Winston and the Brood - What's Yours Is...

Story by Fenton Tarleton on SoFurry

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#1 of Winston

Winston and a near and dear friend have a chance encounter with four of Winston's older siblings.

It was one of those really nice autumn days. When the air had a nice chill to it balanced by the sun in the sky without so much as a cloud between it and the world. And Winston was holding the hand of the most beautiful girl he'd known. He'd known Elisa for years now, a pretty brown bunny girl with a shock of red hair and eyes as deep and blue as his own. And he'd always held a bit of a flame for the girl, ever since they'd met nearly ten years ago, but he'd never told her. As a kid it was because he didn't quite know what those feelings were or what to do with them. But as he got older he became extremely familiar with what they meant, and that only made him want to keep her far away from him. Winston, after all, was a Tarleton. And Tarleton's didn't have personal property. What belonged to the individual belonged to the family. And that extended to people as well. If that weren't bad enough, Winston knew his place in the family hierarchy. What belonged to him didn't so much belong to the family as it did everyone else but him.

And so he'd tried to keep her at arm's length. Both to protect her and to protect his own heart. His family wasn't very respectful when it came to anything that could be considered 'his'. But despite his best efforts, they grew closer and closer together. It was safe enough, he'd convinced himself. He'd done his best to make her understand how dangerous his family was. How they couldn't know how he felt about her. They'd just ruin it. And, despite her insistence that she'd never hold anything they did against him just because they were related, she seemed to have taken his dire warnings seriously. And so now he walked her home, hand in hand. School had just started up and they had the whole year stretched out ahead of them.

"What?" She'd turned her head to him to find his big blue eyes locked on her and an equally large dumb grin stretched across his face. That stupid smile causing a similar expression to appear on hers.

"What what," he answered back, darting his eyes back ahead of himself. A faint blush appeared on his cheeks. A snort. A giggle. Two giggles. First from her, then him.

"You're such a dope, Winston." She said it with a laugh. They'd known each other for years and yet here they were acting so shy and scared. They couldn't help but to laugh.

It blended in with the passing traffic, so neither of them noticed the big red pick-up truck pulling up behind them. Slowing down. Following them. Neither of them noticed until, as they were walking past the grocery store parking lot, a horn beeped.

Elisa turned first, raising her hand and waving as she noticed the occupants of the truck's cab and assumed their friendly intent. After all, while there wasn't much resemblance between Winston and the group of rats who waved back at her, they certainly seemed to know him.

Winston turned when he noticed Elisa waving and his blood ran cold. Winston had a lot of siblings. _A lot_of siblings. Fenton Tarleton was a prolific lothario, to put it mildly, and seemed to actively _collect_offspring. So many that he didn't actually know the majority of them. Especially no the ones who'd already grown up and left home, either to set out on their own, to move into one of Fenton's properties, or to just set up their own place on their father's land.

But these three? Winston knew these three. Two rat males and with a pretty young woman squeezed between them. Edison, Richard, and Jessica. Twenty-four years old all of them, and along with their twenty-five year old brother, Robert, they'd been a matching set of horrors their entire lives.

There was no running now. No hiding. Those three knew, and that meant that soon the entire family would know. Elisa wasn't safe anymore no matter what he did. And trying to run would just piss them off.

They gestured for the pair to head into the parking lot and, resigned, Winston lead the way.

"Well, well, well-y, well, well. If it isn't little Winny. Funny running into you all the way out here." Eddy hopped out the driver's side of their truck with a smirk on his bespectacled face. He was a fairly average looking rat. The family gut hung from his front, but only just so, his frame otherwise fit. He wore a plaid button up with no other shirt beneath it and a pair of old, worn jeans that barely hung onto him, several sizes too large because they weren't his. His fur was a uniform rusty brown and his hair was dark, like Winston's, worn slicked back and tied into a simple pony tail. He looked at the gaudy, expensive watch on his wrist, not at all matching the rest of his 'look'. "Although, you go to school around here, yeah? You walking your girlfriend home." He gave Elisa a playful nod as a car door shut behind him.

Ricky was a mountain of rat. Fat molded around hard,toned muscle and standing taller than their father at 6'4". Blonde buzz cut on slate grey fur, He had a t-shirt just barely stretched around his torso and a pair of cargo pants that tented despite their loose fit. He eyed Elisa up and down shamelessly as he came around the front of the truck before walking up and giving his little brother a heavy slap on the back. "Nice job, Winny. She's a piece. I didn't think you had it in you."

"Nonsense," came a third voice. Light and airy. Jessie slithered out of the driver's side door from behind Eddy. She was a stunning thing. Lithe and toned. She pushed the front mess of frizzy, chocolate brown hair out of her face, the back tied in a messy bushel, to get a good look at the duo. She adjusted the strap of her top hanging from her caramel furred shoulder so that it sat properly on her b-cup chest. "Winny's always been a little catch, haven't you?" As she got close, bending at the middle where her tan belly fur faded back caramel to ruffle the hair of her younger rother, the pair caught a whiff of something strong and musky, only noticing the dark splotch of dampness that drenched the crotch of her tight, cutoff jeans as she stood again.

"Well come on, then," Eddy said. "Least we can do is give the pair of you a ride home." The smirk on his face said all that really needed to be said. They had Winston over a barrel. They were going to get their hands on Elisa one way or the other. Winston could let it happen now, or let his father find out he was trying to keep something to himself. And if that happened it would be so much worse for the both of them.

Of course, there was always a third option. Winston could find his spine and stake his claim there and then. He had a right to have her first and a right to tell his older siblings how things were going to be. In the end, his siblings were going to have their fun with Elisa one way or the other, but if he acted like a man instead of the scared little boy he was, he could save both her and himself a whole lot of suffering in the process.

But no. Winston merely lowered his head and made for the truck. Elisa turned questioningly to him, but followed along, only for the pair of them to be stopped.

"Ah, ah, ah, squeaker. Only room for three up front. I've gotta drive and you know Ricky can't ride in the truck bed. Why don't you leave the little lady with us up front and you spend a little time with Jess in the back?"

Winston didn't argue. Didn't fight. He'd had the courage drained out of him a long time ago. He especially didn't have what it took to push back against either of these two. And so, as Eddy placed a hand on her back, Winston's fingers untwined from Elisa's and she was ushered into the truck's cab, giving Winston a terrified look that his down-turned eyes failed to catch before Eddy blocked her view and slammed the door shut.

Morosely, Winston climbed into the back of the pickup, his sister already sitting with her back against the cab's near-pitch tinted windows. Already her fingers had dug beneath her waistband, fingers playing with her sopping snatch as the truck pulled off.

"Don't worry, little brother," she moaned out, free hand beckoning him closer. "They're not gonna fuck her until we're home. You know those two don't do anything without their big bro."

As much as he wanted to be angry and defiant, to deny her the embrace she expected. As much as he knew she only ever comforted him, saw to him, as a means of getting herself off while only making him feel worse, it was a comfort he'd grown used to. A comfort he needed and couldn't resist. And as curled up against his sister, as she pulled her fingers from her cunt to wrap him in a tight hug, he felt the tears begin. He sobbed into her chest, knowing what was going to happen. Knowing what was already happening inside of the truck's cab. And as they pulled to a stop, the truck continuing to rock and shake as muffled voices just barely escaped its confines for him to hear, it brought Jessie no end of pleasure to confirm his worst fears.

"I hope you at least got a chance to kiss her before we found you. Eddy's a hell of a kisser. You know he's got his tongue down her throat right now. They waited for the first stop so Eddy could get some action but, mmmnn, Ricky's probably been pawing at her the whole time. God, she probably knows just how big our brothers are by now. And now that Eddy's got a chance to mouth-fuck her throat they're gonna put it to work getting her first taste of Tarleton cock."

Jessie's hand managed to find its way between Winston's legs, coming to rest on the sizeable bulge there. While he was unimpressive relative to his own ilk, Winston was by no means small where it counted. But his lack of confidence extended to that area as well.

"Oh, poor little Winny. Does the idea of our brothers making your little girlfriend throat them all the way home get you all hot and bothered?" She moved her palm up and down his length, applying just enough pressure and speed to keep him stimulated, but not enough to send him over the edge. "Don't worry. It does it for me too."

The ride continued that way. His sister teasing. The truck shaking and rattling at every stop until, at last, they were on Tarleton property, pulling up the driveway of the little ranch house built a few miles deep into Fenton's estate. The instant Winston heard the doors open, he was scrambling to climb out of the truck bed.

Eddy and Ricky were the first ones out, Eddy closing the door behind him after getting a goo long stretch. He walked around the front of the truck, slapping his brother a high five. Winston noticed that they both had their flies open and were hanging freely from them. Of course, they didn't care in the least at this point. Most of the family didn't bother with much in the way of clothes at all when they were on their own land.

"Hurry the fuck up, we ain't got all day," Ricky grumbled to the truck cab and, slowly, Elisa lowered herself from it. Her beautiful red hair was a mess. Her lips were red and inflamed. Like with Jessie before, the front of her pants were a sopping mess, explained in the way Eddy was still lapping her juices from his fingers. And her shirt was hiked up over an engorged belly that told Winston Jessie had been right, of course. Both her brother's had dropped a hefty Tarleton load down her gullet. Ricky put a hand on her back and started to lead her away, but just as he did her eyes, glassy and terrified, met with Winston's. Pleading with him for help and, for a moment, something in him snapped, his courage screwed itself up, and he was ready to leap out of that truck bed and take the beating he fully expected to suffer in order to save her.

And then two gentle arms reached out, wrapping around his torso and pulling him back. Holding him to her softness as her palm slipped down his pants, wrapping around his length.

"You can't stop them, Winny," she whispered into his ear before running her tongue against it and giving it a nibble. "They're gonna fuck the shit out of that girl Break her in good and hard and there's not a single thing you can do about it. So stayy here with your big sister until they've gotten her good and ready. Then we can go in."

Every second he let her hold him there was another second he felt the small trickle of bravery he'd mustered peter out until it was gone. Until Ricky and Eddy ha taken his girlfriend into their home. Until he knew it was really too late.

Hand wrapped around his wrist she brought him inside, then. As soon as the front door opened the muffled sound of masculine grunts reached his ears, then a sputtering, hacking cough. Gagging and more grunting.

"Bobby must be getting his turn with her mouth," Jessie giggled, pulling her little brother into the living room and pushing him down onto the couch. She turned her back to him, hooking her thumbs into her pants and bending at the waist, pulling them down and lifting her long tail, giving the boy a good look at her toned ass and glistening cunt from behind. As she righted herself, she ran her palms up her curves, bringing her fingers under her top and pulling that off as well and tossing both garments aside. She brought her tail back down, sweeping it between her thighs. Pressing the tip between her folds, a deep moan escaping her lips as she began to fuck herself in front of her little brother.

She turned to him, falling to her knees and loosening his jeans, pulling them just low enough to reveal his inferior, but still juicy cock and the coin purse that passed for his sack. She licked her lips before scooting in close and wrapping that shaft with her breasts. Already at full mast and leaking copious amounts of precum it was no problem working his manhood with her mammaries, leaning in to kiss at the head or flick at it with her tongue each time it crested between her tits.

Screams and pleas, muffled by the walls of his older siblings' home, followed by a long grunting, moaning, screaming noise in a voice he knew to be Elisa's.

"Ohh, fuck," Jessie moaned between mouthfuls of her brother's cockhead. "There goes her cherry. Too bad little brother. You two made a really sweet couple but Bobby, Eddy, and Ricky are gonna fuck her little cock chute wide - mmm - open. Still I meant what I said, little brother. You're a good catch. You would have rocked her world if you'd gotten to her first. But that's how it goes when two cute young bitches date one another, isn't it? They caught her and, well, I caught you a long time ago. Now," with a deep, satisfied sigh, Jessie pulled her thick, muscular tail from her pussy and raised it above her. "Be a good bitch and open up.

It was three hours. Three hours that Winston was made to take his sister's tail down his throat. That he was made to lap her sopping slot to orgasm after orgasm. That he was edged to the brink only for her to let him cool back down and start the process over again. All to the chorus of sounds bleeding through the walls. The sounds of Elisa's holes being stretched wide by his brothers. Of their heavy, sloshing orgasms. Of their guttural grunts. Of their sacks slapping against her body. Hours of her screams, and grunts, and moans and whimpers. All the while unable to act.

Three hours and now, for being such a good boy, Jessie walked him to the door to Eddy's bedroom where the three of them were raping the girl he loved and threw wide the door.

Eddy had crashed with his feet up on an ottoman, remote in hand watching TV. His flaccid cock hung over his thigh, dripping its various coatings onto the badly stained carpet. Ricky was splayed out snoring in a basket seat. But what got Winston's immediate attention was what was dead ahead when he entered.

Bobby was a rat's rat. Short and almost half-again as broad as their father, he also stuck out far more. Greasy hair. Oily fur. A massive blob of a man good at only one thing.

It was Bobby hunched over and curled ip atop the bed, hips nearly a blur, that Winston saw first. Grunting and wheezing as he pummel fucked the small girl beneath his great girth, Winston only just being able to make out that cotton tail and the gaping cum ditch that was her newly, widened asshole spurting thick ribbons of spunk with every lung-collapsing thrust Bobby made into her relatively tiny body. Her thighs were spread as wide as they could manage and draped across his haunches. Her arms laid limp at her sides.

The pair had apparently entered at the tail end of this round filling her womb full of Tarleton seed as not too long after they entered, Bobby rose to his knees, pulling his mass from her depths with a drawn out, stomach churning *SCHLUUURRK* before fisting his length and giving it a few jerks, streamers of his cockslop spraying across her already drenched and bloated body.

"Fuckin' bitch has so much Tartleton spunk up her crack there was too much pressure to get my nut off inside," he laughed. "Oh, hey Winny." The corpulent heap that was the eldest Tarlteton present dumped himself onto the floor, the bed giving off a groan of relief as he did. His stubby tail reaching out behind him and jerking her to the end of the bed until her limp legs hung spread over the edge. Cum, thick as pudding, fell in clumps from her holes and leaked from her lips.

"She's all yours," he laughed, hunkering down in a computer seat to watch as Jessie frog-marched their little brother up to his girlfriend's gaping cum ditch.

Her breathing was raspy and rough, likely from having the near half-ton of rat pressing down on her. Her eyes gazed off into the distance, as though she wasn't there anymore. More tears welled up in Winston's eyes as he reached out to touch her. To try and comfort her. But before he could he felt a hand around his cock.

"Come on, Winny," came Jessie's voice. "Now's your chance. Be a man. Be a Tarleton. Don't let some sad eyes and a sloppy cunt stop you from taking what you want. Your big brothers already did most of the work. Now break this bitch."

In her own twisted way, Jessie did have some kind of affection for Winston. It would have done her proud to finally see the boy acting like a man their father could respect. But of course, the little pussy couldn't manage it. Bawling his eyes out like the sissy they all knew him to be. It was a shame. She could tell the girl was only hanging on by a thread. She'd make such a sweet on call fuck doll if they could just cut it. If they could just break that last bit of trust she had in her little friend.

Oh well, no point wasting a perfect opportunity.

Winston felt his hips move, but he didn't move them. Felt the heat and dampness of sinking into the mess his brothers had made of her pussy. He couldn't even feel her walls gripping him, only the chowdery spend that filled them. He felt his sister press against his backside, forcing him balls deep inside of Elisa and suddenly the life had returned to her. Legs kicking, hands pushing against his chest. Eyes tearing up. Jessie grabbed a handful of his raven hair and bent him forward, forcing him to steal a kiss from her. Their first kiss between one another tasting of his brother's cum. He tried to pull out only for Jessie to hip check him back inside. The process repeating again and again as his older sister used his body to fuck his girlfriend, his best friend.

It wouldn't have been enough, felt good enough, to make him cum if not for the hours Jessie had spent edging him. Getting him good and ready to nut and so it didn't take much at all to send him careening over the edge. Adding his cum to the genetic soup already packing her womb full.

Finally, Elisa went limp. Broken. And he did as well, collapsing on top of her as his siblings laughed.

"Alright, boys. Let's leave the two lovebirds alone."

The phone rang six times before someone picked up. For another half-minute all Winston could hear was panting before, at last, she spoke.

"He-ahh, hello?"

"Hey, Elisa. It's me. I was just wondering if you wanted..."

"Fucking shit, Winny, would you get a fucking clue?! I'm bu - mmph mmn glcchk." She cut off mid sentence, devolving into muffled noises and gagging. There was some clattering as the phone was moved around and a new voice spoke up.

"Winny, hey, what's up? Lis is busy choking down Bobby, so you know she's ain't gonna be able to talk for a good long while. How many times are we gonna have to tell you, bro? Your bitch don't fuck little boys anymore. Try again when you nut up, yeah?"

And the line went dead.

The Tarleton Brood

The Tarleton Brood - **The Patriarch, Fenton Tarleton (Age 50)** - Bio: The owner, CEO, and President of the world's leading pharmaceutical company, Fenton Tarleton is the untouchable patriarch of the Tarleton family. Born to a wealthy father and a...

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