Special Assignments - Chapter Fourteen

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#14 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Fifteen to follow soon...

Charlotte and I threw our empty cups into the recycling bin before following Hudson out of the lecture room.

"I should get to my bike before it starts raining again," the vixen said, glancing up at the sky.

She paused and gave me a hug, and then another to Hudson.

"Keep safe," she said to me, before hurrying off in the direction of the bicycle rack.

"I was told British people didn't do hugs, or did I see that in a movie?" Hudson shrugged. "Do you wanna to get a drink or something?"

"We could go to the pavilion bar?" I suggested.

Hudson nodded and we began walking.

"So, what's up?" I asked

"I just discovered my roomies sent me this silly video, well the two girls did," Hudson huffed. "And you and Adam were in the background."

"Ah," I replied, wincing as my mind was transported back to the party.

"I know you didn't say anything in it, and I like jokes, but man that really annoyed me for some reason," the jindo sighed.

"I'm sorry, and if it's any consolation I told the girls off for doing that, and the party was a bloody nightmare," I said. "You would not have liked it."

"Tell me about it over drinks," Hudson said as we neared the bar.

The pavilion bar was located in a modern glass building next to the gym and cricket grounds. The place was mostly frequented by the athletes on campus, but they served nice milkshakes. Although I had already drunk coffee, I felt like a milkshake and I still had the muffin in my bag.

We made our way into the bar and sat down at a table overlooking the cricket field.

"What do you want?" Hudson asked.

"Oh, uh," I hesitated.

"Do you not want anything dude?"

"It's just Charlotte got me a coffee earlier," I explained.

"Then it's your lucky day, I'm guessing a chocolate milkshake?" Hudson said.

"Yes please," I replied.

Hudson went to order and returned a minute later with two chocolate milkshakes.

"So bro, tell me about this train wreck of a party with your boyfriend and my flatmates," Hudson said with a wry grin.

"I don't think Adam will be my boyfriend now, well, I'm not sure we were officially boyfriends given we went on just one date," I said.

"Oh?" Hudson asked, cocking an ear.

Although the bar was almost empty I leant in closer and lowered my voice.

"It started off fairly normally, but then the girls made the video, I went upstairs with Adam and two of his housemates to get stoned," I began.

"Stoned? Without me," Hudson said in a tone of mock outrage.

"I know, and it wasn't fun," I sighed. "Anyway," I paused and took a deep breath. My eyes involuntarily closed and I could feel water forming in the corners.

"Dude?" Hudson said, putting his paws on mine.

"Well, the next part that went badly was when his _straight_housemate tried to do stuff with me," I continued, my voice sounded embarrassingly wobbly.

"What, like fucking you?" Hudson asked in an incredulous tone.

"Ssshh, no," I said, motioning for him to lower his voice. "He wanted to wank with me, but kept asking what being gay was like."

"Hmm," Hudson mused. "Yeah, I've encountered these types of guys before. Straight dudes who want to experiment the moment they meet a gay or bi man. A little too curious for their own good and it usually ends awkwardly."

"It got even worse," I said, taking another deep breath. I realised my paws were shaking but I forced myself on. "I walked away, but went into Adam's room and caught him banging his housemate, as in full-on breeding."

Hudson was silent for a moment, and to my surprise the jindo didn't initially appear angry.

"Yeah, that does suck," he reasoned. "And yeah, I do feel kinda mad at Adam, but it depends on what kind of guy he is."

"A fucking prick is my definition on what kind of guy he is," I said, realising my voice was bordering on a growl.

My anger must finally be coming.

_ _ "Yeah, he might well be," Hudson said, reaching over to touch my paw as a gesture to calm me. "But what I mean by what kind of guy is how he views relationships."

"How he views relationships?" I repeated.

"Mmmhmm," Hudson nodded. "I believe gay guy's minds are programmed to view relationships in three different ways. Now ya have your dicks, pussies and assholes," he grinned.

"Pardon?" I replied, feeling confused.

"Team America reference and bad joke," Hudson explained. "Sorry man, it's not a good time for a joke. So, I believe you get three types of guys; monogamous, vers and open. Monogamous is your traditional relationship, kinda like being a straight couple. Doing stuff with other men is frowned upon. Vers is you are kinda monogamous, but open to doing stuff and it's not a big taboo, plus your boyfriend generally knows about it. Open being in a relationship but continuing to sleep with or screw around with other guys without having to tell your mate. I believe there is no right or wrong way to have a relationship, we are all individuals. I mean, I'm a vers, I can love someone but still be attracted to other men. I mean, I always planned that if I had a mate I'd still want you to come and do stuff because I love you - if you want to that is," the jindo said with a wink. "But certain relationship types don't match well and I can see where it causes problems. You strike me as more monogamous, maybe a little vers, but you'd rather be with one guy first and foremost."

My anger subsided and I started to digest Hudson's words. The jindo took a sip of his milkshake before he continued.

"I'd say Adam is open."

"But does that justify cheating," I growled, feeling the resentment come back.

"It depends on whether you consider it cheating, since as you said, you guys had been on what, like one date? And in Adam's mind it probably wasn't cheating."

I felt my hackles rising, but Hudson reached out and squeezed my paw again.

"Malc, it's okay. I take your side on this though, because you're my best friend, and the dick move Adam did was not telling you when you two were getting interested in each other. He wasn't thinking there, actually if you ask me, he sounded kinda flaky anyway after that time you guys went to the woods."

"What do you think I should do?" I asked.

Hudson sipped his milkshake and thought for a moment.

"My honest opinion is that I don't think you guys would make a good couple, because you understandably won't be happy with Adam doing those things behind your back, and yeah if he keeps flaking on you I'd be worried," he eventually said.

"So should I dump him?" I asked.

"In a manner of speaking yeah, but just say politely that you're not interested in going any further with a relationship. He'll know what that means if he's smart."

"Okay," I replied.

I reached into my bag and pulled out the muffin, which was slightly squashed but still looked edible at least. I slid it across the table and motioned for Hudson to have some. The jindo picked a piece off and chewed it thoughtfully.

"What are you going to do about your flatmates?" I asked.

"Nothing," Hudson shrugged. "I mean, they made a silly video and..."

I tuned out of what Hudson was saying and I felt my blood freeze. Ollie had just walked through the entrance.

"Oh shit," I gasped and sunk lower in my seat.

"What is it?" Hudson asked, peeling more of the muffin off to eat.

"Don't look behind you, it's the straight guy from the party," I hissed.

Ollie glanced in our direction. His eyes met mine and an expression of shock spread across his face. I sat frozen to my seat, but Ollie turned and hurried away.

"Wow, that was awkward," I breathed. "I don't want him to get mad or confront me."

"What did he do just now?" Hudson asked.

"Looked embarrassed and turned away somewhere," I explained.

"Hmm, well that's your answer there," Hudson said. "It's probably far more awkward for him if anything, so I doubt he's ever gonna talk to you again."

"That's probably true," I sighed. "I don't know mate, all this is really messing my head up."

"I can understand," Hudson said.

I sat in silence as I continued to nibble parts of the muffin. The window steamed up, obscuring the view of outside, and Husdon began drawing with his paw in the condensation while sipping his milkshake.

"You probably need time to reflect and come down from the anger," he eventually said.

I nodded and sipped the last of my milkshake.

"Dude I'm surprised you're not having a killer hangover right now," Hudson chuckled. "I mean, brownies and booze? That would fuck with your head," he added, leaning in to whisper.

"Maybe I have a natural talent for dealing with these things?" I shrugged. "I can take drugs and alcohol, but not men doing stuff behind my back."

"Don't take that as a green light that you can do more drugs and alcohol though, gotta be safe and have some standards."

"Coming from you?" I managed to joke.

"Hey, do as I say, don't do as I do," Hudson replied before yawning and glancing at his phone.

"Sorry Malc, I don't mean to seem rude, but I probably should head back home. I feel tired all of a sudden," the jindo said. "Do you wanna come back and hang with me for a little bit?"

"I think I might just head back to my auntie's," I sighed. "I feel like sleeping in my own bed."

"That's okay man, I understand," Hudson replied as he got to his hind-paws.

I stood up too and followed the jindo outside. Once we were through the doors he pulled me into a hug.

"Message me when you get home man," he said, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"So you know I didn't crash?" I replied.

"You know the drill," Hudson grinned, giving both of my paws a squeeze before glancing up at the sky. "Aww man, I think it's going to rain again. Seriously, the weather in this country is weird. How do you guys put with it?"

"We don't, we just complain too," I replied. "You'd better hurry back."

"I think I will, keep safe bro," Hudson said before heading off towards the halls.

I turned and started walking in the opposite direction to the carpark. I knew I could cut by Grantham Building where the history professors had their offices. With a heavy heart I remembered the meeting I was supposed to have with Lachlan, but I pushed the thought away, not wanting to bog my mind down with more emotional turmoil.

My stomach was starting to feel queasy and I wondered if all the emotion was starting to cause havoc with my body or if it was a sugar crash owing to the fact I'd had nothing but sweet things to eat and drink.

Or is it a delayed reaction from last night's drinking?

_ _ Either way, the feeling in my stomach was replaced by a dizzy, spinning head. Rain was starting to fall again. I tried to force myself to breath, calm down and keep walking. The feeling slowly began to subside and my pace towards the carpark quickened.


I almost jumped out my fur and turned to see Lachlan standing in the main entrance to Grantham.

"Oh, hello Dr Ross," I said sheepishly.

"Malcolm, are you all right?" the fox asked. His amber eyes were fixing me the same expression of concern that they had done at the end of class. I also noticed he had changed out of the clothes he had worn during the lecture. He was now dressed in a grey hoodie and a pair of Adidas shorts as if he was about to head for a workout.

I stood still, lost for words.

Should I be honest or not?

"Not really, no," I eventually sighed, deciding honesty was the best answer.

I could feel the rain falling on my head and it was making me shiver.

"Come inside, it's warm in here and you look like you're about to catch your death," Lachlan said, motioning for me to come to the door.

I glanced around. No one else was around and the rain was starting to fall harder. I managed to smile as I walked over to where the fox was waiting.

Special Assignments - Chapter Fifteen

Lachlan's office was warm and it felt good to be out of the rain. The fox had led me inside and gestured for me to sit in the chair I had sat in for our meeting. "I was about to head to the gym, but when I saw you in lectures today and walking past...

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Special Assignments - Chapter Thirteen

_Pain, confusion, disorientation. All of the above?_ I wasn't sure what I was feeling at that precise moment. One thing I did feel was that I wanted to roll over and fall asleep again to get rid of the horrible feeling in my head. This was worse than...

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Special Assignments - Chapter Twelve

My plan to _compose myself_ upstairs and head back down to the party didn't go quite according to plan. Instead, I was hiding in the bathroom feeling like I'd embarrassed myself. True, the girls were being rude about Hudson and something about Charlie...

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