Pure Intentions

Story by eddiew on SoFurry

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#5 of The Mageranger Collection

Typical Disclaimer

This story is a work of erotic fiction, featuring anthropomorphic (furry) characters. If that disturbs you, don't read it. Any resemblance between characters portrayed here and people or characters elsewhere is both unintentional and coincidental.

Illustrations of characters and events herein can (sometimes) be found at http://www.foxwoodstudios.co.uk, as may other stories and unrelated furry artwork.

Pure Intentions is another look into what I am beginning to consider the mage ranger universe - and I'm afraid it is another long read. Here we encounter Kelwin Brightster, a bright but mute and nervous new ranger, taking his first serious assignment, and being partnered with the experienced Raven Chase - who's opinion of him seems to deteriorate from disinterest to disgust. Only time will tell whether he finally manages to tell her what he really wants to say.

If you have comments, or suggestions, by all means email me. I don't bite unless provoked.

* * *

"You're kidding me!"

At five feet eleven inches, the wolf was taller than most. She was also impressively built, with muscle tone that evidenced itself even through the thick grey fur that contrasted to her flashing green eyes. The sturdy leather armour did little to enhance the femininity of her appearance, taking away most of the curves in her waist and bust, and the wide masculine stance she regularly adopted announced that here was a woman who did not wish to be treated as a gentle and delicate lady.

Raven did not consider herself a gentle and delicate lady, and she was currently in her widest and most masculine stance of the day.

Which was more than could be said for the new 'partner' now looking shyly up at her. Also lupine, but five inches shorter, slimmer, with soft features, and white clothing that tucked tightly into his narrow belt, he looked a lot more effeminate than Raven felt. And he was blushing! The only hint of colour on his otherwise white face. She added that to the list of things she didn't like about him, and turned to the ageing lion next to her.

"He can't be ready," she said.

The feline chuckled. "Every test says he is," he said, grinning. "As do all his teachers."


"And since," the lion continued. "Your previous partner has decided to retire from the mageranger force, you need a new partner. This is Raven Chase," he said, addressing the young wolf.

The white furred young lupine offered his hand, his cheeks pink. Raven eyed it for a few moments, then reluctantly shook it. Timid grip, she noted mentally.

"Hi," she said gruffly, and the young wolf nodded politely. "You have a name?"

"His name is Kelwin Brightstar," the lion said.

"Hmm. Cat got your tongue, Whitey?"

The young wolf flinched a little and looked slightly apologetic. He lifted a piece of slate which seemed to be tied to his belt by a cord, and quickly wrote on it with a stick of chalk.

"You could say that," Raven read as he held it up for her.

"Kelwin hasn't said a word since he came to us," the lion said quietly. "Though you can see that hasn't held back his progress."

"Hmm. Well at least that's one less way you can annoy me," Raven frowned. "How the hell can you develop magetalent without being able to speak?"

The lion shrugged. "We aren't exactly sure, but he seems to manage."

Kelwin looked apologetic again as she stared at him. "Well, never mind. If it works, it works, we'll leave it be. Are you really eighteen? You don't look it."

Kelwin rubbed out his first line, and wrote on the slate again.

"Twenty?" Raven raised an eyebrow. "For real?"

"There's orphanage records that back him up. We got him when he was thirteen. Bastards were wondering whether he should work in the mine or the lumber mill."

"Orphan, huh? Well, welcome to the club, kid." He looked at her with a clearly questioning expression. "When I was six," Raven said simply. "It happens, you move on. And I suppose we should be moving on, too," she said, as the giant bell rang out across the courtyard, announcing that it was midday. "File?" she held out her hand to the lion, receiving a small, leather bound book. "I'll read it on the way," she stated, turning and walking away. "Are you coming, Whitey?" she threw over her shoulder.

Kelwin hesitated, looked nervously at the lion, who smiled.

"Don't worry," he said gently. "She's tough, but she knows what she's doing. She knows she's to look after you, and she will. Just let her get used to you, you'll be fine."

The white lupine nodded, picking up his bag and hurrying after his new partner.

The soft music brought Raven out of her thoughts. Back against a tree, looking down the road into the valley, she turned her head, ears alert. Behind her, then. She went to investigate, as the soft notes tumbled and rolled across the hillside.

"Oh, it's you," she stated with some surprise, finding Kelwin perched in the driver's seat of the wagon, a small wooden flute held to his lips. "I didn't know you could play."

I'm sorry, did I disturb you?

"No, not really," Raven shrugged. "Been sat there too long anyway. Who taught you?"


"Nobody?" she repeated, and Kelwin nodded.

I play by ear.

"Then you have damn good ears," Raven said, leaning on the foot rest as she looked up at him. "Fieldworth's seventh ain't the easiest of tunes to follow."

Is that what it is? I have only heard it played, never named.

Walking away, taking a hold of the horse's reins as it munched on the grass by the side of the road, Raven nodded. She led the animal back to the wagon, where it gazed at her reproachfully as she harnessed it between the wooden shafts once more.

"What got you started?" she asked, swinging herself up into the driver's seat as Kelwin shuffled over to make room.

Kelwin looked slightly embarrassed. The man who brought me to the rangers gave it to me. I think he just disliked silence. I remember learning to play it over the two weeks we travelled together.

Raven chuckled. "Yeah, a lot of people think silence has to be uncomfortable, that if you're not talking then you're not getting on very well."

Do I make you uncomfortable? Kelwin asked, looking a little hesitant.

"Not at all," Raven shook her head. "I like a partner who knows when to keep quiet."

"Damn seat," Raven grumbled several hours later, dismounting from the front of the wagon, and pressing her hands against her buttocks. "Remind me to get it re-padded," she told Kelwin, and he nodded. "Can you start a fire?" Another nod. "Good, I'm hungry. Go find some wood while I sort out what's to eat." A third nod, and he was gone, into the shadows of the forest behind him. Well, if nothing else, he was obedient, Raven decided. And quiet. None of the irritating and constant chatter that seemed to come with fresh mage rangers, none of the eagerness to prove their skill.

Not that she was sure he had any skill to prove, she thought half an hour later, watching him light the fire with flint and steel. Many new rangers would have called up a fire spell, just to prove they could, but this one seemed far more mundane. He sat back on his heels as flames began to lick up from the kindling. At least he hadn't lied about what he could do, then.

"Need some water," she grunted, and he was off again, heading for the little stream that issued from between the trees as Raven unfolded a collapsible table from the back of the wagon.

"Skin that," she flopped the dead rabbit onto the table as he returned with a pot of water. Ah, now he hesitated. "Can't eat it with fur on," she pointed out, and he approached dubiously, biting his lower lip. Squeamish, she noted mentally.

Very squeamish, she decided a few minutes later, turning from cutting up several root vegetables to find him looking slightly green, and shaking a little.

"I'll finish it," she sighed, nudging him aside. "Get the water boiling." Watching him lean against the side of the wagon for a moment, Raven shook her head.

Simple yet nutritious had always been Raven's aim with a meal. It was with a degree of annoyance therefore that she spotted Kelwin tapping something from a small container into the pot of stew as it simmered slowly.

"Seasoning?" she looked up from his slate. He held out a small corked jar. She took it dubiously, uncorked it, and sniffed. Actually, that was quite nice. "Ask next time," she said, and he nodded, looking abashed.

It tasted good, too, she discovered, leaning back against the base of a tree, Kelwin's file in one hand. She read through it as she ate.

"'Seems adept in healing spells,'" she read aloud, and he looked up at her. "But you can't skin a rabbit?"

He blushed, and reached for his slate. Sorry. I don't like blood.

"Most people don't, but you'll need to keep a clear head under pressure or your healing spell won't mean squat."

He nodded.

"'Good memory for herbs and edible plants,'" Raven read out a little later. "'Knack with poultices, dressings, and anti-venoms.' Well, I'll know to come to you if I get bitten by anything unpleasant then, eh Whitey?"

Kelwin nodded politely.

"Not so good with the combat training then," she looked over the top of the file, and watched him go pink. He gestured the length of his slim body. "Well, I guess we can fix that, given time. And stop looking like that," she said, noticing his dubious expression. "If you can't fight, you're not much good, to me or anyone else. Should have half an hour of light left. There's a bow in the back of the wagon, maybe we can keep you at range."

Or maybe not.

While his horizontal aim was usually good, the young lupine seemed to have a problem with power of shot. Namely there was none, all of his arrows falling short.

"Will you please," Raven said, exasperated as she snatched the bow from him. "Pull!" Notched an arrow. "The damn bowstring!" Fired straight into the middle of the tree they were using as a target. "See?"

Kelwin nodded, looking very ashamed.

"All right," Raven sighed. "Look, we'll try again tomorrow before we move on. Your aim's there, I guess, just try to fire like you mean it! And give me fifty push ups before you turn in, let's work on your shoulder strength a bit."

He made fifteen before collapsing onto the grass.

Raven looked up from his file again, eyeing him over the top of the binding. Sixteen. Seventeen, and looking like it was really hurting. She let him go on until twenty.

"All right, that'll do," she called to him, and he flopped onto his stomach. "Twenty five tomorrow, right?"

Kelwin nodded wearily, looking at her through the blades of grass in front of his eyes.

"What are you doing?" the wolf asked, nearly tripping over her new partner as she found him kneeling in the darkness outside the wagon. "'Praying'?" she read, lifting her lantern, and he nodded. "Why?"

Because he helps me.

"He? You're a Luparian?"

Kelwin nodded.

"Aren't I? Hell, no," Raven frowned at the slate, then transferred her gaze to his face. "Silly belief, load of tot."

Kelwin just shrugged, and returned to his previous posture, closing his eyes.

"Well, if it makes you happy, no harm I guess... just keep it to your personal time," Raven said, eyeing him. "I need to change my clothes. Make a noise before coming in to sleep or you'll be spending the night in the mud outside," she said, pausing, one of the wagon's canvas flaps in her hand.

Opening his eyes, he looked at her, smiled, and nodded.


Raven stirred, rolling over.




She sat up. She was alone in the back of the wagon, with no sign of her younger partner.


"What the hell?" Bolting out the back of the wagon, she ran around to the side, discovering Kelwin, bow raised, and the target tree smouldering, and an expression somewhere between surprise and terror on his face.

"What happened?"

He looked at her, blinked a few times, then started writing.

"'Combined arrow with fire spell, thought it might go faster,'" Raven read aloud. She looked at his face, the blue eyes that still bore a mark of surprise, then at the tree. The corners of her mouth twitched.

"Not quite the result you expected?"

Kelwin shook his head, biting his lip.

"Care to show me what it was you did do?"

He started to raise his bow, stopped half way, then wrote on the slate again. Raven read what he had written, looked down at her underwear. "Yes. I think I will, thank you," she said, turning and going to locate her clothes. Returning, she found another note in his hand.

You move very gracefully without your armour.

"Stop!" she told him, jabbing a finger angrily towards his face. "Right now, understand?"

Innocent confusion showed in his eyes as he looked back at her, blinking a few times before his expression fell. He rubbed out the message. I'm s_orry._

"And don't be so silly in future," she snapped, taking up a firm stance behind him. "Now, show me what you did."

Kelwin nodded, raising his bow. He took aim, closed his eyes for a second, opened them, and fired, hitting the dirt at the base of the tree with a dull thud.


The next arrow fell even further from the target. As did the next.

It wasn't, Raven decided, that the younger wolf wasn't trying. His face showed deep concentration, and his aim was still good - but he was back to underpowered shots, and there was no hint of magic in any of them. After the tenth try, she decided to let him get back to practising alone, and headed around to the other side of the wagon to prepare breakfast.


She stopped as the explosive sound rumbled through the forest, several flocks of birds taking flight. Looking at the pan as if for an explanation, she set it down again, and went back around the cart.

The target tree was looking quite blackened.

"Got it now?"

He nodded, hesitantly, a faint hint of ash settling on his white furred face as he wrote.

"You think so?" Raven eyed him. "Well, go on then," she gestured, and watched as the arrow embedded in the grass. She rubbed her temples with her fingertips, and retreated again.

By the third bang, she was almost prepared, and simply picked up her breakfast and carried it around with her to watch him embed another three arrows in the ground.

I'm really sorry.

"Try again," she said, leaning back against the wagon, and preparing for a long wait.

Six, seven, twelve shots later, nothing remarkable. Raven watched as he returned from collecting the arrows, having expended the entire quiver.

"Of course you can," she said, reading his note. He shook his head, erased it, wrote again. "What don't I understand?"

Pretty girls make me nervous.

"Don't be such an idiot," she told him, harshly. "I'm not pretty, and I'm no girl. I've got six years on you."

Then you are a beautiful woman, which also makes me nervous, he looked both apologetic and sincere as he held up the slate.

Raven looked at him, noticing how the morning sun shone in his white fur. "Stop being a dick," she said bluntly. "What have you done to your hand?" she went on before he could respond. She grabbed for it as he lifted it to write. "You're bleeding," she said, looking at the stained chalk. Taking the chalk off him, she spread his fingers. Soft, pink palms, warm against her fingertips. Index and middle finger were scraped and bloodied.

"Idiot." Looking into his eyes, she frowned. "How long were you practising?" He held up his left hand. "Three? Hours? You can't fire a bow for three hours right off, you have to toughen your skin up to it!" She held her own fingers up to his face, weather worn from many months travel. "See? Soft hands like you've got ain't gonna cut it!"

I need practise.

"Yes, you do," she nodded. "But you can use a guard," she said, reaching into a pocket and producing a small strip of leather. "See, you fit it over your fingers like this," she went on, slipping it onto his hand. "You can still draw back and fire easily, but it won't take your skin off. Ask me next time, eh? I wouldn't have expected you to cut yourself up with training. I'm not a complete bitch."

He smiled sheepishly up at her, and Raven felt her frown relent a little.

"But I'm glad you're keen," she told him with a half smile. "Pack up, your breakfast's waiting, and we need to get moving."


Kelwin didn't feel he had a lot of choice as Raven literally knocked the legs out from under him. Landing heavily, he sprawled flat on his back as a dark shadow passed over him, the huge creature's charge carrying it through the space he had just occupied. A tearing sound, a choked roar, and a thud.

Silence fell.

"Dammit, Whitey!" Raven's face appeared in the sky above him. "When I tell you to stay back and not move I," she added a word of emphasis that made him flinch, "mean it!"

I'm sorry, he wrote, holding his slate against his chest, biting his lip as she glared down at him.

Raven sighed, her expression softening. "Yes, I'm sure you are. Are you all right?" Kelwin nodded. "Good. Give me your hand." Kelwin did, and was pulled to his feet with ease. It was very hard to meet her eyes, but he wanted to tell her what was in his head anyway.

Thank you. I am glad you are as skilled as you are beautiful.

Whack! He flinched again as she cuffed him around the head, his chalk dropping into the dust at his feet. She picked it up, waving it under his nose like a threat, blunt claws scraping little trickles of white dust from the surface, casting them to the warm breeze that blew across the mountainside.

"I'll keep hold of this," she told him, her voice low but dangerous. "Until you learn to shut the hell up with that kind of," once again, Kelwin learned a new word. Turning on her heel, she stalked away, back down the hill towards the village.

He sighed as she retreated. Of course, he had plenty more chalk, but that wasn't the point. He wasn't sure what it was that upset her so when he tried to compliment her, but by Luparus he wasn't going to stop until she accepted it gracefully!

She walks with measure, moves with grace,

Her words as soft as finest lace.

Strength of earth, spirit fire,

None there are would dare her ire.

Her weapon sharp, green eyes ablaze,

She faces combat, unafraid.

"Whitey!" Raven gripped the piece of parchment tight in her hand, glaring around the clearing. "What the hell is this?" she waved it at him as he appeared from the bushes at pace, fastening a button at the front of his pants. "Answer! What the hell is this?" shoving it against his chest, she pushed him off balance, landing him on the ground at her feet. Glaring at him for a moment, she strode over to his slate, taking it to him, brandishing it like a weapon.

I like to write poems, and you inspired me, Kelwin's face was, if possible, paler than usual as he held the slate for her to read, his hands shaking.

"I'd figured that!" Raven shouted, red blotches appearing on her cheeks. She swore violently. "I thought I told you to give that kind of," Kelwin flinched at the word. "A rest? Is that not what I said? To shut the hell up?" She stood, fuming for a few moments, trying to calm herself.

"All right, now listen," she said, with what she thought was remarkable control. "I have no problem if you want to write poems in your free time. That's fine. But do not, not, not, gain any inspiration from me. Clear?"

Kelwin nodded, his eyes downcast.

"Good." Turning her back, Raven strode away, half wishing she hadn't felt curious about what he had been working on, half glad she knew what was in his head. Stupid idiot... did he really expect her to fall for such ridiculous flattery? She felt a small pang of regret for knocking him down, and tried to squash it with anger, but didn't really succeed. Ok, so, in the unlikely event he was dumb enough to say something like it again, perhaps a little more restraint.

The creature thudded into the dirt, twitching in its death throes. Kelwin eyed it with a shiver. Some people considered mountain khrat's vermin, but Kelwin thought they were far too big for that. This one was small, at four feet in length nose to rump, and another three feet of thick, scaled tail. The body seemed reptilian, but sported revolting tufts of hair, and had pointy little ears. It was one of these that Raven, reaching down with a knife in her hand, promptly sliced off, flicked to drain the blood, and deposited in a bag.

"Not bad," she nodded at him. "Your movement's improving a lot."

I have a very graceful teacher, he wrote, and recoiled as her hand connected with the side of his head.

"Gonna quit it?" she asked him bluntly.

I don't think I can, he shook his head as he held the slate up. Raven looked at it for a moment, her mouth opening, but apparently not finding any words to push out of it. Finally, she made a noise of exasperation, looking skywards as both hands clenched into fists.

She spat a swear word at him, then turned and paced off. Kelwin let out a breath in what passed for a sigh.

Raven didn't speak to him for the rest of the afternoon, glaring along the road ahead of them as the wagon bumped its way down the hill, the horse trotting happily as its burden simply followed it down the incline without effort.

Nor did she speak to him as they passed through the small town ahead. Deciding to shelter the horse in a proper stable overnight, she left it and the wagon in the care of the local inn. She did at least deign to let him walk around the town with her.

He paused as they passed one shop window, a splash of red behind the diamond cut glass attracting his attention.

"You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking," Raven growled, retracing her last three steps to stand at his elbow, eyeing the crimson dress.

I was thinking I have never seen something that would suit you less, he wrote, turning to face her.

Pausing, one finger raised, she frowned at him for a moment. Then her eyebrows softened and she smiled, just a little.

"Good boy, you're learning."

You need green to compliment your eyes... The slate hit the cobbles before he had even finished writing.

"I don't," she braced one hand against the window frame behind him, backing him up against the shop front, her expression dark as she case him into shadow. "Give a damn about things matching my eyes. I don't give a damn about stupid dresses, or being graceful, or having a fiery spirit, or being told I'm things I'm not, and I don't give a damn about what the hell you think you've to gain from any of it! You are about one inch from making me wish, I could leave you right here to find your own way back home, but that's not the way this works!"

She lowered her nose, and her voice, growling at him from somewhere under her eyebrows. "You and me are stuck together for a good, long time, unless one of us gets killed. I'd rather not see that happen, yet, but if you don't quit it with this... this stupid crush or whatever it is you have for me that might well change, and trust me you do not, not, want to find yourself in a fight when I've lost interest in watching your back." She breathed heavily for a few moments before continuing, her gaze rising to meet his once again, her green eyes flashing in the setting sun.

"Now I am your senior partner, and it is my job to look after you while still performing my duty. You and I are going to continue this patrol route for the next three months, because that is what we do. We are not going to do anything other than follow this patrol route. We are not going to be anything other than partners, because I do not like short little males. Nor do I like skinny males, or ones who can't look me in the eye when I'm angry!" Kelwin could feel his lower lip trembling, but didn't seem to have control over it. "I do not, in short, like males, like you. You are therefore going to talk to me about things that relate to the job, and only to the job. You are not, at any point, going to try to engage me in other conversations, especially when they contain such transparent prattle. Am I being quite clear?"

He nodded, shaking as she glared at him. She held his gaze a moment longer, then backed off, composing herself, tugging the front of her tunic straight.

"I'm going back to the inn," she said, brushing her ear back. "I'll leave by morning watch, so you better be ready to go by then. In the mean time, do as you please, I really don't care." With that, she turned, and walked back up the cobbled street.

Kelwin hung his head. She just didn't understand what he wanted to tell her. He looked up. Well, then, he supposed he was just going to have to keep trying.

"Take the left side of the entrance." The softly spoken words were the first of the day, although if Raven could have found a way not to say them she would have. "You got the hang of that fire arrow yet?" she asked, looking at him appraisingly. He nodded. "Good. When I give the word, shoot one into the cave, as far back as you can. Don't have to hit anything, I just want to drive them out here."

Kelwin nodded, and Raven separated from him, both of them approaching the mouth of the cave from different sides. She wished she had insisted he buy some better camouflaged clothes, because he practically glowed white in the afternoon sun. The number of tracks leading into the darkness ahead suggested a fair number of khrats, possibly the main nest of the loathsome creatures.

Leaning her back against a boulder by the entrance, Raven carefully unfolded the net. One of the more interesting, and most lethal of trapping techniques, it was one that the rangers reserved only for the termination of dangerous beasts. With the right word of command, it would shrink upon itself with quite enough force to ensure that the contents did not survive. It wasn't pretty, but it was fast, achieving the desired result in under two seconds. From the target's point of view, there were probably far worse ways to go, she reflected, then shook herself. Sympathising with the khrats? Not bloody likely, revolting carrion eaters. With a deft flick of her wrists, she sent the net cascading across the cave mouth, a string at each corner in her hand.

"Now," she mouthed.

It was with some degree of surprise that she watched Kelwin fire into the darkness, followed by an echoing bang. Apparently he had got the hang of his improvised spell, even if it didn't do quite what he originally intended. What it did do was drive the khrats in the cave into shrieking turmoil.

"Again!" she nodded.


By the third shot, the khrats seemed to have had enough, and came scuttling and scraping out en-masse. The first one hit the net, and stopped, immediately immobilised by the binding magic in the strands. The second, scrambling over the first, got a little further, but not far enough. Three, four, five, held fast against the cords. The sixth had a surprise for them. With long, dexterous toes, the creatures were known to be able to scale walls. What Raven did not know was that they could cling upside down to ceilings, and didn't notice until it was preparing to strike.

With reactions borne of experience, Kelwin was unceremoniously shunted aside, the khrat's leap intercepted by her arm, her thick leather bracer jamming in it's jaws. The momentum of the creature's attack sent them both to the ground, it on top of her. Not for bloody long, Raven thought. Her eyes flickered for a moment in concentration, summoning the magic with which the rangers were trained to fight, then her free arm hit the ground hard, infused by a power not entirely her own. Both she and the khrat flipped over, the creature still gnawing futilely at her armour.

"Knife!" she held out her free hand, and felt Kelwin press the hilt into her palm. And the weak spot was... just there. The blade slipped between the scales on the khrat's underside. It shrieked, convulsed, and lay still.

"Yuck," Raven pronounced, standing and eyeing the saliva dripping off her bracer. Now for the nasty part though, she thought, grabbing the draw strings to the net as the five trapped khrats struggled against the magical binding. She gave the command word as she jerked the corners upwards.

The net contracted.

Watching Kelwin across the pile of now very dead khrats, Raven saw him turn, if possible, a shade whiter than white, and then green. Then he turned around and threw up. She gave him a few seconds, then moved to stand behind him, hand on his shoulder.

"Hey," she said. "You ok there, Whitey?"

He really did look quite terrible, she thought as he looked up at her, and it was very hard to remain angry with him. "All right, come on, over here." Putting an arm around his back, supporting some of his weight, she half lead, half carried him away from the cave, finding a boulder to sit him on, and shoving his head down between his knees.

"Breathe! C'mon, I'm not having you fainting on me, it's a long walk back."

His fingers came to rest gently on hers as she kept her hand firmly on his shoulder. "Ok?" she asked, getting a light tap against her fingers in response. "Right, you stay here a bit while I go clean up. You be all right?" Another tap. Nodding, she turned and went to retrieve the net.

It was a bit messy, she had to admit, and she did remember feeling pretty bad the first time she had seen such a trap used herself. Well, he'd have to get used to it, Raven decided, hauling the net out from the unpleasant mound of khrat bits. From what people along the route had said, there was something of an infestation in the area, and since they were known to be a danger to livestock and people out alone, it came under her duty to deal with them. At least the net was self cleaning, already pristine as she folded it up and stowed it away in her backpack.

Kelwin was still sitting on his boulder when she returned to him, though he had at least straightened up, and was looking about down the slope, his gaze moving along the line of trees.

Sorry, the slate said as he held it up.

"Nah, forget it," Raven waved the apology aside. "Messy job, but you'll get used to it."

There are writings of a race called the Battle Angels.

Raven actually had to read that twice before she was quite certain. "What?" her eyebrows drew together in confusion.

They were very skilled warriors, said to have fought for Luparus, his army against evil.


They always defended those weaker than themselves.


They were said to be a noble race, both tall and fair. A pause while he rubbed that out. No mortal could look upon them without believing them the most beautiful of all peoples.

"And?" Raven felt like she had completely lost the plot.

I think they must have been something like you.

"Oh, for the love of..." She felt herself almost about to laugh and stopped, suspecting it would be hysterical. "You just..." her fists clenched as she leaned over him. "Aren't going to," she swore, "quit are you?" She was breathing heavily as she glared at him.

"Fine," she decided. "Fine," she nodded, standing back. "All right, you win. Drop your pants."

He just blinked at her, looking completely astonished.

"I said," she said, grabbing him forcefully, jerking him upright. "Drop your," the word made him flinch, "pants! Five minutes! I will give you my hands for five minutes, and that's it! After that you never bother me again, you never ask me again, and you never speak of it again! Get your, effing hands out of my way, I'll do it!"

It wasn't until she had literally snapped his belt that she realised he wasn't trying to push his pants down, and was instead pulling upwards as hard as she was pulling down.

"What?" she demanded angrily. "Not enough of a deal? What does it," she was fast running out of expletives, "take to get you to shut up? You want my mouth? Will that do? Will that shut you up? Best offer, take it or leave it!"

There was a tearing sound, and one leg of his pants ripped, showing white fur down to his knee.

"Why are you crying?" she asked harshly, but so completely astonished that she forgot to swear. "What?" Raven knew he couldn't answer, but it wasn't making her feel a whole lot better. She let go of him, grabbed his slate and chalk and brandished them at him. "What do you want? Tell me what the hell I have to do to make you stop!"

But he didn't. Instead he turned and fled down the slope, vanishing into the shadows of the trees.

"Fine! Go!" she yelled after him.

"Go," she repeated frowning.

"Where the hell are you going?" she wondered, feeling her anger dissipate as swiftly as it had flared. "And why?"

Judging by the tracks he had left across the forest floor, Raven didn't think Kelwin had any idea where he was going, either. Haphazard, apparently with no fixed direction, he seemed to have been simply running. Running from her, she realised, suddenly feeling rather ashamed.

"Whitey?" she called out. "Where are you?"

Of course, he wasn't so much as able to answer her, she realised. Still, maybe he could listen, and at least stop running. "Whitey? Please stop! I'm not going to hurt you, I promise! It'll be ok!"

By the time she did finally locate him, she was starting to feel quite anxious, worried that he might be injured and unable to call for help. As it was, the sight of him hunched up at the base of a large oak did very little to make her feel any better. He wasn't crying anymore, but tear tracks still showed down his face, and his clothes were muddied as if he'd taken a headlong fall.

"Whitey?" he flinched as she called him, and she held her hands out in a gesture of peace. "It's all right, I won't hit you," she said, finding it quite impossible to be angry anymore, no matter what provocation he may have given her. He just looked too... defenceless, as if even a frown would break him. He glanced down at his slate and chalk as she set them beside him, but made no move to write, instead closing his eyes and resting his chin on his knees.

Not knowing what else to do, Raven sat down next to him. Before them a small stream cut a groove into the forest floor, and she watched it gurgle along its way for a few minutes.

"I wouldn't actually have hurt you, you know," she said suddenly, and he looked up, held her gaze for a moment before nodding, his eyes closing again.

"Why did you run?"

She watched a tear slip down his cheek as he shook his head. After a moment, he took up his slate, and wrote, his handwriting uneven.

I was afraid.

"Afraid? Why? You knew what I was going to do."

Several seconds passed before he wrote his response. Nobody has ever told me to do that.

Several more seconds passed.

"Good gods, I'm such an idiot," Raven said quietly. "Of course they wouldn't have, you've never been married, have you?"

He shook his head.

"So you've never..."

Again he shook his head, blushing.

"I'm so stupid. Don't blush, you've nothing to be ashamed of, I'm the one who has. You weren't thinking anything like I thought you were, were you?"

I just wanted to explain that I admire you, and that you are beautiful.

"See, that's just it," Raven gestured at the slate. "It's that kind of cheesy line that trips my sleaze-o-meter." Sighing, she pressed her fingertips between her eyes. "I'm sorry, I guess I've been jumping down your throat without really thinking. But you're ok, aren't you? I didn't hurt you or anything?"

Shaking his head, Kelwin gave a small smile.

"Good. We're gonna have to get you some new pants, though," she added, looking at the long tear from waist to knee, his slim thigh whiter than the material. "There'll be a tailor in town. We'll get those fixed, and a spare pair too. My treat."

Kelwin blushed. They're going to ask how it happened.

"We'll just say the khrats did it," Raven shrugged.

But you're not messed up.

Looking down at herself for a moment, she flicked her knife out of it's sheath, stuck it through a fold in her own trousers, and cut a neat gash.

"Messy that up a bit," she murmured, tugging at the edges with her fingers until they were frayed. "There. Perfect match," she smiled, and was pleased to see it mirrored on Kelwin's youthful face.

"So what kind of girl are you looking to marry?" Raven asked across the camp fire that night.

Kelwin felt himself blush. I haven't really thought about it, he wrote.

"No? C'mon, you must like something special. I mean, do you like blue eyes, or a slim build, or big," she gestured and he felt his ears warm up.

I don't really think that it would have anything to do with how she looks, he explained after a pause.

"Then personality! Clever, giggly, poetic, grumpy old bitch?"

Kind. Gentle.

"Ah, then I really don't have to worry about what you're thinking, because you ain't going to be asking for my hand any time soon," she stuck her tongue out, but the sides of her mouth were curled up in a smile as she spoke.

He inclined his eyebrows. That's not strictly a prerequisite to a... he hesitated, trying to think of the right word for so long that she moved around to look over his shoulder. Union, he concluded, looking up apologetically.

"No? But I thought that was what all the scriptures said..." she looked a little confused as she sat down, now on his side of the fire.

Kelwin shook his head. That's what most of the ministers say, because it's the most self righteous interpretation.

Raven snorted. "Figures, wouldn't want anyone to have fun now, would they?"

He shrugged. There is a degree of safety in, another pause, limiting such contact.

"Ok, I'll give you that. I ain't out to be a single mother or take a ride with syph. So what's the real rule, if not nothing outside of marriage?"

Kelwin wished he could stop blushing, but it wasn't easy with her watching him so closely. The actual scripture says that those who partake of union, and wish Luparus to smile upon them, shall do so in the completeness of each other.


It is easily taken to mean that marriage is that completeness, but there are many who believe it is less binding, that it refers to a union as being both physical and emotional.

"So in love?"

Not necessarily. Friendship might be considered an emotion.

"Then anyone you know and like is an option?"

Only if the desire for union is present in both. It would not be permissible when one or the other does not wish for it.

"Ah," Raven nodded. "That's why you ran, then."

Kelwin shook his head quickly. I ran because it would have been wrong. If Luparus himself had told me I should have allowed you to continue, I couldn't have. You felt forced, and angry, and I cannot allow myself to take advantage of that.

"Honestly?" she raised her eyebrows, and he nodded. "You weren't even a little tempted?" she looked at him slyly, and he felt himself redden again. "That's ok," she said gently before he could respond. "You don't have to answer that, it doesn't matter what you thought, it's your actions that are important. Most men probably wouldn't have stopped me."

I can't believe that, he wrote. Most men are...

"Assholes," Raven finished, reading upside down. Kelwin wasn't quite sure how to respond to this pronouncement, feeling like he may have touched a nerve. Apparently he didn't have to, because after a pause of a few seconds, she looked away from him, staring into the fire as she spoke.

"His name was Johan. Tall, handsome, good build and a smile," she chuckled ruefully as she shook her head, "that could have brought the birds down from the trees to see it. He certainly brought me out of mine, so to speak. And about four other women at around the same time. I didn't find out early, of course, oh no. Strung me... us, I suppose... along for... too long. Far too long. I was with the rangers by then, so I was away from him a lot. I guess I just trusted him too much. Thought he would be faithful, even if my patrol only passed him once a month."

"When I did finally learn the truth... I felt like... like someone had cut a hole, right through me, right here," she put her hand over her heart, not looking up from the flickering flames. "He'd taken everything from me, and I'd have given him more... I'd have done anything for him, but he couldn't... he couldn't even tell me the truth about how he felt, just kept right on lying, saying that I was the only one, and how much he loved me."

"When he realised I knew, all he did was grin, and shrug. 'But you had fun while it lasted,' he told me, then walked away. Son of a bitch just walked away. Never even said he was sorry. All that I... did for him, gave up for him, never said a damn word about any of it. Damn," she brushed her hand across her cheek, and to his complete astonishment Kelwin realised she was crying. He wasn't quite sure what to do, but he knew it was something.

Following his instincts, he shuffled over next to her, putting his arms around her. It seemed to take several seconds before she even noticed he had moved, and several more before he figured out she wasn't about to hit him and relaxed slightly. She didn't return the embrace, but she did reach her hand up to take his, twining their fingers gently together, leaning her head to rest against his.

"Thanks, Whitey," she whispered quietly. "Come on," she went on, seeming to give herself a little shake and gently disengaging herself. "Must be nearly midnight already, best get to bed if we're to be up before mid morning, eh?"

Whether it was in spite of, or because of, their exchanges the previous day, Kelwin wasn't sure, but Raven seemed far more relaxed around him the next morning - to the point that when he told her the blouse she was inspecting would look better on her than the tailor's dummy, she merely frowned. He noticed she still bought it, though.

The day passed quietly, the road long, and empty, and calls for help completely lacking. The day after brought two more khrats, fortunately neither of which needed to be netted, and one of which Kelwin brought down on his own with his home-brewed arrow spell as Raven dealt with the second. He blushed as she told him she'd never seen anyone improve so quickly. He suspected it was a lie, but it felt good to be told so, nonetheless. When he pointed out that she had dispatched hers with far more grace, she simply shrugged and told him that it came with experience.

Over the next week, their patrol route led them ever further west. On the horizon, growing slowly nearer each day, the white peaks of the Moonreach mountain range, the limit of their westward travel. In the foothills, at a town named Moonshore, they would rest for a few days, before turning northwards.

That was the plan, anyway, but things never did quite go the way Kelwin expected. Having handed over a bulging (and slightly drippy) bag of khrat ears to the local law enforcement, they received not only a fair compensation for their time, but a plea for help.

"A monster," Raven repeated, folding her arms and raising her eyebrows.

"Aye, ma'am," the fox nodded, holding his hat nervously in both hands, fiddling with the police emblem on the front. "That's what folks say, anyway, shepherds, and others who go up into the mountains. Big beast, they say, had off with a lot of livestock. People are gettin' scared, and we're 'aving to try to find grazing for the animals further down. Playing havoc with some of the crops, ma'am, it really is."

"And you think it lives..."

"About a three day walk into the mountains, ma'am. Lest ways, there's a trail leads that way, and it's been seen both sides of that."

"Someone saw it?" Raven cocked her head to one side, eyeing him.

"Er, well, no, ma'am," the vulpine's hat looked about ready to come apart in his hands the way he was twisting it in agitation. "But there's sheep and cows been taken from around there, and one of the goatherd lads says he heard it go past his tent in the night."


"You will be able to help, ma'am?"

Raven nodded. "Naturally. Can you arrange storage for my wagon, and stables for my horse?"

"Of course, ma'am, of course!" The fox looked highly relieved. "Anything you's needing, we'll be happy to provide, free of charge if you can get rid of that thing."

"Good. I'm staying at the east side inn, you can send someone round to sort things out later."

"Thank you, ma'am," the vulpine bowed as Raven turned and headed for the door.

"It's a khrat," she stated, stepping down from the step into the road. Kelwin suspected she was right. The verminous beasts seemed to have been highly successful with their latest breeding cycle, and were quite capable of killing sheep. The cows however...

"Maybe two or three," Raven went on, inadvertently answering his thoughts as they walked. "They do pack up, sometimes, especially if there's a nest to protect and feed. Be some big male got himself a harem of a few females, most likely."

Kelwin nodded.

"Looks like we'll have to give the r and r a bit of a miss though, least for a week or so."

I think the mountain air will be quite pleasant, he wrote, and she laughed.

"Well, I suppose there is that. Sort yourself a backpack with essentials tonight, and we'll consider it a walking holiday, eh?"

"That's not an effing khrat!"

It was probably an obvious statement, Raven reflected, but it was the only thing that came to mind. Exactly what it was, she wasn't sure, but that probably didn't matter so much as dodging, which she managed to do just in time.

Perhaps twelve feet in length, and insectoid, it looked like nothing so much as a giant scorpion, only with a few additional legs. It also looked extremely angry to have been woken up by one of Kelwin's arrows exploding in its cave, and had exited at such pace that the net had failed to stop it.

"Aaaarraaahh!" Raven was annoyed by this. Her sword gleaming in her hand, she hacked at the creature as it jabbed giant pincers in her direction, snapping at her.

"Ouch!" one pincer collided with her leg, not cutting through the thick leather armour, but more than hard enough to hurt. "Effing thing!" her sword bounced off it's chitinous body.

Ah, that was going to be a problem then...


Raven and the creature both turned to look at Kelwin, and then it was off towards what it apparently thought of as the greater threat, a blur of multi jointed, scuttling legs.

"Move!" she shouted, as Kelwin appeared rooted to the spot. He did, just in time, as a whip like tail crashed into the dirt where he had just been, and Raven breathed again.

"Hey!" she shouted at the creature, picking up a rock and hurling it so that it bounced off the carapace near it's head. She had just enough time to question the wisdom of attracting its attention again before being knocked back a pace as the pincers came her way for the second time.

The ferocity of the creature's attack was intense, it's claws seeming to come at her from all directions, snapping and twisting, just waiting for that mistake that would let them connect. A loose rock shifted under her foot. That was it - one pincer snagged her leg.

"Off!" Hacking at it, Raven watched her sword ricochet again and again. "Get off!" The tail, razor sharp and moving with snakelike speed, finding the gap between her armour plates. She dodged as best she could, avoided the tip, but the edge cut through her blouse and left a red gash across her left shoulder. The stinger withdrew for another strike, and Raven gave her word of command.

Unnoticed by the creature in its frenzy, Kelwin had been far from idle. By the time the creature's tail was ready for a second strike, the net was across its back and the young wolf had dived underneath it, battering his way between its legs, grabbing the corner ropes and pulling them tight together.

The net contracted. The pincer loosened, Raven toppled backwards, and Kelwin found himself amid a deluge of revolting yellow ichor and chitin. If he could have sworn, he surely would have as he scrambled his way out of the oozing heap.

"Well," Raven nodded, panting quietly. "I must get someone to put that spell on my sword, damn thing's sharper than steel!"

Kelwin nodded, wiping goo from his clothes. He stopped, looking at her.

"What?" she asked as he approached. He put his fingers to her shoulder. "Ouch!" Blood. "So it cut me a bit," she shrugged, making to stand and instead lurching sideways. Her shoulder was starting to feel numb.

Kelwin's hand was in front of her, holding a vial of something. "What's this?" One of them was swaying, she decided as she looked up at him, crouched on all fours. He made a drinking motion, then pulled the cork from the vial and pressed it to her lips as she hesitated.

"Mmph! Gah!" Whatever was in it was quite possibly the most repugnant taste she had ever had inflicted upon her, somewhere between compost and parsley. "Ouch!" she slapped at his hand as he unbuckled her shoulder plate. "What are you doing, you prat?" He didn't answer, of course, just pulled a second vial of something from his pack. He pointed over her shoulder, eyes widening suddenly, an expression of horror on his face.

"What?" she turned her head. "OUCH!" Numbness went, pain flared as whatever it was was slapped right into the wound the creature had left. "Dammit, Whitey!" She had cuffed him round the head and was on her feet before she knew it. "What was that for?"

Broad spectrum anti-venom, she read, wishing he wouldn't move around while holding his slate up.

"I'm fine, see, I can walk," Raven insisted, proving it for three paces before the ground went from under her. Kelwin's face appeared in the sky above her, looking concerned. "All right, so just give me a minute, I'm still a bit shaky," she admitted.

He shook his head, grabbing her arm, and hauling her upright.

"Where...?" Raven's head felt sluggish, as if she'd had a few too many ales in too short a time.

There was no answer, of course, both Kelwin's arms were occupied in supporting her, and she realised she was leaning on him quite heavily.


He moved his head to indicate he was listening as he started them moving forwards, down the slope.

"Am I gonna be ok?" her voice sounded distant, but she felt him squeeze her hand reassuringly.

"Good. Are you taking me back to the inn, now?" A bed would be nice about now. Just somewhere warm and safe to lie down until she felt better. She could almost feel the soft sheets. Maybe she was there already, it seemed to be quite dark, and the world was slipping quietly into the background.

Yes, just sleep a little. She would feel better when she woke up.

_ _

"Please stop... that really hurts..."

A hand, presumably Kelwin's, found hers, and squeezed gently. All to soon though, his fingers slipped away and whatever he was doing resumed, her shoulder hurting abominably.

"Please... stop it..." Raven could hear the tears in her voice. She was glad when darkness came upon her again, quiet, and painless.

_ _

It was still dark. Someone should open the curtains.

Something hurt. No, actually, everything hurt, Raven decided. Especially her left arm.

"Ow," she stated to the darkness in general. To her surprise, it provoked a shuffling noise from somewhere behind her, a soft wash of light, and then someone was kneeling beside her.

"There you are, Whitey..." she murmured, catching sight of his pale face. He nodded and gave a cautious smile, taking her hand gently.

At least he was still around, Raven concluded, letting her eyes close again. She was very tired still. More sleep, perhaps that would do the trick.


What an odd thing to be aware of, Raven thought. Funny how the things that slip into the background blur of day to day life could sometimes jump to the fore of perception. The air was cool, and had a slight hint of water, a mossy smell, and overtones of wet rock and dirt.

Nothing hurt. That was a nice surprise.

She was draped in a blanket, another underneath her, the hard rock softened by what seemed to be a pile of leaves.

Rock? It certainly felt that way. She blinked, trying to bring her surroundings into focus, and failing. There was light, but not much.

"Whitey?" she whispered, then licked her lips and tried again. "Whitey?" she called, louder this time.

A scuffle of feet, and he was kneeling beside her, looking anxious.

"Where are we?"

He put his hand on her head, stroking her fur gently. Safe, Raven thought. Wherever they were, he wanted to tell her they were safe.

"I'm thirsty..."

He nodded, retreated towards the lighter part of their surroundings. Within a few seconds he had returned, holding a wooden cup full of cool, fresh water. Putting a hand behind her head, he held it to her lips, and she sipped gratefully at it before letting herself sink back onto the blanket.

"You stayed near the stream?" she asked, and saw him nod. "Smart lad, Whitey," she smiled. "No life without water. They taught you that, at least."

Experimentally, she tried moving, and found that she could, a little at least, propping herself up onto her elbows. She could see more clearly, now.

"You found a cave?"

Kelwin nodded, then pointed at the cup, and made a motion through the air, as of flowing, and falling.

"That little waterfall we passed."

He smiled.

"That was a ways back... it can't have been easy getting us... me... here."

He shrugged, but his smile didn't waver.

"How long have I been out?"

Kelwin looked quite apologetic as he held up a hand.

"Three? Three days? Oh..."

His hand was on her ear, stroking it gently with slender fingers and she stopped in mid sentence.

"No, I suppose it doesn't matter, we brought more than enough supplies," she sighed. "I'm sorry to have flaked out like that. Idiot thing to do."

Shaking his head, he smiled.

"And you've been looking after me all the while..." she lifted a hand to her left shoulder, finding clean bandages, and he looked apologetic. "No, don't be silly," she told him gently, lying back down. "You seem to have done a wonderful job, whatever it was you did," she went on, tapping her fingers against the cloth without so much as a twinge.

He reached behind her head and held up a small vial, now mostly empty.

"Oh, that stuff. Where did you get that?"

With a shrugging gesture, Kelwin motioned vaguely around them.

"You made it yourself? Damn, that's pretty neat... remind me to add that to your file. They said you were good with herbs, I didn't know you were that good..."

She stayed silent for the space of a few breaths, until his gaze wandered to the shadows at the side of the cave. "Um, Whitey...?" He looked back at her. "I'm sorry... I kinda need to go pee..." It struck her suddenly that after three days she should probably need to do so a whole lot more than she did. Feeling herself flush, one hand investigated her thighs, fearing... but no, she was dry and clean. She wasn't the only one blushing, though, he looked conspicuously pink and she narrowed her eyes at him.

He made a sort of confused gesture at her, the blankets, made a sort of sloshing motion from her waist to her knees, shook his head, and gestured towards the lighter end of the cave.

Raven groaned. "I've been in and out of consciousness a bit, then?" she asked, and he nodded, looking very apologetic. "Well, I hope you enjoyed the view," she grumbled, but he shook his head vigorously. Then nodded. Then did both at once, and stopped, looking confused, and pulling a strip of bandage from a pocket.


He pressed it over her eyes, and she was left looking at his fuzzy outline, able to make out his shape, but nothing more.

"Oh!" she realised. "You..." he wrapped it around his eyes, tying it at the back. Raven sighed. "Thank you," she said, relieved. "I guess I owe you my dignity, as well as my life," he blushed, but she continued. "And I really am going to have to ask you to save my dignity again," she said, wincing. "Quickly, please?"

He nodded slipping the bandage off before standing, and holding his hands down to her. Shaky, very shaky, Raven discovered. Her legs weren't in a mood to cooperate at all, but leaning heavily on Kelwin, she was able to shuffle forwards.

The cave twisted, twice, before leading outside. A curtain of clear water bubbled down from above them, cascading into a pool beyond their feet, swirling for a few yards before finding an exit and running away down the slope. Kelwin guided her carefully through the narrow dry gap at one side.

"It's a boulder..." Raven stated as Kelwin stopped them at the far end of the pool. "What am I supposed to do with a boulder?" One slender hand indicated the large crack in it, about four inches wide, running from top to base, where the water swirled. "Sit on that? Right out in the open?" He gestured around them. The trees were thick on all sides, the track taking a sharp bend a little way downstream. "Well, I guess..." She didn't have much choice, either, she thought as her insides insisted upon action soon. "Help me down?" he did so, settling her in place, then pointed at her belt, his eyebrows slanted in an obvious question as he held up the bandage he had tied around his eyes earlier.

"I'll manage," she glared at him, but her expression softened as she realised he was only concerned for her. "Really, I will. You just... go pick some herbs or something, please. I'll call when I'm done, ok?"

He looked a little dubious, as if worried about leaving her alone.

"I can't do this with you here," she stated, narrowing her eyes, and he left hurriedly, disappearing behind a large tree.

It was, Raven reflected, remarkable how difficult such a thing as pulling her pants down could be. And then there was the sitting on an exposed rock, without so much as a tree above her for shelter. Sighing, she tried to relax, and failing miserably. She looked up as she heard a soft note of music carry to her in the breeze. Kelwin's flute, she realised. Maybe just something to do while he waited, maybe to let her know that while he was out of sight, he wasn't out of reach should he be needed. Whatever the purpose, the music was quite soothing, and Raven soon felt herself quite able to... she sighed, comfortably.


The music stopped, and his head appeared around the tree. He had, bless him, tied the bandage back over his eyes, just in case.

"It's ok," she laughed, "I'm decent. Can you give me a hand back inside, please?"

They settled in the entrance to the cave, under the sparkling light of the falling water, Raven sitting back against the rocky wall.

"So, we'll start back down tomorrow?"

Kelwin shook his head, holding up three fingers.

"Three more days?"

I don't think you should try to travel for at least that, he wrote.

"Nonsense, I'm fine," Raven frowned at him.

Pardon me, you can't walk twenty yards, Kelwin raised his eyebrows at her, and she paused. Where normally you could walk twenty miles without feeling it, he added. Please understand, I don't say this to imply you are weak.

Sighing, Raven nodded. "I know, I know. I just... I hate it. I hate being injured, I always have, I always will! It makes me feel so... so helpless!"

Please don't, Kelwin looked genuinely concerned. I will not let you come to harm. Luparus would look most unkindly on me were I to allow anything to happen to one of his most beautiful children.

"You know..." the wolf looked at her companion, pausing in the desire to tell him off. He was still as slim as ever, as delicate of face, but there was something about him... he seemed far more confident than when they had first met. Now, he actually looked like he could be her partner. "I do believe you won't," she smiled. "Thank you."


Kelwin looked up, the glow of the fire outside reflecting off the cave wall, highlighting his face with orange.

"I'm sorry, but did we pack an extra blanket anywhere?"

He shook his head.

"Damn," Raven shivered. "All right, I'll live, don't worry about it," she lay back down, turning onto her right side, facing away from him, and completely missing his worried expression.

She disturbed some time later that night, rolling over and feeling unexpectedly alone. Feeling beside her for one of the candles they had brought with them, she lit it with a whispered word, and the smooth, water-worn walls came into focus. Indeed, she was alone, it seemed... and Kelwin's blanket was draped over her. Where he had lain were only a few of his possessions, the little flute he sometimes played, and a small, leather bound book. Curious, she flipped it open at the front page.

August 18th. Today I began my first real assignment. Raven Chase, my partner, is as beautiful as she is strong, and I believe I can learn a lot from her - although I am afraid I may have started off on the wrong foot, as I appear to have insulted her.

A later entry.

I was scared today, and very foolish. I was very much unprepared for something as simple as a khrat, and I fear that once again I have made a fool out of myself before Raven. I want her to understand that I see the strength in her, and that I will do all in my power to be like her, but somehow... somehow I always say it wrong. Something I do always upsets her, and I never find the right way to explain or apologise. I feel afraid when she is angry.

"Oh, Whitey..." she whispered, her face falling. Had she really been that hostile towards him?

Raven flicked over the next few pages, most of them detailing the last week of their journey, eyes coming to rest on a page where his handwriting showed a slight shift, as if a tremor had crept into his hand.

Today I fear I may have committed the worst mistake possible. In failing to assess the situation properly before acting, I have allowed Raven to become injured. I do not know the name of the beast, but its poison appears strong. I have administered what anti-venoms I had with me, and will search for herbs when it is light... but I fear for her. I have never seen her so weakened, and I don't believe she recognises me, if she even knows I am here. I will do all that I can, but Luparus, please help me to protect her... I do not know if I can do on my own. Please help me to save her. I do not wish to lose her, for she is a great friend to me, and I admire and respect her deeply. Please help me.

Raven closed the book quietly, not wanting to read anymore, having a feeling as if she had intruded on something deep and private. It was typical for the rangers to keep journals, notes about what they encountered in their travels, but few allowed their words to stray beyond the raw facts. She felt rather humbled by his honesty, and perhaps just a little pleased by his thoughts towards her.

She wondered what her thoughts towards him were, feeling as if somewhere along the line they had gotten muddled. It had been easy when she thought he was just dropping cheesy come on after cheesy come on, that was something she was ready for, but now... How was she to deal with the fact that, as unlikely as it seemed, he actually did consider her beautiful? That he did actually admire her? Should she let things go on as they were, or did she want to explore this unexpected attitude?

There was a certain cute quality to him, Raven thought. Naïve, shy, and with a degree of childlike innocence... and so very open, and honest, and never with an unkind word or thought. The idea of a man she could actually trust was... very appealing, even if he were just a friend. Was that how she wanted him to be? A friend? A part of her said yes, that was fine, but another part... another part really would like to be a little closer, to hold him, and to take care of him.

It was all very confusing.


Kelwin jumped as Raven appeared in the cave mouth behind him, a blanket around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she said softly, sitting near him and staring into the fire, the flames reflecting on the curtain of falling water and sending liquid reflections shimmering across them. "I think this is yours," she said, holding out a carefully folded blanket. He held up his hands in a gesture of refusal. "Take it," she insisted, but he shook his head.

You need rest.

"So do you!"

I can rest later.

"Oh don't be so stupid," she snapped, but her expression softened as she looked at him. "It was very kind of you," she said quietly. "But I'm relying on you to get us both through this. I need you in good shape, do you understand?"

Kelwin did understand, but he didn't really want to admit it, instead just giving her a dubious look.

"Come on," she stood up, and held out her hand to him. He took it without really thinking, and got to his feet, looking at her questioningly as she led him back into the cave.

"It's the oldest, easiest way to keep warm at night," she said, settling down onto her makeshift bed. "Come on, down here. Please?"

It was the first time he could ever remember her looking so vulnerable, and that in itself made it quite impossible for Kelwin to refuse, lying down next to her as she pulled both blankets over the pair of them. "Now I'm trusting you to be a gentleman," she said, but he could hear the smile even though she had turned to face away from him. He nodded against her back, letting his arm drape around her middle, keeping them close together.

"Good lad," Raven sighed. That was indeed much warmer, and within a few minutes she had stopped shivering. It felt... comfortable to have him there. He was warm and soft against her back, and she knew that he meant well, even if he did have a knack of coming out with the worst tangle of compliments she could imagine on a thrice daily basis. But he was sincere, that was what mattered most, really. No lies, no hidden agendas... what he said was what he meant.

"Good night, Whitey," she murmured, patting his hand for a moment, and felt his arm tighten about just slightly in response. There definitely was a lot to be said for someone who didn't know how to spoil her mood with words.

When Raven woke, it was to find herself alone once more. From the light shining in around the twists in the cave, the day was progressing apace, and the chill of night had dissipated. Yawning, stretching, she sat up. Where was Kelwin? Pleased to find her legs were far more stable than the day before, she headed towards the entrance.

The sun was bright and strong, glittering upon the falling water... and upon Kelwin as he stood under it. Striking him from behind, the light haloed him in white, shining on his slender arms as he raised them over his head. Without really meaning to, Raven found her gaze tracking down his back, past his slim waist, the base of his thick tail, to that tight little bottom. Here, finally, seemed to be the only change in his fur colour, a somewhat heart shaped patch of pale grey upon his left buttock.

Raven's first thought at this discovery was a sudden desire to walk over and pat him right on his cute fuzzy bum. The second thought questioned the first as to what it thought it was doing bringing such and idea to her head. The third never got anywhere because at that point Kelwin turned round.

They stared at each other for several seconds, his face showing surprise, moving swiftly to embarrassment, trying to cover himself with his hands while taking a step backwards, slipping on the wet rock, and tumbling backwards into the pool of water.

"Whitey!" Raven hurried down to the water, plunging into it after him. What if he'd hit his head on a rock when he went under? She was up to her neck when he surfaced, spluttering and blowing water.

"Whitey!" She had hold of him by the shoulders before she knew it. "Are you ok?"

He nodded, looking confused and embarrassed, his cheeks visibly pink, his sodden ears flattened by the water.

A smile tugged at the corners of Raven's mouth, and Kelwin's eyebrows adopted a questioning slant. She giggled.

Kelwin had hitherto been unaware that she could giggle. It wasn't a sound that he associated with Raven at all, and before he had quite processed this she was laughing heartily, pressing down on his shoulders and dunking him under the water again. He surfaced, gasping, to be met by a wash of water as she swooshed her hands across the surface, still laughing. Right then, he decided.

Raven let out a small shriek as the deluge hit her, propelled by both of Kelwin's hands and, unless she was much mistaken, just a hint of a compression spell. She was still blinking water out of her eyes as his hand found her ankle, pulling upwards and submerging her amidst a swirl of bubbles.

"You," she pointed at him when she surfaced. "Are a rat, you know that?"

He made a sort of 'what, me?' gesture, looked thoughtful for a moment, and then nodded with a grin.

"And I'm drenched," she realised, wading out of the water.

Kelwin nodded, but didn't follow, choosing to maintain whatever modesty was left to him. He watched as she vanished into the cave, returning moments later with a rope, which she tied between two trees at the side of the clearing.

Raven hesitated for a moment, her hand holding the bandage which she had been going to ask Kelwin to put over his eyes, but now she wasn't so sure she felt a need to. Her thoughts last night still echoed in her mind, asking whether she felt a need to keep him at a distance? He was no threat, that was certain, and... there was this little feeling at the back of her mind. A feeling that had said to pat his bottom, and had said to curl up next to him the night before. A feeling that wanted to tell him that as much as he admired her, she admired him just as much for the things he said and did. A feeling that said he deserved someone to hold him tight, to show him that he was appreciated and that someone cared about him... if he would allow it. Would he allow it? What was the best way to find out?

Never being one to drag things out, Raven decided to find out the quick way.

She dropped the bandage onto the ground, and stripped off her drenched clothes, hanging them over the makeshift washing line.

Kelwin was, of course, facing the other way by the time she got back to the pool, and she smiled, almost sadly. She didn't immediately get back into the water, instead locating his slate and chalk first.

"Hey," she called softly, slipping into the pool behind him. "You ok?"

He half turned his head, apparently trying to see her without looking at her, which naturally didn't work very well, but she could tell he was embarrassed.


That made his ear twitch. It was, Raven realised, the first time she had actually called him by name since they met.

"Kel? C'mon, Kelly, you must've been skinny dipping before," she said gently, putting her hand on his slender shoulder.

He shook his head.

"Really? Well, look, the rules are simple; one, I trust you, two, you trust me, and three, you can look but not touch," unless I say otherwise, she finished mentally, and then blushed, realising what she was thinking. "Now I'm happy with rule one, are you happy with two and three?"

His ears were bright pink inside as he kept his head half turned towards her.

"Tell me what you're thinking?" she asked, holding his slate above the water. He glanced at her, just the quickest of looks, then took it.

I trust you completely, he wrote as she looked over his shoulder, and she smiled. But you are very beautiful, and I'm not sure that I trust myself.

"Oh, ok," Raven nodded, and brushed past him, wading forwards until she stood only ankle deep in water, turning to face him.

If Kelwin could have spoken, he would surely have found himself speechless in both surprise and awe. She had taken up her usual wide stance, hands on her hips, and it showed off her figure marvellously, emphasising the relative slenderness of her neck, the curves of her waist and hips, her nicely sized breasts and long, firm thighs that led down to well-toned calves. Her tail arched behind her, sending a curtain of water droplets shimmering through the air.

"You haven't done anything untrustworthy yet, Kel," she said gently, breaking him out of his thoughts. He glanced around, discovering that he had indeed not moved.

She sat down in the shallows, watching him as he seemed likely to stay put all day. That would never do, the feeling inside said. One way or the other, the situation needed to be cleared. "Why don't you come sit over here?" she patted the water next to her.

Feeling nervous, Kelwin did so, wading slowly forwards as the water level slipped down his body... but Raven's eyes never left his, and she kept smiling kindly until he was seated beside her.

"So, you ok?" she asked, and he nodded.

Thank you, he wrote.

"For what?"

For allowing me to see you. You truly are beautiful, and I am honoured.

"Don't be silly," she said, shaking her head, but smiling nonetheless. "I'm functional, maybe. Get the job done."

With a grace I have yet to see matched, he wrote, looking sincerely up at her.

"You really do mean that, don't you?" she smiled gently.

I always have.

Raven sighed, and looked at her toes, wiggling them in the cool water. "I don't think I've ever really appreciated you properly, have I?" she asked, then put her hand on his as he started to write. "You've been... kind, and honest, and polite every single day. I've shouted at you, hit you, almost assaulted you... and you've just soaked it up, and kept right on being kind, and honest, and polite, and you looked after me when I was helpless, and though you've had more than enough chance to abuse my dignity and my trust, you never have. And after all that," she went on with emphasis. "I'm going to ask you to do one more thing."

Kelwin looked at her, blushing, his expression curious.

"I want you to tell me again what the scriptures say is permitted between friends. Not the rot that gets shouted at the temples, what you believe it means."

Blinking, Kelwin hesitated, thrown off by the unexpected question.

To my understanding, anything to which both consent is acceptable. The only rules to a friendship are that no harm shall be done, and that nothing shall be done which only one person approves of.

"Thank you," Raven smiled. "Then I'm going to ask yet another thing of you, but first let me tell you that you are very much my friend, and do do care about you greatly. I would never want to impose my will on you, or ask you to do anything you felt uncomfortable with. Now, let me ask you this," she slipped her hand over his, twining their fingers together. "Is there anything you would like to do, with me, as a friend? Anything at all?"

Kelwin blushed, and the feeling inside Raven giggled and pointed out that he was very sweet when he did that. Time to help him out.

"Maybe that's not very specific," she said gently. "Look... I want to be honest with you, because you've always been honest with me. I'm... a little confused, right now," that wasn't an easy admission, as she looked at her knees as she said it. "I've told you before about my past with... with him. That hurt me, a lot, and yeah, I guess it does tend to keep me on my guard. Hell, I don't have to tell you, you know all about it, don't you? Anyway, look," she went on, with a growing suspicion that she was rambling, but Kelwin seemed quite attentive anyway, watching her curiously, that little pink tinge still visible in his face.

"The truth is I... I do like you, even if sometimes it may seem otherwise. I understand that you're a good man, and that you're kind, and honest, and gentle, it's just... hard for me to forget the past, sometimes," she paused for the space of a few breaths. "My old teacher, she always used to say that there were two important parts to a mage ranger: their head, and their heart, and that true wisdom came from knowing which one to follow. Right now, my heart is," pounding, "telling me that it wants to trust you. That it believes in you, and that despite what I may have said before... you are actually quite cute."

Kelwin was going pinker, but she kept on anyway, feeling as if she had been needing to say this for too long. "And that... that's the honest truth, and I've told you it because you've yet to lie to me, and you deserve to know. The question I guess is what you want to do about that. If you want, it can be nothing, we can stay as we are, partners and friends, and I don't mind that. But, if you'll let me... I would very much like to have the honour of holding you. I would dearly like the privilege of touching you, in ways that only friends are allowed to, and I would like to make you smile."

She squeezed his fingers gently. "And that's all I wanted to say. I guess maybe I've been a bit selfish, spouting off about all the things I want, and all the things I feel, so from here it's your choice, and I won't be offended if I'm not the person you want to give your..." she stopped as his fingertips grazed her lips.

I trust you completely, Raven, my friend. I will give you everything you ask for, and with gratitude.

Raven sighed, tingling inside, her feelings seeming to suddenly align into crystal clarity.

"Then come here." Grinning now, she held her arms out to him, and he shuffled over into her embrace, her head resting against his as they looked at the waterfall together. She felt him hesitate, and then his arm rested across her back.

Raven giggled again, and he looked up to her face. "I think we should go sit in the sun until we dry off, though," she said, smiling, and he nodded, apparently only now realising they were both hip deep in water.

First to stand, she gave him a view of her magnificent figure that made his breath catch in his chest. Holding her hands out, she looked down at him, pulling him to his feet, and putting one arm around him as they walked away from the water.

"Much better," Raven sighed, settling upon a mossy rock. "You look confused..."

I'm not sure what I should do, he wrote, looking apologetic.

"Well for one, stop worrying," she tugged him down beside her. "I'm the senior partner, and I direct things around here. And for two..." her nose hovered less than an inch from his, her warm breath washing over him. Whatever she was going to say didn't matter, apparently, because she twisted her head and locked her muzzle over his.

Momentarily surprised, but willing, Kelwin hesitated for only a second before parting his teeth, finding her warm tongue immediately pressed to his. Her hands went to his cheeks, holding him in place, stroking his fur with her thumbs.

By the time she let go, he was panting and flushed, his lips tingling.

"And that," Raven smiled. "Is a first kiss. Hey," she nudged his chin with her nose when he didn't respond. "You ok?" He gave a vigorous nod, and she chuckled. "I'll assume you liked that, then," she smiled as he nodded again.

Slipping her arms around him, she directed her gaze to the trees and sky. Slowly, shyly, he returned the embrace, resting comfortably against her as the breeze dried them. As if mimicking the gentle air, Raven found herself allowing one had to wander softly across his fur, stroking along his collar bones, his arms, his chest... anywhere that she could easily reach, just maintaining contact with him, letting him know that she hadn't changed her mind. She kept her touch light, not forceful, sensing that what he needed most was a gentle encounter. He sat quietly - not that he could really do otherwise - just holding on to her, smiling whenever she looked at him.

"Hey," she murmured softly, nudging her nose against his almost-dry cheek. "Is that for me?" she asked, smiling, eyes flickering downwards to his lap.

Even his ears reddened this time as he nodded, biting his lip.

"That's ok, don't blush," she murmured, brushing her lips against his until he closed his eyes. She held him in the kiss longer this time, enjoying the way it made him tremble in her arms, knowing that she was the first to make him feel this way...

"Shall we go inside? It's a little exposed out here..." Nudging him gently, she brought him to his feet, catching his hands as he tried instinctively to cover his rather obvious arousal, bringing them to her lips. "You don't have to hide anything from me," she murmured quietly. "Come on, this way." Leading him behind the waterfall, into the mouth of the cave, she cast her eyes about. "Now, where shall we put you... yes, I think so."

Letting go of one hand, she swept up her coat from the floor, draping it over a ledge of rock, carved into smoothness by the water that must have flowed here uncounted years ago. "There we go, not so cold on the ol' bum, now," she smiled, settling him upon it, and leaning over him, pressing her nose to the top of his head in a tender gesture.

Kelwin couldn't help putting his arms around Raven as she stood before him, glorious in her nudity, graceful in her motions, and so very soft to his touch... his nose brushed he left breast and she shivered, sighing a little as he nuzzled into her fur, warm and fragrant. Taking his hands from her waist, she slid them upwards to her flanks, and then forwards until he was cupping her bosom, looking up into her face, and well aware he was grinning like an idiot. She giggled, possibly thinking the same, and planted a kiss between his eyes.

So soft, and yet firm under his fingers, yielding yet defined, her breasts seemed to fit perfectly into his hands, her nipples hard against his palms. Her scent warm, and friendly, and relaxing as she leaned over him, her hands massaging his ears gently as he explored her figure. One hand slid downwards, caressing across her stomach, making her tense and let out that wonderful giggle again as he found a tickly spot.

Only when he began to move his fingers lower yet did Raven move, taking both his hands in hers as she knelt between his knees. His pink shaft twitched, and she smiled wider, her hands landing on his hips as she looked up at him.

"Am I ok to touch you down here?" she asked quietly, holding his gaze, wanting to be certain that she wasn't pushing him. One of his hands found her ear, caressing her gently as he nodded. "Mmm, good lad," she grinned, letting her fingers wander inwards, pressing into the creases where his legs met his torso, hovering just inches either side of his length. He trembled visibly as she pressed her palms against his pink skin, letting out a shivering breath. Holding him for a few moments, she kept her hands still as she watched his reaction. How wonderfully sensitive he was, and just look at the way his lips were parted slightly, panting for breath! So very different from the smooth confidence she was used to in a male... now all the responsibility for confidence lay with her. Her task was to make him feel good, to make sure he was not afraid, because he deserved it and... well, because she wanted to.

When she licked the tip of his shaft he tensed all the way from his ears to his toes, every muscle tightening for a moment as his eyes widened. Raven found herself thinking that he really was quite cute when he did that, and licked him again just to watch the reaction. Smiling, she let her hands fall from him, nuzzling her nose in under his length, pressing her tongue against the very base, licking him all the way from his furry canine sheath to his pink tip, pushing his length firmly against his stomach.

"Goodness, you are a fidget," she giggled as his toes unclenched, right foot raised almost to her shoulder. Putting her hand around his slender ankle - so slender that her fingers and thumb actually touched - she settled his foot back to the floor. "Just relax, Kel," she told him gently as he gazed down at her. "No reason to be nervous or tense. Just relax."

Kelwin tried to do as she told him, but it wasn't easy, especially as she lifted his free leg to let it rest over her shoulder, her warm cheek pressing against his inner thigh. Even the gentle wash of her breath was making him tremble, every nerve ending alive.

"Relax..." Another long, slow lick, taking her time about it, several breaths elapsing before her tongue buried into the fur on his stomach.

Surely, Kelwin thought, he had found heaven on earth. Could there be any better place, or any better person to be than right here, and himself? His breath trembled over his lips as Raven seemed to settle into a slow pattern, starting all the way back down in the fur between his thighs, running along his entire length, and not stopping until she reached his stomach. Her ear was soft between his fingers, and only now did he realise he had moved his hand there, caressing her gently, wanting to tell her how very good she was making him feel, how wonderful, how she was building the pleasure inside him...

Allowing the hand on his ankle to move up to his knee, Raven hung the other from his right thigh, pulling his leg down onto her shoulder, feeling his heel press against her back in a deeply intimate embrace. He was pressing his hips forward a little now, every lick she made being met with a little hunch of his back. Leaning her head forward, she brought her nose into contact with his furry testicles, nuzzling him, and feeling a tremor run through him.

"All good so far, Kelly?" she murmured, looking up at him, and he nodded breathlessly. "Then I think we can move on from the warm up, hmm?"

Warm up? Kelwin thought. What was the main performance...? He found out as she opened her mouth wide, taking him completely into her muzzle, her nose pressing against the fur of his tummy as all his muscles tightened.

Smiling around her mouthful, Raven waited for him to relax, letting him get used to the more intense contact for a few seconds before swirling her tongue against his captive length. Of course, that made him tense all over again, the hand on her ear tight, but not painful.

Pulling back a little, she allowed her smooth tongue to slide along his length until only the tip was still between her lips, pressing forwards again until her nose nuzzled into his soft, white fur, his scent so warm and inviting. Raven wasn't sure just when she had decided that he smelled that way, but he certainly seemed to now, and she found herself acting largely on instinct. Please him, his scent said, and that was exactly what she planned to do. Any other thoughts could sort themselves out later.

Kelwin found his breath increasingly coming in sharp pants. The astonishing warmth of her mouth around him, the delicate little flicks of her tongue were more than he had ever expected, and he knew he was going to... His free hand found her shoulder, gripping her warm fur, trying to let her know what she was doing to him, but she seemed thoroughly focussed upon her chosen task.

So very intent was Raven upon applying wonderful sensations to her somewhat unsuspecting partner that the first she knew of his impending climax was as the first surge hit her tongue. A little surprised, but not shaken, she pressed her nose as hard against him as she could, pulling his shaft as firmly into her muzzle as possible, her hands stroking his legs as his pleasure washed through him.

Kelwin saw stars on the back of his eyelids as Raven's mouth tightened around his shaft, as if trying to draw his climax from him. Dear Luparus, what a feeling that was...

Raven felt him sag a little as the flow abated. She hummed softly, holding him in her muzzle until he seemed to have settled, his eyes closed, chin resting on his chest. And that the feeling inside said, was the right way to show him you appreciate him, because he's going to remember that forever. Her head nodded in agreement.

"Wow, I think you really needed that," she said quietly, pulling back as he began to soften. "You must have been holding that in since before we met." Standing, she put her arms around his shoulders, his head resting against her chest. "Unless you've been very sneaky," she whispered into his ear, and he shook his head, his arms around her middle, hugging her tightly. "Good, the last thing I need is a partner who fiddles with himself whenever I turn my back."

Smiling, Kelwin just hugged her, holding tight to the wonderful woman who had given him such a unique gift.

"Kelly? You ok?"

Looking up, he nodded, smiling, and she kissed his nose. He didn't really mean to, but he drew back as she dipped her muzzle, and she gave him a questioning look. Then realisation hit her, and she smiled, licking her lips self consciously.

"I'm sorry, just a moment," she backed away, one hand on his arm, trailing along to his fingertips so that they held contact as long as possible, walking over to the stream of falling water at the cave mouth. Holding out her hands, she let the water collect, taking a large mouthful and rinsing it around. Apparently struck by a sudden thought, she suddenly stepped outside, and vanished from Kelwin's sight.

When she came back, she was holding his slate and chalk, although the way the light framed her nude body as she walked meant that he completely failed to notice. He was on his feet without even realising it, his arms about her, his lips finding hers.

"Mmm?" A little taken aback by the sudden boldness, Raven hesitated a moment before embracing him tightly, feeling his tongue lap at hers, her body moulding against his.

"Mmm," she declared with more certainty as they separated, and he smiled, blushing suddenly, and looking away as she chuckled and nuzzled his cheek. "You are a funny thing," she told him, and he sighed, nodding. "Don't worry, I won't hold it against you though." She gripped his ear playfully between her teeth, tugging on it gently for a few moments.

"So... what else would you like to do, Kel?" she asked, suddenly and very intentionally coy. He bit his lip, going redder as his eyes flickered across her body. She leaned forward and whispered into his ear, getting a nod in return. Tugging gently on his arm, she led him deeper into the cave, back to the pile of their bedding.

"Oh, but not in the dark," Raven declared, picking up two candles, lighting them with a whisper and setting them down near the wall. "Better," she settled down onto the blanket, patting the spot beside her. "Um, you do know how this works, don't you?"

I spent some time helping on a farm, saw the animals there, he wrote. Cows and dogs, he added as Raven looked at him. I didn't go looking specifically, they just seemed to pick the times I was near, he finished, looking a little defensive, and she laughed.

"Well, I guess it's a start, you've got some idea of what goes where, I suppose."

I may need a few minutes before I can go anywhere, he wrote, looking so cute that she just had to kiss him. Like she didn't know that he needed a little recovery time. Would you lie on your stomach please? he had written by the time she let him go.

"Hmm? Well, if you like..." not quite sure of his reason, Raven nonetheless felt confident enough in his intent to cooperate without fuss, finding him quickly straddling the small of her back, his hands lightly brushing over her shoulders. "What's on your mind?"

He didn't answer, of course, but he did move his hands, curling his fingers around until they touched her collar bones, withdrawing until he was pressing against the back of her neck, sliding his fingers slowly up until they brushed the base of her ears.


Working back down her neck to the little angles of her shoulders, following her arms up to her elbows, then back to her flanks, fingertips barely brushing the sides of her breasts. Pulling inwards, stroking along her spine, and out across her shoulder blades, pressing firmly down into the middle of her back.

There didn't seem to be any particular goal, no obvious target for the gentle massage, and Raven found herself appreciating it all the more for it, feeling as if no inch of her was left untouched. Shuffling backwards, he gave a sharp intake of breath as she brought her tail up underneath him for a moment. Stroking the small of her back, the tops of her buttocks, ruffling her fur before smoothing it. Her tail, gripped at the base by a hand on each side, stretched gently, smoothed all the way to the very tip, which he kissed, making her laugh.

The outsides of her bottom, seemingly nervous of being more central, and she smiled. Pressing his thumbs up under each buttock, hands stroking all the way down the backs of her thighs, brushing his fingertips back up, and then pressing his palms against her with the downward motion. She wriggled as his fingers caressed the backs of her knees, and he paused.

"It's ok," she said softly, and felt him press a little more firmly, his touch less tickly. Her tail wagged idly as he made his way down her calves, not in the least concerned about the view she must be giving him.

"Eep!" Quickly stifled, the noise turned into a giggle as his fingers brushed her feet, and she looked over her shoulder to find him smiling curiously at her. "I'm ticklish, ok?" He nodded, accepting the statement, and then lifted both her feet, blowing over her toes and making her squirm. "Stop it!" she laughed, fighting to turn over, but so awkwardly positioned that he was able to hold her firm. "Kelly!"

He relented, grinning, setting her legs carefully back down.

"Bastard," she smiled at him as she turned over, and he wiggled his eyebrows.

The tops of her feet were at least less sensitive, and she managed not to kick him as he worked his way up to her thighs, apparently as intent upon investigating every inch of her front as he had been her back. Again though, he stayed to her flanks as he passed her hips, his hands moving from her thighs to her navel, and she squirmed a little, rather wishing he were a little more confident, but deciding to let him go at his own pace.

He paused with his hands against her ribs, kneeling beside her, his expression that of one asking permission. Raven smiled and nodded, putting her hands on his forearms, gently guiding him up over her chest.

"Mmm..." It was so very relaxing under his touch, the way he seemed as interested in every inch as every other inch, not zeroing straight in on what he wanted. "Come down here?" she whispered, and he nodded, settling into place against her right flank, his arm across her body, nose immediately finding her breast. Ok, maybe a little zeroing in, she thought, but he'd kept it to a minimum and oh wow his tongue was so soft! She sighed as he licked gently at her nipple, feeling it harden under the contact, tingling.

His hand had found it's way to her stomach, and it seemed set to stay that way. Time to give him a clue.

Kelwin looked up as Raven's hand landed over his, his fingertips gliding slowly through her fur as she pushed them lower down her body until finally they met with bare, warm skin. She nuzzled his cheek as he held his hand there, just letting it stay where she had moved it, cupping between her legs, but no more.

"Relax," she murmured gently, and he realised he was breathing fast and shallow, his heart hammering... but her other hand had found his ear, and was stroking him soothingly. "You're doing just fine," she whispered, and he smiled, nuzzling his nose against her chest again, letting his fingers move ever so slightly where they rested.

"That's right, Kelly, that's good," she continued as he gradually explored her body, allowing his fingers to glide over her, tracing along the border of fur and skin, brushing against those soft, soft folds between. "A little firmer?"

She was so very soft here, a complete contrast to the strong muscle tone of the rest of her body, although those powerful muscles were slowly starting to press her hips up against him. His fingertips were starting to feel a little slippery, the contact against her becoming smoother, slicker.

"Just here," she murmured, nudging his middle finger slightly. "That's it... ooo..." her hips shifted, and he felt the most incredible sensation as her body parted around him, wrapping his fingertip with heat. He knew enough to know that he could go deeper, and did so, her back arching as he slowly intruded upon her.


Not sure what more to do, Kelwin continued the motion, rocking his fingers inside her, nuzzling at her chest as her arm held him firmly to her side.

She was tugging on his hand, pulling him back a little, positioning his fingers just at the top of her warm entrance, a tiny bump of flesh detectable. Her body trembled as he rubbed her here, his fingers now slick, sliding easily against her skin.

"You are," Raven panted hard as those gentle white fingers caressed her so intimately. "The best partner ever! Slow... slow down a little..."

He did as she asked, bringing the motion of his fingers to a gentle pace, one she was easily matching with her hips, the motion of her body rubbing against his restored arousal. It was difficult not to press himself more tightly against her, but this was her pleasure, not his... and then suddenly he was on his back, looking up into her face.

Raven kissed him with intensity, her tongue giving no leeway, fully determined to press against his. She smiled into it as she felt his knees brush her hips, in something of a 'take me now' gesture. Well that was never going to work. She sat back, pushing his legs down, straddling his thighs, her hands on his slender stomach.

"Kelly? Are you ready?"

Panting, Kelwin could only nod as she gazed down at him, smiling. She moved her legs outside his, kneeling on her left, but her right foot on the floor, leaving her in half a squat.

"All right now," she murmured softly, and he gasped as her hands caressed his length, sending little shivers up his body. And then she was in place, and heat and wetness pressed against him, the intensity making him hunch his hips upwards. Her body parted willingly, taking an inch of his arousal into it's incredible warmth.

Raven's eyes closed as she felt his tip slip inside her, stretching her around him in that oh so wonderful way. His hands were on her breasts as she knelt there, with just that first inch of intimacy between them, and she looked at him, finding his expression to be one of complete happiness and contentment. Covering his hands with hers, she squeezed his fingers, allowing her weight to carry her further down, feeling him push deeper inside her.

Kelwin panted, his heart pounding in his ears as Raven settled back into his lap, her body feeling incredible, so warm and snug about him as she accepted him with every inch. His breath caught as she rocked her hips gently, stirring him inside her. Under his fingertips, her nipples stood firm, her breasts trembling with her breath as he allowed one hand to slip down her body, searching for that special place with his thumb.


That was it. Right there. The pink pad of his thumb circled gently against her even pinker skin, and she bit her lip, insides tensing, squeezing around him.

"Kel..." she shifted her right leg so that she knelt in his lap, her bottom pressed against his thighs.

Bumping his hips up gently under her, he allowed the hand on her chest to stroke that soft fur, and she moaned quietly, her breath shivering, eyes closing to slits.

"Kelly, I'm gonna..." His thumb circled gently over the top of her entrance, caressing and pressing against silken soft skin. "Gonna... aaaah!"

Raven's breath left her in a rush as her body decided it had had quite enough waiting, thank you very much. She felt herself clamping down around her partner's smooth shaft, filling her so very nicely even as his fingers danced across her breasts, caressed her right there, those light little touches urging her onwards. And she didn't need urging. She wasn't even sure how long it had been since she last found release, but if this was the cumulative result, it had been far too long. Panting, she felt Kelwin's soft fur under her fingers as her hands pressed onto his tummy, his tail curling upwards, brushing the base of hers, nudging her deeper into pleasure until she found herself lying, trembling against his chest.

"Kelly..." her nose was by his ear, and she nuzzled him there. "Oh..."

Putting his arms around her, Kelwin nuzzled his partner as she shivered above him, apparently beyond coherent sentences. It didn't matter, the feeling was plain enough, and he couldn't thank her enough for having shared it with him, allowing him to be the source of her pleasure. Tenderly, very gently he stroked her back, one hand moving up between her shoulders, the other sliding down, covering the base of her tail. Surely if he had found heaven on earth before, he must have been promoted the next level, lifted up by this angel.

Panting quietly, lips brushing Kelwin's ear, Raven managed to recover some of her breath. Just enough to lift her head and jam her muzzle firmly against his, tongue pressing forwards, battling back into his mouth, holding him firmly until both of them gasped as they broke apart.

"You are," she told him, levering herself up on her elbows to look down at him. "Something special, Kelly. Don't ever forget that." She kissed his nose as he blushed. "Now," she pushed herself a little more upright, her strength slowly returning. "I think that you have some unfinished business with me," she winked, twisting her hips slightly and making him tremble. "Give me an out of five, how close are you?"

Kelwin held up an open hand, one finger bent slightly, and she laughed. "Four and a half, eh? Well, in that case," lean back against his chest, arms under his shoulders, and... she smiled up at him as he lay on top of her, looking a little surprised.

"I'm all yours, Kelly," she murmured softly, putting her hand on his cheek, her legs wrapping around him. "Come on."

It wasn't really an invite Kelwin thought he could refuse... but he hesitated nonetheless, his hips inches from hers, his body pleading with him to move against her, inside her. He mustn't though... if he did he wouldn't be able to prevent himself from...

"It's ok," Raven murmured, stroking his ear gently, pulling his head down until her lips brushed his nose. "I'm two weeks out of my cycle, it's safe."

Kelwin's body won out, his mind deciding that it didn't need to take any further part in matters, and he pushed gently down against the wonderful lupine woman beneath him... so very soft, and warm, and tight, every inch of her body embracing him. He was so close to climax already it was embarrassing, but she didn't seem to mind, pulling him down to her, letting him move back a little, rushing him forwards once more until his hips ground against hers. Warm breasts rolled against his chest with every push, one of her hands making it's way down his back, tugging gently at the base of his tail as her lips brushed his ear, whispering encouragements. It was too intense, he couldn't wait any more.

With a soft exhalation, his nose pressed into her neck as he hilted himself within her, his hips hunching tightly against hers as his climax surged through him, shivers of electrical pleasure pulsing from deep inside.

"Yes, that's it..." he heard her murmuring, cradling his head in the hollow of her shoulder. "Let it out now, Kelly. All out now... good lad."

He was trembling in her arms, her tail tucked up against his bottom, her legs around his hips, her hands on his back, and the warmest, most wonderful sensation ever felt slowly spreading through him.

"All out now?"

He realised it was a question, which he should answer, and managed to nod tiredly.

"Goodness, you do look like a sleepy pup... that's ok," her arms tightened. "That's ok, you just relax."

Maybe he would, Kelwin thought. Just for a few moments, just let his head clear and his body recover. Just a few moments...

Rolling over, Kelwin instinctively reached out... only to find that he was alone under the blanket. For one moment, he wondered if he had dreamed... no. The lingering scent of Raven on him was enough to tell him that everything had been quite real.

Gloriously, marvellously, unexpectedly real.

Tucking his hands behind his head, he looked up at the dark ceiling. His insides seemed to still be tingling with the memory, and he felt more content than he ever had before in his life... Wanted. Raven wanted him. That was a feeling that he could never have anticipated, the raw intensity breathtaking, and he knew right then that he would do anything for her. Anything she asked, anywhere, any when, he would do it without a second thought.

Where was Raven, anyway?

He sat up, one hand reaching out for his pack, finding a pair of shorts and pulling them on before making his way out.

"Well hello there, sleepyhead," Raven smiled, looking up from the fire she had started. A pot bubbled happily upon it, emitting a warm and promising smell... much like Raven herself seemed to be doing. Like himself, she appeared to have considered her underwear sufficient, though the smooth shine of her fur suggested she had bathed since their encounter... and he was certain there was just a trace of perfume about her.

Kelwin felt himself blush as those green eyes looked at him.

Laughing, Raven raised her eyebrows. "You can't be embarrassed now, surely? Come on, sit down, dinner's nearly ready."

He sat, near her, but not too near, a little unsure of how he should act, his gaze on the fire.

"Kelly?" He looked up as her hand alighted on his shoulder, her expression concerned. "Are you ok? I didn't... didn't read you wrong, or anything?"

Shaking his head quickly, he lifted his hand to hers for a moment. Not at all. I am truly honoured that you would share yourself with me, and very grateful.

She held his gaze for a few seconds, as if seeking confirmation in his eyes, then smiled, leaning towards him, kissing his cheek before withdrawing.

A few seconds of silence fell, and she stirred the fire with a long stick.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it last longer for you."

It took Kelwin several seconds to realise that she had said this without reading it from his slate, and from Raven's expression, it took her as long to realise he had written it before she had spoken. He smiled, his gaze catching hers for a moment before he let out a whisper of a laugh as her strong tones echoed from the rocks.

"I guess we were both a little quick of the mark, huh?" she grinned, giving an amused shake of her head.

You had something of a head start.

"Not that much," Raven wrinkled her nose dismissively. "Let's just call it quits, hmm? We can try again later."

Kelwin felt himself go red at the same time she did, clapping her hand to her mouth as she realised what she'd said.

"Well, if you'd like to, that is," she gave him a sheepish grin, the first he could ever recall seeing her wear.

He nodded, and she smiled.

Quite lost in the gentle tune he was playing, Kelwin didn't at first notice Raven rise. By the time he did, she had moved a short distance away, moving gracefully in what Kelwin recognised as the earth walk, a practise routine from one of the five martial arts studied by the rangers.

It suited her, he thought. The wide stance that gives a stable base, the slow motions backed by tremendous strength, the play of her powerful muscles quite visible under her thick fur. As did the impressive back flip, taken from the wind dance, the smooth flowing motion as she crouched low upon the ground, from the wave ride, and the flash of speed that was the flame fan kick, the air glowing around her toes.

That was without doubt the first time he had seen any of the arts combined, let alone a sequential execution of four, and he stopped playing to watch.

The rapid, low roll that would cut an attackers legs out from underneath, springing upright, a leap that rebounded off a nearby tree, twisted in the air, landing with legs wide apart, fist flashing forward in one, two, three swift punches that audibly snapped through the air.

She noticed him watching, and paused.

I have never seen that combination of moves before.

"I should think not," she nodded, effortlessly taking her weight onto her hands, her legs high above her body. "It's not in any of the standard combat routines." Rotating on one hand, feet dropping to the floor, elbow snapping forwards. "I don't believe in routine. Too predictable," one leg swept the ground, bending the grass under air pressure alone. "Fight someone who knows the style," continuing the motion, standing, the kick way above her head. "And you're in trouble," she finished, bringing her leg down, standing, panting lightly.

Do you often fight such people?

"You have to be ready for the worst," Raven said, stretching her arms over her head. "Khrats aren't all that's out there, Kel. Sooner or later, you're gonna be fighting someone who can think and move just like you do, and then it's all down to reflexes and training. Speaking of which," she held out her hand. "You've been neglecting yours. Come on," she made a 'come here' gesture.

Uncertainly, Kelwin rose to his feet and approached.

"Give me a ready stance."

Kelwin did so, feet braced but knees flexible, arms raised but hands loose, ready to ball into fists or use flat as needed.

"Water path, thought so," Raven nodded. "Adaptable, smooth, defensive, doesn't rely on strength or speed, that's what they told you?"

Kelwin nodded.

"Right. Defend in three, two... don't look so worried, you know I won't hurt you. Three, two, one..." A swift motion of her leg, Kelwin's hand dropped on instinct, and her fingers pressed lightly against his nose. He let out a silent sigh as she looked at him along the length of her fingers, her right shin against his flank, his hand pressed to her knee.

"That's ok, reacted at least," Raven said, withdrawing her fingers. "You'd have stopped the kick from most people, but you only moved from your shoulder, your feet haven't budged," she pointed downwards.

He nodded, and she pulled her leg back. "Same thing, three, two," her fingers were on his nose. "Don't wait to be told, nobody else is gonna give you warning verbally. Watch my posture, wait for my weight to move, good!" Raven's hand missed his head by several inches, Kelwin's forearm shunting her movement aside. Wincing, he rubbed it as she backed off.

"Get some muscle on you," Raven chuckled. "The it won't hurt so much. This time you attack, strike anywhere you like, and don't worry!" she finished, watching his expression. "It's only practise, I'll forgive you any tit ups this time."

Kelwin nodded, watching her carefully as she took up a defensive stance... sort of. More accurately, she was standing in front of him, elbows at her side, forearms spread as if inviting something. Well, all right then... punch towards her shoulder, arm pulled, world wheeling on an unexpected axis, and he was looking up at her as she sat on his chest, her face framed by the purple evening sky.

"Overcommitted?" she asked, apparently just curious, and he nodded. "That's not what you were trained to do, is it?" He shook his head. "Right, try again," she rose, this time simply standing with her arms at her sides.

Kelwin frowned. As much as he could accept that she was by far the better fighter, it was annoying that she seemed to be taking it for granted that she would win. He kicked out, somewhat before he was really ready, and she jumped back, letting his momentum turn him before putting her hand on the back of his head.


Refusing to repeat the same mistake, Kelwin let himself settle properly, watching the way she stood, how most of her weight was on one leg. He swung low and fast, feeling the smooth motion carry his weight around... except her leg wasn't there anymore. She landed behind him, not turning around as he stood.


That was just plain insulting, Kelwin decided, looking at the back of Raven's head, his eyebrows drawing together. He studied her once more, her wide stance, legs firm but loose and ready to move, the way the base of her tail flowed over the top of her underwear. Her back broad, strong, smooth fur interrupted by the strip of cloth that supported her chest, buttons glittering in the firelight.

"You have to hit me to win, Kel, that's how fights work."

Did he, now? Kelwin wondered.

Waiting quietly, Raven stayed quite still. She stood so long, in fact, that she wondered if he was going to act, and was about to open her mouth when both the buttons between her shoulder blades pinged off. With an exclamation, she crossed her arms over her chest as the ends of the material flapped down her back. So completely unexpected was this event that she entirely forgot the situation until Kelwin's feet tapped the backs of her knees. Legs going out from under her, she fell backwards, landing on top of him with a yelp. Then his hands were on her flanks, tickling her, and she dissolved into giggles.

He didn't let up until tears of laughter were running down her face, her breath heaving, her feet pounding the ground between his legs.

"You... are..." she panted, head on his chest, and face turned up to the sky, "an absolute son of a bitch!" She swore, "severing spell my fuzzy ass!" Taking a few more breaths, she steadied herself, then patted his knee. "But well done. You win."

Kelwin smiled, looking down at the top of his head, allowing his hands to find her shoulders, massaging out the tension he had recently induced.

"Mmm..." Raven sighed quietly, apparently disinterested in moving. "It's gone dark," she observed. "Guess we should call that enough training for the night, hmm?" she craned her head back enough to see his nod.

"Well then, I suppose we should find something else to do until bed time," she declared... and then she had turned over, hands by his shoulders, knees between his legs, breasts bared and free above him.

Surprising both of them, Kelwin put his hand behind her head, pulling her down, pressing his lips to hers. One hand caressed her flank as her tongue flicked against his, but when she seemed about to pull back he kept the pressure between her ears, holding her for several more seconds so that she gasped when he let go.

"Oh my," she blinked those bright green eyes. "I seem to have trained you better in some things than in others." Her soft breasts rolled against his chest as she leaned down over him, snuggling against him as he put his arms around her, nuzzling her ear. She could feel him through his shorts, hardening underneath her, a building warmth against her lower belly. Without really thinking, she reached one hand down, pushing her own pants down until she could kick them off, lying naked on top of her partner, stroking his white fur, feeling the way he trembled under her touch.

"Relax," Raven murmured, nuzzling her nose into his cheek. "Don't be nervous, it's all right, fight's over, there's no competition." Propping herself up on her elbows, she kissed him again, keeping her eyes open so she could watch the expression of contentment steal across his face. It felt good, knowing she was making him feel that way. Soft fingers were gently caressing her breasts and she hummed into the kiss, arching her back, tail flagging high.

Looking at her younger partner as she broke away, Raven was pleased to see him smiling. He made a little gesture with his head.

"Lie there?" she questioned, indicating the grass beside them, and he nodded. Curious, she did as he asked, lying on her back, watching with interest as he knelt beside her, his hands stroking her stomach. He held up his hand, four fingers raised, then pointed at her. "Four me? For me? Oh," Raven found herself blushing. "What do you want to do for me?"

Kelwin winked, smiling as he shuffled around to kneel between her legs. Leaning forward, he nuzzled at her left breast and she arched her back under him. "Mmm..." He felt himself glowing inside, knowing it was him that caused her to make such happy noises. Latching onto her nipple, he let his tongue flicker against the tip and heard her moan softly. It was really quite amazing, he thought. One moment she could display a fighting prowess that would grind him into dust, and the next, place so much trust and faith in him, allow him complete control. He wasn't quite sure what she saw in him that triggered such feelings, but he very much hoped he managed to keep it up.

"Ooo..." Raven squirmed as Kelwin's lips withdrew with a slight pop, and then giggled as he vigorously licked the middle of her chest, ruffling and wetting her fur for a few moments before planting a soft kiss on her right nipple. Both were now hard and tingling under the contact, her head buzzing with the wonderful feelings he was generating, and there was a flush of warmth between her legs.

"Un..." Whether he had read her mind or not, she wasn't sure, but his hand hand landed squarely between her thighs. Motionless for now, his warm palm pressed against her tummy, middle finger lying right along the length of her soft folds.

Watching her eyes close underneath him, Kelwin nuzzled her muzzle for a moment before pressing his lips against hers right as he pressed his fingers up between her legs. She gasped into the kiss, back arching, her hands on his shoulders. So warm inside, squeezing him with such incredible strength and velvet softness as her hips pushed up against him. Perhaps not as slick as he should have allowed for, she was obviously interested, but not quite ready yet, and he kept his fingers still to allow her to adjust to the intrusion. As he pulled back, he dotted her nose with several small kisses, making her laugh, and swat at his ears.

Grinning, trying to keep his hand right where she obviously wanted it, he pressed his nose under her chin until she let her head fall back. Kissing down her neck, nipping at the fur with his lips, feeling her body tense around his fingers. Down across her chest, pressing his nose against her sternum. Blowing hard right into her navel so that she shrieked with laughter, batting the back of his head gently with her hands until he relented. Fingers slipping carefully out of her body as he looked down at her hips, nose dipping to just barely brush the top of her entrance. She smelled so inviting that the little pangs of worry about what he was doing evaporated instantly. It was going to make her feel good, and that was the only thing that mattered.

Raven shivered, panting a little as he settled, propped up on his elbows, his warm breath washing over her fur.


He wasted no time in granting the request, his tongue swiping the entire length of her warm petals and she moaned softly, biting her lip, one hand finding his soft ear and squeezing it gently. It felt, Kelwin discovered, far more natural an act than he had at first thought. The warmth and delicate, slightly salty taste of her skin were inviting, and tingles of happiness flooded through him every time he made her moan. His muzzle pressed against her as he pushed his tongue forwards, her silken folds parting, inviting him as deep as he could reach, now obviously ready enough to accommodate him.

Raven was finding it increasingly hard to lie still. Every nerve ending seemed alive, clamouring to report the wonderful sensations that radiated up her body in waves. His tongue flickered against the top of her entrance, nudging at that little button of pleasure as his fingers caressed the base of her tail. One flickered upwards against her fur, touching...

"Don't!" She had pulled herself back without even realising, propped on her elbows, looking down at him as he gazed up at her in obvious confusion.

Kelwin blinked, hesitating as Raven looked down at him. Had he hurt her? Please don't let him have hurt her...

"I'm sorry," she murmured, reaching one hand down and stroking his ear reassuringly. "No, you didn't do anything wrong, it's ok," she went on, shuffling her hips back into place. "It's just... he liked to have me that way, sometimes. I don't like it, but he always did. If he touched me there, it always meant that it was going to be for his pleasure tonight, not mine."

For you, Kelwin gestured, laying his cheek against her thigh, but making no other move, anxious to let her know his intent.

"I know," Raven smiled, her fingers working over his ear soothingly. "I know, I'm sorry, that was just instinct."

Kelwin nodded, then pointed downwards, under her tail, then at himself as he shook his head.

"Thank you," Raven sighed, and then oohed as his tongue lapped against her again.

It didn't take either of them very long to resume the rhythm they had been building, and she was soon hunching her hips up against him as his tongue flickered against her. The hand at the base of her tail was back, but he was being careful to keep out of range of closer contact. He dropped his head, tongue pushing inside again and she squirmed, feeling her body tensing inside. Then he was higher, soft tongue flickering over the top of her entrance, short, fast licks, and both her hands were on his ears, holding him there. He responded just as she hoped - by doing exactly what he was doing, one short lick after another, each one bringing a jolt of pleasure.

"Kelly... I'm gonna..."

His fingers left her tail, pressed against her, slipped inside, twisting and dancing against the front of her soft tunnel, pushing her over the edge.

Whether she had her eyes closed or not, Raven wasn't sure, but she certainly couldn't see anything. Waves of liquid pleasure were crashing over her, her muscles tensing, twisting, writhing under the assault, her breath leaving her in a silent shout.

Kelwin kept right on licking throughout, fingers pressed where he knew she liked them, tongue repeatedly battering at her soft folds as she trembled, clenching down on him, pulling his muzzle against her. Only as she began to relax did he back off, allowing her body to set the pace, slowing with her until he was quite still, fingers stationary inside her, chin resting on her tummy, eyes turned up to watch her face.

"Oh goodness..." she sounded quite faint, her voice a breathy whisper. "Oh goodness..."

Kelwin smiled, turning his head to kiss the inside of her thigh, and she shivered. Her hands tugged at his ears, and he followed the pull, crawling up over her until she pulled him down into a tight hug, his nose by her ear.

"Thank you," she murmured, and he hugged her back as best their position would allow, kissing her ear. Feeling perfectly content to lie exactly as he was doing, Kelwin allowed her to hold him for what must have been several minutes, her hands stroking up and down his back and her breathing slowed. Finally, she nudged at his shoulders and he rose to see her smiling up at him.

Looking up at him, the fire highlighting his face orange, Raven felt a deep surge of affection flow through her. For me, she thought. That was for me.

She kissed him firmly, quite forgetting that she had been planning to ask him to rinse his mouth, the slight lingering taste on his lips making her blush... but it wasn't that bad, and she needed this kiss, needed it more than anything in the world right now, because if she didn't kiss him she would... would... something. It didn't matter, she was kissing him, that was all that was important.

"Mmm..." she sighed, releasing him, letting her hands fall to his flanks, stroking the soft white fur. "I needed that," she admitted, smiling, and he nodded, kissing her nose. "And you, I think, need something too," she continued.

Kelwin shrugged. He could feel his own hardness sandwiched between them, but somehow, it didn't seem to matter. Apparently it mattered to Raven, however, because she was unfastening the button above his tail, encouraging him to rise to all fours so she could slide his shorts down his thighs... which seemed to be quite far enough, as her hands reached underneath him, wrapping around his shaft and making him gasp.

"Definitely need something," Raven smiled, watching as his eyes half closed, his hips hunching forwards into her grasp. She let her thumb wander over his tip, and his eyes opened wide for a moment, flickered downwards, then back to her face. He shook his head, biting his lip. "Doesn't feel good?" Raven hesitated. "Or feels too good?" she went on, the corners of her mouth twitching. "Gonna be a messy pup if I don't stop?"

Kelwin nodded vigorously as she gave him a squeeze, and his mouth half opened as his breath escaped in a rush. He was trembling now, trying to resist the urge to do what his body was insisting was going to be necessary very soon.

"I see." To his relief, Raven's hands left his length, resting on his hips. "Goodness, you are an excitable little thing." He blushed, but she was smiling kindly. "Come on, let's take some pressure off, shall we?" Her hands were on his bottom, pulling him further up her body, and he obeyed without question. She tugged his shorts down as he moved, until he was able to push them off as he straddled her, being guided into place until he knelt over her chest, his pink shaft sharply outlined against the valley between her breasts.

Gasping, Kelwin arched his back as she leaned her head to graze her tongue against his tip, his hands behind him, resting on her tummy. He trembled as she pushed her breasts together, encasing him in soft warmth, his bottom pressing against her chest, testicles rubbing against her fur with every motion. He felt completely surrounded by warmth and affection.

Her gaze captured his as she slid her lips over his very tip, her tongue lashing against him in steady licks that never left the warm confines of her muzzle. Her teeth grazed gently against his skin, the lightest of touches.

He couldn't hold it any longer. His legs hugged her flanks as his pleasure leapt and surged within him, his hands landing over hers, holding her soft breasts around his length as she pushed her muzzle down over as much of him as she could cover. Her soft, warm, wet tongue swirled around him as pulse after pulse of pleasure resonated through his body, pushing against his tip as if trying to hold back the flow, flickering up, then down, stretching out his climax.

Grinning around her mouthful, Raven watched her partner sag, his grip loosening as his muscles relaxed. She swallowed, sucked, swallowed again until he seemed quite finished... then sucked on him again just to watch him tremble.

"There now," she murmured as he softened. "All good, Kelly?"

Kelwin nodded, a little tired, shuffling backwards until he could lie down against her.

"Mmm, yes, I thought so," Raven said, cuddling him. He did seem to go delightfully placid after climax, and she took the opportunity to snuggle with him, just letting him rest on top of her as she stroked him gently. Such a cute little thing, she found herself thinking, so warm and friendly, and somehow managing to still seem very innocent. To take care of him, to hold him, to bring him pleasure... all seemed to come so naturally, an easy progression of their relationship from partners to friends to almost-lovers.

Nor was it an uncommon one, she knew. Mage rangers led hectic, often dangerous lives, and many saw it as unfair to bring a civilian into them, choosing instead to take physical comfort with each other, knowing that they both shared the same lifestyle. She held back a sigh, almost regretting that he had chosen this life. He seemed like he deserved peace and safety, and she caught herself wondering - not for the first time - if beginning ranger training at a young age weren't a mistake.

Oh, there was always the choice given, at any time an apprentice could leave, could walk away, go back to their lives outside... but none ever did. Was it their choice, the willingness to risk their life and safety for others that caused them to stay? Or was it merely shame, the knowledge that they would disappoint? Raven didn't know.

She kissed his cheek, pressing her nose deep into his fur, and he opened those large blue eyes to look at her.

"You ok?"

Kelwin nodded, smiling, and she kissed his cheek again.

"Kelly? Listen, I want to say something..." His ears swivelled. "I want you to know that I don't hold you to anything more than the rangers do. You took this job because you wanted to, but I guess this might be the first time you're really seeing it for how it is. If it makes you afraid, or you feel like you can't deal with it, I want you to tell me. I don't want you to follow me into bad places just because you're afraid of what I'll say if you don't, do you hear?"

Kelwin's pale face showed nothing but surprise as Raven finished. He shook his head, looking confused. Eyebrows taking on an apologetic slant, he lifted himself off her, kneeling beside her, his hand resting on her tummy as he smiled before moving away. Returning with his slate and chalk, he rested it on top of her, making her laugh as he wrote.

Raven, my friend, I chose this life of my own free will.

"I know, everyone says that at the start, but..." Kelwin's finger brushed her lips and she quieted.

All of the things I do with you, I do because there are people less strong, who need our help. I support you because of them.

Raven bit her lip as she read, and he stroked her flank gently with his free hand.

I will never back out on you, or even wish to. I know that we may risk our lives, and I accept that risk. This is my choice, and I make it gladly.

Lifting a hand to caress his white cheek, Raven smiled.

And I do love you, my friend.

"I know," she smiled. "But don't ever let it go further," she added softly, her expression slightly sad as she took his hand in hers. "I love you, and you love me, but don't ever allow yourself to feel that you are in love with me. Do you understand?"

Kelwin looked thoughtful. I believe I do. You are happy for us to be friends, as am I, but to go further than that, with the lives we lead, is unwise. It would be of great risk to us both.

"Yes," Raven nodded. "You do understand. Rangers who fall in love do stupid things, they panic when the other seems to be in danger, take actions that are badly calculated, do things their head says they shouldn't but their heart says they should. They stop thinking, and a ranger who doesn't think under pressure is... in trouble," she finished, not wanting to go any further. She sighed softly as he placed his fingertips at the hollow of her throat, gently stroking his hand down her body, all the way to her navel.

"Can you live with it?" she asked, refusing to be distracted just yet.

I can only try, he wrote, shrugging. But you are still beautiful.

"Idiot," she said, cuffing him around the head, but only very gently, and she couldn't help smiling.

Usually, yes.

Raven shook her head, her smile broadening. "Come here, you!" Grabbing his arms, she pulled him down on top of her, kissing him as his right knee landed between hers. He blushed pink as she held him, and she realised she hadn't remembered the courtesy rinse... but he wasn't pulling back, and very little taste remained anyway, so she just winked at him. She could feel the warmth between them growing, a firm pressure building against her hip, and she giggled, breaking away from him.

"Something else I can do for you, Kelly?" she asked, raising her eyebrows, and he went pinker. "Or how about we do something for both of us?"

It wasn't so much of a question as a recommendation, Kelwin realised as she pushed him over onto his back, sitting astride his thighs. Holding out her arms, she smiled, and he sat up into her embrace, feeling her nibble at his neck until he was shaking with silent giggles.

"Now then," she smiled, looking down to where his pink shaft peered up between them. "I think that," she shuffled her legs until she was squatting on his thighs. "This will do nicely." She rose, her breasts brushing his muzzle for a moment as her hand snaked down between them, making him shiver as she contacted his arousal. He pressed his muzzle against her chest as warmth lapped at his tip, slowly engulfing him as she settled into a deep squat, her bottom tight against his thighs, arms loose around his neck.

Dipping his nose, he nuzzled under her chin and heard her laugh. Twisting her head to the side, she leaned forward, nipping his ear between her teeth, tugging gently, as his left arm wrapped around her, his right hand sliding between them, caressing her soft chest.

She gave a little bouncing motion, and he felt his breath catch, his head still turned as she kept hold of his ear. His thumb brushed her pink nipple as she fell into a rhythm, short, fast little bounces on his lap, her body embracing him deeply each time she settled against his legs, her tail batting against his knees. Every fourth time, she would lift herself higher, sliding up his shaft until only an inch remained within her before gliding back down with a long sigh. Kelwin let the hand on her back slide down to her bottom, feeling the play of her toned muscles as she rose and fell against him.

It wasn't long before Raven was panting, the particularly physical contact taking it's toll on her thighs as her muscles pointed out they were both stretched and cramped at the same time.

"Sorry, Kelly, can't keep this up much longer," she murmured, finally releasing his ear. He pressed his nose to hers as she pulled her head back, lips brushing together, warm breath washing against her, and she felt as if her insides melted. A light kiss landed on her nose, then just under, then against her lips, and she closed her eyes, holding herself quite still against him as his tongue lapped lightly at her. She met him with hers, flicking against each other in the night air until he pushed forwards, pressing into her muzzle insistently, Raven quite content to allow him in, tongues entwining as their bodies did likewise.

"Kelly..." He looked at her as she pulled back to speak. "Um, my knees kinda hurt..." she said, biting her lip and watching him go pink, his grip on her bottom loosening so that she could lift herself back. "Phew... kneel for me?" The younger wolf complied without any sign of question, watching her curiously as she lay down on her side in front of him, parting his knees as her right foot pushed between them, taking hold of her left leg as she raised it almost vertical, shuffling back towards him. Looking down, he could see her pink softness, glistening in the firelight, practically begging him to...

Raven hummed happily as she felt Kelwin touch against her, rubbing gently against the front of her entrance. Reaching one hand down, she guided him back until he was lined up just right, tugging on him gently, looking into his eyes as he pushed forward, her toes clenching tight as she felt him move into her body once more. He was so warm inside her, so hard, pushing her apart around him until his hips bumped up tight to hers.

Kelwin panted a little, the rush of that initial push slowly fading, hugging Raven's upraised leg tightly against his chest, nuzzling her soft fur until she giggled. He held her, quite still, for a few seconds, until he felt he could muster some semblance of control, the tight heat of her body battering at his senses. He could feel his testicles resting on her thigh, warm and comfortable. It was more than tempting just to stay like this...

Waiting patiently, Raven lay still until he opened his eyes again, her hand resting over his as he clung to her leg.

"Easy, Kelly," she said gently. "Nice and easy..." she gave a soft gasp as he withdrew for a moment, bumping his hips against hers, pressing deep into those wonderful places inside. Bump. "Mmm..." Bump. "Oh..." her breath caught as his left hand fell to her flank, caressing her tummy, skittering down until his fingers reached bare skin.

He held quite still as she shivered, his fingers brushing that little button that seemed to feel so good to her, hips tight against hers. Nuzzling her leg, he let his fingers explore her gently as her tail thumped against his right thigh.

Quick study, Raven decided, unable to help letting out little noises every time he bumped his hips against her. Dexterous, yet delicate, his touch hot as fire, cool as ice, and sending trembles of pleasure flooding up her body. She could feel every inch of him inside, her body tightening on him every time his fingers pressed against her. Oh gods, he felt good... she caught herself rubbing her breasts with her hand and stopped in embarrassment, but his fingers closed over hers, guiding her back to her chest. She blushed as she looked up at him, but his smiled told her that it was quite all right because, after all, he couldn't touch every part of her at once. Nodding, she allowed herself to caress herself as his fingers slid back down her body.

"Un..." His nose was nuzzling the back of her knee, his fingers firm but gentle between her legs as he fell into a slow rhythm, pulling his hips back slowly, pressing forward again until he seemed to fill her completely.

"Hnah..." she squeezed her left breast as he picked up the pace, her back arching with him, pushing her hips against him every time he moved, squeezing around him, intensifying that slippery friction.

"Gonna..." too for warnings, she was committed by the time she got the first word out, her toes clenching as her insides did the same. Raven's fingers raked the ground as her eyes screwed shut, sparks and lights dancing in behind them, a rush of pleasure silencing her ears.

Kelwin hugged her leg tightly, his fingers quite still but firmly against her as she trembled, her stomach muscles visibly tensing under her thick fur, her body squeezing down on him so hard it almost hurt.


He nuzzled into her fur, kissing the side of her knee as she relaxed a little.

Oh my..."

His left hand wandered up her stomach, stroking her fur soothingly. He let out a silent gasp as she pushed her hips back against him, squeezing down on him inside.

"You're not done," Raven smiled as his blue eyes met hers. "I said this was for both of us."

And so it was going to be, Kelwin thought, both arms encircling her leg, his eyes closing. Oh, Luparus, he was so close... Her fingers caressed the side of his face, and he felt his control slip away. With a silent exhalation, he pressed his hips as tight against his beautiful partner as he could, feeling her close around him all the way to the base of his sheath, warmth and pressure inviting him deeper as wave after wave of pleasure flowed through his body.

Raven practically purred as she felt the younger wolf climax within her, the warm surge of his pleasure filling her inside, his arms tight about her thigh, and his face looking delightfully cute, the tip of his pink tongue just visible behind his parted lips. Oh, that felt so good, to feel him within, to know she had caused him such wonderful pleasure...

"There we go," she smiled, caressing his cheek as he relaxed, his deathgrip on her thigh loosening. "There now, much better."

Kelwin nodded tiredly, allowing her to uncouple his arms from her, her leg falling until he could do the same, resting against her chest, being rolled until he lay under her, looking up at the starry sky. It occurred to him only now that they were still outside, and that night had fallen.

Raven sighed, snuggling against him, her nose pushing into his cheek, so very warm.

"Kelly?" Blue eyes sparkled in the firelight. "I think we should go to bed. Come on," she said, pushing back, and shoving her arms unceremoniously under his knees and shoulders. His nose pressed up under her chin as she lifted him without apparent effort, one of his arms around her neck, the other just managing to snag his slate.

She kissed him, right between those large blue eyes as he looked at her in surprise. He smiled, nuzzling into her neck as she carried him, the warm glow of the fire passing by, the shadows of the cave rising around them, the blanket coming up to meet them as Raven settled them both onto it, pulling the other over them, snuggling tight to his flank. She was so warm...

"Hey?" her breath was soft in his ear. "Are you gonna settle or what?"

He took a sharp breath as her hand contacted the erection which hadn't faded a bit. Finding her nose by dead reckoning in the darkness, he kissed it softly and heard her giggle.

"Open to an idea?" Kelwin nodded, and she seemed to sense it, turning over, putting her back to him, tugging on his arm until his body moulded against her. Her legs parted, and he felt her fingers against his shaft, drawing him into place, urging him forwards until his hips tucked up tight under her tail.

"Mmm..." she sighed, allowing her legs to close, her insides tightening around him with wonderful warmth... and that was all.

Kelwin smiled, understanding. They were both tired, and there was, of course, no rush. Instinct bumped his hips gently against her, and she sighed again, hugging the arm he held around her. He nuzzled the back of her neck sleepily, feeling her fingers twine with his.

Time was slipping away as sleep approached. He could sense it passing, but it didn't seem to matter. Raven was warm in his arms, her hips pressing back against him so slowly that he began to lose track of the motion. All there was was the warmth, the tenderness, the mutual pleasure.

Somewhere along the lines, he felt his climax wash over him - not intense like before, but slow, and gentle, a slow flow of pleasure, the warmth passing between them his final sensation as sleep pulled a blanket over his senses, leaving him with nothing but the darkness, and Raven.

Beautiful Raven.

His partner.

His friend.