Tina's Story Chapter 76 Return to the Party A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina's Story Chapter 76 the Story Continues.....A Gray Muzzle story

As we left the cookout at Tina and Ray's, the mysterious Kendo had just encountered Felicia....

Kendo and Felicia stood there, staring at one another. He at her, she at him. Beads of moisture dripped from the crotch of Felicia's sheer suit. Was it wetness from the pool, or something deeper? As Kendo stood there speechless, Felicia began to feel Kendo's washboard abs. she traced the line of his jaw. The Felicia spoke:

"Bet you've never had real pussy before....."

Just then, Felicia felt a sharp jerk on the black velvet jeweled collar she wore, a snap so sharp, it lifted her off her feet.

Sorry; I need a word with her"

Colleen had lifted the slight Siamese off the ground by her neck.

"Wah....was that about?"

The shocked kitty stumbled

"you were about to make a HUGE mistake. You aren't looking to take that mega hunk behind the garage and fuck his brains out, as much as that might be your inclination." Colleen counseled. "You are trying to get him to ask for your number, and ask you on a proper date."

"NO!" Colleen bellowed "We are teaching you to conduct yourself as a lady, so that you may find yourself a proper gentleman. Now, you're going to go back. You can flirt your heart out. But no groping, rubbing, or sexual stuff. Try getting to KNOW this guy....."

So, Felicia wanders back, swaying her hips. She makes eye contact, and starts to chat...

"So, what do you do....."

"I'm a math professor at Rutgers "

"That is sooo cool! I was never really good at math...."

That was true. Felicia was never good at ANYTHING academic. But Kendo was so blown away that someone showed interest in math, he took an immediate liking to Felicia...

Meanwhile, Felicity, Felicia's sister was in the pool. She was chatting with Nina.

"So, we've got this hearing Monday, about whether we get our son back."

"Wow." Felicity responded "Do you think you'll get him back?"

Nina looked nervous.

"I hope so...."

"Are you pregnant?"

Nina smiled, and nodded her head. Ninea looked the part of a cute little pregnant Husky. Wearing a flowered one piece that was decidedly pre pregnancy, she still looked very cute. She was still quite a contrast to the slinky Siamese, in her little bikini.

Felicity felt her round little belly.

"You are sooooo cute! I LOVE how you look! Are you feeling well?"

"Uh huh. Pretty much. I gotta pee all the time. I musta peed a dozen times already. I gotta pee now. I better get out..."

Felicity smiled.

"Don't be silly. Pee in the pool."

"Pee HERE? There's all these people...." Nina blushed.

"Don't be silly. Look. Put your hand by my leg. Feel? I'm peeing"

Nina blushed and giggled.

"I don't know...."

"Here. " Felicity put her paw over her bladder and pressed a little "Now, just relax...."

A peaceful look came over Nina's face. Then, a smile.

"I'm peeing! Right here in front of EVERYONE!"

"Fun, Isn't it?"

Nina smiled, still giggling.

"I may do it again...."

Back across the yard, Felicia was still chatting with the Professor...

"I better check on Sis; I can't tell you how nice it's been talking to you...."

"I enjoyed it, too. Maybe we could get together sometime..."

"I'd like that."

"May I call you?"

"Uh huh."

Felicia pulls a matchbook from her purse. She writes her name and number on it. She hands it to him, with a coquettish kitty look. She winks as she walks away....

"Very nice....."

Thank you. You approved?

Colleen did.

"Very much so. THAT'S how it's done. He asked YOU for your number..."

Felicia gave a little smile.

"You think he'll call?"

"I think he'll call. He looked REALLY interested. And he's HOT!" Colleen added

"Wanna sneak a smoke?" Felicia offered

"Thought you'd NEVER ask...."

It was ten p.m. before the last guest left. Georgette fed the babies, and put them to bed before she and Stan left. They did the dishes, and Tina was putting things up...

"Party went well...."

"Everyone was well behaved. Even the twins. Did You see that guy she was with? "

"My friend Kendo? He's a catch. Smart. Well off. AND good looking...."

"I'll say......'

Tina was putting a serving piece on an upper shelf. She was still wearing the little Polo dress she put on that morning. As she reached, the dress rode higher and higher, ultimately revealing her lack of underwear.

"What was that?" Ray stood behind Tina as she reached.

"I said...he was really good looking..."

Each time Tina reached, Ray bumped her tail. The second or third time, he could feel Tina pressing back. Now, Tina was rubbing against his front without even pretending to reach. She just leaned on the counter, rubbing against him.


"Uh huh..."

"You still wanna?"

"Uh huh. Would you play with my tail hole?"

Ray smiled. He had a hard on. Tina was grinding her sex hard into him. Her dress was up around her waist, her eyes closed. She was leaning back, rubbing her sex into ray harder and harder. Now, Ray knew he'd need a little 'help' getting an erection this big up her tail hole. Not wanting to lose the moment, he saw a container of margarine on the counter. Pushing his pants down in one motion, Ray scooped a dollup of the yellow spread on his finger, and rubbed it over his throbbing sex. Suitable greased, he inserted the rest intoTina's waiting ass...

"Mmmmmm. That feels GOOD....smooth....nice....."

Ray touched his buttered penis to Tina's buttered ass. He slid in smoothly. She was tight, but with the lubrication of the margarine, he slid in and out readily....

"Oh, lover!" Tina moaned "That's incredible!"

"Oh, yes....."

"Ray, I've been thinking of this morning all day.....I've been so wet, waiting to be alone...."

Ray smiled, to see his wife so horny, so aroused.....

"Fuck me, Ray. Pound me as hard as you can....."

Ray did his best to respond. Pushing harder, he could feel himself deep in Tina's sexy ass.. He could feel his crotsh pound her furry tush, his belly rubbing the underside of her tail.

Now, Tina was fingering her clit. She was rubbing harder as she raised her ass higher, to take him in deeper.

"Uuuuu. Uuuuuu.

Tina was panting, fingering her self, and now had her paw in her pussy....

"Cum, baby. I'm about to cum. Cum my doggy ass....."

Having thrust hard for some time, Ray was ready. With a few more firm pushes, he came, pumping a week's worth of cum deep in her ass.


Tina rubbed herself for the sheer joy of it. She had cum seconds, maybe a minute or more ago.

"God, hon; that was so incredible.!"

Tina lay on the kitchen counter panting. Cum began to dribble out her ass as Ray's cock began to squeeze out. The cum ran down their legs, it tickled....

"Time for bed?" Tina asked dreamily

"What are you gonna do with that messy ass of yours?" Ray teased.

"Oh, I've got something in mind. Once we're in bed...."