Trick or Treat: Chapter 5 (Patreon Premium)

Story by huskyhuskyhusky on SoFurry

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#5 of Trick or Treat (Patreon Premium)


This is the first 1k words for the full story that is located on my Patreon. This is meant as a preview for the full story and the tags listed are representative of the fetishes found in the story's entirety

Chapter 5 of Trick or Treat, a story that is apart of my Premium content of my Patreon. Premium content is plot driven with recurring characters and are significantly longer than other uploads.

Awesome art by:

Malek has come across a young women going through a tough time and calms her down just enough for her to become his next snack.

Read the full chapter here:

To say that the night was a monumental disaster was an understatement. For Sam, it was a favorite holiday that she looked forward to, as she was quite the artistic person and would often make elaborate costumes to go out to parties with and hang out with her friends.

Things had been very tough for the red furred vixen though. Having recently lost both of her parents to a house fire two months ago, she relied heavily on her mate for emotional support. That had been going pretty well, until not twenty minutes earlier she had caught him fucking some girl she had never seen before. Now he was out of her apartment and at the tail end of a constant crying fit, Sam was ready to do something about her life.

She thought it was a colder than usual Halloween night, but it might have been because she was so high up. The vixen slowly made her way to the ledge of the roof, stopped only by the waist high wall that surrounded the perimeter. She stared out at the busy city with all of its holiday lights and gaudy fixtures with the people dressed up and doing their rounds of fun.

Her favorite night was to be forever blemished with this evening's events. She hated that, and she didn't want it to be. Tears welled in her eyes as she set her paws on the ledge and shakily pushed herself up to stand on it. Her entire body was vibrating as she straightened her legs to come to her full height. There was no longer anything protecting her from plummeting ten stories to her death, and while her body was screaming for her not to, her mind was set on that goal.

The tears came faster and in greater volume as she stayed there, just lookin out at the final moments of living before she ended it all. When she became satisfied, she willed herself forward.

But she didn't move. Her muscles seemed locked in place, almost as if she were paralyzed. She stifled a sob and closed her eyes, unsure of what was happening. Maybe her body had a harder grip on her mind than she thought and she really didn't want to go through with this. She desperately hoped that a stiff wind might come by to push her off or that she might lose her balance with her eyes closed like this.

"You okay?" A friendly voice spoke from right beside her. Sam screamed and startled which sent her entire body in a swaying motion as she lost her balance. The ground looked like it made a leap up towards her as her arms wheeled and her hips swayed. Her eyes stared out at the city as wide as they could be and she gasped as she felt like she was losing the battle to stay upright and that she would soon be hurdling for the street. But then a firm paw grasped her arm and everything locked back into a stable pose.

Sam whirled towards the direction of the voice and found the interesting image that was Malek standing there with a smile. She scowled and gave a tug at his grip. "Let go," she snapped,

"Okay," he said and released her. The motion was unexpected and she wheeled her arms to stabilize herself again. The male quirked an eyebrow as he watched. "So uh...trying to kill yourself?" He asked and set both of his paws on the wall ledge so that he could over look the city.

"Uh...Y-yeah?" she mumbled and looked back at him. "Don't try and talk me out of it!"

Malek gave a friendly smile and turned around to lean back against the ledge. "I'm not here to ruin any plans. I just came here for a smoke." He proceeded to pull a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and then slipped one out to place it between his lips. He then lit it with a quickly conjured lighter from the palm of his paw and took a brief drag.

Sam stared at the wolf in silence for a few more seconds and became fixated on the cigarette. For some odd reason she was desperately craving a smoke, and she hadn't bothered to bring her own up there for obvious reasons. After the wolf had taken a second drag, she finally spoke. "Mind if I bum one from ya?"

"Not at all, but I'm not coming up there to give it to ya," he replied and looked up at her from the corner of his eye. The vixen narrowed her eyes at him and then sighed. She carefully lowered herself to the ledge and then hopped down to the roof. Malek held out the pack to her and she selected one of the cigarettes. Then he flicked his lighter on and held it out for her to light up.

After a slow puff and an exhale that doubled as a sigh, she turned towards the wolf again. "So what's up with the antlers?" she said bluntly.

"It's Halloween, isn't it?" he replied flatly and turned towards her as well, their eyes locking. Then he glanced back over the ledge. "What's up with the jumping to your death thing?"

"Life is shit," she grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest.

Malek laughed and flicked the ash from his cigarette. "Well, that's the truth for most things. What specifically about life is shit for you?"

Sam shrugged. "Cheating scumbag of a boyfriend. Ex, I mean," she huffed. "Parents passed away recently. Thought I should join them since I have no one here."

Malek made it look like he was thinking on her words at the moment and gave a sagely nod of his head. "Well I can't do much about dead parents, but cheating boyfriends are different. I've got, like, ten minutes before I have to go. Need me to rough someone up for ya?" The incubus gave a half smile and winked. For the first time that night, the vixen smiled.

"I...don't think that'll be necessary..." she said slowly as she thought how satisfying it would be to see her ex beaten up, especially by someone as scary and handsome as this new guy. "Oh, I'm Sam, by the way," she said and offered her paw to him.

"I'm James." The wolf reached out and shook her paw.

"So, James, you wouldn't happen to be an angel, would you?" Sam asked after flicking the ash from her cigarette. Malek chuckled darkly and grinned.

"Nah, far from it actually. I'm a bit too naughty to be an angel," he said happily. Every word that the incubus spoke there came another hint of his spell. He was slowly drawing out the precise chemicals in her brain. He made her serotonin levels spike and he was so subtly influencing her thoughts.

"Naughty eh?" she giggled. "What is that supposed to mean?"

Malek shrugged and finished off the last of his cigarette. "Well, let's just say lust is a major sin of mine. Far too much for any angel to handle." Sam bit her lip as she listened and she looked over his body once again. He was profoundly attractive and nice. It was at that time that the vixen realized how hot she had become. Maybe it was from the adrenaline of having almost jumped to her death or the rush she was feeling from having her life saved, but she could feel her arousal rising. The wolf smirked to himself when he caught the subtle hints that her body was giving off.

"Well, Sam, it was nice chatting with you but I have to get going. Are you gunna be okay?" Malek asked as he pushed himself off from the wall and began walking towards the stairwell door.

"W-wait!" The vixen shouted and grabbed for the other's arm. He stopped when she made contact and glanced back at her with a cocked eyebrow. "I...I just need a bit more company is all. I really don't want to be alone," she said and gave him an apologetic smile.

Malek faked a genuine smile and nodded as he came to stand by her side once again. "All right then. Maybe while we're here we can think of a good way to get back at your ex," he offered.

"Heh, that'd be great. Have any thoughts off the top of your head?" she asked.

"Well..." Malek began while making it obvious as he looked over her body and finally settling on her eyes. "Hmm, nah, never mind."

"What?" she laughed and grabbed for his other arm to hold him by both. The incubus looked away coyly and smiled bashfully.

Read the full chapter here: