
Story by srcoyote on SoFurry

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Hi all! there is a little story for kill the time, have fun and hope you like it!

The thunderous impact of the edge of the weapons raised the audience and cheering, with screams and howls. Two huge beasts fought to the death in the center of the arena, a white tiger and a blue wolf, both covered only by small leather loincloths, wearing scars from previous battles throughout his body, along with new and burning wounds, product of the current fight. The audience roared insults, wishing death to the opposite gladiator and throwing stones at them when they were at a distance, because the longer the fight spread, the more desperate the spectators became to see blood.

Another clash of weapons, the lance of the tiger struck violently with the edge of the lupine axe. Suddenly, a stone flew and wounded the feline over his left eye. The impact surprised him and made him retreat, causing his opponent to throw a blow to his hand, disarming him, breaking his guard and leaving him defenseless. A precise and inclement horizontal cut made his stomach open and a sack of guts fell to the ground. The tiger's knees touched the ground while blood flowed from his muzzle and his vision blurred. The blue wolf gave a loud shout, driving his ax into the middle of his skull, spraying his fur with the blood of his now dead rival. The winner put one foot on the loser's chest and with both hands pulled his ax from the cat, the body fell to the side. The audience went crazy and started shouting the name of the victor "Ulf! Ulf! Ulf!"

The doors of the arena closed heavily behind Ulf, who was slowly returning to his quarters to treat his wounds. The place was vast cells in corridors of damp stone, illuminated by dying torches. The cries of pain and the clash of iron echoed throughout the enclosure, many men, with their marked and mutilated bodies, were getting ready for the next combats, until the Elysium fields receive them to walk peacefully with the shadows.

The most veteran gladiators viciously sought after their combat the new slaves to sodomize them, miserable garbage with the misfortune of been captured alive, alive they will stay in the pits to be abused, humiliated and if they do not run the fate of dysentery they can die along with others in battle. And the few guards stationed in the place allowed all debauchery, anyway prohibit fun to a future corpse would be cruel. But even they, authority figures, from time to time tortured and raped the fiercest fighters as signs of power. Except for Ulf, nobody touched him.

The hours passed and Sol Invictus left the sky while a group of three soldiers, with red colors in their armor, approached the cell of the great blue lupine. There was Ulf sitting, naked, finishing cleaning his wounds with an old rag. The gladiator looked up, threw the bloody cloth aside and stood up, the wolf standing on top of two of the tallest soldiers. "What happens?" the canine growled.

One of the soldiers put his spear in front of him, in defense position, trying to maintain his composure, without being able to take his eyes off the fat and hanging balls of the gladiator. "The governor requests your presence ..."

Ulf looked down at his escort and spat on the ground. He turned around and began to rummage through bundles of clothes in a corner. From there he got a toga of a yellowish white, showing how old it was. He dressed and walked out, pushing the men away and leading the group.

The four left the gladiator pits. The noise of the wheels of the cars on the paved roads was barely noticeable, the forum was empty and only a few braziers illuminated the roads of the city.

The soldiers lit torches and began to guide the wolf to the governor's villa. On their way they met a group of young Vestals who rested from their duties while throwing lascivious glances at the half-naked body of the great blue savage as he paced in front of the few present as if he were leading a triumphal march on an invisible chariot after a victorious campaign.

The procession ended in front of huge doors, adorned with finely carved columns, which gave rise to the inner courtyard of the huge villa. Next to them was a young wolf dressed in red robes. Seeing the soldiers, the boy went to meet them, raised his hand disinterestedly and greeted them. "Salve militum," the young man said softly.

"Salve Dominus! we brought the gladiator that his father ordered us," the soldiers said, circling the barbarian in a semicircle.

"Excellent work! I will take it from here, my father is not in the mood to receive many people in his rooms" replied the boy, indicating to the great lupino to advance.

"But sir, he is dangerous! Are you sure you can control him?" the larger soldier exclaimed worriedly.

"Do not worry about soldiers, he is a barbarian but he is not stupid and if he values his life, he will know he can not escape" the boy replied calmly, gesturing delicately with his hands. "Now retreat, your task is complete."

The leader of the uniformed ones remained thinking a moment, made a reverence and retired with his men in the dark of the night. Seeing the fires move away along the paved path, the little wolf gave a signal to the brute and both entered the inner courtyard, walking slowly and silently through the imposing village.

On their way past a large fountain, adorned with the statue of the victory goddess, several red flags adorned the courtyard. The interior corridors were illuminated by small fires that also highlighted the exquisite murals and busts of important members of the family, adorned with golden laurels. They also crossed a large room with a small interior fountain and several seats made of masonry and adorned with several vases carved inlaid with gold. Until finally they stopped in front of a very striking door with faces profile carved in the wood, two columns held a large arch that had details of gold and silver, It was the personal room of the dominus.

The boy opened the door with one hand and with the other he pointed inside. "Go ahead, the lord awaits you inside"

Ulf entered the room. Torches produced a dim light and a large bed stood behind a bronze frame. When approaching the bed the blue wolf realized that it was empty, there was no one in the room. A door closed behind him and next to him the young wolf passed by, climbed onto the bed and leaned back observing him.

"What does this mean?" the great wolf asked coldly.

"At last I can have you by my side, in private, your last fight was incredible, when you bathed in the blood of that tiger I was panting for the excitement" said the boy with a big smile while caressing his own chest with his hand.

Ulf made a gesture of anger. "Where's your father?" he asked the wolf cub.

"Do not worry, he has left the city for a few days, but I have not lied to you, your lord is in front of you," the boy replied, getting up from the bed and walking slowly towards the beast.

The blue wolf stayed staring without saying a word, clenching his fists.

"Yes, two years ago I laid my eyes on you, and I personally took care of you to have special deals, I'm your patron" he replied as he walked slowly around the big man, who was twice of his size.

Ulf relaxed his fists, looked at the boy and sighed. It reminded him of a companion in his village, they barely had eighteen winters when they parted, just like the puppy in front of him. "Thank you master, I am at your mercy"

The young master gave a shriek of emotion and embraced the great wolf, rubbing his face against the marked abdomen of the barbarian. "Your servitude will be worth it, I assure you"

The next hour advanced in silence, Ulf understood his situation and cooperated with his master's orders. The boy slowly undressed his new toy, that sapphire hair was hypnotic, soaked with sweat his body smelled of blood and grime, giving him a wild presence that woke up all the senses of the young wolf. But what really drove the puppy crazy were those two huge, dangling balls, tied to a sheath the thickness of an arm.

The young man sniffed and licked as much as he liked, the wild aroma and the salty taste was a trigger for the boy's most primitive desires. "When was the last time you prenated a female ... or another male?"

"I ... I have never impregnated a female, master" Ulf replied looking disappointed towards the ground and remembering his youth in freedom, a time so far away that it seemed like a previous life.

"So ... are you pure?" the boy asked again as he caressed the testicles of his gladiator.

"No, owner, when I was young I breeded a friend ... several times" the barbarian replied again.

"And here? Is it true what they say about the fighter pit?" He continued with his interrogation the Roman canine.

"No, master, I have not touched any boy in the pits, and yes, it is true that they abuse and dishonor until they hurt the youngest ones" he answered, a little agitated by the stimuli.

The boy poured himself a goblet of wine and drank from it until it was empty, smiling as a trickle of wine dripped down the side of his mouth, and he asked: "And if I order you to do to me the same thing that the gladiators do to those kids?"

"You ... want me to dishonor you?" the blue wolf asked quite confused.

"I want you to use me, as if I were your female ... deflorate me and I'll get you out of that filthy place" proposed the boy while removing his tunic, letting his chest swell and relax by the excitement. "Now take me, as if it were a reward worthy of a son of Mars after a massacre, is an order" sentenced the boy while licking his lips.

Ulf sighed and closed his eyes. "Yes, my owner, I will impregnate you like a female ..."


Think about that, remember ... the ashes flying through the air, the bodies, mom, the flags, the eagle, Worrick ...

"Ulf! Uuuulf!" shouted a young gray wolf as he ran towards me. We were the same age and had not yet reached the twenty winters. The other boy was Worric, one of the best warriors in the village, even at his young age last year he had marched with one of the local lords against a scuffle against the Romans, he had even brought a gladius as a souvenir.

I admired him, even though he had some strange attitudes: he bathed very often and looked for aromatic herbs to smell better, he never drank with the adults even though he had been invited several times. I also never saw him go after a female from the village, and the girls were crazy about him! ... Also when we had our private escapades, he always played as a female, he never tried to fuck me, he just asked me to knot him ... with the screams that he hit, he always asked me, he loved that.

That day I had finished feeding the animals and had started hitting a doll with a stick. I was drenched in sweat and panting trying to catch my breath to keep hitting. If I was lucky this year they would also recruit me and finally I would have the opportunity to confront those evil monsters dressed in red.

"Ulf!" Worrick shouted again, now next to me.

"Yes?" I asked, still beating the doll.

"Can you stop for a moment?" He asked cheerfully.

"No, I'm practicing," I replied with a snort.

"Come on! I have a gift for you! "He insisted, moving my shoulder.

At that moment my ears caught the word "gift" and I turned excitedly "Are you going to give me your sword ?!"

"Ha ha ha ha! No, do not dream about it! "He replied without stopping to laugh.

"Jooo ... then what is it?" I asked, frowning.

The young wolf showed me what he had in his hands: it was a vest made of lamb's leather, it was perfectly woven, it was soft and fluffy. "I did it, winter is coming and I wanted to give it to you"

I took the gift in my hands and it seemed stupid. "Thank you ..." what an imbecile I was at that time.

When worrick saw my reaction he stared at the ground, somewhat disappointed. "I hope ... it will be useful ..." he murmured.

Damn, did this guy really kill eleven legionaries? "Hmm ... yeah, you want ... you want us to go bathe to the river?" I asked, trying to soften the things.

"I do not know ... I have things to do" he replied, moving the earth a little with his foot.

I approached him and hugged him, putting both hands on his buttocks, squeezing them as if they belonged to me. "I have not released my seed for three days, I'm going to leave it all inside you"

At that moment I could see how his face blushed, I let him go and ran to the river, it was getting dark and people were slowly returning to their homes. When I turned my head I saw him, he kept running after me, he was beautiful ...

When we reached the banks of the river, everything was calm, a soft autumn breeze gently moved our fur. We sat together and began to caress each other, I kissed him and I playfully bit his ear. He gave his body gladly to my hands, we wallowed on the grass and before starting to remove my clothes I looked up to confirm that there is no one around and then I saw it. "Smoke ... Smoke is coming out of the village!"

We got up quickly and ran into the town, the smell of ash and the cries felt in the distance. When arriving everything was a chaos, Worrick left running towards his house and I towards mine. The door was knocked down, my father was dead, lying on the floor. I approached slowly to see the corpse closely, was the first dead person I saw in my life, but before I could take a few steps someone grabbed my arm, I turned to see who it was but before I could fix the view a huge fist hit my face and I lost consciousness.

When I opened my eyes I could see my chains, I was together with a large group of people in the center of the village, all chained, with a great legion around, looting the houses, enumerating the prisoners and piling our dead to burn them. Then I heard it: a great scream that froze my blood "Odiiiiin!" Worrick jumped against one of the legionaries with his ax raised, the Roman turned and with a quick movement kicked in the stomach to my friend, Worrick fell to the ground violently and when he tried to get up a gladius pierced his face. I closed my eyes as the tears fell ...

Ulf sighed, clenched his teeth and fists. "You'll have what you're looking for, Roman pig ..."

The young wolf looked up when he heard the comment but a strong punch hit him in the face and threw him with his back against his face "Ooow! What the fuck are you doing ?!" the boy shouted.

The big blue wolf took his owner's arm and turned him on the bed, threw himself at him violently as he growled. The young wolf was frightened and tried to shout "Guar!" but a hand covered his mouth, squeezing tightly, while he felt like a piece of thick, wet flesh pricked him from behind.

Ulf's chest swelled with excitement, he rammed his hips erratically trying to find his master's anus. Anger clouded his judgment and his mouth dripped drool as the boy's tears drenched his hand. In a particularly sharp push the Roman eyes widened and his face became red with the cry he could not give.

The inside of the gray wolf was so tight that the further it went, it seemed to crack. Ulf did not stop for a moment, despite the tremors and muffled cries, never let go of his master, just kept on ramming him until his knot began to hit the boy's tight anus, and despite pressing with all his weight He could not tie it. But the hatred did not disappear, I wanted to hurt him, ruin him, mark him forever as they had done, then when the moment came when the powerful seed of Ulf began to flood the burning bowels of the master, the blue wolf bit from the base of one of the boy's ears and pulled, pulled so hard that in seconds it felt the flesh that came off.

Ulf got up and still with his member swollen and bathed in semen, he ran away and was lost in the night.

The young wolf was left writhing in pain in the bed, with both hands covering his head, where blood spilled, staining his face, while his anus, a pretty inflamed hole that refused to close, dripping cum from inside: intestines quite full of the seed of the wild beast.

The next day in the morning, several corpses of guards and a large dead blue wolf were found, next to a forum shop. The savage had a lamb leather waistcoat in his hands.

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