University Story - Chapter 8: Part 2

Story by Tidus_Duke on SoFurry

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*Sorry this chapter took so long, but I wasn't sure if I was even gonna write it, so it took me a while to do it. I mean, I would have definitely written a chapter, I just didn't know if I wanted to write it like this, its kinda wild lol. Whatever, I'm rambling. Bottom line, new chapter is out, I'm working on the next one, and I hope ya enjoy *hugs*

Chapter 8 - Part 2: Leather on my body, tears in my heart

Jet jumped out of Jeff's car, and they said goodbye as he walked slowly to his house. They knew he didn't want to go in there. It was loud, and they knew he wasn't getting any sleep.

"Poor guy. They're going to be keeping him up all night for sure." Jeff said, looking back at his friend, who squeezed his way through the doorway and into a crowded room. "Well, who's next?"

"Ah, I think I'm closest." Paul said. Paul and Jet had shared the back seat, and poor Jet was practically crushed against the side. Jeff didn't have a big car, and Paul was so big. So many people had approached him to join a sports team, but he had no interest. He worked out a little just to stay in shape, but he didn't want to get caught up in the 'jock-lifestyle', or so he called it. He didn't want to be a popular ass, with his brains in his biceps.

"Sure thing!" Jeff said, pulling the car onto the streets. Only he, Paul, Ryan and Robbie were left. Ryan and Robbie had their own car, but it was in the shop being fixed. They hadn't realized how hard it would be to fit them all in Jeff's small car, but they managed. Robbie had to sit on Ryan's lap in the front, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, Paul thought he saw the little guy jump at the idea. He shook the thought out of his mind. There was no way he would actually enjoy being that close to Ryan, even if they were friends.

"So, ah, where did Syd say he was going?" Jeff asked Paul. Syd and Paul were pretty good friends, so they all thought that if Syd had a problem, that Paul would be the first one he told.

"I dunno...he hasn't told me anything..." Paul's head sank, and his friends could tell he was upset. Syd had been drifting for a while now, and none of them knew why. He would make plans with them, and then at the last minute he would cancel. Paul was really worried about the little fox.

"Well, I'm sure he's fine! He may be small, but he can handle himself!" Jeff said encouragingly. He really did have the talent for making people feel better. Even Paul perked up a little. Jeff was right, he thought. He just needed to trust Syd. Still, Paul thought, he just wished he knew where he was...

* * * *

Syd sat silently in the passenger side of Tyson's car. He was nervous, like he always was when he was with the big tiger. He had been told that once the game was over, that Tyson would have a surprise for him. He was to meet him in the parking lot right after the game, and to not keep Tyson waiting. He knew what would happen to him if he was late and he shivered in his seat at the thought.

He was rubbing his arms softly, it was much colder than he expected. Tyson drove a really nice car, a black convertible his parents bought him. Tyson's family was rich, so he was used to getting what he wanted. He had made it clear to Syd that he was a much nicer person when he got what he wanted, and that he didn't want to see him mad. Syd was too afraid to disagree with the tiger, especially after being 'broken'. After a few weeks with Tyson, he followed orders almost instinctively now.

"Ummm...where are we going?" Syd practically whispered, being sure not to look Tyson in the eye. He was told to never look right at him, as it was 'disrespectful'.

"Shut up and wait. We're almost there." Tyson said, not even glancing at his companion. He was never really friendly with Syd, but the fox much preferred being ignored then to be the target of Tyson's anger. He was so happy they had won the game, as if they had lost, he knew that Tyson wouldn't be in the best of moods. He must have been happy, as he let Syd sit in the passenger side. Usually he just pulled his seat back, and put Syd on his knees in front of him. This way, he could be 'occupied' even when they were driving.

"Uh, sure..." Syd said, looking out his open window, letting the breeze flow through his fur and hair. He didn't know where they were exactly, but he was pretty sure they were downtown somewhere. His mind was racing with possibilities. Why would they be down town? Usually Tyson just brought Syd to his place, or they just fucked in his car. He was expecting to just be doing the same things, so Syd wondered why they needed to go somewhere else to do it.

"Here we go." Tyson said, pulling his car into the parking lot of a fairly large building.

"What's this place?" Syd asked.

"Well, you're gonna get to know this place pretty well." Tyson said with a smirk, turning to look at his little fox. "I can't have such a hot little bitch all to myself, can I?"

"Wh-What?" Syd said, confused and scared. Before Tyson could answer him, he was out his door and walked around to Syd's. He opened the door and pulled Syd out by the collar of his shirt with one strong paw. He practically dragged Syd around to his trunk, and opened it up.

"We're gonna do things a little differently tonight." Tyson said with a smirk, opening his trunk to reveal tons of leather clothing and accessories.

"Wha-" Syd tried, but was interrupted.

"Take off yur shirt." Tyson demanded.

"But, what if someone sees?" Syd said, immediately regretting it.

"You think I fucking care? Take off yur fucking shirt!" Tyson had a talent for almost shouting, but still keeping a low, deep growl in his voice. It terrified Syd, and he pulled his shirt off as fast as he could. "That's a good boy." Tyson said, smirking. He took one massive paw and began rubbing it through Syd's warm, red chest fur. Syd shuddered a little, and couldn't help but moan as Tyson's paw reached to his jeans, pulling them down in one swift movement. Syd now stood in his tight underwear in the middle of a dark, mysterious parking lot.

"We're gonna have some fun tonight." Tyson said, locking a leash and collar around Syd's neck, "Yur gonna be my pup tonight." Tyson had an almost evil grin on his face, but Syd couldn't deny just how attractive he looked. Tyson was tall, and muscular beyond belief. He looked like a bodybuilder, and when he took his shirt off, Syd gasped. Sure he had seen Tyson naked before, but he still couldn't get over how gorgeous he was. Before he even knew what he was doing, Syd's paws moved towards the huge tiger, and were massaging his massive pecs and perfectly sculpted abs.

"Oh, ya like that pup?" Tyson said, a low growl in his voice. Tyson lifted his huge arms up, flexing for Syd. The little fox's black paws were soft, and they rubbed every part of Tyson's beautiful body they could. "You wanna help me get changed?" Tyson asked, or more like demanded. He handed Syd a leather harness, and Syd wrapped it around Tyson's massive frame, not even being able to reach around his body. Tyson then pulled his pants down, and threw a pair of leather chaps at Syd. Tyson sat back on his car, giving Syd a perfect angle to put the pants on. They were assless, letting everyone see Tyson's crimson jockstrap. Tyson threw on a leather jacket, and grabbed Syd by his leash. "Let's go puppy!" And before Syd could say anything, Tyson pulled him towards the leather club they were parked in front of.

* * * *

"Hey, thanks Jeff." Paul said, squeezing his way out of Jeff's car.

"My pleasure man! Get some sleep, k?" Jeff said across Robbie and Ryan.

"Ya, I'll try..." Paul said, walking slowly up to his dorm building. Syd was his roommate, and he felt weird heading back without him.

"Ok, we'll see ya Paul!" Ryan called out of Jeff's window.

"Ya, for sure!" Paul said, trying to act happy. They all waved goodbye, and Paul opened the door to his dorm. There were a few people around, but overall it was pretty quiet. Most people were out partying, so the dorms were practically empty. He hoped his room wasn't the same. He hoped he would open the door, and Syd would be there. He knew he wouldn't be though. For a few weeks now, Syd had been staying out later and later. Some nights, he wouldn't even come back to their room. Paul worried, but he knew Syd was a big boy, he shouldn't worry. But he did all the same...

He opened his door, and no surprise, Syd was nowhere to be found. Paul sighed, and sat on his bed. He looked over to Syd's bed. It was so close to his, but like Syd, he felt miles away. Paul felt alone, and he didn't really know why. He always felt like this when Syd was gone though. He curled up, and held his massive body, wishing someone else would do the same...

* * * *

"Hey, my pup and I would like to get in!" Tyson said to the bouncers at the leather club. They were bulky, and would have been considered very big furs, if they weren't put next to Tyson that is. He dwarfed them in height, and muscles, and his intimidating voice only made the difference between them that much more obvious.

"Ya ya, calm down man! Go on in." With those words, Tyson pushed by them, dragging Syd behind him. "Have fun..." One of the bouncers, a beefy badger, whispered into Syd's ear, obviously rubbing a hand down Syd's naked back. The little fox blushed, and ran ahead, actually trying to catch up to Tyson. He knew Tyson wasn't the best guy in the world, but he didn't want to be alone in a place like this.

Syd hurried up, and huddled behind Tyson, but he couldn't stop people from staring at them as they entered. It was an open, huge room, with one side a dance floor, a bar on the other side, and a door at the other end that led to a sitting room, and private rooms. Syd gulped as he saw the large amount of sweaty, drunk, and leathered up furs. He held his arms tightly, something he always did when he was nervous. As Tyson walked around the room towards the sitting room, he said hey to almost everyone that passed him. This clearly wasn't the first time he had come here. As every guy passed by Tyson, their eyes always darted towards Syd. They'd either rub a hand down his back, whisper something in his ear, or straight up ask Tyson about him. He'd get things like "who's the new pup?" or "You in the mood for sharing?" Every comment sent shivers down Syd's spine, and he hoped Tyson wasn't in the mood to share. Syd already thought the huge tiger was too much for him to handle, and he really didn't know if he wanted any more. He couldn't lie to himself and say a part of him didn't enjoy what was going on though. He had never gotten so much attention before in his life, and he secretly enjoyed being paraded around by Tyson. It was all going very fast, and this scared and fascinated Syd.

They finally made it to the sitting room, and Tyson sat down on a leather armchair. Syd just stood there, not sure exactly what to do. Tyson pulled on his leash, and Syd fell to his knees in front of him. Tyson laughed a little, and with a deep growl he said, "Come get a little closer pup." He tugged the leash lightly, and Syd crawled towards the huge tiger. Syd laid his head on Tyson's strong leg, and Tyson pet him lightly. "You're being a very good slave tonight. Let's see if I can't think of a proper reward." Syd didn't look at Tyson's face, but he knew he had wide smile on his face. He really enjoyed tormenting Syd, and Syd was scared he was starting to enjoy it too...

Syd's head shot up when he felt a big, rough hand rub down his back and rest on his butt. "Well what have ya got here, Tyson?" Syd looked back and he felt his heart sink when he saw who was groping his ass. It was Coach Williams, the massive Polar Bear who coached the football team. Syd started stammering, and almost got up, but Tyson gave him one stern stare and Syd sat back down on his knees quietly. Coach Williams was a huge fur, a little shorter then Tyson, only about 6'10, but he was much beefier then the tiger. Whereas Tyson worked out constantly, playing sports almost every day, Coach had gotten a little sluggish with his training. He had clearly played football in his youth, but now he had a belly, and his muscles, though definitely still present, had grown a little softer. He was in his late 30's, but his face was still rugged and chiseled, and made him look like he was in his late 20's.

"Didn't expect to see ya here tonight Coach." Tyson said nonchalantly. It was as if this didn't faze Tyson at all. Was this normal? Syd thought, being sure to not look either fur in the eyes, focusing on Coach William's body. He looked at his stern face and the cigar in his strong jaw. His eyes then darted from the leather vest that strained against the Coach's hard pecs and powerful arms, and went down to the leather pants that couldn't hide the bulge behind them. Syd's eyes then met the heavy leather boots he was wearing, huge and black.

"You like what ya see boy?" Coach Williams said, looking down at Syd, "He sure is a cutie. You're new pet?" He said looking back to Tyson.

"Ya, really lucked out picking this one up." And with that, Tyson yanked on the leash and pulled Syd up. He then made Syd sit in his lap, his ass grinding against Tyson's groin. Syd blushed as Coach Williams pulled up a chair, and spread his legs, fondling himself and just watching Syd squirm in place.

"Needs a little more 'training', don't ya think?" Coach said to Tyson.

"I'll say. This is his first night here though. Still needs some breaking in!" Tyson talked about Syd like he was a product, and like Coach Williams was someone looking to buy. Coach put one big boot on the foot rest between the two armchairs.

"My boot could use some cleaning. Get to it slave!" Coach said in a deep, strong voice. He continued to rub himself through his leather pants, and Syd shrank back into Tyson, afraid of what was happening.

Tyson laughed as Syd whimpered. "Go on boy! Do what you're told!" And with this, Tyson grabbed the back of Syd's head and pushed it forward towards Coach's boot. Syd could smell the leather, and the sweat, and it actually excited him. Even if just a little, Syd kind of liked what was happening. Maybe he was being 'broken in', as Tyson said.

"Mmmm, Good boy..." Coach Williams groaned as Syd opened his muzzle and let his tongue roam around his big boot. Syd had never tasted anything like it. Leather, sweat, and a bit of dirt, but it felt amazing. Just the act of submission was enough to excite all three of them. Eventually Tyson didn't even need to force Syd onto Coach's boot, and this excited the tiger.

"Well lookie here. My little pup is certainly getting into this!" Tyson said, pushing Syd onto his knees and resting one of his big feet on Syd's back. Syd whimpered under the weight, but did his best to stay up. Both of the dominant furs laughed at Syd, the little fox struggling to clean Coach's boots, while sitting in an awkward position to keep Tyson comfortable.

"Good boooy!" Tyson said, "Hey Coach, you wanna get a room to reward this bitch properly?"

"Ha-ha, you stole my idea! Get up boy!" Coach said, kicking Syd softly, knocking him back. Syd looked up, the two massive furs standing up, hovering over him. He felt so small, and he curled up a little, but didn't have time to be sad, as Tyson yanked on his leash forcefully.

"Let's go boy." And Tyson and Coach began walking towards the hall of private rooms, dragging Syd behind them. As Syd struggled to keep up, more than one fur groped or slapped his ass. He yelped a little every time, and he ran ahead, huddling behind his two masters. He knew he would be safer with them. Or so he thought...

"Here we are pup!" Coach Williams said, opening the door to a small room. Syd walked in and nearly stepped back from just the smell. All he could smell was sweat, leather, and a horribly strong scent of sex. The room only had a double bed, and Syd wondered how many people had fucked on it. He got much closer to the bed he was thinking about, as Tyson pushed him on it. Syd groaned a little, in a daze. He lay on his back across the bed, almost high from just the smell of sex. He couldn't even smell the two other furs in the room, his nose filled with scent of dozens of furs who had been on that bed. He could tell it had just been used as his paw felt a wet spot. He lifted his black paw to his nose, smelling canine cum, and he licked his paw softly. He didn't know why he did this. Weeks ago he would have thought this was disgusting, but now he couldn't stop himself from tasting the leftover of a hot encounter right where he was sprawled out.

"Hehe, I think something more fresh would be tastier!" Tyson said, rubbing his jock strap. He walked towards Syd, and put his legs to the side of Syd's head, straddling him. His hands pinned Syd's down behind his head, and rubbed his bulge in Syd's face. "Go on boy, open yur muzzle..." Syd did what he was told, not like he had a choice. He was completely pinned down, only being able to smell and see Tyson's manhood. He opened his muzzle and licked Tyson's cock through his jock strap. Tyson let out a deep growl of pleasure, and let one of his paws leave Syd's and pulled his hard cock out of his underwear. He kept Syd's paws pinned, but used one paw to slap his cock in Syd's face. "Open up boy!" Syd finally grabbed Tyson's cock with his mouth, and began bobbing his head up and down as fast as he could. Usually he'd try and get Tyson off as fast as he could, just so he could leave, but now he was actually enjoying himself. He sucked Tyson as best as he could, not because he was afraid, but because it made him feel hot to get him off. He got off when Tyson got off.

"Wow, sure got yourself a good boy there! He really fuckin loves suckin cock!" Coach Williams said. He was leaning against the closest wall, his cock now free from his pants. He was jacking himself slowly, getting off on just watching Syd blow Tyson.

"You wanna find out just how much yourself, Coach?" Tyson said, panting slowly. He was pretty close, but didn't want to cum just yet. Syd had a lot more work to do.

"Don't have to ask me twice!" Coach said, walking to the other end of the bed, and flopping his half-hard cock on Syd's face. Syd had never sucked cock in this position, so he found it hard to get it in his mouth at first, but once he felt the pre cum on his tongue, he really began sucking. Coach Williams moaned loudly, uttering encouragement to Syd, keeping him going. Syd groaned loudly as Tyson began rubbing his butt. Tyson laughed a little, and with his sharp claws, he ripped Syd's tight underwear off of him and threw them across the room.

"Won't be needing those..." Tyson said, and began rubbing his thumb against Syd's tail hole, eliciting deep moans to escape Syd's throat. Syd nearly gagged on Coach's dick as Tyson forced his huge thumb into Syd's hole. This made both Tyson and Coach Wiliams laugh, and Tyson continued to push his finger in and out of Syd's ass, stretching him for the fucking they all knew was coming. The faster Tyson finger fucked Syd, the harder Coach muzzle-fucked him. His hips were bucking fast, giving Syd almost no time to breath. Syd's paws were behind Coach Williams, groping his perfect ass, trying to stable himself, but only making the big polar bear fuck his face harder.

"Fuck, he's got such a hot mouth!" Coach said, between pants.

"Just wait till you try his ass..." Tyson said, pulling his thumb out, and leaning down, rubbing his muzzle into Syd's tail hole. Tyson let his long, rough tongue out, licking Syd's cherry, and Syd's dick got rock hard from the feeling. He loved when Tyson did this, and he only did it when Syd was really good. Tyson began to really eat Syd, his tongue deep in his ass, lubing him up for his cock. Syd would have been yelping in pleasure if it weren't for the huge bear dick that stuffed his throat. He could tell by the feel of Coach's enlarging dick head that he was close. He knew his mouth would be full of more than just cock soon.

Tyson pulled his tongue out of Syd slowly, causing the little fox to whimper in pleasure. Syd wanted to move his hands to his cock and jack off, but Coach grabbed his arms, and pinned them to the sides of the bed. Coach leaned over Syd's body, face to face with his small dick. Syd's dick was only about 6 inches, but it was rock hard and dripping.

"You like being our bitch? It get you off?" Coach said, not taking his dick out of Syd's muzzle. Coach opened his own muzzle, and began licking up the pre cum that was pooling in Syd's belly button. The fox whimpered in pleasure, but all of this was blown away when he felt a stinging, but pleasurable feeling in his ass. Tyson had rammed all 9 inches of his cock into Syd's tail, and the fox felt like screaming in both pain and pleasure. It was too much. Being fucked hard by Tyson on one side, cock filling his muzzle, and a rough tongue licking his dick and stomach. His eyes rolled back, and he lost all sense. All he could feel was the pleasure. He forgot everything, his name, where he was, everything. All he knew was cock, and that was all he felt. He had never been in such bliss in his whole life.

He couldn't hold back anymore, and cum shot forcefully from his dick onto Coach's face and his belly. The feeling of cumming made his ass tighten up, only increasing Tyson's pleasure. With a loud and deep groan that shook the room, Tyson yiffed into Syd's ass. It was powerful, and his cum coated every part of Syd's insides.

All of the sounds and the smell of cum sent Coach Williams over the edge, and he came just as hard down Syd's throat. Syd's throat was trained, and he swallowed every drop of cum, not letting any of it go to waste. It was salty, but sweet, and warm. Syd had grown to love the taste.

And just as fast as it began, it was over. All three of them flopped onto each other, Syd almost crushed by the two massive and tired furs. Tyson's dick popped out of Syd, his cum dripping out of Syd's ass. Syd was exhausted, and still hazy from the encounter. He was sprawled out on one side of the bed, completely exposed.

"Fuck man, you got yourself a keeper..." Coach said, panting heavily. "You gotta bring him here again! I've never felt anything like that! No one's ever gotten me off like that from just a blowjob."

"Ya, fucker's really talented. You just say the word man, and you can fuck his ass! You think that was hot, just you wait" Tyson said, offering Syd up to Coach. He was Tyson's sex slave, and he had never realized, but that meant Tyson could tell him to do anything, to anyone. If one day, after a game, Coach and Tyson wanted to get their rocks off, Syd would have to help. This kind of cage made Syd nervous. Sure he loved what had happened, but now that it was over, he felt empty. He knew that he would get fucked again, for sure, but that later tonight, he would walk into his room, and be alone again. Guys like Tyson couldn't give him all that he wanted and needed. It made Syd shiver, and he wanted to cry. His thoughts were cut short though, as Coach sat up behind him, rubbing his hole, getting him ready for what was to come. Syd's dick hardened from just the touch of his cock, and he hated himself for it...

* * * *

Paul woke up with a jolt. His clothes were still on, and he was sweating a little. He must have fallen asleep when he lay out on his bed. He had had a horrible feeling, not a dream, but almost like something was wrong. He looked at his clock, and saw that it was 2 in the morning. Syd still wasn't back. He sat up on his bed, and looked at Syd's side of the room. It was full of clothes, books, all sorts of junk, but it looked empty. Paul fell back on his bed, and hugged his pillow. He never slept well when Syd wasn't there. He held the pillow close to him, pretending it was the small fox's body. He pretended he could feel his heart beat, his warmth, but no matter how hard he tried, he still felt cold. He was scared and confused, and didn't know why this bothered him so much. He just wanted Syd to be here...with him...

Paul couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't understand why, but he knew what he wanted to do. He couldn't just sit here, waiting for Syd to come back. What if he didn't come back tonight? He couldn't wait. He wanted to be with the fox, and didn't know to what degree yet. He didn't understand his feelings, but if he just saw Syd, was just able to talk to him, then he knew it would all become clear. Paul grabbed his leather jacket from his chair, and walked to his door. He was about to open his door, when it opened on its own. Paul stepped back, and gasped. Syd walked in, his head down. He was only in a t-shirt and his jeans, and he was holding his arms. Paul knew he did this when he was sad and nervous. He was shivering, and nearly yelped when he saw Paul standing right in front of him.

"Oh! Ah, Paul. Sorry, d-did I wake you?" Syd said, not looking Paul in the eyes. He was so small, and for some reason, he looked smaller than usual. Like he was shrinking beneath his own sorrow.

"No, I was just...I was gonna go out to look for you..." Paul said, one of his paws stretched behind his head, his eyes looking anywhere but Syd's.

"Wha-why?" Syd said, still holding himself, trying to warm himself up. Paul noticed how cold Syd was, and took his leather jacket off, and wrapped it around Syd. Syd gasped at the feel of the material, reminding him of everything that had happened that night. Syd whimpered, and Paul put his big arms around him. Syd's heart fluttered, and he forgot everything that happened that night. The leather now didn't mean Tyson, and the club, but it represented Paul, and how much he cared for him.

"Paul-" Syd tried to say, but the big panda interrupted him.

"You don't have to say anything." For once, this wasn't a command. Paul wasn't forcing him to be quiet, but telling him he didn't need to talk. It felt wonderful. "I've been waiting for you...I don't know what this means, but let's just be together tonight..."

Syd nodded, his head resting against Paul's warm stomach. Paul lifted Syd up, holding him in his arms, and carried him to his bed. He laid Syd down, and rested himself behind him. Paul wrapped his arms around Syd, spooning him softly. He held the fox close, never letting him go. It was perfect, Syd thought. They didn't have to do anything else. Just being together, feeling each other's breaths and heartbeats. Neither of them knew how it happened, but that didn't matter. They were together, and that was enough.

Syd fell into a perfect sleep, Paul's warm body keeping him safe. Someone finally came to save him, and he felt whole for the first time...