An Early Christmas, Part 2

Story by Luppy on SoFurry

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#2 of An Early Christmas

I highly encourage you to take at look at part 1 of this short story before reading part 2(part 1 isnt that long, and neither is this one). I dunno if it would make sense without it, so that's why im recommending it. Also before anyone reads this know that there's no yiff in this part, sowwy (Im putting it in the m/m section tho because this is an m/m story and ide rather have all parts in the same section anyways). I gotta get through the boring parts first and then the fun SHOULD begin next part. We'll see though. So yeah this is just to anyone that wants to learn the story. EnjoyJ

An Early Christmas, Part 2

The blue truck drove fairly slow over the iced roads of Cowls as the inside of it was quiet and dull, with Rider not making a statement and Mr. Layton keeping his eyes away from him. He was paying attention to the road, but Rider felt like Mr. Layton was the kind to drive pretty well, and if he were to take his eyes away, he would probably do just fine. He wasn't exactly sure where Mr. Layton was taking him, for once they left the town of Cowls there was nothing out there but snow and darkness.

As soon as they were out of Cowls and on a new but similar road to the one they were once on, Mr. Layton spoke.

"I apologize for not introducing myself to you when we get on the car; I wanted to get out of that town first. So, if you would forgive me, my name is Professor Clyde Layton. I am happy to make your acquaintance."

Mr. Layton held out his paw to Rider's hand.

Rider was surprised by this, but shook Mr. Layton's paw nonetheless.

"Nice to meet you." Rider said blatantly.

He kept his distance from Mr. Layton even though he didn't want to be rude.

"Yes, I already know your name. Rider, that's it. You and the rest of the reindeer have some very colorful names, let's see...there was Blitz, and Doppler...are those your real names?" Mr. Layton asked, seeming rather curious.

"No...when we all joined Boss's group he gave us different names from our real ones. He made them all similar to our real ones though, I guess he didn't want to waste any of his creativity." Rider said. He wasn't sure why Mr. Layton even cared about the reindeer and his name. They were prostitutes.

"If you don't mind me asking, what is your actual name then?" Mr. Layton asked.

Rider had never told anyone his actual name before.

"...Could you please just call me 'Rider'? I'm not really comfortable with giving that out to a...client." Rider said a little uncomfortably.

"Oh yes, it's completely understandable...Rider." Mr. Layton said.

There was another moment of silence. It seemed to Rider the road they were driving on was not changing its scenery anytime soon. Everything was pitch black except for the light coming from the headlights of the truck, where it showed calm snow falling and buried pieces of the black road.

"So, are you a fan of salad? I would figure so since you are a reindeer and accustomed to eating earthly foods, but I would like to know so I can tell my butler. That way he can have something ready when we get to the cabin." Mr. Layton asked.

Rider was taken aback by this question. Did he really just ask me what I wanted to eat for dinner? Does this guy know what I am?

"Um, no, I don't want anything. Just...if we could get to the place and...get it done, than that would be great." Rider stated, not trying to sound ungrateful but wanting to get his point across.

"Oh no, we wont have any of that. I can't have you going around my cabin without getting as little as a salad."

Rider didn't know what to say.

"Mr. Layton..."

"You can refer to me as Clyde, please. I don't like it when guests of my home call me by my business name."

"Clyde..." Rider started again, "I don't really know if you know what I am. I'm a whore. I'm just here to...well, have sex with you. You don't have to treat me like a guest in your home or anything, I'll just go in, do my thing, and leave." Rider hoped he had explained it well enough.

"Son, prostitutes are people just as much as writers and professors. You have a personality, likes and dislikes, and you are your own you know why I chose you out of the group of reindeer?" Mr. Layton asked.

"My nose?" Rider asked.

"No, though it is very unique. I chose you because I felt you were the only one who inside...really had something. You looked like you needed to prove yourself to someone, even though you have stated you are only a whore, and what I saw did not pertain to that title. I felt like you were the most noble of the group, and to be honest, I would not treat the other reindeer this way if I had chosen them." Mr. Layton said, sounding genuine.

Rider wasn't sure what to think at this point. Inside, he knew Mr. Layton was right, and he did enjoy the hospitality...but he couldn't get sucked into his game. He needed to acquire what he got in Mr. Layton's truck for, which was a good amount of money to go to his release fund. This was probably going to be his biggest chance, and he could'nt blow it.

"Sir, I appreciate it, but..."

Mr. Layton didn't allow Rider to finish.

"Ah-ah-ah, I'll have no more say on the matter. When we get to the cabin, you are going to have a meal whether you like it or not. Besides, I believe some nice dinner will suit you, seeing as how thin you are."

Mr. Layton looked at Rider's stomach, getting a very clear view of it as only Rider's privates were being covered by the black thong. Rider saw this and crossed his arms a little over his belly.

Mr. Layton giggled.

"So...while we're talking, there is something I wanted to ask you. It doesn't really matter, but I'm just a little curious." Rider said.

"Mmm, yes boy, I would love to answer your question. I'm glad you're speaking to me on your own terms now." Mr. Layton said.

Rider didn't understand Mr. Layton's logic, but he continued anyway.

"How did Boss man find out you were rich? That's if you are anyway...and if you are then why do you ride around in this and wear those clothes?" Rider asked. He had been skeptical about it for the longest time, and he didn't want this client to be a real letdown when he finds he doesn't have as much money as he thought.

"Well, I talked with Mr. Roder on the phone yesterday night, asking him about his workers, and what I could expect from them. I told him I was willing to pay a nice amount for a night with one of you, but I didn't really know how much to put up, and when I gave him an estimate, he seemed to almost have a heart attack...and yes boy I don't mean to be rude but if I were to talk about it, yes I do have a good amount of money. I wear these old things and drive this to trick the townspeople into thinking I don't have much. The cabin I temporarily stay at here in the Arctic is fairly nice I think, though."

Rider didn't even take thought as to the place they were going. He was so used to going into one of the poor motels in the town or some random trailer that he figured this would be the norm for the rest of his prostitution days; same goes with food. He didn't acquire much of it, as Mr. Layton could tell, and when he did it was never anything nutritious or good tasting...It'll be a nice change, Rider thought.

"What is it that you want to do when we get there?" Rider asked.

Mr. Layton seemed to think of the question for a bit, then looked at his watch as he began to speak.

" is only a half to nine, and I have you for the whole night...once we are finished eating, we could lounge in the living room and watch a movie if you would like. I also have a fire place, and it is very calming just to lye back and watch the flames dance around...I have a nice collection of books too, if you're a bit if a reader. And there's always room for desert or seconds if..."

Rider had to stop him.

"No, no, I meant what do you want to do...sexual wise?" Rider asked. I thought the the answer I wanted would have been obvious to him, but I guess not. He's a little strange...

"What?" Mr. Layton asked, sounding confused.

"What do you want me to do to you sexually so I can acquire my money for the night?" Rider said slightly louder. He was started to get impatient.

"Oh...son, I called you out tonight so we could enjoy a nice evening together. And don't worry, you will acquire your payments based on how the night goes, but I never declared that we had to do something of that nature. If you would like, we can, but it is not necessary to me....I'm sure it would be nice, but I chose you because I thought I could have a lovely night with someone like you." Mr. Layton said, with a smile.

This was the first time Rider had ever been called on a client and the client didn't want sex. This was probably going to be the last time, too, Rider thought. His thoughts and actions seem so socially backward, like no one would ever talk like this to a prostitute or even think about giving him dinner, or think about what he wanted in general...the whole point of being a whore is to not have any control; we let the client decide on everything, yet he keeps giving me options, even to not have sex with him...he's weird...but also different...I don't know what to feel about him...

Rider decided to drop the subject until the time came when he would really need to get his job done.

"Alright, we'll have it your way. I'll eat, but then you have to decide what we do after. Whatever it takes for you to give me a good amount...not to be rude." Rider said.

"Why does it matter how much you get anyway, boy? Doesn't your owner obtain all the money?"

Why does he keep calling me boy, and son?

"I don't really want to talk about it...but if you could, I need to get as much as you can give, Mr. Layton, I mean, Clyde. It's...going to a good cause." Rider said. He wasn't sure whether to tell him or not; he knew it was somewhat personal, and even though at this point Mr. Layton seemed like one of the most honest people Rider had known in his life, he still did not feel comfortable talking about it to a stranger.

"Hmmm...I have a feeling I will acquire the answer at some point. Remember, I also want you to have a good time, too. You can't take pleasure in spending time with someone you don't trust." Mr. Layton said.

Rider just gave him an "mmm," and turned his head to look out his window. He was surprised at how much he had talked to Mr. Layton. He felt like this was the most he had ever talked to any client, and they hadn't even gotten down to business yet. Mr. Layton seemed to have a sort of mood that made you want to converse and learn more about him. He's definitely different from everyone else, Rider had thought several times from the time he saw him first to now.

As Rider looked away from Mr. Layton, he could hear him dialing on his cell phone someone's number and could tell the person being called was his butler, for Mr. Layton gave an order to make a grand salad for one of his "guests."

Even though Mr. Layton's wordplay was throwing Rider off a bit, he didn't not forget the situation at hand. He knew he had to gain the money some way through the night, though it was difficult for him to accept that Mr. Layton would give him much just for sharing a nice, warm evening with him. Also, why did Mr. Layton pick up a whore on the side of the road to have dinner with? Why Rider? It all seemed so strange to him, but then again, everything about Mr. Layton seemed strange. The way he dressed even though he was rich, the way he talked to Rider and everyone else, the fact that he didn't want sex from a prostitute...Rider knew that eventually he would have to find the truth as to why Mr. Layton called him out, and even if he couldn't, there would have to be a way for him to acquire his money to further progress his freedom.

The scenery did not change much when they finally arrived at the cabin. It was getting darker, as 9 o'clock rolled around, and the snow was falling slightly harder than it was when Rider and Mr. Layton were conversing.

As Rider got out of the truck on what seemed like a gravel roadway, he inspected the residence he was to be staying at that night. It seemed like a regular brown log cabin that anyone could have been staying at, much less a wealthy fur, for it was right in the middle of the Arctic. Rider figured it was still a lot better than staying at one of the motels in the town again or doing it in the back of the client's car. The inside lights were on and smoke was brewing from the chimney, but no other cars were by the cabin except for Mr. Layton's.

"I had told my butler that when he was finished with the meals he could retire for the night and leave the lights on upon leaving, since we would be there soon; it also makes it easier to see the cabin this way." Mr. Layton declared when he could see the confusion in Rider's eyes.

He and Rider both went to the front door together. Mr. Layton took out a key from a ring of only a few keys from his coat pocket and put it through the door to open it.

The inside of the cabin was just about as average as the outside. When you went through the door you came into the living room which contained a TV set, a couch, an armchair, a nice rug, a fireplace that was brightly lit, and a painting over the fireplace of the same thing Rider had seen the whole ride: The Arctic.

Even though these things would seem simple and easy to someone of regular living standards, Rider overly appreciated its cleanliness and overall effect. He was so used to living like a cockroach; he did not realize how normal and respectable furs needed to be living. He figured his own living standards truly fitted who he was, or at least, how furs saw him. As soon as he was free though, he would be able to live like this; at least, that's what he hoped.

"Hm...I know it's not much, but to be honest with you, I only use this old place when I come down here every few years. My real home is in the states. Nevertheless, I'd think it rude if I didn't give my guests a tour of the residence."

"Okay..." Rider said, not exactly paying attention. He was still inspecting the living room, admiring how neat Mr. Layton seemed to keep it, or how well the home was treated compared to his.

Mr. Layton took off his jacket to reveal a red t-shirt as he put the jacket on a rack by the door.

"Oh yes! Before we start I must go get some things, until I get back do you mind lounging here in the living room?"

Rider just shook his head at him as he walked around the living room intently. Mr. Layton then left to go through a small hallway into another room.

Rider tried to ponder once again how he was going to acquire all the money he needed while he paced around the room. He was certain he would not gain enough tonight to set him free, but he was hoping he would get a good sum compared to his other clients. The chances of him getting another Mr. Layton in the future was slim to none, so he needed to make the most of the time he had with him.

Rider could hear movement in another room down the hall, and after about two minutes of him hanging around the living room, Mr. Layton came around the corner, holding what looked like a pair of blue boxer briefs, dark green loungers, and a white t-shirt.

"What are those?" Rider asked, genuinely puzzled.

"Heh...I would never be able to forgive myself if I allowed you to walk around my cabin with that on. You must have been so uncomfortable out there in the cold; I figured some nice clean clothes would suit you well." Mr. Layton said, and then he threw Rider the clothes. Rider didn't expect this and barely caught them.

Rider looked at the clothes. He wasn't sure what to say.

"Um, Mr. Layton, there's really no need..."

Mr. Layton held up his right paw to stop Rider.

"No no, now I will not have any of that. After I give you the tour you can go into the bathroom and change. Actually, you may want to shower also. I can't exactly tell how dirty you are, but I know everyone loves a nice warm shower, and maybe it will help lower your tension along with getting you clean."

"Tension? I'm not tense, Mr..."

"And if you could, please call me Clyde."

"I'm not tense...Clyde." Rider said. He didn't like using Mr. Layton's first name. He felt like he was talking to someone around his age or younger, while in reality Mr. Layton had to be double his age.

"Thank you, Rider. Now, shall we begin the tour? I'll keep it brief so you can have ample time to shower and we can still have a pleasant evening together." Mr. Layton asked, his body facing the other direction but his head turned to the side so he could look at Rider.

It seemed Mr. Layton made up Rider's mind about showering for him.

Everything that had happened with Mr. Layton, Rider thought, had been a completely upside-down version of the way he usually lived. He was used to not showering regularly and, if he did it would be in a shivering river or lake. He was used to not getting 5-star meals or meals in general at times, and he was definitely not used to wearing substantial or clean clothes. It was all different...but Rider secretly was enjoying it all so much. His feeling of wanting to be wanted by someone, by anyone, never got appreciated while he was with Mr. Roder. He was used to the feeling of loneliness, and now that someone was finally trying to relate to him, he thought it was best to cherish the opportunity. He knew he needed to stay the course and just worry about earning his money, but he decided to just accept Mr. Layton's hospitality for now, especially since he seemed more than happy to give it to him.

So when Mr. Layton asked Rider if he was ready, Rider nodded intently to him while also smiling the smallest bit under the clothes he was holding close to him.

Mmmk not much to say about this part, just more to it, and there will be more later lol dunno when tho;p hope everythings good in everyones life, and have a goooood day:D