Controlled Impulses: Chapter 1

Story by jjwolverine on SoFurry

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#1 of Controlled Impulses

This story explores themes of mind control, obedience, exhibitionism, and humiliation amongst anthropomorphic animals using fictional technology. It is intended for an audience of 18+. Please leave me a comment with reactions or suggestions!

NOTE: if you like a bit of plot ambiguity, read the other chapters first, then read this one.

Chapter 1: A private demonstration

On a morning that started like any other, Father announced after breakfast that I'd be coming to the lab with him that day.

"Okay," I said disinterestedly between bites of breakfast. I hadn't been to the lab in a while, but I knew what it was like there. No big deal, I thought.

"You're going to meet some people," said Father seriously. "I need you to do exactly what they want, and not to disappoint me."

"Okay, Father," I said again. "I will do whatever you need."

"Thanks, Andy, I'm very glad to hear that."

Father drove us to the lab after breakfast. Mark was there, the tiger who worked as a lab technician with Father. I thought of him as a friend of sorts. There was also an old doberman there, someone I didn't know. But he seemed nice enough.

"This is Mr. Hargold, Andy," said Father. "He is very important, and he needs your help tonight at his house. Please do whatever he asks."

"Nice to meet you, sir," I said respectfully. The old doberman gave me a nod but didn't say anything further to me. He seemed to barely care that I was present at all. Father handed Mark his tablet and then disappeared a back room. I didn't see him again. I was now alone with Mark and Mr. Hargold.

Mark took the tablet and flipped through some screens and settings. Mr. Hargold was beside him, also looking intently at the data on the display. They tapped at its screens and buttons together for what seemed like a pretty long time.

"Stop," said Mr. Hargold suddenly, pointing at the display. Mark paused his tapping. "Drop that one, leave the rest. Add me as a primary. Incorporate incentive group 44, and combine it with 733." Mark moved his fingers around the tablet screen, tapping buttons and list items. I had no idea what they were doing.

Mark looked at the resulting selections and made a face. "You're sure this is the reward loop you want? This has never been done before."

"No duh," Mr. Hargold snapped, gesturing dismissively. "None of this has ever been done. That's why we're doing it. Just load it, it will be fine."

"It's your party," said Mark with a sigh, and tapped a final large button on the tablet. They both looked at me expectantly. I didn't understand what they were talking about, or what they wanted me to do. Nothing seemed to happen. I thought I should say something, but I couldn't think what. Both of them were acting strangely.

My eyes went to Mr. Hargold's face. I found myself thinking that, although he was an older doberman, he was really quite handsome. His brilliant blue eyes shone back at me with bemused interest. His attractive, distinguished muzzle showed a slight smirk under the touches of gray fur at the corners. And his sharp, alert ears pointed towards me attentively. I wondered what his stocky canine form looked like under his well-tailored clothes. I don't know why I hadn't noticed all this when we first arrived.

"Now then, Andy," said Mr. Hargold, smiling warmly. "Would you like to make some new friends at my party tonight?"

It excited me to think of getting to spend more time with this handsome, mature creature. "Yes please!" I replied with genuine enthusiasm. I wanted him to be happy with me.

"Splendid. Please see to it, Mark."

The party that night was quite a formal event at Mr. Hargold's lavish mansion. The large living room was filled guests of every species. The males wore fashionable black suits, the females in a rainbow assortment of bright, elaborate gowns. They laughed and gossiped and drank the endless booze. Most of them seemed to know each other, though it wasn't clear why.

It turned out that spending more time with Mr. Hargold was not in the cards. In fact, I was not even an attendee of the party--- I was an employee. When Mark had delivered me to the estate that night, I was given a tight-fitting tuxedo to wear. The sleeves barely stretched over my large biceps. The collar felt very tight against my thick neck. The pants hugged my rump tightly, showing every curve of my muscular butt, thighs, and calves. But somehow I managed to cram myself into it.

As Mr. Hargold's guests arrived and mingled, I was told to carry a large gold tray of champagne glasses amongst them. The large crowd of strangers seemed terrifying, but fortunately most of the guests ignored me. Most of them took a glass from my paw without even looking. But a few of the animals watched me curiously as I passed. I squirmed uncomfortably in my bulging tuxedo as I walked past them.

One wolf, a large gray male, had a look of hunger in his eyes as he took a flute of champagne from me. "Sssank you very much, Andy," he growled in a thick german accent. How did he know my name?

I served them for several hours. Eventually, a series of bell-like pinging sounds began to silence the crowd. Everyone turned to Mr. Hargold, who was standing on a low stool and loudly tapping of a spoon against his glass to get their attention. Conversation stopped.

"Thank you all for coming," said Mr. Hargold loudly in his deep, melodic voice. "As you know, tonight you'll be getting a peek at the latest work from our lab. I think you'll agree we've been putting your investment to excellent use. Now, please enjoy a small demonstration." Then, even though I was most of the way across the room, he looked directly at me. "I believe by now you've all met Andy?"

The guests near me gasped, and turned in surprise. A space began to rapidly clear around me as the guests backed away. Soon I was standing in the midst of a large circle of the creatures. A pang of fear shot down my spine like ice. They were all staring at me. I could feel their eyes measuring every millimeter of my body, up and down. My ears blushed intensely under their collective gaze. I wanted to hide, or run, but I had nowhere to go. What was happening?

"In addition to the obvious physical growth enhancements, Andy represents our latest research in behavioral control," boomed Mr Hargold. "We've completely discarded the crude command structure from Version 4 in favor of a radical new approach. Simply put, Andy will do whatever we want, because he wants whatever we want."

The guests began to murmur amongst themselves excitedly. I had no idea what any of them were talking about. Mr. Hargold smiled smugly. The creatures nearest to him began to pepper him with questions, but he held up a paw in response.

"What's more," he continued, "Version 5 reward loops are stable even with conflicting incentives. Tonight, for example, I think you'll find Andy to be intensely modest, but also quite excited by exhibition. This makes for some... interesting new possibilities."

There was a pause as the implications of this sank in. I really did not understand what he was saying. But the guests appeared to understand, and their faces took on knowing smiles.

The large german wolf emerged from the crowd, stalking towards me. He looked back at the old doberman, who was still towering above the others. "Zat is indeed quite interesting," he chuckled. "May I?"

"Of course, Kristoff!" smirked Mr. Hargold. "I thought you'd never ask."

Everyone laughed. Kristoff turned and approached me at the empty center of the room. The hungry look had returned to his eyes. He slipped a paw into his pocket and pulled out a small steel folding knife, which he opened with a click. I froze, the tray of drinks still in my outstretched paw. My eyes followed the wolf as he came closer.

Kristoff stopped directly in front of me. He was huge. His face was inches from mine, and I could feel his hot breath on my cheek. The knife in his hand looked razor sharp. I had no idea what he was about to do. A woman behind me snickered nervously.

With military precision, Kristoff brought the knife up to my throat. For a moment I thought he would hack my head off. But instead, he twisted the blade backwards and slid it into the collar of my tux. There was a loud ripping sound as he sliced through every bit of my clothes! The jacket, the sleeves, the pants--- he quickly cut through all of it. Already bulging from the pressure of my large muscles, the stretched fabric fell to the floor immediately. In no time, I was standing naked in the center of the large circle of expensively dressed, giggling investors.

Kristoff stepped back and looked my naked body up and down with delight, like a man about to enjoy a slice of cake. Murmurs of appreciation came from around us. My heart was pounding. My whole body flushed with a hot feeling of shame. I felt even more like running, but some part of me needed to stay right where I was. I tried to shut the audience out by closing my eyes, but my mind was filled with the awareness of all those people surrounding me. Every one of them staring at me, just me. Seeing everything about me, every inch of my body, my balls, my dick, my nipples, my ass.

I then started to notice something else: even more embarrassingly, I was getting hard! My terrified, pounding heart was also pumping my dick full with an intense erection. It had already almost totally emerged from its sheath between my thighs. I felt the tell-tale tightness of my cock stiffening, my balls lifting in anticipation.

Kristoff looked at the expression of horrified shame on my face, and then down at my erect wolf cock. "I see vhat you mean, Hargold," he said quietly. He walked in a slow circle around me, taking in my naked form from every angle. Suddenly it seemed he thought of something, and took the tray of drinks I was holding and handed it off to a bystander. My paws fell to my sides as Kristoff disappeared from my view, now standing at my back. I felt him lift up my tail in his large fist.

"Does zis one also...?" I heard Kristoff ask from behind me.

"Oh yes," replied Mr. Hargold pleasantly. "The sexual enhancements are just like in Version 4."

"Excellent," he said. I felt a paw slide between my legs from behind and grasp my balls, surprisingly gently. The touch was both thrilling and humiliating. I felt handled, like a common pet--- a show dog whose virility was being exhibited to a hundred judges. Kristoff's paws on me were both sensual and indifferent. I was frozen with fright but also, I realized, I wanted more.

Feeling my tail being lifted got me involuntarily excited, as it always does. To my horror, I felt my ass starting to get slick with anticipation. As if in response, Kristoff let his paw slide backwards, his fingertips beginning to explore my pink hole. My slickness quickly coated his paw, and soon he had no trouble slipping his fingers inside me.

I gasped at the sudden penetration, and my cock got even harder. A small drop of precum formed at the tip of my dick. I looked around at the faces of all the people watching us. I could see their interest, their curiosity, their looks of cold bemusement. I felt helpless as they watched Kristoff push his fingers deeper into me. I wanted to pull away from him, but I had to admit it felt thrilling to be explored, and watched, like this.

I heard a distinctive "zip" sound, and I knew what would happen next. The big wolf's body pressed against my rump. The urgent pressure of a hard dick against my clenched pucker was unmistakable. My face burned with hot shame. As the crowd watched, Kristoff put his paws on my hips and then slowly but firmly pushed his cock into my ass. He growled in appreciation as I submitted to him.

"Stefano," called Kristoff over my shoulder. "Perhaps you could assist me vith ze demonstration?"

A stocky brown stallion in a handsome black suit stepped into the circle. Like Kristoff, he was large and muscular. A cruel smile was spreading across his broad face.

"Delighted to!" said the stallion. He handed his glass to a nearby woman and walked forward until he was standing in front of me. I wasn't sure what he would do, but just then Kristoff pushed me forward, bending me over involuntarily. I almost fell into Stefano, and before I could stop myself, I had grabbed onto his waist for balance. I now found myself staring straight at the big stallion's crotch. His fingers quickly dropped his zipper, letting loose a huge and rapidly stiffening horse cock right in front of my nose.

"Be a good boy now," murmured Stefano in front of me. He lifted my chin and nudged my muzzle toward the head of his dick. It was so huge, I'd never seen such a big male before. I hated myself for it, but I knew exactly what he wanted. And I knew I would do it, right in front of all these people, despite my fear and shame.

I had to open my mouth very wide just to take the head of it. Kristoff growled with approval from behind me, and sensuously ground his cock deeper into my gut. At the same time, Stefano pushed his long horse cock down my throat. I was now skewered from both ends on their two cocks, trapped and forced into submission. I gagged and choked with discomfort, but I was determined to do as I was told. If I couldn't avoid being publicly disgraced by these two big males, I could at least be obedient for them.

Kristoff and Stefano began rhythmically pumping their cocks into me, perfectly matching each stroke of the other's cadence. It occurred to me that they must have practice doing this. I shut my eyes and tried not to think too much about what was happening, or why. I tried not to think about Mr. Hargold watching me, watching us. And I tried not to notice the many other party guests.

Even so, I sensed that a few of them were now closing the circle in on us. I felt paws touch my naked back and my exposed abdomen. Someone reached between my legs and gently brushed their fingers over my cock. An electric tingle played over my body from the touch. Soon there were more paws from all around me. They patted and prodded my arm muscles, my neck, my ears, my thighs. A finger slid into my mouth beside Stefano's cock, and another few went into my tired ass from behind. I was stretched uncomfortably from every hole, surrounded by nameless, whispering, chuckling animals.

I honestly don't know how long it went on like that. At some point I was pushed down onto the floor, and then later I was rolled onto my back. Different stiff cocks filled my ass and mouth, and were pushed into my paws as well. Someone sat on my face, and the musky scent of their balls and ass flooded my senses. Someone else sat on my cock, which was still stiff despite my complete humiliation. I couldn't even tell if it was a male or female. I couldn't think about anything but the intense smells and sensations surrounding me.

There was definitely cum at some point--- I tasted it, swallowed it, felt it filling my guts. I think I came too, blowing jizz into... someone? I guess? It was difficult to know exactly; the sensation of my own orgasm had blurred with the pleasure and intensity of so many others around me. I lost myself in the emotion of it.

Eventually I found myself alone, laying on the floor in the huge living room. It was hard to tell how much time passed, or when exactly it had ended. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was still naked. My fur was matted with who knows what fluids.

"Ah good, you're awake," said Mr. Hargold cheerfully from a nearby chair. He looked up from a tablet he was reading, and set it aside. "You did very well, Andy. Our investors were impressed with your performance, I'd say! Did you enjoy yourself?"

I thought it was a very strange question--- I'd just been forced to perform degrading acts of all sorts for a huge crowd of strangers. I had been thoroughly shamed and humiliated. But, I realized... I had enjoyed it. A lot. And I wanted to do it again, I found myself thinking. But I didn't say anything.

"Of course you did," he answered for himself with a laugh. "We make sure of that, don't we? Now, let's see about getting you home..."

Mr. Hargold picked up the tablet again, and tapped a button on the display. Just then, I suddenly felt very tired. Perhaps it would be simplest for me to just get a little bit more rest, right here on the floor. I lay my head back down on the soiled carpet and shut my eyes, exhausted.