The Endless Lives, Part One: AvP, Chapter One

Story by Joul on SoFurry

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_ Ok, let's get this disclaimer crap over with. I don't own AvP or anything related to it. If you are not over 18, gay relationships/love, or death, DO NOT READ THIS! SAVE YOUR LIKELY VIRGIN EYES! Just kidding on the virgin eyes, just thought I would throw a little humor in there. Lone is Nobero Ushute's Character as Joul is mine own. This is an RP I did with Noberu for a bit of fun and wound up thinking it would make a good story, and I hope he and I can make more, and I think that covers all of the disclaimer bases, so let the story begin!._

**The Endless Lives:


Chapter 1**

Somewhere in the depths of space, the IMC space station, Ishimura, is being invaded and under attack. This is where our story begins. We find two furs, a wolf, Joul, age 19, with black fur, white fingerless leather gloves, an open white denim vest, and white carpenter jeans on his legs, as well as kevlar armguards on both, separated at the joints for more mobility and two magnums on his belt in black holsters, and a fox, Lone, age 20, a normal fox, metal/kevlar armor on top of a black long sleeve shirt, some combat BDU trousers, and a sniper rifle slung over his back, in a hallway inbetween the cafeteria on the station and the bridge, the bridge behind them as well as a sentry turret, and a dark hallway leading to the cafeteria in the other.

We find Joul to be hugging Lone in a tight embrace whilst on thier sentry duty, the two being a couple for about few months, yet the passion between the two was obvious.Although, Joul did not know his own strength and was hugging Lone a bit too tight.

"Gllrgph!" Lone says as he struggles to get out of Joul's embrace.

Joul hears this and reluctantly lets go of his mate, "Sorry about that, hun."


"You okay?"

"Yeah...give me a second...." He groaned a little, looking around the dark steel corridor, worried, gripping his rifle's handle that is just near his left paw, "You really shouldn't do that with all these Xenos running around..."

"I guess so." Joul says as he puts a paw on one of his magnums.

"Hear that hissing?" Lone says as he groaned and stood up, turning on his shoulder light on and looking around.

Joul perks his ears and focuses them both in the direction in the cafeteria, "Yeah."

"We should move....these fuckers are fast and there's a sentry turret over there." Lone said as he rotated his sniper around his upper torso, bringing up the sight and levelling it down towards the cafeteria.

Joul grabs his magnums out of thier holsters and steadies them down the corridor* "Ready when you are."

Lone nodded, stepping back with his sniper raised down the hall, throwing a flare, revealing numerous Xenos to be lying in wait for them to turn, "Just aim down the hall....steady retreat with shooting to the turret."

A few moments pass, just looking at the enemies down the hall, "Start backing off!" Lone said as he quickly stepped backwards, moving into a backwards run as the flare's duration wore off.

Joul slowly starts to walk backwards, "Should I start shooting!?"

"Not until you see them." Lone gulped, slowing down, "Check the corners and vents too..."

Joul looks at all the walls, keeping his eyes wide open. Then, Lone throws a second flare, screaming when he sees that three of them had closed the distance between them by several yards, opening fire immediately. Joul begins opening fire, aiming for thier heads, alternately firing his magnums, right, left, right, left, until he empties his clips and detatches them and reloads fast and continues to fire on the aliens.

"Don't aim, just fucking shoot and run!" Lone screamd as he raised his rifle, knocking a claw away, hitting the alien back, shooting it as it squirmed on the floor.

Joul, hearing this, turns on his heel and runs to the sentry gun, looking back and continuing to fire, "COME ON!"

Lone screams as one of the aliens grabbed him tightly, pushing his head to force him to stare at it, it's tail raised. Lone clenched his eyes shut, dropping his sniper rifle, gulping before screaming a single word, "Fuuuuuuck!"

Joul, hearing his mate scream, turns back and aims fast at the arm that grabbed the fox and opens fire on it, hoping that he doesn't accidentally too far off as he rushes back to save his lover. Lone fell back, out cold when the alien dropped him, groaning as he was bleeding from his gut where one of the alien's claws pierced him before it died. Joul quickly grabs his mate with one hand by the arm after putting away one of his magnums and drags his lover to below the sentry gun before drawing his magnum again and continuing his fire. Loan groans, limp and progressively began to bleed more as it tore from the stress of movement, "Nnngh..."

"Fuck, I don't know what to do!" Joul said as he kept firing.

Lone groand slowly as he got weaker before a fellow marine found them upon hearing the gunfire, "Hey! You two! We're holding out in the med bay! C'mon!"

Joul, hearing this from a fellow marine, grabs Lone by the arm again and quickly drags him, following the other marine as they both provided cover fire with thier respective weapons. Lone groaned, the wound tearing a little more, a trail of blood leading from where he was dragged.

"Take care of him! I will take a post outside!" Joul said, dragging his mate inside to the other marines that were in the room before rushing to the door and dual wielding his magnums, keeping a careful eye out for more of the aliens. Lone groaned as he was lifted onto a bed, the medics quickly getting to work.

"S..Sir...We think he's got one of the parasites!" one of the doctors said as he held a large scanner over Lone's chest.

"P-p-parasites!?" Joul exclaims from the doorway upon hearing this.

"Yes, for those marines that don't understand, a baby alien. It's in his chest and when it gets big enough it's going to burst out, killing him in the process. We might be able to catch it in a tube and train it, but, on the other hand we can try a risky surgery to get it out."

"Which gives him a better chance of survival!?"

"His mind in effect is going to become the parasite's. The surgery can save him, but we need approval from the Weyland Yuntani to do that. So we're gonna have to catch the parasite and try and bring his mind out as the dominant one."

"Meaning, he is going to BECOME the parasite!?"

"Meaning if our plan works, then he's gonna be a Xeno but have control and be himself, but incapable of some things we can do."

"Meaning can't handle a gun, can't reproduce?"

"He can reproduce in theory, but his hands aren't going to be able to do more than rip you apart, and talking is a no." He looked at the fox, rubbing an ear before ordering a small group of marines to put him quarantine, putting him in a chair, a cover coming down, preventing movement, and a jar like tupe, to catch the parasite.

"Hehe, I guess if we have sex I will have to do all the work, hehe. I hope we can help him." Joul said before he spotted an alien come down the hallway and opening fire, nailing it in the head with a single shot, "Damn I am good with these!"

Lone groaned as he woke, looking at the window and groaning, looking around after and struggling a bit, "What the!? J...Joul?"

"Lone! Don't worry, I think you'll be safe." Joul says, a look of uncertainty clear on his face as he remained on his sentry duty at the door to the medical bay.

Lone looked at his lover, gasping and crying out in excrutiating pain, "F..FUCK!"

"Lone!" Joul exclaims from the doorway. Lone groaned again, trembling as blood began seeping from seeping from his mouth before he screamed again, his chest bursting open and the parasite launching into the tube on his chest, spilling out large bits of muscle, organ tissue, and blood before Lone went limp, looking at the glass. Joul gasps, seeing the parasite propel itself into the tube and watches in horror as his lover dies, still keeping a watchful eye on sentry duty. The parasite screeched a little, looking around in the tube before it was sealed and it was carried away into a separate room to keep the aliens in solitary. Joul looks on in awe as the alien is carried away, hoping his mate could return to him, still on sentry duty as he was however, barely had 2 minutes to mourn his potential loss before another alien popped up and he nailed it in the head with a single shot yet again, "That was for him if he doesn't come back to me, damn it." Joul said, a cold feel to his voice and a dead look in his eyes.


Alright, that's all ya get for now! Sorry to be such a tease, but I have chapter two ready, but not chapter three, and I am waiting until I finish the next chapter til I post the next, so feel free to comment and rate and such. See ya next time!