Meet Me By the Railroad Tracks 2 (Patreon)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#30 of Meet Me 2 (Patreon)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Awesome art by:

Ethan has settled in a new town and has found new love, but an upset comes in the form of Sean coming into the jackal's life with terrible news.

Read the first chapter here:

Read the full story here:

It had been a full year since Ethan had left Janesville, and not a day had gone by that he missed his old home and the people he knew there. Particularly Sean. He often wondered how that cute dog was doing now. He wondered how Janesville entirely was doing with its new governor. It was during these times that he thought that his abandonment had been a mistake, but he would shake the notion from his mind and remind himself that he had to stay firm.

But still, when he wasn't thinking about his old home while on duty, the thoughts would often invade his dreams. At the moment he was having one such dream. He was running through his old town but no one was around despite all the buildings and signs that the city was occupied. No matter how loud he shouted and where he went, not a single soul was found. Some might have thought it to be a nightmare, but he didn't. For the jackal it was just a recurring omen.

When Ethan thought he was at his loneliest in his dream, there came a voice calling his name. It was quiet at first but grew in volume. Then there came a shove against his shoulder, and he startled awake. The jackal was on guard right away with his eyes snapping open and stared up at a familiar figure that was leaning over him. It took him a moment to realize who it was and then his posture relaxed.

"Oh, Tyler, it's just you," Ethan sighed and relaxed back on his bed.

"Just me, eh?" The other said with a smirk and crossed his arms over his thin chest. Tyler was a small mouse that the jackal had often gone out on patrol with when he had first been accepted into Reedsburg. In a lot of ways he reminded Ethan of Sean, they had the same height and body type, though in his opinion Tyler was much more feminine. He had somewhat wide hips and thin shoulders. But despite appearances, the mouse was an incredibly skilled hand to hand combatant. The jackal had never seen someone so easily disarm someone else of their knife before and then flip them on their back. Ethan had tried him once and was thrown onto his ass before he knew what hit him. It was likely in that moment that he had fallen in love with the mouse.

"What time is it?" Ethan groaned and turned over so he could reach for his glasses on the nearby table. Tyler suddenly leaned down and snatched them up before the jackal could grab them.

"It's about eight-o-clock." Tyler placed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and blinked at the terrible vision he suddenly had. "Jeez, how do you see anything with these?"

"Gimme those," Ethan grunted and leaned up to grab for his glasses. The mouse fended away the first swipe but then his wrists became grappled. Tyler yelped as he was suddenly pulled on top of the jackal and the glasses were wrestled from his face and placed on the canine's muzzle. "I've got patrol in an hour. Can't do that if I can't see."

"Yeah, in an hour," Tyler came to straddle the jackal at the waist and leaned forward. The mouse's paws came to settle on the other's chest and the two gazed at each other. "We've got plenty of time until then."

"Time for what?" Ethan said and began to sit up but was suddenly shoved back down. When he grumbled and opened his mouth to protest he came to find that the front of his crotch was getting rubbed through the blanket that still covered his lower half.

"Time for this," Tyler said as his small paw moved up and down the distinct indent of Ethan's morning wood. The jackal shivered as his sensitive member was stroked.

"So you're waking me up the same way I went to bed?" Ethan smiled and lifted his paws to run them along the feminine mouse's thin sides.

"That's right. Aren't I such a good boyfriend?" Tyler giggled and scooted lower so he could tug down the blankets to reveal that the only thing Ethan was wearing was a pair of boxers.

"You're the best boyfriend," the jackal got out before interrupted by a moan as the mouse went back to stroking his cock through the thin underwear.

"And don't you ever forget it." Tyler marked his words by pulling back the other's boxers so that Ethan's hard cock sprung free and flopped against his lower belly. He leaned low and burred his nose against the spot where the jackal's balls met the base of his member. A deep breath drew in the strong, musky smell of the morning and a shiver of excitement rushed up his spine.

Content with the delicious smell, Tyler was even more invigorated to have a taste. His tongue traced from the jackal's knot to the tip, making sure to go agonizingly slow to entice a few more hot moans from his mate. Once at the top, he pulled it into his mouth and sank back to the base. He was met with a reactionary buck from the other male but he was ready for it. Having had sex so many times with the canine that there was hardly a move the mouse didn't know.

A louder moan slipped form Ethan's mouth as the mouse began to bob his head while grinding his tongue against the under side of that thick member. Tyler's paw slipped in and cradled the hefty ballsack between his mate's thighs to add some extra sensations to what was already a delighted gesture.

As tinges of intense pleasure would come to the jackal, his hips would uncontrollably buck against the other's mouth and that lengthy piece of meat would progress down Tyler's throat. The mouse was used to it though, and he was even well trained enough to not gag when such a thing would happen. In fact, his nose became buried against the other's pelvis while every last centimeter of cock had vanished.

Read the full chapter here: