The Ransom Part 1

Story by Sarkrin on SoFurry

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#1 of The Ransom

My first story here and it has turned in quite a different direction than I originally planned but I am going with it. Not that great with introductions but here we go. I plan on this being a small series.

Orphy a young dragoness living in a frontier mining town stranded by failed aspirations and now hoping to earn enough to make her way back home. Lately she has been stalked and bothered by a new dragon in town Droga someone that is clearly likely trouble but he may present the best opportunity for her to get what she wants most.

It was just another day for Orphy as she got herself ready for the day, looking her slim body over in the mirror with a sigh, she knew by time she got home her shining red and orange scales would be marred with grime no doubt. "well just a few more months." she reassured herself with a smile and flicking some lint from a scale before pulling her shirt on. She had been saving up for quite a while in hopes of moving back east her initial dreams of making her fortune on the frontier having fallen flat leaving her in an unenviable position working at the local stables. Her temper having gotten her fired from most other jobs around the mining town. Nonetheless she had her small place in the back of the inn and was determined to see things through to her way back home. Though she had to admit to herself she had found a certain charm to these wild lands.

She was soon out heading to the stables and ignoring the usual catcalls that came her way mostly from other dragons but a few other species joined in. She ignored them as she usually did as she knew they wouldn't do more than a few lewd remarks and gazes. They loved to target her mostly because they knew she could take it and most would have spent some time drinking with her and new she had a good enough sense of humor if not pushed. Though it seemed that some didn't understand that by the dragon waiting near the stables for her same as he had been the last few days. "Bit late today aren't you Orphy?" he called coming over. "Go away Droga." she growled tail lashing as she did her best to ignore him and get to work. The dust brown male snorted, "don't be like that now." he says coming up behind her, "can't play hard to get forever you know." trying to grab her tail as she twisted away with a growl.

"Droga I fucking swear if you touch me I will cut your balls off." she snaps at him fierce gaze meeting his as he attempted a smug look somewhat defeated by his taking a step back from her. She glared, "go away." she says turning. She was going to busy cleaning the stables today and was not looking forward to it. It was smelly hard work and by the end of it she was sorely needed a bath and sighed on her way back. She knew Droga had money and she could probably get out of there right away if she gave him what he wanted for a price... but she didn't like the bastard and he was definitely not of the good sort. She quickly paid for a warm bath in her room treating herself to a rare luxury instead of a cold bath. Soon her clothes sat in a pile on the floor and she slipped down with a groan into the steaming water and soaking for a while before starting to scrub herself clean. It seemed to be over far too soon for her as she stepped out of the cooling water pulling a towel around herself.

She flopped down on her bed towel splaying beneath her, fingers idly rubbing her lower lips, not even thinking of what she was doing as she thought and squirmed suddenly sitting up and pulling away from herself. Can't be doing that now she thought pulling a fresh pair of clothes on and heading to the nearby saloon. Free food and drink for putting up with some drunken flirting was well worth it. "Orphy!" One of the men greeted her as she came in, Charles, that was his name she remembered taking an offered drink, "Seems your leg is doing better." she says smiling, "ahh yeah well just twisted it wrong is all." he said clapping her on the back his hand going too low for a second. "Not many familiar faces here." Orphy remarks most of their usual group missing, "yeah some circus act outside of town or something." Charles said, "I would rather get drunk and not walk all that way."

Orphy nodded, "I forgot about them." she said sitting at the bar, "don't think you are getting lucky tonight either not going to take much to set me off tonight." she warns him. Charles nodded, "that brutish looking fella giving you hard time again?", a curt nod and, "Yeah." She replies with a huff, "Don't cause any trouble I can take care of myself." she tells him firmly while taking a hard gulp of her drink, "mind getting me some food?" she asks. Charles nodded ordering some soup and putting cash on the bar, "I know you can handle yourself lass I still have the scar from the fight you started a couple months ago." he reminds her. She flicked her tongue out at him mockingly and laughed.

A few hours later Orphy stumbled out drunk and barely aware of her surrounding past which direction led back to the inn. She had spent the time drinking and venting her frustrations to her friend and the barkeep before being told to leave. She didn't blame them for that or wouldn't at least because she could when sober understand the reasoning why. In her state there was no way she would notice her stalker until a large arm wrapped around her throat from behind choking off her startled cry releasing as she gasped for breath and pulled from a chemical smelling rag thrust in her face and just like she was out.

Orphy woke with a groan, her head pounding and her hands numb, with a panicked muffled gasp she tried to sit up only to find her arms bound above her head to the headboard of a bed in an unfamiliar room. She looked around jerking about as she heard Droga speak, "I see you are up." he says from across the room leaning against the door, "don't worry I'm not going to hurt you but I shall definitely use you." he says smirking widely. Orphy growled and bit down hard on the gag in her mouth pulling her legs up to kick him if he got close to her.

"Not like that. Ransom you understand I happen to know who your father is though given you have been trying to leave I think we can work something out of this." Droga says feeling she would accept his offer. It was in her best interest to help him. Not only would he get a payday but she would get a free trip back home out of this place. Orphy eyed him suspiciously not trusting a word he said but she needed someway out of this and maybe she could play along enough to escape. She tried to speak and growled until he carefully came over and pulled the gag free. She panted and glared up at him, "And why couldn't you just say this creep?" she says breathing hard and feeling hot under the scales with anger and golden eyes narrowing.

"Lot easier when you are already willing." he says licking over his lips, "besides I couldn't pass up the chance to try and get with a hot mess like you." he chuckled enjoying her reaction as she bared her fangs at him. He grabbed his knife and stepped forward causing her eyes to go wide as she instinctively flinched away. He reached over and cut her arms free. "A sign of good faith." he says, "Clearly I wanted to hurt or defile you I could have by now."

Orphy sat up quickly pulling the rest of the rope apart and rubbing her arms, fear making her heart race as she watched Droga and considered his words. It didn't make much sense to cut her free if he did intend to harm her. "Fine, I doubt you are smart enough to be planning something else and don't even think of touching me." she warned, "I am not going anywhere with you without a gun." she added just in case. Droga rolled his eyes and tossed the knife down on the bed next to her, "you can have that for now. We are leaving soon as everyone is asleep tonight so might as well make yourself comfortable." he adds pulling a chair in front of the door to sit, "You aren't going anywhere either. Has to look like you actually vanished you know and can't have you telling anyone."

The dragoness sighed, "fine... I suppose I should start writing a letter begging for forgiveness and help." she looking for a pen and paper, "we will do that tomorrow." Droga says hoping she didn't catch on to the fact he hadn't thought about that. Unfortunately for him she did and with a flat expression, "you don't have a pen or paper do you?" she asks to which he shakes his head. She sat back and resigned herself to boredom as she kept the knife close at hand and dully glared at Droga most of the day until her hangover got the better of her and she passed out.

Droga watched her and shook his head. She was going to give him trouble no doubt but at least she was on his side for now. He did hope she would come around, would certainly make things easier, and he hoped far more pleasurable in the future. He sat waiting for night now and then they would be off fetching his horse from the stables and going out someplace far enough away they wouldn't attract any attention and where he could set up some sort of exchange for the ransom he had planned.