Carnal Combat - All Those Yesterdays

Story by Emerson on SoFurry

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#11 of Carnal Combat

Carnal Combat: All Those Yesterdays


First Draft 10/6/06

Disclaimer: This series is a tribute to three of my favorite forms of entertainment - kick-ass martial arts, Mortal Kombat, and hot anthro smut. All characters are created by and owned by me (in whatever form you can own imaginary furry folk), unless stated otherwise. Special Thanks to Setta Flamowitz for suggesting Carnal Combat and Carnalities over my slightly cheesier idea of Immoral Combat and Sexualities.


Kaine, Selena, and Ruin had arrived at Damascus, the head village in the providence of the House of Shadow. They'd returned late at night, and there was much fanfare as the gatekeepers roused the sensei to greet the returned, but defeated, heroes.

The trio was ushered into the majestic temple that sat in the center of Damascus, where the House of Shadow's sanctioned arena was kept. All of the sensei in the village, who had been charged with running things while Nobu Ra' Chi had sat on the throne at the Hall of Combat, questioned the stallion, the lizard, and the ninja, but it was Kaine who answered for all of them.

He described Ra' Chi's descent into madness, his attempt to overthrow the Tournament, and of his subsequent death at the hands of a self-proclaimed Ambassador of the Gods. The sensei listened, wringing their paws as they heard of just how close their Master had brought them to war. Though they were relieved that such a fate had been averted, there still remained a question of how the House of Shadow would repair its reputation, and who would rule them now.

"We will call a meeting tomorrow on the steps of the temple," said one of the sensei. "The subjects of the House shall have to hear of these things."

It was agreed amongst the sensei that this would be the wisest course of action. Kaine and his companions were sent to their quarters to sleep, to rest from their long journey before they faced the very subjects they had once ruled.

* * *

The next morning, the entire village was gathered at the steps of the temple. They listened as the sensei repeated what Kaine had told them, while the stallion stood nearby quietly. He looked stern, knowing that some would consider him a traitor for what he did. He did not regret his actions, though. Ra' Chi had become more of a danger to the land than any one House.

Sure enough, there was a split amongst the crowd as the story unfolded. Some sighed in relief, cheering for the stallion while others booed him, shouting curses at him and damning him for the perceived betrayal. Kaine just stared back at the crowd, holding his tongue.

As the story continued, and the crowd learned of the intervention of the Gods, public opinion slowly shifted to Kaine's side. Slowly, the boos faded, replaced by a solemn silence.

The sensei then turned the crowds attention to the ultimate point of the tale: They were now without a Master, without one ruler to guide them. A new one would have to be selected.

The laws of the House of Shadow called for a new Master to be chosen only when the reigning one passed away, or relinquished the title. The new Master was chosen by the sensei, based on many factors that had been laid out by their ancestors. The sensei knew this, as did the crowd.

"We shall choose wisely," said one of the sensei, speaking to the gathered audience. "We shall find a Master who will return our great House to glory and who will do us honor."

"Why not Kaine?" A voice shouted out in query. Kaine looked around in surprise, but that surprise faded into a smirk as he saw Selena push forward through the crowd.

"Kaine has only ever fought for us and defended us," she said, stepping up the stairs until she was over the crowd a bit. "He should lead us. He has already brought us honor!"

"I shall support him," said another voice, and Ruin then stepped up next to Selena. "I have fought for Kaine and beside him. I will follow no other leader."

A murmur went through the crowd. The sensei looked distinctly nervous, unsure of how to handle the situation, but the crowd soon gave them there answer.

Someone at the back of the gathered mob yelled Kaine's name. Like a snowball rolling down a hill, the name of the stallion began to be repeated, chanted over and over again by the villagers. Soon the name of Kaine echoed through the village and down the halls of the temple, making their choice clear.

Selena smiled and moved up to Kaine, bowing before him. "My lord," she said with a grin, running a paw over his belly. "It shouldn't take much to secure the House under your rule."

Kaine just smiled and nodded, looking up at Ruin. The ninja nodded back, giving his approval. With a bristling of pride, Kaine stepped forward and acknowledged the crowd's nomination.

* * *

Later that evening, Kaine, Selena, and Ruin sat in the council chambers, where the Master of the House of Shadow would traditionally sit with the sensei and the representative from each of the villages under his House's rule. Now, Kaine sat there as the possibility of his ascending to the role of Master was discussed. The many sensei of Damascus were chattering away about it while Kaine listened passively, contemplating this new direction in his life. He had lost his title as Tournament Champion, but if he gained the title of Master of the House of Shadow, well, he'd call that a fair trade.

The session was interrupted when two guards tentatively entered the chamber. Kaine turned his head, looking questioningly at them. One of the guards stepped forward and bowed to the stallion.

"Forgive the interruption, master Kaine," the guard said. "We have someone who is insisting on seeing you. He says he knows you, and that he's of this House, but the Seal he bears has been branded on him. I've never seen anything like it."

Kaine frowned. He had a suspicion as to who this visitor was, but he couldn't believe that even he would have the testicular fortitude to make his presence known here. The stallion shot a glance at Ruin and the ninja nodded, apparently thinking the same thing he was.

"Bring him here," Kaine said, standing up. The guards left, and the returned a few minutes later.

When Kaine saw the visitor, he scowled. His hunch was right.

Khan Lei swaggered into the chamber, grinning from ear to ear. He gave a sloppy salute to Kaine and Ruin, and then winked at Selena.

"Here you are," he snickered, looking around. "I wondered where you got to. Look, you gotta' fill these guards of yours in on me. It was hell tryin' to get in here."

"Why are you here, Khan?" Kaine asked impatiently, realizing that he had an excellent opportunity before him to demonstrate his ability to make decisions.

Khan looked a little confused by the question. "Why? Heh, funny guy. Why else? I'm part of the House now, ain't I? After all that work I did for you at the Tournament, I figure I earned myself a spot up here with you three."

Kaine couldn't help but laugh at the tiger. "All you did? All you did was work for Nobu Ra' Chi who, in case you haven't heard, is dead and disgraced.

"Oh, that's right," Kaine said, feigning surprise. "You wouldn't have heard, since you ran with your tail between your legs when the fight started."

Khan looked distinctly nervous as the conversation swerved from where he'd expected it to go. Kaine snorted at the tiger, glaring down at him.

"We don't need more underhanded megalomaniacs in the House of Shadow," the stallion said, nodding to the guards. "I don't think I need to be officially inducted as Master here to make this decision. Khan Lei, traitor to the House of Light and disgrace to the House of Shadow, I hereby banish you to exile. You have no House, not here, and I doubt anywhere else."

Khan looked incredulous. He dropped to his knees, shaking his head at Kaine. "No, you can't toss me out! I helped you guys! I did everythin' you wanted me too! I didn't run out on ya', I was goin' to get help, I swear! Don't do this!"

Kaine spared the tiger no more time, watching just long enough to make sure that the guards dragged him out. Once Khan Lei was gone, Kaine turned back to the gathering of sensei. They had been watching closely, and there was an approving nod from them as the stallion returned to his seat.

One month later, all of the villages' sensei had given their approval. Kaine was the new Master of the House of Shadow.

* * *


Dusk waited patiently before the assembled council of elder sensei as they whispered amongst themselves. They had called on the panther, and he had a gut feeling as to why they wanted him. When the finally finished their hushed discussion, they turned their attention to him.

As it turned out, he was quite right about their reason for calling him.

"Dusk," said the head elder sensei, an old bull named Johann who had always been quite good to the panther, "We have come to a decision on who we wish to send to the next Tournament."

Dusk nodded. "I'm willing to guess that I am not on that list."

Johann nodded, a look of sadness on his face. "I'm afraid so, my friend. Two Tournament losses in a row do not justify a return to the Hall of Combat."

Dusk let out a sigh. Disappointed though he was, it was a relief to know that the burden was off of his shoulders.

Johann, however, continued. "We do have an important task for you, though. We would like you to oversee the training of the two individuals we have selected."

The panther looked at the steer curiously. "Who would those students be?"

"The first," said Johann, "Is Suki. We feel that she learned an important lesson at the last Tournament. She has been training hard in the time since her return, and we believe that with the proper guidance she would do well."

Dusk nodded. He didn't agree entirely, but Suki was definitely one of the better choices. "Alright. And the second fighter?"

Johann shifted a little before he spoke. "Reiko."

Dusk blinked, unsure that he had heard correctly. "Did you say...Reiko?"

Johann nodded. "She is far more skilled than you give her credit for. We've already told her that she has been selected, so there will be no argument about the decision."

The steer looked stern, and Dusk knew there would be no changing his mind. He squeezed his paws into fists and then bowed.

"Very well...if that is the decision of the council, I will carry it out. Will there be anything else?"

Johann shook his head and dismissed the panther. Dusk left quickly, trying to hold back his anger. Suki was a debatable choice, but Reiko had no place at the Tournament. He would know that better than anyone.

Reiko was, after all, his sister.

* * *


Hitomi had been pushing Stardust hard. Thanks to her impressive winning streak at the Tournament, Hitomi had been a safe bet for the following year; Stardust, despite her early loss, was still a House favorite and thus she also was selected to return. Since the decision came down from the council, Hitomi had put all of her energy into helping Stardust refine her skills.

The mare had been eager to learn and improve. She was so eager that many nights Hitomi would have to force Stardust to retire and take breaks so that she didn't ware herself out. While the girl had long since moved past her attack, no doubt in part to the beating she gave Khan Lei, Stardust still seemed to harbor some self-doubt when it came to her performance in the Tournament.

That evening, the mouse and the mare were once again in the sanctioned arena of the House of Fog. Hitomi was helping Stardust with her grappling skills, showing the mare an effective way to takedown her opponent while getting them into a sexual hold at the same time. It was a fairly complicated maneuver, but it had worked numerous times for Hitomi and she knew it would be an excellent addition to Stardust's arsenal.

Unfortunately, Stardust wasn't getting it. No matter how many times she tried to get Hitomi in the hold, the mouse was able to squirm free with ease. Stardust was growing more and more frustrated, unable to lock the hold in tight enough to keep her friend from escaping.

"You have to make sure you lock your arms tight under your opponent's arms, Star," Hitomi said, showing Stardust again. She stepped behind the mare, slipping her arms up under Stardust's before she hooked her paws behind the girl's neck, locking in a tight full-nelson hold.

"Then, push your knees into the backs of theirs," she continued, demonstrating. Stardust listened, grunting a bit as the mouse pushed against the back of her knees, making her drop into a kneeling position.

"Next, lean back hard with your shins against their calves. This will lock their legs down and make it harder for them to squirm free. Once you do that, use your tail. Slip it between your legs and theirs, and tease their genitals. It's particularly effective against short-tail species. They don't really think much about long tails, since they don't have them."

"Gottcha'," Stardust said. Hitomi released her, and Stardust stood up. They changed positions, and Stardust tried to lock the hold in on Hitomi. She hooked her arms around the mouse and locked them in, securing her there. Then she pushed against Hitomi's knees, dropping her to the ground. She was about to try and lock down the mouse's legs when she felt something wriggle into her pants, and then against her clit. The mare gasped, losing her hold on the mouse.

Hitomi wiggled free, pulling her long tail out of Stardust's pants. "I told you to be aware of that," the mouse said with a thin smile. "A good fighter will always be trying to get their licks in when you're trying to tie them down. You have to be able to shrug it off until you can disable them."

Stardust snorted and banged on the floor. "That's easier said than done, Hitomi," she said and sulked. "You're smaller and more nimble than I am! There's a big difference between a mouse and a horse."

Hitomi nodded. "Yup, just as there's a big difference between a horse and a dragon, or a fox and a tiger. You can't look at species or size as an obstacle. It's just another challenge you have to overcome."

Stardust nodded, and then went at it again. Eventually she was able to pull the hold off more often than not, and so Hitomi challenged her to try and pull it off in an actual sparring match.

They started the fight, with Stardust trying to get past Hitomi's defense while the mouse attempted to keep the mare at bay. Stardust persevered, managing to get behind Hitomi just long enough to start the hold. She struggled with the mouse, each trying to nullify the others efforts.

Every time Stardust thought she had the hold locked in, Hitomi managed to gain a little freedom and keep Stardust from gaining any leeway with the hold. It seemed that keeping the mouse still would be impossible. Little by little, Stardust grew more and more frustrated.

Suddenly, Stardust felt Hitomi's tail wriggling against her pants again. There was no way she could defend herself from it short of releasing the hold. She had goofed again. Her anger swelled quickly, bubbling over.

In that moment, Stardust felt something inside her snap. Energy seemed to rush into her at a frightening pace, and before she could even cry out in surprise she felt herself explode with power, making the room rattle.

Hitomi was flung forward as the blast of energy hit her from behind. She felt the sexual energies from the arena pour into her, and she orgasmed instantly, her blank eyes rolling back as the pleasure hit her so hard and suddenly. She moaned hotly, not sure of what was happening, and then she lost consciousness.

* * *

When Hitomi regained her senses, she was sitting up in a bed. She felt the presence of several others around, and she knew she was in the arena infirmary. The mouse still felt a little hot between her thighs, but she shook the feeling away and called out softly.

Someone approached the mouse. She reached out with her senses, and she recognized the individual as one of the head sensei in the House, a tigress named Danielle. The tigress felt Hitomi's forehead, and then smiled.

"Finally awake, are you?" She laughed softly. "How do you feel?"

Hitomi swallowed. Aside from the lingering arousal, she felt fine. "I'm alright, ma'am," she said. "I...I don't know what happened. I was practicing with Stardust, and then all of the sudden I was on my stomach, having an orgasm..."

Danielle nodded. "That's how we found you. The whole building shook, and when we arrived in the arena you were unconscious, but moaning hard."

Hitomi blushed a touch, and then sat up. "Where is Stardust?"

Danielle looked across the room at another bed. "Over there. We aren't sure what happened, but...well, you remember how we always said that Stardust had untapped potential?"

Hitomi nodded her head. "Yes, why?"

"We think she tapped into it," Danielle said, helping Hitomi out of bed. She led the mouse over to Stardust's bed, where she could sense that the mare was in a deep slumber. She reached out a paw to touch her friend, and then recoiled it quickly in shock.

There was a bolt of pleasure that ran up Hitomi's body when she felt Stardust's aura. The mare's very core, her soul, seemed to have changed. The mouse stood there speechless, never having encountered anything like it.

"My Gods...what happened to her?"

"We don't know, my dear," Danielle said. She looked Stardust over, seeing what Hitomi could not.

Stardust slept soundly, but her fur was no longer a dusty brown. It was now black as night, and dotted with star-like specks of light that literally glowed.

"We just don't know."

* * *

A week later, Stardust still slumbered. The healers and the sensei were baffled; she seemed fine otherwise, and she would even eat food and drink water if it was presented to her lips, as if she were in a dream-like state. No one could wake her though, and her change in fur color stayed, with the glowing dots maintaining their shine.

Hitomi visited her friend everyday, worried about the mare. Her change was bizarre, even if it didn't seem to be harmful.

On the seventh day of Stardust's sleep, Hitomi was called to see Danielle again. The tigress greeted the mouse, and bid her to have a seat in her quarters.

"Stardust still sleeps, I assume," the tigress said, and Hitomi nodded.

"Yes, but she seems peaceful."

"She was to be our second choice for the Tournament, you know. We wished to send you both back again."

Hitomi nodded again. This was the first confirmation she'd heard of being sent back to the Tournament, but she wasn't surprised.

"I will go, ma'am. I will fight for the House of Fog again. But...what of Stardust?"

"We've selected a replacement for her. We want you to work with the replacement and, in the event that Stardust does no awaken in time all," she said, sadly, not finishing the sentence.

Hitomi nodded in understanding. "Who is the replacement?"

"Are you familiar with Kassidy?"

The mouse nodded again, slowly. "I believe so. Isn't she the girl from the north lands that came here a few years back?"

"She is. She's been training in another village, but just returned here recently to begin more formal training in the arena. She's quite good."

"If you have faith in her, then I'm sure she's a wise choice," Hitomi replied. "If that's all, ma'am, I'd like to go check on Stardust again, and perhaps meet Kassidy formally."

Danielle nodded. "Go see your friend, and I will arrange a meeting with Kassidy for you."

* * *


Spectre adjusted the heavy bundle he had on his back. The skunk looked out over a empty, grassy plain, his eyes focusing on the vague form of the gates, walls, and buildings of a village far across the clearing.

He pressed forward, starting the long walk across the field towards the village. He knew it well; it was Tanuk, the capital village of the providence of the House of Stone. It was more affectionately called "The Quarry" since the high stone walls and many of the buildings had been made from stone carried from a local rock pit that had become, over time, a lake.

Spectre had not seen the village in four months. He had left not long after returning from the Tournament, needing an opportunity to get away and do a little soul searching. It had taken time, but he felt he had found what he was looking for.

As Tanuk grew closer, the skunk steeled himself. He was curious to see how things had changed in his absence and whether or not he had a role there...and if there was a role for him, then whether or not he wanted it.

* * *

"It may seem like the most obvious advice you could possibly hear, but it is also the most important: No matter what, never focus on any pleasure you feel during the match. There is no quicker road to defeat than giving in and enjoying even a moment of the sensations you will feel. You must build your resolve and learn to push the pleasure away."

Daichi finished speaking, and then looked over the dozen students who stood at attention, listening to their sensei. He let the words sink in for a moment, and then the fox nodded.

"Now, practice your striking. Remember to keep it at a sparring level today, alright? I don't want any broken noses this week."

The students bowed and paired off with their selected sparring partners, doing as the fox told them. Daichi watched them closely, circling around the arena as his students rehearsed the moves and techniques he'd been teaching them. They were a talented group, and he saw a lot of potential in several of them.

As he observed them, he heard a voice from behind.

"I hope you aren't training my replacements or anything."

Daichi recognized the voice instantly. He turned around, and sure enough there stood Spectre. The skunk looked a little older, a little more world-worn, but the familiar cocky smile and cool stare were still there.

The fox smiled and shook Spectre's paw, grinning wide as he welcomed his friend back. "Not a chance," Daichi chuckled. "There isn't a student out there that could be trained to replace you."

The skunk smirked and nodded. "Good answer," he said, slipping off the outer coat he was wearing. "So I heard they made you an official sensei. You're moving up, and you didn't even win the Tournament."

"No," Daichi said, his eyes drawn to Spectre's bare arms. The skunk wore a sleeveless tunic, and his normally brilliant white fur along his arms was now marked heavily, dozens of symbols and tattoos dyed deep into his fur and the skin beneath. "No...I'm just helping out, in an official role."

"Don't be so modest," Spectre said, following the fox's gaze to his arms. He smirked again, and peeled back one side of his tunic, showing the fox that the runes extended well onto his torso. "It's S'ren, the old tongue. I found an old monastery far west, and the monks there actually spoke the language."

Daichi arched an eyebrow. "What does it all mean?"

Spectre pulled his tunic closed again. "It's the song of my soul," he said simply, and then nodded to the students. "Looks like they're tiring out already."

Daichi turned and looked. "Let me finish up with them. Stay here."

Spectre waited as Daichi ended the class, dismissing the students. He then returned to the skunk, who was now standing on a balcony overlooking the village.

"So what's the story with the Tournament?" Spectre asked. "Did they pick anyone for it yet?"

Daichi shook his head. "They've selected plenty of nominees, you and I included, but there's a lot of in-fighting over it. Someone is really campaigning for a win this year. We aren't winners, remember?"

Spectre rolled his eyes. "I'm not, but you are. You slapped Ra' Chi down, remember?"

"Maybe, but that didn't put the House of Stone on the throne. We'll just have to wait."

Spectre nodded. "Maybe it just isn't the will of the Gods for us to go this year."

Daichi arched an eyebrow. "Since when did you believe in the will of the Gods?"

Spectre laughed solemnly, rubbing a paw across his tattooed arms. "Since they sent a messenger down to start recalling souls."

* * *


Khan Lei had traveled for many months. With no House and no home, he had been sleeping where ever he could find safety, and eating whatever he could scavenge up. It was the life of an exile, and it was the most difficult, humiliating thing he had ever gone through.

His hatred for the Houses, all of them, swelled within him. Even the House of Shadow, where he had actually seemed to fit in and served well, had turned their back on them. He had cursed them as they threw him out, but he had no intention of waiting on the Gods to bring any curses to pass. Khan Lei would see to that himself.

The tiger had traveled far into the east lands, where the wilderness grew so freely that no Houses had ever tried to establish villages there. It was in these lands that Khan first spotted the traveling camps of other exiles, forming gypsy-like caravans that roamed from place to place. He had avoided them at first, afraid of how they might treat a newcomer, but eventually his hunger and desire for a warm bed encouraged him to approach one of the encampments.

They were naturally suspicious of him, but they did let him in once he had told them his story, from his time in the Tournament to his eventual exile. They brought the tiger to a tent, where he was given a light meal and something to drink. He had barely finished his food when the girl who had originally brought him to the tent, a slender ferret he had heard called Kalli, stuck her head in.

"Khan Lei, the leader of our camp would like to speak to you," she said.

"To me? What for?" Khan replied suspiciously around a mouthful of meat.

"He has interest in your role in the previous Tournament," she said dryly. "He's willing to offer you certain...privileges if you are forthcoming with him."

Khan Lei grinned. "Privileges, eh? I can do forthcoming," he said, wiping his mouth before he stood up.

Khan followed Kalli out and across the camp. As he went, he looked around and smiled. It had taken some time, but his fortunes were finally looking up again.

~ END ~


Combat Continues NOVEMBER 2006