how you screwed up, so where something festive." The attacks just kept coming, but it ended on a softer note. "Sorry mom, i will do better to control my anger." Nina balled her fists in her lap apolitically. "Never mind that, what is done is done. I will see you Saturday. Love you." Like that the video was cut off. Nina exhaled deeply again. "Love you too mom..."

End Episode. 2

Breeder City Ep.3

"Good morning Hyper City! Another beautiful day once again of coarse. Just to remind all of you to check out the opening of the grand shopping palace on the corner of 224th and Independence, thirty stories of shopping and recreation! This place, I josh...

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Breeder City Ep.1

An old world burned in the fires of nuclear war, a new world born from it's ashes. Dotting the scorched landscapes of a healing planet are massive domed cities, technologically advanced and self sufficient, they are the last refuge of a discarded...

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Queen of the Sex Zombies *Fin*

Angelica chanted in a strange and unknown language as she held a knife in her hands, the naked girl on the alter chanted with her, not scared but devoted. Around the alter were carved circles where masked couples moaned and bounced fucking each other....

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