A Scaly Discovery

Story by Thisguy42 on SoFurry

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A commission for someone who wishes to remain anonymous, loosely based off of a portion of a sequence by Ariana where a woman is becoming a male Quetzalcoatl (link to entire sequence: http://arania.kamiki.net/sequence/6.....ice-sorceress/). This was certainly a departure from my usual catalog of transformation and as it turns out, writing about a creature that doesn't actually exist isn't easy! Who would have thought? I hope it's not too much of a mess!

A Scaly Discovery

Journal Entry #7 - Silvia Daly

So, it's been a week now since I arrived at basecamp and, how can I put this lightly? It's boring as hell here. When I'm not checking the pH levels of water or analyzing soil, I'm in my tent wondering why I volunteered to come out here in the first place. I mean, did I really think I was going to just stumble across a new species or some animal that we thought was previously extinct? God, I'm such an idiot... but, hey, at least I haven't been eaten yet! Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll get eaten by an undiscovered species of man-eaters. Wouldn't that be ironic?

"That's enough nonsense for today," Silvia said with a heavy sigh, and closed her notebook. She looked at her watch and saw that it read 7:00 AM. Time to get ready...

Rising from her bed, Silvia stretched her aching muscles and looked back at her bed with annoyance. It wasn't much of a bed per se, just a cot with a blanket and pillow, which wasn't exactly the most comfortable thing to come back to after a day of wading through the Amazon jungle. She guessed the rest of her temporary shelter wasn't much to look at either, but at least it kept the weather out. Then the not so gentle sound of rain beating on the tent elicited a dispirited sigh from Silvia. Begrudgingly, she got dressed and, moments later, emerged from her tent and into the muggy embrace of the jungle.

After briefly considering, then talking herself out of going back inside for the day, Silvia did some inventory of her supplies, then set out for the day. Following the trail that she had been carving out for the last week she eventually reached a pair of orange flags she had setup on her last excursion. This was just one of many pairs she had set as a makeshift perimeter around her camp to help her identify where she had been and how to get back. She scanned her surroundings carefully, and after she was confident nothing was stalking her, she shrugged off her pack and retrieved her map. She sighed when she noticed just how little progress she had made in a week. Today was going to be torture...

The next few hours were filled with her usual quiet observation and note taking. Today, however, the jungle was strangely quiet, save for the sound of rain falling steadily around her. Needless to say, it didn't take long for her to call it a day and return to camp. Fortunately, the trek back was always faster than the one out and Silvia was back at her tent in no time. Excited to get out of the rain, Silvia picked up the pace, but in her rush, she failed to notice a rustling in the brush to her left. Then, like a flash of lightning something sprung from the shadows and struck her in the thigh.

"AGH! SHIT!" Silvia screamed, grabbing at her thigh desperately, while she whipped around to look for the culprit.

She managed to spot it briefly before it slithered back into the brush. What she saw was definitely a snake, but with luminescent rainbow-like scales that both fascinated and terrified her. She considered trying to get a better look at it, but the burning sensation in her leg took priority. Cursing, she hobbled back to her tent and plopped down on her cot. Shaking, she glanced down at her leg and nearly passed out when she saw the wound, swollen and purple. Quickly grabbing some scissors, she carefully cut away her pant leg, and revealed two distinct wounds going deep into her thigh. She looked at it for far too long before she was able to tear her eyes away and started looking for a way to treat it.

"Shit shit shit..." She rambled, stumbling to her first aid kit and tossing it back on her cot.

As she fumbled with the latches, the initial pain of the bite began to fade and she wondered if she was going into shock or something. Finally, she managed to get the box open, pulled out several rolls of gauze and the antivenom kit, then chanced a look at her thigh. She paused. Her leg had stopped bleeding and the skin around it had taken on a dry, flaky appearance.

"What the hell..." She said, running her still trembling fingers around the dry, yet soft flesh. "What is-Ooo wow," She continued, a spark of sudden energy stirring in her clit.

A delightful shiver ran down her spine and her body became flush with arousal. Her worries began to melt away and were replaced with a calming thrum of warmth running up and down her body. Soon her clothing felt far too warm and she slowly began to strip them away, sighing with relief as the cool air danced on her hot skin. She ran her hands down her body, caressing her soft flesh with a newfound sense of desire.

"Mmm, fuck. What's wrong with me?" She said breathily, her hands roaming between her legs.

Silvia moaned at the slightest touch of her fingers dancing around her clit. It was so swollen and sensitive, just the action of sliding her fingers over it made her weak in the knees. Her legs became so unstable, she was forced to fall back onto the bed, which only gave her easier access to her throbbing cunt. She had just been bitten by a damned snake and now she couldn't stop touching herself, what was her problem? She needed to call in for help, she needed to-

Silvia paused as she looked at her leg again. The bite was gone and replaced by another patch of dry, flaking skin that appeared to be spreading in all directions. Curiously, she ran a finger across one of the spots and her breath caught in her throat when she saw dry skin suddenly shift to something far less familiar.

"S-scales?" she said, running a finger over the smooth, iridescent patch. They looked just like the one on the creature that bit her.

Silvia shook her head and chuckled to herself. "No way, I must be hallucinating from the venom. This just isn't possible, I think I need to..." She said, trailing off as the arousal hit again.

This time, the pleasure concentrated itself solely in her clit, making it throb and swell larger than ever. She pinched the reddening flesh and jumped in surprise when it suddenly grew in her fingers. She yelped, released it, and stared at her now thumb-sized clit like it was an alien creature.

"Did it just grow?" She questioned, a tinge of arousal still creeping into her frightened voice.

After repositioning herself for a better look at her clit, Silvia, gave into the curiosity and her amped up arousal. Gingerly, she stroked the tip of it and let out a low moan as the bulb of flesh responded with a violent surge of growth, quickly tripling in size. Silvia's rational mind would have made her stop there, but the pleasant tingle running up her spine only made her want more. Now using three fingers, she stroked herself, whimpering as it continued to thicken and lengthen until she was able to wrap all five of her fingers around it.

"Oh, this is so wrong," Silvia said between panting breaths, her hand continuing to move, driven by her new, insatiable lust.

Then, unable to quell her curiosity, she managed to pry her hand away and peered down at her crotch, letting out a gasp when she saw what she had done to herself. Several inches of hard, pink flesh now protruded from her groin and though the head still lacked the usual shape, she knew what she was looking at.

"That's a-I'm growing a- but how?" She stammered, unable to wrap her head around the impossibility of it all.

Before she was able to completely process this discovery, Silvia felt something rush through the center of the shaft and begin creeping toward its head. As the sensation traveled upward, it grew in both length and girth, while the head took on the identifiable shape of a true penis. Silvia's face flushed with shameful lust as she looked on at the fully formed manhood longingly. With a shaking hand, she caressed the thick dorsal vein with her index finger, coaxing a few drops of clear, sticky fluid from the tip.

"This is incredible, it's so-mmph-sensitive," She said, squeezing the shaft in her hand.

Whatever she was becoming was beginning to take over, and with every passing moment she could feel her resistance to the changes melting away. Besides, why should she fight it when it felt so good to give in?

With her acceptance came a familiar tickle radiating from her groin, the skin softening then shifting into more sleek, colorful scales. She caressed them, tracing wider and wider arcs with her fingers unknowingly causing scales to spread around skin of her thighs. She moaned and slid her hands around to her ass, starting to lose herself to the sexual energy welling within her.

Silvia moaned and cried out, "No, I need to stop before it's too late."

Unfortunately, her desperate plea did not stop the scales from spreading down her legs, her human skin giving way to growing patches of luminous scales along the way. Silvia lifted a leg and caressed her new lovely scales, admiring the way they shimmered even in the low-light of her tent. Her new scales made her feel so sexy, but she needed more, and, luckily, she knew just what to do. Licking her lips lustfully, her eyes fell on the throbbing manhood between her legs. With feverish desire, she wrapped a hand around her turgid shaft and gave it a few good drawn out strokes. The pleasure she received was unlike anything she could imagine; so concentrated and intense. Her breathing quickened as did her stroking and a dull pressure began to build in the base of her shaft.

"Something's about to-" She said between heavy panting.

Before she was able to finish her thought, an abrupt surge of growth rushed through the sensitive flesh, forcing it longer and thicker until it was so large that she could barely wrap her hand around it. Despite the shock, she found herself pumping her arm faster, desperate for any sort of relief. Instead of relief, she felt a pulsating warmth flow into the entirety of her cock which was continuing to grow in her hand.

"Ahh, please, I feel so close," She whimpered, now gripping the organ with both hands.

As her delicate hands groped the expanse of her cock, its human appearance began to wane, becoming longer and pointed at the head. She desperately pawed at the changing organ, becoming so enamored with it that she had failed to notice the scales gradually crawling along her body. Now unhindered by her worry and fear, they slid up her belly and down her legs, and she idly wondered what it would feel like to slither across the lush jungle. She flexed her legs, feeling suddenly annoyed by their presence, and pictured what they would be like as a thick, powerful tail. Influenced by her desire, her legs began to squeeze tighter and tighter until the flesh began to meld, and slowly fuse her legs into one continuous limb. She sighed, pleased to be losing more of her boring human appendages and gaining something far sexier and exotic. As the changes cascaded downward, her feet were forced into pointed positions, binding them together to form the end of her new serpentine tail.

Moaning and shaking with ecstasy, Silvia flexed her new tail experimentally and found it to be far stronger and more flexible than her legs ever were. She stroked the gleaming limb with her soft hands, admiring the powerful muscle under the shining scales as it continued to grow longer and heavier. Silvia moaned at the thought of using it to slither along the ground, wanting to feel every inch of earth pass beneath her smooth scales.

Still lost in her fantasy, the scales that had begun to push their way up her back and chest went unnoticed, whilst the shining gold feathers sweeping down and fanning out from beneath her arms were nothing more than a dull tingle. While pleasing to look at, wings weren't exactly known for being dexterous, and Silvia was starting to realize this as her hands became increasingly unwieldy. Her grip on her pulsating manhood began to weaken as her fingers suddenly shrunk a few inches, greatly reducing their flexibility, but still, she continued to pump, her mind fixated on a singular goal; to change. As before, her body responded, and a deepening crevice appeared down the midline of her manhood until there was a clear divide all the way through.

"Oh god, what'ss happening, it feelsss, it feelssss... amazing!" She cried out, her tongue becoming forked to match her increasingly snake-like form.

Gasping and panting, Silvia looked down at her cock and her eyes widened as the large, pointed phallus split into two throbbing snake-cocks. Bleary-eyed from the pleasure of it all, Silvia reached toward her crotch urgently only to find that her fingers were little more than blunt stubs.

"Wait, no! I need thossse!" She exclaimed, watching in horror as her hands thinned and stretched to become more wing-like, taking her precious fingers with them.

After fumbling around for another moment with her useless wings, Silvia took a deep breath and tried to figure out a way to solve this problem. Then with a heavy sigh, Silvia looked to her cocks begrudgingly, knowing full well there was only one way to pleasure herself without hands, and stretched her neck toward them with mouth open and tongue extended. Now that her body was much more flexible, reaching them was easy, but only the tip of her tongue was able to make contact. After a few moments of her clumsily flicking her forked tongue against the shafts, it was clear it would get her nowhere and the gentle tickle of her tongue was only making the arousal more maddening. It soon became apparent to her that it was so difficult because her body was lengthening, pulling her head even further away from her twin cocks.

"Pleassse!" Silvia begged, hissing angrily. She needed something, anything to relieve this horrid pressure or she was going to lose it.

Then, just before her anger spilled over into rage, she caught wind of something sweet and intoxicating with her tongue. While it wasn't clear what it was, she knew it was lurking just outside the tent. Intrigued by the alluring scent, Silvia tried to move toward the tent flaps, but instead she simply flailed her tail around uselessly quickly discovering that moving a massive snake tail wasn't anything like moving human legs. Not one to give up so easily she did a few experimental flexes, getting a feel for her new muscles, slowly identifying the greater muscle groups until she thought she had the hang of it. Finally, with the help of some instinct and past studies of how snakes move, she had managed to awkwardly slither out of the tent, toward the mysterious smell.

Upon exiting the tent, Silvia was pleased to find that the rain had stopped and lifted her face toward the warm comfort of the sun, basking in the wonderfully warm rays of sunlight. She never thought it could feel so good, allowing herself to get lost for a moment, completely content to just sit in the sun for the rest of the day, and actually forgot why she had come out in the first place.

Sometime later, Silvia shook her head, coming out of her trance-like state and looked at her surroundings confusedly. Hadn't she come out here to do something? That's when she spotted a small pond nearby and had a sudden realization, she had yet to really see what had become of her body. She slithered forward and came to a stop at the edge of the still pool of water then peered tentatively at her reflection. What she saw staring back at her was far more snake than woman. She eyed her once beautiful legs where a thick serpent's tail now lay, looked with mouth agape at the two pre-cum glistened cocks jutting from her once delicate slit, and stared sadly at the now useless wings fluttering by her sides. Everything was unrecognizable save for her face and chest, though she did notice some strange growths atop her head and her nose seemed somewhat smaller. She looked down toward her breasts, which remained unchanged, and felt a sudden pang of guilt when she realized she had willed this on herself, or was it the creature she was becoming that had forced her hand? She had been aware of what was happening the whole time so she knew her human mind was still intact, but somehow altered to fit the creature's desire. Even now, she could feel those sexual urges returning, even stronger than before, and a part of her knew there was little that could be done to stop it.

Then, Silvia's flicking tongue picked up the scent she had discovered earlier, but this time it was accompanied by a gentle rustling behind her.

Flipping around, Silvia saw a large, winged snake with luminous scales and brightly colored feathers, just like hers. Surely this couldn't be some weird coincidence, it must have known she was here, and what she was before she had left the tent. Silvia stared back into the cold, calculating eyes of the creature before her, trying to get a feel for its intentions. Something in that piercing gaze told her that this serpent was far more intelligent than your common animal, perhaps even more intelligent than her. A few tense moments passed between them, each of them feeling the air with their tongues, all of the new, indecipherable scents and sensations nearly overwhelming Silvia. Then, through the dizzying cloud of her overstimulated brain, she had a sudden clear thought. Could this be the snake that bit her? Silvia gave the serpent another thorough look and discovered that it was actually a she. With this revelation, the creature's identity and presence here became quite clear and of course, Silvia would be more than happy to indulge her.

Eyeing the snake's moistened slit hungrily, Silvia felt the raw bestial urges start to overtake her as her body readied itself for breeding. The snake's eyes likewise darted to Silvia's turgid shafts, then flashed her a sly look and wriggled her body, creating a hypnotic wave that made Silvia's head spin. Not content to waste another second, she allowed the urges to guide her and started a clumsy slither toward her would be mate.

After watching her approach, the female slid around Silvia, staying just out of her reach while flicking her tail toward Silvia teasingly. Entranced, Silvia followed her every move, unknowingly engaging in a mating dance that was slowly bringing them closer, until finally their tails met.

As agonizing as her arousal was, Silvia could not help but take a moment to get more intimately acquainted with her mate, using her strong tail to explore the smooth surface of her body. The other serpent continued to tantalize Silvia, brushing the opening of her slit just below Silvia's manhood, receiving clear enjoyment as Silvia bucked against her wildly, coaxing several large spurts of pre-cum that ran down the snake's body. Although Silvia's mind was growing foggier by the second, she managed to maintain some semblance of consciousness and marveled at the level of intimacy she suddenly felt with this strange creature. Just the simple touch of their tails felt right, like they had been made to fit together perfectly, but then she supposed this is what the creature had intended when it bit her in the first place. If it was this intelligent, had it been human at some point as well?

Then, before her rational mind allowed more thoughts to get in the way, her supercharged libido forced instinct to take over. With a level of fluidity and aggression that she didn't know she was capable of, Silvia slid the tip of her tail underneath her companion's and firmly grasped it. As Silvia began to intertwine their tails, the other snake seemed to relax into her embrace, and returned the gesture with a sensual squeeze of her own, drawing them even closer together. Egged on by her mate's sudden enthusiasm, Silvia flexed the powerful muscles groups along her body, slowly pulling them into a tight spiral that ended at their cloaca; their sleek bodies writhing as one as they gently laid themselves on the jungle floor.

Now in a more comfortable position, Silvia felt the female's tightly coiled muscles flex, pressing her drooling cocks toward the opening of her glistening slit. She let out a drawn-out hiss as the pointed tips of her shafts danced at the warm entrance of her mate's vent, savoring the electrifying pleasure that coursed through every inch of her body. Every slight movement was beyond maddening! Unable to take the suspense any longer, Silvia tightened her grip and pushed forward, trying to desperately slip herself inside her mate's pre-slickened slit. Though it took a few tries due to her overexcitement, Silvia squeezed and wound herself around the snake's body until she had enough leverage. Then, with a new surge of confidence, Silvia guided her aching cocks toward her mate's swollen cloaca and began to ease herself inside.

The tips of her shafts slipped in easily, but the deeper she went, the thicker her cocks were and the wider the snake's passage had to stretch. She wasn't even halfway in before she was stopped entirely, but the female continued to push her deeper, her tight, moist walls massaging her every inch of the way. Silvia convulsed with blinding pleasure as she was relentlessly squeezed and pulled, forcing several streams of pre-cum to shoot into the snake's hot depths.

"Yessss! Ssssooo good!" She exclaimed, between the wild massaging of her pulsating, male organs, in a voice that was little more than a deep hiss.

The scales, which had ceased formation till now, began slowly encroaching on her untouched breasts, the skin tightening across her chest as her full bust started to shrink. To Silvia, the sensation was just another slight bit of discomfort among the waves of pleasure wracking her body and hardly noticed that with each amazing thrust, what little was left of her breasts was dwindling into a flat, scaly chest.

Now completely at the mercy of her greedy mate, Silvia could do little else but squirm in her vice-like grip, a helpless slave to the pleasure that came in mind-blowing, powerful waves. Her body wriggled about wildly as thick globs of pre-cum began to ooze out between them, coating their sexes in a copious layer of lube that made the last few inches of cock-flesh slide in much easier. Still reeling from the snake's ferocity, Silvia was unprepared for the bliss that awaited her when her cocks were suddenly engulfed to the hilt by the snake's silken walls. All the while the scales continued their crawl up her neck and toward her head, stripping away the remains of her femininity along the way. Even now, scales began to creep across the back of her head, brilliantly golden feathers starting to streak through her hair. Another thrust, and her hair fell away in large clumps and another thick layer of feathers began to sprout all over her body, starting with her neck then fanning out across her outstretched wings, and finally spreading to the tip of her tail.

"Sssssooo, good..." Silvia hissed as the scales crested the ridge of her brow and plunged her consciousness into a serene, lustful fog.

Once the scales rippled across her brow, the small nubs there began to sprout from her head and take on a more distinct shape of three small horns. The horns curved backward across her feathered head as the scales spread the change down her face, starting with her eyes which shifted from blue to a deep orange. Her vision blurred momentarily while her pupils reshaped into dagger-like slits that made her sight so sharp it was almost overwhelming. Despite the disorientation, Silvia's focus never left the wondrous sensations, even when her face began to push out into something far more suiting to her serpent form. Her delicate nose receded into her stretching face and was soon replaced by a pair of simple nostrils resting above her upper lip. Lips thinned and her jaw popped as the bones began elongating and sliding forward into a wide serpent's maw that hung open hungrily as she stared into her mate's vibrant, orange eyes. Teeth then began to tumble from her open mouth, while small razor-sharp teeth rose to take their place and two large fangs unfolded like knives from either side of her upper mouth with a soft pop.

As her face widened and the scales slipped down the sides of her head, the thrum of energy inside of Silvia's body began to reach its peak. The luminous scales cascaded over her ears, slowly working away at the last vestiges of her humanity, making them smaller and reforming their inner structure. Hearing as she had grown accustomed to faded away and the sounds of the jungle grew quiet as her ears became nothing more than just another scale on her head.

Euphoria suddenly exploded through Silvia as the world's noise around her melted away, leaving only the sensation of her and her mate. In the moment, they seemed to become one, their bodies twisting around each other in a seemingly never-ending loop of ecstasy. With little effort or thought, their motions were somehow completely in sync with one another; Silvia pulled back as much as the tight confines of her lover's pussy would allow and thrust forward while her counterpart echoed each movement with perfect tempo. Thrusting, writhing and massaging they continued this dance for some time, neither one willing to relent even for a second. There was a sudden pause between them and Silvia felt the snake's muscular walls clamp down harder and pull at her aggressively. Silvia, meanwhile, could only manage a few half-hearted thrusts in-between the snake's frantic tugging. For as powerful as she was, Silvia was not the one in control at the moment but a growing pressure in the base of her cocks told her that it wouldn't matter for much longer. The snake seemed to sense this as well and tightened her grip around Silvia, pulling them as close together as they could possibly be.

Silvia felt it then; a strong surge of pleasure running up her constricted members, pleasure that surpassed anything she could possibly imagine. Her manhood swelled in the firm grip of her mate and a final forceful contraction rocked her body as thick ropes of potent seed rushed into her mate's quivering hole. Holding on like her life depended on it, the greedy serpent milked Silvia for all she was worth which was rather effective in turning Silvia into a convulsing, quivering mess. Cum continued to fill the snake's hungry womb for what seemed like minutes to Silvia before it tapered off and she began to come down from her orgasm.

After she was thoroughly sated, the snake relinquished her grip on Silvia and she collapsed onto the lush jungle ground. Exhausted and finally sated, Silvia's mental faculties began to return to her and as she coiled up next to her new mate, a hard realization hit her. She might be stuck like this the rest of her life, and as comforted as she was by the other snake's presence, she wasn't sure she really wanted to be trapped in this body forever. She pondered this thought as sleep started to take her, but before she could form any more cohesive thoughts, she was plunged into a deep, dreamless sleep.

The Next Morning...

Silvia's eyes snapped open, giving her a view of a clear morning sky. Wait... the sky?

"What the hell?" she croaked, popping up from the grass.

Confused, Silvia swiveled her head frantically, trying to get a grasp on where she was, and calmed a little when she saw her tent nearby. She breathed out, trying to slow her racing heart, and had a sudden realization. She was naked.

"Why am I..." She started, but stopped when the events of the night before came rushing back to her. The snake, the transformation... the sex. Had it all really happened?

Silvia looked at the leg where the snake had bit her, but found not even a scratch where the bite had been.

"There's no way I dreamt that, it was all so real," She said, standing up and searching her naked body for any clue of the night before. Again, she found nothing. Then, looking back up, she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw a familiar winged snake staring back at her only a few feet away. Silvia stared back, wondering if the snake was trying to thank her, or should she thank it? Before she had time to think about this any further, the snake flicked its tongue at her one last time before suddenly slithering off into the jungle.

Left with more questions than answers, Silvia watched the strange creature disappear from view and wondered how the hell she was going to prove what had happened here to anyone. She decided she should think it over later, at least once she had some clothes on, and headed back toward her tent.

"They picked a hell of a place to station me..." She muttered, and took one last look for the snake before stepping into her tent.

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