Bottomless Bar: Chapter 21 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#22 of Bottomless Bar (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 21 of the Bottomless Bar, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

Merun's negative mood persists but with the help of Lucky and Luthor, it might just be turning around.

Awesome art by:

Read the full chapter here:

Despite an exuberant night and an equally satisfying morning, Merun still couldn't shake his mood. Megan had caught a ride back to her apartment after a nice breakfast but it was as the husky was cleaning up his kitchen that he realized how silent his apartment was. It was during this moment that he froze and just stood there amid all of his appliances, just looking around as if he was confused as to where he was. Eventually his ears laid back against his head and he resumed his work.

Things were much too quiet, a new perspective that he was getting reacquainted with. He didn't like it. Normally he'd have his phone in paw as he went about doing stuff or relaxing, talking with Riina via text or maybe even talking with her. He was tempted to go and grab his phone to see if he had any new messages, but he was afraid if he didn't. Or worse if he did.

His first thought was distraction. He turned on the TV in his living room and flipped it to a news channel for some background noise while he continued to do chores. The concept of doing more work was quickly lost though, as he already kept a tidy apartment. Not to mention he had already gone through a cleaning frenzy to get his place in decent shape for Riina to visit.

Merun Flopped down on his couch and melded to its contour. He gave a loud sigh and flipped the TV off. What was he doing? He asked himself. This wasn't healthy. This wasn't going to be the last relationship he was in and it surely wasn't going to be the last one that ended. Time would heal his wounds, all he needed to do was keep busy. But with a clean apartment and no real motivation to do much else, what was there to occupy his mind?

The answer hit him so hard he groaned at how dumb he was for not thinking about it in the first place. The bar! The dog jumped up to his feet and a hint of a smile played on his face. Working would surely keep his mind busy, and being around other people would help him out as well. He dashed for his room and quickly put on a clean uniform before rushing out of his apartment to his car. His phone, however, remained on the nightstand beside his bed.

Monday night and groups of people were already coming in to excitedly wait for the evening's events. Despite nothing much really happening for another eight hours or so, but still, no one complained. Luthor, Dennis, and Jasmine were around at the moment and so far the bar was pretty calm. No one was being overwhelmed, and so it came as a surprise to all of them when Merun came trotting through the front door dressed and ready to step in where needed.

"Hey, boss man," Jasmine greeted him first as he came to stand behind the counter. "You're not on the schedule, are you?"

"No, but I gotta keep my mind busy," Merun explained and smiled at the black rabbit. "And a busy body keeps a busy mind so..."

"Fair enough," Jasmine replied and bumped her hip against the husky's side. "Glad to have the extra help but we might be over staffed right now."

Merun looked up to scan the bar of the guests that had arrived. While certainly not near the crowd that was expected for the night, there were a decent few that were at tables and at the bar counter. Though she was right, four bar tenders was more than what was needed to maintain homeostasis.

Still, it was good to be around other people, Merun concluded to himself and set in a leisurely pace with filling orders and doing work. He found after a long enough time that the work truly did ease his down state of mind. He found himself smiling more and having cheerful conversations with anyone that he could. He would even find himself reverting back to his old self when asked for a drink special or to have some fun beyond the bar.

The stream of customers was steady and as the night progressed it began to increase and the husky being there to take up some of the work load was greatly appreciated among the other tenders. Megan and Rey came in once the night was really starting to pick up and both were surprised to see the husky on what was supposed to be a day that he had off.

"How are things going?" Rey asked as she took her place among the others behind the counter.

"Better," the husky said cheerfully and looked the vixen in the eyes. She beamed and went about her own duties. As things continued, Merun found himself working beside Luthor the most. There was something about the doberman's steadiness that put the bar owner at ease. Luthor didn't say much but he would give the husky encouraging, friendly looks when he saw that Merun had seemed to come out of his previous day's malaise.

Best of all, Lucky had come in to give Luthor some company that inadvertent spilled over to the husky beside him. "Long time no see, Merun," the femme dalmatian said with a wide smile and wagging tail.

"No kidding. How have you been?" Merun asked as he set a beer down in front of him.

"I've been well. I'm glad to see you seem to be doing well too. Luthor told me what you've been going through recently. I'm sorry," he said with a sympathetic tone and drew his drink closer to him.

Merun shrugged. "All it takes is time. I'm glad to be here though. It gets my mind off of things."

"I know it might be a little soon, but had you thought about getting back into the dating scene? I've found that companionship always eases a broken heart," Lucky offered.

The husky chuckled. "I don't know if dating in general is the thing for me. Being a free spirit seems to be more my speed." The dalmatian nodded to himself and took a sip of his drink.

"Well then, how about some rebound sex?" the dalmatian continued. That made Luthor snicker.

"You should ask Alice and Megan about that," the doberman said with a grin at his boss. Merun avoided looking at the doberman because he knew he couldn't hide the truth, and that made Lucky laugh.

"Oh hoh! Well that's good, at least that's a return to some normal standard. Do you feel a lot better now?" the dalmatian asked and leaned over the bar to be closer to the owner.

Merun shrugged his shoulders and gave a short sigh. "I don't know. When Megan left this morning I felt the same loneliness come on. To get my mind off of it I came here to do some work. That's honestly helped more than anything else." Lucky nodded along as he listened intently. When the other dog was done explaining, he closed his eyes and stroked a finger against the underside of his chin.

"Mhmm. I think I know exactly what the problem is," Lucky declared confidently. The husky quirked a brow and tilted his head, eyes intent on the femboy.

"Is that so?" Merun asked incredulously.

"Yup! You got your heart broken by a girl, obviously you need to have some rebound sex with a guy!" The dalmatian's words were such an unexpected turn that Merun laughed a single loud bark.

"Can't argue with that logic," Merun chuckled and shook his head.

"Guess I'll need to give a demonstration," Lucky said and took the cap that he was wearing and set it on the bar counter. Then he slid off from his seat and began walking towards the door that lead behind the bar. While he did, Merun turned to Luthor with a confused look and the doberman did little more than shrug his shoulders and smirk.

When Merun turned back around he saw Lucky weaving his way around the other bar tenders so that he could stand right in front of the towering husky. The bar owner looked down at the spotted dog with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry to say, but I don't think the gender of the person I have sex with will matter much," he said before suddenly being presented with the feeling of his exposed balls getting fondled.

Read the full chapter here: