
Story by attonranden on SoFurry

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#1 of Sentinels



(Blighted Wastes)

The body writhed as energies beyond it's understanding coursed through it's flesh, for a brief moment the shadow clad figure overseeing this attempt held out some hope that his search was over but just as soon as it flourished it died. Just like the body before it.

"Another failure." He couldn't feel disappointment, not anymore, failure was the expected outcome after all. How could these sad pitiful creatures hope to withstand a power so beyond them, perhaps direct interaction was the problem. He examined the body, what was left of it, it might have been some kind of canine he thought, the skull that was visible looked familiar. He hadn't noticed the species when he had grabbed this subject it didn't seem relevant. Male, female, saurian, canine, reptile even human all that mattered was that the body survived he didn't particularly even need the mind.

The remainder of his materials whimpered and cried when he approached with the latest result. Eyes filled with despair looked upon him, words and pleas left muzzles intended to sway him to mercy. Pitiful, to think that they had been reduced to this. He was running low again, surely there was one among them? Did he need better quality perhaps?

He'd taken hunters with this batch not just the passive, not that there were many of the latter left in this area. Maybe the area was just bac stock, blood run too thin perhaps.

"No matter." He dropped the body with the other failures uncaring of how large the pile had grown or the storm of flies feasting on the discarded flesh. He'd taken a canine before so perhaps a saurian again this time, a hint of dragon's blood always remained within them no matter the distance from their esteemed ancestors.

He only had one left, pity. It was a female he noted and planned to keep better track of his attempts from now on, maybe the haphazard execution was at fault and not the materials.

She pleaded with him, or so he assumed, as her paws tugged at his hand and arm, their words always seemed so far away. She was tossed into the array just like all the others had been and he watched silent as it activated. Inscriptions and symbols lit the room with an ominous glow before the crystal, the heart of the array, it's center and core latched onto the woman. Tendrils of arcane power older than the civilizations of both worlds moved to consume her.

She lasted no longer than the one before her.

"Another failure."

"What happens if it works?" He turned to the entrance of his workshop, momentarily surprised by the female knoll standing in the doorway. Had he left the door of the cage unlocked? No, she wasn't one of his stock, there was still fire in her eyes, an inferno of live in fact.

She also had all her clothes still attached, why was he no noticing these things sooner?

"You become my wrath." He told her as he stepped to the side, giving her a clear view of the array, the crystal and the charred corpse within. She had men at her back, in the corridor with blades drawn and fangs barred at him but he held no fear for the children. Mer mortals had no chance of harming him now. "Do you have what it takes I wonder?"

"You mean do I have the stupidity to die

"I assure you, I want it to be wielded."

After only a moments hesitation the female stepped forward and if he still had eyes he would have blinked at the confidence in her strides. Whether it be sheer arrogance, burning pride or simple greed that made her ignore the sense of her peers she strode straight into the array, unfazed as the runes activated.

A glimmer of excitement bubbled up within him, her screams had already lasted for far longer than any others. Could she be the one?

Scarred, withered flesh pulled back into a vicious smile. His fury had finally arrived.