In Lieu of Rent

Story by Parzival_the_Great on SoFurry

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A Quick Story I cobbled together last year. Went back and forth a bit on whether or not I should upload, but Meh. I wasn't doing anything else, right?

Liam Silva wasn't the kind of person to smile as he went about his day. That isn't to say that he was glum or depressed, but the life of a student is filled with so few victories that they just tend to stand out, and this was the case for the young gray mouse. When he wasn't studying he was working a pain-in-the-ass job, stacking shelves at the local supermarket. And when he wasn't doing either of those things, he was generally stressing. And it didn't take much for him to stress, either. Most of the times he stressed about school. Some of the time he stressed about making ends meet. And a few times he just stressed about various miscellany. But this morning had been an absolute cracker. He had opened a new box of his favorite cereal for breakfast, hadn't missed his first bus and the homeless guy who lived near the coffee shop he visited every morning hadn't been there to yell his Dementia at passers by, meaning that Liam had been able to go about his day without being called a 'Zapho Agent!', whatever that was...

But even more victory waited inside the coffee shop, when the newest Barista, a handsome young Zebra had gotten chatting to the young mouse while he steamed the milk. Up until that morning, the mouse had been too nervous to say anything of note to the cute guy behind the giant metal machine, but this morning had obviously been his lucky one, because they got chatting. The Zebra had even made a few casual jokes, which were actually quite funny. And as the mouse paid for his beverage, he noticed something scribbled on the side of his cup, just under his own name which he had to provide every morning:

Dillon - 04 555 - 4757

Jesus Christ, he should have bought a Lotto Ticket. He'd never pulled a number before in his life.

His excellent mood continued to the stop for his second bus as he sipped his coffee, and when it arrived he jumped on. Over the next five minutes, his good mood had soured a little bit as he contemplated his luck, while punching the cute Barista's number into his phone. Even if he could summon the nerve to call the Zebra, who dotted his I's with a small love heart, there was no way on earth he'd be able to do anything about it. His current schedule and his demeanor meant that he was too anxious to actually date anyone. He had always figured that there would be plenty of time for dating once he had made the transition from Broke Student to Broke Graduate, but even then he doubted that.

He sighed to himself and gazed out the window of his seat.

Tim would have to wait for now. Until he was up on that podium, accepting his Diploma, a lot would have to wait now. Really only the bare essentials couldn't wait. His School. His Job. His Groceries, Bills.

And his rent.

He gave a slight gulp as the unfamiliar bus took a swinging left into an area of town he was unfamiliar with. In a way he was grateful that he had caught the bus today, because driving to places he was unfamiliar with had rarely ended well for him, usually getting so lost, even with the aid of Siri droning the directions to take, that it wasn't unusual to be up to an hour late for his appointments.

And he couldn't miss today's appointment. Otherwise he could add 'Homeless' to his list of things everything else would need to wait to resolve.

The Bus slowed to a crawl and the door to his right swung open. He squinted at the number on the stop, confirming it was the right one, and hopped out of his seat and trudged down the steps.

The door swung closed behind him and the Bus trundled off again, leaving Liam to soak in the area around him, a quaint little Suburbia with neatly trimmed sidewalks and verges. Every house along this particular street was big, some verging on McMansion status and some just plain old spilling over into it. The Sun was high in the sky and made this entire place look like a 1950's Version of the American Dream's Wet Dream.

Liam squinted down at his phone, tapping the solitary button until his previously opened Apps shuffled onto the screen. He swiped left over to the Maps and opened it to confirm his calculating last night to be correct.

Dan's house was literally two blocks away from this bus stop. If he got lost from here, he was literally a Jinx. He drained the last of his coffee, ensured that Tim's correct number was in his phone, and dropped the cup into the trash can provided at the stop, then hands in pockets, messenger bag slung over his ass, began to slowly make his way down the street.

He had met Dan three years ago when he had moved into his apartment after being accepted into college. Having grown up with eight brothers and sisters, he had longed to leave home, and when the opportunity had become available he'd jumped at it. A friend from highschool, a Hyena named Sally had offered to split the rent on a place with him, to which he blurted out Yes before he'd even thought about it. Not that he'd regretted it. Sally was an exemplary roommate, always keeping her areas clean and never invading Liam's space.

Dan was the Landlord of his building, and had come across as a bit of a jerk. The answers to all of their questions were short and gruff, and he had been very adamant that he didn't like his rent late. In all the time they had lived there, they had seen the tiger exactly zero times, and really Liam was okay with that. But last week had been a rough one. Liam had been underpaid by his work, an error which they were persistent would be fixed in the next pay cycle, but as all of his necessary bills were set up on direct debit, and usually got deducted at odd intervals during the day, things were too late to change before he had even known there was an issue, and sadly the Rent was the last thing to try and resolve, meaning he had missed it.

That night he had received a very terse call from Dan, whose deep voice terrified the mouse even over the phone. The mouse apologetically blurted out the story, praying to god that the other end couldn't hear the trembling in his voice.

Dan reminded him that he did not appreciate late rent, and was well within his rights to begin eviction proceedings.

Liam pleaded with him, stating that if he waited until next month he'd have both lots of rent ready.

Dan went silent for a moment before explaining that he didn't want to wait a month.

Liam liked when Sally wasn't at home, because he liked the peace and quiet. Now he wished she was there to support him.

The line was silent for a moment, before Dan responded to it with a suggestion. He said there might be something Liam could do for him to make them even. Liam's mind raced wondering what Dan could want, envisioning cleaning out gutters or waxing floorboards, and nervously stammered he'd do anything.

Dan then gave him an Address and told him to meet him there the following day.

There was a brief pause while Liam scribbled it down, only to be punctuated in his Landlord's deep, growling voice that he should wear something that made him smell nice.

Liam dropped the pen he was holding. He had not seen that coming.

'U-Um,' he stammered, a small blush rising in his face. 'Why?'

There was a low grumble on the other end of the line. 'Do I gotta spell it out for ya?' Dan drawled in an uninterested tone.

'U-Uh-' Liam's heart was racing in his chest. He glanced around the room, the living room that he had put so much effort into decorating. He took a large gulp.

'No!' a voice timidly squeaked. He wondered who had said it, but knew that it was himself before he could even examine the question.

The line was silent for a moment, before he tried to intervene. 'U-Um,' he repeated, sinking lower into his seat. 'Y-You know who I am right?' he murmured, figuring the landlord had mistaken him for his Roommate. His voice wasn't incredibly deep and it wasn't uncommon for people he spoke to on the phone to think he was a girl.

'Mouse Kid, yeah?' Dan grumbled shortly. 'Yeah, I know who you are. So we doing this or what?'

He relayed the bizarre story to Sally when she got home that night after a shift at the cheesecake factory.

'You shoulda told me!' she chided, as she sat down on the couch next to him. He hadn't moved since the phonecall, deciding instead to examine it mentally. After two and a half hours, his roommate had returned.

'If you got to me yesterday I woulda gladly spot you the money!' she moaned sympathetically. 'I'm ahead in my Credit Card Repayments, I coulda missed one and been fine!'

'I didn't know until this morning!' Liam murmured softly.

'Well at least you aren't getting kicked out,' the Hyena offered timidly. 'It would totally suck to find a new roommate.'

'Thanks.' Liam muttered bitterly.

The Hyena softly rubbed his arm with a cheeky grin on her lips.

'W-what do you suppose he wants me to do?' the Mouse glanced up at his roommate.

The Hyena's head dropped and an incredulous look spanned across her eyebrows. 'Sweetie,' she muttered with humour in her voice. 'I think you know exactly what he wants you to do.'

Liam's heart dropped a little. He had been clinging onto the hope he had wildly assumed.

'It's not a big deal!' Sally resumed rubbing his arm as she saw him sag in his seat. 'You'll just have to suck his dick a little. That's all.'

Liam sighed. It was blunt but he couldn't fault her for that.

'Everyone does it these days!' Sally chirped, pulling him into a hug. 'It's like the new line of credit!'

Liam gave a small defeated sniff. 'Have you?' he muttered softly.

'Sweetie!' the Hyena gave a hearty chuckle. 'I haven't paid to get my car tuned in five years!'

Liam sat up, releasing himself from his roommates hug. He fixed her with a shocked frown.

'No!' he breathed in awe. They both took their car to the same Mechanic, a large Rhino with piercing blue eyes and a gut that protruded from his jumpsuit.

Sally nodded with a smile. 'Oh yeah.' She chuckled. 'Not just that either. Ever wondered how I got such a great deal on the TV?'

Liam glanced at the focal point in the room, a whopping 70 Inch Screen hogged most of the wall.

'S-Serious?' Liam gaped slightly.

Sally nodded and gave a small shrug. 'It's just the way it is these days, hun. It doesn't mean anything. Guys like gettin' head and the things they'd do for it are pretty amazing.'

Liam ruminated on this for a moment.

'And I know,' Sally continued, blundering on, 'It's not for everyone. But we're students, Lee. We gotta make ends meet. And if that means I gotta put a weiner in my mouth from time-to-time, I'm cool with that. I mean,' she nudged the mouse slightly jostling him, 'Not like I don't enjoy it either.'

He briefly wondered for a moment why it had never crossed his mind before. Then he wondered why it hadn't crossed straight guy's minds before.

He shrank back down in his chair. 'W-What if he wants to do more?' he timidly squeaked.

'He won't,' the Hyena softly shook her head and pursed her lips. 'Normally they're so grateful with a blowjob they trip over themselves to help you out. And if he does, just tell him you don't want to go that far.'

Liam considered it and gave a small inwards scowl. It wasn't as though he was a Virgin, but the very thought of sucking a guy he barely new off was brand new territory to the lithe young mouse. Having sex with him was a little further than he was comfortable with.

'But if you don't want to,' Sally leaned in, resting her head on his shoulder, him resting his head on top of hers, 'There's other stuff you can do. We can get a cash advance on my credit card,' Liam wrinkled his nose slightly, 'I mean I'd get effed in the A on interest there, but I'd do it....Or you could call your parents?'

Zach lifted his head and pursed his lips. Neither option was preferable.

'No.' he muttered, determinedly. 'I've been given a chance and I'm gonna take it!'

'Atta boy!' she punched the air in front of her in solidarity. 'It is weird though,' she murmured changing tones on the head of a pin. 'I definitely didn't think Dan was gay.'

'Maybe he's Bi?' the Mouse offered.

'Myeah,' the Hyena considered full of thought. 'Either way, you gotta keep something in mind, okay?'

Liam turned his head towards the Hyena who lifted hers off his shoulder.

'If you wanna get through this as quick as possible, and with as much dignity in tact,' she wrinkled her brow choosing her words carefully. Liam gave a small nod. Dan was about as round as their mechanic. 'It isn't about you okay? It doesn't matter what he looks like, it doesn't matter how big he is downstairs-' Liam crinkled again 'Tell him he's huge. Put on a bit of a show for him. Make him feel special, get him off and you're home free!'

'You give the best advice.' Liam gave a nervous chuckle.

Dan's house looked like it was lifted out of a Design Magazine. Sleek and modern, it towered over the impressive yard before it, and gave the impression that it raised property values simply by existing.

Liam glanced at the scene and took it in. He had no idea his landlord was this well off. There wasn't a car in the Driveway, but he imagined that if he drove anything older than two years, it would be like a French Gateau sprinkled with Jelly Beans. Ultimately detracting from the main event.

He stepped onto the property threshold and made his way up the cobblestone path. The lawn had topiary on either side that was impeccably trimmed and symmetrical. He reached the front door, a stark gray to the façade of the house in direct contrast with pristine whites and blacks.

On the wall next to the door was a panel with a button and a singular lens pointing out. He glanced at the door wondering if he should knock, eventually figuring that the doorbell had been installed so the entire house could hear it. He pushed the button and a small buzzing ring chimed on the other side of the door, muffled by the impressive dimension of it.

He stood there for a second, then heard a voice on the other side, gently calling from within.


Liam gulped softly and let himself in.

The interior of the house was just as impressive as the front, the floors, a very expensive black marble spanned the entirety of the room around him. He slid the door closed behind him and stepped into the house. Enormously high ceilings, pristine white walls. Normally the only places he'd seen like this was in Videogames. If Dan was this into interior decorating maybe he was gay.

He took a few steps in and registered movement in an adjacent room to his left.

Dan definitely wasn't gay.

As Liam rounded the corner he drew level with a sight that knocked him for a loop. The first thing he noticed was the Tiger sitting in a chair facing away from the table. This wasn't the Dan he had met all those years ago. And if he was, Liam would like to meet that trainer.

Whereas last time, the Tiger was round and beefy, today he stood wearing a red V-Neck that accentuated a torso sculpted with incredible pecks and biceps that strained to be contained by the fabric. His legs were trimmed and toned, wearing black jeans that weren't skinny, but didn't hang loosely either. He was still big, even sitting, Liam could see he would easily clear 6"4, but the transformation was stunning. Stocky and Chubby to Trim and Chiseled.

But as much of a shock as that was, was nothing compared to the other person in the room, sat facing the Tiger. This one also a Tiger, but much, much smaller, and much, much chubbier. But on a Toddler, the chubbiness was much, much cuter. He was perched in a High Chair, a bib draped over his little torso. His blue eyes drifted to the new person in the room and stared at the mouse for a moment, before returning to his father, who was guiding a spoon into his mouth.

As the younger tiger took a bite, Dan looked up at his guest. He didn't smile, but he nodded his recognition of the mouse who stood timidly in the hallway.

'Thanks for coming.' the Tiger mumbled in a Deep Rumbling Growl.

Liam took a deep gulp. He didn't remember his voice being that deep. Even when they spoke on the phone.

The younger tiger made an excited squeak, gesturing wildly with his hands. Dan turned his attention back to his son and gave a solemn 'Shhhhh', which brought the young boy down from his excitement. Dan took another spoonful of food from a curved bowl in front of him and offered it to his son.

'My wife,' he muttered, not looking away from the Toddler, 'Has an interview this morning. Normally I'd conduct business like this at the residence, but today,' the toddler took another mouthful and gave a small series of claps, seemingly untied to what he was doing, 'Today it has to be here.'

Liam looked down at his feet, then back up at the enormous tiger, who still hadn't looked up from his work.

'I gotta feed Dexter,' the Tiger grumbled, continuing with his work. 'But after that I'm free. Wife won't be home until this evening. Has lunch with a friend.' He scraped a dollop of food off his son's cheek and popped it in his mouth, 'And that usually turns into a full-on bitching session. Could take hours.'

He looked up from his son, again fixing the mouse with a cold gaze.

'Take the next left after this and go to the end of the hall.' The Tiger grunted, jerking his head in the direction he was gesturing. 'That's the Guest Room. We'll be doing this in there. Go get ready. I don't want to waste a lot of time, aright?'

And with that he returned his attention to his son.

Liam peered down the hall and found the left he was meant to take. He turned back to the Tiger, but figured he shouldn't waste any time, turning and slowly making his way down the hall.

The Guest Room was basic, but bigger than his apartment's living room. He looked around and took in his surrounding, pausing on a picture on the wall of a log cabin. He gulped softly, taking his messenger bag from around his waist and putting it on the bed. He didn't need to worry. No way this Tiger was going to want anything more than a blowjob. He probably wouldn't even look at the mouse.

He glanced around the room and wondered how ready he was supposed to be getting. He examined the Tiger's warning about not wanting to waste any time, and unbuttoned his shirt. Taking this off, he stuffed the shirt into his bag, before slipping his shoes off and putting them with the shirt. Then finally his jeans. He also put his wallet and keys in the bag, but opted to keep his phone out as he didn't know how long he would have to wait. He put this on a side table next to an arm chair facing the door.

In a mirror on the opposing wall, he found a small mouse, standing naked in a stranger's house save for a pair of black form fitting briefs that cut off at the top of his thighs. He considered his reflection for a brief moment. He was small, clocking in at only 5"4, but that wasn't unusual for mice. His torso was thin and wiry, small muscles accentuated only by the fact that there was hardly any fat on him. His thighs on the other hand were plump, not fat by any means, but showed little to no muscular features, and met at his ass in the back, which definitely could have turned heads if he wore yoga pants. Not that he would, mind you.

He looked himself up and down, his softly curling black hair hanging in strands from his scalp billowed out over his ear, jutting up and out like two adrift buoys in an ocean of jet black.

Pink Flesh where fur didn't cover. A small overbite. Child Bearing Hips. Maybe the Tiger did think he was a girl. Not that there could be any confusion with his distinct lack of breasts. Or his boxer shorts, which still bulged his rather modest package.

His tail whipped around nervously as he shuffled on the spot. He didn't know how long he had been waiting, but could hear approaching footsteps. If the Tiger did think he was a girl, he would get the shock of his life in just a few seconds.

The door swung open and Dan entered the room. He noticed the small mouse, giving him a quick look up and down, before giving a small nod. In his arms he clutched a plastic bag. He trudged passed the mouse, even in barefoot his stride echoed menacingly. He placed the bag next to the chair and turned to face the mirror.

'I haven't done this with a Tenant for a while,' the Tiger brushed his hair out of his face and looked into the mouses reflection's eyes. 'My wife caught me a couple of years ago. Long before Dexter.'

He cracked his knuckles, making the mouse wince slightly.

'Ever since then I've been straight and narrow,' he continued, turning to face the mouse, his levels of comfort dropping as the Tiger's intimidating stature became more and more apparent. 'But l figure that what she doesn't know won't hurt her.'

Silence fell across the room. Liam could feel his heart hammering in his chest. As intimidated as he was, the Tiger was ticking all of his boxes. Three Years ago Dan didn't even register. But right now Dan was a fit, daddy type. His cock stirred in his boxers. He looked up at the Tiger, who was surveying him a cold stare.

'Turn around.' The Tiger growled, tilting his head to take in the young Mouse's form.

Liam took a short breath, and hoped the Tiger wouldn't see him shaking slightly. He turned 180 degrees and stopped. Looking over his shoulder. The Tiger's gaze penetrated the mouse's being, and stared intently at his ass for a few seconds.

'Yeah,' the Tiger grumbled. His arms up until now were crossed, but he reached down and groped the front of his jeans. 'That'll work.' He gave a small nod to himself. Liam felt like a piece of meat, but hoped the Tiger wasn't going to force him to spread his cheeks apart.

'Normally I go for girls.' Dan muttered, not breaking his gaze with Liam's ass. 'But I dunno..' he trailed off.

'M-My roommate is a girl!' Liam chirped as the blush crept up his face.

'Yeah,' the Tiger muttered, ceasing his self-grope. 'Hyena chick, right?'

Liam paused for a moment, then nodded. He didn't want to foist this task off on Sally, but he didn't want to lie to the massive man in front of him.

'She had that annoying laugh.' Dan wrinkled his nose and shook his head. 'Plus tits like hers are a real turn off. But you,' he glanced up making brief eye contact with the mouse, before returning his eyes to the smaller male's rump, 'Something about you I always dug.'

Liam's blush rose again, but he turned back around to face the Tiger. Dan's eyes continued to molest the Mouse's ass until it was no longer visible, before returning, very business like to his eyes.

'You ready to do this?' he grumbled, crossing his arms again.

Max gave a little gulp, but looked up at Dan with determination, giving him a firm nod. The tiger returned it.

'In exchange,' he grumbled, 'You pay this month's rent next month. With next month's.'

The Mouse sharply nodded.

'Aright,' the Tiger nodded. He unfolded his arms and began to undo his belt. It clicked and clanked together and he undid it, slipping it out from around his waste. He dropped it on the floor next to him, then returned to his pants. 'Little guy's watching Sesame Street,' Dan grumbled. Liam briefly thought he was talking about his penis, but realized, feeling a little foolish, he meant his son. 'So let's get this started'

He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled the zip down. He then grabbed the waist of his pants and in one fluid motion brought them down to his ankles, stepping out of them.

Liam Blanched.

To say that the Tiger was Big would be an understatement akin to saying the Grand Canyon is pleasant to look at. As he stood back up, drawling level with the mouse who only came up to the bottom of the Tiger's Pecs, a thick, black pipe swung in the non-existent breeze. It was big around as a Tennis Ball Can and came down to the top of the Tiger's kneecap. It swung as the Tiger moved revealing a pair of balls behind it that bulged out aggressively, taut with little wiggle room in their sack. At his torso, a coarse bush of pubic hair jutted out from his fur unashamedly (And what would it have to be ashamed of?), culminating in a treasure trail that crept up to the Tiger's belly button. His abs jutted out of his torso angrily, the bottom of them poking out of his shirt which he elected to keep on.

The tiger surveyed the Mouse as he stared, his mouth agape at the sight of him. He enjoyed this. The thrill of a new partner realizing what they had gotten themselves into. Of course his wife had seen an end to that all those years ago, but it was still his favorite part about casual sex. The mouse was also the first man he had revealed it to, and an immense feeling of satisfaction washed over him that he had the same effect on men that he did on women.

He turned and strolled over to the chair, sitting down as he went, his knees wide apart, his cock jutting out over the seat. In his hand he held his cell phone, which he began to swipe at.

'Get started.' He grunted, not looking up from his device.

Liam couldn't take his eyes off of the scene before him. This incredibly rugged Tiger sat in the chair waiting for the mouse to suck his cock. His mind drifted back to Sally's advice on making his target feel special about their size. The Tiger definitely wouldn't require much in that sense.

Without question, Dan's was the biggest he had ever seen. Nothing, in any of even the most fucked up Porno's the mouse had ever seen would have prepared him for the bludgeon hanging out of the Tiger's belly. If he took all his boyfriend's since he had started dating in high school and somehow managed to jury-rig their dicks together, perhaps employing a roll of duct tape, he doubted their combined girth would match the Tiger's. He glanced down at the puddle of Jeans that Dan had stepped out from, a pair of black satin boxers poking out. They were probably the only thing capable of shielding the monster now pointing directly at him.

He gulped and shook a little. He had not signed on for this.

Dan sat in the chair, focusing his attention on his phone. He swiped in all directions, a small glow continually changing whenever he did so. Occasionally he would stop and look at something, then continue to scroll and swipe. If he liked what he was looking at, his face certainly didn't show it.

The mouse took a quick fortifying breath and slowly began to sidle forward. Dan didn't make any indication that he was paying attention, but eventually Liam drew even with the tiger. He couldn't take his eyes off the Cock, lazily lounging on the seat before him, but when he had the nerve he would glance up at the Tiger. Jesus, he thought, even sitting down he was almost as tall as the mouse standing up.

He glanced back down at the tiger's cock and took another nervous gulp. He took a second to psych himself up, before slowly lowering himself to his knees. The tiger shuffled slightly in his seat, drawing his dick an inch closer to the nervous mouse. It perched less than four inches from his face, the foreskin barely covering the bulbous head which looked like an eye staring back at him.

Liam nervously reached out and touched it, wrapping his palm around the head. He was surprised by just how warm it was. He looked up at the tiger, who was uninterestedly playing with his phone. Liam fortified himself and got a little more confident, grabbing it around the midsection and lifting it. It was certainly as heavy as it looked, but Liam almost blanched again when the shaft bent where he lifted it up, the head remaining on the cushion of the chair.

Fuck me, he isn't even hard, Liam thought to himself.

He put a bit more elbow grease into his lifting, and eventually the Tiger's dick lolled up wards and flopped down at his waist, pointing into the arm of the chair near the Tiger's hip.

Liam was suddenly hit with a sudden realization. Perhaps seeing the Tiger's dick had put him into shock, but all of a sudden his other senses finally managed to kick in and he became aware of the scent dancing around him. It was undoubtedly the tiger, but it wasn't unpleasant. It was shocking at first, as the Tiger's scent was strong, almost overwhelmingly so, but as it danced over the Mouse's senses, he felt his skin tingle slightly. Rich, Musky with slightly sour overtones. It immediately reminded him of his Gym, especially in the evenings after most people had completed their sessions. He would put down money that the Tiger had recently completed a Workout. At first he brindled slightly at the thought. He knew why the mouse was coming over, and didn't even have the common decency to take a shower first? But as he became accustomed to the scent, he realized he might be in slightly more trouble than that. Every breath he took was laced with the scent, and he found his heart getting a little more active the more he took in. He could feel himself getting hard in his briefs.

'Any time's good with me.' Dan grunted, not looking up from his phone.

Liam recoiled slightly. He blushed as he realized that his mind had blocked the Tiger out, instead focusing all his attention on his junk. He blinked stupidly, his inner mind fortifying itself, telling him not to get carried away. This was just business. Not particularly pleasant business, so get it done and move on. He took another tiny gulp and leaned in.

With every inch he drew closer to the jet black pillar, the scent became stronger and stronger until finally his nose touched the base, just above Sam's pendulous balls, sitting on the cushion like they were on a smoke break.

The scent pervaded every inch of his mind, pushing every bit of reason he thought he had completely out. Suddenly he forgot who he was, where he lived. A small voice in the back of his mind struggled to regain control like it was fighting waves in the surf. He took a couple of deep drags, breathing out through his mouth. The Tiger's ball's jumped up in their sack with the feeling of his hot breath raking over them.

Fine, he reasoned, the voice in his mind struggling back into the captain's chair, If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this right.

The Tiger scrolled down his facebook feed, trying his best not to show any sign of interest. He was being truthful when he had been faithful to his wife since she caught him the last time. The fallout from that had been pretty impressive, but they had eventually calmed down. Of course she had made him evict the pretty deer from her apartment, which sucked because not only did he lose the security and last month deposit as a result, he had also lost an 18 year old pussy with perky tits and not enough intelligence in her head to steer her away from him. But recently, his wife had been spending less and less time at home, forcing him to look after their son. The sex had begun to dry up and the Tiger had needs. So when his systems alerted him that the Mouse had missed his Rent Payment, he first had to think back and remember who he was. His memory drew back to their meeting, and remembered him and his roommate. The girl was annoying and made a lot of stupid puns, but he caught himself checking out the mouse's ass when he entered a room in the apartment. He'd never really been into dudes, but as he sat there remembering their first meeting, he found himself liking the idea of the mouse sucking him off more and more, and he was in a dry spell with his wife right now, so any warm, wet hole in a storm.

He felt the mouse's hot breath on his balls and forced himself to not make any noise, when suddenly he felt something warm and soft press into his sack. Had this dude just kissed his scrote? He had no time to examine the question, as the mouse had suddenly grown a pair and started to dig in, his tongue sliding over his right nut. He certainly didn't hate it.

The mouse had reasoned that to get this over and done with, he'd first need to work on getting the Tiger Hard. He slowly dragged his tongue over the Tiger's right nut, deliberately taking his time at the bottom of each, trying in vain to lift it off the cushion. His last boy friend, an otter coworker at the Supermarket had loved nothing more than getting his ball's played with, and he had spent enough store-room quickies perfecting his technique.

Liam glanced up to find that the Tiger's cock still hanging over his thigh, levelled at the couch and couldn't help but pout a little. The Otter was usually raring to go after getting his pants off, and moaning by the time the mouse wrapped his lips around his nuts. He glanced up at the Tiger, getting somewhat annoyed that he was still uninterestedly swiping through his phone. He frowned and began to pick his game up, beginning to slather Dan's left ball up to match his right.

He did briefly have to wonder if this was even going to happen today. He clearly wasn't gay, had a wife and a kid, maybe this was just a whim that he was going to back out of once he realized that the mouse really wasn't going to get his engine running. A more logical point however came to mind when he realized that the Tiger was the oldest person he had ever been this intimate with. Normally he'd go with guys his own age, and he found recently that the younger they were the more eager they were for sex.

No sir, the Tiger was making him work for it.

He spiked his determination, and reached back for the shaft. While he continued to suckle, his hands began to stroke and massage the shaft. He kept this up for a few minutes, worrying dejectedly that he was trying to get blood from a stone, but after a few minutes of greasing the Tiger's sack and fondling his shaft, he became somewhat excited to feel the body of his cock getting stiffer and stiffer.

Wait excited?

His inner mind had again been overrun and he wasn't even aware of it. The Tiger's masculine scent had clouded him and he had inadvertently found he was starting to really get into this.

Get a hold of yourself! He chided, You're just sucking him off! You're not a slut! This is just busine-

With a pop he pulled his groping lips off the tiger's ballsack, eliciting a sharp breath from the man above him. A small sense of pride washed over him, but he knew he couldn't take time off. Now he had to begin the main course. He pushed down on the cushin beneath the two of then and up into a resting position, his ass resting on the back of his calves. He pulled the massive cock back towards him, levelling it's head directly at him. It didn't bounce or flop this time, but it hadn't gained any size either. Dan was obviously a shower, not a grower.

He brought his face in close, his sense of self protection stopping him just short. It tried to reason with him that there was no way it would fit, but Liam had come this far, there was no way he could stop now.

The Tiger let out a tiny groan in spite of himself, as he felt the Mouse's tongue tip start to work on the small exposed section of his Cock Head. He normally wasn't one for pomp and circumstance when his wife sucked him off, or used to suck him off. But for the last five or so minutes, the mouse had diligently worked him over, tonguing his groin and massaging his prick, and as much as he would have liked to fault him, it had certainly gotten the Tiger hard. Now he was beginning to actually get to work, which Dan was grateful for. The thought of a dude tongueing his balls had raised a few concerned issues in the Tiger's mind, but he had pushed them out. He hadn't fucked his wife in two months and he was fucking horny. An untarnished record of staunch heterosexuality couldn't stand up to that. Besides, as he glanced away from his screen at the mouse beneath him, his big ass perched atop his ankles, the only thing that betrayed the Tiger's system of belief that it was a chick sucking him off was the fact that the mouse was wearing Boxers. He briefly imagined a pair of his wife's satin panties hugging the Mouse's cheeks and had to fight back a purr as his dick began to flush with a rush of blood.

The mouse didn't even hear the Tiger groan as he began to lick the engorged head before him. The scent had again overwhelmed him changing slightly as the taste began to add to it. He could smell the masculinity, sure, but the taste was proving to be something else. A brief tang of saltiness was first thing he noticed on his palate, but as he swished his tiny tongue back and forth, the Tiger's Sweat abated and the musk he was smelling took over.

Liam had to have more!

He flicked his tongue back and forth a few more times, before curling it back and attacking the Tiger's foreskin. If the Tiger made any noise of recognition he couldn't care. His tongue danced round the opening, before slipping underneath it, an overwhelming pulse of the Tiger's Scent flared his senses, shutting the voice of reason completely down. He became greedy, darting his tongue over the broad head, in search of more, every unnecessary sense in his body shutting down to better appreciate the overpowering scent. He retracted his tongue and began to suckle again, this time a steady stream of earthy maleness washing over his palate. He pushed his face down on the prong, a little surprised when it didn't bend away. The Tiger was now erect. He glanced up at Dan, hoping to see any sign of his progress. Infuriatingly the Tiger was still on his phone. He scowled to himself, annoyed. He never had to try this hard in the past. He forced more of the Tiger's head into his mouth, which elicited a sharp intake of breath - or maybe the Tiger was just breathing. Whatever, it was a crack in his armor.

Liam began to bob his head up and down. It took far more effort than any guy he had ever slept with before, his jaw straining as any available pocket of space began to fill quickly with Tiger Meat. His lips strained to keep the seal, but he soldiered on, milking Dan's prick with fervor. Part of him wanted it to be over as quick as humanly possible. Another part, which was growing with every minute passed, wanted more and more. Occasionally he would catch himself giving an little audible moan or squeak. When this first occurred, he flushed with embarrassment but as time went on, he found himself unable to contain them. After a few minutes, he found he was able to fit the entire head in his mouth. Then soon after this, he realized he was beginning to get further down the shaft. The blunt tip of the cock in his mouth prodded and probed behind his face, dangerously beginning to graze the top of his gag reflex. His eyes began to water with effort. He wiped away the tears beginning to form as he threw his everything into the act he was now performing, but they would soon replace themselves.

'Alright Liam,' he reasoned with himself. 'Time to Nut Up or Shut Up. You know what you have to do now...'

Scrunching up the last reserves of courage, Liam prepared himself. He took a few deep breaths through his nose, whenever his sinuses weren't crammed full of Tiger Cock, and calmed himself. His heart, which had begun to race steadied slightly at the new intake of air. He had begun to shake slightly again. He had pulled off what he was about to do in the past with his previous boyfriends, but he'd never tried it with a dick this massive before.

He tucked his thumbs into his palm, enclosing them behind his fingers and squeezed them as hard as he could. At the same time, he made a gargantuan push, and the Tiger's Cock buried itself further down his throat, pushing passed his Gag Reflex.


Liam's eyes snapped open. The Tiger above him had made an exclamation in surprise. He blinked in shock for a moment, before scowling and returning to his phone.

The Mouse flushed with a small sense of pride..


His tongue made tiny ministrations, all it was able to do being pinned to the floor of his mouth as he began to lose his composure. His pace grew more emboldened, his speed picked up and soon the cracks in his technique began to shine through.

As the seal with his lips began to fail, he would occasionally let out a short slurping noise before it was able to reseal again. A slick coating of saliva now covered Dan's cock, which hosted the mouse's speed quite well as he began to see how deep he could take the tiger. The cock impaled in his throat began to explore further downwards, which wasn't exactly a comfortable experience. Liam's chest began to ache as his throat was stretched out. Once it hit a certain point, the pain abated, but the mouse had become desperate, not only from the heady cocktail of hormones swimming around his body, but in an attempt to rid himself of the pain. He again had found that he had closed his eyes, perhaps from wincing and simply not opening them again, but became somewhat dejected when he saw the distance he actually was from the Tiger. He had barely managed to cram five and a half inches of Tiger Dick in his mouth. He rocked back and forth in a new fervored attempt, but quickly gave up. If he tried for the whole thing he was definitely going to hurt himself.

He steadied his pace and continued to massage the underside with his tongue, another embarrassing Slurp and Moan being pushed out of his being.

'Oh Shit...'

He snapped his eyes open again. The Tiger's phone was still in his hand, but it was slumped down on the arm of the chair. His head was resting back looking up at the ceiling.


'God Damn, Kid,' Dan hissed as the Mouse sunk another inch into his maw. He rolled his head back up and looked down at the mouse, a frown of concentration etched into his face 'You really know what you're doing huh?'

Liam blushed, as he renewed his attempts at getting the Tiger off.

Dan himself, began to crack and break. His cool façade wasn't worth the effort anymore.

Simply put, he'd never felt anything like this before. Not from the sluts he had housed in the past, and certainly not from his wife. The girls were adventurous, but beyond a certain point never put in a lot of effort, preferring instead to get fucked silly. His wife was the best lay he'd ever had, but was never willing to put 'that filthy thing' anywhere near her face. He didn't know if it was the fact he was a dude, but for some reason this Mouse was giving head like a pro. The Tiger hadn't been to a hooker since his early years, not needing to risk a shot of penicillin when there were plenty of girls willing to give him what he wanted for so much less. Maybe the mouse was just putting in extra effort. Whatever it was the tiger was appreciative.

Liam's eyes snapped open in shock as Dan's Dick began to engulf him even more. He realized the hips a goof half foot from his face had begun to push forward and back. He paid no attention to the Mouse's rhythm, greedily exploring the Mouse's face with his girth.

'Fuck...' the Tiger groaned through gritted teeth as humped back and forth. Liam's eyes began to water and trickle again as he struggled to accommodate this new aggressive rhythm. He had to fight his flight mechanic and forced himself to stay on his knees while the tiger's thrusts became far more self indulgent. Liam tried to push himself off the cock now lodged somewhere at the top of his torso, but a rough hand grabbed him around the head and held him in place. With no other actions available to him, the Mouse sat and took the increasingly antagonistic onslaught from the Tiger. The only piece of comfort to him that he never tried to force more down his throat, ending where the Mouse's limits were. Soon, however his head began to pound worryingly as his access to air was cut off. He felt himself turning slightly blue and he began to panic as the Tiger relentlessly pounded his face.

'Ohhhh Shit,' Dan Hissed to himself, before settling back in the chair.

The meat in the Mouse's throat lewdly slurped out. The air was thick as soup and he gasped and gulped it down as he slumped against the Tiger's calves. His cheeks were stained with tears and he was still trembling. Between the gasping and the slight whimpering, he registered Dan leaning sideways in his seat. Over the adrenaline coursing through his veins, he heard the rustling of the plastic bag he had brought in with him. Liam couldn't take his eyes off the thick, veiny cock levelled directly at his face. It glistened with a mix of Saliva and Mucus, which dripped in beads at odd intervals along the shaft.

'Keep Goin',' the Tiger Growled above him, as he shuffled forward. He heard a sharp snap and rustle as the bag was discarded back to it's place previously. A burst of Oxygen washed over the Mouse's brain, but instead of gaining composure it honed in on the torrid surge of hormones taking control of him. His boxers tented heavily in the front, he was harder than he had ever been in years. Still panting with the effort, he tried to push himself into a more comfortable position, but was surprised as his mouth again filled up with jet black Tiger Prong. He briefly thought that the Tiger had again grabbed him around the head, but realized that this wasn't the case. The taste of the Tiger's precum had returned to full exposure at the front of the Mouse's senses, and he gave a slight shiver as he was again overwhelmed by it. He took this attempt more seriously than the last time, hoping against hope that his Landlord wouldn't grab him around the head again, but jumped slightly when he felt the the same rough hand enclose itself, not around his head, but latching firmly onto his left butt-cheek. He gave a loud squeak, accidentally causing him to lurch further down the dick he was impaled on, further than he was comfortable with, before desperately pulling back, fighting his throat's ministrations as he attempted to gag.

'Shhhhhhhh' the Tiger whispered above him. His hand groped as he leaned further forward. Thankfully his hips stayed firmly where they were allowing the mouse to suckle on his prick. 'God Damn, son,' Dan hissed as he groped the mouse's rump through his Boxers. 'This is an ass. An ass that needs a good fuckin'.'

Liam blushed lewdly as he sucked and slurped, but again jumped forward in shock when he felt his underwear roughly yanked downwards. He sat in shock, his gag reflex going completely ignored as the air raked over his fur, then squeaked loudly in shock again as he felt a hand wrap around the base of his tail and rough digit appear in his most private area.

'Oh Fuck Yeah,' the Tiger whispered. From this position he could see everything, even if the angle was a bit off. A softly winking star between those perky cheeks. It constricted in shock as the Tiger's finger pushed up against it, and tightly refused to yield for a second, before it couldn't keep up the strain and relaxed briefly. The Tiger smiled as soon as the tight ring of muscle relaxed forcing his finger back up against it.

Liam panicked again, as he was sure there would be pain, but was shocked when he actually felt his ass yield and an inch of thick digit sunk inwards. He gave another panicked squeak of pain, and snapped his eyes open. Resting on the armrest to his left he spied a bottle resting just within reach. He couldn't see the label, but he knew what it was as he owned an identical one at home, in his bedside table.

Lube. Waterbased. Tastes of Wildberries.

So that's what the Bastard had brought with him. His asshole hadn't offered much resistance because the Tiger had slathered his hand up in it.

He squeaked in shock again as the Tiger's finger began to burrow deeper into his ass. He tried to force himself up in absolute horror, but felt the hand around his tail release and clasp down on his right buttcheek.

'Leave now and you're evicted,' the Tiger snarled above him, a deep rumble of a growl building in his throat.

Awash with fear, the Mouse flinched but stayed where he was. Completely intimidated he refused to move but couldn't help but note a slight twang of desperation in the Tiger's voice.

'Good Boy,' the Tiger cooed above him as he sunk his finger up to this middle knuckle. 'Just humour me. You're doing well.'

The Mouse gathered his courage and hesitantly returned to suckling as the Tiger lewdly explored his poor asshole. The Tiger had said the mouse only had to suck him off. He had never said anything about...well about this.

His body constricted in shock again as the Tiger powerfully sunk his entire finger into the Mouse's ass. His body reacted on its own as he felt his teeth, which had been kept in check up until this point, bare themselves. The Tiger hissed in pain and withdrew his finger a little bit, before the Mouse could regain his composure.

'Easy there,' the Tiger hissed as he swatted the Mouse's right cheek. 'We're almost there.'

The Mouse hesitantly continued his onslaught of the cock before him, as the Tiger began to finger his asshole again.

Surely he wasn't...

The Tiger took a sharp breath, and released the Mouse's ass from his exploratory grip. His finger withdrew as well, relieving the Mouse somewhat before he felt the Hands grasp firmly around his shoulders. He pulled the Dick out of the mouse's throat, oxygen again flooding his system.

The mouse gasped as the thick smell of masculinity reentered his system, tinted with a slight Berry-ish scent.

'Uh-Uh,' the Tiger grunted. The mouse looked up and found a small trickle of sweat across his forehead. 'I'm gonna cum.' He panted slightly 'But if I'm cummin' I gotta cum in yer Ass.'

The Mouse sat stupefied for a minute, before he felt the same arms that just grabbed him cup him under his arms and lift him to his feet.

'B-But,' Liam protested meekly as the Tiger stood up and half carried him over to the bed. His underwear fell from around his knees onto the floor. 'N-N-' he stammered and gasped loudly as the finger returned, grazing up against his ass.

'I Know,' the Tiger growled. He removed his hand and shuffled in close to the mouse, resting his Rock Hard Dick between the Mouse's cheeks. Liam gasped as he felt the Tiger push up against him. This, heavy arms wrapped around him as the Tiger began to thrust against the Mouse's ass. He could feel the head of the Tiger's dick graze the mid section of his back.

He whimpered softly. He loved being held like this, the Little Spoon. And the fact that the dick he had been trying to consume moments before was now angrily poking him in the back his heart raced, even as the sense in his mind was being overwhelmed by the smell of the Tiger's Sex engulfed the room.

'I know,' the Tiger repeated. He reached up and began to tweak the Mouse's little pink nipples, eliciting another gasp. 'We only agreed on some head. But I tell ya what,' he leaned downward and breathed hotly into the moue's ear. His wife loved this. Apparently so did the mouse. 'Once we're done, how about you and I discuss your rent?' he tweaked the Mouse's chest, as soft moans began to pour from his lips. 'I can be...very generous.'

The Mouse softly bit his bottom lip. From somewhere in his mind he could hear something screaming 'No', and he might have even listened to it had he not felt his cock twitch. The prick now greasing up his backfur was huge, bigger than anything he'd ever taken before. But his mind was clouded with lust and masculine scent. He could make protests that he didn't want it, but deep down he knew. He wanted it.

'Don't mean to hurry ya, Kid,' the Tiger chuckled. 'But the longer you take, the harder it will be.'

Liam trembled, his Heart Hammering in his chest, but he gave a small nod. The Tiger removed his arms and Gestured forward towards the Bed. The Mouse gulped heavily, but shuffled forward. He clambered up on the firm mattress, his feet Dangling over the edge, he arched his back slightly, his perky ass sticking up in the air.

Dan's grin twisted across his face. He was worried there for a moment. He stepped forward, and rested his arcing cock back on the mouse's ass. He pushed himself flush against the mouses cheeks and began to thrust back and forth.

Liam gulped again as he trembled in place. Every time he thrust inwards, the Tiger's shaft grazed his asshole. He was undoubtedly properly lubed, as was the mighty prong now stroking his pucker, but the Tiger's finger wasn't anything compared to this. He hoped that Lube would be enough without stretching. Something told him, it wouldn't be.

The Tiger towered over the Mouse, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Something about this sight gave him more pleasure than any of the sluts he'd bedded before. The mouse's sack nestled between his creamy thighs, hiding his own modest package. Yes the Mouse Wanted It, but there was something about the Dominance of another man craving your Cock that he had never even considered in the past.

He reached down and wrapped his fingers around his prick. He levelled the tip at the Mouse's greasy star. He briefly thought that it may not actually fit, but he was determined at this point.

Liam trembled not knowing what to expect. He certainly didn't expect the Tiger to force his way into the Mouse's hole, but as he felt a pressure build against him, a sign that his previous partners had taken to mean 'back off and try again', the Tiger pushed passed this threshold and skewered himself inside.

'Guh-AHH!' the Mouse shrieked in pain as he was split open. He leaped up as the Tiger grasped his hips and held him in place. He let out a loud moan, completely ignoring the Mouse's frantic gasps.

'Oh SHIT!' the Tiger gasped loudly. 'You're so fuckin' tight!'

'Please!' the Mouse whimpered as more tears began to well. 'It's too big!'

'Give it a moment.' The Tiger dismissed. He rocked on his heels for a moment. The mouse's insides were wrapped firmly around the three or four inches he had managed to get in, but good Christ it was hot. Hotter than any pussy he'd ever been in. Or any ass. The desperate squeaks were something he wasn't usually used to, but as much as he wanted to fuck the mouse into a fine smear on the bedsheets, he actually didn't like it when the girls he bedded were in any actual pain.

The Tiger leaned forward, draping himself over the smaller man's body. He leaned in close and breathed hotly into the mouse's ear. He felt the mouse shuddering slightly, and even felt the tight ring of muscle choking the blood out of his cock loosen slightly.

The Mouse felt heat. From everywhere. Heat coming from his chest as his hear hammered away, heat from his ass, being spread open by the massive feline cock, which in itself was also radiating heat into him. And finally, Heat from the Daddy Cat breathing into his ear. He began to pant, even as the Tiger began to slowly himself out of his tight young rear.

'You like that?' Dan huffed into Liam's ear.

Liam gave a shallow nod, as his insides relaxed, the stretching the intruder just gave them abating, but gasped in shock when the Tiger roughly thrust back in. Perhaps the pain was less intense, but he didn't notice it nearly as much as last time as Dan had begun to nibble on his ear.

'Ooh.' the Mouse Breathed Hotly as he felt himself melt into the comforter.

'Mmm-Hmm,' Dan Grinned. He pulled out and quickly stuffed himself back inside the Mouse's ass. When this elicited only a gasp, he began to pick up the pace.

Liam had had rough partners in the past. Even his last boyfriend enjoyed hand-cuffing the Mouse before fucking him with such fever-pitch that he risked a stroke. He even enjoyed it to an extent. But where the Rabbit had to swing himself at full force, fucking the mouse full hammer-and-tongs, this Tiger was able to achieve the same effect at Casual Pace. Thanks mostly in part to his girth, but undoubtedly his own self-confidence. Of course it was easy to have self-confidence when you were that well-endowed, but ultimately the Tiger had begun to push the Rabbit out of Liam's memory using only his cock.

Within three minutes, the Tiger had worked the Mouse open, nestling his thank mane of Pubic Hair against the boy's rump. He pushed himself up from his haunches and stood full height, admiring the sight with a satisfied groan.

Liam had never been this full in his life. He could feel the Tiger's thighs pushed against his backside, and while he was surprised, he was too exhausted to fully appreciate it.

Three Minutes. He had spent three minutes helping his landlord ease himself into his ass, and had depleted all reserves of energy he had. He huffed and puffed both in exhaustion, but also part in the fact that the space his lungs might use in his body to expand was now being monopolized by Tiger Dick. Dan began to pull himself out inch by inch, then just when only the head remained inside, mercilessly crammed himself back into the little mouse, who would gasp or squeak in rhythm with the Tiger's thrusts.

Maybe it was the fact that his wife hadn't fucked him in months now, but Dan could see the end fast approaching. His forehead dripped with sweat as he flexed his powerful muscles. The kid was much looser now, taking his cock like a champ, but god damn he was still the tightest piece of ass he'd ever had. Period. The Mouse's insides were soft and warm and inviting, oh Christ-on-a-Crutch how he missed this. Every night was the same dreary monotony, he'd get home before his wife, who'd in turn get home, give a casual motion that she recognized his presence. Then they wouldn't see each other until Dinner, at which point they would exchange polite conversation, before she would disappear not to be seen again until he went to bed at which point, she was usually fast asleep. Dan had begun to resent her for this chilly behavior, especially when she spent all her free time with her girlfriends or working overtime.

Liam had lost all control. Of the situation, of his body, of his life. His face pushed into the mattress beneath him, all he could do was sit back while the Tiger Reamed him open with this cock made for torment. It explored his body deeper than any other man in his life had or likely ever would again. Every time Dan bottomed out in his poor abused little ass, his hefty balls would swing forward too, completely engulfing his own. How he had lived his life up until this point without this cock was beyond him. It beat at his insides carving a swathe through him that would undoubtedly stay with him for years to come. The damage it had done up until this point was irreparable, ensuring that the poor little mouse would be walking funny for a week after today, if he was indeed able to ever walk again! He had a flare for the dramatic, but as the thick column of feline meat plummeted into him, he could be forgiven for being a touch melodramatic. Usually he could feel when one of his boyfriends was hitting his sensitive spot, but this Tiger? He filled him up entirely with this marvelous prick. He moaned and groaned in desperation and appreciation as his very being was raided by the intruder.

Liam snapped his eyes open as the Tiger above him swatted his ass again and turned white as a sheet.

'Oh Shit!' the Mouse Squeaked. Not in pleasure, but in shock.

Dan stopped his assault of the Mouse's Ass, bottoming out and staying there, immediately feeling his dick begin to twitch in annoyance. The mouse was struggling, almost like he was trying to wriggle off of his dick. He followed the Mouse's horrified Gaze, which was focused back at the door.

Standing in the hallway from a newly opened door was his son, dressed in a blue onesie and clutching on to a Teddy Bear. He surveyed the scene with mild innocent interest.

Dan panted out a harsh chuckle as the mouse tried to work himself off his prong.

'C'mere, Mr. Bobblehead.' The Tiger chuckled, gesturing at his son with arms wide open.

Mortified, Liam tried to struggle on, but was stopped by a meaty hand grabbing him around his right hip, forcing the Tiger Dick back inside. His heart hammered in his chest while the young boy toddled forward towards his father, who scooped him up in his arms even while his prick was lodged deep in the mouse before them. Dan held his son to his side and babbled slightly with the young man.

'Did Daddy make too much noise?' he Cooed as he tickled his son's belly, who began to shriek with laughter.

Liam's cheeks flushed with shame. Voyeurism was one thing, but this? He tried to wriggle forward again.

'It's okay,' Dan's voice turned stony again, grabbing the mouse's hip once more and forcing himself back to his balls deep position. 'He's two. Doesn't even know what the fuck he's looking at.'

The Mouse felt disgusted with himself as the Tiger pulled a few inches of himself out of the Mouse's hole and crammed it right back down again.

'See that, Buddy?' the Tiger's voice again became lighter, obviously switching his target back to his son. He again withdrew a few inches, and slammed it back into the Mouse, causing Liam to gasp on shock as he felt ripples shake through his asscheeks and ripples of shame shake through his soul. 'This is what I want for you, little buddy.' Dan growled, barely containing his lust. Liam couldn't see if the Young tiger was indeed watching, probably not as he was only a toddler, but he couldn't shake the feeling of utter shame, and what's more, some demented part of him was truly getting off on it.

'What more could a father want for his son?' Dan asked, grinding his hips against the plush asscheeks before him. Liam moaned as his very core was stroked by the Tiger's Cock. 'All the Pussy his little heart desires?'

'Oh GOD!' Liam gritted his teeth.

That was it. He threw his head back and groaned as the mixture of pleasure from the Tiger's Cock grinding into his soul and shame finally reached its pinnacle, and he came all over the sheets below him.

The smell of the Mouse's Baby Batter threw itself into sharp relief in the Tiger's nostrils. He flared with pride. He deposited his son back on the floor beside him and patted him on the rump towards the door. 'Go On, Pal,' he murmured to the Tiger as the mouse moaned himself down to afterglow. 'Go and watch some Dora, I'll be in in a minute.'

Liam watched as the young Tiger turned and began to waddle back towards the door. He tripped on the floor two meters from where the mouse and his father were having sex, but pushed himself back up to his feet and toddled out the door.

He felt powerful arms scoop him up and squeaked in terror, as he was lifted from the bed. He powerlessly flopped in the Tiger's arms, still skewered on his thick meat, while the Tiger moved backwards. Gravity suddenly pulled the pair down, causing Liam to give a small shriek of fear as the couple sank down into the same armchair that the Mouse had begun to suck the Tiger off in.

As he came crashing down into the Tiger's groin, he sank to his absolute lowest, the Tiger's Cock sinking so deep into him he gasped and writhed.

'I'm getting' real close,' the Tiger Huffed, rocking his hips back and forth. 'C'mon, boy!' he barked, grabbing the mouse by the hips, grinding him back and forth on his pole. 'Make me Cum!'

Completely shattered, and Exhausted, Liam threw the last of his strength to rocking his lower half back and forth.

'That's it,' the Tiger hissed, ceasing his rocking and allowing the mouse to do all of the work. 'Good boy!'

The Mouse's hips ached as they pistoned back and forth, the slimy cock inside him grinding his innermost being. His breathing had begun to pick up again, terminating his afterglow somewhat, but judging by the Tiger's short erratic gasps he was approaching the finish line.

'Hoh Yeah,' Dan moaned. 'You got a girlfriend, kid?'

'U-Uh-' the Mouse groaned internally. Serious? After all this the Tiger still thought he was straight?

'Be a pity with a Pussy like this and no man in yer life to enjoy it...' the Tiger chuckled. 'Boyfriend?'

Liam boosted his efforts.'He ever fuck you this good?

'Mmmmm,' Dan grumbled. 'Have you ever been fucked this good?'

'Uh-Uh!' Liam moaned loudly.

'Ohh FUCK!' the Tiger leaned back in the armchair. 'I'm so close. Make me Cum, bitch.' His panting had grown wild and erratic 'Oh fuck, fuck, fuck MAKE ME CUM!'

He wrapped his arms around the Mouse's waste and pulled him in tight, slamming his cock as far into the abused, stretched star as it would go.

'ARGH FUCK!' Dan roared in utter anguish.

Searing hot seed flooded Liam's insides and he was flooded with a mix of relief and pleasure as the gargantuan tiger held him tight. He was enveloped in tight warmth and he could swear it was almost as though this brute was holding him close. His every muscle relaxed, even as the Tiger collapsed into the chair he was sitting in. Minutes passed, and Dan's arms still remained around the midriff of the panting quivering mouse. Of the Tiger's cock had begun to soften, it showed no physical sign, still remaining firmly lodged in his ass.

The room was pungent with the smell of sweat and sex. From outside the window, Liam could hear birds chirping and a sprinkler chapping away somewhere in the distance.

Dan bathed in his afterglow as his breath slowly caught up with him. . His muscles ached, his pent up balls had been completely relieved. And yet there was something else. He couldn't quite put his finger on it...

He loosened his grip on the small mouse, who felt somewhat disappointed, but brought a free hand up to the mouse's face. Liam flinched in unknowing fear but was pleasantly surprised when Dan begun to caress the side of his face. He nuzzled into the Tiger's meaty paw, giving only approving noises, abated with soft moans whenever the Tiger stroked his ear.

For a few minutes, the Mouse stroked his soft cheek against the rough paw now petting him.

'Don't worry,' the Tiger softly growled from somewhere behind him, 'About the rent this month. Far as I'm concerned-' he hefted his flaccid cock, which was still quite rigid given its size, back up another notch into Liam's ass, who gasped in shock in response, 'You're all paid up.'

The Rent?

Oh right. The Rent.

'Buuut,' the Tiger continued, as the Mouse continued to nuzzle. 'I have a proposition for you. If you want to hear me out?'

Liam turned his head and was shocked at just how close Dan's face was to his own. He shrunk back in the older man's lap.

'Today was a one-off thing,' The Tiger continued, ignoring the Mouse's cringe, 'But if you were so willing, well, I'd be up for making this a regular thing.'

Liam's heart leaped into his throat. Maybe it was the heady mix of sex and masculine tiger, but was his Landlord suggesting what he thought he was suggesting?

'But see, here's the thing,' Dan rumbled, pulling an inch out of the Mouse's Ass, hefting it back in.

'Ah!' Liam moaned. His arm reactively shot up and wrapped around the Tiger's neck, softly caressing him. He could swear the Tiger was softly purring.

'If I'm gonna cheat on my wife...again,' Dan continued, 'It's gonna be with someone who truly-' a claw on the paw caressing the mouse's face, and began to trace a line through the fur on his cheek. Liam gasped in shock. 'Craves me.' The tiger rumbled.

The Mouse's heart fluttered. He said nothing, but Dan wasn't apparently looking for a discussion. The hand withdrew from the Mouse's cheek. He watched it as it reached down to the table next to the couch and pick up a phone. He didn't realize it was his own, until the Tiger had pushed the button and the screen had unlocked. There were no messages, but the Tiger's thumb navigated it's way through various menus. Liam could only sit on and watch.

He opened up the Contacts list, and began to type. The first letter he put in was 'D', and his stomach dropped as the only D Contact in his phone shot to the top of the screen:

Dillon - Cute Barista

The Tiger behind him scoffed at this, but continued to type, he pulled the phone closer to his face, out of the Mouse's sight.

'You can leave any time you want,' the Tiger rumbled as he worked. 'Use the bathroom to clean up if you like. But I'm putting my business number in your phone. Now, go about your life if that's what you want. You'll never hear from me again and everything goes back to the way it was. I mean,' he cocked his head sideways as a trickle of sweat got into his eyes. He locked the phone again and tucked it into the mouse's hand, who took a moment to grasp it firmly for what it was. 'This,' he wrapped his arms back around Liam's midriff, who, were it possible, would have also started to purr, 'This'll never happen again. You'll only hear from me if you're late on rent again.' He paused, 'And make no mistake, today's offer will never be on the table again if that's the case.'

He shifted in his chair, and Liam was powerless to stop what he was attempting to do. The cock firmly buried in his ass began to slide outwards, inch by inch. He felt more and more relief wash over his Torso, but also immediately began to miss the feeling of absolute fullness. After what seemed like an eternity, only the head remained, which seemed bulbous enough that it might stay in by itself, but with a grunt from the Tiger Behind him, it finally disconnected from his soul and slid out. The mouse made an audible 'Augh!' as it did so. He immediately began to pout as his poor abused little star began to pucker in search of it's love, but the Tiger's prick returned to its original position, laying fat and slickened on the Couch Cushion beneath them. A steady stream of cat seed began to leak out of his ass into the lap and groin of the older man.

'But,' Dan continued, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as the Mouse's insides no longer teased at his overly sensitive member, 'If you wanna keep this up. All you gotta do is give me a call...' a brief pause, 'Or send me a message, I really don't give a fuck. I've never had a boyfriend before, but if it's anything like today, well...' Dan reached down at the side of the chair and again pulled the plastic bag up. He reached in and fished out a small rectangle package. Cigarettes. 'I'm cool with it.'

The Mouse took the information in, before shuffling forward. His legs felt like Jelly, but with a bit of effort, he managed to support his whole weight and stagger off the Tiger. A trail of cum still streamed from his ass as he staggered slightly.

'Your choice, Liam.' Dan grunted, flicking a lighter he had fished from the bag on. He wasn't a huge fan of smoking, but he could appreciate a post-coital cigarette, besides which it would really help to mask the odor that now permeated the room. After a quick cleanup, it would be like nothing ever happened.

Liam leaned against a dresser for support. He had balked ever so slightly. That was the first time the Tiger had ever used his first name.

'Course, I don't think I gotta tell ya,' Dan continued, taking a cursory puff, 'There's a whole lotta pros to dating your Landlord. We can discuss that later...if it comes to it...'

He looked the Tiger in the eye, who stared back, not with contempt, but with a look of interest. Hunger? The mouse gave a small nod, and shuffled into the bathroom to the immediate left of the couch, closing the door behind him.

Dan took a deep drag on the cigarette as he watched the Mouse's ass, dripping with his own cum, disappear.

He cocked his head back and exhaled a huge plume of smoke.

Liam turned the shower faucet on, and cold water began to fall from the Head. He sat and waited for it to heat up. He squeezed the phone in his hand, realizing he still had it, and unlocked it, bringing the screen closer to his face.

The new entry was placed right above the Barista's, ordering itself alphabetically. He gave a small giggle as he realized that Dan hadn't entered his own name.

Dick on Demand

Oh god, he felt so dirty. Passionate, rough, unabated sex. A child had walked in on them and the brute of a tiger hadn't even stopped rutting him. And this was what had gotten him off. He didn't even know this side of him existed. It was definitely tasteless, but the fact that the boy's own father didn't seem to care, only made it more shameful to him.

His ass burned with shame, as he looked at the two 'D' entries in his contact list.

Today had been...Incredible, there was no doubt, but was he really even considering this? He'd come to this house in the hope of buying a little more time to pay his rent. He'd fully expected he'd have to give the Tiger a blowjob, but it had just devolved from there into the absolute raunchiest morning he'd ever spent, and Christ...he checked his phone...yep, it was still only the morning! He would be back on his couch before lunch at this rate, if he caught the right bus.

Dan was an asshole. A pig of a man who took advantage of the Mouse's position.

Liam swallowed hard. By now steam had begun to bloom off the tiled floors.

No, he couldn't date his landlord. He was a pig! A pig with a cock made for worship...Oh fuck...

Even the fact that he was considering it seemed like such a joke to the rational part of his mind. Finally, though, it would be common sense that won out.

He pushed the gear Icon, and three new icons jumped forth. He paused for a moment over a digital representation of a trash can, but eventually pushed it.

Dan sucked down the last remnants of the cigarette. He cursed himself slightly realizing he'd forgot an ashtray, but leaned over to the dresser and jabbed the smoldering butt into a china plate that a vase of yellow daffodils was perched upon. Now he'd have to have to add washing the plate to his list of chores before his wife got home. He glanced up at the window. He really wished he'd opened it up before he'd fucked the mouse. Now he'd have to spray the room down to get rid of the raunch.

He gave a deep sigh. He didn't know if he actually hated his wife. Probably more just resented her. After their son had been born, he felt that maybe they were drifting apart. But he never thought it would get to the point where he'd made an absolute ass of himself, asking a guy out.

He cringed. After one hour of sex. It couldn't have been more embarrassing if he'd proposed.

To a Guy!

He reasoned with himself that the Ass he just fucked could have very easily belonged to a girl, but in the end he was too tired to follow it up with logic.

He briefly considered firing up another cigarette when a loud ding caused him to jump. He glanced down at his phones screen, which was now displaying a new message. From a number he didn't know.

He frowned and opened it, and after a moment realized he was staring at a picture of the Mouse in the room next to him. He had taken a candid shot in the full length mirror from behind, looking behind himself and showing off his plump round ass, he looked embarrassed, but oh so fucking cute.

Dan's cock began to rise, like Frankenstein's Monster, determined to come back to life. He thought the Mouse might take some time to come round if he even chose to at all, but it would appear he was more needy than the Tiger had thought.

Dan sneered. Fuck yeah.

He pushed himself off the couch, and stormed over to the door.

The Bus pulled up to the stop outside the Safeway a few blocks down from Liam's apartment. He glanced down at his phones screen, which told him it was 2:30 in the afternoon.

What a day the mouse had had. His stomach grumbled as he turned towards the apartment. He realized he hadn't had anything to eat today. Just a coffee. And some tiger cock.

Oh fuck, the Mouse blushed to himself. I can't believe you really just went there.

He made his way inside the Safeway after remembering that it sold sandwiches, figuring it should hold him over until dinner. Sally wanted to take him out. He suddenly remembered it was to boost his spirits after having to suck Dan off. He began to fret as he made his way over to the Deli counter. How was he going to tell her about all of this.

He glanced over the selection as he wondered, and his voice of reason replied 'Simple. You aren't.'

He made his choice and turned back in the direction of the checkout, when his phone buzzed.

He fished it out of his pocket, and was surprised to see he had a message from 'Dick on Demand'.

He opened it up, and under his crudely taken mirror selfie, of which he now felt a little embarrassed, three words.

Check your account.

Liam briefly wondered what he meant. He flicked the screen back to the main page and opened up his bank's phone app. He punched in his passcode, and after a moments thought, it showed him his accounts and balances, of which his main account, the account he always paid rent from, was now $500 wealthier than it had been that morning.

His heart fluttered a moment, as he opened the transaction list and found the culprit: a 500 Dollar injection from an unknown account, with the description 'Perk Number 1: Allowance.'

Liam balked slightly. Jesus Christ. That was more than he made a week! Part of him wanted to get into an argument that he couldn't accept, but he remembered the struggle he had been in leading up to him being driven into the Tiger's arms and reasoned that a little financial help wasn't too difficult to accept. He smiled to himself.

He flicked back to the message and typed a response. He was about to send it, but paused. It was a little embarrassing, but it was only another three words. He hit send.

Thank U, Daddy

He tucked the phone back into his pocket and smiled. He made his way back to the counter, and paid for his lunch, but as he was about to start making his way home his phone buzzed again. He fished it back out of his pocket and opened it up without screening what it was first.

His entire screen was taken up with a picture of Dan's jet black erect cock, taken from top down. He could make out a puddle of jeans and underwear around his ankles.

Liam had never received a dick pic before. Well, one that he hadn't immediately deleted afterwards.

He gnawed on his bottom lip as he felt his own cock stir slightly in his pants.

He paused at the Safeway doors and thought.

Sally was going to visit her Parent's on Thursday, and that meant she wouldn't be back until Friday afternoon...