Late Night Librarian: The Assistant

Story by Maraxk Montale on SoFurry

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Late Night Librarian: The Assistant

By Maraxk

Joanne pulled the book return box out from underneath the counter at the front of the library checking to see if her boss had forgotten anything. Though, she was sure it was empty she decided to check anyway. It was empty, she sighed softly. The dark panthress pushed the box back in and adjusted herself tightening her white blouse against her voluptous form. She was a small black panther, but her height didn't hinder her ability to work in the library. Thats what ladders were for right? She turned to walk back towards the main office to greet her boss who for some reason beat her into work this morning. It was a bit unusual because she thought she was the only one who ever made it in this early in the morning. She brushed the thought aside and began to walk only towards the office only to be stopped by a gentle paw grabbing her shoulder making her jump a little.

"AHH!" She yelped as she turned to find her boss with closed eyes and a warm smile on her face.

"Oh...heh good morning Ms. Hawthorn. You startled me." The panther turned around and smiled back at her employer.

"Oh I'm terribly sorry Joanne, and please just call me Shawna when we're alone. I'm not as formal as you may think." The lioness giggled and opened her eyes to look into the panthress' green eyes.

"Oh um okay Ms. mean Shawna." Joanne stuttered and blushed feeling little shy at the lioness' stare averting her eyes a bit.

The only reason Joanne took the job as Shawna's assistant was not only because her favorite thing was to curl up in a corner with a good book but she was very interested in Ms. Hawthorn. So interested that she felt almost attracted to the golden lioness. Just something about her made her heart race every time she spoke. She caught herself looking her employer up and down almost too obvoiously ,she feared, before she snapped out of her trance.

Joanne took a solid breath trying to hide her blush before looking back at the lioness.

"I see you made it in early this morning Shawna. I was just about to go check in the office for you but I guess you found me first. Would you like for me to start the coffee?" She motioned towards the office door.

"Sure Joanne go ahead. I'll be in in a second. I've gotta use the ladies room and I'll be right in." Shawna smiled again turning towards the restrooms nearby. "Oh and when you've done that. I found a book this morning laying on one of the reading tables. Do you think you could take a look at it and see if you recognized it. I left it on the front desk. Just when you get a chance." She said before continuing on holding back a chuckle.

"Okay Ms. Hawthorn." She shouted back to the retreating lioness. Curious as to how a book managed to make onto a reading table between her employer leaving the night before. She knew that she allways made a run up and down each aisle before leaving, just in case someone had left something behind or discarded a book without returning it to its origin. But she shrugged and dismissed the thought as she filled the filter in the coffee maker with ground coffee and pushed the start button, an instant clicking noise let her know it had started.

Leaving the office Joanne made her way to the front desk, immediatly spotting the book Ms. Hawthorn had mentioned. She looked it over before picking it up. Black cover, no markings, obviously old, frayed edges, scarred and heavy. Well its obviously not one of our books, she thought to herself, before she opened it and fanned the pages. Blank. All the pages were blank. "What the..." She began before a page of text caught her eye but she skipped over it before she saw what was on it. She flipped back a few pages. Finding that it was once again blank. She swore she just saw something on one of the pages. She huffed in frustration before closing the book and placing it back on the desk.

She turned to walk away when she heard a loud THUMP from behind her. She jumped and turned and looked behind her, expecting to see an early vistor to the library only to see no one. She looked aroud to find nothing but something wasn't right. Where was the black book? She heard another thump. Something caught her eye on the floor. The black book had fallen on the floor. She was sure she had left it flat on the desk. She walked up to it and reached down to pick it up. Just as her hand held a firm grasp on the spine she felt a quick jolt of pain shoot up her arm, making her drop the book again, it landed on the ground with another LOUD thump. She grabbed her arm holding it close to her. Rubbing her arm to make the pain dissapate. It did but something replaced it. Warmth...lovingly inviting warmth. It spread up her arm to her shoulder and soon spread to her chest, neck, stomache, and traveled further down.

Joanne moaned softly her eyes fluttering shut just as the warmth spread to her pelvic area, wasting no time in making her youthful cunny moist with the stimulating warmth. She shuddered involountarily not knowing what was going on, only that she felt so...gooood. She panted softly wrapping her arms around herself, giving herself a hug as she slowly felt herself sinking down to the carpeted flooring.

"What's...mmmmmhmm...happening to me." She moaned quietly.

"You're becoming a part of something very great, my dear Joanne." A voice said suddenly from behind her. She felt a familiar paw reach down and massage her shoulder making her mooaaannn at the loving touch. Her sense of touch seeminly amplified with the warmth.

"Ms...Ms...Hawthorn?" the panthress shivered and looked back behind her, gazing into powerful and inviting yellow eyes.

"Please call me Shawna my dear, but if you are going to keep using formalities then I suppose you could call me mistress." The lioness hissed softly into the panthress' ear blowing warm breath gently into her ear.

Joanne shivered more violently this time. Her body ached for touch it yearned to be held by the older predator. She had never felt this way before. She had allways admired her from a distance but never knew just HOW much she really wanted the lioness.

"I've known for a long time that you have been admiring me my little Joanne. It hasn't gone unnoticed. It wasn't until just recently though that I've..mmmmm..acquired a taste for such sweet and succulent girls." The lioness purred lovingly reaching a paw around and under the panthress' arm to cup on of her breasts, wasting no time in massaging it lovingly. Her breasts were a pawful but were no compare to her own and she loved it that way.

Joanne jumped and melted into the lioness' embrace, moaning and tilting her back as she thrust her chest into that wonderfully skilled paw as it molested her chest through her blouse. "W-what happend that made you c-c-change your mind...mmmmm....mistress." Joanne shuddered as the word rolled off her tongue so delciously.

Shawna giggled softly and reached a paw over Joanne's shoulder and pointed at the book sitting in front of her. "That book, is what changed my mind." She then slid the paw she pointed with down the panthress' chest, further and futher down lovingly caressing her belly through the thin material, grabbing professional looking skirt and teasingly pulling it up.

"" Joanne managed to say as she almost as to stifle herself from moaning too loud from the tortous teasing this lion was giving her. She wanted it so badly. To feel her tounge invading her muzzle to feel those thick and powerful digits sinking deep between her legs, that tail wrapping itself around her waist to pull her closer. That...her trail of thought was broken as Shawna let her go, making her lose her balance for a moment before landing on her hands and knees with her body hovering over the book. She almost cried and snapped her head back almost yelling at her employer.

"Why did you stop?! Please mistress, please take me I'll do anything you want. PLEASE!" She whimpered helplessly. The once professional assitant now turning into nothing more than a begging slut. The lioness loved it.

"Anything you say?" Shawna cocked an eye brown and gently nibbled on the pinkie nail of one of her paws.

"YES! Anything! Please misstress!" Joanne turned whimpered, her hips swaying and rocking in utter need.

"You heared her book. She's yours for the taking." Shawna smiled, standing to her feet before stepping back. Getting a good view of what was to come, or cum even, she laughed at her silent pun.

"" Joanne panted "What do you mean?" She began to turn to stand to her knees when she felt something wet and cold touch her paws and knees. She jumped or rather jerked as she was adheared to the floor by what looked like black ink covering the floor. Spreading from the black book now which looked like it was bleeding and oozing black blood.

She panicked, the once warmth was being stolen away from the steely cold embrace of the black ooze.

"Shawna...what is this stuff!! Help me!! I can't move!" She cried for help before she was silenced except for a momentary "Oomph!" as the black ooze pulled her down on top of the book and down to the floor. It began to "devour" her body, gliding and creeping up along her dark fur. The ooze was so black that even against the dark panthress' coat the substance stood out.

"Just relax my dear and let nature take its course." Shawna giggled evily as watched the poor girl's clothing dissolve as the ooze touched it, remembering just how it felt when it first devoured her. Even though she was scared just like her panthress friend, it felt amazing, like being covered in a liquid latex suit.

Soon it wasn't long before every inch of the panther's body, except for her head was covered in the slick substance. Shawna stole a glance down between Joanne's legs and purred deeply. Everything was showing, her lovely ooze covered cunny and tailhole were wide in the open for her to see and she slowly rubbed a paw over herself, feeling more and more turned on by the second as she stared at the privates of her once library assitant, now converted pet.

Something bothered her though, the ooze did not seep into her nethers like it had done with her. As if it had heard her thoughts she heard the book whisper into her mind.

"I can only give power to the one I choose, everyone else will only recieve a conduit from which the chosen one shall transfer their own power to the being of their choice."

"I see..." Shawn grinned evily, in an instant the black ooze that had formed her clothing vanished from sight, sinking into her fur. She reached a paw down her chest, slowly sliding it done her belly and finally down between her legs where she gently began to stroke her now throbbing clitty. As she stroked it, she moaned deeply, watching as Joanne caught her breath and rose to her hands and knees, eyes blurry and her mind fuzzy.

The panthress shook her head and sat back on her hanches rubbing her eyes, trying to remember what had happend when it finally hit her and she quickly opened her eyes seeing her hand covered in a slick and shiny black substance, as for the rest of her body as well. The only exception was her neck and head and then something else returned to her thoughts, snapping her head back to look up to see her employer stark naked. Her beautiful tawny golden fur open for the whole world to see. Joanne lingered on her form only for a second as there was something more distinguishing that caught her attention. Just about eye level was a thick black protruding object between Shawna's legs, it was long, thick, and...."Oh my..." was all Joanne could muster to say before Shawna was on top of her pushing her down to the ground.

The first thing to Joanne's mind was to run, to get away, but something stopped her. She felt the soft touch of Shawna's breasts pressing into her back and her stong and powerful arms reach around and grab her chest, massaging both of her breasts vigorously. was heaven...She had only ever imagined something like this happening in her dreams, it was now coming true. But then she snapped back to reality when she felt that object she just saw before press to the entrance of her sex. She gasped for breath to say something but never got a chance as Shawna pushed her hips forward and slowly inch by inch, sank the phallic shaped ooze deep into her assistant. Stopping only for a second as the poor girl's hymen, and then pressing on through it with ease.

Joanne growled as a flash of pain filled her body for only a second as her virginity was stolen from her, but soon faded into a deep purr as it turned into pure pleasure. She felt it. Every ince of it inside of her, every curve, every ridge, it was a feline penis, she felt the bumps of the barbs as they glided over her walls.

Shawna hissed in pleasure as she continued pressing in further. It was not long after she broke through the girl's hymen that she felt the tip bump against her cervix. There was still a few more inches left to go so she pumped gently against her cervix, each bump making it loosen a little more. Joanne's mouth gaped open as she scrambled for breath as each firm bump against her cervix made jolts of pleasure shoot up her spine. Each one stronger than the other. It wasn't going to be long as all before her first climax hit her, it was just too much.

With a last few bumps Shawna felt the head of her faux cock dive into Joanne's uterus. Making her scream and flail in exstacy as an explosive orgasm wracked her body completely. She convulsed and a good amount of feminine cum shot out from between her pussy and the lioness' phallus, soaking the floor beneath.

"Oh my god...." Joanne gasped "Its up to my throat....I can feel it so far...Shawna please...make me yours...I want to be yours....I've wanted it for so long." The panthress' cried out wontingly, her breath hagged and thin.

"I'll be happy to oblige my lovely assistant." The lioness purred deeply before getting up to her knees and pulling Joanne's waist with hers. Pulling her hips back as far as she could before thrusting slowly deep back into the panther below her. She started off slow, she wanted her partner to revel in the feel of her powerful faux manhood. It may not be a true part of her, but all the sensations, thanks to the ooze, made a direct connection to her nervous system. Her body filling with sensations that were alien, yet, seemed almost natural.

Soon, the air was thick with the heavy scent of two female felines' arousal and wet smacking sounds of bodies covered in latex. If anyone were to walk in, the once quiet library would be filled with the erotic air of sex and debauchary. But for now, neither of the two occupants cared. Their whole world consisted of one motion, heavy breathing, and bodily chemicals at work.

Each solid thrust that Shawna landed inside of the poor panther girl, sank her deep into her belly, every now and then, the very tip, brushing the roof of her womb, driving Joanne insane with pleasure. It was like a mini orgasm each time it hit her, each one bringing her closer and closer to nothing like she's ever felt before. She knew her body wasn't going to be ready for it but she didn't care. She didn't care what had happened for all this to come about. How she was covered from the neck down in a latex ooze body suit, how her employer Ms Hawthorn had managed to have a penis made out of the same substance, how a book could bleed. None of tha mattered right now. For right now a hurricane was about to hit.

"Oh GOD..OH GOD...OH MY GOOOOODDDD!!!!" Joanne screamed her lungs out as her body seized up not moving except for the almost painful muscle contractions that wreaked havoc on her body as an orgasm the size of the empire state building hit her. Her eyes shut, her teeth clenched tight, and her finger nails digging hard into the carpet, cutting deep marks in the fabric. With each hard contraction, a powerful squirt of feminie cum shot out between her legs, coating Shawna's thighs and groin in wetness.

Shawna, kept thrusting away as Joanne came, her convulsing and thrashing sending her over the top as well. She felt something deep in her groin surge as the head of her faux cock flared, sealing her inside of the panther girl's womb. She felt it, deep from just in front of her colon, down between her pussy and tail hole and then up to the very tip of her cock. A solid almost steady stream of what she could only think of as cum spurted deep in the girl's womb filling her up in no time. But with her head flared up around her cervix, it had no place to go but to fill up her filopian tubes and expand her uterus.

Joanne's eyes flew open as she felt her belly begin to expand as a hot warmth of cum began to pump into her. Almost as if she had sat on a fire hydrant. Again she thrashed, It felt so GOD DAMNED GOOOOOODD! She screamed in her mind MORE MORE!! Her orgasm wouldn't stop her eyes rolled back in her head, and neither would Shawna's. She just kept going, she had no idea where it was all coming from. Slowly but surely, Joanne's belly expanded more and more, so much so that it soon brushed the ground below her. It was at that moment that Shawna felt the flow inside her begin to taper off, slowly stopping before ceasing altogether. The lioness was spent and fell forward as she let go of the panther's hips, landing ontop of her and closing her eyes in exhaustion.

Shawna felt the last of the lioness' cum splurt inside of her and gasped sharply before sighing long and slowly. She felt is this even possible, was all that crossed her mind before she felt the lioness land on top of her, her knees falling out behind her, the only thing keeping them both supported was now her gravid belly full of god knows what.

She couldn't think right now, her mind was too fuzzy to even care about it anymore, all she needed now was sleep. Shawna already passed out on top of her it seemed like a good idea. Joanne started to close her eyes, her mind growing dim. Just as sleep was about to take her she heard something....A familiar sound...*click*

"I told you earlier Terra I needed to get here early so I could start on my paper before class tonight!" was the sound of a young male stallion entering through the front door, a cell phone held up to his head...